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2021 Collage Edition

BJD thread, primarily for vinyl dolls with an anime aesthetic.

FAQs and Links
New Guide: anime-dolls.moe
Old Guide: dollfaq.buyfags.moe
Booru: bjd.booru.org
Live Gallery: https://bjd.arcesia.net/
Telegram: https://t.me/BallJointDolls
Sewing pattern books: https://mega.nz/folder/iFd3wapa#B70grHUe4xsTkLU_s8Ag_Q | This is currently empty, help to replace/rebuild this archive is deeply appreciated!
/jp/ BJD QnA Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SJPKqCd8YX5_JcB7NWjRS5Zy4dKeKMg5l-YmoHZgFZk/edit?usp=sharing

Community Events:
Current Photo Challenge: Evening Wear
Previous Photo Challenge: Workout Routine
(NEW) Doll Calendar Project:
- Information: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pk0hfEgwQe7hUCXGZl91kNTFfVVqnXQguZ0RIHWGxRA/edit?usp=sharing
- Submissions: https://forms.gle/h8hiVf4gE1SktXNKA
Next Meetup: Tsubasacon | TBA

Other Doll Threads:
Previous Thread: >>47797012
Resin Dolls Thread: Dead Again (but you can post here, too.)
Fashion/Other Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/11140301

If your doll is for sex, go to >>>/jp//ona/
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First time camping trip! Though Hibiki is a bit grumpy that she got knocked over by the wind and lost her hair. several times. Just gotta rough it.

Also tent makers lie, this 4 person tent is only good for two people, or one anon and two dolls.
How do you know when to make a new thread ?
Usually I wait until "I want to fuck a doll anon" posts but I made the thread early tonight because I'm going to bed and I don't think the last thread will survive until morning.

Hibiki isn't a fan of roughing it, I see. Maybe the fresh air can change her mind... very cute shot anon!
Thanks OP anons for always being so consistent.

Can any doll photo anons recommend me a good starter FF prime lens that can work double for landscapes? What would be the best focal length? 20mm 1.4f? Am I right in assuming that a wide angle lens poses no issues for close up doll shots due to scale?
Lenses will have their minimum focus distance listed in specs. Wide angle lenses do frequently have a shorter minimum than others, but you really should be looking up the specs to make sure. As long as it's not a telephoto lens, it's probably fine for close ups. I can't recommend a specific lens without knowing what camera system you have

That being said, I'm not sure why you specifically want a landscape lens? A nice prime focal length usually is in the 35-50mm range, and those will still be fine for some landscape photos since that's the most flexible length. You could also consider a portrait lens (85mm) that work quite well with dolls if you don't mind giving up the landscape bit. The photo OP started last thread with was mine using a portrait lens
Completely forgot that most museums are closed during Tuesday so I can’t go to the Doll Museum in Kanazawa today and I’m leaving tomorrow guess I’ll have to find a vlog of some sort to see the museum : (
thanks you for baking
Just an older sony a7 that came with a 28-70 zoom. I feel comfortable enough to start exploring other options, but want to limit myself to a max of 2-3. Something I can travel lightly with and take shots of landscapes and the occasional dolls thrown in.
I'm not sure if it's better to go for 2 prime lenses dedicated to each? Zoom + prime? Zoom only? Sorry for overcomplicating this, it's all so overwhelming.
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Gallery's growing in size pretty quickly. I better get to migrating it to the storage server soon.
Just found out Nagoya has Azone store, guess I’m going shopping tomorrow or the day after : D
Does anyone know where I might acquire clothes for my 1/6 doll here in Japan instead of always going to the official store there might be a cheaper place
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Is there any examples of these anime doll heads/faces but made out of cloth? Ones with pleasant style like these BJD ones, not the cursed flat shit of kigus etc fetish shit.
Bit of an offtopic question I guess but if such things exist you'd probably know.
Your local Mandarake branch is always worth combing through. It's a wildcard, but they'll probably have a few things. (I think Nakano Broadway is where most of the doll stuff is centralized these days, if that's nearish to you.) And as >>47871973 this anon said, an Azone or Obitsu store might be your best bet.

I have seen some hand-made needlefelts meant to resemble Nendos but I don't think I've seen an anime-style fabric head... that I can remember at this exact moment. I'll poke around.
Oh I am the one who made both of those posts haha
Obitsu doesn’t have physical stores as far as I know so my best bet really is Azone and Mandarake. I checked Mandarake and there’s not much that caught my attention. Guess I will have to keep an eye to see if anything is posted for sale that I like. I still have some months left before I leave Japan so I might get lucky.
For now I’ll go to the official stores of Azone I guess, I might ask the store clerks directly if they know any stores that sell clothes and accessories locally might be easier.

There’s also AmiAmi but their selection is very small and I didn’t find anything that I liked.

