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前: >>47828505

Ask questions about and discuss the japanese language itt
so hot
she kind of looks like my wife if she were 30 years younger lol
you both need to get better taste in women
She is cute but glutony is a sin.
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cute but too young
i still love how google can actually give you a rough estimate on how filled a store is
i use this feature every time
thats awesome
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feeling 2 but the translation wouldn't be accurate

wo because sasoru (who are you sasoru-ing?)
and ni particle, for what

its a common particle pair when using sasoru
>7.7mb for a whole volume
bro who the fuck scans mangas in such low quality
these ninjas make me wanna strangle them like rn
im feeling a foot up an ass
障碍者 >:(
Is it possible to get more than 75% on this? the devoiced ones seem impossible.
that's my foot, don't worry
3 but only because the ni feels right in the second blank. dunno about the first blank.
post scores anons. you need to make an account (no email) to get the harder ones.
some are impossible to answer
nope i've tried this shit before and completely fail at it.
vocaroos are faster and more effective
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Matt was right.
first time seeing it written like this
3) mouth closed because they already have the m in mind so they prepare for it

2) looks like a nasal sound

1) tongue at the roof because the n becomes longer because of the following na
んー、意識したことない :3
true, this opened my eyes. just subscribed to his "japanese N pronunciation incubator" for only $49.99!
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daily reminder to read the official DJT guide
DJT guide v3.0, written from scratch by 出来るやつs: https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/
new - rikaitan site: https://rikaitan.github.io/
thats so measly
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I still want to know what he meant by "manufacture obsession to learn Japanese".
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obsessions/hobbies/interests are 100% genetics you cannot manufacture them so the guy who said that must be 100% boke
so does matt actually send you the obsession totem? why does it have to be $30
what are matts spiritual beliefs in all this?
Don't tell me there's actually people who gave him money
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well one of us does (ty anon)
probably just the guys whove already been giving him money from the first time
partially true
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lol with those settings it literally just goes back and forth between こうりがし and ふりかえる
you need to make an account to get the difficult devoiced ones
why would they need to know
he never implied they did
Is there a reason some of you fucks just post your replies in your own comments without actually “linking” your reply to the actual comment you’re replying too? This is the only board I see this behavior.
a form of disrespect that doubles as mild ban evasion
some generals on /vg/ practice it as well but its more prominent here
you're asking largely a bunch of autistic social rejects why they don't behave normally. they think sub replying is cool or something
You shouldn’t be disrespectful. This is supposed to be an environment of learning, not bullying
障礙者 is what you were looking for. Don't fall for GHQ psy ops.
true true
this place has unfortunately degraded since its inception on /a/
You do t be mean to people, do you?
i try not to
What do you mean you “try” not to? Just don’t be mean! There’s no reason to hurt another person’s feelings when we’re all just trying to learn!
Is this a bot or something
sometimes its inevitable
Shut the fuck up, I’m not talking to you
dangerously based
i like this uppercaser
Nothing is inevitable! You can control your own actions, especially what you choose to say on a message board. Why is this hard for you to understand? Do you not care about hurting others? If someone is being rude to you, then you can either ignore them or course correct them in a respectful manner.
if someone chooses to get offended at what i say and i meant them no 無礼 with no foreknowledge of what they would find offensive then the offense felt by the other party would be inevitable
Then don’t say anything that could be interpreted as rude! If I were to ask someone if they were stupid then while some could interpret it as me asking out of genuine concern a lot could assume I’m just being rude and asking rhetorically. If I told someone that I bet their pussy tastes like the new limited-time Coco-Cola flavored Oreos™ then it’s fine because there is no way that could be interpreted as intending to be rude!
