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Information for live shows and viewings:

SNS and concerts:

First for nagi pits.
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Waki thread?
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I want to nagi Nagio's aoyamas.
I forgot to post but I saw the Nagio guy under another random seiyuu stream on youtube again last week. Great guy.
God protected Mayu.
Gotta make up to her for the face.
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stabbing mayu with my penis
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Kissing Liyuu's lewd thigh mole~
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calm down Nako
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is it going to come up again here or was that tweet the end of it
Cry harder.
I wanna suck on her kankans
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Why is this woman so perfect?
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Why does the tall one look so old.
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ktk a cutie.
very sexual
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handy lady
I didn't need to see this.
I'm missing ui sama in their sports festival they have going on.
Who would be the best handy lady? Follow up question, who would be the best heady lady?
Why isn't that lazy bitch there? Is it because she embarrassed herself in basketball last time?
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So desperate. Its kinda sad actually

It's called moe, Dudley.
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You hold your fucking tongue, pissrag.
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I vote Ainya for both, on account of having extremely soft-looking cute little hands and mouth, and more importantly being a certified freak who would probably toy with you over and over until you cum buckets.
precious lewd lolioji hands
She wants Rhett-kun's dick.
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Then on the polar opposite you have Nina's super long, slender fingers that may or may not feel that good, but seeing her shyly fumble around with your dick while blushing wildly would be amazing.
Definitely doms in bed.
Oh, it's the guy who's obsessed with dogfucking again.
gentle paizuri while tickling the tip as it sticks out the top...... aaahhhhh....
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palms of royalty
She is such a bizarre mix of beautiful and awkward and I love it so much.
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Honest thoughts on Saku-chan's nose?
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I want to *bop* it
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Intimate, rough sex with Japanese voice actress Nozomi Suzuhara
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Love the placement of her moles, very cute and visually pleasing. That's not to say Nako or Wakana's more 'chaotic' placement isn't cute too of course though.
Oh, it's the guy who's completely mindbroken by Nozomi again.
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Very cute soon-to-be 22 y/o!!
I watched the latest Hachinoba episode earlier and it was really sweet.
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Puffy cheeks! I hope they do a delayed streaming or BD release of the PYS concert, it sounded really fun.
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Just one lick! That's all I ask Miyutan!!
Man seeing a girl smile like that every once in a while makes it all worth it
That's a lot of words just to say lorefag
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>this mentally ill fag completely stopped his ritual posting, attention whoring screenshot spamming, cringe posting about his feelings, didn't say a single word for his favorite's birthday AND improved his brain-damage tier grammar for leaps and bounds
>but he must still be around because no one else could possibly dislike one girl
uh oh the lorefag left schizo is going to have another meltdown
uh oh the lorefag boyfriend is going to have another meltdown
oh like how you're doing right now?
meant for >>47864420
Just shut up and divorce already. My nails are still wet for some reason.
No one here thinks your gay ass ESL nicknames is common place no matter how much you try to convince the thread otherwise retardbro
Chunrun isn't his favorite he likes her because he was inspired by pissknight. Look for the thread with over a thousand posts.
Who? Lorefag?
>no one thinks your nicknames is common place
>too autistic to understand saying something ironically
Also, this is the guy calling you an ESL.
No one does that even ironically. Take your meds and stop flooding the thread with your meltdown.
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>no one does it because I say so
Busuhara isn't even from that retard. Its meaning is completely direct.
>busu = ugly
>Combine it with Suzuhara = Busuhara
That's like 20 IQ points too high for the guy who comes up with nicknames like "larva".
If you have to explain it every time an anon doesn't get it, then it's not a good nickname. It's as dumb as minoran calling Paypal the hobgoblin.
which lls was turned to steel in the great magnetic field?
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>explain it every time an anon doesn't get it
-Never argued it's a good nickname, just better than the subhuman's.
-I've literally only explained it once before.
-I only included the explanation because if I hadn't, the "lorefag never retard" would have kept repeating it's just nonsensical like the other lorefag nicknames. I'm convinced he's the only poster around who needs it explained.
>"lorefag never left" retard
Not gonna lie, I only know Liellas by their nicknames. Have no idea who kankan or abuella are
I find it extremely ironic that this retard always points out how loretard is an attention whore, and then proceeds to be an even bigger nigger every time.
Kankan is Cuntcunt. La abuella is granny.
What have I done that's worse than spamming like 500 pictures over three consecutive threads?
Your melty is derailing the thread right now.
You got arguably the most cheerful and jolly anon banned for no reason.
This, but unironically.
You can stuff three chicken nuggets up each nostril.
>You got arguably the most cheerful and jolly anon banned for no reason.
Lorefag is banned?
which lls wants to smear chicken all over herself?
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Look at those bad boys go!
I said "worse", Pedro, pay attention.
>you're a shitposter for having this argument, but no, that magically doesn't extend to me, they guy you're arguing with
is always a classic.
What's wrong with her?
Old age
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lorefag says busuharra once and you fags argue for over an hour. Yes you are worse.
You don't remember that fag used to derail threads for multiple hours regularly. At least your lack of memory is consistent with thinking he's still here.
And I know you'll just reply I'm still worse anyway, even though all you can accuse me of is quantifiably less.
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Why do we need to spend hours every thread talking about other Anons
because every other subject is exhausted
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she looks like liyuu without the makeup and filters on
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I want to lick Nya's popcorn.
I was going to post that very same picture earlier but I think all my posts here and in other threads got ate by bad connection
one of my favorite moepii pics
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What is a Yuina?