My problem is that I am moving around frequently so I can’t exactly order online cause online there’s lots of ways to get clothes and accessories, I sadly need to go in person. I’ll be almost a month in Tokyo at the end of my trip so maybe I can try ordering something online then but I’m scared it won’t arrive in time ;-; and if I pay for premium shipping it kinda defeats the purpose of buying online with the objective of getting things cheaper cause the shipping will just make it as expensive if not more. Aaaaaaaaa

Will try my best with the limited options I have !! Never Give Up !! As that Japanese guy said.
Mandarake is a second-hand store, so each store will have different things in stock. It might be worth checking out other branches as you travel. You can also browse their online store since they list storefront items there, and if you happen to see something that's in a store where you'll be traveling to you can just go buy it in person (there is a chance of it selling before you get there, so this isn't guaranteed). Be sure to disable the display of sold-out items on there which is enabled by default for some reason.
Also I don't think anyone posted this yet, but here is an extensive list of doll stores: https://www.dolldreaming.com/topic/17145-extremely-long-rambling-guide-for-buying-60cm-dolls-and-accesories-in-japan/ . This guide hasn't been updated in a couple years, so you might want to make sure a store still exists before you go to it.
>I’ll be almost a month in Tokyo at the end of my trip so maybe I can try ordering something online then but I’m scared it won’t arrive in time
I don't think that's something you need to worry about. They have a pretty good postal service as far as I know, so anything you order shouldn't take more than a couple days to arrive unless something catastrophic happens.
Oh the guide is specifically for 60cm dolls, but still several of the stores listed in it carry things for various sized dolls.
Nvm not all is lost, growcian did the following amazing guide which goes through tons of physical store options to not only buy dolls but also clothes and accessories for them !!

Link: https://www.dolldreaming.com/topic/17145-extremely-long-rambling-guide-for-buying-60cm-dolls-and-accesories-in-japan/

The guide says 60cm dolls and accessories but the stores also sell for other sizes, at least for the size of my doll which is 1/6 all of them have something but some have a small selection for my size so if you plan on using the guide do check store by store (on their websites) if they have a good amount of stuff for your doll size so that you can plan which ones are worth it for you to go to : )

So glad I found this guide what a gem will be visiting all the Nagoya stores mentioned in the guide and at the end of the trip when I’m back to Tokyo I will go through a select few that interested me
Yeah I know, I specifically checked the stores (online) that I could visit and didn’t see anything that I wanted but they might update it so I will check on it now and then

Oh your post didn’t load for me haha but yeah I found that guide as well and works for my 1/6 Azone doll as well : )
Some of the stores have a small selection for my size so those I don’t plan on visiting but still a lot to choose from!!

And about the postal you’re right but I wanna reserve that as a last resource, first check stores and then check online for extra stuff if I still haven’t found anything that I wanted or if I still have a budget haha

Thank you anyway
>FF prime for dolls and landscape
I'd say a lot of doll photography is done at "portrait" focal lengths, but notably AkatsukiLemon tends to shoot very wide
so sure, depending on the style you're comfortable with, a 24mm prime might work for both
but I think you'd be better served with the standard of zoom lenses: 24-70mm f/2.8
so, same focal lengths as what you have already (that's the the kit f/3.5-5.6 right?) but much wider and constant aperture
also much more expensive, look for older & third-party models for your camera's mount (e.g. Sigma/Tamron, or DSLR-era Sony + adapter)
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>posting in a doll thread with no doll pic
shame on me
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Ah, a nice stack of glass. One day I'll upgrade to a Nikon

I agree with the 24-70mm f2.8 suggestion, it'd be a good upgrade from the starter kit lens. Expensive, but very flexible. You could carry around 2 different prime lens if you really wanted even wider apertures, but practically speaking anon probably doesn't need it, especially for landscape photos
received an email that volks sent out my doll. excited.
> doesn't need it
Thanks makes a lot more sense. And yea photos will be nothing more than a hobby.
Is this your first? Either way, how exciting!
>upgrade to a Nikon
debatable, they're just another brand after all
depends on what you have and what you'd be moving to
I think that was in reference to landscape, since typically people don't use wide apertures for that (unless you need a shutter speed increase for whatever reason)
wide apertures are useful for dolls because muh bokeh
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I recall seeing this image before but only after playing with a used dslr for about 9 months do I really appreciate this. I'm not at the point where I want to upgrade yet but it's getting close.
cute rebecca
>muh bokeh
I thought I would want that but I rarely find myself below f/2.8 desu. Even at f/4 you can get decent bokeh since you're focusing so close with dolls.
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Dolls and lenses: poor edition
third, though second official dollfie. my first is a custom. will open her in a few months though, so she is in box jail for now.
she has captured my heart too well.
Cute hands!
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I usually go to my local flea market to find some old lenses.
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well yes but sometimes you need to hide the background
but I've done plenty wide open and stopped down, heck that film test pic I posted a couple threads ago was f/11
impromptu photo challenge: post your dolls with your gear (sorry phoneposters)
holy shit that's a lot of lenses
didn't you just get that camera?
wait now there's two cameras…
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Had the silver camera little over a year. The black one for two months. What can I say, I just like taking photos of my dolls.
Nice MFT collection. I rock a GH6 myself, maybe later I can gather stuff for a photo
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That's a lot of extension tubes
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this one is still current other than a 2x teleconverter addition
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and a book light and my phone owo
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The Grumpy Gus....Tina (?) saga continues. It was a long day of barely any shots taken. I though that being actually fall would thin their numbers, but no almost every turn out with a sign was infested with tourists from the hellhole known as Banff.

