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twin edition

Literally the only reason anyone supports abortion is so they can have sex without consequences
That's why they always try to use "rape and incest" to justify legalizing it in basically any context. It's totally dishonest through and through
i'll be back later
fucked up thing about toil is you can't even think to yourself "i just have to put up with this for a few more days/weeks/months". it just goes on forever
Foid got offended over the abortion posts
That's fine, but most of the western world disagrees. Please don't subject us to your out-dated morals. Move to Poland if you want to live in a white country where abortion is illegal.
NFL is on tonight, no clue who is playing though. I'm playing 800 ELO chess instead.
>most of the western world disagrees.
I don't define my morality by group think like an NPC
Not really. I set small goals and big goals. I'm saving up for at least a nice new car at this job, should have it by the end of the year, ill probably work until next summer then ill be going back to school
Moving from Toronto to NYC has shifted my racism from Indians international students to those troll-like looking Hispanics (you know what kind of Hispanic I'm talking about)
Canada is cleaner, safer, and has an easier cost of living than the US. LET ME IN PLEASE!!!
>Everyone who disagrees with me is an NPC
Me either, but it's important to consider when trying to make others follow your beliefs.
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I want to move to burgerland
>can hear my eyeballs move
>don't think much of it, it's not too intrusive or loud
>think to google it, turns out it's a real medical condition with relatively straightforward treatment
Huh. Maybe i'll get this solved
>easier cost of living
Not any more
t. Canadian living in the US
No anon your reading comprehension is poor from too much internet consumption
I said people who form their view of morality via group think are NPCs
I was very clear
Join me, brother
Nta but im coming to live with you, hope you have a comfy couch and full fridge
You'd want him to have a half-full fridge so their is room for your own food
we can only speculate about the number of fetuses that have been hoovered out of her
Deal, come on over
Why, exactly, is the immigration policy between two neighbor countries so stringent? I imagine that you must be highly skilled in order to have obtained a work visa. I think it's the same vice versa, Canada won't let in an American unless he has an MIT degree.
Aw don't be mean. That's a painful thing for a woman to have to cope with.
Business idea: coffee cup with a built in heating element to reheat your coffee
Don't bother anon, these anons lack empathy. They use "baby murder" as an excuse to control women's bodies.
I will not comment on this subject further!
hope she sees this bro
Women use abortion as an excuse to kill babies
>I will not comment on this subject further!
Because you can't, because you're wrong
I think you're wrong. What are you going to do about it? Cry? Lmao!
Don't quote me on it, but I think the Canadian negotiators for NAFTA and USMCA balked on making immigration easier because of exacerbating the brain drain from Canada to the US
I support it because the primary users of the service are non-whites and dysgenics.
I'm going to eat your ass
In under 10 years we will probably need a visa to even visit USA because of all the jeets coming here without any checks
Listening to jazz while working out is pretty solid. No barefoot succubi today though.
Woke and you were not here
Somethings wrong
Turn right around
Gone like the wind
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>this guy accuses you of having a fake ID and doesn't let you into a bar
What do?
Rape him on the spot with my average sized 4 inch hog
why the fuck would i be trying to enter a bar
doing some solo wintertodt atm
neveer happened to me. when i was 19 i looked like i was 30
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Thinking about buying sunglasses like t his thoughts?
lmao is that really a thing in freedom land?
Yes we have laws here unlike wild mexico
Yeah. I saw a bouncer get into a shouting match with a frat bro once because wouldn't let him in with an "out of country" ID (his ID was from Oregon)
Tranny jannies give me a 3-day with no source.
those aren't sunglasses, are they? sunglasses block sun rays and those are largely transparent.
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has the so-called spinster returned?
