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Previous Thread: >>47772685
Kill Adachi Rei
Love, Teto
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Is his butt sore from all that umm that hmm that idk... That ermmmm
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Should i draw this luka?
it looks drawn already
>Should i draw[...] luka?
The answer is always yes.
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How come there's no vocaloid cover of trainroll?
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I wish I was that fridge
Is there a song where Saki Fujita voicing as Miku singing a Miku song ?

I know this is silly but im curious
Best I can think of is this
Isnt this using Vocaloid instead of Saki Fujita herself ?
Hippopotamuses don't eat negi
Rin chan is my angel and not that other anon's
when I first listened to vocaloid at 15 it sounded like chipmunk from that movie where the three chipmunks are chased by bald man
now after listening to vocaloid daily for 5 years it sounds like normal person singing
Marry Adachi Rei
Does this count?
Close enough V6 AI Miku probably gonna sound like this
Didn't DECO share a clip of V6 Miku singing Rabbit Hole a while back? Or was that a different Miku voicebank
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Here's Luka
Thank you anon
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You can't just do that to Rin-chan is my angel-anon, you didn't even post a cute Rin pic.
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rin-chan is my angel!
ah, i was too slow...
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This channel has a lot of covers in other languages but they're mostly anthems and military songs
she is carrot
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God i fucking love Slutty Rin. Look at those non existant chest ToT
His last few songs have been Miku AI
Gumi looks like a sega/sonic/phantasy star character
luka looks like a touhou character
ia looks like a kancolle character
Remove the ribbon and rin looks like a hentai/ecchi character
there is not enough good gumi lewd art out there
You just can't make Gumi lewd. It's impossible.
It's odd how vocaloid characters, at least imo, aren't really lewd
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Don't lewd Gumi
Do you guys like my OC /blog
You're right
And Miku must be an angel
miku looks like a rhythm game character
I don't like men, so no
Shes a girl
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Kyoumachi Seika with an orchestra
Cool Sekai
I dont get the appeal of happy, loving miku
She doesn't look very appealing to me and the only appeal she has is like in a bondage, sadism sort of vein
I think she's meant for hard banger songs, she's a chain in the ecosystem that fills in all the gaps but I dont think she should be number one, thats a zoomer rhetoric thoughbeit and she earned her place
miku is only number one because she was the first idol voicebank crypton made
VY1 flopped because no cute character to associate your product with
if miku wasnt made first kaito would be number one
>kaito would be number one
I have my doubts. Kaito sounds like shit
Lol no.
Miku is the pinnacle of otaku culture. Adorable teen girl with technicolor twintails and zettai ryouiki. Her silhouette and color scheme are so iconic anyone with minimal experience with japanese pop culture will instantly recognize her. Kaito would never be anywhere as successful as Miku.
>Her silhouette and color scheme are so iconic anyone with minimal experience with japanese pop culture will instantly recognize her
To be fair, that's mostly because she's already big right now that random people could recognize her silhouette. Get any loid big enough and people could recognize them too, I'd bet. We've had people recognizing complicated Pokemon silhouettes since forever ago. It's not like twin tails were rare, they were already popular.
However, her color is pretty unique for her time, and I will say that was probably the biggest factor.
>Kaito would never be anywhere as successful as Miku.
I agree. We know Kaito flopped and it's been proven through history. Maybe if things about him changed a lot he might succeed, but at that point, he would no longer be Kaito.
KAITO would never be truly popular, certainly, but
>Kaito sounds like shit
Them's fighting words.
My bad. I've been too harsh. Let's just say I don't like his voice
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>To be fair, that's mostly because she's already big right now that random people could recognize her silhouette. Get any loid big enough and people could recognize them too, I'd bet.
Nah. Miku silhouette is way more recognizable because of her huge twintails and detached sleeves. If you showed me pic related I wouldn't even suspect that the right one is Kaito, despite listening to loids for over a decade.

