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Last >>47834562

Family Edition

▶What is this?
/egg/ — Era Games General; also known as the “Era Games Thread”.
Era games are a group of (usually) Japanese-developed text porn games.
They’re not exclusively related to the Touhou franchise, but it’s one of the series with the most Era games.

▶Games usually discussed here
eraTohoTW — Comfy Touhou dating simulator with time stop shenanigans.
eraTohoK — Tactical game about conquering Gensokyo through any (absolutely any) means.
eraMegaten — Dungeon crawler based on the Shin Megami Tensei series, with tons of characters from other series (Fate, Touhou, Madoka, etc) included.

▶Useful Links
Guides and downloads for all Era games. For TW you should get the eng-development version, eng-release is several years old.
Japanese wiki.
Report any bugs you find over here.
Compilation of development suggestions for TW.
A link to the Flan dialogue folder + beginners’ template.
A folder link that contains the images used for the Touhou characters.

Git repository that has latest official builds to any of the games, you can sometimes find more recent versions than the ones on the wiki.
Git repository for a fork of eraTohoTW maintained by the /egg/ community.

Automatic translator which copies text straight from the game. Comes with an optional customized built-in offline model. The password for it is "era".
Direct link for the latest version of Sugoi.
Fetches the latest version of TW, K or Megaten from the official git, no login needed.

▶How to play?
Run anchor.exe (or Emuera, depending on the game), Japanese locale is advised so you don’t run into untranslated text.
If you wish to manually update, delete old files aside the sav and dat folders to avoid any bugs.

If you’d like to either edit or add your own portraits, the files are located within the ‘resources’ folder in webp format. You can use paint.net to edit them.
Suck my balls Kanako.
Suck my balls Suwako.
They tease one nut each as you are plowing Sanae and threaten to rip them off if you try to pull out
Balls too big for one mouth.
Who will take about my anus?
Hakurei shrine is best shrine
Rinnosuke isn't a part of Moriya shrine.

There's only one girl in there.
It would be super comfy though to live as Reimu's husband.
Yes, but your greedy asshole clearly demands the best, so they're gonna have to drag him up the mountain to take care of it.
Be glad he agrees to do it during his work hours.
Kick him out, I'm fucking my wife and her two moms. Not anyone else!
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Oy Josuke, ain't that wacky?
Oh yeah, I did said that I would show what the scene before was if everyone, including Siren, had 10 Singing right? Wait there.
Imagine not thinking of Kanako's deliciously long snake tongue.
It won't let me start in the Scarlet Mansion, is it supposed to be like this?
>Added an option to make NPC futas start with 9999 VIG.
Hasn't this already been a thing for years?
Why allowing them to have 9999 VIG?
More people in Japan play as a futa than as a man or woman.
So the player character can get filled with cum
Fucking gay.
Can you not just change the CSV?
Would it be fair to translate a character using MTL + a dictionary? I'm interested in doing it for my own japanese vocabulary
I'll be real with you, that's what some of the translators are doing anyway. Have a few people, preferably native English speakers, read over what you've done though.
Where should I look for the original dialogue? Is it embedded in the code or in character scripts? I'd like a fast way to dump them at once
I'm interested in Aya
why do they want me to impregnate their miko so bad?
I'm all for it, I'd rather have it MTL than moonrunes, and people that have a bone to pick against MTL can always just opt out of character dialogue anyway.
Japanese people tend to have really gay standards, yes.
So essentially comp capacity doesn't matter at all in this branch and the only thing keeping you from having every good bit of software installed is summoning level? Also, Summoners receive another classic powercreep-driven kick to the balls by both significantly lessening the worth of extra capacity and by having comp features that are normally blocked by summoning level handed out to nonsummoners for free?
You don't even need to know japanese to translate. All knowing japanese does is make the process faster. If you don't speak it you actually have to spend more time investigating if you actually got the meaning right, which involves going on a rabbit hole unpacking every japanese sentence you see.

It's been a while, but in TW, go to the main folder and look for files with a name "M_KOJO_K#" with the # being the code of the character. These .erb files are the character dialogues, open them with notepad or similar. It's pretty straightforward.
>Also, Summoners receive another classic powercreep-driven kick to the balls
Funny you mention that, because that's explicitly the design philosophy of the branch as stated by japanese patch notes. The dev wants to reduce the value of summoners.
Any quick way to debug dialogue?
Not that I know, when I tried all I did was kept a cheated game saved before different dialogues triggered so I could see them in real time. Not sure if there is a better way to do it.
Shit dude, I haven't seen things like that.

That's scary because they already kind of suck, their best value being the aps they can have.
COMP capacity still matters, even after the lowered soft costs, since it starts out super low and you don't get more automatically on NG+. If anything this makes the early game harder since Devil Chamber was deleted and your demon capacity is tied to contribution level IIRC.
DDS-DUO and White Album were available to Adepts/Experts with enough Summoner levels already, so this isn't a world-ending nerf; compared to Adepts losing access to a ton of weapon skills back when the role system dropped this is nothing.
Specifically, the dev wants to make it so summoner level 1 is all you ever need, so anything that wants higher levels is either being nerfed like harmonizer or moved to a general feature. Basically fuck summoners in particular.
Remind me, when it comes to stuff that (you) think (white text) should it be in first person or in second person?
Honestly just go with what you like the most.
Some characters dialogue like to have the white Anon text be in 3rd person, others have it in first person, and sometimes it's a mix of both.
Kinda the same shit when you look at the bug codex too, it's usually in 3rd person but you sometimes see it in 1st person
What did Summoners do to the eraMegatenP dev
They murdered my family's cow.
I have to admit that I do not, in fact comprehend.
Obviously, what you'll ever need is Summoner level 1, duh, since how the fuck are you gonna analyze or seeing weaknesses.

I do like the fact that it mean that the Devil Summoner Class is less of THE Megami Tensei class... but for that to really stick they would need to rewrite most dialogues with Devil Summoner in it.

That's racist. You should say that they nuked your hometown instead.
I can't remember off the top of my head what it is, but I'm pretty they have rules for that, like a guide on how to do the narrative. Just take into account that whoever manages the game on github might revise and change the stuff you do if you submit it to be in the game. It happened to me, thought that might be because I was shit at it.
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If I had to speculate, I would guess he just really wants to push his nahobino class and instead of giving it summoner level 3 he would rather make it so anything higher than 1 is superfluous. I would like to reiterate that's pure speculation though.
What the fuck is that caption, please don't do that shit again.
I mean, technically, higher than 3 isn't "the meta" so to speak, so it is already superfluous.

And his Nahobino class is shit. I'm being mean, I just think it has too much for it.
Suck my dick.
Excellent argument, wasn't expecting any better.
It wasn't an argument. It was a command.
Do you know any programming languages, at least?
So nothing happened, weirdly, the Siren said they were lame, or passable. Weird.

And holy shit what the fuck this love story, this text, those theatre things, this autism, this is almost Black Souls level.
>how the fuck are you gonna analyze or seeing weaknesses.
Actually, you don't NEED a Summoner to see that either in P, now the check is for either a Summoner or someone who knows High Analysis.
Natively, this mostly adds people who make sense being able to see things: Fuuka, Rise, Morgana, 2hu Satori, 2hu Ringo and both detective adept classes.
I'm not sure if I like, or even understand this design choice.

