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Previous: >>47819305

All AKB sub-groups and related Japanese *48 groups welcome.

FAQ: https://pastebin.com/vnf5EBHe

(10/02) SKE48 33rd Single (Kokuhaku Shinpakusu). Kumazaki Haruka center
(10/08) NMB48 30th Single (Ganbaranuwai). Kojima Karin center
(10/12~14) SKE48 16th Anniversary Concert
(11/08) IDOL SQUARE 6 (SKE48)

>Useful Links
Theater Schedules and Ticket Application: https://ticket.akb48-group.com/home/top.php
Live Shows: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JnKp_AEeGUNTNePfY3C3AO4veiVi7frza82lRo44ejQ
48/46 Group Masterlist: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1B1HFVF5iQBgvjDrPnmwfbq0Iz6VvaOmDep0C2x8yoMoA
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>Can't drink alcohol
"it is not for kings to drink wine, nor for rulers to crave strong drink"
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I really understand Kuranoo Narumi's character. She's extremely cute and a good performer. And she has a mole. A cute mole.
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https://files.catbox.moe/cmvktc.webm HanaYuina3
Hana with that Sashhi energy. It's nice to see Hana, whomst should be considered the lead of the group, engaging with the younglings. We don't see it enough.
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Boss Miu
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"Sweet Dreams" she said, holding a knife to your throat
I'll have sweet dreams if I can put my warm blunt knife into her throat.
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Uhmm... Boss Yuiyui's manager might need to be replaced. Maybe he/she is a good guy, but clearly that's blood on meat, not thoroughly cooked, and might compromise the talent's health. Or maybe it was supposed to be cooked first, but the manager thought it was already cooked, and he/she forced Boss Yuiyui to feed on it. ... Not good. I'm sorry manager sis/bro, but you didn't even see Boss Yuiyui eyes, she was uncomfortable doing it, but you still pushed through like you have to tick off boxes on your schedule pad.

BTW, manager bro/sis is handling her SNS. My messages to Boss Yuiyui aren't being flagged as read, the other members usually read them, so this means Boss Yuiyui SNS accounts are highly likely being handled by her manager.
Marry Maichan
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extraordinarily cute eyes
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Rate my Lamasu Legion emblem. Straights, females, gays, transhumans, androids, mutants, sorcs, mechanoids, pure bloods, all welcome to join.

Strength and speed and smarts in the vergence of diversity, evolution, and illuminati.

Known Lamasu Legion chapters:
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I wouldn't risk it even if it was a delicacy. If I were Boss Yuiyui's manager, I would refute management for assigning Boss Yuiyui something to eat like that. Personally and from a business standpoint. Loss of time recovering from a stomach ache or worse, is lost income. Not worth the risk for some silly story on instagram.
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Must suck living in a third-world-shithole
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In an instant.
It's not so bad, though I pity some, I wish, dream, desire I could earn more to help the hungry.
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our fr*aking girl
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she really is the worst
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Hori smooch, Yuki2 reminds me of my teacher who tried to seduce me. Also doesn't show teeth when she smiles.
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M'lday Kok eyes says she's really sorry. I don't know why M'lday Kok would graduate too soon.
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Woops wrong pic.
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we will miss hanachan
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Day 262 of posting a Yuki Arai picture everyday of her championship reign
Successful title defense edition!
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[Good news]Zest is a good agency!
Lamasu Legion Lost Primarch

Boss Hiisama, The Keeper of Hopes and Dreams.

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she is so cute
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Now this show has my attention
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Miss Akari reunion with Boss GM Narumi and Boss Miu.
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and now you're going to give all your attention to it and nothing else surrounding you
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hotel do be looking cute
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hope you go as bald as that as karma for your trolling
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delete this sick post moroni
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two on the right cute
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what did we think of siyomins new song
it do be good desu
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SAY MY NAME new pics just dropped.

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tht azu pic almost got a (You) out me she's that breathtaking
a cute actualy
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>Liked by hotei_moka48
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what the h*ck it's real
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https://files.catbox.moe/bf9x1a.webm Hana404
finally a cute centre
yuck actually
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The cutest and most adorable kitten in the whole world
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baby cry also liked that k*rin picture
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>It is the equivalent of posting 22/7 here
Sally is welcome here
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Why the fuck would we care?
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Rio is a good girl
Don't learn from her, Sakura
(probationary OMEGA WEAPON IDOL) U-na is trad idol coded, though she still needs to discover her godslayer spark before she unlocks and unleashes it.
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Good luck fighting autism bro too bad this general won't be of any help the gays and autists already killed this one
ATMA WEAPON IDOL Yuiyuiyui butt cheeks spotted.
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I knew she was a good girl
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Amichan is ready
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Day 263 of posting a Yuki Arai picture everyday of her championship reign
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https://files.catbox.moe/lhdyxu.webm Hana405
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Usagi do be looking cute
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hotelchan kawaii
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my wife
my mistress
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performing at some fighting thing
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that dog looks rabid
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usagi freaking kawaii
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^ our freaking girls
>[Big sad news] NMB Theater to be demolished! NMB48 will lose the entire building due to construction in Namba and is going to be turned into a high-rise building
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yuiyui a cute
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thanks for eyebleaching walken away
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But forever they will be Team Eito
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3NYHLE-xaxQ camera really likes yukitan
kokko was a garabge idol
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Mi Reina es gigante
Huwauw. Date code please.
Many thanks anon.
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https://www.tiktok.com/@akb48_official_tiktok/video/7403687610146622728 this is solalas best look
freaking cuties
they try to convince us that solalas smile isnt cute
watch this one
i pressed ctrl+w as soon as i realised
why friend
we dont like walken desu
cute amichan
https://youtu.be/xB-OTqUw-jA we're here desu
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Feminine perfection

