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Why does he think he is better than normal russians? nothing is worse than a traitor to his country
We need a name for this archetype of a person. Latin America is full of these weasels.
I'm conflicted. The ziggers are obviously retarded, but there is a certain pretentiousness to liberal/pro-West Russians that I find insufferable.
In silverland we call them "cipayos"
Russia is a traitor to its people and always has been.
you contrarians really looking down on an anglofied liberal crusader
kys iyc
>click on recent video
damn portuguese food is fattening him up
typical "russian liberal" behaviour, being absolutely insufferable, i just think that they do it on purpose. i like his content but his normie attitude and lack of research of his topics makes me cringe.
His country has been 100% seized by schizo chuds.
I don't get the hate against him. I don't watch his videos because his laugh really bothers more and it's mostly reaction shit so who cares
sometimes it feels like people hate him because he's like an anti-zigger, extremes suck no matter what
Many times does self conflict with everything else. Ultimately how you choose to handle this is what keeps you here
Ivan, take off your VPN
Nobody likes Ruzzia.
Ruzzia is Nazi 2.0
still trying to take back kuril islands, eh?
Technically peace never was signed so war isn't over by now.
He doesn't though
He defends ordinary Russians from anti-Russian racism
He's not a liberal, he seems to lean more socialist than liberal
Your government is killing innocent people.
>NOOOOOOO! You must love your country!

Are you craZy?
Ivan, don't use VPN
>lean more socialist than liberal
Basically every socialist in the West and frankly, even in the East is just a liberal with extra steps. The workers revolution is NOT happening.
you too Piotr
He is on my good russians list
Putler is literally Hitler.
99% of Russians living in Japan are protesting against Putin.
> the "educated" classes
>The real oppressors are PEOPLE WHO READ A BOOK!
t. retard
Anyone that moves to Japan is a pathetic loser
You are brown and you live in a brown shithole.
Yes eductors and teachers should all be hanged in minecraft
He is, and he's not a traitor. Wanting your country to not be a corrupt shithole pariah state is what people who love their country do
Yeah I have a feeling these anons are getting upset that he doesn't respect Russians who support the war
Retarded AND 14 years old. Maybe read a newspaper......oh wait then you would be one of those evil educated people. Wooops
Subhumans like him want 90s back and it was way more corrupt and shitholeish
We should avoid letting these monkeys back at all cost
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He prolly doesnt care for russia anymore. He left the country for eu. He is a westerner,
The problems of the 90s were caused by letting nomenklatura liquidate all Soviet assets. Obviously that would not happen again.

Russia aligning with the West today would be a huge boon for their people. Every Eastern European country that has aligned with the West is much richer than Russia.
He turned into a complete pussy whipped retarded faggot. He used to be funny when he was just a simple little kid making fun of retards online. Now he's trying to be all post-ironic, self-stroking and turbo pretentious about all this bullshit with the politics, the state of the world, Russia and whatever else. Being all hip with the "cool" and engaged westerners, keeping up with the topics and shit. Faggot really thinks what he says is really THAT important and introspective and he's some sort of geniuns among the russian cavemen, changing the world for the better or whatever the fuck. What a stupid little prick. Most ironic thing is, while he maintains that whole activist act online, this faggot left his home the moment the war started and he's been jacking off all over Europe, going to concerts and shit, eating out, partying. So funny seeing him talk about the struggle or whatever from the comfort of foreign countries lol.
>Russia aligning with the West today would be a huge boon for their people
Russia had spent last decades trying to align itself with the west but the west needs an external enemy to unite their people against.
A lot of losers coming from Brasil.
Never listened to him but does he just complain about the problems of Russia or actually hate on Russians? The first would be more than understandable, Russia is in a pretty fucked up place right now. The second would be unfair and retarded given that he's Russian himself.
What do you get from lying on the internet? Westerners should be flailed, not reasoned with, they don't understand diplomacy, only violence
He makes shit up about Russia without actually living there
>Westerners should be flailed, not reasoned with, they don't understand diplomacy, only violence
Lmao at zigger projections
does anyone have that one video of a Liberal Russian going back to Russia after living in the west and how he was glad or something
ofc he would, he is finally experiencing actual cuisine
>studies Chinese for 3 (or 4) years
>can't translate a single thing
>forgot 90% of Hanzi
He ought to be retarded, I got max level Chinese after 1 year of studying
He wants Russia to not be a shithole. This is triggering to some.
This is the so called brain drain the west pulled on Russia.
>Russia aligning with the West today would be a huge boon for their people
The west had spent last decades trying to align itself with Russia but Russia needs an external enemy to unite their people against.
Hoping that Roman and Natasha get thrown under the bus by western glowies and NGOs.
vendepatrias, afrancesado
I hate ziggers with a passion, and even I think he's a faggot. Just comes across as a generic self-hating european liberal. A lot of his videos are really poorly researched, too. Don't understand why he's so popular.
he doesn't look russian
>Westerners should be flailed, not reasoned with, they don't understand diplomacy, only violence
All this tough talk from a little faggot twink draft dodger. lmao
I hate him because he's a churka that calls himself russian
Same goes with that Armenian faggot who pretends to be Russian by wearing adidas and speaking with Hollywood russian accent
Dying for your country is akin to dying for a girl who does not love you
hehe good one findland
He doesn't hate all Russians and has said he's against that kind of rhetoric. In fact some of his fanbase hates him for NOT being self-hating lol
>He's a self-hating Russian
>He's one of the good ones
>he seems to lean more socialist than liberal
That's even worse
The west hated Russia long before the war
>He wants Russia to not be a shithole
No he doesn't
Never in anyone of his videos does he actually gover how to fix Russia
He just say the current system is bad and doesn't explain why
>that Armenian faggot who pretends to be Russian by wearing adidas and speaking with Hollywood russian accent
Boris? Pretty sure he's Estonian
lmao imagine being proud of being born in letrinamerica
in serbia we have a few bit of them we call them second serbs and authochauvinists.