>We've had people recognizing complicated Pokemon silhouettes since forever ago.
People who are actual fans of Pokemon. I am talking about general public. People will recognize more iconic pokemons, but not really the ones that are similar to other pokemons/other creatures and/or don't properly show their characteristic features.
Zoom zoom
>kaito would be number one
no he wouldn’t lol
he was such a commercial failure crypton tacked len on to rin because they didn’t want him to fail the same way KAITO did
>the right one is Kaito
Well I could tell, pretty easy in fact. The scarf and the long part of his outfit did. His weird pose also gave it away, in fact. This part is subjective though.
I prefer citing history. I know there are other popular twin tailed characters and characters with detached sleeves, but I can't say I know any with her specific color scheme (cyan, black, with small hints of pink) that is popular. Cyan is already a rare color, too.
IMO, Miku without her twintails would have sold much better than Miku with black hair (Zatsune Miku lmao).
>Well I could tell, pretty easy in fact. The scarf and the long part of his outfit did. His weird pose also gave it away, in fact. This part is subjective though.
A cute twintailed girl is more representative of otaku culture than a dude with a scarf and a coat.

>I prefer citing history. I know there are other popular twin tailed characters and characters with detached sleeves
It's not just her hair that made popular. It's only a part of her appeal. It's not a single thing that made her succeed, not her voice, gender, age, clothes, silhouette or hair alone, but all of them combined is what makes her appealing. On the other hand, Kaito has nothing appealing about him.

>IMO, Miku without her twintails would have sold much better than Miku with black hair (Zatsune Miku lmao).
Neither of them would sell as good as Miku as she is now.
Oh yeah, of course Kaito isn't representative of the otaku culture. He flopped hard precisely because of that. He had no appeal to the otakus. Young adult males just don't sell well.

>all of them combined
Yes of course, all of them make the Miku we know today. I'm just saying that I think the silhouette thing was probably irrelevant because it gets really easy recognizing silhouettes, due to how the human brain works. You couldn't tell it was Kaito but could easily tell it was Miku because you don't care about him and you love Miku a lot more (your wife, even). For me, neither is my favorite.
>You couldn't tell it was Kaito but could easily tell it was Miku because you don't care about him and you love Miku a lot more
That's not the point tho. Despite being exposed to Vocaloids for long time, I would struggle to recognize him just from silhouette. While people who don't care about Vocaloids at all, will have no troubles recognizing Miku's one.

I think you underestimate the importance of silhouettes in character design. It's not something that is directly, consciously appealing, but it is an artifact of good design. It's not just familiarity, a good silhouettes will convey mood and character via the shape language. Simpler, less noisy one that accentuates most important features of the character is how you make memorable design.
It doesn't quite look the way I thought it did but found it at last.
Miku is distorting the fabric of space-time
Right looks like some humanoid sonic OC lmao
It was portent.
You know, talking about hypotheticals, I wonder how different things would be if Miku had released with her ponytail design instead of twintails.
Not just in terms of vocaloid/Miku popularity but also how that would've affected the designs of other characters in the industry.
She would probably be recognized as more mature or tomboyish, instead of naive cheerful idol.

new yukari prize figure
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it's sold out already. who said it wasn't yukari's year??
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given the tweet says "[PRE ORDER]", it's probably never been in stock yet
Is that IA
IAbros so starved for content they're confusing her with other wholoids
Where can I read about vocaloid history?
It's AI, who cares
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That's her girlfriend

I'm so sad I can't refute this

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I dont like the way Abmayo draw Miku tits and face
New kinoshita https://youtu.be/hCdVtohPxh4
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The good thing about abmayo is if you don't like his style, just wait 2 weeks and it'll change completely
Luka looks like such a cute slut
One of those "pure slut" character archetypes aka gyaru
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Yeah, everything about the post is right except that part
Adorable as always
I honestly thought it was konata from the thumbnail
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you're right. it looks like the site is using a trick where it always says theres 0-4 left in order to encourage you to buy. What a cheap trick! well, i was always going to buy it regardless. I've saved your yukari reaction image for later use as well.
big fan of the fact that more miku/vocaloid artists are making sub accounts where they post lewder versions of their mikus(not necessarily porn, just more lewder variants). not a fan that their posts are more rare on those accounts though.
Who else aside from caststation
yeah gonna need some sources here senpai
He is just trying to bring up caststation in every single thread. It's probably the only thing he cares about related to Vocaloid.
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it's more a reference because a random miku artist i follow also recently did this too. They drew a cowgirl miku and then opened a sub channel where they made an alt version of the art where she's just wearing tiny panties and her cowboy boots
>Slopmerizer still ranking in views
it's catchy
I feel as if this year we got slammed by coomerfags and tourists and they never left. Maybe I'm mis-remembering how these threads were in the past but they sure do feel like shit.
Sometimes, if you don't enjoy something, it's best to leave
Worthless post

