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前: >>47839444

Ask questions about and discuss the japanese language itt
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DJT Daily Japanese Thread
Previous thread
>>47854407 #3968
>>47839444 #3967
>>47828505 #3966
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can anyone explain the grammar in かく語りき?
it's how they say thus spake like in thus spake zarathustra
The phrase かく語りき (kaku katari-ki) is a classical Japanese expression often used to translate the English phrase "thus spake" or similar expressions found in older or more formal styles of writing. Here's a breakdown of the grammar:

1. **かく (kaku)**: This is an adverb meaning "thus" or "in this way." It sets up the statement to follow, meaning that someone is about to say something in a particular way.

2. **語り (katari)**: This is the *ren'yōkei* (連用形), or conjunctive form, of the verb 語る (kataru), which means "to speak" or "to tell." The *ren'yōkei* form is used to connect to other elements or, in this case, to the auxiliary verb that follows.

3. **き (ki)**: This is an auxiliary verb in classical Japanese, used to indicate something that happened in the past. It's a direct past-tense marker, typically associated with personal experience or something the speaker has direct knowledge of. In modern Japanese, it’s no longer used, but it's commonly found in classical texts and formal, literary works.

### Overall Translation:

かく語りき literally means "thus spoke" or "thus told," capturing the same meaning as the phrase "thus spake" in English. It's a very formal, old-fashioned way of indicating that someone said something in a certain way.

In the context of translating something like "Thus Spake Zarathustra," this phrase mirrors the archaic and formal tone of the original.
You found that book in the neocities library too huh
kaku is just 斯く, archaic way of saying "like this" or "thus"
katari is just the continuative of kataru which I'm sure you know
ki is classical japanese past tense indicator, where the speaker actually experienced what they're talking about in contrast to -keri
>rewatching stuff you already know is boring
>watching new stuff is frustrating when you can't parse
it's over
>rewatching stuff you already know is boring
I never understood people who are like this. Knowing a show only means you have more context clues which will help you understand more. When i thought about replaying OoT in japanese or rewatching shows in japaneses I was hyped about it because i knew it would help me level up. Putting in several hours into it each day. I was never bored of the idea.
i get it being boring if you watched it already in japanese, but going through in jp for the first time is like watching it for the first time again. especially if its a show you haven't watched in a while. rewatching made in abyss in japanese was amazing actually
just had to relearn 一身 because i failed to understand 一身上
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where's QM. i have a question i know he can answer. what elements determine whether or not a card you mined is of high quality? i always used the line of thinking that less required context = high quality card, but i've never really thought about it beyond that. i find myself almost always mining from sections in anime that are basically expositions of concepts/ideas, one-off conversations between characters or random things like sections when you hear news reporters talking/broadcast announcements etc.
holy ngmi
thx for elaborating
not sure what you mean but my example sentences that i mine from are always kept simple

i don't wanna read something "complex" when rereading it in anki. i find concise sentences work best


パンダ砲なら甘んじて受け入れよう( ー`дー´)キリッ

Why not do both? I always watch both easy stuff and hard stuff at the same time so I'm making gains in confidence that help me relax during frustrating stuff
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What are the correct sentences? JLPT N1 2013
24131 ;3
how do i ensure i get a japanese gf like the one on the right, not the left?
lower your standards
the world is full of cute bbas and all you can think about is vanity
i never wouldve met my wife or found happiness if i thought like you
does textractor work with elona? too lazy to try right now
if you aren't fine with ambiguity and that frustration you'll never glean anything from immersion
i dunno what glean means, but i'm fine with not knowing
ambiguity means you dont know how to use a dictionary
What are the sentences?
lil bro...

based kobunbro
>ki is classical japanese past tense indicator, where the speaker actually experienced what they're talking about in contrast to -keri
You know the more I learn about languages (not just Japanese) the more I realize how feature-incomplete modern English as a language is despite being a fucking terrible mess in terms of grammar and lexicon
official translation
>What's most tragic about Misae-san's situation isn't even that it was unrequited. It's that he was drafted before they ever got the chance to tell each other. He's still in her heart, even now.
am I a dekinai or does the english and japanese says different things?
I think it depends entirely on context
This one passage says nothing about tragedy but it could easily be implied and need to be made explicit.
i guess you right, i just found it weird that english did not say they both liked each other
It's a bad translation for sure, "wasn't even that it was unrequited" doesn't really imply that it was requited which is explicit in the original.
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lmao shoui is charging for xis shit quiz
my severe adhd makes immersion very difficult to me. like when I don't understand something i sometimes can't even know whether it's because i can't parse the sentence or because I didn't pay attention. :(
and people give matt shit...
imagine being so insecure of your own gender that you have to use voice changers and grift your own audience for their subpar japanese skills
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meow meow (ΦωΦ)
do japanese people use discord?
maybe I should just join actual japanese discord servers about things that interest me and that'll be helpful with immersion...
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daily reminder to read the official DJT guide
DJT guide v3.0, written from scratch by 出来るやつs: https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/
new - rikaitan site: https://rikaitan.github.io/
has anyone here tried playing geo guesser japanese map? could be a nice side quest to get good at it while learning japanese
they made it p2p recently fuck that
> what elements determine whether or not a card you mined is of high quality?
this is explained in the djt guide https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/sentence-mining#aim-for-high-quality-cards
Is there a difference between まいとし and まいねん? Or can they be used interchangeably?
yes and no
try openguessr
i do but he said geo so
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no real difference, no
>look up Mastodon
>looks like some kind of twitter replacement but >free and open source
Nigga you seriously recommend but don't just tell him to go on twitter?
what does choropleth map mean in japanese?
I don't know, it's in English? Are you asking how to say it in Japanese? Because I think it's 階級区分図, though you should check to be sure.
why are you busting my balls man you know what i meant
No I literally didn't know what you meant at first, I wasn't sure if you were asking if like the japs used it or would understand one if they saw one or some shit
nobody knows what you mean esl anon
なんやなんやジャップに何か用か? (^_^;)
i have been learning english for 23 years i think i know what im doing. im basically native-level
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i think the other 2 he was referring to were me and ciaran
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I was studying properly for most of this year and got a lot out of it, peaking in July when I was reading for hours daily, but once I finished the LN I was reading I kind of lost footing. Now my routine is just anki and half-hearted half an hour of trying to force myself to read some shit i don't care for