i wish this triple g fagggot would shut up for good
and i do mean unko not the uppercaser
hate to say it but jamal won bigly
save the sermon for someone like >>47842840
im the good guy in the grand scheme of things
i dont get it
I moved up to 200/20 Anki cards per day. It's a slog now, but I get it - at some point, 100 is not enough for Anki to be able to get in new cards vs cards which need review.
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I can't seem to remember these adverbs, not at all. They are so damn elusive, they do not evoke in me a single thought, and many of them resemble each other, it can be either a tiny shift in reading or meaning. Any tips?
Isn’t that the default setting? It is on iOS at least.
I’ve seen your posts before. You’re not exactly the nicest guy on this board. A little respect can go a long way!
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This image represents DJT in a nutshell.
watch an anime and see it in action
im the nicest guy in the thread
when you come across it in a context that you understand it very well, make a flash card out of it and commit that one instance of it to memory. then when you see them again, you'll default to the definition you memorized. at that point, you'll either feel it out since the meanings are generally delineations of the same idea, or you'll be forced to look it up and since you already have a reference for what word means, that will make it magnitudes easier to commit the alternative meanings to memory without making a new cards. after that it's just repetition.
many of them have several uses はたして for example is not only 'as expected' but often used to express uncertainty as to the outcome of something, e.g. 果たして来るだろうか 'is he even gonna show up? / will he even show up?'
yea, but they look completely different when read and i imagine you wouldn't confuse these two in immersion because how could you; they're not even remotely related. red and read would probably be easier to mess up for an esl
real life doesn't have subtitles, friendo
Ha! Far from it! I’ve done nothing but try to spread the good word of POSITIVITY and RESPECT! And what have you done? Confessed to being disrespectful to those that deserve it, which is no one! Worst yet, you believe that offensiveness is to be decided by the receiver, which from my point of is nothing but a sad excuse to deflect blame towards the very people you’re hurting! A real man would own up to their words and understand that he himself holds total responsibility for their actions and words, whereas you just brush it aside, letting your victims decide for themselves what your true intentions are! I’ve done nothing but be kind to you and allow you to learn the errors of your ways on your own, but you chose to swat away my helping hand. Perhaps I’m the fool for thinking I could correct you.
smells like ai posting in here. you tryna steal other anon's time again under the guise of being 'a good boy'?
I actually found these while mining but you and >>47843106 are right, I wasn't paying attention to them in context. I know what to do know. Thank you!
one meaning will only manifest it self,(the 'i wonder' meaning) when someone's questioning something or asking a question and the other ( the as expected meaning) applies to everything else.
You tryna steal other anon’s time again under the guise of being ‘a NIGGER’?
>meaning manifests itself
huge respect
Has anyone learned japanese with the resources from this thread?
quiz (he in fact created some of the resources)
fell off frfr
sucks cocks
fat + doesnt know japanese
immersion ;3
>3 months till December
I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord
And I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord
Can you feel it coming in the air tonight? Oh Lord, oh Lord
where can i find plump japanese ladies in Japan? i'm learning the language just for them...
crazy how i got this one just by hearing
Am I going insane? I've lost all of my dekinai pictures and I can't find half of them ANYWHERE online
Even fucking KnowYourMeme seems to have deleted the lingua lift page
Is it cringe to say その通り? It sounds so good
not cringe unless youre white then yes its cringe
unironically different idk your issue
let's try situation puzzles in Japanese ;3
theyre everywhere i was actually thinking about going out to meet one ive been sexting with but idk if thats going too far after youre married
goblin slayer is deceptively difficult japanese.

heikimonogatari is deceptively difficult japanese.