>those grapes were sour anyway
She's enjoying that bread a little too much. But that's okay, Miu deserves to be spoiled.
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I never got my September JURINAFAMILY supporter digital portrait
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Registration is now open to join the Lamasu Legion. BTW please use referral code: XXXRYGARUS

The Emperor of Mankind is a cultured one, and in his walk through the world, through the aeons, he remembered once upon a time, a long, long time ago, he used to live amongst the people, and lived in a dingy apartment, as it was called back then, and used to listen to all manners of cultured music, and played with all manners of cultured video games, and interacted with all manners of cultured image boards and livestreams.

Those were times, back in the 21st century in the Age of Terra.

And as a gift to humanity, as important as the Webway itself, another secret project of The Emperor of Mankind. The Lamasu Legion, named after the guardian spirit of humanity, the Lamassu.

This Legion is unique amongst the other Legions such that The Emperor of Mankind not only gave them his own gene code, he also seeded them with the gene code of the cultural icons of the past aeons, in and with the vision to bring Culture back to Humandkind and the rest of the galaxy.

Of the many gene codes of cultural icons, one was his favored one, his oshi, his bias. And she is Boss Hiisama, and The Emperor of Mankind has chosen her gene code as the Primarch of the Lamasu Legion.

Alas, Boss Hiisama and The Lamasu Legion was lost and trapped in the Maelstrom for the final battle against the Abyss, the deepest, darkest part of that damned place.

But fret not, the Secret Archives of The Emperor of Mankind has been uncovered. In the location where he used to live as a commoner, where he used to play "vidya gaems" while he worked an 8 Terran hour job in the morning when the Sun was still visible in the Terran sky. Unlike the lost secrets in the creation of the other Primarchs, the Galaxy has been blessed with the found secret to imbue The Living with the gene code and spirit of cultural icons.

Register now and be part of the newly reincarnated Lamasu Legion.

one thing we beat sakamichi at is our autists
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https://files.catbox.moe/mcv0lu.webm Hana410
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Day 264 of posting a Yuki Arai picture everyday of her championship reign
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I don't really understand /our wife/'s character. Gets drunk always, often does individual photography session activities with the neighborhood association photography group, treated like a highschool cheerleader, but is the neighborhood association secretary and goes to the neighborhood association office for the daily meetings.
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stop spamming off-topic shit, thanks in advance
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(11/24) Nyanpokora Fest 2024 (SKE48)
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Yabuki Nako = bushido

Honda Hitomi = puta traidora
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Nuestras chicas son populares con las kpopers
>neustras chicos
only itomomo is our girl, that other braindead uggo can fuck right off
yappari, aichan is kawaii
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our friend finally admitted it
don't post mahobusu
b*autiful healthy gums
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todos los oshis
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anyone else think she looks like Mariko?
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Amichan is the cutest in the world
mostly in other photos and videos, but i was thinking the same thing today
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she's even got a very similar nose. pure sexo.
i must warn you that she's 17
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I know and love prime numbers even though 11 and 13 are better.
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17-year-olds are built for it
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Day 265 of posting a Yuki Arai picture everyday of her championship reign
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Sakura is a very good girl
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Nuestra centro as
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ann0 waz bllzye yt agani

Not recommended to jump on bed like that, since even if cushioned, the brain is still joggled by the sudden stoppage.

yukitan kawaii!
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usagi is freaking gorgeous
mariko's secret love child
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yahagi is the father
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usagi maho's iconic red twin tails hair!
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Kokko kawaii

those are some weird ass hybe filters
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sicekning in more ways than one desu
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.... miss this little nigga like you wouldn't believe.
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Podemos transferir a la princesa a AKB?

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Mikurin will be appearing in a TV series starring Kanna Hashimoto next week!
What is Unjo Hirona up to?
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probably not starring in softcore pornos
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hi weren't you banned earlier for posting weird porn edits?
Hint of tanlines ? Nice.
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Ami went the senbatsu route and Yuzu is going the gravure route.
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I wish they'd do something interesting.
Losing momentum again.
With Unjo, Hana gone they have nothing left
>hint of hair lines
hotei friend maybe
Oh my
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I love Yuzu now
Search your heart anon you know it to be true, (You) and the boys and gals and gays and copters like girls who like trains and like to take yummyrin for a train ride, I mean, ride her on a train, I mean, ride with her on a train.
Good morning guys and gals and gays and helis.

MHJ status report: unwashed and smelly, conference room needs more than air freshener.
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