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I love Towa!
Checkout her covers with Startend!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEIo7LHOxK8 「8.32」
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35hMALocac8 「Integral」
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_T-1Vvm1fPA 「Kaisei」
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpgSrULHibg 「Asu no Yozora Shoukaihan」
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1lfwyWSGV4 「Kuusou Ressha」
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Minato Aqua
I will never forget you
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I fucking love Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko!!!!!
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Raden's 3D is here!
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where's my taso..
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She's also dancing on heels!
with her boyfriend furetan
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She's not really wearing heels, just her model is
I miss パン屋ファミリー...
Probably sleeping
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Really curious to see how her design, especially the face, translates in 3D
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Korosan's "Small Important Announcement" in about 5 minutes
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rest day today...
need that cavernous cleavage
my poor kanata...
my poor and beautiful taso....ahhhhh
where is my cute and pure kanata....
i'm seriously going to freak here......
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shes gonna address all the haters
For what?
korone's schizo arc...
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Also have you listened to Raden's shinigami cover? Just a few more till 1m playbacks
Where's Poruporu...
She's going to remind everyone that she still loves mama.
Aqua's was a small announcement too...
holosantos doko?
I have been happy every day since I met Mikochi!

2 Miko streams today!
Miko holoGTA aftertalk at 21JST! https://youtu.be/GFOoiY2sT4w
Miko 1st album countdown zatsudan at 2330JST! https://youtu.be/ymQyoxB3Nb4
don't forget to watch Miko 1st album crossfade premiere now! https://youtu.be/vwZcEH1rKwY
premiere again heh
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This is not my beautiful bakery
This is not my beautiful family
The bottom part looks pretty good so far
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It was all a dream...
why did she reupload the premiere?
kao panpanpan love
Pekomama oshiri
I can give Korone a real child
I can't believe Polka is dead ...
And you may find yourself in a beautiful bakery, with a hairy wife
And you may ask yourself, "Well, how did I get here?"
sololive hype!!
songs are kinda mid but its fine because miko is cute and sakurakaze will make me cry anyway
there was a small typo
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I can't believe Sora got stood up...
Polka will face the consequences...
Polpol.... dead.........
How would you rate the album from 1 to 10?
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Taasama is so responsible and hard working...
poruka oruka?
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Your oshi is a whore
this is not gonna be good for her mental health...
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oyasumi taso
Looking forward to the collision physics clusterfuck
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Reminder that if Cover hadn’t gone public and had a change their higher ups, the ones getting this sponsored collab would have been their usual favorites Sora, Aqua, Marine and Mori.
I'll say it again, going public was one of the best decisions Cover has made for the holos in my six years in this hobby, and anyone saying otherwise is a faggot
Roblox arc soon
Screencap this
It's over.....
Who wakes up 7pm? Aside from Korone.
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the songs are great
Pekora woke up and slept again at around this time as well.
Kanata stayed up until 12 pm to shitpost about herself on 5ch
Miosha got uncomfortably into the role...
I'm pretty much convinced that Aqua realizing that she's not hololive's golden girl anymore while Pekora and Miko got a major sololive played a large part on her decision to graduate
havent listened to it properly yet i just listened to premiere now and made my first impressions
songs that are already out are nice but i only really liked nyahello world
and flower rhapsody sounds nice
Korone inclining thanks to Miko
Weird claim, often it seems the sponsors pick out who they want, and didn't sankisei have big Monhun collabs with each other? They're an obvious choice.
Plus the group has Marine and Pekora in it so it's already a confirmed success.
>my six years in this hobby
These girls sure are exhausted after the week now.
Miko had no hands in the Panya storyline
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I will destroy the Riot servers
I see, I'm planning to listen to it tomorrow too, but I think Miko should have tried to go out of her comfort zone more but this is her 1st album so I understand why she stayed relatively mainstream
Remember when Pekora broke down in the middle of her stream because old management kept on refusing her stream projects?
I will never let this thread forget
I'm just a viewer and even I feel exhausted
I know from Shiraken that Polka can be pretty antisocial and introverted, but to do this to Sora is just mean.
Miko created the script
That's a whole different issue, and for all we know her ideas were actually retarded
get in shape before you die of heart attack ossan
korone is praising kanata a lot in this stream
All of Pekora's projects have been entertaining so far.
It just feels great that Miko's finally having her own sololive after years of grinding. I don't know if nu-management was involved on making it happen but I like where Hololive is right now.
She was her precious daughter after all.
Miko gave Korone the platform and wrote the script
nta but pretty sure her idea back then was just the server for her fans. Besides, doubt her ideas are any more retarded than the ones Cover management come up with.
everything is a flop if pekora is in it
she's earned it. i remember being a little salty when she inserted herself into the maxdog bakery, but it turned out great.
I've always got the impression she gets on well with Sora whenever they interact, I really doubt whatever's going on is withing Polka's control.