>someone who knows High Analysis.
Lol. Lmao even.
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Oh right, forgot the picrel.
I don't fucking understand second-third person.txt as its examples are kinda dogshit
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is this rule not enforced very well or?
I absolutely remember some TLs and some other places using first person. But I'll switch to 2nd I guess
You can go 2nd person for the main part but again I saw many instances of 1st person being used for lots of characters/events.
Try to mainly go 2nd person I guess but some 1st person here and there won't hurt.
yeah but that's mainly because the japs don't have that rule, most of Reimu's untranslated dialogue for example is in third person
I don't trust anyone who doesn't respect the venerable Demon Summoner.
The series primary gimmick for most of its games is that you build up a collection of demons through recruitment and fusion to fight for you, so it makes a lot of sense for the protagonist to be weak by comparison to really encourage the player to go all in with that.
And it's not as if the protagonist is ever really useless, either. Being able to swap out equipment is always useful, and despite the vending machine thing being a meme, items are genuinely very useful, and could come in clutch very often in SJ. Plus, he's just cool aesthetically and it's cool to play as a badass who managed to conquer a hostile world despite just being a mere human without anything special to him.
I'm too small brain for the other classes so I usually go summoner to shed some mental load. Also I never really got into the newer games in the franchise despite trying a lot of then.
Because Sanae isn't getting any younger anon and they need an heir

That other anon wasn't me, I'm afraid and the caption was already part of the art anon since it was a meme, there was nothing I could even if I wanted too.
And then in the end, you become wacky woohoo pizza man.

But you know, I would understand if it was some sort of thing to not force people into taking Devil Summoner on the first playthrough, but that's apparently not the case.
Nerfing Summoner is a weird choice because if you're giving Summoner's stuff to the other classes, then what's the point of playing Summoner?
Okay so that was a blast, but there's a few problem there.

When Maya got her Climax Revue, the font changed, I defeated the boss, got a dialogue, didn't get an ending, and then suddenly both my character and Maya, were gone from the team, I couldn't find them, until I rested.

Is this... normal?
Summoners have a lot going on for them and a lot of things to keep track of. The true smol brain classes are the half-demons. That's where the true unga bunga "me put on equipment with biggest number. me press attack button"-type routine come from.
>didn't get an ending
Intentional, there are no ending points from the Revue content.
>and then suddenly both my character and Maya, were gone from the team, I couldn't find them, until I rested.
At the end of the event, it tries to recreate the party you had before starting it. Something probably went wrong there.
>Intentional, there are no ending points from the Revue content.
But. Why?
Can I lewd my Maya without fear?
The other Stage Girls are still there somehow?

>At the end of the event, it tries to recreate the party you had before starting it. Something probably went wrong there.
So the font changing isn't at fault then, I hope it doesn't screw something up down the line.
>That other anon wasn't me
I see, that's fine. Do keep in mind you have the power to pick alternatives, though.
>Can I lewd my Maya without fear?
You can lewd them, just don't break them or make them get a submissive fall state (Submission/Slave)
Ah so it's the Submissive Fall state, not the Marks. I was scared.
Successor, gunslinger, summoner 5. Nerfing summoner makes sense when it's the only class that you MUST have in your party at all times.
Not actually that useful, more of a win more kind of thing that you can only take advantage of in the late game and requires a lot of work.
Good, but not even close to mandatory
Useful, but frankly most of the high end apps aren't that needed either. Even then access caps out at summoner 3. Summoner 1 gives access to pretty much everything useful aside from DDM and DDSDUO unless you really want to go hard on coop memes.
I only do summoner because I'm too smoothbrain to deal with MP.tk84
You don't though. Everything past summoner 3 is gravy. There are five other classes that kind get Summoner 1, two that can get Summoner 3 and Gunslinger 3, another three that can get Successor, and an additional three that can get Tool Knowledge 3. Summoners get a slot because what they bring many valuable things in one package despite their lessened power level. These changes are basically: I want to have my cake (extra personal power) but I want to eat it too (still have all the support without sacrificing slots for it.)

