Miko wants to know your ten desires.
1) To serve Miko2) To worship Miko3) To help Miko put socks on in the morning4) To towel Miko's armpits on hot days5) To be worthy of Miko's affection6) To sniff the cups of her earmuffs7) Miko's hand in marriage8) Miko's hand in my pants9) Her wife10) To Futo
>>47502206>9) Her wife>10) To Futowdym?
1) To spread the word of Christ in Gensokyo2) To kill blasphemers like the Crown Prince3) To lead all youkai to the path of salvation4) To make Reimu and Sanny become nuns5) To marry Daikon-sama as a trophy of war6) To govern the Human Village as a theocracy7) To have Pope Francis visit Youkai Mountain8) To have Rinnosuke appointed as Bishop of Gensokyo9) To burn down all pagan temples in Gensokyo and build churches to Mary in their place10) To celebrate the Holy Mass in the Moon
big taoist
>>47502150I might be overly suspicious. But this looks like an AI art.
>>47502313You are overly suspicious. This is completely normal art by one of the most active Miko artists in recent years. I don't like his art because he draws Taishi-sama with big boobs.
>>47502317Personally I don't care for the makeup. Miko can have big breasts if she wants. I will just have to wait for Shan's return...
>>47502236>Her wifeTojiko>FutoFuto
>>47504098Do you mean to say that you want to be Tojiko and Futo?
>>47504198No...? Where did that come from?
>>47504215I thought you were a poster from >>47409674
>>47504264>>47504198Back to your containment thread, it's insufferable that meido tolerates the thread at all.
>>47502150Newbie here. I’m curious how the other girls in the series treat her. Is she ever treated as a man or not included as a girl? I’m also not sure how many characters have canonically interacted with her of course, but I’m just wondering about how she’s treated overall in regard to her being a girl.I suppose my other question is, how does she see herself? Like, I’m sure she’s fine with being a girl, I guess I’m just curious if she’s the “I’m neutral in regards to my gender but have a female body” trope.
>>47506411Short answer: nobody cares, this isn't an American game series.Long answer: in Sanae's TD ending, she's briefly confused about the likeness of Shotoku Taishi on an old yen bill. That's it. Miko is said to have changed her appearance in the process of shikai "to better suit modern times". That's it. There's no talk about gender and related fee-fees because, again, this isn't an American game series. Miko's personality and deeds are more important, and she exhibits those the best in the Symposium and her manga appearances. Read them.
>>47506411Consider actually reading the official works, omakes and playing the games if you actually are interested.And leave your bait at the door if you really wish to discuss Miko as a character.
Fucking Tojiko while Miko watches from xher cuck chair
I desire the Crown Prince's assistance in figuring out my Ten Desires!
do you find..no wait do you have prince miko in a can? prince in a can lololololololo hes in a can boy hes in your can
>>47506601She's so cool
Despite Miko being a historical character. Little has been done in the way of integrating interactions between her and characters she should logically be connected to. Nothing has been written in regards to Saki and with Okina we only have a few small parts of canonical material to go off of.This is most likely a deliberate decision so that fans may have their own ideas of what such interactions and relationships would be like. But where it gets most curious is with Tojiko. Who, being a mid-stage boss with no pre-battle dialogue, has had little in the way of material that shows some of her personality off, her dynamic with Miko (And Futo) included.But Tojiko is one particularly curious case due to her being different from Okina and Saki, who occupy whole different spaces in the lore from Miko and making it thus easy for fans to either choose to draw the lines between or not. As instead Tojiko directly serves under Miko, meaning that to view and interpret Tojiko's character in any fashion, one has to imagine what her dynamic and relationship with Miko (And Futo as well) is like.Some choose to interpret her as Miko's lover, some as only a servant. Some portray her as adoring as Miko while others portray her as easily angered and frustrated with her often. How do you see it?
>>47520264Even if ZUN said it wasn't the case, I think the historical interpretation we're led to believe as lovers to be the more interesting dynamic (since they don't have a dynamic otherwise). She wouldn't be necessarily adoring, but there had to have been something to draw them together in the first place akin to Futo practicing Taoism in secret, and attraction between the two is a fair reason. I may be too influenced by "Soga no Tojiko Will Not Talk" though, since like you said the most we've gotten on the subject were Miko's comments in Curiosities of Lotus Asia where she called Tojiko and Futo unreliable and unmotivated.