Its alright
It could be better
What is safe
Keep hold of your own ground
What is safe
Fuck you to the faggot nigger reading this
We got a sunglasses expert over here
Yes but she left because she's a pro choicer
Not here right now, but will be back later
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the neighborhood legs
you handicapped you can walk through me
That's gay
Male on male sex is gay
i also support baby murder now
shit, need to engage in spinster talk with her
i cannot imagine myself in a situation where i'd go to a bar with a bouncer
Need me a coffee and donuts from Tim Horton's you feel me?
fucking useless cunt ignoring my email and now I lost the apartment. stupid fucking retarded cunt you have 1 fucking job
i weep for those that didn't see the 1993 superbowl performance
States have the right to decide btw
stfu spinster is not gonna fuck you
yeah lol what a weird thing
here they dont let you in because youre too brown, not because of some useless plastic
No that's hot
>Singh Horton's
>they dont let you in because youre too brown
G-d i wish my state were like this
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im a straight woman again, im not interested in fucking her
i just want to see how batshit insane she is
How are so many people dumb enough to try meth knowing it will probably ruin their lives
i think the mexican is a tranny
She unironically seems to dislike brown people btw (too misogynist)
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How do I convince a woman to let me put my peepee in her vajayjay?
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It's over, gang.
I was taking a dump in a public bathroom and the turd shot out of my ass at mach 10 and public toilet water splashed right onto my butthole. I probably just caught monkey pox and AIDS. It's over for me. It was an honour posting with you all. Anon, signing off.
Never underestimate human stupidity
That’s why you were supposed to shit on the street
I have no idea where to shop for clothes where do people get all their cool clothes from?
you can only catch monkey pox by having sex with dirty children and animals. that's how it spread through the upstanding gay population
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i am an xx 100% biological woman with an uterus
nigga i was here for years, in a place that hates trannies, whats a racist femcel gonna do to me
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Hurricane status?
i get my clothes from the american eagle and calvin klein websites
take a shower
dress nice
go outside
Hot Topic
About to say hi to SV Seeker
Umm based, we have much to learn
Your powers of deduction are solid, but ale was a sex haver somehow he avoided the incel tranny pipeline
that's a relief
Which one?
Don't actually listen to me if you're in the area it's affecting, I'm just saying it's a nothingburger because nothing ever happens until it does. Do what's safest.
she's not a racist femcel she's an average femoid turbo normie bleeding heart
put your money in a retirement fund and don't touch it. Wageslaving is a lot more bearable when you know there's something waiting for you after
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>another day
>another natural disaster
>It doesn't strike Texas
What a fucking joke
Jason has abandoned us
Mihai is dead or in jail
Goshcel finally realized we all hate him and he left
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the amount of seethe eye colour causes is unreasonable
Bro it's a tranny
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too normie for the incels
too incel for the normies

i do not belong anywhere...
jason is still around he was posting about oriental women as is his wont earlier today
>she's an average femoid turbo normie bleeding heart
until you post the latest SAARs raping news headline. Or mention sharia law.
Eh, I've fucked my fair share of trannies.
Once one paid me to do it, kek
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>having sex with a man for money
yikes, hope this is another LARP
Well whatever floats your boat I guess. That tranny must have been down BAD to pay you though
thats what yall say, and thats why im so interested in her
how the fuck does someone like her end up here, i need to know...
will /cum/ ever return to the golden years...
Nah, I'm just jacked. Doesn't help with girls, but trannies go crazy for it
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thread theme
This current era is quite good in my opinion. I enjoy talking with many of the regular posters. The golden year was 2016.
Why would anyone be in favor of jeetrape or sharia law though
She said that she liked being able to speak her mind anonymously. So, she's here for the same reason everyone else is.
She is racist, but only casually like most souther white women
Huh how much did he pay you? Was he not very cute or what most would just try to seduce you if they were attractive-ish
not even louisiana either
maybe ill stay for a bit
just to talk with this bitch
how old is she btw? im an old lady now i feel uncomfortable talking to young ppl
I hate Texas!
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My hairline is receding pretty bad. I got prescribed an oral finasteride/minoxidil pill from one of those online clinics, but now that I have them I'm scared to start taking them. I've read horror stories from men who killed their libido for good taking this stuff, and how if you start taking it you basically have to keep taking it every day until you no longer care about having hair. I don't want to go bald, but I also don't want to submit myself to a life of popping pills with potentially negative side effects just to keep my already shitty hair. The potential ED scares me but I'm a 26 year old virgin so it's not like I have a sex life I need to worry about.

Should I just bite the bullet and take this stuff to save my hair? I'm fairly healthy right now. I'm not overweight, I work out, I eat a good diet, I get morning wood. Do I really have anything to worry about?