It's like a regression to old Avatar Tuner where they got 80% of the Summoner features ontop of having access to essentially every skill in the game and demon stat scaling.
How do you toggle the visuals of timestop? Aya's dialogue uses it and I think maybe its a good idea to show the game changing to it instead of just being flavor text
Weird how this argument seems to bounce between "summoners aren't actually essential because there are other very strong classes that can do similar" and "you SHOULD be punished for not using a summoner", when the majority of non-summoner humans in eramegaten fall squarely into the "so mediocre a regular demon is arguably better" position. And no, listing off some classes classes that put together have the utilities of a summoner doesn't change the fact that a summoner has multiple classes worth of human-exclusive utilities put together. If you think summoner 3s are strong too then that's perfectly fine, those got nerfed by the change as well.
I mean, the whole game is based on Devil SUMMONER, and you work for a SUMMONER organization
Semantics seem like a great reason to give a protagonist halo to only one class out of 10 that can be picked by the protagonist.
The argument is you shouldn't be taking the one niche the class actually has.
I'm just not sure which CSV are the randogens, I managed to export + fix the translated CSVs back to default so they'd actually be read by the game. So I have a bunch of extra girls now anyways. Would be nice if the randomgen girls were more diverse though since I like the random starts. Surprised this game isn't more popular though, it's pretty good so far
Just run your Tamaki or Mirai or DeviColo-chan if you must have a summoner while playing other classes.
Both of those things are true. Summoners aren't mandatory and you should have to choose between utility or bigger numbers. If I wanted to watch support classes get gutted in favor of homogenization and lessened complexity, I'd play a modern MMO.
>doesn't change the fact that a summoner has multiple classes worth of human-exclusive utilities put together
Yes, that's because Summoner was the original class that everything splintered off of and that it's blocked from the entire skill system (passives aside). Why shouldn't the human utility class be allowed to bring indisputably the most human utility when it also has the worst personal power? I don't even need to play that branch myself to know that Summoners fall behind everything else by miles and Nahobinos are juggernauts that are overloaded with strong and unique features. This sample of design changes makes that clear enough.
The niche is still there though, you get multiple classes worth of humie abilities and harmonizer power in one humie. Only one of those humie abilities losing a bit of utility does not remotely kill the class. Classes like Adept are still entirely dependent on bringing enough summoner levels to make their stats not shit even if they can at least have non-gimped party management now.
I think I'll just play the version that gives you a choice between pros and cons instead of a straight up party slot tax for no reason.
Unfathomably based.
Harmonizer was nerfed(although I'll admit I don't know by how much) so I'm not sure that's a real selling point and the other is largely moot when those utilities are spread around to everyone. Speaking of adepts though, I wouldn't mind some of the less useful variants of them getting a buff.
>If I wanted to watch support classes get gutted in favor of homogenization and lessened complexity, I'd play a modern MMO.
Slot taxes are by definition homogenization. I'm glad P dev isn't letting the game be dumbed down to Summoner plus Sidekicks just because someone on /jp/ hates change. Summoners are still unique, summoners still have a platant role, they are no longer the one unit type that you are blatantly shoehorned into using if you don't want to play a very gimped and annoying party. Sounds like a good change to me.
A proper selection of specialists generally outperform a slew of generalists. Summoners are so good because you have one humanfag that can do all the good human stuff well all the time. Shifters, Outsiders, and Adepts all have the issue specifically that they are basically bad humans and bad demons at the same time. They can do a lot of different things that all have bad action economy. Demons don't have bad action economy because they are good at being demons. Summoners don't have bad action economy because they are good at being humans. Adepts/experts/personas can become good at being humans but they're dependent on you having a pile of summoner levels, which they often can't provide themselves, to do so. Harmonizer changing is indeed significant though.
>Why shouldn't the human utility class be allowed to bring indisputably the most human utility when it also has the worst personal power
Isn't it doing that? It has tons of passives. Sure, you can take say, Adept+SummonerLV3, and have a few of Summoner exclusive things like emulators - to an extent. But then, you get nothing else like Skill Aptitude (which really hurts them) and end with a mid adept that's a mid summoner.
Complaining about characters having roles is silly. Are you gonna complain about the need to have buff/debuffs on someone too? That's far more important than taking a pure summoner.
Now you're just strawmanning. Summoner still has a role in P, unless you think summoner's only role was "be overpowered".
nta but I kinda hate Debilitate being locked to experts
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Here's about 33 thousand words of a Sekibanki rewrite
Also included is a pitch/outline for a mechanic revolving around being able to carry around one of Sekibanki's spare heads around like a companion
I need to do a redraft to fix errors and get Sekibanki's character voice more consistent, any criticism is welcome
Some translation... done... of Aya?
Stuff is in the Special Interactions page
It's just the greeting and first kiss date endings, if I actually knew japanese this would go faster. But I am certain that the translation is good and that maybe the worst thing is my English.
Well, all right then. I find no reason to keep playing branch wars without first-hand experience. I'll just try P myself.
Also please keep in mind that I am using git and I was planning to submit a .patch file whenever there's subtantial work done (each time I finish a file...?)
Please do not extract the text from the spreadsheet, but do tell me how it is
I like P making the remaining Fiends fusable, when is that coming to base eraMegaten
Wow, a lot of content just appeared in five minutes. Anyone else wants to share anything?
And what role is that?
In what world has the class ever been even close to overpowered? It's always been one of the weaker ones.
Isn't debilitate enemy only? I don't think any expert gets it, although with broke ass songs I guess that's a superior version than a mere one level drop anyway.
They changed it to Expert-only according to its coding
Well that's good, it's honestly not strong enough to warrant being enemy only to begin with, although I still don't recall any MC expert class actually learning it unless they added it to one of their movesets.
>I don't think any expert gets it
I think Hazama has it.
Aren't Chara000汎用キャラ(女性) and Chara001汎用キャラ(男性) the randogens?
>Surprised this game isn't more popular though
Because the game felt more like a concept game that does the one thing it does very well but not much else. I was hoping for the chinese to develop it even further when I heard they were interested in adding more content but that was a couple years ago now.
supposedly i can get tools to help me with logging from the kappa in eraTW, but i can't find out where.
please assist me
Buy a chainsaw from Nitori using one of the interaction options
thanks friend
It's weird how that you don't get an ending, or a text saying it's over at least. You just get every girls back without explanation, and the one you picked become a Top Star, with an explanation. It feel a bit unfinished.
Keep going deeper.
EraTW's Sanae translation never.
Deeper how? There are no events after, other than NG+ obviously and collecting them all.
Collect them all.
Well then! Collecting them all, I shall! With the Banana for last!
...I'm still salty that Maya doesn't have four other skills, she's supposed to be an expert dammit.
Banana is truly best girl, but I am very biased from the live stage version
I literally discovered Revue Starlight thanks to EraMegaTen.
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438 days into TW and it's gotten to the point where I can take any touhou who I never really talked to significantly before and get into their pants within the span of a day.
YET it still feels like the chance of impregnation on any of them (even humans) is less than 1% even with dangerous day + thick semen + liters of cum.
What the FUCK am I doing wrong? Because this is legitimately starting to piss me off.
Better start praying bucko
Hey it's from My War, one of SnK's openings!
Fun fact: If you grind hypnosis to LVL4, you can somehow hypnotize girls into having higher odds of getting pregnant
Impregnate lower races and start stacking impregnation bonuses from achievements
Oh thanks, it looked different so I didn't notice it. Just shoving the virgin tag in there makes them all virgins. I would like just a chance for it, but I guess it's better than them all being non virgins. I haven't seen a way to randomize the virgin tag like races and feats, wonder if that's possible with some tweaks.
Also I forgot to mention this
>yeah but that's mainly because the japs don't have that rule,
>most of Reimu's untranslated dialogue for example is in third person
That's fucking hilarious because Aya's dialogue is the second one that Reimu's writer made, so I'm dealing with that head on.
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Bodysuit Banki kudasai
How would DxD characters fit into EraMegaten?
Like everyone else does outside of fatlus.
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>pedyTW is ahead in development of anonTW
its... over...
That's a very helpful non answer.
I'd say you don't need that much justification compared to stuff like the Armored Core crossover
I think they’d be demons you need a zoma to make, but you could make them half demons or even humans mechanically if you wanted.

Just make sure to make the skills based on sacred gears properly representative of what they can do.
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It seems ike Rag has captured some weird girls in another dimension. You can make sacred gear a buff or debuff skills in eraMegaten.
>I think they’d be demons you need a zoma to make
>but you could make them half demons or even humans mechanically if you wanted.
You were worth the death penalty with that first phrase, you saved yourself with the second.
I imagine the characters would be like Gunvolt, custom human characters, with some fixed resistances.
Sacred Gears would be a pain to manage. Unless I decide to make some of them into equipments.

I'm thinking more about the storyline, and what people could do with it.
It's not like DxD is some great literature, but I think it would go well with EraMT.

I find it weirdly funny. This is the actual name of the artist.
I mean the protagonist of DxD has a sacred gear that buff himself and his rival's one can debuff so it fits eraMegaten mechanics. It's hard to make a storyline through because DxD is from a different dimension and Gunvolt's event has to make some leap of logic to get them to come to EraMegaten world. I guess you can copy what Gunvolt's event logic to get the girls to come to eraMegaten.
Oh I see.
Something like
>Smirk plus Two Attack/Magic Attack buff
Actually, I don't see how it could possibly be balanced, or even how to do a reverse Smirk.

>It's hard to make a storyline through because DxD is from a different dimension and Gunvolt's event has to make some leap of logic to get them to come to EraMegaten world
I mean, DMC's storyline start with you being a noble half-demon/devil.
>I don't see how it could possibly be balanced
You can make it a gauge skill
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To the electric bug with you.
I mean the mythos of DxD doesn't fit in eraMegaten with the Hebrew God being dead and angels are a pitiful bunch. In eraMegaten it is true that all pantheons job to the Hebrew God and his angel army. The pantheons have to combine their strength to hire Phantom Summoners to destroy God's minions.
You say that as if we didn't see multiple Lucifers, YHVHs, and so on in game.
It's a good way to balance strong skills, fite me
>with the Hebrew God being dead
So SMTV? Also I'm pretty sure you fight Record Scratch in the Cemetery in eraMegaten
I'll be frank with you.
Either give them Pierce or they're literal trash that will make the game worse by cluttering it. Don't even bother.
>It's a good way to balance strong skills, fite me
No. No. Actually yes, but it's not needed there.

