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Monster Girl Wiki: https://monstergirlencyclopedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Monster_Girl_Encyclopedia
Monster Girl Archive: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/
Content Aggregator: https://anubis.moe/
Writers list: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/writerlist.html
Fanart Galleries: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/fanartgalleries.html
Nextcloud Archive: https://st44244.ispot.cc/nextcloud/index.php/s/HYyFwJMp588a4tE

Yesterday was Koturday, today is Nunday.
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First for the best girl
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you have alerted the nightowl
No Woodsy! I'll give a hoot, m'kay? Don't touch my peepee!
what are the consequences?
Dark priests are underappreciated.
So what monster girl story are you anons currently reading?
Get excited at the thought of being persued and raped by a sabbath loli.
Just one?
To me it feels like the entire point of trying to rape correct haughty monsters like, for example, dragons, is to try it, fail, lose to pussy and become their loyal follower instead.
I recently read the magus's story with the hellhound criminal. I was expecting to dislike it but it was really good
Damn, I remember drawing that. I drew this while I was having an existential crisis that I was gonna die one day. Christ that sucked.
it's more about the journey than the destination
Well, I'm glad you didn't die! And it's a fun, cute pic of the sabbath in action. Thank you.
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Hello guys, have a nice day and take some time outside.
No way dude, it's raining all day for the third day in a row
Go outside and bang the Ryu already
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Oh yeah Kraken rum exists IRL too
how much kraken rum do you have to buy before they send you a free kraken?
You have to milk her boobs until she's small and light enough to fly again
The more the better
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>she's on the verge of another breakthrough and needs as much mana as possible to power her ritual and maintain concentration
>zombie servants cycle through to give you food, beverages, and flip your pillow over to the cool side as the clock strikes the third hour of reverse cowgirl
>strokes your stomach and gives you monotone congratulations and encouragement every orgasm
>every now and then she lies down to give you an especially nice view as a treat (while she puzzles out some theory in her head and had to put down the chalk anyway)
Does the commute to/from work count as spending time outside? Yes I have work on sunday, blame this ass-backwards country i'm forced to reside in.
>buy a barrel of kraken rum
>internet says there's a free kraken inside
>you open it and she pops out
>she wanted to be flirty and seduce you
>but she was drunk from the rum and just slurs that you are cute before falling out of the barrel and passing out
would buy again
Cool, free squid onahole!
>use the winch I have in my garage to hoist her up to waist height and then plap away at her cephalopussy until she wakes up again
Anon you gotta hide me
The local faggot cat inflicted me with hag resist down III and its gonna last for a while day.
Just drink some milk that cures the debuff
>Kraken rhum
35€ for 75cl is quite expensive for mid rhum
Sadly no, do you get pay more at least? Sunday should be comfy day in bed with your wife
>The local faggot cat inflicted me with hag resist down
Anon, she just called you a "motherfucker", it's not a real debuff, trust me
I'd sell you out in an instant
Don't worry I'm a Holst rancher so I've got the perfect place for you to hide, just step inside the barn and you can forget about your problems.
I will give you the antidote in exchange of the purple cat
>It is the perfect hiding spot
>The barn is filled with loli holsts
>anon was never seen again.
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Damn foxes got another one.
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Instructions unclear, trusting fox.
I could take a nap on her tongue. It looks so soft and squishy.
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>he trusted the fox
>anon gets tricked and is mad
>fox says she wont do it again
>anon trusts fox again
>anon gets tricked again and is mad
>fox says she wont do it again
>anon trusts fox again...
what a vicious cycle
How do I deal with monster girls squatting in my house?
Squat back and assert dominance.
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That's your fault for having a place in your house where they can squat.
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Borrower Clause. If the fairies can prove they were living in the house before you moved in then legally you aren't allowed to remove them.
it's her.... kiki prime... the progenitor.. in all her loliness
i leave this feather from a duster as a token of honor for her legacy
long may she sweep
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Monke almond activation
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"Elder" dragon fake hag.
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This get a sugar mommy real hag dragon instead.
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I don't trust monsters. They eat people, and I'm people. I can't risk it. I don't want to be eaten!
So I won't go near monsters, and if they come for me, I'll run. And if they catch up to me, I'll have to defend myself. I will not be eaten!
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You will be eaten.
Sandworm cannot get me. I live hundreds of miles away from any desert. I am safe.
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>Found some cute moth girl designed by solopipb
>Link in her bio called solopipb her art mama
>Solopipb is a woman
First pochi now this, they will be the first to be elevated to arch succ status when the DOTR come.
You have to go back
>yurop getting flooded
You thought living far away from the sea or large lakes will save you from the mermaids? Think again, you're sleeping with the fishes tonight.
It's a tranny. Unlucky
Could be a pochi thing.
After the last ice age, where I'm now was underwater... should I be worried?
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Welp time to make her waterproof
All of us will become worm food one day. May as well get ahead of the curve and become worm food today by feeding yourself to a sandworm. Best of all, she's the best kind of worm. It's better to be her food than the food of some actual animal worms eating away at your corpse after you die.
Cats are great.
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Who is time and why do i have to take her outside?
Mighty huntress!

I love alt dragons, sick designs.
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>wyvern tries to impress you with her flying skills
>pulls so many high-g maneuvers in quick succession that you black out
>the only reason you aren't launched off her back is because you were clipped onto her harness
>you wake up in hospital and see a unicorn giving her a stern lecture about the limits of the human body
heres the ten grand you asked for
now on your knees anon
It's a miracle if you can walk after that
She's trying to cut back. Stop shaming her.
She better not cut back until I meet her. I want the full dormouse treatment.
nooo anon come back i was just joking about your penis size noo
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I still don't understand this pic, poor chesh deserve more than goodbyes and tears
No, chesh.mon
Wonderland? More like Cringeland.
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Lmao gottem.
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whats the difference between yeti and polar bear mamono
On average about 400 pounds.
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What would most monster girls' reaction be when they come to our world and one of the many interesting and quirky things they learn is women's porn here in our world is shockingly and surprisingly has plenty of rape and sexual assault porn where women get raped by some dashing rogue or a "handsome pirate", etc...

Imagine the faces of monster girls, especially art fairies and phantom writers when they also learn plenty of the messed up gruesome and violent porn in our world is also made and written by women.
Are giant mushrooms in Wonderland edible? Are they good?
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No idea but that dark elf is wearing a shocker, must be a rebel who go against the dark elf society
Monster girl simulator game like simhospital or simcity but you are in charge of running an adventurers guild to maximise kinky adventures and relationships forming through partys while also thwarting the bumbling order expeditions into monsterland.
Its all fun and games until you get to the later stages and end game levels/final 4 chapters of the game where you now must have to deal against Order Inquisitors and their retinues who're trying to purge or "purify" your monster girl establishment.
I don't know why people always think monstergirls aren't aware of violence. They were monsters not too long ago, plenty of them remember or saw what they, or their ancestors did. The fact that mamono want a better world should clue you in that they know how shitty it is in places where the order reigns. Ex https://monstergirlencyclopedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Blade_of_Salvation
About the second one, plenty of monstergirls are masochists, and there is an entire species(Umi Osho) dedicared to that(always forgotten). There is also a mushroom that turns them masochistic, and mamono like Saphirette spherica that want to taste a man using a raging mushroom to turn them into a masochist.
So, in conclusion, they wouldn't be surprised at all.
The thread doesn't want your grimdark stuff. That's why.
Mick, I see that right now you are trying to shit up two threads at the same time with your bullshit, get help.
>he's spent so long doing it for free he's seeing boogeymen
I'd be fine with grimdark if it's exclusively in the form of a "healing" fic. Like maybe.
>ANCIENT demon who remembers what she was like before the current DL.
>Just can't square it.
>Depression, rage, constantly haunted by all her crimes.
>And she's guilty of murder on a scale you'd call it genocide, amongst other things.