evangelion is deceptively difficult japanese.
英文付き… :O
show i like is deceptively difficult japanese.
>deceptively difficult
what does this mean? it appears difficult but isn't in reality?
probably that he thought it would be easy but it wasn't
you assume it wouldn't be difficult for one reason or another, but it turns out to be fairly difficult. like eminence in the shadow, for example, it may be just another generic power fantasy anime, but since the guy is a chuuni, he sometimes goes on autistic rants and that can make things more difficult to understand.
English is crazy because i thought it meant the inverse of that. What a stupid lang.
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I'm motivated to practice now.
Deceptively here modifies difficult, but it doesn't stop it from being difficult, it's difficult in a deceptive way.
that would be 'it looks deceptively easy but it's actually quite difficult.' brainlets all of you
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why do the simplest of things need to be overly analyzed
you could say that the usage of the word deceptively is deceptively hard :)
English is literally impossible
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I wonder how Japs feel about trying to wrap their heads around the dumbest language on the planet
deceptively, it's difficult
How many words do you know? After a few weeks I’m at 250!
bro this is just sad
Don’t call me “bro” faggot and I’m just going at the pace my anki deck is set. I also work a full time job and have a wife and baby I take care of afterwards so I’m doing just fine.
keep up that 250 every few weeks and you 'll be in decent shape in a year. maybe shoot for 500 new words every few weeks though
deceptively, it's deceptively difficult
>barely started and already making excuses
good job sis, if you stay consistent you'll eventually get there.
i have a wife and am trying to have a child yet im better than most of you here
I did the math entirely wrong so if you want to call me retarded then it’s entirely warranted. Anyways, I have my deck set for 20 new cards a day, so I’ve only been studying for about two weeks although it feels longer. At three weeks I should know 420 words, but according to the other anon I should be targeting 500 words every few weeks, correct? So should I set it for 25 new cards a week? I just have shit memory and feel like it could be too much but I could try it out.
Yeah and you admitted you’re considering cheating on your wife so there’s that too.
im that anon. 15-20 a day basically the standard so just keep doing that. make sure to mining from stuff you watch and read to keep that pace.
she cheats all the time with roppongi nigerians so its fair
sorry i made it sound worse than what it was i was only planning on meeting up for コーヒー and maybe a movie at her place
im not actually going to cheat on my wife lol
fake me i would never write 珈琲 in katakana
stay mad and jealous
jealous that you are pretending to get friendzoned by a fat old whore?
neither of us is putting each other in the friendzone were both just two consenting adults getting coffee
its not a big deal
this thread is purgatory
jigoku da
ive tried making it better but anons here insist on being unmarried ngmis
Around how many words a day should I be mining?
have you told your wife
is there a 子供の日本語 resource out there right now i can access so i can finally read Hanahira?

i saw books on amazon but it takes them 2 weeks to ship. i'm wondering if there's a resource more immediate.
have you attempted to read it
why would i need to tell her?
>have you attempted to read it

yes. i got fiiltered out. i found a hanahira deck on jpdb but it has thousands of words..it shouldn't take that long to find the grammar and phrases i need..
how would you feel if she was hanging out with other guys without telling you
she only sits around and watches tv nowadays but i wouldnt care if she did
i trust her to be faithful just as she trusts me
queef got brain problems
why not just drink coffee with her
as much as you want, but at least enough to keep that 20 a day going.
im not qm
we already do but i think its important to have friends outside the house
adults are allowed sext and meet up with each other without it being cheating
epithets are cringe
yeah i remember queef saying that
no you dont
>reply chain suddenly disrupted
hes breaking down
so you wouldnt mind if she was sexting others
thats literally cucked
im getting tired of having the same old conversations
she would never do that so it doesnt matter what i think
doesnt look like it rofl
refrain from namefagging here, sir.
low iq nigger cant into hypotheticals
grow up
i dont see how it factors into the conversation
ive got the post where queef said that saved and incidentally it wasnt caught in the archive
you fucked up bro
either post it or stfu
i also remember queef saying that
I agree but I don’t understand why I would mine if I’m already getting 20 a day from my Anki deck. To me it would make more sense to save the mining for after I completed the deck since I wouldn’t get any words from it, and the mining would be filling in the cracks of words that weren’t on it.
u sound scared bro
post the picture i know you dont have it
sasuga kugitard