Good post
>this year
It's better than having that suicidal schizo and BLM /pol/ warrior derailing threads constantly from year or two before. At least we no longer have these unironic unapologetic newfags from earlier this year. I also wish things were better, but it's no that bad right now all things considered. Still, such behavior can easily end up manifesting Poe's law as we have seen already anyway.
I’ve been playing a lot more of Project Mirai to unlock all of the songs and who the fuck at Sega was like “Hmm yes about 6 or 7 popular songs and……fill the rest of the list with the really depressing songs about how life is sad all the time.” Like you got the song that was made by the guy that would go on to do openings for MHA and Chainsaw Man and they supplement that with the song where the MV is Rin as Marie Antoinette and it’s ends the same way for her as well.
it's not really all the different from Project Diva X's only new Len songs both being about sex and dicks(Holy Lance Explosion Boy standalone and Gigantic OTN in one of the medleys)
A thread is what its posters make of it, so if you want it to be better, post the sort of content you want to see more of. I'm a newfag myself, so I'm not too comfortable initiating, but I could talk at some length now about older albums since I've listened through most of a 1400 album mikudb torrent dated 2013. The regular posters here seem to only care about new stuff though, so I just listen and lurk usually.
Len songs about sex and dicks are some of the best Len songs
someone tell len producers to stop being horny
>Regular posters care about new stuff
New stuff gets posted because it's what's current. Same for many other music based threads. If you want to discuss or post older songs, go right ahead.
Im a newfag
Only when Len stops being so erotic.
Care to give me a top 10 albums? Currently trying to build a decent playlist, I've downloaded a lot of more recent songs, but I could use the recommendations. I said top 10, but go ahead and pastebin me a whole 50 albums if you care enough.
You are very right, it might be time to take a break.
I frequently post art and songs I find, but I was very curious if I was the odd one out with my opinion. The threads have felt very different to me this year, which makes me sad since this is my favorite place to come for all things Vocaloid.
One of the first albums I listened to, since I'm just exploring in alphabetical order. It's stayed a favorite the whole time. Love the angry Miku sound, love the buildup from ruin through Overdrive.
Another early listen, but it didn't register at first - I did a lot of listening at my job at the time, so I didn't always have the opportunity to check what album was currently playing or to listen too intensely. It wasn't until I got to Daydream Flight and heard Think The Future again that I realized I'd heard that song before and I went back up the list to find it. Anyway, I really like Aoki Lapis. There's a clarity to her voice, or at least to Taishi's tuning of it, that I don't hear much of elsewhere, and tragically few albums featuring her at all.
I love Luka's voice and design but I feel like a lot of her songs tend to be bland. This album stands in stark contrast to that impression. Shame it seems to be the only thing the producer ever did.
I have a strong fondness for the low production value "one guy with a synthesizer and a dream" sound of this album. It doesn't seem to be uploaded anywhere, I haven't searched niconico but it's not on Youtube and the MikuDB links are dead. The torrent might be the only place to find this now.
A recent find and a fast favorite. The tuning is pretty standard, but the variety of sounds and energy is really fun. I wish he'd kept making music like this and the album before it, but I don't dislike the direction he took in later works either.
Can't help it - I was into power metal long before I even knew anything about Vocaloid, so I'm extremely weak to XenonP/SHO.
I'm also extremely weak to MIDI instruments. Makes me think of Doom WAD soundtracks with Miku vocals.
I realized later on that this is just a cover album, but I still like some of its renditions better than the originals, particularly Magnet and the entire last third of the album.
Love the Luka songs here. The rest is good too, but that was the real standout for me.
Almost too relaxing an album, the songs really flow into each other and Miku is often so muted and used as an instrument that you barely even notice the transitions. You'll start listening and won't even realize when an hour has gone by and the album looped.

I don't know if I could manage 50. I have more than that in my playlist, but it's mostly no deeper than "I liked this", other works from the same producers as above, and the household names anyone could list off, your ryos and Hachis and UtsuPs and Wowakas. If you're not already familiar then fix that too. Supercell and Unhappy Refrain are legendary works, if you were to curate a Vocaloid canon they would be shoe-ins.
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Thanks a lot bro, I'll give these a listen and perhaps comment on them in a reply, really looking forward to the power metal one, since I've had a similar path in music.
Man 2013 was over 11 years ago, crazy to think just how many other new amazing works are out there
I blame the prosekafags for the change
That's just nu4chan in a nutshell. It was only a matter of time for this general to also align to the rest of the website. It has been a safe haven for long
Also don't think for a second you're the minority. It takes no effort to shift the general vibe of a thread
Complaining about it is just shitting up the thread more. The fags shitting up the thread won't just magically go away. Hide and ignore it.
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KAITO Rin Len trio. Was pretty surprised to see this producer still making songs. Still has that distinct sound that I remember.