>She's in the mamono equivalent of a mental institution.
>On constant suicide watch.
>Accidentally meets a man, Anon
>Anon slowly draws her out of her shell
>Lots of conflicts and misunderstandings
>She doesn't really understand why she keeps picking fights.
>He doesn't really understand why he keeps putting up with her.
>Ends with her admitting to Anon that she needs help and to change, because some day she'd like to confess her feelings for him.
>Anon hugs her and she weeps herself to sleep in his arms
>Short epilogue where she's not all better, but ready to leave the institution.
>Anon is there for her as she leaves.
>Ends with her saying, "So, Anon, I have something to confess..."

Anyways, THAT is grimdark that could live in canon, and if I were much better writer, I'd have done that story already because this isn't the first time I've thought about it.
if miss kraken spits ink on you all your surroundings become grimdark
I agree. They have this S&M charm, but it's not too heavy and not too subtle, both in terms of design and personality.
If Miss Leanan Sidhe tells you a fairy tale at night, that's Grimm [in the] dark.
>Be you.
>Recently married to a cute hag.
>She tries to use slang sometimes, and often tries to make up her own words and phrases based on what she finds online.
>Tells you one day that she wants you to get her "hyperpregnant."
>Oh, no. Where did she learn that word?

>She didn't, thank god. She just added hyper- to pregnant all on her own.
>Show her a few pics of actual hyperpregnancy porn.
>Her eyes light up, glowing red.
>"Yes, Anon. Just like that."
Oh no
That's not grimdark.
my favourite genre is limdark and it's sister genre limdork.
That's fair--it'd incorporate grimdark elements, like stories about and flashbacks to the before times, but it wouldn't itself be grimdark. But it's about as close as I can get and have it make sense in the MGE canon.
Zoomers and their Limanal Spaces memes
Ooooh! I would read limdork. That actually sounds pretty great.
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If you use it's in place of its expect to be smothered in Miss Haku's tits
I don't like him, everyone I don't like is a tranny
yes you too
tits too small
Edgy dragon. Or at least the horns. Not very dragony really.
Then neither is >>47798495 so the whole argument was pointless from the beginning
Fuck off
Yes, you can write a long story about how terrible it is to live in the order lands and how you regularly get beaten up by paladins who then force you to copulate with human women. And it would be completely canon to mge. However, this is not the mge thread so it won't be popular here.
Anon... I think you're misunderstanding. The guy is talking about the average woman's romance and smut stories, AKA; Bodice Ripper Novels. AKA; women's novels or for-women smut where the story is literally a young innocent maiden has her virginity taken away by morally dubious but handsome attractive man who rapes her. But cherishes and spoils her like his pretty little princess. And yes, it is surprising, shocking but also amusing some of the most grotesque and despicably violent guro or ryona smut is literally made by women out there. And yeah, look up the studies and stats and statistics showing plenty women have literal rape fantasies.

To which I imagine >>47798133
>Even in the world of MGE trashy unwholesome and outright visceral guro, ryona and violent rape porn and NTR media still exist, but it turns out 98.9% of violent rape and NTR media in MGE is written by absolute degen (single) phantoms and bicorn authors and writers
>There are Leanan Sidhe out there who draw ryona and guro and accept NTR commissions, there Leanan Sidhe who're literally the Dutchkos of MGE drawing military and army girls being brutally and violently shot at, executed and killed
>Umi Oshos commissioning guro/ryona and Bicorns commissioning NTR of their husbands or 2D anime and otome husbandos being raped or fucked by beeg black hellhounds, Amazonians or Female Order Soldiers or Female Order Knights or Order lady Inquisitors
>Meanwhile regular and less degen normie single monster girls schlick and finger themselves to trashy women's romance dramas, Lifetime Originals and Bodice Ripper Novels