Sure, I'll give Rias and Akeno Pierce. What could go wrong, giving magic focused characters Pierce.
Probably be basic bitch skill of either boosted gear arms
I don't think Pierce is THAT necessary in a game where 99% of bosses have at least two weaknesses
It's the sweet, delicious, addicting, nectar of the meta
unless you go and do almighty skills
People that want Pierce on everything are just brain-dead players that want to press a single button in every situation.
I sexed the cow in my dreams
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You did that?
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We need to calm down about DxD and taking one step at a time. First let thing about the characters gimmick.
1. Issei should have Tarukaja because of boost. He should have a gauge skill that raise his attack to max.
2. Rias has power of destruction that's also known as Megidolaon.
3. Akeno doesn't need Pierce because Thunder Gods with Smile Charge bypass all resistance.
4. Asia can heal everyone to max health with Mediarahan.

As for the storyline, the DxD world is an experience by Metatron who was pretending to be God but Lucifer and the Chaos gang interfere. They ruined the sandbox of Metatron and killed him. Metatron's angels and that world inhabitants doesn't know that their world is a sim game when Metatron wanted to take a break from the battle with the Chaos force. The story starts when a random inhabitants of DxD sandbox get lost in the eraMegaten world.
Issei is no way fag, I don't even know if I should put him in or not.
The Power of Destruction is literally just Demonic Energy, aka Dark energy.
Akeno has her Light/Lightning.
Asia is no shit.
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Seija TW dialogue is a little off.
I wish someone would port 2hu characters to MakaiRanch
Already do it too, just forgot to mention
How? I think mine is 4 already but I don't see anything in the hypno menu
I can't even get fucking Akyuu pregnant anon, and I've already impregnated Youkai but that's about it.
Then you are looking at a 17-44% chance depending on race at most if you don't have achievements. Good luck?
Akyuu to Anon, who is sad that she didn't get pregger after the nth sex marathon:
>"This body is 12 years old, Anon."
>"Be happy that I can even have an orgasm, or that your dick didn't gore me in half."
>"Or that I still have legs. Or working brain;"
>"Or that I'm not falling aslee-"
excuses excuses excuses, kosuzu got pregnant without me even trying.
This is NOT me >>47875249
But yes Kosuzu got pregnant without me even trying, as a matter of fact we have two children already
what are the conditions to get first period on a character
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Repeated intercourse until you get the first menstruation message at the end of the day.
Oh so it's
Akyuu to Anon, who is sad that she didn't get pregger after the nth sex marathon:
Despite having given birth already
>"Dear Husband, I'm 12 years old and I gave you two children already"
>"Won't you please calm the FUCK up and stop trying to kill me?"

With before being
"This body is 12 years old, Anon"
"Be happy that I can even have an orgas-what do you mean I'm pregnant? Ehh?!"
Just turn sacred gears into a handful of unique skills but do your best to be faithful to them.

Like, Boosted Gear would probably be a pain in the ass. Issei canonically has a pisspoor mp stat to the point he has less mana that baby devils. So his starting MP needs to be one. Then have Boosted Gear be a skill that doubles his MP but costs HP to use and can only be used like en/4 times before it resets down to zero.

Then have...what was it, dragon shot? explosion? be a skill that consumes all of his mp but scales the damage to how much mp he had.

I dunno if you want to do stuff with the evil pieces themselves, but you could also give issei a skill that increases all his stats by 1% unless you have a dead ally in which case it becomes 10% or something, to represent pawn promotion.
Not ahead in Tsukasa's development.
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One of the traits you can give someone with Hypno Trait Alteration is Desires Pregnancy. You can also get rid of some really bad traits like Misandry.
When I'm grinding Hypnosis I like to go around giving everyone Fast Recovery.
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You can't just walk around and alterate people's mind like this.
>I can't even get fucking Akyuu pregnant anon

-Weak Sperm
-Cursed by Poverty Goddess
-You're Using the Wrong Hole

Pick one, anon.
>-You're Using the Wrong Hole
I can see Akyuu using the full knowledge and wisdom to let out a single word in this scenario: Bruh
How the hell are you supposed to hypnotize someone into having a mysterious charm, being immune to drugs, good at handling alcohol, or literally making them stop menstruating entirely?
These all seem so randomly slapped together.
Actually it make sense, as much sense as hypnosis could go, hypnosis is the control of the mind, the mind is the brain. The brain is powerful.
So you're saying he should get Shion pregnant?
That's a good way to get even more cursed, really.
Anyway, impregnating Shion or Jo'on should cost even more in child support to account for how much of the money they'd squander.
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...We were talking about the 'Suzu anon...
Need a few more hate marks from insisting on no birth control until she lets me though.
I'm not getting Tsukasa's shotacon/lolicon dialogue after BAITO DA DUSTO. She didn't even mention my MC being a kid in her assessment intro. Does she default to her normal lines if you're too educated or good at speaking?
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The police are coming Anon
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Fuck this, I'm running away in the underworld.
She was asking for it anyway.
Making the brain forcefully make the womb ovulate doesn't sound that far-fetched.
Is there a use for low level demons that are not even fusion fodder worthy?
Also, what is the best use of gems?
That's pretty much what already happens. Your pituitary gland gets a hormonal signal form the hypothalmus to secrete two hormones that spike estrogen and start the process.
Sex alone isn't enough, you need to fill her with liters of cum.
Not particularly, I mean you can always fuse them into higher level demons and slowly work your way up but training and selling them off isn't that worthwhile since level factors into sale price. There are a number of low level demons that are pretty decent though, especially for early game use.
The ones you can trade to rags?
Every demon you aren't on using or fucking is fusion fodder
Triple fusion is your friend when you want to get rid of many demons at the same time
>The ones you can trade to rags?
Yes, is there any essentials i should be getting?
Marfusha has a route if you buy her and Jill(LT) lets you get the other Lilitales girls if you train her(notably Luna is core in electric teams). Synthesis materials are also nice but that's an as you need them sort of thing.
What are the other parts?
Alright, thanks anon
Where should I download Sugoi to play with Megaten? Can't download it from the link in OP and the author stopped giving links in his patreon. Some other places don't seem to be up to date.
Don't be afraid to write longer spoken lines. A few of these could be merged together with the help of commas and periods. Otherwise you end up giving her lines a weird pace, like she is stopping every few words.

You could make a better use of commas, mainly for grammatical purposes but also for setting up tone and pace.

A few descriptions don't do a good enough job in passing on feelings to the reader, they feel mechanical and objective. That is not a good thing for something as emotional as sex and intimacy. An example of where that happens is in the walk-in masturbation events section. Instead of focusing only on action, you should focus on the reactions of said action, not only on how Sekibanki might react, but also on the player character’s sensations. You can also use more figurative nouns to “paint a picture” in the reader’s mind.