its a delusion dreamt up by the upper middle class from the collapse of communism,the tools they used to destroy the commies and gain power was liberalism that they then expressed as democrats or as petty cultural nationalism,as we know from this didint work for them and was way to weak the larger populace didint take to this brand of anticommunism so this class started hating them,hating everything serbian for not being cultured enough,not being liberal enough,not being western enough,being too brainwashed by communism in short a self hating slav for being born a slav.

the same things can be seen with russian libs/nazis
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>3/4 of his party are lib democrats
>the rest are the lumpen nationalists
>the only goal of the party is to answer the political goals of the petty bourg

point proven
>nothing is worse than a traitor to his country
A cuck for the powers that be is wau worse
You encapsulate this subservient servile archetype nordcuck
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russian liberals are the most sadomasochistic people on earth
I don't who this man is - he looks Asiatic btw - but I bet it's because the average wage in Russia is $300 and 80% of people are deeply indebted. Even if he lives in Europe on gibs, he's better off than the vast majority of Russians.
Russia is a turbo liberal matriarchal pro-gay pro-immigrant atheistic country.
It's the same reason as why English lords rather associate themselves with Somalis than with chavs, there are huge genetic class differences in Eastern Europe.
He looks actually Russian because Russians are Asians. It's rather good-looking persons here who don't look Russian.
I wonder what politics in Ukraine will be after the war. Will their conservative nationalists start holding gay parades because the West saved them from Ruzzia?
Of course, Renat Vzhopyebinov
I'm Ukrainian, the nation that can rival even Armenians for the title of the most overpowered diaspora in Russia after Jews.
vira lata?
in poland we call them fajnopolacy, you may steal this term if u wish
A very typical face for a Russian official or businessman. What are you trying to communicate, namefag?
the whole traditionalist conservative Russia LARP is very absurd.
I've been around Russia and some places are quite nice, and the people are friendly enough, but overall Russia is one of the most uninhibited hedonistic and amoral places. And amongst any group of ethnic europeans the honesty box would have the hardest time in Russia, a lot of Russians are just out for themselves and it's a self individualised nation that has little sense of fairness or honesty.

I believe that a lot of this comes back to the Russian Revolution and how it destroyed the fabric of society, even outright killing many of the decent Russian citizens. Similarly this all extends into Russia having such high divorce rates, total demographic collapse, alcoholism, suicide etc. It's the most bizarre LARPy caricature imitation when Russia tries to present themselves as some moral upstanding conservative traditional nation. A big part of why Russians can be so fun, and even an aspect of how they're friendly, is how that there's not much of a charade; they're not telling you that they're someone you can necessarily trust, but they're very straight forward that they'll be friendly and get drunk together and have a good time.
An unexpected truthnuke from a barin.
>believe that a lot of this comes back to the Russian Revolution
Not at all, Russia has always been an empire turned backwards. The impoverished, enslaved, devastated core central regions with all the resources being transferred not only to a overblown decadent capital but also to peripheries and frontiers, especially foreign. Russians have always been a cash cow for foreigners, even for other Slavs though Slavs still generally had a lower stance than non-white and Germanic nationals here, and so they have lived in total despair, raped and robbed for all of their history. Since the Viking conquest through the Mongols to the German emperors. Actually, the Soviets were a somewhat Slavic if not Russian revival though the backbone of Empire sponsoring the foreign frontiers was kept.
How Slavic is Putin's Russia in your opinion
Define "Slavic." As I said above, Ukrainians inherited a huge diaspora network from the Union, but that's pretty much it I guess. Official statics claims only 70% of the country are Russian which is still an extremely low number but we have all reasons to assume the figure is even lower (uncounted illegal immigration, mystery meat listed as "Russian," inter-generational disparity, etc.) and may be as low as merely a half - or even slightly less than a half - of young people in this country being somewhat Slavic genetically.
By the way, AMWF is actually more common than WMAF in this country.
>live in shithole
>nothing ever gets better
>start resenting it
Idk bro must be WEF and the Jews forcing him to hate russia.
He should move to the Philippines
Right, they've always been fucked over so a lot of people are out to fuck over one another as that's the game. There's a geopolitical view on this related to the Ukraine-Russia war, and it sort of parallels the issue with China. China is a product of millennia of ethnic cleansing and conquest by the Han, and to today it's basically something held together under the iron fist of the militarists of the Yellow River, which is a pretty shitty river. Meanwhile the Yangtze, the major river that flows through central China and is easily navigable and overlays lots of fertile land, has always been the industrial and economic heart of China and that's where the artisans have always lived. Generally the economic heartland is the region is where the big power centres are. China has some social issues similar to Russia in terms of selfishness and backstabbing, and it can seen as a product of this strange inversion of the natural heartland of China instead being subjugated by a militaristic culture from the north, and little coincidence that Xi Jingping is from Beijing while Deng Xiaoping was from Sichuan.