Don't call her that
Texas is okay
i thought she was from the pnw? what
Except when the fag spams us
What have you been doing anyways? Did you become someone's boiwife or what
Some years back in Austria an Afghan migrant raped a little girl and murdered her. A radical feminist group stormed a news station to stop them from mentioning this, because uhhhh... rapists are white men or something and it's racist to tell the truth. Point is foids are incoherent.
She almost always avoids talking with people that make posts directly aimed at her.
I mean it's really not that interesting. This general has had multiple female posters in the past, as you are aware
>She almost always avoids talking with people that make posts directly aimed at her.
She is like a cute forest nymph <3
i remember zendork or whatever
It was a few hundred pesos and a ride to the nearest metro station after a night of partying by myself to rail her on her car

Shit was cash
That was a very boring /cum/ era
none of these names refer to real people
He was a tranny too. Nice body but ugly face
only female poster here i remember. she sometimes made vocaroos and sounded convincingly female
she's 29. like the other anon said she's not that interesting, she's a novelty here because she shamelessly posts stupid reddit shit and hello kitty but she's not really a beguiling character
So you are aware that you stuck your penis in another man's butthole, right?
Does Jason still post here
Did he stop posting bocchi
I remember Bajachan, we had more mexicans in that era
Of course I am. It was a fun experience, too.
you could wear cool wigs
please respond
I bullied him into dropping that shit. I kind of feel bad about it but he's a real dickhead
He's range banned from posting images so he left because he cant attentionwhore anymore
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What's really crazy is that you guys haven't picked up that there are two female posters who post here often.
Aw he's a bit edgy but he's a innocent soul
I have. The other keeps her presence under the radar. But I know she's still here.
your retarded
was she that nasty jew bitch or are they two different people. that girl posted vocaroos too
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Troons aren't women
mainly just chillin
im not as insane as before, but im also not a normie
this year ive mostly focused on getting the hang on life, treating my eds and shit like that, witch i think i mostly did
so now im gonna start to actually engage in life, going clubbing and allat, and im gonna cut my balls maybe at the end of the year

not boiwife of anyone sadly
Using the wrong you're is retarded
Really hope you're not talking about me. Just because I'm a libtard doesn't mean I'm a woman!
I'm not talking about the troon thougheverbeit
really don't know. i vaguely remember zandork still posting around 2021. probably left during the butthew meltdown arc
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I really only post here maybe 1 or 2 days a week
Watch Haircafe on YouTube
i think i know how to interact with that type of women tho
Buttpoo scared away the Jewish girl who did vocaroos.

Zando the trando who knows what happened to him
I recently got into this after getting tired of pol. The vibes are comfier.
I'm just triggered the guy is British. The logistics of family gatherings will be shit
Ive said it before, her prose is unmistakeable once you spot it. She sometimes flips out against nasty chuds like jason and goes missing for days
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zando my bestie
You know what this general needs? A Hawaiian
We need the greenland flag back. Where is he. did he freeze to death or something
vaping my final disposable vape
tomorrow I will return to snus
>I'm just triggered the guy is British
British guys are easily a top 3 nationality for East Asian women. It's amazing how outdated the Asian views of the wypipo countries are
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So when are you guys like, revolting against your regime? Honestly our three countries could use a nice revolution right about now.
Hawaii's population is only 21% white
is fk still here?
hate that mf
I get wanting to be a tranny but like inflicting the horrors of a fake neovag on yourself just so you can smell like a sewer down there is insane to me.

I'm glad you're less crazy though
Fuck it, I took the first pill. I will get my hairline back.
I've found these hair loss focused youtube channels to be some of the worst sources of information about hair loss on the entire internet. No thanks.
There is only one greenlander on /int/ now and he seethes about wypipo 24/7
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Why didn't they teach us about the coal wars in school?
Yes, sometimes. He gets bullied and he's like "why are you guys bullying me" bruh it's because you hornypost nonstop!