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heart eyes emoji
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All of my Favorite Producers were dead ;_;
And all of them died if same sympthoms
Is Death Note real ?
Miku V6 gonna be the death of Miku isnt it ?
Current Gumi is no Different than her source Voice (Megumi) and it killed her popularity.
if anything, if people don't like how V6 sounds, they'll just stick to older versions like what happened to NT.
I feel like functionally, Miku and Gumi are completely different in how they are designed. Gumi is specifically TRYING to be a voice bank based on Megumi, even from her inception, so the end goal as her voice banks evolve was always to make her sound as close to the real deal as possible while the technology just wasn't there in the past. Miku is different from that, she is more a character, any evolution of her voicebank SHOULD be just making it easier to use that character while still sounding like the character. I doubt Miku V6 will sound like a complete departure from Miku, as the intention behind her voice is to always sound like Miku, the character, which is what she sounded like in 2007 and what she will be in 2025.
Teto is the only voice who gain massively from AI
it's more because she was stuck on utau with a low quality joke voicebank that hasn't been updated since 2008 so her voice could only get better through updating and using a better platform like SynthV.
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If it's going to be anything like Teto's SV release, both the old and new Miku will get a big surge
Even might expect some NT - V6 - UTAU - SV quartets
IIRC Megumi specifically tried to imitate Gumi's singing during recording, not sure how well that worked.
I want a prostitute miku
Although shitting up the thread will never help it, I think it's important to state what kind of behavior is welcomed so genuine newfags will not confuse shitposting for what this thread actually is about. You don't need to get into long arguments and fights, all it takes is just state that you are not welcomed and move on.
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It's time
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Oh, it's this one again. They fixed it finally.
>Hmm...this page doesn’t exist. Try searching for something else.
Upload the second image on litterbox/catbox please. Thank you.
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Left one is the old one, right is revised.
Honestly, it's not all that different, but the face and hair is definitely different.
Holy fuck Cosmo should not be allowed in the daily exercise rotation and it seems theres no way to disable Mikusercise.
I never gave メズマライザー a chance but actually listening to song and watching the video I can see why it blew up
I am looking forward to what channelcaststation comes up with next
Damn feel bad for people stuck with the old one. The revised version is so much better
They offered free replacement though. At least on amiami.
The detached sleeves are a really good point. Miku's character design is extremely solid. I want to say that pointy bit at her nape is also a dead giveaway
You get to keep both if you opted for the replacement or do you have to send it back if you don't want to buy the same figure twice?
I don't think they would have any use of them, shipping would probably cost more than whatever recycling would bring.
I get to keep both. If anyone wants I can ship them the old one for free, I just put it back in the box and have no use for it. The differences are more visible on photos I guess, but in person they don't really look all that different.
>pointy bit at her nape
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this part
Is it my Controller or The game ? Seems i cant complete any swarms of Buttons on Project Diva PC
I also don't enjoy working out to his songs. The notes scroll too fast and the charts just have an awkward flow. But at least you can "reroll" the daily until it gives you something else. Overlit does a good job of being fast but doable.
It could be the game. I had major problems with inputs getting eaten, especially on multi-notes, before I installed the high frame rate mod. I think it'll help even if you don't have a high refresh rate monitor, the default frame limiter is apparently broken as hell and causes all sorts of problems like that.
Huh I bought Miku Fit Boxing in Japan and I didn't know the game had dailies. Interesting way to get otaku motivated to workout
Oh, the collar. I'm not really sure how that's a dead giveaway though, I could barely see it.
I'm referring to the part of her hair that sticks out. When you see it, you see it and I guarantee you if you took that part out of the image it would feel off
He isn't talking about collar, but the cute little tails she has on her nape.
Oh, I see now. I've genuinely never noticed that, wtf. That will be something I can never unsee, I guess.
It's not present in most of fanarts, but I find it very cute when she does have it.
it is a very important element and separates the fanarts into the detail oriented and the rest
>only 2 of my artworks have the tinytails
I will improve
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Post the source please.
My wife Megurine-san is so beautiful. Literally a Goddess.
Google lens
>it's more because she was stuck on utau with a low quality joke voicebank that hasn't been updated since 2008
what the fuck am I reading
I punch as soon as the note appears, after that you get used to it.
Google Lens is useless
As it's not indexed by SauceNao, it might be a new or very old post. It's also not there in the latest booru posts.
Now, look at the filename that anon posted. It's a twitter image file. If you have the name, you can construct the direct link to it like this:
>Google Lens is useless
I said that because it literally shows up on google lens
Ah, sorry. I am on desktop and Google Lens doesn't work properly on desktop browsers.
But for some reason, these direct links give low quality versions
>But for some reason, these direct links give low quality versions
I think tiwtter uses parameters to load certain resolutions. Try adding &name=large at the end
Great. It's better (605 KB) now. But still smaller than the one posted here (686 KB).
Might as well just post the sauce considering you can't use lens https://x.com/nokuhashi_kp/status/1838098074117562784
Thanks. It's same size. 4chan is adding the extra bytes for some reason.
the real detail that separates the detailed oriented and the rest is the vocaloid text underneath the LCD/Badge on her chest

