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birt 2 edish
i hope his parents die
poo smells lmao
we just got heckin' dabbed on!!!
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bit wet out
>243 posts
the janman is an absolute nonce
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Yeah so what is her name?
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>distinct transitioning odor
Janny youre such a fucking bumder
Really earning your ZERO DOLLARS AN HOUR salary
local tesco have replaced their staff almost entirely with indians now, grim
janman = battyman repulsed by beautiful knockers confirmed
spainnonce confirmed for being the janny or at least in cahoots with him
Thoughts on Scottish patter?
got a beautiful mind on the tele, only gonna watch the parts with jcon
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Yeah so what is her name?
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You fucking idiot Janny
You total fucking idiot
That was YOUR job you fucking moron
You're a fuckhead
A fucking shitead
trying to watch house md, it's a good show but i'm finding the random musical lilts that play in between and sometimes during scenes to be frightfully annoying
I met a few Icelandians once in Albufeira.
Had a distinct Gaelic/British Isles flair to them that the other Nords didn’t have, in both appearance and temperament. Must be all that admixture from the Viking days.
You deserve a slow death
*Raymond Romano voice*
I'll do the dishes in the morning, Ma.
outer /int/ literally could not be more cringe if it tried
Nobody likes you

Everybody wants you to be brutally killed

We would all laugh
deary me
Making you hard thinking about it, eh?
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finished a bottle of wine haven’t i
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Mad how leftypol spent years saying Christianity is an evil and irrational cult that harms women and children only to adopt a brand new cult that is objectively evil and irrational and demonstrably harms women and children.
sandy hook you say? for me it's about going to the beach and getting a sandy crack
are shu gonsha jamshed up yer arsh?
Hi there, Freezypop
might move to... hmm... uzbekistan
*closes the door to outer /int/*
Just report the fucking freak who wants to have sex with dead children
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There are entire threads that are basically nothing but paid shills talking to each other.
Even moreso on /pol/.
battered AJ

great fight
thank you based dubois
I look like this but 20 years older and with more expensive clothes.
love hot rain
joyless runts stinking up the thread tonight

yeah, took a bunch of gaelic slavegirls and boys with them famously. i don't see a celtic element to their psyche per se. but they're generally sort of self assured, bit manic, insular in a way the irish are a bit i guess
Can just tell im waking up with a hangover
Ah fuck i cant believe ive done this
you've already done it now ride it out
quite funny that Keir Starmer was cucked into giving Abbott back the whip and now all she does is bully him 24/7

if he removes it again he looks like a weak faggot but he also looks like a weak faggot if he lets her keep it
she's only gone and played him
she was right then and now
mum must have a phd in marching about and causing a fucking racket whenever i try to put a good youtube video on
might do the old aa and try being sober for a while
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how is pakistan one of the more secular ones
fucks sakes
feel like SHIT
I will now play for you
The song of my people
you say that every day
She should be shot.
in fairness most of them don't know how to count to 5
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Ella Whelan
brown people should be poor fanatic muslims
don’t like this new globalism turning everyone into iphone having starbucks drinking ebonics using americans
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and its always true
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>Young man dies after A27 crash
Fuck off retard
the uk has a selfish twat problem
Slags gone wild
Based Auntie Diane lmfao
So unfair that there's no original version of this on the Internet
I really am selfish and horrible to be fair.
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when the franks showed up in gaul they got completely romanised by the romano-gauls
but when anglo saxons arrived in britain it was the other way around
was going to call in sick to my jobcentre appointment but they called me first and cancelled it first, get in
what a great day
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Get in de lad
Hi there, Freezypop!
use AI to fill in the blanks
It has a huge one

Everything from Road Rage to bosses trying to nick 15 minutes off their workers every day

People used to have shame but now will just stare straight ahead as people tut at them
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The English people are between 40-60% Celtic, and that's been the case for a thousand years.
Germanic BVLLS are too powerful.
Like when I was a kid I'd get a clip round the ear at home too if I got in trouble at school.

