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Previous: >>47750915
Hideous untalented vatnik whore
Singapore is so lucky
That cast is surprising
Mipe sex
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Tanechan is so beautiful.
She's already in her 30s.
When is she going to get married?
Is everyone afraid of her Yakuza dad?
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I must impregnate my favorite seiyuu
Even if they're hags/babas
Waki status?
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Komatsu is expecting her second child.
Too clean.
Babazawa bros...
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She needs your seed.
I'm not Nakamura nor Sugita though.
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Nanjo making a guest appearance at the primals live this weekend just so she doesn't have to buy a ticket.
>Is everyone afraid of her Yakuza dad?
Aaaa? Proofs?
Dorky baba needs correction
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Her dad owns a construction company in Yokohama. Rumor is he's mobbed up.
That's why Sumipe is so weird-- she led the sheltered life of a yakuza princess.
I thought he was in the telecommunications business? Or am I confusing her with another rich seiyuu?
I thought her dad is the chairman of that one and only fiber optics manufacturer company in Japan?
How does a yakuza boss react to his daughter exposing herself at every opportunity?
she need only ask it of me
holy schizo thread
>King Record tried to control and silence all comments that criticized the Kokoro Konect incident. I wonder why King Record shows so much favoritism among Seiyuus and treats Uesaka well when she is just a piece of shit.

lol but it's still interesting that Nana and Sumipe got their own separate agencies under the same person. It's like they can't be in the same agency or something and Nana took some of her Sigma7 sisters with her
The news reports don't mention her dad's name.
What's the connection between the KR censoring Kokoro Connect and the rest of what he said? He just stringed sentences together with no causal relationship.

>got their own separate agencies under the same person
That's the norm for agencies. Several VA agencies operate subsidiary VA agencies. Think of it as partly for branding and partly to take advantage of audition quotas.
>That's the norm for agencies. Several VA agencies operate subsidiary VA agencies. Think of it as partly for branding and partly to take advantage of audition quotas.

THat would make sense if they weren't King's subsidiary but an established seiyuu agency.
That their agencies are King's subsidiary doesn't diminish the benefit of having separate agencies for different VAs. Check MusicRayn and SMA if you need other example of similar arrangements.
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Say her name.
eggs status?
>bringing up no audition sony affiliates

At least use Arts Vision, Vims and I'm Enterprise or Pro-Fit and Link Plan etc to look less silly.
Arisa Kiyono
Sumipe had a postcard or photo of some kind which had text that said "let's go to Cebu Island" (I wasn't able to save it though). Has she actually been to Cebu? There's no mention of it on her Twitter.
She went with her yakuza boyfriend.
>Production Ace announced on 6 September that voice actor Manabe Toshiyuki had died on 2 September due to heart failure.
>complain they are established VA agencies, not music label affiliates
>complain they are music label affiliates, not established VA agencies
Make up your mind already. And check the name of RushStyle's directors.
Doya with too much filters
Try following the conversation.
Is this why Doyakonga refrained from shitting on her?
Are Starcrew and Voicekit fully King subsidiaries? There are a lot of King Records people there no doubt but they still have Nanjo who’s at NBC/Universal
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>partly to take advantage of audition quotas.

Therefore bringing up seiyuu agencies like >>47829413 that do that makes more sense.
I’m wondering if they are fully King Subsidiaries or not, and why there is an NBC/Universal there. I wasn’t caring about the line of comparison’s that spun off.
Quote the correct post then.
It's a serious question
Anon, it’s literally the first post that calls them King subsidiaries.
And they're not an established seiyuu agency's subsidiary like the examples given in respond to what was brought up about taking advantage of audition quotas.
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That obviously hasn't happened as far as we know.
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Is Nanjo also a Yakuza?
>Sumipe yakuza
Now I feel even more like sniffing and chewing on her panties.
JAV director....
A fellow Imas VA mentioned that she happened to be on the same train as Sumipe when she was going to Osaka for some Imas concert.
She saw Sumipe drinking alcohol alone during the trip.
Seems like Sumipe is just a weirdo who's having hard time to connect with others.
Her closest friend is fellow outcast Maaya, who was shunned for being a massive whore.
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Her BFF used to be Misawa before she went crazy.
>who was shunned for being a massive whore.
Misawa updates? Is sumire shitty enough to drop her?
>Misawa updates?
She sometimes posts stuff on Insta, seems to be happier but it is Instagram so it could be all fake, no meltdowns so far though.
>Is sumire shitty enough to drop her?
She pretty much already did lmao
>Maaya, who was shunned for being a massive whore.
Who? Proofs?
They used to be in the same agency so it's likely staged shit. She wasn't invited to Sumipe's new agency.
RIP Space Craft seiyuu division.
>went crazy
She was terminally online on Twatter and had constant meltdowns in public after egosurfing.
Double Dragon Revive