>>47525469While some take it that way. I do not really view ZUN's statements as him shutting down the lovers interpretation.To me it comes off moreso as him wanting people to have their own ideas of it just like I said before.Miko IS Prince Shotoku, so if you make it so that Tojiko literally IS Tojiko no Iratsume as well, you have made her the woman who is historically a consort of Miko. Something that would have to be addressed when explaining Tojiko's lore, and addressing it would have to confirm it one way or the other.With the way ZUN presents it does not come off as him shutting down an interpretation so much as just divorcing that interpretation from a basis in which it could be argued by some to be "guaranteed" canon. Tojiko is not Tojiko no Iratsume, she is her own character that happens to be based on the Soga Clan as a whole and who takes the name of a member that was connected to Prince Shotoku, you can view her as Miko's lover if that is what you believe or you can not if you don't. Like many of ZUN's words when addressing certain lore questions, it comes off as him not wanting to shut down any one idea.
Would you let Miko fuck you in the ass?
>>47530133t. saki
>>47530133Why on Earth would the Crown Prince desire the hairy asshole of an old man?
>>47528039>divorcing that interpretation>divorcing
I will suck her cock.
>>47537509Get in the line.
>>47537509*feminine cock
>>47537509She's got a wife, you bastard.
Why can't this taoist ever have a good thread
>>47544529blasphemy against our Lord and Saviourshe was cursed to only have horrible threads after her idiotic comments
>>47544529Because, and I say this as a Miko fan, Miko fans are insufferable.
>>47502363Shan died on christmas somehow.>>47502317It's the face for me.
>>47544529People in the Internet have the tendency to think they are funnier than they actually are.
>>47506015Miko and Zanmu prove that AGP TF is 100% canon in the Touhou lore.
>>47547492She's showing her DICK
>>475021501. To get a wave from Miko.2. To get a smile from Miko.3. To get a high 5 from Miko.4. To get a hug from Miko.5. To get a kiss from Miko.6. To have a pleasant conversation with Miko.7. To have sex with Miko.8. To marry Miko.9. To have kids with Miko.10. To kill Byakuren.
>>47550619>10. To kill Byakuren.sup futo
>>47544529I really don't know man. I was hopeful with the last whale arc, but even with the prince running circles around two of the most prominent golden girls, there was nothing good in the threads. Byakurenfags celebrate every time she kicks ass in CDS, but us Mikofags are silent when the same thing happens...
>>47555824Byakuren being competent is a rare cause to celebrate. Miko winning is just another Tuesday. Of course she won, what were you expecting?
>>47555824The whale manga doesn't even register to mikoposters.
>>47555824I think the reason for that - and the lack of discussion in Miko threads for that matter - is that, the idea of Miko in the fandom doesn't have the same discrepancies that other characters have. Take Byakuren, Kasen, Yukari, almost any popular character's thread and you'll see the same arguments over and over again between the fan's idea of who they are and how they're presented in the franchise. Miko on the other hand is in an odd position where she is popular but the fan's interpretation is consistent with her canon self, at least in broad strokes. We know that the prince is smart, we know she's self centered, we know she's dramatic, so like >>47555870 said, there's little to liven up discourse... because there really isn't discourse.Online negativity and division are main fuel for discussion, but Miko fans are on pretty much the same page. except for the Mikotrans fans, but let's not talk about them.
>>47555824Personally I was just glad Miko appearing in a print work did not lead to her being embarrassed or humiliated since it happens to everyone else. She was essentially as competent as she always was, even though her plan ultimately amounted to nothing happening but that's part for the course really. Even Futo was able to benefit by association, though she'll still be portrayed as dumb because people find that funnier.
>>47556386>Miko fans are on pretty much the same pageWell, that is a most fortunate situation, isn't it? The Crown Prince's loyal subjects are then free to study what she studied, to study what made her so great. I'll get you started:https://ctext.org/
>>47556489Probably some of my bias speaking. But I get the impression Miko is a character ZUN is particularly fond off. Maybe not a favorite but I get the sense he enjoys writing her when the situation arises.
I assume most of you voted for Miko among your votes for this year's tohovote. But did you vote for Miko as your #1 character? And if not, which character did you choose over her?
>>47571716Every year
>>47502150I wish Futo was the final boss of Ten Desires, since she's way cooler than Miko.
>>47574436I don't know why exactly but I always assumed Seiga was the final boss of TD before I played it.
