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>making the new thread when the old thread was still at page 5
You just don't want anyone else making threads do you?
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They don't trust mommy so they taped the gopro to her hands
Kidnapped Kyan vibes
Uhm, you're like, so autistic for complaining about that, sweatie??
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KuuKaa forever
okay i agree that yabu is cuter than nonchan
Agreed! I would like it if Yabu gained a little bit more fat
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It was a nice (and cute) surprise when I woke up
You're OP aren't you. You made the thread so early that the thread before the last one is still up.
Remember to watch
i'll have a subtitle file ready in about four years
Save them anon, I'll delete them when I need the space.
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That was a really cute story she told on her radio, it was a completely coincidental encounter on the streets when Liyuu was on the way to the studio. They snapped a quick photo before heading their separate ways.
She was joking that they really are bound by fate.
The GoPro stays on during.
Kankan did nothing wrong.
True, Niji is shit.
Based Squeaker
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Ordering a Cherry Popper then waiting until after Nakonako's shift to pop Nako's cherry
I saved them when they were first uploaded!
Why does PoV Kona make me so horny?
Is this love?
It's too late Anon. She's seen the looks men give her.
What would've the repercussions have been if KanKan had inadvertently retweeted the Chuke tribute video?
Too much white powder
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>pop Nako's cherry
Cute teethies
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Have you thought about reuploading them to YouTube?
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Cute outfit!
>pop Nako's cherry
I was linked to warosu and inspired by one of the [ghosts] haunting this thread.

And after feeding it into suno with an example, I produced this "DERSITE deathjam"

Higashida Misaki's moley pussy...
Are her eyes naturally that color?
Shut up, my Nakocutie is pure you fags
She's a degenerate fetishist anon...
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And she only does anal
As long as she saves the front for marriage.
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Higashida-san is not like that!!!!!
shut up AIcuck
Those giant (wide?) feet really are pretty awesome.
Liyuu #1
I want to rub my duck against Liyuu's stubbly armpits, even if it feels like a cheese grinder.
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I need a gugu blowie.
god jesus vishnu fuck I need nagi-chan gf so damn bad
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Fuck!! I want, nay, NEED to coat Aoyama-san's forehead with my splooge!
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>high res
oh god yes
btw where was this even from? 5th Live BD?
Can the seiyuuship fags please go back to vg
Liyuu doesn't really look pleased.
She's shy.
>what is a surprise, spur-of-the-moment unexpected kiss
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Holy cope.
Guys, seriously, how am I supposed to come to terms with the fact that Nagisa and Chiemi most likely had engaged in unprotected sex with their previous boyfriends? I'm not a purityfag, but it still stings when the thought randomly crosses my mind...
How is that any different than the unprotected sex they're likely engaging with their employers?
wtf I thought I was the only one that could do that with my tongue
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Kissing Sayucutie
Kissing Liyuucutie
Kissing Nagicutie

Kissing Nakocutie
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imagine the suction...
I bet Payton's lips taste like hamburger.
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Is thinking about this constantly fun for you? What is your obsession exactly?
Unironically have sex simple as
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Quality seadog posting hours as usual.
See you in 10 hours and 200+ replies later.
It’s not like you’re gonna fuck them bro.
I'm a purityfag. I think idols can date however they want as long as they keep it a secret. Ignorance is bliss.
My gf doesn’t know i masturbate to LL seiyuu all the time
I want to fuck CuntCunt's cunt.
Poll results are in!

Biggest 3 cucks are Emifags, Kinfags and Chunrunfags.
Second spot is held by Mimofags, Tomofags, Payfags and Pollfags.

