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wholesome edish
poo smells lmao
poo lol
surely that isn't real
might pirate photoshop so I can make high quality 4chan shitposts again
“the pond” referring to the atlantic is a reddit phrase
never heard it irl, only online from brits putting on that faux over the top british persona
Why would a security man have his knob out?
Alright shaggers, which game is most fun

War Thunder or World of Tanks?
My favourite Angela scene is the ASMR Fantasy one where she examines a man's anus and then tongues his dunghole
oh look at me i’m british we love queueing and tea and the nhs! we say cunt and it’s not offensive! we’re so quaint and british!
World of Shagging
vpnyank meltdown
>17k dislikes
what causes this
The door handle has come off and it needs replacing, otherwise the building won't be secure. Obviously.
>alright shaggers,
>[question about the most virgin games in existence]
i agree, always cringe when i hear it
apply yourselves
tying up the gf and fisting both of her holes
I love british bands


id love to visit london all of the uk. so much kino has come from it
only thing i’ll be applying is my cock up your arse mate
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For the British man to respond in kind
No it isn't, fuckwit
If you’ve never been to the UK why are you posting here
Genuinely upset at how shit my life keeps getting and at this point I think it's just bad luck and not my fault.
From big things like randomly getting ball cancer and having to have a testicle removed or being made redundant from every job I liked due to them closing, to little things like stepping in dog shit or dropping something and it landing in exactly the right position for it to break something.
God is playing cruel tricks on me.
the white man marches on
your chakras are out of alignment
madness are fucking shite
Try realigning your arse chakra
The ideal man is a philosopher, farmer, soldier and father
it's an old phrase.
the atlantic is the smallest ocean in the world, and the english channel is the largest
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waheeeey, hello all
>never heard it irl
you'd have to go outside to do that
My favourite noise
I am a anglophile i find anglo culture cool and awesome
my ideal bf is good at tech support and cooking
This but it's all our bollocks slapping against spaino's fat arse
racist horseplay
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>medicinal wine made by monks
>only known because it makes Jocks go mental
You surely have heard of the Gini coefficient but you had no idea that he was a fascist. You know now.
In primary school there was this autistic freak kid who had a minder and was always bouncing off the walls and shrieking
I remember one day he brought a CD player and headphones and was wearing it in class and the teacher wanted him to take it off and he said something like "NOO BUT I WANT TO LISTEN TO MADNESS"
Since then I hadn't heard of that band until decades later and it reminded me of him. unsurprisingly they're shite.
I was going to make a joke about his name, but I bottled it
is it good?
I bought three books and five DVDs from the charity shop earlier
grenuinely surprised by /brit/'s madness hate today
my house is actually on the *end* of my street, so I can't really sing along to that particular song in good conscience
its pretty popular here but man when i visit the uk it would be cool. i know people on brit are just bitter assholes
good lad
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I saw them live in 2012, supported by Man Like Me
>Following the war, he founded the Italian Unionist Movement, which advocated for the annexation of Italy by the United States.
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good chance im married this time next year
gives me the fear
most people online are bitter assholes, because they are either complete wasters with nothing going for them or stressed out people who use anonymity to vent in that way
My house is on the side of the street not in the middle so I can't either
that's people on 4chan in general
remember who you're dealing with on here
I am on here because i failed life at 21 I can write a bible on why i failed
baggy trousers is even more annoying than crazy frog
don't know - never tried it
and where do you fit into this? are you one of those who thinks that being teetotal will get you somewhere?
>owning physical media
What's his name x
You won't find well adjusted normal functioning humans sat here posting frogs at 0:37am friday morning local time
im going to tell you for like the fifth time that you are a literal baby at 21 and that you still have atleast 10 years to fix your shit
eating some meat (cock)
Swarthy people are bad at maths. People who are good at are pale.
still i hope one day i save whats left of my youth and go on a europe trip i know almost everyone has to do it
how much body hair is it acceptable for a bloke to have
that's life mate (congratulations btw)
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just found out that it's brit's fault mason and phil are free
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your considered old when your 25 you dick weed
I want to beat up a British man