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Am I supposed to masturbate to this?
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The only people talking about seiyuu are hagfags shitposting other groups or hagfags shitposting hags.
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We can overcome this.
which heart are you picking to go through?
Is this a Nagi GF simulator?
Double nee-san route vs double imouto route...
It's the nee-san's for me
Shimaidon with Yuina and her deaf little sister...
post minmins..
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This is my favorite homin. You can tell she loves lanzhu
should be holding a tenga
You just know she ate the whole thing
was it a cry for help?
Its a hotdog you faggot
should be holding two tengas
Good. I hate cunts that waste food
>I ordered a burger but teehee I need to watch my weight so i'll only take 2 bites and throw out the rest
was it a cry for help?
women with ponytails are so cute
Fuck you
Fuck you
Modern Liella! could never.
It's masturbation for the heart.
Don't talk to me or my tall wife
The weight and movement of ponytails are deeply arousing to me and I can't explain why
Yes, its just fun to watch it fly around.
I really need a Yabu wife in my kitchen with a ponytail
I'm usually a short-medium hair guy but ponytails are indeed just fun!
Long haired women often put their hair in ponytails when they have sex, maybe you're remembering that from a past life kek
It happens less often that you'd think
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Didn't beauty pageant Saito Nagisa say that she identified as a carnivorous woman and loved submissive guys?
she's so far out of my league even in my imagination fuck
Never been with a girl with OCD I see
I'd like to assume she woke up because I was trying to stick my thumb up her butt.
I think being with Nagi would be fun.
It's true but she deserves better than me
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Imagine having dates with them.
lust queen
She has a really charming laugh. My favourite is when she pretends to fire an elastic band and Kuma in a hotel room or something and just randomly has a laughing fit.
Found it https://x.com/0927_yuina/status/1779150631934296242
The build up was shockingly good.
man where the hell are all these hot happy girls, all the hot girls I've ever met are depressed or mentally ill as fuck
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You try smiling and waving to a camera for several seconds while looking natural, it's hard as fuck
Is Sayurin the introvert in Liella?
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Okay, I fapped to Nagi-chan, now I'm going to cry myself to sleep.
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I love her
Nah she's pretty extroverted, the only introverts in Liella are Yabu, Sakura, and maybe Non although she's become much less so lately.
Sakura needs to be extroverted to bully.
Normal Yabu, annoying Nagi and protective Nako.
*yabucute sorry finger slipped
Look how cute she is!
That's the face every girl I've had sex with has made so I can't help but be aroused
The scared one or the annoyed one?
Well, look at mister sex haver here!
>ruined our precious general spamming off topic shit
Oh wow, good thing something like that could never happen to us haha
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Good luck with that bro
why did someone get stabbed at the iRis event
Guy said they were better off without zucchan
He had it coming desu
>50 seconds
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Your date is here, anon.
I want a refund.
Does she swallow?
How the fuck do you think she eats Anon?
I would make my Naomi wifey always wear glasses for me.
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10 10 10
Heh, it's pretty funny seeing Sayu "taller" than the others
Makes her look even more haggard than she already is
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Post cute sayurin videos
Bought these whores for the night.
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Riding the shinkansen with Miyutan!
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is ther higher quality version of this?
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Is this the new "Look at your Daddy, bitch" post?
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Honey, you couldn't afford them.
That sucks, hope she isn't feeling too down.
Are people still mad about her retweet? The apology was so stupid she should have just said nothing and it would have blown over after awhile.
The QRTs are hilarious
I don't think people really care too much about it, especially the ones who were already familiar with her lighthearted ego-surfing tendencies.
It's mainly just outsiders chasing LL drama and subhumans who unironically follow ecelebs like this homo: >>47869432
(Meant the YouTuber homo, not the anon who posted it)
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I shall sacrifice my seed in her honor in hopes that it will accelerate her healing.
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>it's like miikun's!
How much do I have to pay Apollo Bay to commission a video of Konachi biting a cucumber in a similar fashion? I'll even go out of my way to arrange supplying a state-of-the-art slow-motion camera if it's needed.
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Aka-nee, you're so cool and strong!
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God-dam, Sayurin's a cutie!
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I wanna gu in gu's mouth
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post the analytics
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Pics off Miyu from now to 8 years ago she genuinely doesn’t look much different to me.
2 dumbos
Goodness Gracious, those are two incredibly red/blushed girls. These two are so adorable.
Agu holding her hand was so cute
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Sayu and her goblinas
Payhoe is aging like milk
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>ezd 186
was it really her?
>Reminder that because of her they made a no-JAV clause for Love Live applicants and Homin somehow passed through it.
Is this true?
It was her.
Homin's handjob isn't a JAV
Not as much as you are
She is literally 21, chomo.
she looks 35
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These two beauties singlehandedly redeemed Love Live Superstar.
Least schizophrenic hafu simp:
Eh, came up with a better one after the first one. Don't pretend like you haven't.
I love them so much and want to marry them polygamously.
I'm 35 and can assure you she really does not.
2 sexos
Post-thin Miyu is honestly perfect. She's the kind of girl you'd want to introduce to your parents, in a good way.
mfw 2 years without an anime role
I hope your next audition goes better, anon.
Brain fucked
Look at Nako's cute little bubble butt in that yukata.
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Looking cute sweetheart.
That cover indeed looks cute. And Chunrun is there, too.
Back left right?
Cute midget duo.
I hate myself, I can't help but imagine their vaginas when they wear tight jeans/pants that form the crotch-triangle like that.
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Yuina's crotch-triangle...
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some nice ass shots
>Free Riders
They’re playing the actual garbage now.
DiverDiva more like SEGA dumpster dive
i want new sega vs neptunia game
Based. Fuck other earlyfags.
oh for fuck's sake it's not even bump limit yet
I thought the bump limit was at 300 sorry
Wow, you must be the guy who complained about early threads before because you're not complaining now.