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How they managed to play into their roles ad lib was impressive
>day 8
Nani sore?
Too bad they all flopped unlike holoGTA kino
cover going public is worst decision for hololive fans and its only good for certain holos and cover
sponzors pick up holos they want anyway
cover going public changed hololive fans to hololive atms
wow a big HCmicra and Ark collab for holos to bond is pretty retarded
remember that one stream where she tied some rubberbands on a watermelon until it explodes? pure evil
Sora's singing in a cave
baseball collab.. fashion collab... anything please...
The ones that passed. Don't fall for survivorship bias
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Being Oozora is suffering
these were all approved though
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>15:12 [EN] Sora: Do you want to talk about GTA?
>16:21 [EN] Sora: It seems that many people were saddened by my behavior in holoGTA. For me, I thought it was within the safe line. I'm sorry you got a lot of that feedback after the stream.
>16:51 [EN] Sora: The last outfit I used, I didn't know what clothes I was wearing in my skirt
>18:06 [EN] Sora: I have a “possession” style of acting. When I perform, even at concerts, I act like someone who is not me, and later I find out what I was saying.
>18:48 [EN] Sora: I participated and acted as if it was my first and last GTA. I think many people were offended by my behavior. I will be very careful from now on.
shell go back to retard games and be back at 10k in a week
look how sad people are on this convert
Imagine those poor 35Ps and Ichimis enjoying themselves on their oshis bug day, truly the worst decision for their fanbase
>just trust me bro
shouldn't you say thank god they all flopped so she never does them again
Wow people sure are faggots.
It's fucked up that Micomet left all the positions of responsibility to other people while they enjoyed playing in the server. They should have been the leaders of the gang and the cops.
Poor Towa lost 2kg in a week over stress.
Maybe she should stop being so violent and loud
lol what?
isn't it the opposite?
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Korone liked Cecilia's ''aloha'' ossan.
Correct, all of these were approved AFTER they had a change in management
I want more soda sex.
>didn't sankisei have big Monhun collabs with each other?
Marine was never part of the collabs.
Towa shidded 2kg worth of tears
She was, though.
>retard games
i resent that
Is that supposed to be proof of management hating Pekora and favoring Marine?
anons claiming that hololive going public was a bad decision are either contrarians or vtourists, these past months are literally the best I've seen for holos, it feels like I'm back in 2019 Hololive
>18:06 [EN] Sora: I have a “possession” style of acting. When I perform, even at concerts, I act like someone who is not me, and later I find out what I was saying.
Look at Marlon Brando over here
Oh no, how terrible. The worst fate for any streamer
She wasn't in any collabs. There were a few times others joined her but there was never any proper collab that she was a part of.
I think someone is mysteriously going to be forgotten when the next round of official sponsorships come around...
nta but Marine also experienced rejection of her projects
It was always Sora and Aqua who had the preferential treatment from Cover, glad that's over though
Better comparison would be daniel day-lewis
Korone is right
No wonder Ayame loves Korone so much
im 35p tho and i hate cover, im still very proud and happy for miko and i cant wait to see her on stage
but from my eyes as a fan of hololive and not only miko cover is going to shit and i hate it
>GTA ends
>Everyone goes super menhera because of the RP autists
His position is nonsense. Marine talks about ideas getting shot down all the time too.
Both of them are still clearly golden geese for Cover. Remember when Sora had that darts collab because people got excited about her being great at darts, but since Sora alone isn't a huge draw, they dragged both Marine and Pekora into it
Sora almost never has game collabs, what are you people talking about?
>RP autists
who is who???
Great fans policing the talents to make sure nobody has too much fun.
scroll up
Just ignore anyone talking about going public it's always newfags
What a flop concert with lots of empty space
Sora is far from everyone, and even she isn't "going super menhera"
Watch streams
>it feels like I'm back in 2019 Hololive
>when the can girls get barely any 3D compared to 2019 and permission autism
o im laffin
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First time
old management was actually the one holding Pekora back to show her creativity, pretty weird now that you think about it
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She really had these pan varieties for certain occasions
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Today's GTA is going to be hype
Ayame really asked for the bread images...
I mean, Marine should not have participated
She's creatively bankrupt tho
Ayame's cuteness needs to be restricted
Deserved for that puyo playing hack
How would you rate HoloGTA? I would give it a 9/10
Blame the organizer for the imbalance not marine
This is because of the rules. Suisei and Pekora banned Tetris players in using 4-wide, so no one in their skill level could even have the possibility of being in the same league as Marine.
I don't think you have to be new to make any observation about changes since going public.
>You know what let's give all the sololives to Sora and Aqua who can't even fill a 3k seater venue
>absorbed aquacrew
>now absorbing nekkos
Most people didn't really RP outside of playing themselves with a gun in a video game. I also saw nips on twitter complaining about bread family.