Now? The parents send screeching emails defending their little angels from being told off by teachers.
britain had always been at the periphery of the empire and less romanised plus the romans started vacating 70 odd years before the angly sackos started taking over innit
cause the gauls were romanised and richer
they spoke latin while the britons mainly spoke brythonic (outside of the cities)

the cities in gaul remained inhabited and took to their own defenses eventually falling to frankish overlordship who mixed with their new subjects becoming french in genes and culture

the britons on the other hand abandoned their cities as trade collapsed and they were constantly being sacked by the irish and picts, so they retreated to the countryside ruled by britonnic chiefs from hillforts, who in their disunity, were easily swamped by the hordes of angles, saxons and jutes coming over.
>pakistanis being shit at islam again
imagine my shock

can you imagine basing your entire identity on something and then not even being half knowledgable about it
most embarrassing nation in the world easily
he knows full well that drumpf is going to win because the united sexists of racism will never ever elect a POC woman
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>the united sexists of racism
realised recently that my brain doesn't create long-term memory anymore, for anything. i think lockdown legitimately destroyed my mind. even simple stuff like TV. I watched all of BCS and Sopranos and Breaking Bad and all that and I don't remember any of it. Not one singular specific scene from any show, unless I've seen it very recently on youtube.

How do I fix my brain?
all my mates are putting down mortgages and living with their girlfriends and I'm just on benefits looking for a volunteer job. spent 2/3 hours in the library applying to shit today. oh well at least I'm trying. (On pip and UC as a schizo)
diego day tomorra
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i was being ironic when i made that post but i unironically do look like this right now
British Bimboification
spend even more time here (y)
Stop watching TV for a start.
do hobbies
eat oily fish
exercise regularly
spend time with friends and do fun and memorable things with them
bet laurie smells nice
britonnic actually
Irish diaspora
someone should invent some kind of soft rubber-coated tweezers for picking stubborn boogers out of the depths of your shnoz where your finger can't reach
The main things come down to:
1. Not drinking alcohol and doing drugs
Booze and drugs simply kill brain cells
2. Exercise (and outdoor exercise)
Blood flow of oxygen to the brain is essential for brain health and prevents cognitive decline
3. Nutrition
Don't eat too much slop and have good essential dietary fats (available from fish, dairy, nuts etc). Good dietary fat is like the battery for your brain, heart.
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love that track
>when I see a Britisher
is it true that if someone has a clown emoji in their twitter bio that's code that they're a nonce?
are you team p/q celtic or team insular/continental celtic lads? leaning towards ins/cunt with some apparent p/q features due to areal effect myself.
depends what you mean by celtic
the celts that lived in ireland and scotland were far different from the celts that lived in bavaria, hungary or italy. they were not one people, but a complex that spread from iron age central europe, a collection of languages, culture, religion and art styles that were not ethnically homogenous

the British are 60-70% pre Germanic natives in our DNA. But there is a larger split between north and south. Northerners, Scots and Irish are a remnant old north European type from the Bronze Age (Bell Beakers), that were the first Indo-Europeans/Aryans on these islands. This group once existed all across the British Isles replacing Sardinian like farmers in 2000 BC, but in 750 BC, continentals from what is now France invaded and replaced half of the southern genome. This is why Southerners and the Welsh can look more continental or European than the typical pasty light eyed Brit/Irish stereotype. They have more continental (and by way, Mediterranean/EEF blood) than the northerners, Irish and Scots. Then after the Roman Empire, Germanic invaders conquered most of low lying fertile Britain (England), adding North Sea Iron Age DNA to the British gene pool, although i’m sure this peaks only at 37% or something. I am an autistic about the genetic history of the British Isles.
*shoves you into a locker and steals your lunch money*
shut up boring cunt
ah, another case of sudden infant death syndrome
q celtic ancestors me
pure irish milesian atlantean hyperborean celtic hibernian fenian gael
Faith in your God
No faith in humanity
Talking To God
Instead of to Gravity

Anglicanism is Catholicism without the pope
So pointless
might scream until someone calls the police
wonder if they'll ever update the mnemonic "oh be a fine girl kiss me" to something that would be perceived as less rapey
Welsh are descended from Trojan refugees.
Reckon all the hate for Bald & Bankrupt is from seething thirdies

He's a funny British bloke who makes interesting videos
welsh are hideous mutts of neolithic farmer holdouts and gallic tribesmen
oh be a fine gay kiss me
He's a lanklet faggot richfag Jew defiling virgins
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Same phenotype that founded Carthage.
favourite medieval king?
find it weird how the welsh were the most loyal lapdog of england for centuries yet retained most of its celtic culture and language

yet ireland was the most rebellious and vengeful yet had the most dramatic decline in its indigenous ways
let me give you a warm kiss
Any lemurian race man in
this iron age brownness thing wasnt known about when i was reading about this few years ago
whats the gist of it? gauls escaping romans?
Mieszko I
He's incel coded and just goes to places he can chat up 14 year old girls