Past record suggests that I will randomly fire up again like two years from now, but I'd rather skip the waiting.
I could really use a second wind but idk where to get it
gg you already lost all your progress
drop media you dont like
this hobby has a lot of hills and valleys you gotta wait until inspiration hits and theres a piece of media you really want to do
obviously having an older lady gf to talk to you before bed helps a lot too because sexmmersion = big gains
what is wrong with you
( ˘ω˘)スヤァ
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worst part about language exchange apps like hellotalk is that everyone is still convinced that you learn a language by outputting in said language so none of the japanese people I talk to will actually speak in japanese.
youre good at pretending to be me because thats something id actually post lol
そりゃ英語話したいですもん :3
the hardest part is to find a replacement
I am a sensitive young man who would collapse to the floor and start ejecting the contents of my stomach after a prolonged contact with a woman much older than me
I don't know what that means
>everyone is still convinced that you learn a language by outputting in said language so none of the japanese people I talk to will actually speak in japanese.
You do need to do this though, if you want to learn to use the language instead of only be able to read the language.
thats why language exchange fundamentally doesnt work
each person wants something different from the relationship and only the more persistent one wins
thats because you have no taste in women
hellotalkを知らんけど実践ありきなのじゃ( ˘ω˘)ウムッ
why does this tripfag even want to be me in the first place
depression most likely or maybe its just queef trolling you

japanese is hard
that's honestly brilliant. fuck the quiz grinders, empty their pockets until they learn of their retardation.
in all likelihood its mlen or moe
vtubers are cringe but ill admit that was cute
Language tutoring js obviously better and it's dirt cheap if you get someone who isn't a pro tutor or something
it must be the case that listening helps cement stuff that you only kind of know when you read, as in acquisition mostly happens with listening. because for listening you have to actually understand something instantly in real time so it has to be deeply ingrained whereas with reading you can constantly pause to think about stuff.
/jp/ literally saved my life
when you exchange messages with an ESL on hellotalk are you supposed to use casual language/grammar/slang or do you type properly to help them understand you?
how so?
is your incubator for sale by chance?
idk japanese so i need you to confirm my theory unless someone claims to have not listened, and only read for years but felt like they could blitz through text, and learning to listen afterwards did not improve their reading.
Yeah it definitely helps turn more passive vocab into active vocab
youre right ydkj
you seem to be one of the few experts in this thread. i'm a beginner and you need to help me out.
i'm mentally ill
i can only show you the door youre the one who has to walk through it
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looks like gook
ai kanji
looks like hanghoul to me
is there a case of 38开?
yes, one presumes that is the case
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im feeling lucky (3)
>nyapanese gf
What the fuck does the English even mean? Is it supposed to be attached to another clause?
only ESLs will understand because EOPs have lexical minds (digibro neurotyping chart for more info)
means they dke
only に限って
I need to go to a kid’s birthday party today
Is it just me or is this four year old being a bit insensitive
Like he knows I need to spend time immersing like what gives
Or am I in the wrong here
dame i wouldnt be able to contain my boner
i acquired fuency or near fluency in english by watching lots of twitch streams back in the early 2010s. was pretty easy. no such luck with japanese and I'm not sure why.
whats an eop
Or, you know, that fragment can have multiple meanings in English depending on what the rest of the sentence it's attached to actually says
the japanese twitch streams aren't as compelling
you're old
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I was old (early 20s) back then already
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subs wrong
dunno whats more embarrassing
being an anime only or being a onepiss fag
the people who post on djt are some of the saddest on the planet
they think theyre entitled to a well thought out ending from fotm slop
wonder what hxh's ending will be
imagine letting the 2020 wave tranny western fanbase color your opinion on a good shounen.
i liked one rest in peace until i found out it wasnt really about pirates
luffy being killed or having a simon ending would be kinda cool and unexpected so i doubt oda would do it
women get good at japanese 1000x easier than males (except OG she actually sucks) but anytime a woman posts to prove it she gets called AI or nitpicked over stupid shiet this place is full of such sore losers
I like one piece but only pre timeskip