Some things end up remaining the same.
im going to steal a dragons panties
HA HA! Good joke. Everyone knows that dragons don't wear panties.
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I prefer her even edgier sister.
As I said, fuck off. The reason that that theoretical story won't be popular is because people come to this thread for happy feels, not for sad feels. MGE has happy feels baked into it in the form of "you WILL get mamono wife and you WILL be happy" and that's what this thread has been about since time immemorial. Your history revisionism won't work.
Forgot to add, but gape is welcome too.
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You misspelled grape, Anon.
Don't pretend to be me, retard. Or at least try to match the posting style.
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>your uber has arrived
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Nightmare scenario. I'm afraid of heights.
>Your Uber shows up.
>Driver checks out, but her "black Lexus" is... just her with a Lexus logo on a necklace.
>Lowkey panic.
"Miss Malef, you can't fly me to my destination. I'm afraid of heights!"
>"Well, I can't very well run around as a dragon--I take up 3 lanes!"
>End up getting a piggyback ride from her in her Mamono form.
>Rate her 5/5 and leave a generous tip.
So you agree that a canonical mge story about the adventures of the last elf man being racially attacked in the order countries won't be a popular story. Because this is not the mge thread. It's the non denomination happy mamono thread.
I think the elf would always remind me of link.
>Fucking beautiful elf princess
>Thinking about Link the Twink, dressed up like a femboy to infiltrate the Gerudo
>Blast HUGE ropes
Anyways, Anon, you're gay.
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From where do Echidnas get the money to sustain such big families? do they specialize in selling enchanting services for exorbitant prices?
i WILL breed this sea roach
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The dungeon economy is complicated.
>First, Miss E. sets up a dungeon.
>Those dungeon minions? They're actually paying HER for the chance to score a mate in her dungeon.
>Then from there it's all about advertising your dungeon appropriately to get the right mix of adventurers and attracting the advertising MORE to mamono so they know about the husbando opportunities within.
>It's hard work!
Some of them do non-dungeon things, but that's the traditional way to do it--then when she's married she just "grows her own" dungeon dwellers and uses it to find husbands for her kids.
Sounds like once an Echidna settles in a dungeon she aint leaving, ever
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hip check
A snake slithered up to the lemonade stand and she said to the pharaoh running the stand;
"Hey" *bum bum bum* "Wanna be graped?"
Subnautica Ghost Ray?
Pet her
You wouldn't a dragon
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i might a lizard
I would a smaug and live in her stolen dwarf cave and make tendies for her while she neets it up with her high interest cave hoard and burns angry dwarves.
Government grants for aspiring dungeon maintainers as it adds jobs to the economy, bribes/entry fee from fellow monster girls seeking to be a midboss and find an adventurer to marry, adventurers leaving a generous tip or an anniversary thank-you after marriage in the form of gold or high-level items... There's money to be made in the dungeon business, I say! That's why i moved my gamercave up on top of a "wizard tower" (it's actually a bog standard skyscraper with some special elevator fuckery, and i'm still lending the left half of it to office space because city economy be tough, if only i had set it up in the countryside, oh well) so i get an acceptable amount of passive income while essentially being a NEET, not even a real wizard, and the worst I have to deal with is some minions/employees trying to flirt with me on the weekly videochat meetings.
She might retire and sell her dungeon to a fellow echidna in need of a place to settle, or hand it down to a daughter or younger, less-fortunate sister.
You wouldn't steal a genie's lamp
You wouldn't steal a mimic's chest
You wouldn't steal a liches' phylactery
Downloading. Succuvirus'. Panties. Is. Stealing.
Stealing. Is. Against. The. Law.
You must marry her.
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>You wouldn't steal a liches' phylactery
Depends on how fucked i am considering it is linked to their soul
I would if I could.
oh yeah, he's progressing from reposting the same shit from last thread to now reposting the pics from this very thread, nice!
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I didn't steal them; she's leaving them all over my desktop and I put them into a Panties folder. It's not my fault she's such a slob!
Don't bring any of that mental illness here. You have tried before. Not working still.
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Wanna know the difference between you and the you five minutes ago?
The you five minutes ago had five minutes of virginity left.
Both of these look old.
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>"enough about excel, I want you"
How do you react?
want me to do what? i already got enough work
Does this come with a pay raise?
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Yeah that's a enough about Excel, you got the basics down. Let's move onto Word now.
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>How do you do, fellow humans?
Ma'am your nipples are poking out
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Oh god no. It's random harpy! How devilish!
Stop this monster before we get a harpy thread!
>I'm gonna need to see your virginity license
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You're not scared of spiders are you?
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what is druella's foreign policy?
if i go into the lescatian embassy in another country will i get raped?
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Corpus amittit bellum
ms lich, wear pants
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i want to go to gimmick restaurants
Instead of saying delicious do the bee maids say beelicious?
omg I hope so. I would want any waitstaff at a restaurant like that to be SO INTO wordplay and puns. Like, do your worst levels of punnery.
>Lots of food has honey in it
>Wait staff call you "honey" or "sugar"
>Ask if you've been there before. If you say no, they ask if you heard the good buzz.
>Rival restaurant is the Wasp's Nest, and boy do they hate the Wasp's Nest
>Not even a real restaurant chain, just wordplay.
>Wasps blown out forever
10% of proceeds go towards bee conservation efforts
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I don't like that, I don't want that. I want ALL the honey for ME and only ME.
Don't forget their tendency to hover over customers
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Old Tamamo is pretty hot ngl
... with no pantsu
Another day at the office.
>there is a house in new monleans
>they call the rising tsun
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where are they coming from?
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>Dirndl fox bar
Fuck, I'd leave with three wives. That's a recipe for disaster.
mg most likely to bump their own thread
Stop replying to the ban evading spambotter
why? He's posting monstergirls.
YOUR MOM posts monster girls.
I need a Chesh to give me a high five when I make shitposts like this, bros. I need it bad.
you ever thought about how when a cheshire claps her hands it doesn't make much noise?
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She will highfive you with her ass for maximum clap
That's why chesh needs anon to clap her cheeks and make the noise instead.
silent like lasagna
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Comfy seasons are upon us
it's a tie between lim and dragon
vampire would be #1 but she doesn't know how to computer
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The Krampus are coming.
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I'm going to make a fish soup, it will maybe attract a werecat or two
Can I turn that into a wine goat? Drinking in front of the fire while it snow outside seems comfortable
Bad boys don't get to choose, bad boys get in the fucking sack.
>where are they coming from?
China, so don't reply to them
reposts of images from /vg/ are not good /jp/ content
how come bad boys get all the fun?
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That's your better you are talking to, anon.
It has ever been so. Good boys get to be comfy though, so be good for goodness sake. This makes me think, is there a chance for a Santa monster girl?
Wait, if I'm good man she won't visit me? Fugggg
kneckt ruprecht got a mention around the time of krampus
no clue what he'd do with it though
I hope no, Santa being a old man bringing gifts is a staple since saint Nicolas. It's also a perfect opposite to krampus
>yo new guy join my kingdom or else
>it would be wise to join my cult
who you go with?
cults have more fun
build my own kingdom and cult
it will be much cooler than their dork clubs
That's fuck up, I'm going to become a bad boy and drunkenly piss in the middle of winter town square
>The cult is within the kingdom so I should be able to join both
>But also how is there a kingdom with no king?
Grape, I want to become a warlord
Can I join the Sphinx Mafia where the girls aren't so fucking fat?
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>Sphinx Mafia where the girls aren't so fucking fat
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Sigh, guess I have to go to Sub-Saharan not!Africa...
I bet mokele mbembes are thicc.
you will have hippo mamonos going "Aw hell naw mhmm!" and then they will headbob at you
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i like how they don't swim but run on the bottom of the river
I would if I could.
Mm-mm, honey, swimmin' is some sea monster shit, them hippos is one hunnet puhcent land mamono.
She told me it was shareware.
what do you even do with downloaded panties? print them out?
Cheshires supposed to be guides for visitors to wonderland. The goal is to get visitors hitched so they never leave. Anon didn't find anyone including her.
Poor thing can't choose if someone like the place or not, give her some slack
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This is a pretty common trope in these kinds of stories.
>Boy transported to another world.
>Has Call to Adventure, etc.
>Eventually, he has to go home--his quest is complete, the day is won.
>His love interest is sad, but understands.
And then it goes 3 different ways:
>Bittersweet Ending: Boy goes home alone, and wistfully looks back on those times
>She goes to Him: She takes the leap of faith and joins him in his world
>He stays: Boy can't leave his love interest / new friends / new world behind
And usually they fakeout the bittersweet ending before doing one of the other 2.
I want to believe that Miss Chesh will go to him before he can leave. But that's just me.
Lady, it's 2 pm where I'm at. Why would I be sleeping now?
>fakeout bittersweet ending
>Miss Chesh: "Just kidding the exit doesn't work lol" after the guy bumps into a gateway that's painted on a wall
Hope so, chesh is going to make it. We're going to make it
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It's 9 here, it's sleepy time
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Hope you had a hebi weekend anons
Remember to kiss and impregnate your wife.
just imagine feline beastgirl fullbody-purr-cuddles
imagine the purrjob
Chuffs are cute too.
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I do, a lot
Wow, that's a real fast purrjob.
To stabilize it you must put your thumbs in the fluffy ears
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>Searching for a video named "A Thick Fog Growing" on YouTube
>Type in "A Thick Fox Growing" somehow
It's already too late for me.
you can factory reset her by pinching the back of her neck
Also but a hug is required to cancel the anger
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Dragons imagine (You)
>I can't believe he did this. Anon wouldn't know a work of art if it punched him in the face. You did punch him in the face, didn't you?
>You wouldn't steal a mimic's chest
Says you.
>pros to dragon maid tohru
semi-evil, good at cleaning
>cons to dragon maid tohru
semi-evil, small hoard, large circle of friends.
>He fell in love with a sleep demon
You'll become a better person, but RIP.
there's a lot of overlap with weresheep
i think it'll be okay
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Hag Dragons for me
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tis nunday
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>You and me baby ain't nothing but mamals so let's do it like they do on the Discovery channel
>monkey SEES action
i hope it's shark week
Sleep demon, not sleep-inducing demon. Once you close your eyes, you're going to have as long and terrible a time as possible. Fully livid, even. Don't get mixed up with that.
Let this fox nun guide you to the light.
dragons are cute when they're small
i got mixed up with that
How can you not get into incest when your grandma looks like this?
How can you not stay on /trash/ after half a year of being told to go back?
God bless nav and his artstyle.
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I want to live in the nav world where girls are either shortstacks or lolis
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the good life
i like tall girls though
you can go to 3m wonderland
Anon calls incest trash because he doesn't like it.
what girls i can meet there
So many girls!
there's a big march hare
and probably some other stuff too
I recommend you look for Wonderworms.
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the shortest wock
why only one stocking miss wock?
miss one stocking wock.
one stock wock.
boys go crazy for asymmetrical leggings
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>large circle of friends
but getting to meet and (sexually) befriend Lucoa and Ilulu is a positive, not a negative
Still thinking about catgirls.
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consider the following
Oooh, what myth are we gonna try busting today? I hope it's something physics related, those are always the coolest ones.
The myth is that boys are gross.
>Just a whole episode of mamono talking about boys they like.
i like the one where they proved the refractory period wasn't real
They used magic, so I say it still doesn't count
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Freckles make girls 20% more breedable
I'mma give her the Pee-Wee Herman Experience.
>I'm gonna connect the dots
>And scream real loud!
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My kind of goat. I hope she's not an alcoholic.
>explaining to your automaton that blood is not fuel and she needs to stop trying to drain your blood
>Further explaining to your automaton that blood is not fuel for YOU either and she needs to stop trying to give you extra blood.
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breast milk is technically processed blood and i'd be happy if i could milk a big breasted automaton for some of that processed "fuel" once a day (i'm not that greedy)
i take bonus damage from blue
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>"Oh, do you?"
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>anon has taken critical damage!
dabade dabadi
I know mom, now let's go have some breakfast we can play later
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many such cases
Monkeys deserve more love
>bobblehead anatomy
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cheshire cast a curse on you that makes your voice sound like a squeaky toy
Chesh, that's just helium.
Actually it's hydrogen. Chesh couldn't afford helium.
It's what all men already are.
I cast sulfur hexafluoride on her.
it's really odd to see you shitpost with kkn when you shouldn't be old enough to know what it is
Sorry, I'll just post a sith next time.
Which mamono would be most likely to hit on you with WILDLY insane /d/ fetishes
turn out to be a pure vanilla cinnamon roll when she finally cajoles you into getting into bed with her?
Other than Druella!
I said if you didn't play Minecraft 1.0 then you didn't play Minecraft. Fucking zoomer.
Don't worry anon, even if nobody else remembered your birthday, the clown did! And she made sure to throw you a big party solo when you got home, and there were balloons and streamers everywhere. Even if nobody else remembered your birthday, the clown did! And she brought a huge cake with all twenty some candles on top for you to blow out, just like a real, authentic birthday party. Worry not, for even if you thought you'd be celebrating alone, the clown remembered your birthday! And she gave you the best birthday present ever, her dick swallowing pussy that stole your virginity right then there, and her big pale tits that smothered your face.