There was Covid back then so venues had to be smaller.
Hardcore Minecraft and HoloArk were pretty good though?
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the withdrawal for VCR GTA2 was heavier than holoGTA
I don't feel anything this time
i doubt anyone would have been able to pull it off
>40k talk stream
holy fuck people WANTS more GTA for some reason
is it over for polka?
The staff shouldn't have forced the gang to postpone the heist at least. They should've just let the two sides play out in parallel.
Grim events
the Yagoo way
Wasn't it a massive success? People want more of it I guess?
Wtf are you talking about?
Koyori was learning the game quickly, and Okayu could pull it off if she practiced for it.
Day 8... https://youtu.be/Bq7D38dzgJY
What is the highest vtuber GTA related stream
Sora's lives (and now AZKi's) are organised by Victor Entertainment, and they've always bern rather small scale. They're the reason she has so many albums too.
It's more that anyone taking it as a positive are ignoring all the other negatives because they've only been watching recently or they're doing it to stir shit
Not really. viewership flopped
Try the numbers thread over at /vt/
why are you acting that this was a result of Cover going public when they have been doing sololives since 2019?
Towa is always high as fuck when she streams
yesterday's holoGTA news
micomet today
why is korone getting such a large viewerships
Gorone would really be confused as fuck if she joined a faction
>letting your daisenpai wait
Sorry if this time there was no cock to suck
>viewership flopped
>200k~ viewers across all members in total for a week
What did anon mean by this drivel?
>ignoring all the other negatives
I don't consider losing Achan and Aqua negatives btw
Yes it's a success you can see how much vod views it produced
Polka is going to be fired after this
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GTA was popular yes, but I'm sure it's nothing to do with there only being a few Holos live right now, including Koyori shilling and Sora 40 mins deep into waiting for Polka and having technical issues
Never happened
Don't mind it anon, the other anons is mind broken
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Lap tried her best
VCR GTA2 > nijiGTA > VCR GTA1 > holoGTA
Lamy said bigger things became possible but they also have to accept restrictions
Isn't it weird that Pekora, Miko and Marine got their sololive only after the company going public despite them being pillars of Hololive since 2020?
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I think Pekora would rather have a different kind of project from a sololive.
It will in the never holoserver
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HoloGTA was great and the next one will be too
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Subaru should step down as police chief.
retards got too comfortable saying they unironically watched VCR slop here
n-no le management is bad and ebil for approving this flop event
If people were complaining about the wedding postponing the heist I didn't see that, the heist had bigger problems than just happening at the same time as the wedding anyway. I was talking about people complaining about the RP, there were a decent amount of people saying they didn't like the cheating arc despite how ridiculous is all was, they can't seem to separate it from reality.
This is literally what every holo has repeated, practically verbatim. It sounds like this is the justification that management is feeding them.
And that is bullshit because bigger things were possible even before, cover is just incompetent
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sex with Lap-sama hands
They tested the sololive guinea pigs first like watame,towa and aqua. You don't send kings on the Frontline
Yeah as big as Suisei going on a tour and Marine have basically 2 sololive in a row?
I'm pretty sure nousagis were asking her for this years ago, but you know what you do you
Yeah, because it was fucking nothing. You would know if you watched it.
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The universe is cruel
The sheer amount of shilling going on is surely one
>they shilled before! they want to shill!
Yeah but there's a point where too much of it is bad, and you can't deny shill streams typically have low numbers because people don't bother to watch them.
Also fuck off I don't want to see Sora shilling Huawei watches
kek you're right
Why are so many people waiting for Polka in Sora's stream?
ENReco >>>>>>>>> all of those slops
They've also been wanting ASMR, but it's not a priority for Pekora.
Yeah, both were definitely possible even before
I think Pekora is literally in the double digits for stuff she's shilled this month.
sure buddy
Not as many as holoGTA
Whats that?
cope this is getting pathetic
Suisei's throat died as expected so no reflection stream today, guess Miko is doing it alone...
Tell me why you think those things were not possible before then.
Should just call Fubuki or Polka
it just doesn't feel that fun with just one gang
Anons here think going public somehow gave Cover the power to do this shit because they're absolutely retarded. They went public out of obligation to their early investors from when they were small, same as many other companies, that doesn't suddenly make it a positive.
i'm not the one claiming that they were possible before? go look up burden of proof before replying again
>their first sololives were with Holos known for their singing
Remarkable strategy!
Polka is with Sora now and Fubuki is doing one on her own
Should've just collab together honestly
when will friend finally go back to being cute and fuckable?
Next holoGTA will have merch and cover meddling
Women can't be interesting in roleplay servers without men.
No.. my birthday 3d live...
I guess a new outfit is fine
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Let's goooo
Futan is very squishy
If Cover being incompetent makes those things impossible for them, how is the statement bullshit...?