Don't use ellipses like that, it reads badly and it isn't how they're supposed to be used. Speaking of, you seem to use two dots and a question mark instead of three dots and a question mark often.

Your Sekibanki's characterization is shallow, in the sense that it's barely visible. Her personality doesn't stand out. Funnily enough, a few other characters in that file have strong displays of characterization.

I do like a few ideas in the whole system for her head, and there are few instances of you utilizing her anatomical quirk for the purposes of cuteness and moe quite well. I found the first one under "embrace high favor (3000+)" to be downright adorable.
>Otherwise you end up giving her lines a weird pace, like she is stopping every few words.
Gotcha. Thinking about how that would work in game, with you having to click for every little line, it would probably be dreadful, so I'll definitely address it
>they feel mechanical and objective
Agreed, I think I was focusing too much on quantity over quality and so a lot of it is too bland, despite that I really enjoy descriptive writing so going through and fleshing everything out sounds more fun than tedious
>Don't use ellipses like that
I can fix that. Also probably doesn't help that I was abusing ellipses often because...
>Your Sekibanki's characterization is shallow
Yeah it's terrible, the pitch for the mechanic came first in my head and I only decided to write for Sekibanki after noticing she has so few lines, about half way through I realized I had actually a very poor grip on Sekibanki's character voice, despite liking the character
I think before starting on the redraft I'm going to spend some time reading Sekibanki doujin works so I can better nail down her character
Thanks for reading through it and giving feedback, even if I'm vaguely aware of the issues having someone point them out clearly is immensely helpful
how the hell does sugoi work
Based on my experiments, it doesn't.
Just use textractor
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Here's how to make the most out of Sugoi in EraTW
>Open up EraTW
>Make sure copy to clipboard is enabled in the settings
>Whenever you left click in TW now the latest text printed on screen will automatically be copied to clipboard
>Go to your Sugoi folder
>Close Sugoi if it's open
>Left click on the folder you installed Sugoi on
>Press Shift+Del
>Click yes
>Go to google
>Type in DeepL
>Press Enter
>Click on the first link
>Click on the left side of the giant box
>Press Ctrl+V
>The translated text will show up on the right side
TL;DR: Sugoi is a piece of shit garbage software that randomly breaks and/or stops working for no real reason and whenever it does it stays broken for months until its lazy ass dev decides to fix it and then it still takes a few extra weeks for you to get access to the latest version if you don't pay the dev on his patreon.
And to top it all off YOU NEED TO JOIN A FUCKING DISCORD to get updates on it. Fuck Sugoi.
Skill issue.
Go fuck yourself, I've spent hours once trying to fix the thing when it stopped working suddenly for no reason only to have to join a shitty discord to be informed "its broken and will be fixed whenever lol"
Sugoi 9.4 never works the first launch for me, always on second; using the clipboard option though

>I'm going to spend some time reading Sekibanki doujin works so I can better nail down her character
While it's helpful, remember - you're writing an expansion of "TW Sekibanki", not "a Sekibanki" - first and foremost she has to be consistent with what's already there
at the same time, you're not restricted by canon since Banki has basically nothing
Nta but can you please add lines for bodysuit banki too?
>feeding paragraphs of text about raping lolis through online translators
sugoi is an amazing translator that fucking breaks after ~3 minutes of running
Literally me.
Use TranslationAggregator. That's what I do, and other than the 5-something character limit, I have no problems.
The limit being what you can translate, but then you can just select part of the text you want to translate.
Probably annoying to use on games with a lot of text, for Era things, it's perfect.
Honestly, he might as well treat it like a whole new dialogue and ignore Sekibanki's existing dialogue since it's only like 140 lines.
Nobody needs to worry about "canon" all that much, anyway. This is Touhou. Wild and extremely varied interpretations of characters are the norm, if anything.
Not sure.
Could be:
>He thinks diddling fairies is a crime
As stated in the document it's not an expansion as I didn't like the pre-existing dialogue as a starting point and there was so little of it anyway
My main concern is making the dialogue sound like how sekibanki would talk, her personality isn't as outwardly apparent as yuugi, Marisa or wriggle, but it still exists and needs to be honed in on
Sekibanki indeed doesn't have a lot like Marisa or Reimu, or even something as strong as Seija. But what you can do with characters like her is to grab the little that you have and extrapolate in a way that makes sense.

Both her part in the omake.txt and her dialogue in DDC are in the English wiki. The little I'm reading there gives me the idea of someone who is withdrawn and cynical but not aggressive or hostile. She also seems to like to scare people, but in a more casual manner (this is probably where the puns and her stuff with Kogasa come from, actually).

I'm pretty sure I've read a few things about Sekibanki being fond of books and manga in your dialogue, which makes me think you have seen that one piece of official art. It's good to draw things from those as well. Remember that there's a lot you can draw from a character visually. That may also apply to danmaku and spell cards.

This is, of course, my own unrefined interpretation. I can think of a few more things, but I do not wish to impose them on you.
Sugoi has left DeepL in the dust at this point though. The difference in output quality is massive.
DeepL has deteriorated massively the last few years, so that's not a high hurdle.
I'd gladly exchange a few poorly translated sentences and expressions for the convenience of just opening up a translator on my browser and not having to jump all the hurdles of getting Sugoi to work right.
I don't understand. I just run the sugoi script to make it work off your graphics card's cuda cores and then play the game. What sort of mental illness is this? Sugoi runs itself and you barely need to work with it.
I don't even use the script and I've never had any problem that has kept me from using it. Only time I've had a problem is when they've had a network or api issue and then I just run it offline.
I'll never go back to copy pasting into a separate window when there is an easier and quicker option like this.
I literally don't even use the online functions. I hit the offline .bat just like you and sometimes if the game sends several lines I'll open eraClipboard. People can't keep making their lives harder on themselves and then blaming other things.
I'd use Sugoi if offline mode didn't require a supercomputer.
What are you? A poorFAG? Can't afford the future of gaming?
A 1080 of any kind can do this. If you have cuda cores on your card, it can do this. Grow up.
Why do I need a dedicated GPU to play a fucking text-based game? I like to use my laptop outdoors. Someone should just make a Sugoi MTL patch if it's so good.
You don't retard. It's an optional sidegrade. Call your mom right now and tell her you love her you stupid bitch.
>Why do I need a dedicated GPU to play a fucking text-based game?
Because a lot of people here are banking on the FUTURE.
>he doesn't have a laptop with a dedicated GPU
wagie wagie get in cagie
Why are you playing eragames outdoors?
You don't
just disable the animations and you're probably safe
It's not optional if I want to be able to read the text in eragames while not having wifi, such as playing them innawoods. Not being able to read is a downgrade, not a sidegrade.