With Russia and Ukraine there is the large agricultural land stretching across them and the concentration of it is in Ukraine around the Dnipro; a massive river going through the middle of it, with Kiev being the capital city on that river; Kiev seems like naturally the centre of the Russian world. Moscow on the Dnipro is a bit like Beijing and the Yellow River, they're both sort of separated Wolf Den's and the view from them is to conquer and expand and subjugate those around them. It's like something went wrong in history with the conquests from Asia and created an unnatural militaristic power centre of Moscow, which normally would be a satellite of Kiev.
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He doesn't seem self-hating to me. If he was, he wouldn't make this video.
>geopolitical view
Nay nay nay anon. I don't know from what all these concepts entered the minds of western alt-rights (I've already heard the same memes from a Dutch friend of mine) but this "geopolitics" thing is wholly a meme Soviet Marxist word salad babbling just the same as the labor value theory, the economic formations theory, and so on. Society doesn't work like that, based on rivers and bananas and whatever.
China is a paper tiger, we use it as a vacation resort like you use *insert a third world country's name* because it's so cheap even for us (though it became less so after the banana 5d chess). Its population is to be halved in the next generation, it currently has a severe economic crisis, all of its firms are owned by Europeans and Americans, and the latter can move fabrics to India and SEA in every second.
>Russia and Ukraine
The primary reason for this all is that Americans asked monke to give them the European energy market and monkey done so at request.
(Posting this here since NFKRZ and /int/ go way back and are friends)

Ever since he started making political content and fled russia he just isnt the same

He seems so much more miserable and I honestly think he should seek medical/mental counseling especially since hes in the EU now

The reason his videos appealed to me back then was that he was an ordinary russian dude who was able to make interesting videos about russian culture and internet trends for a western audience but now his videos are way too serious and lack the humour I originally subbed him for.

One giant problem is also that he is still making videos on russia without actually living there which just isnt the same.

He has to re-brand himself and put a little lighter content into the mix. Otherwise hes gonna be miserable forever. Yes his views might go down but I think he should implement some changes into his life.

His videos are lowkey unwatchable since hes basically just talking about russian propaganda, war and misery in the world. This isnt healthy and Im also kinda worried about him.

Are any of you guys watching NFKRZ?
I wouldn't consider myself Alt Right, but geopolitics is tied to nationalist ideology, it's had a bad reputation for a long time because it formed the backbone of a lot of nazi ideology and was a favourite of Hitler.
>The primary reason for this all is that Americans asked monke to give them the European energy market and monkey done so at request.
tell me more
What are ziggers retarded about, pidorashka?
>russian culture
Feminism, atheism, multiculturalism, homosexualism. You're welcome.
normal Russians are fucking stupid, being better than normal Russian just means you are more interesting what's happening in the world and how foes your government affect you.
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> His country has been 100% seized by schizo chuds.
> t. Shizopidorashka
Said dumb animal from a country where women's sports are being destroyed by transgenders because they're girls too, despite the reality. Fucking freaks.
He is known among educated people in Russia for fudging historical facts to produce content that Western audiences want to hear. He has trivialized his nationality and his ass to fit into Western propaganda narratives and make money from it.
He is a real moral scum and information fraudster.