I’ve reached Zou but tapped out
it'd be so hot if women posted here and i would praise them every single time.
i don't like any of one piece but still read to wholecake then dropped it. then i watched the climax of luffy vs katakuri on youtube and that was pretty cool. then i saw gear 5 on youtube and it was painfully dragged out and the animation was just low quality.
old vocaroo where niggas kept saying i was AI https://voca.ro/1lY763BpVk3r
>hmmm, FFXIV Balmung is open
>maybe I'll make an alt, play the game in Japanese, check my progress
>okay let's go!
>it's ALL fucking カタカナ語
ENOUGH holy shit use your own god damn language
head canon
it's actually not tho
meisou chick is that you? you sound amazing.
Yeah I'm exaggerating but a shocking number of the ability names are just shit like "ファストブレード" which is so demoralizing to read
oh yeah, definitely. i thought you were referring to the story or something lol.
thats every single jrpg
yeah its me lol thanks a lot dude(':
i just got baited. wish women posted here.
they used to
mens favorite sport: gaslighting
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choke on a dick
Nigga that's like saying Spanish is demoralizing because you can already read half the words
Probably because Japanese is a harder language to acquire listening skills for. It'll happen it just won't feel as instant
Subtract hours spent at birthday party from some other non-immersion activity so you can go socialize because if you don't (you) will go insane trust me it happened to me
lack of immersion directly correlates with insanity
what a gaslight
And so does lack of socialization
Do both
Hard concept for autists like me but I learned the hard way
Can only be 3 right?




fuck yeah this is like the second time I get one right. i feel like my grasp on japanese grammar is really starting to get better now (still shit)
tries to watch nursery rhyme on youtube and it was all katakana. actually got bodied
identify this word without looking it up
wotd: 資本主義, ho!
blue goofy ahh water
this is your brain on ngmi
Same as the early pokemon games everyone says omg so hard but really it's the same as having listening skills when there's no kanji
仕事で旧東京まで行ってくるわ。たぶん帰りは遅いから、何かデバって what does deba mean
What kinda streams do you watch?
blue kool-aid
skipping one day of immersion sets you back 10 days. skipping two sets you back 25 and so on.
blue phospor water
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I reccomend Learn Japanese to Survive! Kanji Combat for starting to learn kanji. see pic related.

Just gave it another crack today when the last time i played it was about a year ago

this game teaches around 10% of the kanji i need to pass the n2...
is there a deck for learning the most common reading of every kanji? at least jouyou.
I finished rtk and should've just added it there while going through it
Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.
why not learn the words instead, you'd just be adding an unecessary step
I skipped roughly 100 days of immersion for reasons I cannot elaborate on, I am returning and although it is painful it's a bit of a cool experiment
For instance I put core10k in anki and am speedrunning the thousands of words I already know but can't remember on command
I already know the words, the problem is I can't recognize the readings when the kanji are in isolation. Like when I see them in a different word and then I wanna look up the word but I don't remember the reading so it's a pain in the ass
just keep going and youll get there
Are the Japanese translations of the Harry Potter books good?
cant possibly be a human making these posts
yeah theyre pretty faithful to the source material
obligatory https://youtu.be/gewVqZGpwQA?t=15


self own
fake me does that on the regular
hooooly fuck.
did these people not fluent in japanese just make mistakes in japanese? elmaoooo.
hello nuke-chan
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kachite will always be a classic
the only shamefur one was kata ni muketa because hes one of us
still the greatest l in djt history
why not calvinput
more like calorie input
his heart is on the right large side though. doing the video stuff to hold himself accountable is a good idea.
and look how well that went for him lol
idk i wouldn't know
im just kidding we all know he lost the weight and ended up learning japanese on top of chinese and arabic
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why are you learning japanese?
because it's fun
was kinda coasting and neglecting my nihongo after I fell out of love with anime but now I got a japanese gf and wanna try hard so we can overcome language barriers...
fr i wish i had studied anime before i acquired taste. back in the day I'd even happily watch complete garbage like date a live and enjoy it. nowadays I'm so fucking picky it's annoying and hard to find something new and interesting.
err studied nippongo i mean
date a live is good chug
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I just go on hianime.to and watch random shit at this point.
Lately I'm I going full autist and watching bits of every anime a single seiyuu I like has been in because my nihonjap is too bad to follow any decent seinen plot
Just heard of RTK. It’s a waste of time, right? Especially if you don’t plan on learning how to write kanji and are going to type whatever Japanese you learn anyways?
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having to rely on translators to read something is ass and with manga it might take decades until something is fully translated if it even gets there, teenager me always thought "wish I knew the language"
starting point was being at a low point in life and deciding trying to do the things my past self never did was preferable to dying regretful
It's useful to learn the basics of how radicals and stroke order work, but once you get the gist of it there's no need unless you're a perfectionist polishing your already good Japanese
When I started I must have had a good reason but I don't remember it now. At this point I keep going only out of habit.
I always get shocked that I can read random porn now because my japanese sucks ass
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wtf is going on i feel like i need glasses
I wanted to be an artist/game developer that understood the people I was trying to emulate. It ended up being an even bigger task than my original goal so it swallowed it right up and I forget from time to time.
and i now realize that this is cringe and that i can just copy them without caring but i'm too stubborn to stop and i may never get back to art again at this rate
strange influx of ngmis
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I would emulate popular Japanese video games during my lunch breaks at work and kind of felt like I was wasting my time, so I figured learning the language of the games I played would be marginally more productive. Plus I’d like to collect retro games and US copies are way too expensive but the 日本語 ones are much cheaper.

Also the idea of watching the original anime and playing the original games as they were designed seemed cool. I never really understood the importance of it until I saw some American cartoons and tv shows dubbed in Japanese and felt like they were not only inferior but invalid, so I figured the English dubs of the anime I would watch must be invalid too.