real purists know to draw the DX on her skirt though.
I wish my favorite loid was loved once again
I'm plenty used to it, but the charts don't feel like good workouts. I can make much better charts with the editor. Charts that fast also aren't great for maintaining proper form.
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Is it CUL
ascii2d is your friend

personally i use firefox with a "twitter view original media" extension
automatically makes the url fetch the original. in this case it's https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GYI8NhgbkAAqx_F?format=jpg&name=orig
Miku AI is just going to kill every other "realistic" vocaloid out there, Tetobros will be on suicide watch.
And as that other anon said, those who don't like realistic Miku will stick to whatever version of her they like, they they have been doing since the beginning.
Anyone got this in better than youtube quality? Every single link is dead in the usual places and even trying some other places yielded no results.
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Something about his butts looks kind of weird. I think it's especially noticeable with Luka here, but I can't place it. Also, what the fuck is twitter's file format?
it's the lower back here at least, in the others they just seem too long
When a miku has excessive eyelashes, large breasts, hair that is too blue, or hair that is isn't long enough, she doesn't feel miku-y to me.
Theres lots of Miku variant who got Normal Twintails
I know, but for the full miku-y feel, her hair has got to be half her body weight.
Another one - :3 faces feel more rin-y than miku-y.
90% of the project sekai variants of Miku, which are official, would not meet your criteria then.
I prefer blue Miku to green Miku
I've never thought of Miku to be green. Green is Gumi, Zundamon
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Me personally I think Miku should always be petite. And besides Miku already has plenty of friends with fat huge jugs.
Bless you bro
Was there a recent song with Tei that blew up or something? I'm starting to notice that people are talking about her again and artists are giving her the attention she deserves.
The best I can come up with is a certain western cover artist who used her plenty, getting cancelled and people looking for the covers with her.
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That's accurate. Wonderland miku is a good miku, but she's not that miku-y. This is all vibes-based. Plenty of project diva modules are further than the sekai ones.
There's nothing wrong with broad interpretations of miku. It only bothers me when "closer" mikus are swamped out by twitter trends or whatever.
I made a diagram. I come across bluish mikus much more often than greenish.
The guy who made that one brazilian miku song is apparently a vocaloid producer now and released a new miku song. I surprisingly don't hate it.
Anyone please? I must see Miku wearing tiny panties and cowboy boots.
Why dont i see any oc content here involving vocaloid covers (with your own voice)?
Because there's a separate Utaite thread
Ok thanks
Not a fan of the really bluish one but everything in the range aqua-cyan is good to me. I consider green an exotic miku. Actual blue miku is alien but I would still love her