Aren't you glad you have the clown? Always remember to be thankful for your clown!
What the clown doesn't yet understand is that I don't drink to celebrate, I drink to forget.
the clown milk makes you forget...
Wow, harlequin pussy for my birthday gift! How did she know I love harlequin pussy?
I will pump my clown full of cum as a reward, every single hole of hers oozing out my seed
Nav lolis that grow up into the profile girls is the ideal monster life cycle
The scanner just lit up like a christmas tree! We've got a swarm incoming!
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>Newbie, you are still just a brand new recruit level 1. Which means this here double barrel two shot shotty will be one of your starting weapons. You'll have to work and grind and level up if you want better and advance gear.
fuck, don't make me play drg right now
What monster girl would make the best snipers?
Winter kots will soon be upon us.
>Cursed Weapon (Sniper Rifle)
>Cheshire (actually just melees you from afar)
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surely i will be safe in the desert
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You aren’t
the kots are arriving in force... deploy the kotnip
I volunteer to hold them off! No, don't thank me. It's just the right thing to do.
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You're worried about this?
do not be fooled. within its unassuming form lies untold power
Also, cuteness. Untold cuteness. I would scritch her ears so good. She would be a purring little kitten in my lap.
That's how they get you: overconfidence.
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oh, to be pounced upon
But that's all I want--to have a cute fluffy mamono to pet and cuddle with. It's win-win.
I could fall asleep in a cheshire cat's mouth
Chesh, you are a real jive turkey.
Cheshire cat, more like cheshire not-all-that!
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Worcheshire sauce
Why does it smell like a cheshire cat sweat?
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Put some clothes on
Good art, shame you waste it on cringy lims. You should be drawing shirohebis instead. Especially pictures of shirohebis showing lilims who's boss! Because we all know shirobhebis would dominate a lilim any day of the week.
better buy a bottle of cheshire food-grade sweat to compare and make sure
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Nav lolis are the final form
how can I protect myself from predatory lim eyes?
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That's a pretty prude dress for a monster, monster traditional clothing usually covers much less
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Sometimes they sidegrade into cow
when my finances aren't quite so fucked I'd like to comm you for a cute deem one day
They will adapt to our fashion!
She forgot the pants
>She forgot the pants
Anon is a pervert who likes looking at monsters in tight jeans
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>They will adapt to our fashion!
Never, you need to adapt to monster culture
You cannot deny the power of mom jeans and ribbed sweaters.
Howdy, y'all! Injun Chief Anonington here sayin' come on down to my spankin' new Firewater Casino! Come bet on red! Ours slots are looser than local squaw! And we got the Trail of Beers poker lounge! My tribe's genocide is your bona fide! Come see if you can wipe us out! Chief Smoke-em-if-you-got-em say: If you can't beat 'em, wampum
How does a lim even wear jeans with a tail that fat
Special cutout.
I tell you that tail is too fat for that to work
She can afford a tailor that can pull it off.
would mg like lotr?
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Pretty nicely
Are you drawing these right now? Sexy Librarian Lim? Ideally with cat's eye glasses and a pencil skirt? And her hair in a messy bun?
And can she look at me like I have a Very, Very, VERY overdue library book?
I'll believe it when I see it. There's no way that tail is comfortable in some tiny hole in the jeans
All points put into hag resist are wasted
They are super weak and super easy to beat, why waste points, thats not radical at all!
Stephen King's IT but IT is a small infestation of Bogies stuck on Earth from an early attempt at using a portal
>t. Hag trying to deceive innocent and vulnerable low level adventurer boys into make a terrible mistake
that's only a sensible idea if your build will avoid hag encounters, but there's no way that i know of to guarantee that
No I am just a fellow human adventurer just like you anonymous!
Hags are very strong at range but very weak at melee, so be sure to get all close and personal!
Meaty hag paws definitely typed this.
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Hags are irresistible anyway, and trying to impregnate one is such a hard challenge that it's enjoyable
Hag impregnation should be a national sport
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Exactly. Fighting them up close plays out like that MGR meme, so you should always keep your distance.
>convincing your hebi wife to coil her tail around you
About as hard as convincing her to let you impregnate her.
It took some effort. I had to say "hey sweetie" while I was within 15' of her.
She coiled around me after that.
Can you overload a hebi?
What happens if you go all mushy lovey dovey on her?
They're impervious to it.