Funny autoreplace
if you didn't go on social media you could live your whole life in western countries without ever encountering anything about it.
How has the War in Ukraine effected the Russian porno industry? My favorite Russian pornographer, Alina Rai, still produces content.
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Who are you trying to fuck with, bong? I've lived in a western country for quite some time. And I even write tracks about it sometimes, like this one.
This shit is literally a meme from the 90's being pushed by Russian trolls, you can go fuck yourself with it.
What you gonna do bitch boy, rape him?
>wouldn't consider myself Alt Right
The term ideally matches the people like you though (no offense). The only actual, traditional right-wing people nowadays are religious fundamentalists like Mennonites, Wahhabi, and Haredim (I can't judge whether they'll be able to retain their growth while retaining the lifestyle but let's hope so). The modern "left" are actually more way more right-leaning with their neo-feudal projects (progressive taxes to eradicate social mobility, immigration to rise property costs for the same cause, etc.) than you as well. So you are the alternative right or whatever.
>it formed the backbone of a lot of nazi ideology
Ugh? It's literally a Marxist concept. Nevertheless, nazis were canonical leftists who killed more white people than kikes and done much more bad for Europe than good. If you want some basedjacks in the WWII, it were definitely Americans with their Jewish quotas and outright lynching of nigs and everything else.
>tell me more
There's barely anything to elaborate. America is one of the biggest allies of Russia and it seems they decided now it's the time to undermine Europe again, Russian natural resources were pushed out from Europe and Americans came instead. You may notice how it's Europeans who screech about supporting Ukraine while Americans suspend their supplies. What I wanted to say, it's not a "geopolitical 5d chess multipolar game changer" but a business joke. It's sad pigs are getting murdered over it but all worthy Ukrainians were in diaspora since long ago anyway.
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Just one more thing mister Anon, you say this is a meme however you I am not the most creative person but still I find hard to believe creating so many words for something if that rarely happens in real life ?
It's an interesting fact that many of these words the same as much of the thug jargon overall come from Yiddish and Hebrew.
Nevertheless, Russia is indeed a very gay country, I believe there's significantly more of both homosexuals and transsexuals per capita in this country than in Europe.
>what people who love their country do
people who love their country usually don’t leave it and cry when they might have to go back
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Sorry anon, I don’t get it what ways the Hebrews are responsible for what happens in Russian prisons? If said Russian banks I would said the Hebrews infiltrated Russian banks I would have totally get it but why infiltrating Russian prisons?
Also why they are trying to turn people there gay?
>Блaтнaя фeня в Poccии пoшлa oт ycтoйчивых выpaжeний eвpeйcкoй opгaнизoвaннoй пpecтyпнocти, кoтopaя нaчaлa фopмиpoвaтьcя eщe вo вpeмeнa Poccийcкoй импepии. Mecтoм зapoждeния вopoвcкoгo диaлeктa пpинятo cчитaть Oдeccy, тaк кaк нa ee тeppитopии в тo вpeмя пpoживaлa ocнoвнaя мacca eвpeeв. Изнaчaльнo идиш cлyжил в кaчecтвe инcтpyмeнтa для бытoвoгo oбщeния нeмeцких eвpeeв. И ecли yчитывaть, чтo имeннo oни в тo вpeмя в cвoeм бoльшинcтвe cocтaвляли ocнoвнyю ячeйкy пpecтyпнoгo миpa, их диaлeкт впocлeдcтвии cтaл ocнoвoй для фeни. Для oбщeния в кpиминaльных кpyгaх cлoвa из идишa пoдхoдили кaк нeльзя лyчшe, тaк кaк oни были coвepшeннo нeпoнятными для oкpyжaющих. Taким oбpaзoм pyccкий язык cтaл aктивнo пoпoлнятьcя лeкcикoй из идишa.
Russian underclasses in idiotically stupid

Just look at them trying to loot big cash of putin's 20k usd for joining army and obviously dying in first sturm attack