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nothing personel, friend
>didn't do the event before Aqua graduates
Fucking Miko, I will never forgive her
A furry jacket?
>Those pants
Okayu borrowing hers to Korone?
Looks like an Okayu outfit.
she just got the fantasy one... aren't they pushing them out a bit too fast?
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Damn shame
Aqua should've been a quitter then
>aren't they pushing them out a bit too fast?
You're only noticing that now? Multiple Holos have had two new outfits this year
shouldn't have been*
>Sora will never join another GTA RP again due to criticism
>Implying Aqua would've participated in any server events
She would've just done her solo thing the whole week.
I didn't expect this to be 3d
They are catching up on their backlog rather. I remember many holos complained about being behind on outfits.
i think they started preparing for the event in august so it was too late...
i really wanted aqua to be there too
I mean she was kinda just in her own little world the whole time anyway
she should just ignore them, I love it when Sora interacts with Members she haven't interacted with
surprise pan ending...
Sunao premiere! https://youtu.be/4ZafIoQ_g7Y
That's not what she said
People who sperged out because someone smokes cigarette in a game because its a necessity should be shot in the face
Sounds like big plans for the next one though so that's cool
Sora I just wasted an hour of my life...
I love this song
M·A·O my beloved...
>in my six years in this hobby
Lmao no you don't you newfag, Sora barely got game-related Collab other than the ones she likes (most of the are just rhythm games) for sure she ain't going to Collab with Monhun something she never played before, kys you retarded LARPer
very nice
Even she knows to not respond to her greeting
Polka is finally here!
Shoguns aren't usually fit for actually fighting anyway hime
>talk talk talk talk talk about GTA
play something or sing you sluts
polka overslept. but it's 8pm... wtf polka
Wait a minute... That pose.....
She will remain unpopular and isolated.
Enako looks more like a hag each passing day
>10k people waiting for SoraPoru since an entire hour
Aaaaand they're finally able to start now.
>one hour late
Polka's been regularly getting up crazy early for her ohapol streams, I bet she counters that with a nap in the middle of the day
we don't game sing or talk here
I mean, she's 30
i mean i like her but some people are just not meant to RP
on the other hand, Polka is a 10/10 RPer
based eop
Shion's return didn't last long huh
Shion yo...
Not the same pose.
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Queen of Iwara...
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Fuck Friend
Well she wasn't planning on returning that early but did so for Aqua I guess since she said it was now or never
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It's legal to post Furen while the collab is ongoing.
I didn't tune into her stream, is she graduating?
I still remember when Poruka was Nobuhime, giving out handjobs in her 3d model to viewers.. How time flies.. Crazy to think she was massive back then too half a decade ago.
Singing streams, how I've missed you...
niji sluts are so ugly.
yes... it's time to post your darkest dog
Yes, it's over
>Crazy to think she was massive back then too half a decade ago.
Oh she was massive alright
My completely arbitrary belief is that Polka would be way way more popular if she had a high quality character design
There he goes again...
Fubuki late by 10min too.. Everyone's in complete disarray after GTA.
why is fubuki doing a clip watching stream too? is she creatively bankrupt?
post sluts
busy gathering clips
too obvious
she is part of mikos clique so its fine
>only lost roboco
Hime's team is cracked
I'm actually glad. It means I have no reason to worry about her following Akwa's path. Korone on the other hand...
This cosplayer's outfit is way less lewd than then in-game outfit.
Roboco outlived aqua
will Raden do an 800k milestone stream before the live?
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It's no coincidence the first outfit Itsuwa was only marginally involved in everyone universally loved
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I expected MAO to be there too
Shit clip watchlong set up.
she already promised a 3d live for her birthday next year so stop your yapping
wait is this not gonna be exclusively inchou clip?
DeepL the title of the stream eop
Fbk just said the she's not joining Miko because it's a miComet stream? I thought Suisei is dead again?
No, I want nothing to do with a homebreaker
Senchou as the next guest for suityan's radio, scheduled for October 19th and 26th
Do your best, Polka
people doing these streams will want to see what happened on others pov
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Lamy love
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Holy shit furen is BIG
I wanna motorboat those titties.
She has a lot of good porn
Korone inclining
Fubuki inclining
Thanks to Miko
FAT titties are a requirement for becoming a knight
Sora is also inclining, although I don't know why.
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>furen sits like a proper lady
>lap sits like a man
ramey sounds like an annoying woman to deal with
numberfags are probably the most happy
I always confuse her with Nui, I was glad to see Koyori lump them together in her BBBB cover, I'm not alone
Knights are trained in etiquette
Ancient aliens that run secret societies are not
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This vtuber's 3D model is a bit too realistic...
they should keep their faggotry confined to pekora and miko
so other than MiComet, none of them ever clicked the recommended kirinuki on their homepage during the entire week? that's some dedication. Mine is full of #holoGTA clips after the first day
Did this clip skip all the pole dancing?
kinda looks like my japanese jav
This whole car over Pol's scooter reminds me of actual American clips because they have so many automatic accidents. Truly Los Santos is perfect USA simulator.