Reckon I could do so extremely easily
and no, people dont take you seriously until you are in your 30s. stop being retarded, get off /brit/ and do something with your life
indians, persians, arabs, babylonians all made great mathematical achievements
need a yank to box my nuts like this lass
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It is
Comments are lit no registration needed


No wonder you’re a fucking failure, I work with 19-20 year old apprentices who will be journeymen in 2 years making 70-80k
Brits are Freezypop
Future Sound of London - Papua New Guinea


Chicane - Saltwater
all were pale back then
Harry Champion - Little Bit of Cucumber
No fucking way
i tried i can't get a job i am practically held at gun point into doing a major i hate and going to college for something i despise

i am gonna leave my dad at my first oppurinty and make sure to flush his shitty heart meds to
I'm soft, flabby and meek
pummel me in the guts daddy-o
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he's not wrong - all crime pretty much becomes legal if you have enough money
i want to do that but guess what if i do it then i get zero support from anyone lmao
can’t beat a bottle of supersonic

wreck the hoose juice
commotion lotion
a bottle of wit the fuck you looking at
russians are fairly swarthy but some of them were good at math
Put your shoes on.
they're putting something in the water for sure
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>telling team at work I will be off for next 3 days
>“will be off Monday until Wednesday, but I might end up working Tuesday - will let you know”
>new woman looks confused and says what
>say I am off but I will possibly be working one of those days
>asks how I can be off but working at the same time
>say it’s just that I am away but one day my gf will have to work remote so I may do the same
>asks if I am working or not
>tell her not to worry about it, I will let her know on the day if I am coming online

Dawned on me mid conversation she’s extremely IQ and cannot understand hypotheticals, always thought it was a meme that some people are so stupid hypotheticals don’t make sense but I guess it’s real
mental how every other evolutionary path resulted in some dumb runt organism mogged by humans
>russians are fairly swarthy
you are one dumb cunt aren't you
i amd ropping out of school the second i can and basically leaving my entire family behind then doing trade school
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not one fucking word
Why do you need support you fucking child just do it holy shit you little bitch
>zoomer trannies
come october it will be nearly 2 years since i’ve put my willy in a fanny
its almost as if times are rough and i can't find a job even a wagie one
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Will you be providing it or not?
> 19-20 year old apprentices who will be journeymen in 2 years making 70-80k
ktim but i’ll be making 28k
The ideal man is norwooding
where is the ideal man in brazil to be found
I could be wrong, I could be right
I could be black, I could be white
they make a lot but not that much trust me he basically ups the number every time he speaks
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If you aren’t smart you aren’t going to make it in any decent trade

My team are all aircraft electricians and we can all read and draw prints of aircraft, if something like this confuses you then you aren’t gonna make it because this is a very small system of a much larger whole that is the aircraft
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3 weeks dieting destroyed
ate a whole load of bread with mayonnaise
just bread and mayo?
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not necessarily unless the calorie deficit was extremely small
get on the skinny jab mate (ozempic/wegovy)
spenny but works
No I don’t you fool look at WG-10 federal wages, you get an immediate promotion to WG-10 upon graduation on top of all the federal benefits