I am very smart.
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Unironic retard.
No problem. It can happen to all of us
Early thread makers are newfags.
it was her
The rentry says >300 posts
Rentryfag should update accordingly
Rentry said page 10, why didn't you obey?
Retards will argue they have to use this thread anyway, because ignoring it and making another later is somehow worse.
Thread wars are retarded
her a shit
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wtf die

Wanting early threads to stop while rewarding the fags making them is even more retarded.
looks like Chiemi
yeah >>47876791

post her spinning with cat tail or something or oneesans forever shit
early threads being retarded doesn't stop thread wars from being retarded
chimi lost hitonee sister

deepest lore
dragon sister*
Okay, then keep just complaining while doing nothing else and using the thread anyway at the end. I'm sure the guy making serial early threads to troll will stop if you just ask nicely enough times, genius.
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outhers **her**
also piece of shit on the left

I want Chiemi to squish my face between those thighs
^btw reminder stacytoka made some orctakus mad months ago or last year in her [deleted post] tiktok with her boyfriend wwwww
airi made freb mad :/
>Kuma's Many Helpers
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The logic that "I shouldn't do X because it's retarded" doesn't hold when the alternative (rewarding the clearly malicious early thread maker for like his 20th one in a row) is also fucking retarded. At least the first option is a step towards stopping it.
>20th one in a row
That's not true. I didn't make the Nagisa, Sayuri, Yabu, or any thread before the RKK OP
Why should I take your word when you admit to being malicious?
Regardless, even if they were several fags making early thread in a row, the point doesn't change at all.
Why is /llst/ tolerating early threads?
It doesn't even matter who started it or he's doing it. The fact that someone started it and others are following in his footsteps is already bad.
because of retards like
Why are early threads le bad?
You get fags spamming to reach bump limit so they can be the one to make it, for one thing.
>llst doesn't know what thread wars are
Thread wars is when you have multiple new threads and you insist on using the one which fits your personal criteria better. You can use the dying one for however long you like, but this protest won't amount to anything. Either go and complain to mods, or make page 10 thread and hope that someone else shares your autism.

Also my captcha starts with WRX so suck on it.
>gonna go complain in the IRC because he couldn't choose what seiyuu will be in the OP that literally no one will look at for than a second after scrolling down
is this nigga for real?
You'll be surprised
I can't tell if you think putting a name on is somehow an argument against it, or are just answering a question no one asked.
Okay, I'll make a thread on page 8. Page 10 would be ideal, but the wait would be too long. Everyone who's sick of the early thread shit is welcome to use it. It'd be nice if you could also refrain from using the current new thread in the meanwhile.
I will make the third thread on page 10 just to spite you.
okay... ?
can you homos please not flood the board? thanks.
Okay, I'm not making it anymore because this guy said so. Sorry guys, not being ironic here.
>"You're autistic for caring about thing," said the guy in a discussion about thing, on a dead thread he could easily ignore.
There's always something odd about posts like these, can't quite put my finger on it.
The guy wanting to make a second thread doesn't actually care about threads being early, he just wants to make even more drama. Just ignore him.
Is it really that hard to believe for you that like 20 early threads in a row with no end in sight and no one willing to do anything about it bothers more than one person? Not just no end, but pretty much getting worse every time.
It's obvious that he's triggered because he's the one making early threads and is mad that people are calling him out now. Thread possession syndrome is truly a mistake.
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She did nothing wrong. Kill yourself Orctaku faggot.

If you choose death it will be painful.

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