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Shame this is a blue board, I can't post any of my Furen pictures.
Mori's fuckstick..
The game they are shilling seems a really bad cashgrab, what a waste
I know nothing about this anime
Am I the only one who likes it when their oshi dogeza and apologize to their fans?
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Yeah it's a struggle to find sfw ones
Well yes that would be spoilers.
Another reason why micomet shouldn't have played as normal cops, cops never should have been aware of stuff like Lui's drug dealing until seeing it in-game
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Weird that the promo pic is this outfit. Maybe they weren't sure what was going on with Marine's model update and just avoided it altogether. Also I don't think I've ever seen this promo pic of this outfit before
wait mori is actually kinda funny...?
I was thinking the same with that 'gib 80' and 'nope' moment.
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What a cute girl onahole.
We needed more Botan and Lap loose cannon buddy cop hijinks
Is the image they use on the hololive website
No wonder it looks so awful
I guess I've not looked there in a while
Lapu got Mori's lovebaton in the sweltering summer of '92
lap kinda sounds like a boy
I'll be the first to say that Fubuki has regained some of her humanity back thanks to this gta collab.
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How the fuck can you confuse her with Nui?
I feel like this is insulting to kanzarin.
But all she wanted was Towa's banana
How come Fubuki can watch clips and you're all cool with it but when I do it suddenly I'm the problem?
I think I understand now why JOP think Mori is kakkoii
are you saying the skinwalker can act like a human now
Stream the reactslop next time
Half this setlist so far is covers she did back then too
I watch clips too, nothing wrong with that.
Proving that the only reason you dislike it is because of nostalgia for the old model and that period of time
FBK is cute.
I'll never forget how Iroha's 3D debut was blatantly influenced by Furen's 3D debut, but at least Iroha clearly did the fight scene herself, while Furen cut away to some other person in the mocap suit doing crazy flips and shit
余skateboard compilation doko
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That just means the skinwalker's trick working
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It's not so much finding SFW ones and more like I only save porn of her...
I don't think I ever watch her streams despite being subbed to her since forever. Today's the first time in a while I've heard her voice.
Cant wait for pekomiko clip
Why is she naked?
i haven't watched clips on youtube or streams that are just watching clips in years, the most clips i see are when twitter just puts them up
fubuki is a cat, they have fur
What's kanzarin gonna do about it? Schlick her depression away again?
How would you describe La+ laugh to someone that has never heard her laughing and would never guess in a million years what it could sound like?
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They're called "skinwalkers", not "clothwalkers", anon.
I ate them
>It's not so much finding SFW ones and more like I only save porn of her...
I only remember a few clips of her posted here in late 2020 / early 21 but her sexy design has stuck with my twitter algo
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. . .
Broken air horn.
hey nousagis where's pekora?
Not all of them
why does Laplus is more and more sounding like 11yr old boy
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she is honmiying today
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getting naked for me
12yr old boy who is also a smoker
>Polka got tortured by Sora for to sing very high songs because she was late
She hated the gta collab so much she didn't tweet about it like the others did. Does not help it was as miko hosted event that already soured here mood during the whole time.
I watched every catbox links posted here, and I doubt I was alone in that.
So we are all clipwatchers on this blessed day.
Too much smoke and alcohol
Bitch slap that norse god hime
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We already have a knight.
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W-what did I miss?
We have a smart knight, not a dumb one
busy sucking male ecelebs cocks
laplus is really the butt of hololive
Pekora pulled a dirty one
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Kanzarin was depressed?
Fubuki 100k doryaaaaaaaaa
it just means she is healthy
Lunaito fell in the battle vs odin
pekomiko clip time
Damn, what's the last time a non-event stream cracked 100k
wrong thread
wrong board
Why are sukonbus like this
it's time for fubuki to graduate for trying to steal Miko's spotlight
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Suisei just told me HnK is not returning and the only reason she "played" with Kanata in the first day was because of her job to babysit retards who can't find a group to play with on her own...
So from the perspective of Kanata, it was a terrifying experience because having Suichan show up means she was in fact a shitter that needed help
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There's this guy I follow who loves to draw her, which reminds me that the last stream I watched must be when she revealed her sexy bear gamer outfit.
God damn that gold bikini one he did is the right amount of chub
pekomiko kino
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>furen's tits bouncing everywhere
pekomiko... home...
Subaru should have arrested her.
They still interacted a bit for the next few days, so there's still hope.
Raden's Shinigami Reached 1M!
It's over...
what the fuck is going on???