I want to fuck Miko's tits
>>47574524I want Miko to absolutely gape my ass when she whips off her panties and reveals she's been packing a diaphragm crushing throbbing cock and because I consented to join her harem I've consented to having it probe inside all my holes.
>>475021501) Sex2) Sex3) Sex4) Sex5) Sex6) Sex7) Sex8) Sex9) Sex10) Sex
>>47581421I wish all homos would die
>>47581428You're in the wrong thread buddy.
>>47581325fellas, is it gay to fuck women?
>>47506411honest answer? miko was always a girl. all the side material jokes on the idea that all this time miko was always a woman and somehow every piece of history made her look like a man, which infuriates her.
>>47586068yeah that's how I read it too. There are plenty of archaeologists that argue that Japan actually had a more matriarchal system at the time and it would fit perfectly if Miko was originally an administrator princess that got changed by Chinese-influenced history telling into a bearded man.
>>47586098C-Crown Princess...I kneel...
>>47586068Since when? I do not remember it ever being explicitly confirmed in canon or even any jokes like the ones you describe.
>>47547513It does have that FaceApp feel to it.
>>47547513>>47586774It's the mouths.
>>47596174Canon lesbians!
>>47596206That's a prince and his wife, bro.
>>47581421me next
>>47597743We could have a hermit orgy with more anons, including me.
>>47610414Translate this, weeb
My 10 desires are all the same thing...to become Hecatia's personal plaything
>>47556516the perfect woman doesn't exi-
>>47611715Wrong, one of them is to wear Junko's funny hat
>>475021501: To watch Miko have lesbian sex with Futo2: To watch Miko have lesbian sex with Tojiko3: To watch Miko have lesbian sex with Byakuren4: To watch Miko have lesbian sex with Saki5: To watch Miko have lesbian sex with Kasen6: To watch Miko have lesbian sex with Seiga7: To watch Miko have lesbian sex with Shou8: To watch Miko have lesbian sex with Nue9: To watch Miko have lesbian sex with Reimu10: To watch Miko have lesbian sex with Ichirin (Unzan also watches)
>>47617910I was going to accuse you of being Senmura, but you have too many Myouren characters there instead of Okina, Kaguya, Eirin and Yukari.
Top 33.Let us hope she places higher next year.
>>47636209God look at those two lesbians you know they have the wildest electrostimulation sex ever.
This thread is very strange, it starts with the denial of her being a trans woman to the acceptance of her being a lesbian.
>>47636394There's some autistic fuck spamming about lesbians everywhere he can.
>>47636400Don't look up, but you just replied to one of them.
>>47637103I can understand the appeal, but unless she compliments me at least once she isn't my type
>>47644180The prince can hear your desires you know, manipulating you would be as natural as breathing to her.
Dear Mikoscholar.Please post Miko #4712. This is important.Thank you.
>>47653937Odd request, but if you insist.
>>47653988That's a good prince right there! Thanks Mikoscholar!
>>47654409The proper title is Mikonnoisseur.
>>47652171Yeah right, I'm intimidated by pretty women and would naturally mistrust every word of kindness she'd give me! The prince will never break through my perfect mental guard!
>>47617910Shou, of all people?
>>47692283In a historical battle, it is said that the forces led by Prince Shotoku were blessed by Bishamonten and were able to seize victory because of it. It may be in reference to that.
>>47692329>being blessed by a touhou kamiI'd rather hire the black and white to sort my library.
>>47692340Shou is a pretty nice girl though, if you ignore the fact she's complicit with grinding up dead infants to fertilise the Myouren gardens. Certainly not as untrustworthy as Marisa.
>>47694429Zouniggers ought to be ground up for fertilizer.
Will Okina even remember Miko?
>>47729430Miko came to visit Okina
>>47556386TBF, Mikos entire personality is pretty much out in the open as opposed to Byakuren and Reimu being more in between the lines. I mean SoPM has her basically shouts at the reader she’s someone who uses religion for personal power and that she’s somewhat sympathetic to the villagers but has her own goals. WaHH also has a chapter where she again just looks at the reader and says “I wanted to shed my humanity away to ascend to something better.” No bullshit, just Miko.
>>47727516Up in the air. In Grimoire of Usami she at one point is one of the judges commenting on Danmaku Miko uses, her comments neither indicate she is acting as if this is the first time she is seeing Miko, nor are they as if she is already familiar with her.
