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creative paizuri
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Create and you shall receive.
procreate, as they say.
Paizuri is not procreative. Although, considering how she was born, who knows.
You can impregnate tits. Post the image, someone.
Keiki created the perfect girlfriend for herself
*daughterwife for Anon
*daughterwife for herself
*daughterwife for her best friend and follower, Anon
*daughterwife for heterosexual men that don't have an NTR fetish
*cumdumpwife for every villager to use.
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Does anyone still have that image of Keiki going "Oh!" while she was being groped? I keep forgetting to save that image.
Kneading Keiki's Keikis
This is no way to treat a lovely and benevolent deity like her!
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Oh! Thanks! :3
That mouth? Made to suck cats. How can I tell? Why, the shape of course!
Why would a god like her ever want to suck a cat?
To assert dominance. Beasts need to know their place!
I want to get sucked by Keiki…
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You'll get "sucked" into earth in a handful of decades. Just make sure you aren't buried at sea.
She likes girls, and the likes of Orin or Shou are hot, so...
It's pretty obvious.
I’m not sure that’s a good thing or bad thing. So thanks I think. Also good to see you again my dude.
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Perfect soldier
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What has she been up to lately, anyway?
All the animal yakuza are some of the most relevant characters in recent franchise history, but their main enemy just vanished entirely.
She spends her days lezzing it up with her harem of clay girls.
>What has she been up to lately, anyway?
ZUN put her back in the box with the rest of the "hard to write" (see: compelling and interesting) characters like Kasen and will never let her see the light of day again.
they’re relevant because their recent actions are what they had to do instead of continuing to try to get a big win on Keiki. Keiki gets to comfortably continue doing her own thing while the losers have to run off and try stuff elsewhere
She's been whispering into the ears of the schizos on the jaypee.
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At least Kasen got to be in WBaWC.
In an ending.
Where she didn't do anything.
Your quads confirm Mayumi is a professional beyond the grade.

Keiki is looking kind of scary here, and that’s not even getting into the Mayumi heads on the shelves.

Very sad we won’t see the cool art mom god anytime soon if ever.
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>Keiki is looking kind of scary here, and that’s not even getting into the Mayumi heads on the shelves.
She's a totally scary gal and definitely not a dork.
Dammit Mayumi you ruined her scary goddess practice. You know what’s going to happen next for this insolence?
A mild scolding because she understands that Mayumi did not act maliciously and Keiki respects her loyal and hardworking soldiers?
I think the only mention of her in 19 is Yachie saying that they got control of a small section of the Primeval Spirit Garden back, but nothing actually about her or what she's been up to. Mayumi goes unmentioned too, for that matter, even though she probably would have been involved in defending the place
>Yachie saying that they got control of a small section of the Primeval Spirit Garden back
yachie probably got a clod of primeval spirit garden dirt stomped into her mouth and called it taking territory
Yes actually. That, or she was going to pout like a dor- uh, I mean teach Mayumi a severe lesson befitting a potent deity like her! But none too harsh.
How are they even supposed to hold any of it? Wasn't the whole premise of the game that the beast spirits had to find a human to fight for them because they outright couldn't do shit against the idols?
I always figured it was an all-or-nothing deal, where either Keiki was kicked out entirely, or she'd easily recover any territory lost to the beasts. It all just raises further questions.
Big milkers god
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She can't Create! unless you give her your faith and building materials.
I wish to contribute to the nice cake goddess.
She'll take your money and clay and then use it to make another yuri golem for herself.
You're a yuri golem, dude...
She wants your seeds
Hey wait a second, this crazy cake has already been posted here >>47873427! Still think she’s pretty even if she’s kind of scary here.
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Well, South America does have a pretty big Japanese diaspora...
What kind of clay magic is this? How did you manage to double post this picture?
The other anon got that pic from xitter and mine from booru. They have different hashes and 4chan treats them as different pic.
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I want to rub this nice goddess’s feet. Bonus points if her personal haniwa is available too.
Aww, they're getting married!
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Done. What's next?
Was this
I slowly lose the ability to tell this days.
Like was it AI generated?
No, an artist made it.
Mayumi's baby!
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Can't Create! without Destroy!
Spooky keiki
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She can be a bit spooky.
evil god
Beast spirit paws typed this.
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Good goddess that gives her followers exactly what they want.
Please understand, that makes her evil because her followers were abused so badly for so long that they literally cannot conceive of being treated like actual people.
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Why does she not just move to Gensokyou after WBaWC? I mean, she is a famous god, so it isn't too difficult to gain faith there.

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