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We were robbed from having the princess be playable. Twice. I would have loved to see what goofy shit she would do with Mokou and Reisen.
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Teruya sex
>I would have loved to see what goofy shit she would do with Mokou and Reisen.
Lesbian sex
Lesbian sex
10 yen slut.
That's our princess!
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It would have been pretty funny to see her pick up houses and throw them at people.
People always forget that Kaguya is physically one of the strongest 2hus in the series.
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I want her to throw literal ceilings
Imagine the acrid smell, yuck.
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Sweaty beautiful.
She should've stolen her ears too
This is not the most beautiful woman in all Japan, not at all.
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Looks like the princess is hungry for some rabbit
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The hunter becomes the hunted
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Ugly smelly neet princess loses in charm and power to the refined lady Fujiwara.
I know she was supposed to be in IaMP, but what was the second time?
>We were robbed from having the princess be playable. Twice.
Really? Which games was she supposed to appear in?
>People always forget that Kaguya is physically one of the strongest 2hus in the series.
Where has that been stated?
Mine would be worse.
Eternity with Kaguya doesn't sound so bad...
You'd get bored at some point and then you'd have to resort to beating each other up
Aya mentions her picking up a house and throwing it at her in StB without breaking a sweat I think. She was pretty freaked out.
Kaguya is probably not a natural born Lunarian, since Eirin and the moon sisters aren't anywhere near that strong.
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So what you're saying is that Kaguya would manhandle me instead of the other way around?

That's pretty hot
Now that I think about it, aren't Lunarians just Touhou's version of Elfs?
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Handle with care
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I mean, if you’re into BDSM…
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It came to me in a dream
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In the name of the moon, I will punish you!
Please punish Kaguya-sama
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Huh? Is that you, princess?
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One of the worst Touhou characters is the worst Sailor Guardian... Like pottery...
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You might catch a cold!
it's okay to admit you have shit taste anon
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Drink your milk!
do you think Kaguya would be upset if she found herself in your house all bandaged up after she passed out from a particularly rough play session with Moko
mind you the bandages are all over her body so you would have had to have seen her delicate places but she knows for a fact that you haven't done anything other than try and help her
Yes. Being a traditional woman, since you've seen her ankle she has no choice but to slit her throat in front of you.
Of course, it won't take but she'll find your sudden panic and horror at getting squirted with her arterial blood funny.
>Yes. Being a traditional woman, since you've seen her ankle she has no choice but to slit her throat in front of you.
>Of course, it won't take but she'll find your sudden panic and horror at getting squirted with her arterial blood funny.
that would be really mean of her
I imagine she would apologize after she had her fun though
When you die every day and just get better in a second or so I reckon you'd end up shockingly blase about any kind of major mutilation or death you suffer in the future.
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Look at that back.
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I wonder how many times Mokou has mating pressed Kaguya after a fight vs how many times Mokou has been mating pressed by Kaguya after a fight...
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ZUN forgor
You start getting used to it when she starts killing herself whenever she loses a game as "punishment"

