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dogberg edition
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mum's after the digestives again
poo smells hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
this is a chemist's not a joke shop
it's JOKER'S SHOP you goose
lad at toil is 36 and is a perfect example of what I will become if I don't find a passion and purpose in my life. He has the same issue as me where he can't decide on anything that is perfect so he talks himself out of any plans. Grim!
hahaha you didn't get the first post
What do you want to do with your life?
doth thine mumbury fancy a SHAG?
geese are beautiful exquisite creatures
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thank you yank anon i am starting hvac school and doing after this semester. if my dad says anyting about it i will him to go fuck himself
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yeah nice one cheers ireland
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As far as making money is concerned I'm still unsure. Life in general? being a family man and having lads would be great.
that the cuck, maga and pepe memes just reached ireland is it
yeah but the thing is you can't really just create either of those things. especially passion
>having lads would be great
I would say "off to the pub with you ASAP" but you don't really have those
How old are you?
Cuck was a good insult but overused
Loved that period where leftypol was flipping out over it and was like
>errr actually you nitwit being a cuckold is a perfectly valid lifestyle!
Even he realized it wasn’t a hill to die on
I have a passion for Total Aryan Victory but unfortunately I'm a working class runt
honestly i am depressed beyond salvation because i applied to a total of 400 jobs in my area and only got 4 interviews
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almost 25
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Holy kino
it was and still is a part of chronically online discourse
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>bharat homes
oh for goodness' sake lad you're still young. Put some work in, experiment with a few hobbies and give stuff a go, work on bettering yourself, keeping up your hygiene, and most importantly, off to the pub with you ASAP
This was the pinnacle of comedy when I was 14

i hate this argument i am not even the anon i am 21 and still can't even get a wagie job to experience life i might debt max then kill msyelf
this is considered “making it” in the uk. someone in the uk living in this house is considered middle class. this is success, while sipping birra moretti, watching billionaire teams represent former english towns and cities in the premier league and occasionally visiting a european city on holiday