No. I will own nothing, and I will be happy.
It's not necessary. You don't need an online connection. You don't need a gpu. I'm sorry but you don't know what you are talking about.
>You don't need an online connection
You do if you want to run internet-based MTL rather than hardware-based MTL.
>You don't need a gpu. I'm sorry but you don't know what you are talking about.
You should be telling that to >>47882174, not me.
If you have problems running sugoi in the woods on your 20 year old laptop that sucks. But understand that is a niche problem that most users don't have. You don't need to shit on the software or tell people not to use it due to the failure of your circumstance.
To lewd female Lucifer, or to not lewd her, that is the question.
What part of "I'd use sugoi offline if it didn't require a $1000 piece of hardware" is shitting on the software? I'm quite literally saying I'd use it if I could. Talk about getting defensive, goddamn.
Imagine not just using a VPN and shoving your smut into DeepL through any and all ips possible
Most people concerned enough about security to use a VPN are also not going to be very trusting of VPNs.
Because of all the previous replies being so hostile.
As you can hopefully see, the first reply to my post was already using coarse language, I only responded in kind.
...if someone is concerned about security to use a VPN but at the same time SO concerned about it that they are wary of it should just unplug by that point.
Using the internet without a VPN only requires the usefulness of the internet to outweigh wariness toward the internet. Using the internet with a VPN requires enough trust that it will resolve one's wariness toward the internet that you'd give the VPN all your data AND a monthly subscription fee. The internet provides evident advantages and ambiguous disadvantages, whereas the VPN provides ambiguous advantages and obvious disadvantages.
A VPN's trust relays entirely on its reputation, people both using the service and offering it know it, if anybody finds out that you're being sold out by this singular entity, everyone will turn tail and run, and trusting this singular company to mask you is better and easier than trusting all the millions and millions uppercase i Internet services, with all their retarded individual policies, back doors, and what-not.
The subscription fee is just an price to pay for such trust. Free VPNs for example, are not trust-worthy. Private VPNs are expensive as fuck for a reason.
You cannot just tell me that "The internet provides evident advantages" as it is while a VPN which is just a tunnel to reach that lowercase i internet "provides ambigous advantages and obvious disadvantages"
Actual Era question instead of VPN shit.
Where the hell is the SEES bonus boss? I'm at B10, done everything, and there's nothing in there after, you know, Elizabeth.
Pretty much every megacorp and every government agency does all sorts of legally and ethically dubious shit, and yet in everyday life are considered "reputable". You're applying invisible market hand logic in a social environment where there is no such thing as a free market or free speech to begin with. Besides, centralizing data of every person that doesn't want to be watched under a single entity means all you need to do is backdoor that one entity to convert it into an extremely convenient surveillance asset, which can be used for parallel investigation without any risk of it being exposed. Obvious hiding spots are often worse than not hiding at all. The most reliable forms of opsec are lifestyle obfuscation (don't do things that can be easily tracked or that you care about being tracked or that anyone's interested in tracking), followed by mechanical obfuscation (generate objective, physical obstructions to deter trackers, such as through complex algos, decoy information, or IE physically preventing access to devices), followed by group obfuscation (if you do leave information, leave it in places where the concentration of useful information is low, so you aren't harvested along with other information of interest), followed by paying some guy to middle-man your entire online profile with a promise™ not to use that information for his own benefit. VPNs are the adult version of hiding porn under your mattress.
It is him but the one that got posted wasn't translated, maybe it's on his twitter.
Probably, I got lucky to save it from who knows where.
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Just start learning japanese and use mecab to help.
Or use ATLAS for local but not very pretty translations.
what the hell are you using? wine?
How's eraFL looking these days? It seems to update quite frequency.
It doesn't need to be a supercomputer, just a regular desktop PC.
My ryzen 5 3600x runs it handily, with very acceptable delays.
I'm not even using the CUDA thing cause I've got an AMD gpu.
If you want to run it on a laptop then sure, it'll need to be beefy, but that goes for anything that's computationally heavy.
Windows 7
why aren't you using aero?..
Because its ugly
my son went to work with okuu after gaining independence, how fucked is he?
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Probably okay if he is half-youkai.
At least you know what happened to him.
Rape powered nuclear reactor.
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i hate the feds
they will not find out im jorking it to toho

anyways someone check my on-going Aya shit pretty please
Only EVENTS are like 35% done
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Also I fucked up when adding the language flag and the game is confused
Wait, you can check where they go?
you can find them casually
I remember spending a full week or something looking for a full virgin mob before giving up and just going with the tamest one.
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Skill issue, I managed to find a virgin oni ages ago.
>Skill issue
I'm sorry... every time I looked whether it was in crowds or at the secret menu sauna I'd eventually run out of time or the guy at the sauna would lash out at me for being too picky and then would kick me out for the day.....
this shouldn't even be a thing
>Virgin Oni Mob
Waaaait, aren't you the guy who posted about fucking a mob into a mindbroken mess?
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Heh, I just dont remember how I did it but it was most likely by hunting for girls in the underworld.
Something about 5% chance for oni mob to be virgin according to some anon.
You mean Arisu? She attacked first.
>PRINTFORMW 「Fufu, are you able of catching――
I'm not even past the intro and this already reads like a completely raw MTL
>translation is literally named "shit MTL whatever ya-da ya-da"
>I'm not even past the intro and this already reads like a completely raw MTL
fyi I DID TRY to proof-read it by going multiple times over everything and by going word by word using Rikaitan
but please tell me what the fuck I did wrong because this is quite literally the first time I translate something and I tried doing 1:1 including the pacing (she has a insane amount of commas)
>but please tell me what the fuck I did wrong
...Do you not see how that looks wrong? Or is this the case of someone translating from one language he doesn't know into another he's still learning (like every brazilian translated doujinshi)
That's not Alice.
Pls Lewis, you'll have to get out of Grimm and go with the actual Alice to the afterlife one day.
Alice is Alice aLl AliCe is ALice Lorice Eddice Alice I'm going to aliceAlice DEEP DEEP in ALiCE DON'T STAND I MY WAY
Lewis pls, we all know you are faking it.
It's time to go, you have to be out when Red's game will be out.
>...Do you not see how that looks wrong?
That it should be "capable" instead of "able" mayharps?
If this isnt about the poor choice of words (which I'm sure there's plenty) or mistranslations, but rather about how good they roll or come together, I'm afraid my english has rotted due to programming and Internet speech
The fucking truly affected you more than it did her.
It's the general grammar and sentence structure man. You gotta read these things out loud to yourself to catch how wrong they are.
>It's the general grammar and sentence structure man.
I guess I'll change it a bit then
Another reason for why I'm been keeping it purely 1:1 is because of my absolute hatred towards localizers in every field and how they keep fucking up my cute anime girls

If you keep reading please do check if the translations are accurate since that's what worries me the most, actually maybe it's better if I translate as accurately as possible and then later on do a grammar / flow check...? Call me retarded, but there's been plenty of instances where I actually rolled back on what I was writing down and changed it to keep the same verb tense as in Japanese despite the text benefiting from a changed tense.
Based. But as someone who dabbled in translation in the past, I can say that keeping things 1:1 all the time is nearly impossible. That's why when translating you need to look more at the target language than you do the source language. All you need from the japanese is to know the intent and the meaning, but to say that properly in english that's another titan entirely.
Generally speaking, rephrasing stuff is perfectly fine. In fact you often should. I'd still consider that 1 to 1 even. It's when you deviate from merely rephrasing things so they work in a target language and start rewriting that there is an issue.
>「Fufu, are you able of catching――
>――me, eh?」
>「……Hoo, I guess you caught me.」
>「……Fumufumu, wonderful……」
Personally i'd go with
>「Fufu, are you even capable of catching――
>――me, eh?」
>「……Hoo, I guess you are.」
>「……Fumufumu, wonderful……」

Part of what makes it read so poorly is the extreme repetition of words, like
>Suddenly, %YOU()% hear a voice from above.
>Naturally %YOU()% look up, but there %YOU()% see nothing but the sky.
>「Suddenly trying to look at my underwear, shameless, aren't you.」
I'd go with
>A voice calls out to %YOU()% from above.
>Naturally %YOU()% look up, but all you find is the empty sky.
>「Trying to look at my underwear? Shameless, aren't you.」
Theres a ton of ways to rewrite it while staying 1:1 with the original meaning.