I think she's just bored and tries new ways to kill herself as a way to pass the time
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Imagine Kaguya darting into the room waving her arms wildly and telling you she found a really gnarly way to die and then she fucking explodes in front of you like she just angered Kenshiro and then the next second she's all back together and acting cool like nothing happened.
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Gokou vs Kaguta
[Kaguya frowns in thought as the machine begins dragging her limbs further away]
Well as long as she doesn't hurt me or another person she can do whatever she wants
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I would have loved to see her throw the seamless ceiling of Kinkaku-Ji at you.
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>Kaguya is probably not a natural born Lunarian, since Eirin and the moon sisters aren't anywhere near that strong.
Obviously Kaguya is the successful result of Eirin's "Perfect Lunarian Project", intended to create the ultimate being that would grant the Lunar Capital peace and prosperity for all time, serving as both a means to effectively counteract kegare and control the labor force at the same time, so the Brain of the Moon used all her knowledge of genetic engineering, psychological manipulation, and magic to create an ideal artificial Lunarian with strength beyond compare, beauty without peer, an intellect without limit, and gracefulness that makes even the gods weep.
Of course, as we all know, things didn't quite go as Tsukuyomi planned, because he did not anticipate that the usually wholly pragmatic Eirin saw her creation as a daughter instead of a mere tool and chose to betray the Lunar Capital for the sake of Kaguya's happiness, leading to the Perfect Lunarian Project eventually being cancelled as no-one else was capable of leading it, and all evidence of its existence destroyed.
Now the Lunar Capital is slowly driving itself to its inevitable destruction due to the Lunarians' own impurity, with most of its inhabitants being none the wiser, as only the upper brass and Eirin's disciples know the truth of it.
Really hope zun retcons that bullshit. How is it that she's so strong but the others aren't. It makes more sense that becoming a moon bitch just improves all your stats besides longevity.
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The Ultimate Lifeform!!
Kaguya explodes, uses her ability bullshit, then walks back in the room to point at the smoldering marks while pointing her thumb to it as you stare on dumbfounded:
"Glad I'm not that guy"
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I would actually laugh out loud.
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Kaguya has a great sense of humour
Can we get two other Kaguya's spellcards from StB?
Also, after beating Ceiling I believe that Kaguya is capable of manipulating eternity.
What a whore.
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Here is an interesting interpretation of Mysterium.
Thank you! Have another ceiling.
That Mysterium picture is much more impressive then a spellcard itself, sadly. But other Kaguya's spellcards were nice.
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Babe, wake up. Time to get your Eientei dosage.
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Propagation with Kaguya!!!
Kags is resorting to prostitution now? Unbelievable!
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Your balls will not survive anon
Has any artist damaged the good name of a touhou like spacezin and CBTguya Ballbustingsan?
They're more like our version of highly advanced aliens who built the pyramids.
This sounds like bullshit. Got any proofs?
True. She's the most beautiful woman in the whole world.
She picked up my house once and I've been homeless ever since. That's my proof
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I chuckled.
I wish she would Huguya! me
You just need to extend your arms and let her hug you!
The rabbit is clearly bothered by her proximity to Kaguya. Probably because of the greasy hair.
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ZUN's peak.
We will never get a new Imperishable Night? :(
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Having trouble sleeping again, Reisen? Fufu. Come here, I will comfort you through the night.
fertile princess belly
I see Reisen want to join me and Kaguya in a threesome again
ZUN's best work came from his decision to end the series. But IN's success instead led to him not only dropping the Touhou games, but also had him decide to make it into a multi media franchise.
We will never get another Imperishable Night because ZUN can't remember a lot of stuff he has made even if you were to hold him at gunpoint
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sakuya backstory never
Goddamn prostitutes.
Looking at it Kaguya appears in a surprisingly large amount of official content, especially earlier on
Just Bougetsushou, really.
Otherwise it was just appearances in works that feature lots of characters so she didn't stand out at all.
Her last notable appearance that wasn't just a story or game going through the motions was her showing up in one of Reisen's endings in LoLK, and that was still just a cameo.
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It's not fair, bros...
>so she didn't stand out at all
Seems to be a common trend with her.
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Reisen is so lucky...
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Shh... Reisen is sleeping.
Kaguya is so kind
I need to cuddle NOW.
Get on the bed!
Bad anon.
She dies once a day, she can probably handle a vigorous surprise spank.
Nasty slut! Correction needed ASAP!
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Time for round 2 big boy!
That's not how you step on people

Guya is a big dummy
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Lewd Sexy Hime
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Eirin is so lucky, she gets to enjoy that year round...
Shush, don't tell her, I just tricked her into planting her fat pussy lips on my face.
If this was a yandere thread, she wouldn't have ask in the first place
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Kaggers Love!!!
Pressed flower bookmark with the Princess and Mokou (Mokou is the flat one)
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Kaguya decided to spend some time with Hecatia!
I want to poke the royal tummy
A love triangle with Kaguya and Mokou doesn't really sound all the fun, especially if you're a mortal.
Let's be honest, they'd forget who you are right after meeting you.
Isn't that the case with most people? If you don't spend time with another person one way or another is it really that bad to not remember them?
Is this her new method to not attract any possible suitors in the future?
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impregnate the 'guya!
Does the immortality plan she signed up for, also cover her ovaries?
She's very useful if so...
Not if I impregnate them both, and Eirin for good measure.
Why yes I do know how much fucking that means.
No, they will remeber me as some ugly weirdo. Maybe they will mock each other. "Oi you fat slut! That wanker we met the other day is the only suitor you will ever get!"
"Ha! That loser seemed more like YOUR type! Beggars can't be choosers, can they now, chopping board‽"
And then violently kiss each other
Kaguya us immortal. A bit of pain doesn't do much to her
That's nonsense, you should treat a girl fair and square like any other.
Kaguya's clothes sure do hide a lot
That's the appeal of hidden beauty.
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No chicken buns are too hot to handle for the princess.
I like how they are making a W with their legs.
Post more Yuriguya
I think there's a thread for that