this is what the young british worker has to aspire to. aussies and yanks don’t know how good they have it.
Not giving up at all, the bleak reminders only make me more motivated.
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looking at the statistics
>yanks don’t know how good they have it
Beg to differ but appreciate the mention nonetheless.
please fuck off
then you have even less reason for excuses
good lad
what are you talking about? I am 21 and only started taking shit seriously i doubt i will be sucessful but i want to try trade school
interesting. wonder what the reasons are for that
Hi, this is a message from your future self: don't you fucking do it! Go to college!!!!
>aussies and yanks don’t know how good they have it
I do, and I'm often reminded by my english expat mates
very grateful to be here
i’m a 20 year old apprentice network/telecoms/fibre engineer and you’ll make far more than me at the same job than i would here, and could with your job get a much larger house and better QoL than the equivalent pay would get you in the United Grimdom
college is a scam now most white collars job will be automated while blue collar chads like me will be making money
and study what
is ugly art ever justified
get me off this fucking island man i’m going off my nut
>pasta takeaway
my youtuh is mostly gone i know most people spent their early 20s having fun and going on massive trips or partying. I haven't had friends since highschool or talk to anyone unless i have to
a lot of it looks nice
come over here then
melodramatic little twat
>my youth is mostly gone
at 21? taking the piss
reckon this self-defeating attitude of yours is what's really doing you in
>people spent their early 20s having fun and going on massive trips or partying
how did they afford it
Screencap this response and reference in 20 years. Mass automation of white collar work is not going to happen, that is simply PR fluff in order to draw speculative investment from wealthy groups and individuals who dream of not having to pay workers.
it's utterly inexplicable how the average murder rate of 318 per million in the 60s has almost doubled to 610 per million in the 20s. Economic movements beyond my comprehension, unfortunately
yeah let me just jump on the plane to australia and land with a job and gaff sorted from the get go
not that easy mate
>looking at a 4chan screencap i took 20 years ago
Whatever you are interested in?
dont think the 21 year old twot is real. probably the same self hating brazilian schizophrenic playing a character. 190 esque
I will be honest my dad and mom were both very abusive so i have no confidence. its kind of hard to have a back bone when you told you are worthless and punched
i don't know i just see on instagram or what my cousin tells me
especially when you consider guns have only been more tightly controlled since the 60s
honestly who is this brazilian? part of me wants to learn Portuguese to fuck with you
50mg of ketamine straight up the sniffer
yeah you say that but I know a shitload of English expats-turned-permanent-residents who said they did just that
mmm it's almost like social trust and cohesion is falling about and has been since the 60s... but why could that be? forever a mystery it would seem.
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*enters /brit/*
sorry to hear - go out and prove them wrong
honestly i really want to see the world but can't i want to get a job and save up for it
they’re talking shite
maybe dont do drugs and choose life instead?
yeah that's usually how it works if you want to go travelling
ketamine is good for treating depression
mental advice
snoze 4 times consecutively
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i honestly want to see europe and new zealand while i am young because i know it will be worse for me to wait to see it. I just want to new zealand so i can see middle earth
that's junk science and the newest fad. stop doing drugs
can not stand my brother's wife
why's that
i know this isn't funny but i can't stop howling at it for some reason
genuinely just don't understand this when women are much better looking
she’s a fat ugly WHORE!
Yeah that’s right I said it!
is that charlie veitch
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the weekend is almost upon us
whoa this ket is strong, i better not be about to k hole on a measily 50mg
cunt actually brought to tears hahahaha
mental how people treat the n word like it’s sacrilegious
literally like voldemort out of harry potter
ridiculous really
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to be fair they can get banned for stuff like that
you’ve fucked your brain up and you’re never going to be sober again
i know this isn't funny but i can't stop howling at it for some reason
might do a late night poo
>posting in this shithole while doing hard drugs to ostensibly treat depression
Hope it's a LARP
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ghost jobs are insane right now because most job listings you see now are fake here. its actually bad
shut it
feel like i need a piss but nothing comes out
you know i hate this bullshit because they realize rent in most tech hubs is 2500 to 3000 dollars
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this is just incredible mental illness
why won't the janny reign these freaks in? it's blatant avatar/signature usage, extremely low quality, and spamming.
it's all just one guy.
who cares if it keeps him happy
it's humour how us europeans are so spiteful of america for their ideals, and bitter about their success - yet the vast majority of us don't realise that their enduring success is largely the consequence of these aforementioned ideals
Vae victis
The civilised parts of Europe have been American vassals since 1945
>it's blatant avatar/signature usage, extremely low quality, and spamming.
It's none of those thing though.
the vast majority of their success is a combination of right place, right time
millions of western europeans under a single government expanding across an entire continent full of resources at the critical time of the beginning of industrialisation made america an economic powerhouse that could steamroll europe that was destroying itself in the world wars and naturally rich uncle sam with all his might and industry could come in and save the day and insert himself as the economic and military leader of western civilisation

that’s why america rules the world. not “ideals”
Nigga sneed
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I was born in Israel
never heard of p diddy until this week
Spaino! Spaino! SPAINO!!! Omg! How are you doing, buddy? How’s the missus?? Hope you and your sexy wife are enjoying the warm breezes of España (that’s Spain for you monolingual toads out there). Holidays can be busy, so don’t forget to take care of your island on Animal Crossing™: New Horizons! Also make sure to sneak in a few Rocket League games to stay sharp, wouldn’t want your beautiful wife to start mugging you off. Haha just kidding, man. You know best! You’re always so calm, cool, and collected, you don’t need me to tell you what to do. Alright, well, since you’re here, now the thread can REALLY start, it is always so boring waiting all day for you to show up. I know, I know, I shouldn’t be so impatient, you’ve only got about thirty minutes a day to come catch up with the lads, but it’s the highlight of my day so I can’t hide my excitement. Anyway glad to have the pleasure of sharing the thread with you once again, Spainers. Cheers mate x
ok boomer
love this channel, great stuff
no one says that anymore
arrogant self-absorbed bitch
i just did though?
and you're no one
but spamming bradley is ok? poo smells poster is doing gods work
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I have major autism and mental retardation. So I just spent my evening making this in MS paint.
no thugs in our house are there dear we made that clear
not reading that
more important than you
Always resented him ever since he did a contest for alt history scenarios that he'd put in a video and I put loads of effort into my entry and instead he just picked memey shit like "Hitler becomes US President".
need to lose weight, im disgusting
Just did one solid thick piece of poo. Like a work of art it is
You should have learned a better drawing tool so you could make it not completely illegible
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haha what are they like x
Didn't even have to wipe. Fuck me lads it's like a once in a lifetime poo
don’t think he did this
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how much to rim both of them?
Those ones are so good, I know exactly what your talking about.
people who say weed is harmless are liars
gymtoil looms
eating raw carrots will give you this more frequently
indigestible fibres n that
both are fucking grim - honestly. teetotallers sussed that one out 200 years ago
pootoil looms
Derren Brown
I'm high and I could use a burger right about now
boring freak
alcohol is okay in moderation
feel sometimes like just going up to a random member of the public, saying something random, dancing then immediately walking away stern faced like nothing happened
i'm more of an amphetamines fella myself
That'd be so awesome
so is weed
might travel around the world but my unique twist is i'll be a human toilet
What does that mean
At the Panda Express yeah? Bloody noodles and rice have MORE calories than Chinese chicken. How about double the Chinese chicken and forget the noodles, yeah? Yes, my pet. Anything for master! Delightful!
imageboard not linkboard
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att uho dor isc oeh
uhhhh k-kino...?
here have my cringe paper on what i would do if i became leader of a country