It's really easy to call someone snobbish for making fun of russian "masses". Fuck, most of Russian literature is built on this.
Correct. They're pretty much bestial, not like in aggressive way but rather like cattle.
>trying to loot big cash of putin's
Monke gave us several opportunities to actually loot big cash with the war though. First time, when the stocks collapsed and could be bought for price of dirt. Second time, when the dollar first went 50 and then 120. Third time, when the profit percents became 20. (I used only the last one because I'm a zoomer and wasn't managing the money at the time when it started despite tracking the things up).
i would have literally no idea who this even is if not for 4chan. same with all the ecelebs who get spammed here. fuck you faggot, buy an ad.
Do russians really laugh like that?
when will you leave ireland and go back to ukraine?
How long 'till he has to shave it?
This lol
I'm for Russia only because everyone else supports Ukraine and Russia pisses everyone off
Georgian cuisine is better though
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I wonder what it's really like to live in Russia. Not as an expat or a child of the elite in Moscow or St. Petersburg, but fhe real deal.
>Ugh? It's literally a Marxist concept.
I was talking about how that geography shapes groups and produces cultures and influences foreign relations and so on, this extends into human biodiversity as the environment brings about selection pressures. I don't entirely disagree with Marx, the understanding of 'Base' of economy and 'Suprestructure' is very valid, the culty crazy stuff is concluding it's about class conflict and that one side of the dialectic wins out and the idea of it reaching some inevitable utopian conclusion. But Marx would recognise geography influences economy and so that influences superstructure and so on, but within a context of that humans are largely interchangable and it wouldn't be a case of that groups are defined through being a product of certain environments and national conflict.
> nazis were canonical leftists who killed more white people
I wouldn't use 'leftist' in that sense, but that's what I always say. It was the French and Anglos who were based and had defacto white nationalist views and racially segregated militaries and believed in the autonomy of white nations and so on while Nazi anthropology was all sorts of bullshit - and now we now that when they were killing slavs with blondism they were killing their fellow martian thulean supermen as slavic blondism does also correlate with proto indo european ancestry.
>America is one of the biggest allies of Russia
Also what I've believed. Western Europe is what U.S.A. wants to subjugate, Russia is the threat that justifies it. Just as Ancient Rome wasn't afraid of barbarians, it was afraid of parts of the mediterranean (it's actual empire) getting too many ideas and becoming too independent. The barbarians were useful warlords from the badlands, just as Russia is useful to drive under foot. There's that old saying
>The purpose of NATO is to keep the Americans in, the Germans down, and the Russians out.
a common naive interpretation is
>Americans protect Europe, Germany can't be too powerful, and Russia is the threat
but it's more like
>America rules Europe, Europe doesn't rule Europe, and Russia justifies it
and you see after the Soviet Union fell that they didn't approach Russia anything like they did defeated Germany, they were quite happy for it to be asset stripped and looted by merchants and have the KGB take back power. It's like U.S. wanted Russia to be an isolated hostile power run by vicious cunts.
a /pol/tard in a moment of sincerety gives an honest insight into their mind
He really is going for that Nick Drake look
In what aspects particularly? The country is very poor, people are all indebted and many save on food. The weather is grim. Women are whores. Siberia is richer than the European part contrary to the memes. What else?
>geography shapes groups and produces cultures
Meme, human migrations are a thing. You brought Indoeuropeans in later on, don't you think they impacted European culture? They did, yet they were nomads totally alien to sedentary lifestyle. Don't you think the previous farmers were maladapted for their geography where they lived for thousands of years? Why the synthesis occured then if the newer migrants should've adapted to the new environment?
>is very valid
It's not anything someone ever argues with.
>the French
What? The French are literally the ambassadors of degeneracy since their revolution, like literally the first leftists. First to grant rights to negroes and women, etc.
>slavic blondism does also correlate with proto indo european ancestry
It's more complicated, here's that yet underresearched thing, the Balto-Slavic drift, that seems to be either admixture of some unknown hunter-gatherers or just some Arab-tier level inbreeding that either way lowers the proper Yamnaya ancestry in Slavs significantly.
>Russia is the threat
It's definitely not like that, Russia is absolutely not ostracized or something in any way, not even in politics. God, here's Italian pasta straight from Italy that I just bought in a regular store for not a very high price. It sounds stupid but I seem to actually forget most of my previous research on the topic besides the very conclusion that it's an America vs. Europe business conflict where Russia is American proxy and Ukraine is European proxy.
>barbarians were useful warlords
I actually wonder in what degree the Migration era crisis (which is overly overestimated as the reason or the time of Rome's collapse) mimics the modern immigration crisis.
i mean that at the peak of roman power the roman elite weren't worrying about whether they were going to be overrun by barbarians. they were worrying about maintaining control over the mediterranean; they were worrying about some province in spain or turkey or north africa or greece getting too becoming too wealthy, getting too many ideas, feeling like they could go at it alone. an empire isn't afraid of a distant power, like China or Persia, and it's not afraid of the badlands, such as Germania or Russia, it's afraid of the outer core, where they get their power, who can do the same thing that they can do, starting to imagine that they could go at it alone.
since ww2 and decolonisation and the forced end of euroepan empire there hasn't much of a european elite to have a conflict with the u.s.a., the european elite has mostly been disbanded and replaced with eunuch journalist classes. rome's immigration crisis which undid it was from around the mediterranean, it definitely strongly parallels the west today, and Christianity was the urban religion of the brown immigrants, and Christianity would strongly parallel anti-white stuff today. Once the engine of civilisation had been demographically destroyed then the barbarians could move in and feast on the corpse.
>the european elite has mostly been disbanded and replaced with eunuch journalist classes
Not at all, the traditional European elites are stronger than ever and that's a bad thing. As I said earlier, all these socialist politics in Europe have total eradicating of any substantial social mobility for their purpose so the "old money" will retain their wealth while not enabling any "new money" businessmen to gain new wealth. Pretty much neo-feudalism with 0.5% of the ultra wealthy and 99.5% of welfare serfs, now with the Internet.
>Christianity was the urban religion of the brown immigrants
What I was referring to, the Roman refugees were Germanic who were just like modern European roaches and nigs, not Anatolian-Levantine who were rather like modern American jeets and chinks. I'm not well-read about the late Rome though.
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>Not at all, the traditional European elites are stronger than ever
mid 20th century European nations such as the U.K., France, Italy, had large highly educated, highly intelligent elites who managed Empires. The U.S.A. destroyed the European Empires and the classes of European elites dissipated. The classes who run European states today are largely from middle class journalist tier backgrounds whose fathers were dentists.
The European Elite I'm talking about lived and died for their country, not to introduce neofeudalism. They went out into machinegun fire to rescue working class lads, get shot, and still pick up a kid from the slums over their shoulder and carry him back to safety. Those are the stories of the men who ran the British Empire in the early 20th century, and when they came to power they introduced public education and health etc.
>What I was referring to, the Roman refugees were Germanic
The immigrants who flooded into Rome and turned it into a shithole were brown. The Germanics were the barbarians who came in once Rome was weak. The barbarians *helped* Rome by introducing order, that was the increasing pattern; as Rome decayed through brown immigration more and more it depended upon the Germanics to keep things functioning, and as the Romans increasingly became incompetent and the hordes of immigrants kept flooding in the barbarians gained more power until it reaches the point of
>why work for these men when I can just take power myself?
And there's microcosms of that around the empire, such as in Britain the barbarian warriors hired from Denmark and Germany to protect Roman Britain, but eventually they turned on their own weak masters and took control of Britain for themselves.

Imperial Rome is when it goes to shit, it's flooded with browns.
Late Antiquity is when Rome is already done, the germanics move on the corpse.