Finally it just seems like a totally cool and extremely rare skill to have. Like the idea of holding a novel written entirely in Japanese and having my brother or someone I know from work see me read it and for me to say “yeah, I actually know how to read this and what all these weird kanji symbols mean” seems really cool.
are these reddit posts
the guy asked us for blogposts and that's what he got
turns out a lot of us have similar backgrounds who knew




the guy pretending to be me claiming hes real has been proven fake
its been confirmed he doesnt even have a wife
i don't think anyone here actually believes unko uses a trip now
とんぼ1期で超癒されたが2期はどうかなー? :3
nobody cares
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do i really need to get the n1 to understand ポケットモンスタズ red

well, time to get mining!
and how long have you been learning
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add me btw
holy cringe
maybe it's hard to find kanji from kana :(
Language is inherently rewarding to learn
there's no way 設定 is N1 wtf?
I'm probably going to be the most unique answer here so I'll share.

2024 was literally life changing for me. I initiated a divorce and ended up in the hospital for acute liver failure shortly after. Moved back into my mom's house to work on paying off debt, sold everything I own. House, car, truck, just basically hit the entire reset button on my life. I lost 55 pounds in like 2 months after quitting drinking. I used to drink a handle of vodka per day. Did that for around a decade.

Almost dying in the hospital did something to me. Now I'm just doing all the shit I never did but always wanted to do, and I'm doing it no matter what.

I've only been studying JP for 1.5 months and I'm roughly half way through N5. I'm going to do this no matter what. It's therapeutic right now and helping me deal with this rough patch in life while I pay off my debt and get back to baseline. I have no time to dwell on the negative because JP fills those thought-gaps. I'm going to make it and nobody can stop me.
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Congrats if true but kys if you doing a youtube comment moment
All true. A finger wag from the grim reaper is the kick in the ass I needed
i just reset my anki about 12 days ago. i know enough kanji and grammar for the N5, learning N4 grammar now.

i've been studying since I took japanese university courses in Japanese 6 years ago.

>maybe it's hard to find kanji from kana :(

pic related just filtered me

はかせと and おるよ filtering me...i can't find はかせと or even かせと.
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forgot pic related
明な唐は ポケモン は枷と 舌割れて 折るよ ▼

based janny wiping the unko stains
It's not はかせと
It's 博士 と
おるよ is also just おる よ
Are you sure you're N2
oh wait I'm confusing you with someone else you're N4
fair enough

みんなから は ポケモン 博士 と 慕われて おるよ

from everyone, with a pokemon expert, ..

i almost got it figured out..

noo not kanji damage, brain damage
that is why I hate kana only sentences >:3
the prepositions always seem screw up the learners lol
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wotd: おまいう
the screenshot doesnt match the wotd
atl is based though one of the reasons i started learning japanese was to play it in its original language
fake unko >>>> real unko
which is which?
idk what atl is :(
there is more appropriate word: ( ´∀`)オマエモナー
the fake is fake and the real is real
read this for the first time and got is right lets goo
ill do when pigs fly :3
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memorized vncore v3 a couple years ago, mined some 500 words by myself and then just stopped reading and studying anything japanese after reading 1 (one) single VN because i became a wagie and fell into depression
now i'm a NEET again and can focus on japanese

what did i miss during those 3 years?

what the heck, i just found out Cure Dolly died.

definitely going to be watching her lessons videos.
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i still regularly read harajuku as genjuku

you missed out on the fun of learning a language
bro you missed out everything. also you probably +25 y/o and thats too late breh just give up
im 32
i learned spanish so i could talk with clients from mexico
it was hell
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settle down with the Mexicans. mi casa tu casa
you're my age
Kirby is so epic
my brother. if i see your trip again im filtering you
>if i see your trip again im filtering you

i do that for post history.
>age meme again
summers gone already, bro
i filtered everybody and now theres nobody else left to talk with
and i actually prefer it this way
idk he deserves being filtered or not :O
filtering namefaggots deprives you of the full authentic djt experience
play pretend all you want. your time here is false.
Since last time you were interested in my song translation, here's another one, this time from JP to EN.

If tomorrow were never to come,
And all were engulfed by eternal darkness just like this,
What words would I dare to spit
At my end in such a world?

Countless pasts come and go
On this starless tainted sky
After all the sacrifice, this rotten earth
Is nothing but a scenario full of scars

There's little, only so little left, for my feeble calls
To vanish with the night wind coursing through my chest
I cannot love anymore, yet for the first time in the end
I feel like I miss you, an irredeemable egoist,
In this saddeningly quiet night


There's little, only so little left, for my feeble calls
To vanish with the night wind coursing through my chest
I cannot love anymore, yet for the first time in the end
I feel like I miss you, an irredeemable egoist,

Ah I cannot laugh at this, tell me it is a dream,
Then take me back to the old days, to that old city sky
I cannot go back anymore, yet for the first time in the end
I feel like crying and clinging to something, to this fading loneliness
In this saddeningly quiet night
filtering trips and names gets the attention seekers out.
my favorite song by エイジア
anyone know where i can pirate another code recollection? seems really good for immersion. I'm not familiar with switch emulation...
test for djt: what does なんとかして伝えないと mean?
なんとかして = "somehow" or "by some means"
伝えないと = "must convey" or "have to tell"
so put together なんとかして伝えないと means something like "i have to find a way to tell/convey (something)" or "i must somehow get (this) across"
it's like when you really need to express something important, but you're not sure how! :3 it shows determination to communicate, even if it's tricky~
hope i got it right fren! ^_^
if i don't find a way to 伝え i'm FUCKED!!
>somehow what I'm doing won't be conveyed...
t. n5
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idk i stopped reading that halfway trough
would you say japanese feels like a logically constructed and streamlined language? I'm a dekinai, but everything i learn about the language makes me feel as though it should be incredibly simple to acquire. there's barely any nonsensical bullshit, most of it pertains to random って filler and needing to interpret what's being talked about because the topic isn't outright stated after bring introduced.