What's interesting is that every single seiyuu, excluding Hasus, has at least one vote and that leads to a conclusion that /llst/'s definition of cuckposting needs amendments.
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>薮島朱音の強くなるラジオ Level 64(2024年9月17日放送分)
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I need a girl with these exact proportions.
...and personality.
...and voice.
Fuck it, I'm just heading over to Japan and am going to make her mine.
Just fuck your grandmother.
>2 months per page
This is so fucking jew, cancelling my pre order.
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Making Non-chan walk around the house wearing nothing but a pair of black tights~
Over her face.
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Hasu has two girls with tights now, it's not fair.
They should've kept Kanon's original character design with the pantyhose.
Which Liella would look the cutest with absolutely no makeup?
I think probably Payton or Yabu
Liyuu, Sayurin, Nagisa
This is Kankan ??? I think I'm gonna sin...
Dear Liella tranies

Please stop posting your goblins

Thanks in advance
I hate her so much
Yuina would give mad milf vibes
Liella has the most beauties out of all the groups, wtf are you talking about?
NTA but you cannot be serious.
NTA, but what's your candidate? Both for Niji and Hasu like half their members are funny looking. The Aqours grannies?
>reddit spacing
>Liyuu, Yuina, Nagi, Emorin
All objectively, traditionally good looking. Payton is also considered really pretty by the nips despite the forced memes here.
Meanwhile, Niji has... Miyu and skelly Aguri? You have to count Michael Jackson and one of the butterface titcows if you want to keep going. And Hasu is full of aliens.
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It's about to be full of dead aliens.
AQUA is the best group in every wa. Looks, talent, everything. Liella look like a bunch of retarded children.
This post was made my the u'sfag.
Why are hagfags so toxic.
She's not.
They see her as "pretty" the same way you found a pet cute
They are bitter faggots with dead group who can't handle other people having fun.
Why should I believe someone who can't even speak English about Japanese sentiment?
>my goblins are cuteur than your goblins!
>they're goblins because I say so, even the beauty pageant finalists
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This but Moepi
It's you again. Jesus...
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All these cute seiyuus and you chose Moepi the goblain