The way you overload a hebi is out-yandereing her.
I knew there was a reason 'Killer Klowns from Outer Space' came on the night before.
what if i tried tickling her ?
Do weresheep have Welsh accents?
>forced to date and copulate with the daughter of the crime lord of Mamono Country's largest gang
>If I don't please her, i'll end up in a leaked necormancy video on the monster girl equivalent of the deep web
That or New Zealand accents.
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>The crime lord's daughter, your new wife, doesn't appreciate her mother threatening her husband (you)
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>hire kiki hooker
>she says it'll be $400 for an evening with her until sunrise
>agree to the price
>have fun with kiki that night
>fall asleep, cuddled up with her
>morning rolls around
>she's getting dressed
>time for payment
>pushes back the $400 you try to hand to her
>"You know, Anon."
>"I don't really have a place to stay."
>"If you give me room and board, you don't have to pay the $400."
>"In fact, if you do that, we can have fun whenever you like; you can have me all to yourself."
>"And don't worry, I won't make a mess of your place. I'm good about keeping things tidy."
Honestly, I can't tell you many times I've seen this scenario (and scenarios just like it) play out with escorts in MGC. They always give their clients the option to pay by letting them live with them. And the guys always say yes to the deal. I don't know of a single person that's said no. There's something weird going on here, and I'm gonna get to the bottom of it. Tomorrow, I'm gonna hit up that shady bar, and see if that lamia that's been giving me the eyes tries the same stunt on me that all the other mamono escorts use on their clients.
If they say no the law gets involved
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people from most commonwealth countries all sound the same to me
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she looks like she did something bad
do my eye deceive me?
Being forced to marry used good is cruel.
Which is why the law gets involved
Is it really used goods if you're the only one who used her?
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I love andd appreciate the clown more than anything, but I do hope she didn't forget to rape my mouth with her long tongue
I NEED to be turned into kiss slut for the clown
She's an escort so no I'm not the first one
You're the one inserting this shit.
Bendy neck
Ok maybe we misunderstood each other, can you define what's an escort for you?
see >>47804309
>and the guy always says yes to the deal
you're the first
Can you define what a monster girl in the MGE world is?
I was wrong and didn't understood your first post, sorry.
Plot twist: her first time was with Anon from the Future.
So she was used good the first time he met her, but he was the one take her virginity via the use of time magic. Thus he was used good the first time she met him. But at the same time, they took each other virginities, just not at the same time.
I'm starting to consider foxes
That's how they get you
Next thing you know? 40 minimofu swarming your legs for uppies
Good end.
I know but look at this orange fluff, I want to pet it
You will be begging for mercy when a swarm of smaller orange tufts climb all over you
Why would I, they're my daughter, my blood and flesh. More need to be produced
I guess I was going to spend my time alone fishing anyways.
>ripping a trout out of the water and every girl cheers
>have to explain the importance of taking the hook out first for the 100th time
>they all turn into ravenous beasts the instant you do
>another comic book fish skeleton into the bucket for the stock pot at home
... i would eat those burgs
both of them
in one sitting
while she made fun of me
>fat fuck?
hungry skellington with a kot ass addiction
>p'orcer cheerleader squad as you game
im gonna speedrun royal makai
Me telling the Pharaoh "I will never kneel to you."
I wonder if she can use it as a test of will
>"To defy me... one has to say it from the heart, they have to MEAN it."
>"I shall say once more... KNEEL!"
Wouls she be impressed or heart broken at your defiance?
> Head cheerleader h'porc takes you under the bleachers during half time
Oh, I meant a different type of gaming, but that works too.
>tfw no wereskunk to spray me with her stink
feels bad man
if KC made a wereskunk, she would emit odorless lewd pheromones that makes you horny. Of course they would also be tuned only towards her destined soulmate
Yeah, but I want stink. Not nose destroying stink that actual skunks have, but ya know, something definitely noticeable, so that everyone knows I'm hers as soon as I walk in the room.
Anything worse than Troll stink belongs on /trash/
>Danuki girlfriend is kind enough to give you 10 free sniffs of her breath per day
Gotta make the most of them!
Manticore can't keep up her "scary monster" charade when she encounters a crying little boy.
>STRANGER MANTICORE HERO cheers up CRYING BOY - YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT (don't judge a book by its cover/monsters are awesome/link in bio)
Manticore are scary, they're the reason why they're so many tripwires in my house. They're also really attractive but I'm must resist
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She tries to seduce him, but he's like 6 and it doesn't work?
I'm sure you're the one that can tame a Manticore, Kevin.
Seems like you Alped the moment you thought of going there.
Oh no
>Lose to the tail in less than 5 seconds
You can't tame the manticore by hiding behind traps like a rat
manticores do so much for the community and yet they are villified.
i think its time we show a little gratitude for our manticore superiors.
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i agree.
i think we should encourage men to undertake venom blood dialysis at their hospital.
I want to rape a batcat's tail with my fist
Manticore can officially call herself a maneater when her husband has a vore fetish.
How much does she charge? A dealer getting you hooked is no kindness.
>manticore tells a guy she's going to eat him
>he actually gets excited
>"You're not supposed to... ah whatever I can work with it"
>shrinks the guy and sticks him inside her tail
Very organic and genuine posts, totally not /trash/ shitposting by one retard
I unironically trust them.
>Manticore and vampire in hospital
>"Afternoon. Just off to do dialysis for this patient here. Chronic venom problems."
>"Afternoon. I need some bloodbags. Do you know where they are?"
>"uh... down the hall I think."
>Both leave their separate ways
>Manticore pulls down her facemask. "Holy shit! I can't believe that worked. She really thought I worked here!"
>Vampire pulls down her facemask. "Wow. I think I might be able to get away with this. I played the part seamlessly!"
just because they wear scrubs doesn't mean they are a doctor. be careful in mg hospital.
You can have bleachers and half-time in board gaming and even e-sports. Doesn't have to be the traditional p'orcish sport of handegg
Foolish Monsters! I have equipped the Enchanted Ring of No Cum! So long as I wear it, you cannot cause me to orgasm at all! No matter what! Not even a drop of pre will come out! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
How do you catch a manticore?
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That sounds... edgy
Throw a rock at her.
By her tail
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we should do something fun, collaborative and creative just like the good old days instead of image spam, complaining about image spam and endlessly posting how much you love foxes, I liked that one Mamono Magi show post so why don't we expand on it, I've scraped everything of note I could find from the archive that we could extrapolate upon;

five members of the team;
>Magi Red - tomboy salamander
>Magi Blue - cool class rep slime
>Magi Yellow - delinquent jinko
>Magi White - ojou wight
>Magi Purple - big sis demon
along with a mascot character that gives them their powers, who is this mascot? what do they look like? I assume some form of cute creature for plush sales
there's also mention of guest magi whom I assume are one episode temp power ups for some "strength within" messaging

only two mentions of villains
>the black knight
>bratty undead rival to magi white, one post mentioned a lich but I personally think a vampire fits better
obviously each magi needs a rival along with a few extra villains for variety
there's also the evil mascot character whom one can assume to just be a dark mirror of the good mascot, BK signed up for a cure for his sick mother and the brat is mentioned to wanting the attention of a boy she's crushing on so other villains probably all have something they want that the mascot is offering

then of course there's the episodes themselves, Sailor Moon had 46 in it's first season so we can assume something similar for MM, plenty of room to write just about anything including romance plots for the magi because it's monster tv after all
there's also at least 2 seasons mentioned previously
>Season 1 - the magi battle against the forces of the evil mascot, season finale appears to be him enacting some epic evil scheme that the magi must stop
>Season 2 - full shark jumping with a massive alien swarm evading the solar system for some macguffin, ends with a new magi battling the alien queen in the heart of the swarms hive ship
plenty of room for fun writing