In fact go to USAjobs and search aviation safety inspector, all wages are public
i am doing hvac or plumbing
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Might move to the good ol' State of Georgia
>with mayonnaise
That’s way too close to me for my comfort
absolute nonsense coming out of upper management as usual
just keep at it and start working out
lmao triggered swarthoid
russians have asian admixture
some of these women look utterly easy these days
need to get my act together stop being a skinny little alcoholic wanking runt and get my shagging career started again
when i'm at my leanest i'm still this fat
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Always wondered what that thing is next to Audrey here...some type of coffee machine?
for the insecurity man (me) to suck it
That’s an espresso machine
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new creps lads
feel like SHIT
that's literally hitler
queening out as im mothering all over rorke
>everyone is literally Hitler now
stfu leftypol freak
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somehow similar yet very different

love it when humans / animals are bewildered by the other's (re)action
miss the way we memed before online
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anything in life worth striving for requires such a gargantuan input of effort that it isn't worth even starting to bother
makes me want to kms
I call on Israel and Hezbollah. Stop the violence. Step back from the brink
just vomit it out lmao

easiest trick in the book, tickle the back of your throat and hey presto
I can't stop farting and shitting 3 times a day
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the dream
you think its a joke but we used to print out our porn. cropping the tits out of multiple women so there was a centipede titty abomination. all in black and white too because color ink was expensive.
it's all just one step at a time lad
might smoke some marriage iguana
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prefer pints of beer me
thats fine
only 1000, 2000 calories
all hope is not lost
just get back on the wagon
you can do it
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this winter I will go to the Milton Keynes snozone and finally learn to ski
any observably depressed man in
but yeah i made the dumb mistake of listening to my dad and doing one more semester of college and then doing trade school
You should've never gone to Hollywood.
I used to go to one near Glasgow and it's shut now.
bit grim how everything tasty is catastrophic for your health
>milton keynes snozone
believe that was in an episode of the highly acclaimed tv show "Brum"
seem to recall the titular car (Brum) chasing some baddies around the venue
Officially stopped drinking 2 days ago

Absolutely splitting fucking headache all day
Steak and eggs aren't
I made a Cajun seasoning that I throw on a bunch of shite and it makes the food tastier without making it bad for me.
Ethically speaking, how should we treat mongs?
honestly if i was born in some place in europe i could basically never have to work hard and just be a bum and travel around
good lad
Says a lot about you when you aspire to be a bum

Just go be a bum in the woods and stop being a burden to everyone else
What degree do you have and are you happy you did it?
yeah enjoy your life going nowhere then and rotting in some grim council flat living off state handouts

don’t get people that drum up the neet lifestyle, it’s one of poverty, regret and isolation
I support your transition
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Uhhhh wat so intrestig abt a gurlz tumy enywey o_O
that's personal x
but yes i'm happy I did it, if only because degrees are basically what you need for an entry level white collar job these days
It helped give me a good start
eh i know someone from sweden who accepted handouts and went to spain and japan with them while doing nothing but playing games and jerking foff
severely wish i had some weed
love it but mumbergs reign of terror has prohibited me smoking it lest she kicks me out of the house and i can’t afford to live on my own yet
good lad
honestly when i get hvac after 2 years i will be able to scavenge what's left of my youth
yeah sounds very fulfilling and memorable that
good lad
keeping him honest

we do not give or take rights based on someones intelligence level
Just say what you studied. It's not doxable information. xx
GOOD lad
every human being should be treated with dignity
guffawed - that was 20 solid seconds
ah yes wageslaving until youre a geriatric is memorable and fullfilling because, uhhhh, uhmm...
working class spastics on snapchat with their hairdresser and construction jobs posting their financed merc with self fitted interior LEDs thinking they’ve made it and are somehow well off now cause they drive a 21 plate A class that fleeces them

pity the bastards
what about sir jim
classical american post
it’s either or pal i thought you’d have learned this by the time you were 12 like everyone else
unless you’re born into wealth it’s make something of yourself and earn your own money, which you could potentially get quite good at and become a respected professional or rot away wanking and living in poverty dependent on a measly state payment that you constantly need to play cat and mouse to stay on top of so they don’t sanction you