Anon you can rewrite a little without turning it into a 4kids dub or whining about the patriarchy. Trust me i'm tired of seeing the 80000th fire emblem whinefest on every other board but going full robot isn't the solution.
nice, I'm trying to mindbreak sumireko.
Okay, I'll take some structural freedom when it comes to translating it over from now on and will revise what I wrote
I also gotta figure out how to properly use method calls such as %YOU()% because I'm clearly doing it wrong and the game cannot make it work, needs arguments, despite the fucking .txt in the #translation folder saying that it doesn't
>CAP defaults to 0, meaning you just have to write YOU() to get YOU(0). When there are multiple arguments, you can simply skip writing one and it'll become default. I.e. YOU(0,"are") is the same as YOU(,"are")
Or something, I have no idea. funnily enough the files that I'm referencing (Seija's and Wriggle's, Seija because she has a lot of dialogue and Wriggle because she has multi-language including the intact JP text which is what I want to do) don't use that anywhere in their event files.

But that'll be tomorrow, so if you find anything else that is fucked up, tell me and by the time I get back I'll take a look, additionally there's some lines of dialogue with reimu which I had no fucking idea what it was about, I even left a comment saying so

What confuses me from the original text is this exchange, I genuinely have no idea how to translate it because I dont know how them calling you fits into it, translators make no sense and I cannot make something that makes sense when reading word by word with Rikaitan
>PRINTFORML 「……そう言う霊夢さんも」
> PRINTFORMDL 『……ま、良いじゃない、そんなこと……ね? %CALLNAME:MASTER%』
I think the thing about the last lines is that the idea is divided between several prints, sometimes that happens so you have to take into account what it says before and after a line. If what I checked about those lines is right, the first call to your name is her making you pay attention by saying your name only to continue by saying the thing about Reimu, only to end up disregarding it in the third line and saying your name to emphasize it. I don't know for sure since I don't know japanese and I'm going by what the translator tells me.

Man, I wish I knew japanese.
Nah, it's more that they're just doing the typical Japanese thing and talking vaguely about something, talking around the main issue and letting context or (the implication) do the heavy lifting of the conversation. I don't think these lines are all that hard to understand, but without additional context I don't know exactly what Reimu is getting at with her final reference to MASTER.
>PRINTFORMDL 『Oh, if it isn't Aya. What's the matter? (Is it something to do with) %CALLNAME:MASTER% again?』
>PRINTFORML 「...Now even Reimu's saying that...」
> PRINTFORMDL 『...Well, but it's a good thing though... isn't it? (something to do with) %CALLNAME:MASTER%.』
Why Sugoi v7? Are the newest versions somehow worse?
Because nobody updated the link in the OP. v9 is a pretty big performance boost.
Does offline sugoi translation pull gpu automatically or do i have to set it up?
It has a bat file in a folder called GPU INSTALLATION INSIDE that does it for you if you opt into doing it
oh, you meant on the newest version, I was stuck searching for it on v8 lol
>but without additional context I don't know exactly what Reimu is getting at with her final reference to MASTER.
The context is literally just both of them meeting up while both of them have love, there's nothing more
Last line is something along "you can feel sparks fly between both of them, probably just your imagination", and theres a single line at the start which I didn't add in that is just Aya greeting Reimu.
That's the whole thing
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>Because nobody updated the link in the OP. v9 is a pretty big performance boost.
...well, do you have a link?
please for the love of fucking god someone update the documentation on function usage because im about to kill myself
kek the JP thread is in flames because some dude didn't realize he should sage every post, what a petty drama

Aya is a problem because she flip-flops with her keigo depending on who she's talking to - it's her character trait of always keeping a mask on
It's a pain to keep this as a 1:1 translation because it's not just wording, it's the whole syntax including pre- and suffixes she uses
I'm not a fan of her TW dialogue but that is present in it, and a blind MTL/literal translation will always miss that key part of her personality

I think even the JP source wasn't updated in years
What's up with the JP side?
>kek the JP thread is in flames because some dude didn't realize he should sage every post, what a petty drama
Stupidity is universal after all.
>It's a pain to keep this as a 1:1 translation because it's not just wording, it's the whole syntax including pre- and suffixes she uses
>I'm not a fan of her TW dialogue but that is present in it, and a blind MTL/literal translation will always miss that key part of her personality

I'm been keeping in mind at the very least the honorifics and when, with who and how she says it
But as I said I'm not knowledged enough, so I'm unsure if I'm missing anything, most importantly, prefixes
I hope it's serviceable enough when I'm done, after that I thought of making another EN dialogue to create new features that are lacking in the original as an addon, such as hypno or more character interactions, in other words, threading into more original stuff rather than just and only the JP text.
Regarding not being fan of her TW dialogue, why is that so?

A tip that will always be good: never underestimate the importance of Agility. Always be sure to put some points in it for any characters, or else they will miss, constantly. Even if they equip things that boost their Agility.
You do not want to miss your attacks, ever. It's almost worse than being cucked.
Why did they change the tutorial in eramegaten? It's completely useless now. It's not like the game is a walk in the park to say that giving those starting items was too op.
It's hard to put it in words, especially since I'm not that good at JP either and was using MTL as an aid
but she feels, idk, generic? It's like you could shove most of her dialogue on a mob and it would still work, it's lacking this certain Aya-flavoured spice to it
she also suffers from one of Sumireko's problems - her development ceased in January '16, so a LOT of her characterization wasn't included (HSiFS, almost all of Forbidden Scrollery, Lotus Eaters)

going slow, there's been some bug reports with misaligned images and a gamebreaking bug(?) the dev couldn't stop apologizing about
I think the Right Arm dialogue made its way into aTW already? Kagerou got a few updates, .954 seems to have a small one for a bunch of characters (Yukari, Renko, Mary, Seiga, Raiko, Benben, Benben's sister, Sagume, Miyoi, Megumu, Enoko), Orin also got one submission?
There was talk of other eratoho games, in particular the T(entacle) variant
also drama seems over, now they are talking about using panties as danmaku
How ruined is it?
>those starting items was too op.
Are they serious.