*cracks knuckles*
hmm yes... time for some afk combat training
Hawaiians are an entirely different race
im not gonna have srs, just cutting my balls to stop the testosterone
also hiding ur dick is easier when you dont have balls, and dicks without balls are quite pretty in my opinion
i literally see no reason not to
you had to learn that only the heckin niggerinos were oppressed, white people were never ever oppressed. Might throw in some injuns if there is enough time
Asian girls love (white) British guys even the poles
That's a whole lotta words... Too bad I'm not readin em
Only gems allowed
The n word? I don't say it
went an entire day without experiencing negro fatigue
i love life
I'll knock you down
>also hiding ur dick is easier when you dont have balls, and dicks without balls are quite pretty in my opinion
Is this even an issue? The only time you'd be showing that would be in a swimming suit at which point your balls would show anyways
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Hypogonadism is no joke. If you did that, you would need to supplement some exogenous hormones or you would have a bad time.
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me if runescape xp was money
I'm addicted to cashews
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Me on the right
yes? do you not get a bulge when you use jeans? does that mean im bigger than you?
yes, i take estradiol, i am a woman
If you catch an incurable std do you just never get to have sex again?
"Bug chasing" is extremely popular in the gay community
smoking a chunt
Point to where I asked
I outta break a broom handle up in your ass
Life is a pretty busy time
But if he loses he can keep playing the boogeyman
I don't wear girl jeans and also I don't care if I have a bulge there because I'm not pretending to be a real girl so there's not an issue
Bruh the electoral college is already slanted in the Republicans favor. If it was just a popular vote Dems would win everytime
might take a shit
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Hate when this happens
even if you get aids, you can take medication for it not to be contagious
ive learned a lot about stds, and ive come to the conclusion that its mostly fearmongering from conservatives to maintain abstinence and monogamy, most stds are curable, and very few that arent, arent really a big deal now
and i do wear girl jeans and i care if i have a bulge and i am a real girl, so it is an issue for me
match of the year: your head vs an oven
>mental bitch thinks her kid doesnt have autism
yikes. way to be setup for success in life
Love this edition so much
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>tranny janny can remove a /cum/ post in seconds for politics but leave porn up on the catalog for hours
We are being gangstalked, truly the most oppressed general
Bros i think my header melted part of my wiring harness
probably killed himself. the frencher has filled his position
I want to binge eat cashews so bad but I don't want to gain weight back
put back on your trip, faggot
Can you post a bulge shot in some pantys? We all really really missed you
im back
reading an h-manga about pantyhose fetishism
it's kind of hot
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vapeman used to get insta b& for some reason
hola ale. how's it going?
Starbucks to close another downtown Seattle location
on a ‘cel walk
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why would one drive an suv? what are the advantages?
I think I am finally running out of "it is what it is"
I wonder what happens after that.
Bad ending and reroll usually. Some guys make it out dough
It is what it is.
>what are the advantages?
>"it's big so it makes me feel safe" t. every foid
none really
It isn't a real incel walk unless your arms are totally still while you walk
If your arms move then you're Chad striding
it's spacious, dont you like space?
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>class project I've been procrastinating on that was due in 3 days has been pushed back a week due to the hurricane
there used to be plenty of sedans with space too, now every car is a crossover
what the hell am i doing drinking in l.a. at 26
not nearly as spacious as a minivan or a station wagon yet it replaced both (in US), most don't have a lot more space than regular sedans
I like a tight COCKpit that is low to the ground
hell no I like a small car
My mom drives one because she can see far and if she gets hit by a vehicle she'll be less likely to get seriously hurt. The downside is that every other motherfucker seems to think this.
I also think people get suvs/trucks as a practical replacement for musclecars.
Autocompanies prefer to manufacture SUVs because they have lower emissions standards and you can turn them into a luxobarge so they're overpriced even without inflation. Originally the stricter emissions was placed on cars because trucks and suvs were primarily for work vehicles and made up 15% of all vehicles, yet now the f150 is the most sold north american vehicle.
These types of vehicles are also sold with the thought that you can do anything and go anywhere and be a free american following their god given manifest destiny and do more tough manly man work with them too.
For me personally, I use my truck for work and as a replacement for a musclecar. It's not an suv but I almost bought an suv though (and I was even tempted to just chop my car up into a truck but I don't have the right welding setup for sheetmetal rn).
lel I remember that, I always assumed the janny at the time vaped
Big cars are based because they make reddit leaf seethe
I regret getting a hatchback instead of sedan
I hate not having a trunk unless I put my back seats down
>NOOOO you can't consume gas, think of the CO2 levels!!! how would the world go on!!