Definite sex criminal
what's a good cure for just being really itchy all over? i've scratched myself raw at this point
could've sworn i had some tiger balm around here somewhere
can l consider myself English? Or at least British?
how come the welsh are whiter these days? my grandfather was welsh and was repeatedly mistaken for being jewish and my nan was mistaken for being Spanish. yet all the welsh people I've met these days are basically just english people.
are you on the smack
not good for you that
Liked many
Brian Boru, Ivar the Boneless, Robert the Bruce, Charlemagne, Richard the Lionheart, Henry V, Otto I

Absolute favourite has to be Alfred though. Without him there wouldn’t be an England
I'm not sure about this chatgpt stuff
I gave it a simple task tell me what the first line of dialogue in the simpsons episode 1 was and who said it and it gave me a wrong answer every single time
I thought it was a simple question
Alri opioid lad
>Anglicanism is Catholicism without the pope
under henry viii yeah
after that anglicans became heretics
do you drink a lot?
>be Iran
>sanctioned by the entire western world
>still find the funds to prop up Hezbollah in Lebanon, Assad in Syria, Hamas in Palestine and the Houthis in Yemen

how the fuck do they afford that?
they even funded a shia mujahideen in Afghanistan after the soviet-backed government fell in the 90s
Lmfao Jewish
These are the people telling you to FOY
Are you a cockney by any chance?
You get this cream called epimax and use it after showering when your skin is damp
I don't know what it called in Aus pharmacist sell it. Clears up anything from eczema to psoriasis to minor fungal infection
l wouldnt say that, my gf is American
kek my grandad grew up in the east end yeah
this has to be bait no way people are this retarded
Zoroastrian magic
how about frederick ii or charlemagne
i have no idea what i'm talking about to be honest
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they can't. be they also get a shitload of gibs
would honestly kill you on the spot if you said that to my face
7 fridges? £30 on AA batteries?
Mihai, come home. We miss you.
I used to date an american at uni
she'd get sick if she didn't eat at least 1 burger per week
no, although some people do say there might have been considerable gallic refugees to the british isles in the wake of caesars conquest but it’s conjecture and speculation.

the iron age invasion happened in the 8th century bc (roughly) with tribes from what is now france and germany, more rich in mediterranean and EEF (ancient neolithic farmer) dna migrating to the fertile shores of southern britain, bringing their iron technology with them and therefore conquering or outpopulating the locals virtue of their superior technology

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>kek my grandad grew up in the east end yeah
I fucking knew it.
Cockneys are the original immigrant mutts, a mix of Irish, Italian, Roma, Greek, Jew, but they're absolutely not English.
Would like actual leftists to have a crack at government in this country. But the aristocracy, capital and journalist class would simply not allow it.

Corbyn would have been assassinated
>just goes to places he can chat up 14 year old girls
Any evidence of him doing this or is it just a funny meme people repeat cos it sounds like it could be true

>He's incel coded
Not sure what this means, I'm a normie with a job and a girlfriend so I'm not familiar with the latest weird shut-in virgin internet lingo sorry
oh great fucking cockneymong is back again
well they're almost all gone now so it doesnt matter
rhotacism, verbal cunning
very impressive. i'm mega autismo about this and you're clearly clued in. you can also see from the y haplogroups that the vikings had some impact in york and the danelaw broadly. y haplogroups also tell you that england has had a greater amount of miscellaneous sporadic migrant muck wash up on its shores over the past 2000 years. don't know what to make of these random anglo saxons with 1/4 african ancestry though.
rip mihai
gone but not forgotten
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is this associated with introduction of celtic, introduction of p-celtic maybe? suppose you cant say for certain when talking about one illiterate culture to another
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>rhotacism, verbal cunning
Makes a nigga drop his guard and clasp him balls
just sneak in at about 50%
wind's howling
rip ???
gone and also forgotten
why are they all gone?
arrgh for fucks sake lad you got it in my eye
Propaganda leaves us blinded
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having a wank with the willy
id hangout with some brits here i am just a nervous wreck and scared you guys would hate me
was listening to this in the gym yesterday xx
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i can't help it if i like doing drugs
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Aussie Sissy Clitty
i reckon celtic had to have come in the early bronze age with the bell beakers - irish people are still 80+% bell beaker in ancestry, maybe more and clearly have been speaking celtic for yonks. can't be having with "fin bolg = belgae = introduction of celtic" crackpots
Cex workers in bed right now getting their rest before SSM walks in their shop and tries trading in a shit smelling PS5
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>Cex workers in bed
yep. yorkshire was the most heavily settled norse region.
britain is a climatically stable fertile island at the edge of europe so it’s no wonder people have turned up here, but for the last 3-4,000 years, it has been a bulk population of bronze age settlers with varying amounts of continental admixture depending on location

the brits and irish are largely one unique people. I’d imagine western and central Irish to be the most “native” and least admixed and the southern english the most