>beauty pageant
lol, those things haven't focused on looks for a long time.
>reddit spacing
i don't understand your fucking portuguese...
/wsr/ would disagree with you
/wsr/ results also say Liella is prettier than Aqours, but we don't mention that one, right?
They are tho
Leave the liellafags alone they have to cling on the fact their seiyuus are the best looking because that group has nothing else going for them.
>beauty pagent
Holy kek. the absolute state of Liella tranies
except the subject was brought up by >>47839760
>Moepi (350)
i need your pack
hay que tirar una bomba a todos esos putos indios de mierda subhumanos puercos americanos piel de caca malcogidos del orto
Not a Liella fag but I'd have dirty sex with Emorin any day
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Try again
How dare you we got Sandwich man's neice!
How are we supposed to settle a "because I say so" argument? Like the retard bringing up his 5 votes /wsr/ threads?
Empezando por ti, muerto de hambre asqueroso
I don't care if you say Liella isn't the prettiest as long as your candidate isn't Uggogasaki.
>that doesn't count
Just a reminder that the biggest cucks from Liella are Payfags
Cry harder TRANY
Okay, so which group has the most beauties then, and who are they? You fags are just crying about Liellafags instead of discussing this.
Is she 40 already?
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Me after humiliating a Liellafag
>so which group has the most beauties then
My favorite
>who are they
My favorites
/wsr/ rated Hasu the highest on average
/wsr/ rated Aqours the lowest on average
Shall we make a poll?
Noone cares about your trany board
We've made them, people will just say it doesn't count of proxies.
You validation hungry faggots should try one of those subreddits for rating celebrities, at least you'll get more answers than on /wsr/.
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I already joked to a couple anons that they should enjoy getting drip fed so now I have to commit to it. A third of the pictures probably came from this thread anyway.
The folder was getting too big though so I've been separating out pictures that have other people.
Just admit you like uggos.
I'm not even arguing about this shit, retard.
For >>47839024
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make a poll already
Insecure much?
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It's all so tiresome
Just take a nap, damn
>already the 20th in Japan
>no Chubrun posts, let alone image dump
So we can conclude the retard fucked off, right?
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You may not like it, but this is what peak Japanese beauty looks like.
Well it depends. Have you encountered any cuckposting lately?
No everyone who posts Tomori or hates larvae is him.
>try reddit
Go back.
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None of your goblinas will peak this level of beauty and charima
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Pls no bully
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Look at this dood
Imagine how giga stacys like Yuina or Nagisa talk about her
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What went wrong?
Which lls seeks validation the most?
Pile, Kinchan, Akarin, Nonchan
>Arisha: butterface
>Anchan: butterface (not as extreme as above)
>Kinchan: fat and walled
>Furirin: butterface at best
>Shuka: granny
>Aikyan: lol
>Rikako: cute
>Suwawa: cute
>Ainya: bogged, but let's be generous and count her
How the fuck does Aqua supposedly have "the most beauties"?
This list holy kek
This nigga making a poll on a poll maker website
uhhhh where else can you make them
based otterfriendo
>Ainya: bogged
nice meme
What is Pile up to nowadays? Last time I heard of her she fall asleep during her strem
>>Arisha: cute an sex
>>Anchan:cute and with a huge rack
>>Kinchan: fat but cute depending on the year (mostly near 2019)
>>Furirin: butterface (I'll give you that one) but with insane thighs, looks like a traditional japanese maiden from old movies
>>Shuka: weird aging but petite body and looks cute depending on the hair
>>Aikyan: cute
>>Rikako: cute
>>Suwawa: cute but with a weird :3 smile
>>Ainya: cute except in some photos
I fixed it for you
On Dr Kim's table.
Absolutely based post
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To this day I have no idea if people are taking the piss or genuinely get fooled by her retarded filters because in videos she looks the same as always.
Who do you quote with these green letters?
Tried to drum up interest in some muse activities. Couldn’t get Sora, Nanjo or Kubo involved at all, most of the rest only turned up to a few JP events.
If Aikyan counts as cute, everyone short of Mayu should.
I'm quoting the anon above, don't know why his text was green though
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>Aikyan: lol
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>looks the same as always
>kankan may not like her peers
i know its unlikely that all the girls love eachother, but it still makes me sad. My cope is that the nijigasaki girls are pretty close, Miyu seems to be open about loving them more than iris
Her seniors not peers.
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Buying nose-hook JAV with my Nako credit card!
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Dang sad
You're not seriously bringing up a picture that's over decade old, right?
get a haircut, open your eyes more, makeup, contact lenses for fashion so her irises are huge, it's not that much different otherwise
>her eye grew 3 times larger with double eyelids
A few of them are really close at least, Kaorin invites a bunch over during holidays and cooks for them, Akarin, shu, homin, chiemi, nacho a couple others I think? I think a couple of them don't hang out as much with that main group though.
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Am I kawaii uguu?
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>>Furirin: butterface (I'll give you that one) but with insane thighs, looks like a traditional japanese maiden from old movies
Spot on.
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I remember Mimo was calling a few of them out 1-2 years after final live, she was organizing yearly get togethers and a few wouldn't show up and she called them out on twitter.
No one wants to hang out with the nepobaby without being paid.
but enough about Sayuri
I have a Ayaneru cash card from some event several years ago and every time I've used it has been embarrassing. I couldn't imagine having my debit or credit card emblazoned with a seiyuu.
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Mimo is way more of a nepo hire.
Any details? I can’t remember any of that.
Based on the three that didn’t turn up at all 5ch certainly didn’t think it was just a scheduling issue.
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I don't see it...
Fucked her uncle, cousin and Kidani
Fucked her uncle
That's post surgery of >>47841905
Can't remember exactly since it was so long ago but think she organized something like yakiniku or hotpot or something. Think there was 1 or 2 that couldn't show up, and she made a twitter post complaining about it in a joking way but you can also tell she was calling them out at the same time.
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He never said any of those things tho
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Payton if her bullying allegations are true
finally some quality μ's time