Hi there
She looks deformed
The Hime has nothing to do all day long
The yurihu thread fell off fast because chuds kept shitposting in it about heterosexuality.
Kaguya ssie huja
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Princess Reisen and Kaguya Inaba!
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ZUN please... have her playable... onegai...
I like the fact that they included that little three of hers. Cute AND Canon
Thread needs more KaguMoko yuri per se
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Stop molesting that poor rabbit Kaguya
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No. :)
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He really wanted to bait with the story considering how it was supposed to be the last. Just that snippet in the Eirin profile to be left to interpretation.
>but also had him decide to make it into a multi media franchise.
Well CoLA had already 8 chapters by that point so it was already kind of multimedia at that point....
Wasn't it supposed to be an unsullied horai tree? Which should looks like a leafless tree.
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Kaguya no! That skirt is so immodest!
If she goes outside like that thousands will die of bloodloss.
Kaguya's legs... erotic...
Schoolgirl Kaguya
The whole Sakuya thing is not even fan bait anymore. SSiB has the moonies interact with the maid multiple times, but nothing about her identity comes up, or even a slight peak of interest when it comes to her abilities either.
I used to really hate the LW art and was one of the key reasons why I didn't have a interest in trying it out. But the artist does look to have improved quite a bit.
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Immortals vibin'
>I used to really hate the LW art
No one fucking asked you.
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"No vengeful spirit will harm in Eientei!"
Eirin, Mokou, Reisen, Reimu...

Why is Kaguya such a slut?
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Yurifags are cucks and want to watch as dozens of people run a train on their waifu.
There is nothing more to it.
Isn't that hot though? If they're women.
I asked, thanks.
It's the other way around. Everyone is trying to seduce Kaguya.

That's right, Kaguya is a Harem Protagonist!
Just like the story! One can't resist her charm.
>Kaguya is a Harem Protagonist!
I always knew she was a pussy.
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But does she have a constantly regenerating hymen?
I would drink Kaguya's virgin blood
Maybe, permanent changes can occur to them such as the fact that Mokou used to have short back hair instead of long white hair
Mokou wanted to bleach herself blonde but botched something and now looks like the silver haired hag she is.
The hime stare
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When the ghost says something so aryan, you gotta hit her with the hime stare
Well the Neatherworld is a naturally pure place
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Why is Kaggers so evil?
She's a lesbian
Sleeping Beauty
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Arrogant Cunt
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what a drunk husband beater
ps I'm not the yuricuck
Muh shogi.
Is this Kaguya being a old woman, or is this ZUN actually giving his opinion? Because this is a super boomer response.
I don't think it's boomerish at all though? Don't people want a quiet life wasting away doing the things that you like?
Reimu DESTROYING Kaguya with FACTS and LOGIC
Reimu cope. Kaguya himeliated her in that exchange.
If the Luna Capital is that great why doesn't she go back huh?
Cute shoes.
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I don't think I would ever go back to Eientei if Kaguya ever started at me like that
That's because you're a weak faggot
TFW the earthling keeps going on and on about "The Indomitable Human Spirit."
Kaguya has never recovered since then!
It sounds like we need to send them back and build a certain tall structure to keep them out.
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I'm sorry but I can't fucking take her seriously knowing this is the same girl that can also hit you with the Other stare, makes me lose my shit every time.
I'd be personally & violently escorted out of Eientei for being unable to hold myself together because of this.
She's trying to act cool and intimidating and you laugh at her
Thanks a lot for hurting her feelings you jerk
The princess has two sides...
I think it's funny, and I'm tired of pretending it's not..!
and two cocks...
What makes you think you are leaving in the first place?
She should work on her scary face then
If Kaguya stared at me like that I would unintentionally make it super awkward by popping a VERY visible boner
Because they would imprison her like they did with Chang'e
Why is Reimu so rude to the Guya?
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where is this from, is it one of the endings? I don't remember ever seeing this
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I am suddenly taking her a bit more seriously...
Grump is rude to everyone
It's from Cage in Lunatic Runagate. Kaguya even gets a POV chapter in it, it's great
On that day it was said that everyone in Gensokyo could hear the moans and screams of a constantly dying and reviving anon…gm8am
The things I would do so Kaguya...
She's probably into the most perverse and life threatening shit you could imagine
It's fine.

Kaguya is immortal so she can take it
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She looks like she can fart loud as fuck.
Blushing hime...

I have the hardest boner right now...
Envy. Kaguya looks like Reimu's prettier cousin.
She looks like she reeks.
I don't see how besides black hair
Reimu's cousins is already an improvement on Kaguya.
brb extending the Reimoo family tree
Yeah of Kaguya's money. That's the only positive thing she has going on for herself
>Kaguya's money
you mean Eirin's?
It's Kaguya's.
Memes aside, Kaguya is the boss of Eientei and owns a shit load of tresures, like her impossible requests and lunarian technologies she showed off that one time.

I wouldn't be surprised if she was the riches person in Gensokyo
The hime is too sexy for her own good
I don't know why but Kaguya looks weird today...
Eientei lost their license to practice medicine. You still need food on the table though...
Cute blushing hime

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