>unions are allowed to beat up bosses
>you should be allowed to own any gun
>all politicans should have their emails, texts and calls open to anyone
>we should be allowed to tar and feather anyone
for me it's I'm on drugs
He did.
This was the video of the entries he chose.
Full of low-effort shit that likely took ten minutes to write. I spent DAYS on my entry.
favorite michael ian black moment was when he said he doesn't need to do the crossword in pencil he just uses a pen HAHAHAHAHAHAH
alright that ket was stronger than i would've liked, coming down now, fuck me
time to pop some opioids and make everything ok again
you'll be envious to know that i'm eating uncle ben's rice right now and you aren't
been a bit girl crazy lately lads
favorite tim and eric moment was when they did that ad for absolut vodka and zach galifianakis shouted I DON'T WANT TO COME HERE ANYMORE ! THE HOT TUB'S TOO HOT !
last had ket a couple weeks ago and still getting the ocassional blood in my snot
don't think I bashed it enough
raicist mong hx2rt
Why did they take the black man off their packets and advertising
he's gone mate
That was a good episode
when do you turn into a chimp monster like in the movie altered states starring william hurt?
oh you're not him?
in any case he was here yesterday or the day before
wasn't he getting tested for an STD recently(?)
let the dog in, turned my back for 5 minutes and it already started chewing up the place the goose
Hate Starmer me
best getting it put down at that point
lachie still comes here, but his dead giveaway is that he always uses a full stop after "lads" when he makes his first post
white people and black people are the main characters of the world the other races just get to observe
At the bus stop lads.
this is a lachie-esque post
any bowling today?
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maybe you were just shit
He just seems like a nice chap, yeah?
it's free real estate HAHA
blacks weren't even introduced until season 16
not seen tobylad in a while
stfu n00b before i pwn you with my uber leet hax
those were the days
I wrote it back when I was in sixth form a decade ago, I could write something far better now. But even back then it was still infinitely better than shit like a "Texas world monarchy" ran by Chuck Norris. Was genuinely fuming when I saw that made it into the video.
ken russell bumming the william hurt chimp monster
both on ketamine in the isolation tank
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Just found 3 hidden cans in my fridge
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think if I listen to Talk Talk London 1986 Full Concert right now I might fall asleep
need something unsleepy
you can't post the trains.
I don't often engage in particularly performative parts of sex: choking, slapping, throwing around, sticking fingers in her mouth, pulling hair, etc.