People today talk about you know the future being whatever demographically, but the actual pattern is that the urban centres die out and the rural survive. But those come in to maintain order (which in the case of U.S. may be something like Mexican Cartels, so brown anyway) may inherit it. The barbarian warlords aren't the problem, they're the solution. The problem comes from all the cheap labour and slaves that are brought in during the good times. The barbarians are the solution when the bad times come.
... and a precusor of this was such as Caligula and his german soldiers. Rome was becoming a mess by that point, Rome would've been flooded with retards from around North Africa and the Near East, there were bad riots (basically George Floyd BLM stuff already starting) and Caligula brought in his own private loyal warriors from germany who everyone was terrified of and he famously threatened all these upstarts with his german warriors.
That's the beginning of the trend
>Brown BLM in the streets (he dindu nufin)
>Retard Roman elite who want to fight over power
>barbarian warriors stop it going to shit (not the types to George Floyd it up, disciplined warriors who will just mess up anyone for money)
I rather share a table with a zigger than a Russian liberal, they are lowest of the low, subhuman subhumans.
I'd fuck him
>the actual pattern is that the urban centres die out and the rural survive
Absolutely correct. One of the most underrated points on the topic. What matters is rural population, if a country supports its rural population, it'll be all-right. Do you have any statistics on that (distribution and proportions of rural population, their birthrates, subsidies for them, etc.) in Europe by chance? I remember I saw an article about French resettling nigs especially in village, what a subhuman nation. Russian rural population has even lower birthrates than urban so it's over, this time actually due to the Soviets it seems.
>which in the case of U.S. may be something like Mexican Cartels,
Actually the opposite, the US have the highest proportion of rural whites with highest birthrates, not even counting the Mennonites and the like.
>child of the elite in Moscow or St. Petersburg
Anon, Moscow and St. Petersburg are the most populated cities and the standard of living there can vary from a ghetto to the best European capital. I was born in Moscow, don’t work (I live on an “increased” pension) and I can hardly call myself middle class
>are the most populated cities
Literal 1/5 of the entire country lives in the former btw. An absolutely insane number.
>to the best European capital
By what measure? Not trying to cope if anything.
he disrespected israel
fuck this guy
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>Actually the opposite, the US have the highest proportion of rural whites with highest birthrates, not even counting the Mennonites and the like.
But they're going to stick to themselves, like the Romans did. Did you know that the term 'Pagan' actually meant 'Rural'? It was the actual ethnic Romans who lived outside the cities and stuck to their own culture who were the 'pagans'. Christianity developed in the urban centres where it was all brown people. The ethnic Romans were oppressed, laws were introduced humiliating their culture.
There's a problem in the urban centres with all this crap brought in from the Mid East and around the Med, and even if they wanted to hire Roman boys to come and sort it out, they're not going to. And in 100 years or so, if there's a lot of problems in all these urban areas of the U.S., and it can get very bad. Something like the LA Riots or 2020 BLM can be a glimpse of what can be fairly normal day in urban areas in 100 years. They're not going to be hiring Mid-west farmer boys to come and sort out all the nogs running riot, and even if they wanted to, why would all these white boys off farms care to? And why would the liberal elite want anything to do with them anyway? Their empire is built on how evil those farm boys are. They would bring in ruthless mercenaries from badlands, such as Mexican Cartels, who will be very willing for large sums of money, who will very effectively and brutally deal with the problem of all the trash running riot in the urban areas and bring order.