idk, why is this language so difficult to acquire even though it should be easy...
Does it actually matter what anki deck i use to study kanji to read?
I'm been using kanji damage for a while now and its pretty easy to learn and remember it, but im wondering what other decks are out there?
>Bro is using that deck and not the core 8k deck
I could not memorize the kanji by brute force as seen in that deck like i dont need to in kanji damage.
pre made decks are there to build up your fundamental vocabulary
it literally doesn't matter what you pick
you can only fuck up if you pick something specialized like a fish deck or something lol
I'm writing the kanji physically in a diary, and looking back at it when i need a refresher.
Do other people just shove their learning to a new card in a blank anki deck?
threadshitter spotted in the wild
why did this make me laugh so hard? i love the japanese non-learning community
he was Greek
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this is the first time i ever got called くん

i thought なら meant 'if'.

what the heck is 弟のグリーンなら saying? If it's my younger brother Green..i thought Red and Garry weren't related
it's not good to have only two lines :(
なら what??? what comes next???
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here's what comes next

this is the rest of the sentence
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i think you should play fr/lg though :3
>i thought なら meant 'if'.
it can mean "if" but nara usually has a bigger contextual weight so it sometimes means "in the case of".

for example
>i think you should play fr/lg though :3

i was planning on playing that after red. I like knowing how to pronounce the words, and the difficulty when the kanji train comes in is going to be legendary.

I think I understand it now, is it saying "(why are you here) If it's Green, Grandfather's research lab" (no iru for saying "He's there" though..)

mining 大漁 of today

脛の傷 (脛に傷)
I have already learned all of the japanese. Goo bye.
おうまた明日な! (^_^)/~~~
Looks like you need to learn English ext
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oh no no no you don't! (´・ω:;.:...
how the fuck are you supposed to know the meaning of this l m a o
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4 hours of mining pocket monsters red

i finally can choose a pokemon. i'll leave that for the next study session. took me the entirety of genki 1 and genki 2 and putting my toe in tobira to get this far

when does intermediate hell start? n3?
>when does intermediate hell start?
after passing n1
If you live in an era where that specific meaning of yaku is common the compound word might be more intuitive but yeah it's kinda obscure now
like the other guy said the beginner phase ends at n1 then japanese will start becoming more yasasiku
speaking of toes did you ever figure out how that particle worked
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wtf kids know this word?
you know not all kids media is written with words they exclusively think kids know
same except i've always been picky so not same

the count has swatted guts which makes him feel dispair
i have now reached the stage where i guilt myself when i wanna play a game that doesn't have much dialogue because it won't contribute to my language learning

also, why are atlus fucking bitches and won't ship games like 13 Sentinels, Unicorn Overlord and so on with japanese text options?? annoying grrr.
romancing saga 2 demo was quite fun gonna get that
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immersion incubator
to prevent japanese people from importing cheaper copies
thankfully the japanese versions are pretty available online
i mined a couple of n1 cards in pokemon. this is really surprising to me.
native material is n0
true true
following up on this...she knows her stuff.

i would reccomend anyone on /djt/ check her out. she has 90 lessons and tries to teach japanese in a way textbooks don't cover.

i'm at lesson 9 at the moment.
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"im an elementary student"
fuck little takeshi gon do
ANUBIS is a good game where you can communicate with Ada using R3/L3

>conductorless train
>please tell the driver
see https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/should-i-trust-cure-dolly-and-organic-japanese
wish i got true'd more
Hi everyone. I decided that I wanted to learn Japanese and managed to learn hiragana in 3 days using Tofugu and a Kana quiz site. I was also using Ringotan as it helped me remember the stroke order. I had to stop learning because of my exams.

Now that I've finally got some free time, I decided to get back to it but I quickly got overwhelmed. I read guides like the Moe Way, Xelieu, Donkuri, Refold, downloaded the Kaishi 1.5k and Usagi Chan Phonetics deck on Ankidroid, watched YouTubers such as Livakivi, Matt VS Japan, Trenton《トレントン》, bookmarked resources like IMABI, Cure Dolly, Mokuro, Bilingual Manga Reader, Wotaku, Ankiconnect, downloaded Kiwi browser, Yomitan, ASB player, asb autosubs, Akebi, Jsho, Takoboto.

All this information and resources are both good but also really overwhelming. The guides have different approaches to immersion and learning Japanese as a whole. I really don't know where to get started. I also don't have access to my PC for a month so I'll have to do immersion on my Android using Kiwi browser but there's the issue with not being able to pause the video when the subtitles pop up and block the button.

Where do I go after learning Katakana? Do I immediately start watching anime with Japanese subs? Or do I learn Grammar? How much Grammar should I know? How many cure dolly videos? How many pages of IMABI? When do I start doing Anki?. How long will it take until I can actually watch anime without subs and read light novel's and manga?