I'll DO IT because I know girls like that kind of thing, but it doesn't do anything for me. Can be a little distracting having to remember to do these "tasks" in fact, but give and take. I wonder what performative things girls do for men.
catberg wouldn't shut the fuck up so booted his arse out into the rain
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this is real bad
Absolutely revolting thread
Cartels are pure evil
I’ve eaten poo.
hope there isn't any truth to that post
I'll be taking him
gotta start doing cardio and stop being such a chubby cunt
Does anyone want to be my bf?
hmm.. if i forgo 4 hours sleep i can waste that time watching youtube slop and then be exhausted all of tomorrow...
much to consider
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ladies with wobbly arses
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I'm Irish
yeah I'm the same I'm a humble shagman don't need all the bells and whistles
doing a have of a go
yeah, good lad
good lad
good lad
he seems to have retreated back to /cum/
Good lad
just walk a lot and lift. makes it easy
can i get a good lad
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just a reminder to all our black and brown posters you are WELCOME here
naked anime women
good lad (for getting amongst it)
evil vile little insect creature you deserve the bottom of my boot
LOVELY bit of rain outside
VERY relaxing
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I managed to successfully fight off the urge to mention yank politics on /brit/ for an entire day
*Licks the sole of your boot*
i'm a rorke but this is such half-baked bullshit, everyone sees themself as the resistance, and also joe rogan is talking out of his arse
what's the worst dog breed?
hard mode: no shitbulls
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Bully XL
The Chris Brown was a nice touch.
don't know
my dream is to bring dutch style horticulture to northern ireland
Idk. If I were to get one I'd consider picrel
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knew I was too late KILL YOURSELF
Men will never understand or experience the fart bubble going the forward way out lol
New bombshell survey just dropped.
Many Catholics in the U.S. and Latin America Want the Church to Allow Birth Control and to Let Women Become Priests
eating crisps made from lentils and they're actually nicer than potato crisps
tried them and they're shite
Never has it been more over than this.
Shit taste
no they aren't
be quiet
Still never giving up on Christ and His Church. Still never giving up on my life and my people.
i don't they're just not that good
tolerable enough to eat but still shite
there used to be a lot more drugmongs in /brit/ years ago, wonder if they're all dead now
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a tu thd ooi rso ce h
set about that fucking clown
they're all 30+ and friendless now
Just found out about this cool new character called Glamrock Chica, have y'all seen this? Heard About this? Anywho I came so hard to her which is surprising because it was my second one of the day.
lifeberg is finally starting to come together, got a car and a job lined up and a prospective gf, feeling pretty grouse right now
hope it all falls apart for you
of course after I push the shit under the door I have to take it out again so I can poo of course
b̶l̶o̶g̶ ̶o̶n GOOD lad
yeah yeah whatever mate
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Mates stop worrying about politics. You're just giving yourself a headache over shit you have no control of. Just let it go.
are you saying papadams aren't nice
Do people actually enjoy porridge?
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I will pray for you friend please make it for all of us
>food for 4 people
>only 1 mug of tea
what to ignore here:
bacon (because it isn't american streaky bacon)
brown sauce
scran the rest
mate i just had dinner and could still eat all of that no problem
fat cunt
I'm oatmeal only
strawberries and cream oatmeal is built for me
>eating meat

i was like that once

things can change

hopefully not for you
>eating dinner at half 3 at night
lardmericans, everyone
what to ignore here:
bacon (because it isn't american streaky bacon)
scran the rest
My breakfast of choice is avocado on marmite on toast
Breakfast is Starbucks and an American spirit
god damn homosexuals make me sick
irrelevant, off topic. nobody is forcing you to have gay sex.
because you've downed a gallon of their spunk
>leaving the most expensive part of the dish on the plate (meat)
bacon is bacon. I'd scran that up
you have the palette of a child
it's perfectly fine bacon that, I'd scran everything on that plate but I do prefer cherry tomatoes by far
wrong because i love brussels sprouts
died by suicide on the night of Oct 29 or 30, 1772 he shot himself in the head with a pistol borrowed from Kestner

it will always be shit for you, no matter you spin it
wished for nothing more than to be a yank when i was growing
used to go on rants to mumberg about our ancestors not moving to america but i didn't understand the butterfly effect then
it's me, cat yank
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>you have the palette of a child
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You want to put it where? But I poop from there.
eczemaberg playing up again
Just change your name to Cody and adopt an American accent. Jobs a goodun.
you missed out on brown grandchildren and maybe half a million dollars extra, the horror
eating some scran
stop eating dairy
oi fuck off i was making the new
have a deep rooted fear that if im abroad ill meet another yank but it's actually a brit playing an accent only to reveal the trickery an hour or so later
would really piss me off ngl
why would you do that when there's a /brit/ thread waiting to be recycled
didn't see it
america to me back then was duke nukem and halo
a very cool place to be where all the cool kids were
well your edition is very cute but you should have checked first

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