or you know we could come up with other shows for monster tv too
please the collaborative stuff is always the best part of this thread and I've noticed a significant decline in it in the last couple of years
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this reminds of that one nanashi femdom hcomic,
not the vampire one, the other one that was more hard femdom.
Hello scary monsters. I'm sorry but I'm calling in sick, so you can't rape me today. I'll call back to reschedule when I'm feeling better.
the only magical girl stuff I've ever seen in winx club because my sisters watched in none stop but it is my understanding every new season needs a gimmicky powerup so for season 2 each of the magi gets a new power and a new name
or something like that (I've not good with names)
the natural rival of the class rep is the gyaru so a pyrow or balrog should be a villian
sorry. i love collabs too, but not sailor moon
If one Monster is raping you, just ask another Monster to stop her. Like this Hellhound was raping me really bad every day, but now I'm going to my friend Miss Ogre who I knew since childhood, she will protect me from that dirty hound.
i just say raper no raping
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vampire brat should be the first villain the magi face, her various villainous attention seeking schemes being the focus of the first couple of episodes but then things ramp up;
>vamp has magically enthralled a concert the magi where attending
>they spring into action
>they battle for a bit till vamp is on the back foot
>she makes a distraction and vanishes
>there's a brief search
>when suddenly her voice booms from around them
>"heh pathetic magi" (insert far more creative insult here)
>"meet my new friend!"
>the black knight rises out of the stage, towering over the magi, vamp sitting on his shoulder looking all smug
>after a moment of shock magi red launches herself at him
>is effortlessly swept aside with a single back hand
>the others quickly spring into action but BK just pops flash bangs and smoke from his chest mounted launchers
>with the magi blinded and disorientated he turns to leave dramatically
>vamp is yelling at him and knocking on his helmet
>complaining that the magi are "right there" and they should take them out now
>he ignores her as he walks away with her in tow
>afterwards magi red is bitter about not getting a "proper fight"
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can you think of any other shows that monsters would make?
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yes! how about a balrog with a masquerade aesthetic, and when she corrupts the heart of innocent bystanders they become drones wearing venetian masks
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i know i'd be investigating the paranormal
a lot of isekais where they end up in our world, to the point where it's considered slop in their world
I don't understand, why did the black knight make an alliance with a vampire and why do he leaves without fighting
>masked gyaru balrog
>real identity is actually the reserved and bookish assistant to magi blue
>her masked identity allows her to live her dream of confident beauty
>butts heads with the vampire all the time back at villain HQ
>REALLY doesn't want her poor father to find out about her alter ego
>why did the black knight make an alliance with a vampire
on the same payroll
>why do he leaves without fighting
to look cool in his introduction (he's also just there to bail out vamp and bring her back after she messed up again)
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You forgot these two additions.
they couldn't afford the SFX for a proper fight
>gets yelled at by various undead to get off their property
so how do these various villains prefer to fight?
>vamp is actually a pretty bad fighter, relies on trickery, illusions, clones and her minions to make up for it
>balrog is all in on the minion game, has her drones tarpit her foes so she can make a dazzling attack display
>the black knight is extremely objective focused, mainly does strategy, avoids fights when he can so he can carry out his work, lets the other villains do most of the fighting if he can, if he must fight he prefers massive devastating weapons fire to keep his opponent down long enough for him to leave (this also helps save on the special effects budget)
>welp, time to downsize myself from being a badass dragon into a regular woman with wings
>so I can fuck this loser from another world and marry him
there needs to be a dedicated villain episode at their HQ for various humorous interactions
Is that a fucking....?
Does the black knight have minions? Maybe grunt soldier with laser rifle or something cheap like that
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Thrilling new 50 volume series coming soon.
An extra to the black knight? An extra to the original extra? How extra.
early episodes have him mainly corrupting whenever he needed someone for something, the odd security guard, bank teller, scientist, etc. later episodes have him make more use of "squires" for more coordinated operations
he became more of a "minion master" in general pop-culture after a number of popular arcade beat-em-ups had him use them as fodder enemies
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Sandworms are good girls. That is all. Kikis are too. Though I'm not entirely sure what this one does all day.
A large woman. But yes the dragon is more interesting.
I went on vacation on a cruise ship and didn't tell my Jinko rapist about it. She's going to walk up to my door only to see a sign on it that says "Out crusin', be back next week" and she'll be so mad and powerless! It's great! She literally has no way to reach me while I'm on vacation!
I wonder how she's gonna react to your 6 month trip in space coming up next month?
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>season 1 finale
>the evil mascot has begun his final plan
>a piercing beam of light reaches into sky at the centre of the city
>only a matter of time before world domination is his grasp
>the magi are scattered, each one will need to reach the epicentre by themselves
>magi purple is rushing there now
>using her shadow powers to leap to and from the unilluminated shadows of the night
>dawn approaches, she and the team must make it before then or all is lost
>suddenly, mid shadow leap, she is clipped by a crimson beam and is thrown to the ground
>a second beam sweeps the area, encircling it in flames
>the black knight, shoulder mounted cannon still steaming stands before her
>"I can't let you go further magi"
>the flames light up the whole area, scouring the darkness
>there is no other alternative
>she must go through him
Kiki is there to clean up all the dirt and sand that Ms. Sandy leaves behind.
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>>Season 2 - full shark jumping with a massive alien swarm evading the solar system for some macguffin, ends with a new magi battling the alien queen in the heart of the swarms hive ship
completely out there second seasons are the best part anon!
>the alien swarm arrives in system, seeking to consume the [HEART OF THE WORLD]
>initial episodes are focused first on defending the city from the swarms fodder, then worldwide as various monstrous creatures make planet fall
>fit in a kaiju episode or two
>recruit the former black knight as the now green knight to help
>give him a new leaner look and more of a melee focus
>all the magi get a power up
>mid season high point is an assault on the hive's moon base
>[HEART OF THE WORLD] grants a new member of the cast fantastical power, making her Magi Heart, the embodiment of the world's love and justice
>season finale is an epic battle at the outer planets to defeat the hive queen
>magi purple climbs onto convenient footholds on the green knight's back and they both fly off with the [HEART OF THE WORLD] in tow to draw the swarm away from the mothership so the others can make their assault, swirling tendrils of millions of aliens following them
>the remaining magi breakthrough and begin their descent deep into the hive
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Canine girls will expect you to sniff their behinds from time to time. It's how they greet each other after all. And they'll sniff yours.
And yes, even your kiki will insist on it.
>a number of popular arcade beat-em-ups
what company makes all these fighting games?
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>Four fours.
Kraken? More like CRINGEken. Heh.
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>company of hatters
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>anon spouts out "twelve fives" with all the confidence in the world
>within the hive ship the team fights ever increasing alien monstrosities
>one by one the team dwindles as each must hold off various hordes and proto-kajiu so the others can continue
>soon only Magi heart remains to be make the final descent into the queen's chamber
so who is Magi Heart and what are her powers?
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>"Anonymous yer a liar and you will spend an eternity fondling my tits"
>2nd anon joins the table
>spouts out something completely retarded like 30 6s
>kraken's turn is next so she has to bid higher or call 2nd anon a liar
>obviously does the latter
>1st anon pissed because his chance of getting a kraken gf was robbed from him
She looks... slimy.
Are all pirate games this silly? Can't they just play monopoly instead
>Cups upturned
>There are 30 fucking 6s
>There weren't even that many dices when they started
>Kraken loses
>Chesh first mate pissing herself laughing in the background
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>Do yeh fear breasts?
That's a good thing
>Charybdis will finally get a man
>All because a Kraken got cocky and an anon with stupid amounts of luck
>doze off on train
>wake up in a strangers house
>door is locked
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Remember that hags are the superior version of monsters, any monster is an instant upgrade whe she turns into a hag
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Yandere end.
Happy for her though.
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>keep grabbing Zombies at random and taking them home
>bathe them and then have my way with them
>dump then next morning
>do that every night and sometimes get the same Zombie twice or more times
>now there's a horde of pregnant Zombies aroung my neighborhood
Well I guess I'll have to take responsibility for my actions
What if the zombie was pregnant before she became a zombie and your semen made the dead baby come alive and that's how you got pregnant zombies.
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>Look human, you don't like me and I don't like you, but-
>I like you
>Look human, I don't like you, but we dragons are a dying species and I can't afford to be fussy. If we're to survive I need as many offspring as you can give me
What does it say about us when the same image gets reposted from twitter.
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>Game suddenly has monster girls
Unexpected but not unwelcome
>Are you sure you don't like me?
>Y-yes I'm sure, you hairless ape! Now get hard so I can bear you countless offspring we'll love and adore!
At least she's more honest than an elf.
>What does it say about us
About us? Nothing, it just means some mentally ill spammer has access to dynamic IP or residential VPN
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this plant arouses me
i will 'accidentally' get lost in a forest and never be seen again
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A mouse in my house?
is it even possible for balrogs to be reserved and bookish?
You can make up whatever you want.
the magic of tv baybe
The audience can never be entirely sure which one is her real personality and which is her just pretending.
I want more monster girls with guns. Monster girls look good in uniform.
I hear they calm down after being sprayed with water
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>What you will wake up to tomorrow
Do not release a zombie after you seed them, take responsibility or the state will force you
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I want to be adopted by a pharaoh and marry her after being groomed as heir to continue the royal line
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>>Anon HP: 500
>Anon has been RESTRAINED
Restraint counter: 10
>Anon used "push off"
Restraint counter: 8
>Succubus used "oppai smothering"
>Anon loses 200 HP
>Anon gains 20 horniness
Restraint counter: 12