Ah well, at least hotel rooms are good places for photoshoots.
As someone living in a tourist trap, look up popular attractions around you and try to find the area where they're centralized. Then go the other way. Plenty of photogenic stuff in old downtowns and better food for certain.
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Small teaser for tonights shoot. A slightly uncharacteristic kind of cute, and might be my imagination, a tinge of malice.

I thought a distance of 2 hours would be enough of a filter but alas.
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Her new ears arrived, I absolutely adore them
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Changed her clothes for the first time !! Had to take a pic without the boots so you could see the cute socks : )

The dress is longer than I thought but I still like it.

Today I’m getting a tripod to take more stable pictures with my phone and tomorrow I’ll be going to Nagoya Azone store and Gee Store to shop for clothes cause I have only these and the default ones.
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“Obey me now !! Hmph”

Btw my pictures keep passing the 5mb threshold to post here and I need to optimise the pictures before uploading always. Should I switch from 24MP to 12MP photos ? (iPhone 15) or is the downgrade too big ? I’m not very camera savvy so if anyone knows let me know : )
no, keep the same size image, and resize a copy of it on your phone. most image editors should be able to do this, even default phone software, it just might take a bit of tinkering to find out how.
Yeah default photos app on iPhone doesn’t have an option to compress, do you know any apps you would recommend?
Ignore question, found one
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SOO CUTE !! holy moly
Love the picture
My doll finally made it to the OP!
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How did you wind up in the hobby, anons?
It just felt like the natural progression from bishoujo figures to me
picrel as a quick introduction long ago and then eventually /g/ threads were the nail in the coffin, too bad that board is beyond saving now though
Hit me with some /bjd/ approved media.
my first bjd was an azone doll i bought from yahoo auctions years ago, but never really bonded with her besides taking it out with an old friend who had a doll from the same series. it wasn’t till a while ago i saw someone who made a custom bjd of their favorite character, and it inspired me to do the same. started with a imomo but couldn’t handle the joints anymore, so i upgraded my first version to a DD instead. got hooked onto the hobby and many other dolls and now stuck with many dolls. one is wip at this moment.
I don't speak for anyone else here, but I'd imagine Rozen Maden and Konjiki no Gash Bell!! are good for this thread's purposes.
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does anyone know any twitter tags where I can see more DDS pictures? sorry if dumb question, am newb
i was online friends with a woman for a brief time, and we kind of hyped eachother up to get dolls. actually your pic related very strongly inspired me to buy a dollfie and do its faceup.
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pic is the faceup, it looks weird but i like it, because i did it. the choice of eye type, instead of anime eyes, directly inspired by the weird miku doll
I wouldn't talk down your faceup it's one of my favorites here
its my method to defend myself from possible insults. if i were to be honest, i am really happy with it, i kind of love my dolls, especially that one. but they are neglected, lack of employment = lack of money for outfits and wigs. i am still surprised how well it turned out, first try. im sort of an idiot savant at times.
Been collecting bishoujo figures for a little over a decade so was exposed to dolls over on /a/. I saw a series of photos of two dolls pushing a bakery cart and tipping it over, then an anon's trip to japan and decided I wanted that too. I dabbled a little in miniature painting a few years ago so after learning about faceups thats what I did. I love my dolls dearly and they are one of the few genuine passions I've found in life.
I bought my husband a 1/12 Azone doll as a Christmas gift because he was always interested in dolls while I only liked figures, and instead I was the one who became obsessed with her and buying her clothes and stuff. Then I started buying Azone dolls, then random obitsu dolls, then Dollfies... He has a Dollfie now too.
I can pinpoint the specific post from last year's /a/ christmas threads. I would visit /bjd/ threads every once in a while but only last year in December was seriously considering it. Ironically enough a warning to my wallet was what pushed me over the edge.
I was collecting scale figures at first but I found myself that buying them seemed soulless since you don't do anything with them after opening them and putting them on display cases. Dolls were different when I first saw them at a convention center. You can take them out to take photos, Dress them up, and admire them. You can take them to doll meetups and see other dolls from different owners. I think dolls are neat. I recommend going to a doll meet-up if the opportunity arises. It does elevate the doll experience.
found out i could have 7 gay boyfriends (all resin)
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Dolpla was nice. Didn't really know what to expect having not gone to one before, but it was surprisingly fun to just be able to roam the floor and admire other dolls
A friend of mine started sending pics from time to time and I got interested.
Man, I don't remember the last time /g/ was about actual technology. It's gonna end up like /qa/ sooner or later.
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Went out to take photos of my doll. Probably the best photo I took today.
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Congrats !!