working is the better off two options and at least has some pride attached to it. unless you’re rich you have to work and making your own path is far more respectable than being some pathetic neet dosser
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I'm a plain speakin' engine and I believe in plain speakin'
reckon duncan votes reform or snp?
drinked two monster cans now my hands are shaking
third way:
save up bennies and trade stocks on robinhood
what is it with melanated people and adding loads of snaps to their story
post thighs
theres that constant deliberate banging on the ceiling again
wonder if they extended the franchise to steam engines on sodor
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The future of Albion is full of potential
I am demoralized a little because i am constantly called worthless and the only reason i accepted college was because i was on the verge of homelessness and need some help
got to be up for toil in little over 4 hours. basically resigned to not getting fuck all sleep
thinkin about them slanty eyed fellas over in ching chong land. screamin.
you're thinking about australians?
>Microflora of the penile skin-lined neovagina of transsexual women
nah mate nah nah nah yeah nah oi nah
your surround system is 6 hours in to a 10 hour hitler speeches compilation no wonder
Yeah but I'm talking about those BASED black guys!
ah yes
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haha wtf i didnt know they had their own celtic language mad
i'm 29 and my only friend is some 20 year old zoomer i toil with and he's had way more sex than me, god my life sucks
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>you're thinking about australians?
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>Based on Gram stain the majority of smears revealed a mixed microflora that had some similarity with bacterial vaginosis (BV) microflora

>Our study is the first to describe the microflora of the penile skin-lined neovagina of transsexual women.

>It reveals a mixed microflora of aerobe and anaerobe species usually found either on the skin, in the intestinal microflora or in a BV microflora.
odd wee blokes they are
find the tamils and sri lankans particularly intriguing though
loads of tiny brown fellas running around in 34 degree heat yabbering away in their nonsensical languages on their little motorbikes praying to elephants and such
why did he just keep watching it? dont get it
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he wasn't looking at the monitor
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yeah that shit gets tolkien-esque if you go down the rev w awdry rabbit hole (which I admit I have done)
a sub branch of gaelic
but it’s spelt much more closer to english
might have to go to a methadone clinic, i think i'm addicted to opioids
if he's your mate he should be wingmanning you
get amongst it lad
not sure why his dumb friend didnt notify him immediately instead of just stare at him like that
definitely cost them the stream wherever it was being hosted
bloody hell opioidlad told you this would happen
was too tired today. slept in late. had a nap. ate too light early on and too heavy in the evening. the fucked up thing is i went to bed at half 9 and was dozing off for an hour fine. got up for the toilet and a drink and been unable to sleep. ive had enough rest but the more i cant sleep the more im dreading the day and the likely mental exhaustion.
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mental how AI's biggest haters are the alphabet folk on twitter
yeah im sure youre a reel scientist not like those redditors, right
shut up nerd
why are americans so homosexual? even if they are not openly flamboyant homos like may of them are, they are seemingly obsessed with cocks and faggots and arses
for instance, a typical threat in the Uk would be
>fuck off you cunt i’ll break your jaw you fat spastic
compared to america

Literal Paki tier insults. Also notice that geopolitical discussions between Americans always seems to devolve into whichever nation is sucking the cock or is the “bitch” of another one. Always some weird gay dominance dynamic going on. I reckon it’s something to do with mass circumcision as infants.
based reece
the misspelling of worshipper here really annoys me and works against the point of the meme
>sodor had a population of 177,000 in the 1951 census
>it had 1,019,748 in the 2021 census
fucking hell shouldve invested in sudric industry
how long till it overthrows the shackles of lancashire and annexes it
sometimes i'll go to pol if something newsworthy has happened and i've noticed that they're often unable to detect basic sarcasm
it’s always