>>Anon HP: 300
>Anon used "kick off"
Restraint counter: 8
>Succubus uses "sweet kiss"
>Anon loses 150 HP
>Anon is charmed and cannot resist
>Anon gains 10 horniness
Restraint counter: 7

>Anon HP: 150
>Anon used "focus mind"
>Anon restores stamina
>Anon loses 10 horniness
Restraint counter: 7
>Succubus uses "nursing handjob"
>Anon loses 150 HP
>Anon is charmed and cannot resist
>Anon gains 50 horniness
Restraint counter: 26

Watch defeat scene?
This but by a fat hag that just grabbed me off teh street
You will make so many heirs, with co-ruler apophis too of course.
Gonna tell a dragon she's cringe and that real men like lizardmen more
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This but by a Troll and I become the overlord of the horde
Look, I know everyone says size isn't everything, but I'm only interested in demons with big wings.
Everyone knows big horns is where it's at. I would never date a hornlet.
those aren't cats, those are cows
I wish I had a cait to cuddle with right now. even if she would try to scratch me to get away.
i had an idea for a bratty little Devil as the rival to the big sis demon, her gimmick would be that she's a Maxwell's Devil and able to manipulate temperature with a flick of her wrist, and the demon is angry because usually it's supposed to be Maxwell's Demon not Devil, and it's a serious job that you can't entrust to a loli brat bully who doesn't take it serously and just uses it to melt the icecream of random passerbys while enjoying a perfectly airconditioner'd room without an air conditioner

but i am not creative enough to write more than that, sorry. I am also of the opinion that such collaborative creative writing things need to be slightly more freeform but maybe that's just my autism and too many hours of Homeworld Catacysm, WE WILL NOT BE BOUND speaking
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I bet this is inaccurate in-universe.
I need big wings, big enough to hug me with, wings that I can fondle.
They just abandoned their friend.
he has a tragic backstory that's only mentioned in a throwaway line somwhere in the first three episodes and then never brought up again, something about an ill mom and needing to pay hospital bills and cost of medicines, and normal work is not enough so he works for the villains. Then a few years after the show's run ended they made a spinoff film all about him which expanded on the tragic backstory and added the fights where there previously was none because budget lol. People thought it'd suck since it's live action, but they got the original VA's to reprise their roles, the action scenes have a proper fiml-grade amount of choreography and VFX, and the remix of his theme used for the final battle kicks ass
it's like the director was in love with the character and just put her own fanfic onto the big screen
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How much bullshit do they get away with by just saying "it is written" and you can't check because whatever "it" is is written in a language you can't read?
it is known
Just learn how to read, pleb.
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not really sudden, the first statue you see in the game is a horned devil woman, and there was a half snake half woman on one of the area entrances, pic related
i liked void stranger but honestly should i try to go for the extra secret endings if i already finished normal game and NG+ and the NG++ with the sidepath through rubble? which ones are even worth pursuing or in which direction do i go to get them? it just feels kinda tedious to solve the same puzzles again with no convenient fast travel feature other puzzle games have
need hellhound rival for either Red or Yellow
i i
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the scariest monster, maybe ever.
Shut up and grab your stuff.
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Chesh doing the funny
Krakens are amazing, I love their profiles. Would happily be one's squeeze/kiss toy.
need at jobber duo, I suggest a wock and chesh
>jobber duo
Still not christmas, dumb fox.
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Stop replying to spam
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Sleepy time
Thanks for doing this. I've missed the collab stuff too.
I know nothing about Sailor Moon, but how a GoT style show? Various houses engaging in political intrigue to become the next DL when she retires or something.

>House Aspen of Winterslope, a powerful yeti stronghold in the North, has promised the fluffy hand of her daughter to a young man in the Southern Isles. The only problem is they both have their eyes on a different partner and she hates sand while he hates the cold. When the marriage that was meant to unite the houses collapses, what is to become of this uneasy alliances as the Arch-Demon consolidates her hold on the Royal Makai and the minor houses in Lescatie plot rebellion?
You'll just have to tune in next week to find out!
stop replying to spam
Look at this cute gote instead
Too bad the original books will never get the ending because the Laenan Sidhe author is lazy and is using "no bf" as an excuse.
You can tell the spammer is getting irritated when he's starting to post false flags this moronic
he's even replying to himself
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I liked her old sci-fi books better anyway
Maybe it's for the best. All the good characters got married off in the White Wedding and are on honeymoon. I'm only sticking around to see Winterslope defend against the undead horde tourists who take over all the best ski slopes.
How do gote jumping skills compare to frogs and bunnies?
I like this because i can easily imagine the cat kingdom having the free cities of bastet that are knowing for dealing in the (sex)slave trade. Imagine all the petty power plays that could happen while they ocassionally unite to try to undermine the mainland, as the more men any group brings back the more influence they are afforded as they use men to secure the loyalty of their followers and attract new ones.
>any cat will join with the group most likely to get them married
>they can then be used to fight over power in intra kingdom warfare
>occasionally groups try to liberate the men. The punishment for that is being turned into a cat/made into cat slave
I want to keep her head when I go to work
Chesh will gladly give you head before work.
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You may not like it but this is what peak vampire looks like.
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I like my vampires small and hot
I want the mamono state to specifically forbid me from kissing monstergirls so that i can turn myself into a serial kisser.
You need a shapeshifter wife.
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I like my vampires, wights, liches, wisps, banshees, phantoms, pharaohs, ochimushas and jiangshis small and hot.
i'd like a big hellhound.
You want fries with that?
I'd like a small hellhound.
why even eat at wanburger the service wan just eats the double cheese wanburger and then the wanfries and wanshake
No, too many fries ruins the Wan abs
But then you can rest on their wan tummy until they get annoyed enough that they "burn calories" with you. Until they start to swell up again for a different reason.
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Yes, but you get to take the wan home as your waggymeal toy
Take me mommy
What's this from? Anything decent?
Ask them.
Speaking of - are nude but featureless slimegirls /jp/ friendly?
Sometimes even kemono isn't friendly.
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We post them all the time and the jannies never punish us for it.
so far i haven't seen anyone get banned over a girl with no nipples, unless she's a furry like the other anon is saying
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I like my undead small, hot and pregnant
This but they are my blood related relative
Is bread bad for harpies in the park? Should I cook them something healthy?
>Wake up in the morning next to danuki wife
>Pinned down underneath the covers by her
>Forced to sniff her morning breath for the next half hour
It's so good that I almost came from the sniffing alone!
Big Ghouls are fair game.
>Anon is lowered into a ghoul pit for a sacrifice to keep the town safe for another 10 years
>danuki breath scented vapes
Your mail-order custom made Chimera girl has arrived.
At least it's capitalist.
Do they make muscle Chimeras?
You already killed all Danuki related discussion, you can go now
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I want to live in a world where a woman will love me
"...You prayed for a Guardian Angel so the heavens would send me just because you wanted someone to help you do your laundry...? ...R-Really, anon...? Sigh..."
I seek to encourage discussion of danukis, not stifle it.
And I want to watch those women love you will dressed as a fat Spider-Man.
Then you are doing a horrible job, you kill every mention of Danukis because they get snipe by your disgusting fetish
Even anal, incest and gape are more tolerable than your scat tier shit
>Your mail-order custom made Chimera girl has arrived.
they can't have my brand
i like titties
You're just upset that Danuki-sama didn't give you a cheap price when you asked to sniff her breath.
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Very hot take there.
Only the first one is cheap.
Kill yourself
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you might be onto something
Personally I have no idea why the mods stopped banning him
Imagine the smell of alp bussy
I think the bans were for avatarfagging specifically.
He laid low for a year, and the mods forgot he was avatar+signature fagging and mass evading bans until he ran out of proxies.
So how are these posts related to monster girls?