She has the power to listen to 10 people at once? What a dumb power
>>47730971You can't comprehend even one person talking to you, of course you would think it's dumb.
>>47731141I can't comprehend
I personally think powers and abilities that tie into the general theme and personality of a character are cooler than vague powers that sound powerful when you stretch the ill-defined definitions of what they entail.
>>47744717>>47744715I'll use my hands and protect the Prince's dignity!
>>47729972The virgin duplicitous shinto and buddhist vs the chad direct taoist.
>>47556386desu, the biggest headcanon to miko interpretation is wether the writer thinks shes either an asshole or just very egocentric. you can see this difference in works by makuwauri(egocentric but charismatic and nice miko), fuantei and warugaki (egocentric but pathetic miko) or takitarou (miko is just a sociopath) its hard cuz mikos main trait is that shes smart, arrongant but lacks actual flaws in canon works.unlike hijirie who the whole symposioum was done to clown on her and then in the recent mangas was shown to be pretty competent despite being naive.
There is nothing controversial about Dream Miko's "poverty dulls the wits" line. She's not connecting wealth to intellect, she's saying that living in a lowly way will poison the mind, which is a fair warning. As for trying to kill the Yorigami sisters on sight, they're basically the very definition of malevolent spirits. Fortune Teller got unilaterally exterminated according to Reimu's values, and he represented much less danger than a poverty+pestilence god duo. The Yorigamis are sources of suffering, not victims of it, hence Dream Miko wanted to kill them. She did nothing wrong.Meanwhile the buddhist really is just a lazy slave-driving con artist.
>>47757557Man is arguing with dissenters before they even speak. Verily, a folower of the Tao.
Armpit Miko
>>47743558The funny thing is that the stretching of ill-defined definitions was already done beforehand. That's how "listening to ten conversations" became "mind reading".Add that to the list of things Miko can do.
>>47729972Cute fang
>>47756414Miko's right hand is Futo, the biggest loose cannon in gensokyo. She's clearly not flawless.
>>47694429DEAD infants? Back in h*Man history, we used alive ones. Even Grimsokyo is still a better place than h*Man world.
>>47810304>>47813585Cute lesbians
>>47813700That's a man and a woman, dude.A straight couple, if you will.
Micock in my mouth.
>>47835686two lies, one sentence.
There's no need to have this discussion again.>>47586068>>47586098The Crown Prince was always a woman.
>>47847396In the old times, it was common in many languages to always call the person in the throne King even if they were a woman. Queen was specifically used for consorts of monarchs (but obviously not used for male consorts). I don't know if this was ever the case in English.Something similar happens here. Since the Crown Prince was in a position of authority (although not the ruler herself), it makes sense that she was referred to with the same word as her predecessors.
Miko is avoiding Saki because she knows she's not the real prince and is just larping
>>47502150I only have one desire: To be a good person, once and for all
>>47863334Good person does not exist. Also, go back to your containment thread.
>>47891319he's so handsome...
Everytime you post fanart of Miko with big boobs, she cries herself to sleep. Please don't.
Everytime you post fanart of Miko with big dick, he cries himself to sleep. Please don't.
What is her breast size?
If I nibbled on her ears, would she die?
>>47911097Which ones?
>>47908521>>47908577What happens if you post a pic of her with big boobs and an equally big dick?
>>47911469You become a target of assassination.
>>47913096Post Miko #666
>>47913096Cute lesbian polycule!
>>47908521What a boy.
The Crown Prince is built for Charisma Break.
>>47926648Is she okay?
>>47931130The Crown Prince is the epitome of okay!
>>47931413Cheer up!
>>47944826More miko's armpits please
>>47944826This is the power the Taishi-sama regularly hides by wearing double sarashi binding!
miko is literally me
>>47530133I wont tell you anything
I don't like shou because nips like to draw her fucking tojiko>>47908675A cup according to most japanese tier list
I hate Miko.She stole Byakurens cape.
>>47965088>A cup according to most japanese tier listlol flatty
>>47974382Bras seem really annoying, i’m glad I dont have to deal with them.
>>47976494You can usually get away with not changing them for a week or so.
>>47976503Well even then having to readjust them seems annoying, and from what i’ve heard they’re not the most comfortable things in the world
>>47981160...is bigger than Byakucock
No matter what I do I still feel so frustrated. Give me release Taishi-sama! Save me from this limbo!