Meanwhile India just offset all the Western world's carbon reductions by polluting more. Climate niggas are weird
any bummies itt?
that kind of just depends on which hatchback you buy though
i'm a bum, a palooka even
i h a t e n o r m i e s ~
Thinking of getting a dry herb vape
they are kinda insufferable ngl
Normies aren't the problem, npcs are
I'm a crumbum myself
I literally have not spoken to a woman in years
That's like a Venn diagram where the two circles are 90% overlapping
Business idea: go on a boat to Africa, capture some Africans in nets, and bring them back to America to work in cotton fields for no money.
Surely this will have no repercussions in the future.
Sex idea: go on dating apps and swipe on fat girls until I get my dick sucked
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i think it's just me 2bh
idk some people just talk about retarded shit or just to hear themselves talk. It's like shitposting out loud and unironically, and I never consented to hearing it. It's like my ears are being molested
doesn't work well anymore, all those apps peaked in like 2017
i havent spoken to a woman in a day
not posting myself here again soz
str8 chillin
i made a post earlier about whats been going
so mean! :(
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>idk some people just talk about retarded shit or just to hear themselves talk. It's like shitposting out loud and unironically, and I never consented to hearing it. It's like my ears are being molested
last week I was trapped in a room with a group of HR foids talking about relationships. IKTF anon
>normies all went to sleep at the same time again
business idea: bummy milk
/cum/ has been dead for hours
I am prejudiced against people over the age of 60
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I remember some time before the G. Floyd theater there was this case of a black person who was presumably jogging and killed some white person and everybody around here was memeing the shit out of it calling black people 'joggers' but it was ALL immediately forgotten when the more famous Floyd spectacle happened
Pistachios are only worth buying shell-less
Why would I be at a bar?
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No, what happened was he was "jogging", he entered an abandoned house, some white guys shot him for trespassing.
what? it's not that hard to take the shells off when they're pre-broken
I might an hero when I turn 50, nothing good happens after that.
But I also have the possibility of being a varg tier welfare queen, and if that's the case I might not care because then I can just do nothing and grow food
that seems like a question for you to answer
Its too much work
Walked around the mall for a bit. Was disgusted by just about everything I saw.
I still see people say joggers, but recently they say teens or youths because the media always calls wilding blacks that regardless of age
Most of them were captured by fellow Africans who then sold them to white men
stinky farts
Like what?
before that thing they were called googles and you could search for google and pictures of slaves and blackface would show up. but that was all forgotten when the jogger thing happened
poopy poos
You can't gaslight me, this was never a thing
idea: kms
when I was a super incel I saw a short guy dating a tall chick and gave them the stanky face. Then I don't think I went to the mall for years
you're gaslighting me nigga
admit it, your education was worthless
Not a fan of lollygagging when I could be gagging, well you know...
Should I eat some cashews or not
I'm already at my caloric limit
I want to eat cashews so bad
Yah, my degree hasn't gotten me a job (yet). Surely my next application will be accepted!
Yeah. I didn't start actually learning until I got into major-specific courses in college.
Book 3 of the Wealth of Nations
What a masterpiece
I went to trade school and now I just click buttons online when I want a cert or license or something
if by most you mean all, then yes lol. Before the Scramble for Africa Europeans never even ventured in past the coast. Every major Subsaharan African kingdom was based on selling slaves but they just ignore this.
what fuck do i give
great scot
cant be sure. old buildings man
the dood who invented the tapemeasure is a fuggin jenis
Someone make a new edition
65th time's the charm, anon
aren't cashews calorie-dense? just bang your wife and stop thinking about cashews
Been learning how to make web apps in react recently, it's interesting
>my wife
I'm single and lonely
Yes they are calorie dense but at least it isn't goyslop
Taking magnesium citrate for the first time to help me sleep. Wish me luck bros.
i take benadryl
Penis genius
should i make the new
its almost time to make a wish
act fast
you can make it if you want, i didn't know if anyone wanted to
I'm not waiting 300 seconds, simply unreasonable
well someone needs to make it
Uhhhh yea haha

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