Why Jap creators always have their lifespan cut by half
I dont know Japs word and i listen to Vocaloids :)
I've been learning Japanese for 2 years and can relate.
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I've been learning Japanese for few months and it's really nice when I recognize some words or phrases in songs.
Miku is aqua
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Thank you anon
Just watched Macross F
I cant unsee Gumi in Ranka Lee
Grey Blue
Any twintailed girl can be a Miku
Teal, turquoise, aqua, electric blue
Project Sekai is fun.
Is there any direct comparison of JP->EN voicebank conversion between Vocaloid6 and SynthV? Between Gumi’s V6 and SV banks, I’m wondering which has the better English capability.
i learned hiragana and katakana specifically because my vocaloid collection was getting larger and harder to manage because i couldn't into runes
i just did like those online flash card games and wrote the characters down a lot, 50 times each as per the namasensei method.
they kinda permanently stick with you.
kanji is a bit harder to learn if you're not using/speaking the language, just collecting chinese robot chiptunes isn't enough. i know plenty of runes but i'm never going to be a fluent speaker.
but i thank miku for giving me the motivation to do as much as i did, she's worth it.
>just collecting chinese robot chiptunes isn't enough
It can be though. I got tired of not knowing how to read song titles that had kanji in them last year or so, so I added every kanji in my song library to an Anki deck and did 10 new ones per day. Now that problem is pretty much solved for me for like 95% of the songs I have, and after reading some grammar guides and starting a beginner anki deck, I can already pick up a surprising amount of phrases and words when reading JP comments on twitter/youtube. It all adds up fast.
Writing down never worked for me. I tried that and failed miserably.
What actually helped me learn kana was doulingo and djt game/website. I even made a variant of djt webiste that automatically introduces new kana based on how well you memorized the rest so far.
Now I am doing Tae Kin grammar and Anki for kanji, slowly preparing to start with immersion.
I wouldn't be doing that if it wasn't for her as well.
synthv by virtue of being AI
i used to also write down short words and sentences in each form, words i'd see or just make up. i think that helped a lot. just writing each character a bunch is just practicing handwriting form. it makes more sense to practice rapidly recalling them by writing actual words.
I didn't know Sailor Moon was Miku all along!
They're both AI though
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Probably SV's because V6's Gumi has terrible quality overall
Damn V6 Gumi is really fucking bad for that to be AI
She was likely designed after her. Same voice provider and the design is very similar.
I love when Luka is made to wear skimpy clothes that prominently exposes how fat her milkers are and she is visibly embarrassed about it
that is a little scummy of yamaha lmao
could have properly made it a joint production but no they had to create an entirely new identity for gumi
new Kira ft. The Kagamines
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If anyone is trying to get all the boxing achievements, there are EX achievements for playing 50 hours on each character and my Len and Luka were only on 10 hours each when I found this out.
Very nice, I've really missed KIRA using the Kagamines
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a few threads ago some anons discussing their favorite teto songs mentioned ___natural
had a listen to a few songs recently, can forward the recommendation

this one particularly caught my ear today
which vocaloid do you find most attractive?
kaito 0/10
meiko 5/10
luka 6/10
rin 9/10
len 8/10
miku 10/10
teto 8/10
tomboy flower 9/10
v flower 5/10
kafu 7/10
gumi 8/10
IA 9/10
yukari 5/10
anon and kanon 8/10
Natsuki Karin 5/10
>kaito 0/10
That's just unfair. Why would you rate a man if you only like women? Poor Kaito
We need one of these but for wholoids
>yukari 5/10
>Why would you rate a man if you only like women?
thats a good point, my bad
i just raited all 'loids that I could think of
I do like kaito, just dont think the character
is attractive
the most unoriginal character design 'loid

zundamon 7/10
una 3/10
we need a wholoid official chart
tempted to dig through vocadb and make it this weekend (95% chance I wont because I'm lazy)
kaai yuki 10/10
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Len is best
After that it's Rin>Miku>Teto>Luka and I don't care about the appearance of any others all that much to rank them
uni 7/10
nemu 9/10
macne nana 9/10
fukase tumblr/10
galaco 10/10
gakupo 3/10
avanna 9/10
clara 7/10
maika 9/10
cul 10/10
seeu 10/10
lily 8/10
sonika 6/10
miki 6/10
big al 6/10
kiyoteru 0/10
shiki rowen 0/10
hibiki koto 5/10
fuiro 4/10
po-uta 5/10
Not that anon who mentioned him (I think) but ___natural makes some great stuff, their album "感情再生機" is probably one of my all time favorites, and what I largely owe my love of teto's voice to.
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Fair enough. KAITO's my favorite vocaloid, but I certainly have no such thoughts about him either. Very cute though.
KAITO(female), on the other hand, is 10/10.
Make sure to include all the random synthV as well bro, I trust you'll get to it
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>meiko 5/10
>luka 6/10
>fukase tumblr/10
I wonder if theres a full album of this

And This
I Believe Hatsune Miku is 158cm.... With Shoes (High Heels) on
Teto is Miku for children
I'm children
I like all loids
She's 31. Actually Miku for adult.
More like Miku for grandpas
They're making UTAU2 with blackjack and hookers Teto isn't invited since she left
Isn't OpenUTAU already that though? It's already UTAU on steroids and with AI voicebank support

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