Pinterest -> wow cute dolls for profile pictures I wonder how much they cost -> rip wallet maybe someday

Rediscover it on 4chan wow what a cozy community very nice might save and get into it later on

This year second travel to Japan it’s now or never bought my first doll like a week ago or something and very happy with her (picrel)



Found it in a store in Akihabara sadly it’s not translated hopefully someone will pick it up, I’m keeping and eye on it so if someone starts translating I’ll probably post it here : )

Very cozy witch (? I thinks she’s a witch maybe ? Idk but either way adorable)

Nagoya Castle, sadly it was closed to go inside so we just went around it and the garden was also under maintenance 7/10
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Also just noticed kinda ugly elevator that they built there such a shame

You Know I Had to Do It to Em Pose at Tokugawa Garden, went there off season (no particular bloom happening or fall) but it was still nice, very calm and secluded. Very empty so it was great to take clean pictures. I recommend anyone looking for a more hidden gem in Nagoya if you’re visiting
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And lastly I went to Azone store to buy clothes !! I might have gone a bit overboard but I’m not buying more until the end of the trip so it was now or never haha
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Good shot, makes for a great wallpaper!
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took me a while to track it down but I found the /g/ thread that took me from "oh yeah anime dolls are a thing" to "yeah anime dolls are my thing"
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Thank you!
I like this photo too so I'll post it
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Dolls in a bag.
my doll is coming a day sooner than expected
ah, the other text didn’t sent. meant to say love both those photos, and then mentioned the doll. oops.
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Turns out outstretched arms are a bad idea actually when you're on the move. Also her braids are now trmendously disheveled, time to practice making braids and get some elastic string for the hair ties.

Probably some random photos in buyfag threads or browsing MFC. Then being impressed at the price points, and considering a pureneemo or two maybe, someday, when I can...
Finally a friend was showing me some random dolls and no, fuck it, I MUST have this one.

Epiphanies were had.
doremi and precure, based.
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Like many things in my life, I actually don't remember. If I had to hazard a guess it went something like normal fashion dolls -> fashion doll repainting -> resin bjd -> vinyl bjd
Sadly, I don't own a doll yet as I'm a NEET of the laziest kind along with another doll-related sob story I've already bothered the thread with before. So for now I just stare at cute dolls on the internet and in a few lucky occasions in real life.
Like this?
my new doll arrived. since it is a early gift, i will open her at a later date. well, try not to open it early.
ahh i remember this exact thread, too bad i can't remember which posts are mine. thanks for what is basically nostalgia at this point...time truly does fly
Let her breath, anon.
I hope that later date is a hour from now. The ogres desire the new doll tax.
Cute Mimikyu pin
Yea don't be like me and leave her in the box for months on end.
Turns out I lost my shotgun buddy through a series of unfortunate events. After a hotel shoot, I changed Hibiki into some jeans. Turns out Azone made them too skinny and she can't sit upright anymore. And they're stuck on her until I get home because I need to take her feet off to remove them. They are seriously right jeans.
And I think one of the joints is broken.
Thoughts and prayers. I'm still waiting for a new shoulder.
Laid to rest...
Those are silicone dolls, which may or may not be of the adult variety. Tho that account seems pretty chaste.
Get well soon Hibiki
what happened past then? perhaps its best for me to open her up to make sure everything is ok. i plan to open her around the near close to birthday to make it even more exciting to open, as she is a early birthday gift.
cute radish, good taste
"my eyes are up here anon"
>a series of unfortunate events
like dick cheney unfortunate?
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it's my little incel's birthday. say something nice about him.

drafting crotch curves is hard. drafting crotch curves on tighter high-waisted pants is even more unforgiving ;-;
nta but sometimes dolls arrive with flaws. best to check now. also it's better to enjoy her now. just eat cake with her on your birthday
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I sure have spent a lot of time in hotel rooms lately
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There's a 1/6-1/5 scale dreamcast prop up for preorder on amiami and other figure sites. The main console is W40 x D42 x H16mm so about 1/6 size. I'm thinking of getting it but I wish it was bigger, would have definitely bought if it could have suited 1/4 or 1/3

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