Sorry for the rant. I'm just really confused and I hope the more experienced learners could guide me.
good riddance
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NEVER read any of the trash "guides" that are not approved by DJT. and don't download their shitty anki decks. the only official guide is https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/
>Where do I go after learning Katakana?
follow the table of contents in order https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/table-of-contents
you gotta make statements that are true
> How many cure dolly videos?
0. zero.
> do I learn Grammar?
The guide explains it quite well. https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/learning-grammar
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guys wtf


toiu can be replaced by ha and nothing changes

would you mine 風待ち?
I would but I wouldnt recommend
btw i found it as kazemachi not kazamachi
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i mean go ahead, but this word is so rare that youre not gonna see it for a while. especially the kazemachi variant
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is getting nihongo jouzud by natives a microaggression or do they really find it amazing
its a compliment dont be autistic
>downloaded the Kaishi 1.5k
KEK. I think you got scammed.
Avoid Kaishi like a plague. It's trash. It's a soul-sucking, time-wasting, productivity-killing nightmare. But you know what's even worse? The authors and the community. The deck was created by a bunch of N6 shitters on Pisscord who don't know Japanese and have no idea how to learn Japanese properly. Self-proclaimed "experts" who will crucify you for not using their precious "optimized" decks.
Meanwhile, Ankidrone Foundation is over here, quietly being the best thing since sliced bread. Ankidrone Foundation is made by experts at AJATT. The authors actually care about Japanese learners, not just their own circlejerk.
Don't waste your time with Kaishi deck, anons. Make the get Ankidrone Foundation and thank me later.
keep using kaishi. >>47869107 is a bot. disregard ankidrone and tatsumoto related posts
tatsumoto is a dumb schizo who'll tell you to get matrix or mastodon to talk to japanese people because of muh privacy protection, when that shit is only known by complete /g/ autists.
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why can a japanese child be fluent at age 5 with a vocab of 2000 while i can't be fluent with a vocab of 8000
constant exposure combined with it being their only language
That's expressive vocabulary they have closer to 10k-15k receptive. Your expressive vocab is way lower than theirs
>12 years
>passive vocab at 50k words
thats crazy
it's over...
literally just keep going it's that shrimple
idk at 12 you've already lived for quite a long time. not that crazy.
they're fully receptive at that age
There's no decent alternative to Ankidrone Foundation. Go shill your tranny garbage on reddit.
fully receptive of cum
just realized the て-form sometimes acts as a で that shows a method of how something is done
i thought i knew the te form
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mined あいうえお
reminds me of tenioha
can't believe stevijs turned his back on matt during the uproot stuff.
desu being an american must be horrible when learning this language. a native english speaker I mean. you grew up with a language that makes zero sense phonetically, no baseline for what any letter sounds like (see the poem "the chaos") and now you have to learn this language that actually requires consistent pronunciation. we've all heard english speakers pronounce Ryu as Raayou
if va is ヴァ then what is ワァ? help!
a ha that is almost in fa territory
the worst holo
wtf i thought this meant your shoes are falling apart because of age and usage but it means getting foot blisters
the worst homo
i wonder what the 阿婆 is that gets chafed in 阿婆擦れ
my first thought reading shoe blister wouldnt be my shoes are getting literal blisters
Have you ever seen the actual vocabulary list for IELTS
I guarantee you there's words you knew in middle school that aren't there
>Nearly all Japanese words fall into one of three categories. Just three. And those three categories are: Nouns, Verbs, and Adjectives.
>meanwhile actual Japanese: arguably doesn't have real adjectives at all
i dunno i knew 擦れる as rubbing so i couldn't read it as shoe blister
You know I kind of like how expressive some Japanese words are
腰掛け is so evocative
It's chafing/rubbing that occurs due to the shoe, not chafing/rubbing that happens to the shoe
ty also does someone know how to quickly write ワァ without having to write "wa-la" on the keyboard
What's wrong with just going waxa? It's one extra keystroke
if you type l instead of x youre ngmi
bro's really gonna take the l on this one
Should wakizashi be pronounced wakizash?
is tap water in japan not of drinkable quality?
im watching sangatsu no lion (also i just realized this episode that sangatsu refers to the neighborhood his 3 gfs live in) and he ran out of mizu so he decides he has to go to the supermarket to buy new omizu
or do japanese people tend to refer to everything drinkable as mizu instead of nomimono?
actually there are huge empty jugs of water on the floor so it really is just plain mizu
you're a tranny for being able to watch sangatsu desu