But eventually the Cartels will begin to question why they serve these weirdo wealthy liberal Americans living in their gated communities, they already probably fuck the wife, they already extort huge sums of money to keep them safe from the chaos, at some point they'd realise that they're the ones with the actual power and they can take it all.
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> What matters is rural population
It's evidenced by the video i linked and chart that 'Eastern Mediterranean' and 'Near-Eastern' have gone from 70% of the population of Rome to just 30% between Imperial Rome and Late Antiquity. That's a recent video on recent studies, but there's been stuff about this going years back gone over in dissident stuff of how the urban in the long run tend to just disappear, and you can imagine this even more so today with consumerism and birth control pills. Here in the U.K. by second or third generation most immigrants are dropping below native birth rate, such as the descendents of the first wave of afro-caribbean immigrants to U.K. in the 60s and 70s are a dwindling minority. Urban populations particularly susceptible to consumerism, the rural are resilient, but, as you say, that's the horrifying case of Russia, and Italy, is that they don't seem to possess any resilience.
>Russian rural population has even lower birthrates than urban so it's over, this time actually due to the Soviets it seems.
There's all this stuff about the west is whatever while Russia is whatever, but this is the real horror to Russian demographics is that Russian is quite culturally homogenous in all being degenerate. In the U.S., and other Anglo nations share this, there's a rural conservative people who have children and carry on. In Russia that doesn't really exist, if anything it's more like the Russian Liberal twink has more kids than the vatnik Russian boomer who is supposedly so trad.
I really do see this one as being Bolshevism, and China similarly suffers it, that the type of patriotism and nationalism in Russia and China is rooted in something almost transient and consumerist; it's a LARP, it's a political stance that's not rooted in actual behaviour. Socialist power and cultural reformation may prove to be fatal in the long term.
>Did you know that the term 'Pagan' actually meant 'Rural'?
Nope. Just checked it out and it's true, wtf.
>ethnic Romans were oppressed
Yet they repopulated Italy in the end. Inb4: southern Italy was inhabited by the Greeks since the beginning, rural areas too.
>to come and sort out all the nogs running riot
First, it's not Antiquity anymore, you need just one single artillery squad to demolish an entire city and a bunch of tanks is enough to crush any revolt unless by the military itself and there's literally zero reasons to "invite" anyone besides the spec ops . Second, my original point was, nobody actually "invited" Germanics en masse, they just came themselves and they came mostly fleeing from the Huns, the majority of Germanics were meek farmer settlers with families, women and children, not warriors even remotely.
>they're the ones with the actual power
Are you sure you think what a cartel is? This whole passage about inviting cartels to suppress the riots is ridiculous, aren't you trolling?
Yes, it's actually funny when i see it, most liberal promiscuous retards have 1-2-3 children after that much degenerate shit they have when rural white trash there just none or 1 incidentally lol.
>came to the Balkans of western Europe because the emigration process to Spain was too difficult
Damn he was really that desperate huh?
People from shithole countries who are nationalistic are chimps. I hate those people, including my fellow countrymen
>Nope. Just checked it out and it's true, wtf.
Have you never heard the Nietzschean take on Christianity and BLM?
Nietzsche does speak to me, but I don't really go out of my way to attack Christianity - maybe I do sometimes but I don't care to make Christians feel bad, but come on...
>this poor innocent wonderful black guy who just went in a shop to buy a banana and the cruel white men who came and killed this poor beautiful innocent george floyd! those backwards rural whites!
>this poor innocent wonderful jewish boy who was just the purest most loving thing and the dinosaur backwards brutish romans came and killed him! those backwards rural romans!
It's the 'Slave Morality' of Christianity, and some will say that current anti-white stuff is the full manifestation of christianity; it's another slave morality. Rome was full of brown people, who were slaves, and Christianity was their religion and it was all about telling the Romans to worship their jewish innocent boy who they unjustly killed, it was all about how they're more virtuous because of being slaves, that rome is built on systemic roman supremacism and oppression of the virtuous foreigner slave etc.
>backwards brutish romans came and killed him! those backwards rural romans!
It's actually opposite though. There was not a single verse disrespecting them IIRC while there's much praise like about that centurion. Moreover, the key verse of the entire Bible and the only reason it was actually adopted is that "to Caesar his own" one as well as all those "Christ's kingdom is not of this world" ones, i.e. those that entirely separate religious and civil matters, as well as the concept of the fulfillment of the Mosaic covenant, i.e. absolute absence of any actual rules, so you have a religion all the essence of which is to pronounce "Christ is king and the Roman Pope is a king too" and do whatever, now compare it with authentic Judaism or Islam. I personally consider the theory that Christianity was completely made up by the Romans themselves, whether by the Flavians earlier on or by Constantine and his cort later, to be very plausible and accurate.
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In which book did NEET-Ché say that? Please respond, I want to read that as well. I even created oc for you.
naturally it's going to suit Roman power, but the zeitgeist is not created by Rome formalising it, that's a big mistake to make in history, such as the case of Liberalism; Liberalism hijacks into a general zeitgeist in the conflicts of England going back many centuries, which really was rooted in the germanic traditions; parliament was a product of the preserved ancient European traditions of Representation and Consent and law being a product and possession of a people. And yes the germanic tribes poured in once Rome had already gone to shit. The Germanic tribes squatted Rome. And when the rot starts to set in and LA Riots is a normal day and there's hardly any functional police or military left, it's not at all ridiculous that you look to mercenaries in order to keep control, rather it's quite common through history of tyrants who can't control their country, particularly when it's ethnic conflict and a diversity issue, bringing in foreign forces.
Nietzsche's most relevant work on Christianity is 'The Anti-Christ'. Unfortunately he didn't get around to commentating on George Floyd, but Nietzscheans will.
...and if i'm not mistaken it's the case with the chechens right now that they're Barrier Soldiers or whatever they're called. They don't have issues with killing all the Russians and Tajiks and so on. And commenting on England's civil conflicts, during the Barons' Wars, which led to parliament, Henry iii allied with the house of Lusignan in France and brought in their troops from abroad to try and put down the rebellions. It's quite a standard procedure for various reasons, not just that they're not squeamish about killing your own subjects for you but also that you're in a fairly weak position and want an outsider who is impartial and just wants money, if you ask your own domestic military commanders then they may have political issues with it and they'll see it as an opportunity to gain power in the midst of the civil conflict and start playing games and so on.
If over a century you slowly sink into the mundane normality of urban riot you don't at some point decide
>let's ask someone in the military to go and drive tanks into the city and start firing the cannon at everyone
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Thank you, anon!
... and also weren't the Chechens brought in when Wagner went on crusade? That's the sound choice is that you don't use your military to start a civil war, and Putin is clearly minded like a tyrant in these terms and very clever - this is why Wagner looked unstoppable! There was virtually no response, parts of Wagner were driving up to Moscow.
What did Putin do? Organise Russian strike forces to face off with Wagner? No, it seemed like he knew straight away to not even touch the Russian military beyond ordering the garrison forces of Moscow to setup defenses and he went straight to the Chechens, because the Chechens are just bootlickers - in fact when you think about it they really are almost more like barbarian mercenaries than even being genuinely a part of Russia; they're just placated and loyal through large sums - the Chechens aren't going to upset or become a problem within the delicate balance of power within Moscow of all the Russian generals jockeying for positions in Moscow for power and fighting over the ladder. Fuck all the Russians, fuck the Russian military, Putin is clever and knew to not activate anything Russian in response, he had local second rate Moscow troops fortify Moscow and the actual force he would use was the Chechens.
Sounds reasonable, indeed.
>Putin is clever and knew to not activate anything Russian in response, he had local second rate Moscow troops fortify Moscow and the actual force he would use was the Chechens.
But Chechens don't even expect to fight they would not be effective even with their backs against the wall. Paying Russians high wages even if it is just hanging over their head would be more effective here
I agree 100% vikingbro, and that is why Russian politicians should hang on trees.
>the actual pattern is that the urban centres die out and the rural survive
Based based based
Ěrzäń mastor uli pokštojak pokš, Tüštäń cörat karmiť stämo odov!