PekoMiko really brings me to better times..
good i don't want kanata to be associated with gaijin
I can't even joke that her hair used up all of the physics
It's an event stream
It's true I was there when she said this
hologta day 8
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A cat lady. Yikes.
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>gold bikini
Which one? he did like ten of them lol.
The event already ended
what prompted this? Something with Ina?
she didn't help haachama at all when haachama was super bocchi and dying constantly on day 2..
they talked more in that moment than they did for the past 2 years
Why didn't you save her?
is it me or is there a slight shakyness in pekos voice when talking to miko initially?
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This stream is getting me in the mood...
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Her goodsmile figure has white panties by the way
I'll call Flare a dark elf wherever I want
Why does Fubuki's clipwatching lags so badly? Or are those clips she's watching just that choppy?
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fbk please just skip this yapping
probably GTA related?
didn't realize this is that long
the thing is, everyone in hololive knows peko mikos actual relationship behind the scene and they wont say it just like how fubuki here is not alluding to it by trying to act impartial to this clip
Haachama didn't even try during the practicing sessions, so Suisei just came to the most logical conclusion, which was to let Haachama do her thing. In short, Haachama was a lost cause...
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Choco sensei looks a bit different today...
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>reached police station
>both tried to start convo with Botan instead
Yeah they fucking hate each other
dude really subbed the entire interaction without cutting any.
how starved are they?
I still don't get how that is fine but panties aren't
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>botan after realizing what was going on
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Cover wants to have panties anon they are on the side of the fans and the talents, they just cant so they are using a loophole.
fubuleech is a traitor hopefully Miko will graduate her next
the stockings!
ehehe this clip made me smile
will foobs end for miko?
so is the stocking really miko
oh no no no no NO NO NO NO
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*cums suddenly*
Somehow I had forgotten about this picture. Yeah he's great at drawing slightly chubby girls, his Himawari fanart is kino.
Who is more retarded between Furen and Lap?
It depends
Nooooo fubuki don't say that
there is more to life than just 3 minute meme clip
pekomiko natsukashiiiii~
Does not sound like Okayu at all unless you're deaf
What is that stream of laplus on? Is it on her twitch or what?
no she's trying to steal the spotlight from Miko, fubuleech is a traitor I already had my suspicions when she's starting to get chummy with miComet trying to destroy their relationship and Miko's reputation
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Lap is tensai.
It's basically over
Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.
Alright fine! I'll fucking watch Frieren
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ctrl+w the thread and find out
Stream's coming to an end though. I think.
nigga why are they all doing clip watching alone
just group up
it's pretty good. nothing revolutionary
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Fubuki just dissed Kanata for her stupid act
miCometfags and 35p are so fucking toxic
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Tell me about it...
no one likes kanata
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pekomiko natsukashi...

hey are just too good of friends off stream which is why they never stream anything together any more like irys and flare does with splatoon
>Sora reads Frieren
Shut up, Kanata
always knew that fubuleech is a pkmkfag I remember when she posted plushies of pkmk, bitch is trying to destroy miComet, pathetic skinwalker
no one's biting, huh?
GoukaiYellow my beloved
No Sora, Polka...
It's over...
The only thing fbk can destroy is my dick
It's a good manga.
Except for the school tournament, that was dogshit. Only the Serie lore drops were good during that part.
Looks like Polka is the one who'll graduate after all...
im biting your dick up your ass
fuck this event for making me hype for normieslop like GTA 6
i am now worthless
the school tournament is good tourist
>Crazy to think she was massive back then too half a decade ago
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>can't go to comiket because her horns would give her away immediately
My poor lap...
>Looks like Polka is the one who'll graduate after all...
She knows what's coming after she made the daisenpai wait for one hour
She's still massive now
link to those handjobs?
Sexual favours can fix that
You are waiting at least 2+ years ontop of it's release for something like fiveM anyway
That shit used to be posted all the time, why did you never grab it then?
i just realized theyre doing this stream because they are schizo and thought fans actually thought they hated eachother due to the gta thingy...
Why does FBK stopped watching
what do >>>>we think of Gundou bullying Rushi?
Now I'm looking forward to holoGTA 6. I hope no more graduation by that time.
Rockstar acquired FiveM. They might design the multiplayer with RP in mind.
She should bully my cock instead.
waiting for bebber
well, last day
Usually it takes nine months
Miko nyahallo ma'am!
You're looking at a minimum of 2027 for the PC release, so you'll be waiting a while.
3 holos "graduated" in 2024, what will 2025 bring us?
Miko’s up next to stream
nine months was how long miko was gone that one time
Rockstar is now a tranny infested LBAWGTAG++ trash studio, forget about it
nyahello men!!
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There he is. There he goes again

Look everyone he posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?? Oh my god.