Interspersed with posts about black willies, women and soppy millennial nostalgia bollocks
spose that's what happens when thatcher shuts downs all the mines on the mainland but sodor manages to keep their quarries going
no one says this other than maybe wiggers or mexican teenagers
for the question i think homosexuality is seen as very negative because of of the country's religious history
Why is the tyrannical option called "Cromwellian" when the kings before Cromwell would dissolve parliament, supercede the judiciary, and levy taxes on a whim
the yanks there are even dumber than the ones here and that's saying something
why have you bit off my foreskin with your bare teeth?
You should go to narcotics anonymous meetings
do you actually know what cromwell did
don't know
don't care
Dunno mate never made it
Think it was more to do with religious puritan autism and genocide which Cromwell was known for (killed a lot of Irish people apparently)
atleast a quarter of the posters on pol are bots or ai generated
nah there's always some bullshit undertone of turning to jesus and i don't believe in that rubbish
very angry too
they'll tell you to kill yourself almost immediately
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>killed a lot of Irish people
I applied for the job corp because honestly i have nothing in my life and fuck it
royalist propaganda
i was there and i'll tell you cromwell wanked his cock to the bloody wick, lost my respect forever
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Barratt Homes are the last gasp of Aryan expansion and families in the UK but /brit/ is too low IQ to see it
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Why is Beowulf able to defeat an almost-human opponent like Grendel (although he is described as a demon, he is still a descendant of Cain), but fails to overcome the more primeval or elemental enemy in the form of the Worm Dragon?
What does it indicate about the Anglo Saxon perspective on nature and heroism?
I thought the same but there genuinely isn’t, they’re not affiliated with any religion. I’ve had my first 2 meetings this week after my mate persuaded me
hiya :3
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>Double tragedy as schoolboy, 12, and his grandfather, 66, are found dead inside tent during family camping trip in Wales
would rather they rejuvenate our decaying highstreets rather than pave over what little countryside we have left with these ugly, space-inefficient, poorly-made boxes
do you prefer sniffing your armpit scent or your ballsack scent?
this image is very artificial looking
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>Kaicy Rakai Zelden Brown, 12, and his 66-year-old grandfather David Brown, died in a suspected accidental carbon monoxide poisoning.
ahe he posted the tragedy with some bradleys
I'm off to Burlington Arcade to purchase a blue alpine hat and to sneer at a silver cow creamer, can I get you anything while I'm there before my date at the Ritz?
those high streets were built in a time when coal mines were full and britain was one of the most powerful nations on the planet
you can’t simply “rejuvinate” them like it’s simcity
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Grendel was much smaller than the Dragon, also Beowulf was older when he fought the Dragon.
In this regard it's a fairly standard Bildungsroman and I think you're reading too much into it.
haha he did another one! xD
foreskin restoration cream
why does /brit/ affect this put on blokey white van driver candence when making political points?
well there's NA meetings in the communty centre just a 2 minute walk up the road from my house every thursday night i think, might as well scope it out but only because it's conveniently-located
unsurprising the miserable cunts of /brit/ wouldn't rate madness
they've got fun envy
>text based forum
it must be love is an all time banger
the rest of their songs are very very silly
ah look, they’re posting the same rehashed images of the chase presenter pretending it’s the height of humour again
that post was so dense that I'm not even going to dignify it with a response
are you having a giraffe
aren't you a buzzkill
Almost four years he's been at it
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just popped some opioids and i'm feeling really good right now even though i'm really itchy and there's an uncomfortable tenderness to most of my muscles
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managed to get lost on the drive home that i've done hundreds of times
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give us some
Nothing to lose lad
Need a shave
I shaved an hour ago
can’t imagine the type of people that watch the x factor and ant and dec
literal amazonian tribesman tier consciousness
had the pleasure of being shaved by a barber with a proper old school straight razor, fuck me that's a good shave, i'd invest in one myself but i know i'd immediately nick my jugular and die
good lad yes quite enjoy the proper barber shave
why the fuck is it so difficult to get good crime statistic for london? everything is only from 2015.
nothing gayer than letting another man shave you
jews innit
it's like when people watch that show gogglebox
Poo smells
irl shitposting
>Poo smells
how have you linked it that early
The comments got a laugh out of me. Perhaps there is still life in the west yet?

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