He is a painfully average normie type who happened to get a large following.
He is also a few centuries ahead of the average russian.

Exactly. An endless stream of "we wuz" babble to drum up their low IQ voterbase, zero political will to implement anything that a serious country has to have, permanent corruption culture permeating all aspects of public and/or private life. I wonder why any country in the post-ottoman lands even celebrates their independence, as they are all crippled by the same problems, all of which have their roots back then.

Not a single post-ottoman country is run well. The institutional rot of that empire has remained a core element of every single country that spawned after it. And the people are largely accepting it; they can't even fathom a reality where the state exists to serve you and you treat the state as a proxy for the whole society. Guess who the nationalists in these countries are: the most backwards ass spiritual niggers.

Well, Russia has an entirely different kind of rot, maybe because the whole history of the place is an endless novel about the amount of suffering it takes just to survive. I cannot tell you what this rot is exactly. But you can sense it in the way the people speak, their habits, etc. just by observing them.
You can never tell from the outside, and you can never tell if you've only been inside. So I'll leave that one up to the thinking ruski.

At least the balkans have some natural beauty that you can enjoy once you tune the people out. The average peasant brained russian is content with grim quality of life as long as they have their fucking shitty dacha to go for a bit in the summer. Sorry, the average 19th century horse stable in bohemia or moravia looks like luxury resort compared to that.

I dutch nationalist, ok? I like the dutch, they behave good, and build good country out of flat grass land. Very good nationalist I even wear orange in special days. This I like.
this nigga will support lgbt and abortion just to spite russia
>In fact some of his fanbase hates him for NOT being self-hating lol
We call these people "transukrainians"
he seems like an ok guy just very westernized
sometimes in his vids you can see a shred of logical thought when he experiences the worse side of the west
used to watch him way before when he was another YT c*mmentary "community" idiot (I was 13)
what he makes now is boring and after the invasion its just annoying
secondserb to me is the kinda idiot who says shit like "only here this could happen" when something bad happens and overall just likes to exaggerate shit when it happens
big tent kleptocrat party... the natural end to the dick in a hat that is democracy
he was already making 500 a month off patreon back in 2019
bought his parents an Astra J with that
>secondserb to me is the kinda idiot who says shit like "only here this could happen" when something bad happens
Ziggers do exactly the same... but they take PRIDE in it and claim that it proves that Russia has soul.
Exactly. If we had more people like him maybe the third world wouldn't be so shitty. Blind patriotism is awful because it actively impedes change and improvement. Muh country, muh honor, muh so and so and if you disagree and point out the problems you're a traitoooooor!!!! It's like crabs in a bucket almost. Retarded.
Good evening sirs is this the Russian hate thread?
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>Ruzzia is Nazi 2.0
>proceeds by bootlicking Israel and gaymerikkka
I support the slaughter of Pisslatrine and Lesbianon (they started it first, if it’s brown it has to be put down) as well as total rushit death, partition, decommunisation, derussification, decolonisation and total eradication.
Russia sends billions of dollars to generate extremist slop all over the internet. And they want to murder all Ukrainians.
Imagine crying that you don't get to make money off of YouTube.
They earn like 200 euro median back in Russia so western goys giving them views has a lot of sway
1 like 1 bottle of vodka
>Blind patriotism is awful because it actively impedes change and improvement. Muh country, muh honor, muh so and so and if you disagree and point out the problems you're a traitoooooor!!!!
If you don't stick together you'll be beaten by those who do
Russia condemned themselves to being a perma shithole when they betrayed the Soviet. No wonder when the USSR collapsed than in less than one generation another Socialist republic and a Marxist-Leninist one at that already took over all the positions the USSR held in world affairs.
>second largest economy in the world
>largest military in the world
>best space station technology
>advanced cybernetics (the ussr was the first country to build an actual modern supercomputer)
>most developed nuclear power generation
>an actual ideological programme underpining the state
But the average Russian doesnt question this reversal in fortune and is happy to lie dying in the reactionary gutter they shunted themselves into in the 90s.
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>I support
I didn't ask for your opinion, pig.
I support total European death.
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your muslims do this harassment shit too
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>If we had more people like him maybe the third world wouldn't be so shitty
Argentina ahd Brazil are full of xenopatriots, and they're still massive shitholes. Sweden is being turned into a war zone tier shithole as well.
And would you honor your country and go to war if they drafted you?

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