Billy Lee - Okitsu Kazuyuki
Jimmy Lee - Koyasu Takehito
Roper - Fukushima Jun
Abobo - Onodera Yuki
Williams - Egashira Hiroya
Joji - Yamamoto Shota)
Anh - Fujiwara Natsumi
Minh - Tachibana Rika
Our girl?
When will dr Kim pay for his crimes
Would Sumipe's yakuza father accept a NEET like to me to wed his daughter?
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Depends. How old are you?
Mid 20s.
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I guess this will be our material come the 25th.
>someone actually divorced this hottie
What happens on the 25th?
Prob got divorced cause she kept moaning in a boys voice.
What's the worst character your favourite seiyuu has voiced?
Idk who that is.
post her pb
Kagaku × Bouken Survival

Satsumi Matsuda
Megumi Han
Akira Ishida
Hiroshi Iwasaki
Mikako Komatsu
Yumi Uchiyama
Rie Kugimiya
Yoko Hikasa
True Beauty dub

Jugyeong (CV: Hina Suguta)
Suho (CV: Taito Ban)
Seojun (CV: Hayato Dojima)
Sujin (CV: Hinata Sato)
she just doesn't stand out at all
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For me its Jack's Master or whoever she was in Fate.
>fucks off for a good chunk of the series
>comes back for one episode
>fucks up killing the MC in the most insane way possible and ends up dying in said episode
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I can't believe that the vampire is 48 today. 48!
>Perrin: Marika Kouno
>Carmine: Misato Fukuen
>Briar: Yuu Shimamura
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I will never wake up next to this...
I want to lick her teeth
>waking up and the first thing you see is that scary teeth
No thanks
Nishiyama pls
I want to clean her face.
Clean up the producer's cum.
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Batman Ninja vs. Yakuza League

Batman:Koichi Yamadera
Robin:Yuki Kaji
Red Robin:Kengo Kawanishi
Nightwing:Daisuke Ono
Red Hood:Akira Ishida
Alfred Pennyworth:Hochu Otsuka
James Gordon:Masaki Terasoma
Back with another seiyuu group picture. Anyone willing to guess who's who?
Mitsuishi Kotono
Favorite bishi voice?
I only recognize Kotono Mitsuishi, but I believe this is the OG Sailor Senshi? I know their names (Tomizawa, Hisakawa, etc.) but I can't remember their faces
Ishida Akira
Name one popular seiyuu who has never played a Kyoani / Mihoyo character
Ono Daisuke
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japanese hags are a miracle of the universe
>Kyoani / Mihoyo
Too broad
even though i’m white?
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Damn, isn't Koshimizu like 175 or so... how tall is the other girl?
>Sumipe is now the OP of every non-LL seiyuu thread
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>Nakahara at a Hololive event
>#高橋李依 #悠木碧 #中原麻衣
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Her career can't be that down the drain that she needs to be a Vtuber
It's to appear trendy.
Did Mingosu ever did gravure or photobooks? I recall she did something like it. Either that or I dreamed it.
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She posted her fat ass.
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Someone tell me is Yui Ishikawa good in comedies?


Midori Nagumo: Mikako Komatsu
Niikura: Aki Toyosaki
Izumi Wako: Yui Ishikawa
The sound director could fix it if she isn't.
I think she was good in Dekiru Neko. Her delivery as HSR MC is pretty good too.
What did she mean by that?

>not a single newbie seiyuu
Well that's unusual for KyoAni.
I think these to do it to stay relevant among young audiences, apparently vtubers may have stolen a piece of the seiyuu fag pie
Nakahara did it due to YOLO, also, is she gonna sing? Well those use auto tune anyways so it doesn't matter
TIL Atsumi Tanezaki has dubbed in a A24 movie
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Post it?
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She was Bronya in Gun Girls Z/Honkai Gakuen.
She's a guest, she isn't becoming a vtuber, right? Also a la lot of vtubers are graduating these days and I don't remember any seiyuu lasting that long as vtubers, it's a different skill set, I think one idolmaster seiyuu tried vtubing but it didn't last
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Nanjo sighting, she was billed as Suzaku but sang two songs.
>not in genchink
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Next their favourites Ono and Uchiyama Koki
Leave me in room alone with her and I'll single handily solve Japan population crisis
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You probably don't care but she surprisingly has nice feet
Does she have any big incoming roles?
either she's a turbo cunt or her husband was turbo gay
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No, she has no roles until next year.
No but she has big incoming loads to her face
Uchida manlet
which cute seiyuu would have my hapa babies?
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>the names are written in the picture
Is this the current state of seiyuu threads?
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>tfw fetishizers find out the series is for normalfags
i want to lick yu serizawa's armpit
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me too
Avex exec...
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A child should not be voicing such shows.

Yamamoto Itaru was terminated from I'm Enterprise and will leave the industry.


He will be replaced in the Transformers One dub.
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Supposedly good friends with Matsuoka.
Did he sleep with the boss' wife or something?
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That is a pretty nice costume. And Han made it to the show.
Cute Nanjo.
Nanjo... Your eggs...
Damn Nanjo still looks really good.
Say thank you Dr Kim.
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emiri kato
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>サウンドウェーブ : 上田耀司
Ueda Yoji as Soundwave's new voice.
The whore quintet
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i know, right?
Not big
But will dub dome SEA yuri live action for Aniplex dyke media division.
And apparently she saw lesbian porn to get into character.
And there is the Kanokari game coming later this year as well.
>And apparently she saw lesbian porn to get into character.
Is that how it works?