no one ever recommends ankidrone so stop acting like its even considered. i swear you people are as insufferable as lilnuxtards. it's not enough that you enjoy it, you must impose your autism onto to others to validate your choices lmao
can't touch me, like gojo, look good in all my photos
just landed in 京都 i'm worldwide these bitches local
can't speak to Japan in general but kyoto and tokyo have drinkable tap water, and if you don't trust the municipal governments you can always buy a cheap charcoal filter and drink it anyway
not true intermediate starts before n1 advanced starts after
the greatest german japanese learner in history
>advanced starts after N1
N1 puts you maybe on par with a 6th grader who likes to read dude
lets hear him read
more like 8th if we're talking 180/180 or close but yes? middle schoolers are already very much fluent in their language.
not like anyone here would know that
Yeah except you don't need to be fluent in the language to pass the N1, since you don't need to produce any Japanese at all and even the reading is shallow and artificial so that there's one, incontrovertible right answer. It's a standardized test, after all, or do you think the chinks in American universities (they all passed the TOEFL or IELTS at a high score) can speak English worth shit?
Do you HAVE to learn the individual readings of Kanji or can I just learn the kanji as I see them in my Anki deck? Learning the readings seem helpful, but is it totally necessary?
no just stick with the vocab
>Learning the readings seem helpful, but is it totally necessary?
no and it might even make you waste time
Yeah I'd say out of all japanese learning materials tatsumoto helped me the most.
>meanwhile actual Japanese: arguably doesn't have real adjectives at all
形容詞 is what we typically call "adjectives" in english.
Ankidrone decks have been around since since 2020, they have helped many people and received positive feedback. That's why Ankidrone decks are universally recommended.
>is tap water in japan not of drinkable quality?
japan is a filthy shithole, they don't have anything edible or drinkable for a human being.
> matrix or mastodon to talk to japanese people because of muh privacy protection,
personally i don't care that much about privacy, but i care about talking to japanese people, so i use matrix and mastodon.
Many of those are actually just metastasized stative verbs, unlike the Chinese (kanji) equivalent, which are, in fact, just adjectives. That's how you get verbs like 匂う and why a shitton of verbs like 酔っ払う are used mostly as way to describe how or what something is rather than what it is doing. Half of the others are just nouns chained together with にある or とある aka な・なる and たる. I actually am struggling to think of any pure adjectives.
biggest pseud giveaway is when people claim english thing doesnt exist in japanese
Definite/Indefinite articles don't exist
I told you all to skip literacy and now YouTubers are discovering what I told you all a long time ago and becoming fluent. Stop doing what's "easy", and start doing what's "hard", i.e, focus on speaking and listening first.
>That's why Ankidrone decks are universally recommended
you're the type to think because you say something, people should just believe you huh
Just do it all at once lmao
There's nothing wrong with l00nix if you're not a gamer, you don't need to be a FOSS obsessed privacytard to use it
japanese tap water tastes pretty bad (chlorinated) compared to bottled water
you can get used to it but a lot of people just drink bottled
Do they use bottled water for cooking too or something too? Chlorinated tap seems like a nightmare for stews
>I actually am struggling to think of any pure adjectives.
美しい, 早い, 楽しい
never heard of that but chlorine dissipates really easily so i imagine its not a problem
some people boil it to make it taste better
id switch myself if there was a non roundabout way to run visual novels and card automation.
timestamp the part where he said in the video that speaking is an optimal way to learn the language in a non expat environment negro. he stressed listening and vocab in isolation. why are people so comfortable with lying for the sake making themselves look good?
i-adjectives transparently conjugate like verbs though, and acts no differently from verbs that can be used as pre-noun descriptors.
>why are people so comfortable with lying for the sake making themselves look good?
In the modern world we are all politicians.
pointless discussion (didnt read the posts but i can tell)
besides articles
>d-doesn't count
Verb tense doesn't exist.
can you recommend a video from someone who is part of a high IQ group? like matt.
>the conjugated forms can express meanings such as negation, present and past tense, volition, passive voice, causation, imperative and conditional mood, and ability.
I also a video from this ankidrone autist:
he didn't speak a lick of Japanese in the video, flopped around between scenes, and ultimately gave the same trash advice parroted in mainstream Japanese learning communities. That's going to be your average "learn Japanese" video on YouTube. Also, Matt became fluent in 2+ years, while the nig did it in 6 months.
can you just drop the "sensible ape" act and post a matt video or something.
dont understand why yall care so much about random ecelebs japanese