I know I said autosomally that we are mostly native but the y dna groups show southern and central england has low country germanic descent, the east of england north sea descent, scotland half saxon/north sea, half celtic, wales and ireland nearly fully native lines
thinking about mihai and crying
not that I liked him. still think his life is sad though
Yanks prancing about
Aussies in cages
really need a poo but dadberg has left the toilet stinking
maybe SSM is the reason why all Cash Converters and Cex shops fucking reek
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mad how this happened
mad how much ancestry comes from Anatolian and Iranian farmers
i honestly want to visit that place it looks so cool and i seen it in a billion movies
was playing the 2013 tomb raider game, bet lara's arse reeks from being stranded on that island and all that jumping around and fighting
Did you know if you drink pee you have a 9% chance of becoming peeman
some scholars think so. I think the Belm Beakers spoke some now lost NW Indo-European dialect, distantly related to Italic and Celtic, perhaps a lost branch entirely? Maybe Pictish was the last remnant of this as it was isolated to the Highlands.

The scholarly opinion is that the Celtic languages were brought from Central Europe in this Iron Age migration (800 BC), and while they didn’t replace the northern tribesmen and Irish, they adopted their language, religion and metalwork anyway. Well, the genetic studies would seem to show that.
What's sad about it? He has a good life, became a professor and found a boyfriend. Only thing was he got too into drugs.
mental how
tiny aussie todgers
Big Yank Cocks
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>Belm Beakers
l knew Survive the Jive posted here
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Got a vaguely Greek surname me but my family are all from Yorkshire, or at least from as far back as we know.
What's that all about then?
Mandem got da GREEK STINK
the sequel has a nice mod that makes her naked from the waist down
Where do you expect us to go when the bombs fall?
Eugenics... what do we think about it...?
i think east anglia is the most adulterated. picture in ireland is a bit muddled - plantation of brits happened in this weird patchwork manner all over the country so there's not really a clear gradient, although afaict some people in the far northwest (donegal) might be the "most" gaelic. it's funny that north wales is this random hotspot of e1b1. roman soldiers stationed there or something? who knows. inner southwest wales, like carmarthenshire are generally purest welsh
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From East Yorkshire

Surname is a derivation of a local village

Absolutely zero evidence of anyone from anywhere else but East Yorkshire in my family tree

Wonder what my 23 and me would be
alri Steve Stroffalopagos
Just realised that I will never be rich
Bit of a downer innit
met a woman with the surname "Arathoon" and I thought it sounded a bit spicy and she says yeah it's a Scottish name but had an Indian influence maybe from the Raj idk
some weird surnames about
He was a really good looking lad, seemed like he had a fun life in his 20s, then it took a nosedive in his 30s and was basically non-functioning, was probably a real drain on those around him which was the complete opposite to how he was in his youth.

It's just sad and now he's probably dead. Had a promising life and it just fizzled out completely
it would be beneficial if people with heritable diseases didn't breed
it would be beneficial if poor lower class people bred less
it would be beneficial if we encouraged people with good genes and wealth to breed more
okay spaino
I'll be running outside to maximise my chances of being obliterated
does he really? that would be a big coincidence because ive been watching his videos for ages
mate dunt dox me
corr can you see her fanny and everything?
Shut up you little retard
Just Brit Things
He lost the will to live after twink death
i would honestly move to Australia because fuck staying chicago or america in general
fir bolg = belgae isn’t that mental tbf
fir means men in irish
see the county name, fermanagh (fear/fir managh, men of managh) in gaelic

so fir bolg could mean the bolg (belgae) men.
the problem with that is that in irish myth they arrived before the tuatha de dannan, often associated with the old gods
then the tuatha were replaced with the milesians, which since ancient times have been praised as the ancestors of the gaels, although genetic studies show the irish have been on their island for 4,000 years
Chicago is pengg tho
kissing a guy don't make you gay
watching The Terminator the way it was meant to be seen; on my laptop while l browse 4chan
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Grandad was Northern Irish but we have a Scottish surname, despite no Scottish family at all, so it's likely Grandad's ancestors were from Scotland or the Borderlands and took part in the Plantation of Ulster.
This is all conjecture though I have never made any attempt to trace my ancestry beyond the Great Grandparents.
You'll never be rich either
All in his head. Life is what you make of it. There are homeless people addicted to drugs who've never had a chance at life. Mihai was a professor, he had many options. He put himself in a mental cage of his own making.
saw them live a few years ago on the m b v tour
the £200 million was worth it for this shot alone
I want to travel the world but can't because broke i know most people in the uk and eu my age are traveling the world but i can't even afford to get a new keyboard
they took this from you
i said the west and central areas since they were the most isolated, but the north east was the last area to submit to the english crown, only in 1603. It was one of the most militant Gaelic areas, which is why the king sent colonists to ulster to placate the recently conquered and unruly irish