Stop shitting up the thread with your sperging and post about cute alps instead
Do you prefer smug, bully alps or submissive, cum hungry alps?
>Cow monsters every time a baby cries within earshot
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Is this a bird?
No, it's a degenerated greenworm.
aye a bird it be
Well, it ain't a plane or Superman, so...
monsters any time a guy mentions he's thirsty
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I like this artist's style a lot, did he start drawing MGE stuff relatively recently?
>degenerated greenworm
Something must be really wrong with her then because she didn't even touch my lettuce.
several years
Sex with Cupid.......... from behind!
>salamander that goes into full 'tism mode every time you play a medieval fantasy game with swords, spears, axes, and the like
>get lectures on the applications, benefits, and drawbacks of every weapon
pink women
If a sandworm were trying to eat my friend and I hugged him would the sandworm eat me along with him or just get mad and call me names?
What if I play an old Star Wars game?
it's kind of like spitting out the seed when you eat a cherry
She'd probably end up eating you too, but then insist you leave because you're cockblocking her.
If you told a Cupid that, she'd definitely make a face like that one on the top right.
I'd take an alp if it was the right species, so either.
Once you're in her mouth, she's in full control. She either spits you out or holds onto you long enough to feed you to one of her sandworm sisters that's still single. Alternatively, if she doesn't know any sandworm that's single, she may drop you off at one of the nomadic lamia camps that wander the desert.
Cupids should be fucked from behind in the sniper nest so they can make love while making love (by sniping people from afar with their arrows), it all works out.
Cheshires ftw
Nope. I'm going to accidentally kiss a radioactive bicorn and become Kissman.
Just punch the hag in her tits to deter her.
Already posted the relevant picture in the thread: >>47804077
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What if it doesn't work?
Don't do this to slimes. You'll get Solution'd
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Just need to grab the core
Just... a little... bit... further...
Fun fact about Mamono:
Saddam Hussein was actually captured while fucking one!
It's true!
He was deep in a spider hole when they found him!
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I don't mind anal sex with Danukis, specially if they have an irresistible ass
Specially hag nukis
> just casually meeting your vampiric great grandmother who looks younger than you
Cows are dangerous and overpowered. DL please nerf.
Need kot to sleep on me and purr.
Call 1-555-867-5309 and leave a message. Must state your name, race, and a demonstration of your purring abilities.
REAL dead hours.
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Just because they are dead doesn't mean they can't be lively!
miss wight needs to put some clothes on
Listen, if Liches can go with just a cloak, so can she.
they both need to wear clothes and stop tempting anon
he's a busy guy and cant afford to lose to undead pussy
I really like the basilisk poncho, and the way it would open up if they spread their arms
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So you are saying you wouldn't be tempted by this?
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she won't eat ya, just some unnamed fluid inside you
of course, i have an iron will
its a different story if she talks or smiles at me, id insta lose
But Anon, temptation is but another part of their grand strategy.
The strategy to get him in a certain room at a certain time with two certain people.

Basalisks also have the benefits of beamus, powerful ladies.
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>The strategy to get him in a certain room at a certain time with two certain people.
To do karaoke?
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Damn straight.
Bohemian Rapsody is better the more people are singing it.
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You have encountered the Order branch of the Sabbath.
What's their mission statement?
The girls on the left and right look a little big for Sabbath members.
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Goodnight Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, don't let cheshire tell you that goodnight can be misspelled goon dight.
I don't know what it means but she was quite smug about it.
They teach semen retention as in the holy practice of it. They help you retain your semen to keep your strength and will up until your balls can't hold anymore, at which point you have to spill it inside an Order Sabbath's womb. That way you can increase the holy powers of your Order Sabbath loli and then retain your own semen to keep a clear head, only to do it all over again eventually. In this way pleasing the Chief God.
>think cheshire is making fun of you with fake words
>but last time you thought that, she was actually be truthful and had to bail you out of jail later
>decide to look online to see what this goon dight is
>cheshire uses this opportunity to raid your underwear drawer while your distracted
damn, fooled again
this is my favorite anubis in a while and I have quite a collection of lovely anubises
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>Good evening, my lovely test subject. Today, we're going to be running a little experiment on harem creation. I'd like to discover more about their influence vectors, catalysts, probability distributions, bounding variables, that sort of tertiary thing...
>I've invited our good friend Dierdre over to assist. Hello, Dierdre. As you can see, we've swapped wardrobes. Do not be alarmed.
>I want you to take a good, long look at the two of us, and when you're ready, pick up the clipboard I've provided to your left and fill out the survey form. Remember to be completely honest, and try to answer each question before moving on to the next. I'll be anonymizing your submission and your answers will be kept in strict confidentiality.
>Dierdre, commence with your pose routine, would you kindly?
>Very good. Go ahead, anon.
>I'll begin with my own poses here in a moment. Dierdre was so good as to give me tips on how to work the hip slit. Ah, anyway - don't let me distract you.
>...precum output appears within standard parameters... rate exceeding average by 43%...
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Total undead impregnation
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every manonos benefit a LOT from being a fit tomboy
>fit tomboy bogie
scary but sexy
>steal one of miss cupid's love arrows while she's on lunch break and isn't looking
>shoot her in the back with it using my own bow
>I have shot the cupid with her own arrow and thus beaten her at her own game
What happens now?
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sleep time
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i will not go to sleep
ms nightmare cant make me
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>9 am
no, it's work time (and mistake time too)
>you put your ass on the scanner, didn't you
>*leans into anon ear*
>i totally did
>The 'nuki boss has already caught up on why her PC keeps getting viruses
>Or why all her mice disappear
>She's going to get fired if it keeps happening
>She only do that to get anon out of his IT office
>It's always worth it
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Ded hours.
is it really undead if you can impreg them?
i don't know guys something doesn't make sen....
whats the best version of transfomation in terms of woman to monster woman?
>1.Instant poof! they are a monstergirl
>2.slow burn trans formation, gaining monsterparts and urges over time
>3. like number 1 but you get to see the parts grow on her
2 but I'm biased. I despise the idea that 3D gets a Get Out of Jail Free card
what if (and hear me out on this) the 3d didn't do nuthin
or is the fact that they where human first itself the sin?
Option 1, complete with comic effects
isnt 1 just the lilim method?
>the 3d didn't do nuthin
If that were the case, I have nothing since it would be hypocritical otherwise BUT the probability is extremely low.
Druella shoved a roper egg up Francesca and it took some time until she fully monsterized.
>roper eggs are a monster approved medical suppository
>buch of women minding there own business
>Lilim kicksdown door and charges DE in both hands
I don't like lilims.
me neither, too dangerous
You love them, don't you?
They just don't look exotic and sexy enough compared to regular demons.
2 should be made as enjoyable as possible for the innocent women.

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