>she saw lesbian porn to get into character.

Is that even true?
Hasegawa is a wench?
Miku is fucking ugly
>tenchan now going into yuri
So her new higher ups are girls or what?
Miku is fucking pretty
It took me way too long to realize that this is Akari Kitou. What the hell did they do to her to make her look like that?
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the mental illness of sumipe posters is getting out of hand, they are in everthread
She's right next to you.
Would all of them.
Rieri is best choice there
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It's probably Hasegawa.
Fatsuoka looks like he's been losing weight. Good for him.
There is something unsettling about Takahashi's mouth. It's just something visceral about it.
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The gotobun cast we never deserved
That would flop if the cast like that, this cast has no top idol Minase, or top famous seiyu Hanakana, top beautiful seiyu Ayaneru, and top harem queen Taketatsu. What is this cast? It has just seiyu who looks popular because of social media and Fotm but never leaves an actual mark in industry, not like they sold a lot too as idol seiyuu except Amamiya in her peak but still sold less than every Goutubun seiyuu in their peak except Miku.
But you have one hit wonder akarin
She is one hit wonder so all the more reason that anything with her would flop
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>one-hit wonder
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Tributing to her right now.
who’s that dude on the right with the white hair?
Probably just one vatnik poster.
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VA replacement of a Gundam protagonist, but not the one you're thinking of.
Furuya is already 70+ they might as well do a switch for him too.
>All her main heroine roles flop except KnY
>Not one hit wonder
they changed Judau Ashta but not Amuro Ray? i guess it's because he was voicing him since 1979 they couldn't find a replacement but come on, you give us Yuki Judai to replace Judau Ashta?
I think she’s kind of attractive
You're just saying that because she's literally wearing a receipt and you're interpreting that as her ability to have money for spending.
I’ve been found out
I don't think they're planning on replacing Furuya, even after the scandal. I mean, only one of his character got a VA replacement (IIRC it was a One Piece character?). The rest of them still have his name attached to
He also resigned from his Conan role
>Main heroine
Even then it is not doing as good as the talk back then, it created some buzz for its meme among otaku but the anime did worse than 3rd season of Gochiusa being made fun of among general anime sales fags.
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They literally announced they were going to replace him, this must have been recorded before the scandal and sat on for a while.
Don't make early threads, this isn't at bump limit yet.
Yao sounds and looks like he's dying for years now.
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*mogs your seiyuufu*
damn, even buzuhara posting has escaped the containment thread
Oi oi oi!
3 - One Piece, Conan and Metaphor: ReFantazio
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but anon, she is my seiyuufu…
Would without a second thought
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it varies a lot per photo for me
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It's 5yrs late especially after they snub it for Yuma to switch to fujobait with other male seiyuu and he's married now.

It will do atlest 8k I think, that good enough considered Neesan latest single only sold 3k and Yuuma about 6k
Why did they put the whores and sluts of seiyuu industry in one project?
>Nana Mizuki is a mother now
>Yukari Tamura and Horie Yui is almost 50 and still single
So desperate.
Yuma can watch me and Maaya
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i wanna know what does sumipe's asshole smell like
salty milk and coins
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Did Miku greet her this time?
And why does Inori looks 40 there?
>Miku Itou
>Asami Seto
>Moe Toyota
That's... surprisingly stacked.
Seto is the only one worth of note there.
Inori is the type that ages badly. Buckle up cos it's only going to get worse.
Fermented vodka
>RumiRumi has tributable material but not Tanezaki
>but not Tanezaki
why not?
She's an eroge whore just do it to her voices.
I do that with Hasegawa all the time
I want her to come back

I recognize Mizuki but who are the other two?
Hanae and Wakayama, it's from Dandadan premiere.
talentless idol sluts
Does anyone have the eng subs to the Nana Mizuki stage plays? I saw that they were on nyaa, but they're all dead
What do you mean? Yukarin is married to me with 1 kid. I wanted 2 but she's still pretty... young.
lol deluded faggot
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Who? Nonames.
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up your
What RumiRumi pics are you choosing?
Does aochan even have tributeworthy pics aside from the infamous armpits one?
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Why is Uesaka a piece of shit, did she pull something like Kokoro Connect?
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Nanjo photobook. It another one where she’s the photographer, not the subject. Not sure how I feel about this.
Reinafag would probably take it for her
"photo essay book"

Infamous armpits one?
Can't believe Seto went from voicing fucking Mai Sakurajima to voicing a fucking Clodsire
Today is our CUTE Rumirumi birthday. Can we have some posts and picture dedicated to her?
Does your seiyuufu have of an image of her doing the pose?
What pose?
The pose
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Unfortunately I don't think so.
Tsk tsk
It's also Tanezaki's birthday today but it seems people forgot.
That's a nice ass
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She's getting old, she needs her hobbies.
Midlife crisis
Is Sugita still a virgin?
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he’s just like me frfr

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