donegal and west ulster (funnily enough where my family is from) is probably the purest irish area genetically.
those e1b in wales are likely a neolithic remnant
for me it's neurodivergent women in their early 20s
nah it essentially just makes a pair of tight leggings flesh-coloured. Does the job but there's no detail or anything. Makes the cutscenes quite funny
could it be some weird christian thing that was all the rage back in the day but fallen out of favour amongst more recent christos?
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just want a fluffy hair 80s gf
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Already own a house
>video game
>DJ gigs in Europe
>Youtoid channel
yanks working at mcdonalds make more than doctors in europe mate
>own a house
never found Hamilton attractive me
likely right
irish settled in galloway in 1000 ad then mixed with cumbrians and anglos then became border reviers then were sent to ireland and became the ulster protestants

find it funny all this ethnic tribal autism between the two these days when they are all native christian british islanders from the same 200 mile radius
*taps sign*
off to bed, proud of myself for standing up to the terrible pogrom raised against me so i could prattle on about race science later
i hate this fuckiung argument do you know how fucking expensive it is to live in the us? seriously do you
big welsh schlong
Alri chinyank, hows the ugly chink wife?
Not fair
any more than 20g of protein in a sitting is bad and not needed
it's raining so hard it's actually preventing me from sleeping ffs
there is no cap on protein
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Car insurance is cheap, Freezypop
watching 10+ year old Yogscast videos
can see why 10 year old me loved them so much
shame half of them turned out to be nonces
Excess protein is converted into fat by the liver in a process that is more harmful to the liver than drinking alcohol.
who's stopping you
it's not bad in excess. the threshold is around 20-30g, not just 20g
shut up you little poof
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Need more birds to get stupid 80s haircuts
He must have been fucked in the head to do that to himself. He wasn't even addicted to anything hard just booze and weed, he self-destructed and didn't care whatsoever. Not saying it excuses it but something wasn't right
remember watching them before guild wars 2 came out they were playing it and everyone was unbelievably hyped up
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Why's this schizo yank retard calling people freezypop
get the browns in
get them turning our kids into kebab
he was definitely not just doing booze and weed
Lad you know it was never confirmed he actually offed himself right? He might've just decided to quit 4chan
you can't eat enough per day for that to have any real effect
yeah i think this is true
much protein does seem to cause me weight gain
where do i go to read more about this
need to be up in the morning to spread granddad's ashes but cant sleep drinking vodka
brits have it easier than us right now atleast the government will give you 1600 bucks just for being out of a job
cartoon frog is stopping you?
Not a problem in people of a healthy weight, sorry veggiemong
I hope he's just in rehab or something
ah yeah guild wars 2 - the WOW killer
I'm 28 years old and I don't really know how mirrors work
why are STEM salaries so low in the UK?
watching Peep Show
I'm not a vegetarian.
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shit unions and life isn't too tough on the salaries people are on
the only reason you guys living in the uk is that you do nothing but collect welfare and sit on your ass then complain when your "not rich" while being able to go to france the netherlands and spain
Because the government lets jeets come in to fill those roles
They're bringing in all these immigrants because they realise we don't have enough numbers in the military
ESL mong
Creamy foreskin
wow go die -_-
like 40 quid on a budget airline
Freezypop cope
meat feast pizza has arrived
schizo yank #1 = thinks someone on /brit/ will house them, complains about everything USA related, probably the same one who has a boomer dad who hates him
schizo yank #2 = beetnonce aka al
both in the thread, present at this very moment
oh my god shut up
I live here because my friends and family live here
also I don't have any good skills/qualifications to enable me to easily emmigrate to another country
Can't live with em
Can't live without em!
no one cares, none of you are better or worse than any other because you're all equally worthless and post nothing but incoherent shit that's completely devoid of self-awareness
Post funny you snivelling zoomer
I think we've seen enough from our cousins across the pond this evening
*clicks fingers* Security!
don't most people on 4chan collect welfare? I mean I can't because we have no safety net
Donald Trump
Emperor of the Yanks
NEED to die in my sleep tonight
Creamy colon
>A big hung yank arrives
You called?
remember seeing a post from an aussie about licking a paper bag from a delivery girl because she was cute
your flag is just as bad lol
British pornheads

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