I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room giggling like a little girl as you once again type your little 'Porka' joke up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don’t even fill in the captcha, maybe you’re such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a 4chan pass so you just choose the picture. Oh we all know the picture, the uh epic porka orca isn’t it? I imagine you, little shit, laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos onto the floor. But its ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh that’s right, did I fail to mention? You live with your mother! You’re a fat fucking fuck up and she’s probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all god damn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on 4chan posting about a dumb Porka joke. Just imagine this, she had you and then she thought you were going to be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand and then you became a NEET. A pathetic Porka joke NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can’t even talk to you because all you say is "HAHA PORKA ORCA FAT".

You became a parody of your own self. And that’s all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he’s done a million times now.
laplus, shion and ayame are whores
how I missed daidaidai intro
leeching whore doing what she does best leeching
Lapu... gone...
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It's actually crazy how cute and feminine her mannerisms are, especially next to someone like Lap.
And now it's over. Good stream, very funny, Enako was ugly like sin though. She should consider a vtuber avatar.
a brighter future according to Suisei
i liked the mage exam for the magic meta stuff..
nyahello miko miko miko!!!!!!
The return of Rushia and the start of Rinco's online presence and to gain a following again.
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I'm glad they managed to squeeze in a little bit of Fubu-Imouto bullying in GTA
but why are they doing a relay
Is that really not her? I genuinely think the voices sound pretty close. Theres some youtube comments saying that too.
what prompted the begging?
I am dead serious when I say that I'm no chubby chaser but would make an exception for Polka and her fat sweaty asshole.
I expect a Nozomi JAV debut in 2025 tbqhf, it's pretty much inevitable seeing the trajectory this is going.
Friend is too damn cute
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cant wait for miko to fellate about her own clip again
I thought she was done but she's watching clips again
kill yourself fancuck
Didn't she say that she will stop the lewd posts by the end of the year? Or maybe I'm misremembering.
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offtopic beggar be beggin
Here come the spammers
Miko is one of the organisers. So Fubuki’s happy to let her do her own recap
hey man!!
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There year isn't even over yet...
why are the clips so laggy
anon... they are becoming better with each update...
I guess suisei won't stream until her tour to take care of her throat
Towa should watch non-gang clips and cry about how much fun she didn't have...
neck yourself lower case schizo
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What a fucking nerd. *shoves you into a locker*
I really liked the flashback showing Serie and Frieren's first meeting, and then Serie not even wanting to see Frieren in the present which is really bittersweet when there's the reveal about Serie still caring about Flamme after all these years
Miko started! Late nyahallo~ https://youtu.be/GFOoiY2sT4w
Swimsuits are meant to be seen
I love it when Marine does that black metal scream
thought so, beggar
Bye bye Sodachi, Poruporu...
Miko just sucked away 40k viewers from Fubuki
rushia used to black metal scream too...
continue being a schizo lower case schizo
I didn't see the vtuber stgr staff past 1st day
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I'm ok with Marine making out with Ao; she deserves some good forbidden love before chaining herself to a loser for his sperm (me)
hey Miko!
at least I'm not begging for scraps from actual hololive thread lmao
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Just a hunch
Wake me up when Miko or Fubuki is watching clips of the baker family drama
Marine is a bad influence
Proof next thread
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yes we all know the leeching whore pekwhorleech is busy leeching on some male e-celeb cock right now that's why she's not streaming today kek
elves are troublesome..
miko just start the clips already and make sure to lay on the polka clips extra heavy she's been going overlooked
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you're begging my attention because I make you seethe so much you started copying my writing style
it wasn't actually balanced, but who gives a shit.
leeches are good at helping with bloodletting and getting out toxin build up in the body
Rare kronii clip
fubuleech still not ending, pathetic leech
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Could you please reply to each other so that I can collapse the entire chain...
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mute mute mute
ironic when you use all the terms I coined, lil bro.
Ao really just showed up to Marine's stream and acted like they had an established relationship and that she was getting cheated on.
this is random but subaru being accomodating to the ENs was very cute. i want to make her a mother now
>when she was the most watched and the protagonist of the server
based based based
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guess everyone's really tired
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GTA made me forgive Laplus and I'll never forgive it for that.
How fat is Kronii
got called out and proceeded to change writing
sasuga lower case schizo
I'm glad I didn't have to see many sidebranch during the event
Update your filters already friend
>yaago rice and fries
56 fucking minutes
stars with spoilers
jap clips are fucking WORTHLESS
what's so funny about this clip
why are those en clips so long
nice, it's all the last day thing
the staredown outside the church was kino
kanata ruined the maximum wedding kino fubuki had prepared
she's leeching off of Miko and Suisei
don't be so mad that I called you out for defending enwhores and "bino" lmao
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>american humor
im so glad japanese are not massive faggots about spoilers like westerners are
are they still in the time travelling arc? I hated that premise so I stopped reading before that part
it's for the zoomzoom kids
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Sinister hospital director was great
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>japanese humor
Why do they speak English like monkey
why do nips clip every fucking thing
thats not how clips works wtf
Fucking boring clip
iincho's really ominous before church
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Where's gungnir
Are you sure you understand japanese? Nips are the biggest whiners about spoilers
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All four of the gang members I watched (Aki/Towa/Ayame/Pekora) seemed to have pretty similar outlooks. Endless tutorials, bugs & delays, missing out on a bunch of server happenings (notably the bakery wedding) and the cops being wet blankets were rough on them but actually executing the heists and working together as a team was very satisfying.