One thing I thought was actually useless in the original tutorial, was telling us to Guard if you felt like a big attack was coming.
Which is true, it does help, but I almost never saw an encounter who did go Attack + Attack + Charge, so very rarely helped.
Do you no longer get the Napalm bombs + healing items?
You get the bombs, the healing and the shotgun but not the bullets. You get an scripted battle with a ratatoskr so you can tutorial the talk, but no other demon spawns so you don't even get a single exp point. The parts of the dungeon where you get loot are behind locked doors and the final boss is easier, but it still counts for completion. You might as well do the dungeon normally if that's how little it gives you.
>but she feels, idk, generic? It's like you could shove most of her dialogue on a mob and it would still work, it's lacking this certain Aya-flavoured spice to it
Oh I guess I can agree to a degree, other than having superficial level brattyness / manipulativeness while keeping her respectful façade, she doesn't really have much unique dialogue that makes her stand out. She's just entirely self-contained and doesn't interact much.

She would be a great candidate for putting the blackmailing mechanic to work on a global scale since I've never seen that being used ever.
What form of retardation is this?
Stupid question alert, what is Toji no Miko?
That's a dumb change, what was the reasoning?
No idea, I just found out earlier after not playing for several months. It was useful for a summoner because the bullets set you on the right track about how you should use your character, and among the loot there was some stuff to replace your starting gear, now you have nothing other than some consumables. The story was even changed with them finding out you are Phantom Society but still help you for some reason?
how do you even get a character to sex friend territory? just time stop rape? the closest I got was accidentally turning Ran into my mistress while trying to get love but it turned into love like two days later.
Pretty much. It's more of an outdated concept from the time era games were all about training characters, so it started as a "treat nice = romance, sex relentlessly = whore" kind of thing. Once people started introducing more of a dating sim approach the whole sexual dominance thing took a minor role. There are characters with some nice content for it though.
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Please someone explain to me how to add dialogue to the game, I just cannot understand it no matter what I reference, and my patience has a limit
I see, that helps. In that case they're just engaging in typical female guerilla warfare and fighting over you. That last line is Reimu sniping at Aya.
>PRINTFORMDL 『Oh, if it isn't Aya. What's the matter? (Is it something to do with) %CALLNAME:MASTER% again?』
>PRINTFORML 「...Now even Reimu's saying that...」
> PRINTFORMDL 『...Well, but it's a good thing though... isn't it? (That you're having troubles with) %CALLNAME:MASTER%.』
You can either get it from f95 zone or you can wait until the 15/16th of any month and get the free download from the sugoi patreon page
That guy must be quite the sadist if he posts a link for a free download specifically on those days only to take it down afterwards, because I've checked a couple of times after latest release and there is never a link in there.
He takes it down because he hates having to work tech support for new users, so he limits how many non-paying people onboard.
If you're going to set a prefix for a dialogue, you need to actually apply it to all the function names.
Uh, Akechi is my Sworn Brother, but I can't make him evolve his Loki into Hereward, what the hell?
Care gems increase the Intimacy stat which leads to Yearning/Love, Desire gems increase the Lust stat (not to be confused with the fall state) which leads to Sex Friend/Lust. If you just keep having sex with them while using Care-increasing commands as little as possible, you'll earn more Desire than Care over time and eventually hit Lust.
You know what? That's understandable.
No, it's not. If you want to post a free version then do it, if you want to gatekeep then gatekeep. This middling bullshit is just annoying.
I've been involved with emulation projects before and it's exhausting how much of it is trying to get people to even explain what the problem is they are complaining about.
Again though people, like the guys on f95zone, rehost the files so you can download them whenever you want.
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Does it have enough Persona EXP?
Loki is level 50. And just to check, I made it level 77.
It may be a glitch?
Maybe? I could make him have Hereward a week ago, but decided to load a file after seeing it's skillset so I could make a better build for it.
How vexing.
>sage every post
Why do they do that, even?
They are sageful. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm sorry.
that's the crux of the argument: in part because muh tradition, also as a gatekeeping method? so they don't show up on the "recent updates" bulletin or something
anons were arguing if this is even a necessity anymore to bitch out someone who didn't realize to do that
Just katana girls? Huh I expected some weird stuff.
I've never watched it, but I've heard it gets quite "lovecraftian" as the story goes on.
>but I've heard it gets quite "lovecraftian" as the story goes on.
That's rather interesting, since looking at the wiki page, the girl are using normal katana with normal style of katana wielding.

Have I found the holy grail that doesn't masturbate Japan's tiny weewee?
Didn't TW have some kind of sad or crying status? You know, as there's heat and anger, also sadness?
I think I saw it once or twice as it's extremely rare? Or am I making it up?
I did get it once on daiyousei, simply by not accepting her request. She started crying and after I ignored her and talked to some other girl on the same spot she got hate mark 1, then I ignored her again and she got hate mark 3.
Yeah, I think it depends on what gems get raised. Enough hostility but not enough for hate mark gets them mad, and the crying is based on personality? I once groped Ruukoto too much and she started crying instead of getting mad.
I'm really tired of shit like this. People get far too attached and angry about so many little rules for posting on imageboards and then they are far too willing to spend hours every day for weeks arguing about it.
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Hm, you think it has anything to do with the Persona 5 3rd tier update?
I honestly wish that if heartbreak a girl by for example rejecting her confession, if the dialogue reflects so, she should get sad for a couple of days
There should be an achievement for heartbreaking a girl....
Got all the mileage I think I'm going to get from MakaiRanch for now. Scratched the same sort of itch that FreeCities did.
Actual content updates never ever.
Is there some kind of video camera in TW? There's a response related to that command in here but I don't remember a video camera command ever existing?
After fdev went mysteriously missing all those years ago it basically just became pregmod and the proclivities of their audience probably keeps away a lot of people who could meaningfully contribute.
this is erotic as fuck, should get implemented and then used anywhere, not just sex
No. It's just there because there's a mechanic for recording sex tapes for money in basically all era games, it's just in the code. I don't think I've ever seen any character saying anything beyond a single line related to it in any era game I've played, so I don't think it was ever even important or developed anyway.
As for TW, maybe someone's gonna do something with it in the future, maybe not. Honestly I'd prefer it to be adapted for nonlewd purposes like doing some quests for Aya or actually setting out to photograph cool danmaku for yourself. There's only so many ways to have a girl react to you pulling out a camera in bed.
I think there was at some point a way to randomly gain some exp in that skill by reading something, but I think that was fixed.
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There's a plan to follow and fufill.
as everything in this game it's possible but it has to be implemented in the actual dialogue
Urumi has a lot of dialogue for interactions post-rejection for example
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Eggs? No? Alright I will keep waiting I guess.
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But I already have kids with her...
Funny you should mention that. I got it yesterday when I was getting the Hate Marks achievements.
Medicine started crying when I got two Hate Marks in single action.
I think the crying might just be flavor text for some characters, you know, instead of just being angry.
nobody wants your work homo reject, learn nipponese, fuck off, and die. on behalf of all developers, your works rejected, failure, you're a failure, never learn, you fucks never learn, why /jp/ filled with gaining scum, learn nyanese
you're trying too hard little tommy
i was given express permission to shit on that secondary by chinaman himself
Is there some way to automatically cast a spell at the nearest enemy in eraRL? That or at least remove the spell casting confirmation? Magic use is super obnoxious in it.

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