let's fuck up those aquafrauds now shall we?
Paycuck is the bullied not the bully.
>月音こなのまだ本気出してないだけだから!おまけ動画 #1
What if she framed Kankan?
Mimo seems to like LL, if she weren’t in the US I’m sure she would have been at the muse orchestra concert next year. As it is it’s only 5 for that one.
It was staged.
Wrestler dick is more important, hon.
la weirdo
It seems to be their strategy nowadays. Derail the thread into genwaring then sweep in and ''save'' the thread with mu only discussion that goes nowhere.
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Nako really wants to beat up Paypal and give her a black eye huh
Are these hagfags in the thread with us right now?
Are you retarded?
I'm here
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Is it just me or are there more retarded ESLs and trolls than usual in this thread? Maybe we've just been spoiled by a streak of not completely awful threads recently.
loretard has been having a melty every time he gets called out
Is the lorefag in the thread with us right now?
>This post was made my the u'sfag.
>AQUA is the best group
Do you see cuckposting?
It was rape.
You're fucking retarded >>47841288
Damn, why are hagfags so toxic and cunning!?
Who do you think has image dumping these past two threads? Retard.
Aquafags would never post shit like that.
The retard might as well be posting his simpsons reaction images at this point.
>simpsons reaction images
Totally forgot about those
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Not your boyfriend.
>everyone on 4chan is me and my boyfriend
I want 4chan boyfriend.
>lorefag is a shitposter
>therefore, any shitposting means he's responsible for it
How do you manage to fail at basic logic so consistently?
Fight anon for Lorechad's love.
Should I post Tomori or Chunrun?
You know you're talking to multiple anons right? Take your meds.
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I'm giving the thread the benefit of the doubt that "lorefag is totally still around" retard is a single guy.
>You know you're talking to multiple anons right?
Do you?
I literally said >>47842463 and he then proceeds to do just that. There's no point in even humoring this dumbfuck.
Over half of the posts in this thread are filtered for me again.
But are there multiple stardust complainers tho?
What filters do you even have?
Must be the pedophile babytalking to himself again.
Less than granny's photos.
Well, I am the guy who posts the pastebins and I'm not the mass quoter, so there are at least two of us.
Diesel filter and 3 pc fan filters.
I'm the guy who is searching for cuckposting and I'm definitely not paying attention to the filenames.
Not a single post after yours has pajeet grammar. You literally just think "loretard = any shitposting whatsoever".
>It's not a metldown because muh grammar
Only shitposters have bad grammar.
"It's not lorefag because muh grammar", you dyslexic retard. And yes, that is pretty much the main tell.
What if it's someone else. Someone we forgot a long time ago...
Good morning sirs
It's evening, retard.
You made a mistake coming back
who is your favorite and least favorite lls?
Emitsun, Nonshit
Tomori and Coco
Yabu and Chunrun
Coco and Tomori
Chunrun, larva
Soramaru, Kinchan
>page 8
>page 7
>page 5
>spamming to reach bump limit
You all mocked me when I warned you.

It's a love-hate relationship.
we should skip 3
Is this earlyfag in the thread with us right now?
>You like some Muse members so you are le hagfag!!
Holy retard
this post will age badly
God I wish.

Make new thread now.
They are hags therefore liking them makes you the hagfag.
I have a breaking news for you. You can have one favorite group and still enjoy others seiyuus. Crazy isnt it?
I am falling
Yes, but by the definition he's a hagfag.
luv chuke
Hey you were right.
What retard?
We have many retards, but "the" retard is lorefag. It's also consistent with pointing he posted nothing for Chunrun's birthday.
God I want to see Anchan’s tits so bad
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Me neither. Maybe people should post more, so we can tell if she's really bogged.
Most favourite = Nya
Least = If I don't know a single one from Hasu, do they count? If not, Kinshit.
Ainyafags hate Kingfags confirmed
bogged hates blacked
Ainya vs King aka giant douche vs turd sandwich
I am warning you

A badge of honour
certain twist dancing dog
certain anorexia.fish
gulp gulp
Kill yourself

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