if you can parse this ygmi
bored of the fake unko arch
he may be a fake unko but hes a very real esl lmao
see >>47844959
forgot your trip
spent last weekend with my japanese friend and there was lots we wanted to talk about, but the language barrier was too strong so we sometimes didn't talk for like 10 minutes. it's over...
spent last weekend with your mom
i was nervous ok. nervous n3.
looks like no one's gmi
at least im not pathetic like you
i can parse it
it was just not worth a reply
the cheapest med is a lethal injection
consider taking some
yea yea yea sure
for you? lol
the fact that you think its impressive means youre below me
why are my captchas 7 characters long wtf, I don't have time for this
i mean i can't even parse it sooo
ur mom lol
not clever
yea I kno she ain't
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i swear djt used to be funnier
anyway back to watching my wife try on the lingerie i ordered for her
post pics of the lingerie
been waiting for the queef divorce arc for so long lads
not him and i love my wife
dont give a fuck nigga
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>why are you learning j-
i could knock that bitch out
wow impressive
you are consuming media
you did the look up
you learned the word in context, in the wild
you have the chance to anchor it by pressing the plus button on yomi*an
what do you do?
>here's an obv confusing to the eye japanese proverb using period style japanese and if you dont get it you suck
Life is not fair it should have been me
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Why do both the kanji for envy use 女? Very sexist WTF!!!
its almost like its a fundamental truth that transcends all cultures.
crazy how i can literally kill this bitch with one single punch if i ever feel like doing it
yea isnt it cool, wait till you learn about 姦しい
even = lolige
odd = meditation
shed last maybe 15 seconds against me
i remember my friend showing me a couple mma moves back in the day and him looking visibly impressed when i revealed i had never done it before
feels like that would hurt her more than me
unfortunate numbers
I tried translating one of my favorite songs into Japanese, just for the heck of it.
Wanna see the translation?
wait until you see naburu

unko bragging again
I guess that's a yes...?
This is the song:
The translation:


僕の目には 西に向いて
日光を浴びて 夕日を眺める君だ
君の目には 僕だ、求愛者


平成を保って ストレスに乗ってみるが
力のない時 唯一の慰安が君だ

夢じゃない あのシルエットが君だね
儚いこの瞬間 絶対に忘れない

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lmao havent seen the second one yet
I can't help but think of Hololive when listening to this song.
she can be my dommy mommy
if she ever came this close to me i would 1-2 combo her with an even faster iai.
I have no idea ,'3
What's the current recommended deck to be learning on? Last time I tried I was using like Core2K/6K Optimized and Improved Core3K. Is there something better nowadays?
ah, i see you are a fellow 装甲悪鬼村正 appreciator, good sir.
the guy that made 3k suggests people use core 2.3k instead https://anacreondjt.gitlab.io/docs/coredeck/
how 2 prevent study session from turning into myself just singing karaoke songs
visit an exorcist
is it jisho.org more like 自傷.org
Lol good one
when you're reading a manga, is it good to cross check sentences you don't understand with the english translation? or should you just force your way through it without stopping?
If I'm reading raw, chances are there's still no translation so the latter it is.
just post the screenshot on the jp question board/channel of your choice and move on
don't cross check with eng tl
someone explain to me how anime characters can feel the 殺気 from others without really knowing from where it comes
sixth sense ( ー`дー´)キリッ
yes. only after, you really tried to understand it, but failed regardless. don't confuse this feeling with "i don't think i understood all of it, but i get what they're saying" you fall into the trap of relying to heavily on eng subs.
bro what
? what's unusual about it
the word fuselage is a word i cant ever recall using or seeing in even the last 5 years. why is this word so frequent
>body, airframe, fuselage
Sounds generic enough to be frequent. "Fuselage" is just one of its meanings.
the japanese definitions only specify the word being used in relation to aviation
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How do I improve my penmanship? In English it was just a matter of learning cursive. Should I spread out my characters by adding a space of one block in all directions or is it a lost cause?
probably used a lot in newspapers for plane crashes and so on
mecha. In mecha anime most units are referred to as 機体
looks completely fine
come back to this when you learned japanese
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>come back to learning japanese when you've learned japanese
come back to learning how to write pretty when you know japanese
walk first then run
besides this is the wrong place to ask
almost nobody here cares about writing
enjoyed reading this ty
your lines are a bit squiggly but you dont seem to be used to writing like that so I guess theres that
or you also grip your pen too hard and I would advise trying not to, its going to hurt your wrists on the long run
good for me though, I can read this better than handwriting I see on most manga
you need to relearn japanese, all your characters are rotated 90 degrees
the grip on my pen is too strong
shoui won
literally who
Thanks I appreciate your feedback. I think the squiggly aspect is my biggest problem.
Fuck me
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wotd ぶよんぶよん
It's called a selfie
why can we never get fat e-women in our general
we only get the skinny weebs for some reason
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did they put their ship on fire?
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yes he did ToT
wait the fune can talk?
in the onepiece world, yes
glad other people are starting to hop on the bba train
for awhile i thought i was the only one
baited for this response
immersion :3
well played fellow patrician
good for tongue twisting? B^p
how diligent, no one has returned from the immersion, djt :O
where can I read berserk in nihongo?
all op link libraries are dead.
How does one type kanji on a qwerty keyboard?
Is it really as tedious as typing in the hiragana, and scrolling for the right kanji?
yes but you only need to press space a few times
i can't immerse properly cause I live in a country where you get cucked for torrenting.
it's over.
So is using 4chan
only if you go on djt
yea guess there's no way around paying for one if I don't wanna gimp myself
crazy how anons will spend more time in djt than actually immersing
uhhh bro im literally not anonymous
so fucking dumb
where did matt disappear to this time? did he start yet another startup?
yea it helps a lot in the beginning so long as you attempt to understand the sentence before you check the english
acquired 〜ダケ
my best internet friends post here so i can't help it
wonder how many japs played minecraft beta
i started on beta 1.3
i'd grief unko's builds if there was a djt server
watashi no intaanetto yuujin mo konna tokoro yoku visit kara inputto dekimasen shi
id only join if i had admin so that wouldnt happen
a-are you a bandit?! :O
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sotp: https://youtu.be/CiJeSSzu9Bo
bro doesnt know about the djt server
Where can I get subs if jimaku doesn’t have any
Nyaa of course has Raw anime but not really Japanese subs
Koi raws nanako raws
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theres no reason to link the twitter page every single time if not
does anyone remember what the idiom for something like "unfortunate beauty" or "a beauty dying early" was again?
never stop posting unko doesn't even know what advertisement is
i didnt post that
i have never gaf what people advertise here lol
gotta love his entrepreneurial spirit
like myself and a few others hes better than most people here
that alone deserves respect
I increased my Anki deck settings for Wanikani Ultimate 3 to 200 per day, but what should I change new cards to? Right now it's 20. It that enough?
is there a p2w way to learn japanese
20s fine dont put a limit on reviews tho
matts incubator
but for it to be truly p2w it has to be better than the free option
I'll check review limit, thanks
protocol 80
living in japan
the only right answer
Are these not raws?
those groups provide subs in their releases
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that actually makes sense

what is that
japanese girlfriend
seems reasonable but koreans and indians are the only asians where i live
yeah iktf there's almost no japanese where I live. plenty of chinese and indians tho because of university exchange students and researchers
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Where do you find a place to actually practice USING Japanese, constructing sentences and paragraphs, as opposed to reading it
I just passed N1 this past summer and can basically read and listen to NHK/ANN without too much difficulty, but I can barely say anything except the simplest 2-clause sentences. I don't have any friends I can rely on for conversations. Is it still Interpals?
I feel retarded and legit cannot find a torrent link on either one of these sites
>mystifyingly, i managed to pass this stupid test while employing the most asinine studying methods one could conceive but inexplicaby didn't develop this specific skill that i never bothered to train
I'm not mystified, I'm asking if there's a go-to place to practice it because I didn't really have the opportunity to train it before and my goal at the time didn't require me to do so
oh yeah there is. it's called japan
If you can't be assed to talk to real human beings then GPT4 will work
Tell it to correct your grammar and stuff before giving its response and talk to it for like 30 minutes a day, it's worse than talking to a real person but it's better than just not using the language
Alternatively, you can try just writing a little diary or something. If you're already N1 and able to read the news without any trouble it shouldn't be too hard for you to go back and reread your diary/blog/whatever after eating dinner or something and pick out the mistakes you made.
>love japanese
>hate japan
life is suffering
絶対パンツでしょ :(
I guess since most ecchi anime don’t have subs I’ll just watch it as a secondary show without subs at all and consider it hardcore practice
or you could watch something normal
use subtitle edit to ai the subs
I am
What else would secondary suggest
youve got me there
400000円 for that? id rather put that money towards an sj 200
which one of you was this? >>>/tv/203748854