low iq seething
translators note tai means desirous action
you need to be fluent enough to read and comprehend.
they have to make idols of other learners because they aren't good enough at japanese themselves. they only make idols of subpar males though never the woman learners who mog them
Those aren't grammatical tenses, retard, you may as well make the claim that Chinese has tenses if all you want is "expressing meanings". The perfective form is not the past tense.
yes let us never forget such greats as og and oriental pearl


they arent tenses because you personally believe they arent tenses or are you trying to imply that aspect and tense cant both exist in japanese?
not those women dummy
you purposely neglect to mention the ones who've actually shown some skill
ok based she's mogging
women suck at learning languages
my wife wont speak a lick of english or danish despite being married to me
nobody but matt has ever made it unironically
btw i lost my passport which is why i never posted it
the fake is just an arab immigrant who got a danish passport because its so easy to immigrate rn
It's not a tense because the perfective and the past are two completely different things as evidenced by constructions like the future perfect (he will have done) and past continuous (he was doing). Which form of する translates to "he will have done" or "he had done"?
hm makes sense
you literally just watched a woman mogging at japanese lol?
and you have also heard other fluent non-native women you're just pretending you haven't
+ clearly your wife just has no passion or interest in those languages so why would she count if shes not even trying
grammarians disagree with you
so much this
doubt fake unko has a wife judging on how he spends his time
you call that mogging? lol
considering youve been posting with my name im guessing youre the guy whos been pretending to be me
>>47870977 >>47870943
fake fucking news lol
fake unko mastered japanese and women dig men who master things
honestly anyone can land a bba if they try hard enough
kugi? kugi?
No modern mainstream grammarian says Japanese has a past tense. They at best claim it has a perfective aspect which can be used to describe things as having happened at some point in the past. There are 已然形・完了相・完結相, but there is no 過去形 in Japanese.
I have no fucking idea why I'm arguing with a namefag.
"only matt has ever made it" meanwhile women have been mogging him for years
you seem to be wrong based on that wikipedia article alone
matt understands more anime
Actually read the wikipedia article and find me the 過去形, then conjugate する into it you fucking dekinai
women have beeeen mogging these male ecelebs
women mog men on a metaphysical level
when women are better than males at anything the males just try to erase them and pretend they don't exist
recognized this pattern in male behavior
you're not wrong
becoming a woman like we did is the best idea
male variability hypothesis says that women mog men on average but extreme men mog extreme women
i did and it says you can conjugate for tense sorry
males can't become women unfortunately for them
maybe but i don't even think matt is better than natchan or samantha at speaking on the fly and even dedicated turbo autists like qm don't sound anywhere as good as these women
ok i'll bite because nobody else seems to care
you're a woman?
Do it then
nigga what?
matt's been in the hyperbolic japanese time chamber for how long now? 2 or 3 years? he was at a disadvantage in some aspects of speaking before, but now he probably dominates almost everyone.
hai sou desu
yep they both sound way more natural than him
prove you wrong? already did lol
lol og comeback
og sama...
Extreme men mostly don't spend their time learning Japanese, and male variability theory is...not as broadly applicable as sigma males like to pretend it is.
ew never compare me to that weakling
who the fuck is matt and why should I give a shit
why is half this fucking thread talking about e-celebs jesus fucking christ go neck yourselves
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most people dkj so looking up to someone like me jamal or matt gives some dekinopes hope
>Extreme men mostly don't spend their time learning Japanese
they do.
>not as broadly applicable as sigma males like to pretend it is.
it mostly is.
>they do.
ok so why do only 1% ever actually sound good
djt needs to have a read-off, LIVE
a lot of guys simply don't care about how they sound or even output in general
especially here most people just want to fap to their hentai games and watch seasonal slop 2024 anime
those clearly are the extreme men then you retard
even someone like quiz who hedges a lot of his ego on his japanese ability just did maybe 10 hours of output total just so he could cope by saying natives understand him and he could quickly get better if he actually cared
they say that to cope
if you can't sound decent (not even native or perfect pitch accent just decent, smooth, natural) reading japanese then you don't know japanese
>looking up to the guy who thinks Japanese has a past tense, plurals, and articles
dammmn im not that anon chill
never said that
tone your ego down, nobody looks up to you except simps who are eternally dekinai at everything they do
LIVE japanese read-off when???
ive inspired at least a few to go out and get older japanese wives so that counts for something
I'm smooth and have an ok accent, but I can't for the life of me speak quickly. But that's kind of true in English too.
me when i know japanese https://youtube.com/shorts/x-ahm5rp654?si=Gs5JxPbf8G1ZCkXt
watch jamal come back and start trynna rizz the new girl
who was the original tsundere?
is there a decent guide to compound verbs anywhere
give me something to read
you first
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not how it works and ive passed at least 3 reading challenges on here already
what the fuck am I reading
there's no proof those were actually you and there is a fake unko around
the fake one uses a trip ive never used so hes easy to spot
if this nigga don't hurry up and read the crystalpost ima have to do it myself
but what if you were the fake one
how can we tell?
Vocaroo won't pick up my voice
even tho i have a cold and have to breathe thru my mouth
too nervous to breathe right feels like being in class again
ok u did pretty good m'nigga! パチパチ
I keep biting my tongue I give up this is the best I can do
yall mics suck ass
honestly not bad you're well on your way champ! ちなみにバリエーションじゃなくてバイブレーション!w
but yeah ur not bad dude gj keep it up
whats with these ai ass vocaroos
no. but 90 percent of them are pretty straight forward 取り上げるtake and raise 立ち止まる stand and stop 読み解く read and understand
those sound nothing like ai bro what are you on lol
So this ... is what it means to dekita ...
fuck my morale is gone
awesome there's a lot of crystal anon here :O
>challenge people to vocaroo constantly as an auto-win in an argument
>"lol i win"

>challenge people to vocaroo constantly as an auto-win in an argument
>does the vocaroo
>"what is this ai shit"
okay lol.
also notice how he took off the name for that post
where's 米's vocaroo
Oh fuck
Dude I'm not into crystal shit I assumed he was talking about the variations of each color to correspond to e.g. the different nuances of love or w/e
>decide to chat with GPT4 like that anon recommended
>couldn't resist and jailbroke it, then got mommy to lewd me (in Japanese)
I'm ngmi
ai anon is coping obviously those are real and yall did good
anyways heres mine (btw has a cold n mouth breathing)
lol no biggie that was a pretty easy mistake to make and actually kinda made sense in the sentence funny enuf
純ジャパの僕の方が下手なくらいやでほんまやで知らんけど( ˘ω˘)
>ai anon is coping
why did you post another ai clip then
tbf the female one actually sounds a lot like text to speech in some parts
i swear ive seen you make these same posts one after another a while back
crazy deja vu
they might just be using a voice changer or a filter so that the hacker called 4chan doesn't hunt them down
stfu queef
not me getting accused of being ai again... this shi brazy
i even stuttered in some parts and you can hear me mouth breathing LOL
i said in some parts
i can tell that its not ai but in some parts i would actually think it was tts
meisou girl...
aaaaaa female...
why the fuck do japs love katakana so much
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マリリソ・マソンソ ;3
don't worry i am mostly human too! only 5% of my dna is 宇宙人
are you the second one who read
i hate this so much idk why
it pisses off my eyeballs
also i think you messed it up lol
>are you the second one who read
>祭り is a common word meaning a festival or a celebration
>but 祭る is relatively uncommon and means to enshrine or to worship
I feel like I've just touched on some kind of ancient tradition that only survives in a quirk of language.
my foots touching your ass
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is it okay the next is tatsumoto? :/

>habit is a common word meaning a tendency or a practice
>but habitude is relatively uncommon and means a habitual tendency or way of behaving
I feel like I've just touched on some kind of ancient tradition that only survives in a quirk of language.
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your response? >>47871268
what happened to you filtering me lol
that the best response you can cook up?
i just find it funny that first you pretend to be me and then you pretend to filter me
anon, your vocaroo?
anon your samefag...
had to replay a scene 3 times because i kept hearing 通行人 as ずうこうにん


time flies like an arrow ;3
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時間遡行者だから全部( ・ิω・ิ)
2 and 4 work both
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ちなみにビフ ;3
>endless eight




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