Find a JLS near where you live.
can I get N5 in 3 months
a what
N5 is ez pz if you can keep up anki
>20 per day
40 at least, it really doesn't take much time
>a what
Japanese Language School, that's where you learn japanese.

What country are you from?
Burgerland but I'm in Taiwan right now for work
without a doubt if you know what to from the start, but don't bother with it. only try for the n1
it's easy
djt treats asia like an amusement park
one second theyre in taiwan the next theyre booking a trip to japan
damn, this threads been up for 2 days. with no replacement. what ever happened to the 24 hour threads.
am i retarded for mining things like 中部 as in 中部地方
yea pearl said this
Why would you be retarded for doing that
What is a Nora kisaragi and can I fuck it?
idk its a geography word and idk the rules. anime is unlikely to refer to geographic regions so i was just wondering.
one of the few things anki is actually good for
i would never say that
stfu unko
Not if it seems like you'll encounter it again
Sounds like it has a vagina so yeah
wait why does 起こる "to occur" sound like the english word occur
doesn't sound like the english word but i know what you mean
At first I hated kanji but now I love kanji and despise pure kana and especially onomatopoeia words like めそめそ
But worse than any of these are カタカナ語 like holy shit bro it hurts my eyes to read and who the fuck knows if they decided to localize it in a sensible way
It's a coincidence and it also doesn't really mean to occur
wait why does 設定 "a setting" sound like the english word setting
ancient germans went to china and stole the word
read that as stole the world
秘伝 hidden
everybody wants to steal the world - tears for fears
bro how could my browser popup lie to me..
it does mean to occur/something to happen. other anon is being technicality nerd
which is a fair reminder to someday switch to a jp-->jp dictionary
the femme anus is the best part about femmes
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できた! (*´ェ`*)
im a pervert i only use 変体仮名
yotd: 虚心坦懐

with open mind! ( ˘ω˘)スヤァ

Had my best drinking experience at an anime bar
Had some friends visiting and they wanted to visit a specific bar but got lost. Initially, we were staring at the list of stores for a building when a local who was walking by asked if we needed help. He told us we were in the wrong building and gave us directions and recommendations. Huge shout-out to this guy for taking the time to help us.

We were about to leave when I spotted a sign for Otome, an anime bar in Osaka. I suggested quickly checking the place out before we left since it sounded interesting.

We ended up getting nomihodai and having one of our best drinking experiences. Myself and a few others can speak very very basic japanese but I think the fact that we tried and put in effort really impressed them. The love and appreciation was definitely reciprocated. We tried communicating in Japanese as much as possible but there were times where we used Google translate to go back and forth.

It was a great hour of singing anime theme songs, drinking, and laughter. They even made us special cocktails that weren't on the menu. One of the cocktails, "shortcake" was so good, we ended up drinking all their milk. They could've told us they ran out of milk but they went out of their way to go out and buy more milk for us.

After we finished, they walked us out the bar and all the way to the elevator. My friend said that that kind of treatment is generally reserved for regulars. No idea if it's true or not but either way, I will definitely be revisiting them.
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I'm glad you had a nice trip, sirankedo ;3

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