It was definitely the highlight of the server for me
>i'm car
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fucking everyone got thrown out without seatbelt at least once
>japanese humor
>chinese game
They're busy sperging out about RP in the RP server
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I'm reading the french edition and I'm behind by a volume or so, I got to right where she gets teleported away.
I agree it's a dumb premise and I fear it's gonna be shit... hopefully it's good, and if it's bad hopefully it's short.
Tell me about it...
you're mad I never gave you attention you keep begging
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I love the talk she had with Subaru
clip doesn't do justice to the long silence fubuki did outside the church.
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move on to next one already, friend...
So disappointed how AoT turned out. Glad I dropped at after the first season
now you're using the word "beg" because it hurts you the most. just like start shit, glass houses and so on.
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But it was AZKi who offered her panties
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The end of that conversation was perfect
Kronii kek
quick draw kanata should play red dead redemption
Kanzarin's laps are too erotic.
Reminder that sharts and yonkiseifags pay to shitpost
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kino kino kino
This is only the climax of a long-running series, Migo
iincho's fucking weak
then again koropapa kills niggers on the daily
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and stay down
>23 minutes clip
I swear papa is immune to most sources of damage, only car crashes and explosions can kill him
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Fuck Inchou
I wish a holo actually had a hairstyle with bangs like this. We need more forehead
Why did Korone play a black character in 7 days to die when she was a normal looking one in gta?
said the one who repeats the same words and copy me
you're just my shadow
>cops get all the kino clips
Where's Kanatan?
that one hurts you too, right?
Ruining the kino climax we were promised
if you want forehead, then haachama's new outfit is quite good for it.
Laplus carried the police side in entertainment value
Gang would have been better if Peko had a better time in gta and was on good terms with Miko.
was hime up to date with the drama at that time?
Meeting furetan
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I am glad Laplus is still in hololive desu
who is this agent 47 lookalike lmao
you're resentful your mom abandoned you jeremy
Polka journalism caused so much chaos in the server
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Never trust journalists
If anything a fat middle aged guy with brown hair is far more normal than a negro.
She mentioned a few things as if she'd been following or had been told what was going on

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yeah, time for you to activate your bot.
read her tweets
tell me about iinchou, why does he wear the mask?
If only Polka could talk about irl drama like she so desperately wants to.
Hime laughed so hard at agent 47
Missing the abomination that was Suisei carrying Miko
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What is a had and how do you drop it?
Laplus will never leave
She has all the benefits of being in Hololive while having the blank check to do anything she likes
hime's laugh is so precious. it's like warm milk and honey drizzling my eardrums
pure frission
I still have no idea what was this interrogation all about
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>at least I have friends
The integrity of the article
you're using bot aka chatgpt to copy me
way too big
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trying to fix her sleep schedule
little brother is broken
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papa what the fuck
she looks like she dates black men
this is an epilogue no one wants...
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Try learning Japanese
Polka having dirt on Subaru was funny as fuck
I don't know why you can't understand this, they are both alien to her.
back to begging
Why are white men like this
No wonder american cops shoot first and ask questions later, they're all too fat to chase anyone. Just look at that belly displaying posture
>polka's interrogation
>not multi POV
this clip is ASS
you have to use diminutive adjectives to make up your small ego
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kanata hates nigs
ina took that imfamous okasuba photo?
i'm glad i lived long enough to see her become more and more irrelevant each year; at this point, who fucking cares really?
little bro is using new words he learned on vt
finally right size
All react content... Hololive these days...
Waiting warmly
ah man, back to the boring part
on contrary of you who uses chatgpt
>missed the polk clip because i was watching the fubumio clip on miko
Apollon doesn't look that tough
I care very much about Gura.
the only time Subaru was happy
sheep thumbnail on bed is making me horny......................................
didn't even deny it lol
also, that's not how you use that word.
Eventually it will go down to how it should have been initially. There was absolutely no reason for her to be as popular. No charisma whatsoever. Can't hold a conversation to save her life. Does nothing novel or have a special niche to warrant these subs that literally 6 other holos already do.
Imo we need a react hololiver imagine someone reacting to internet historian or daily dose of internet like asmon or xqc does
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I'm still sad Subaru didn't get to eat pussy
who deny is always a culprit
unlike you who keep copying me
instant rocket whoa
Even if her hand is tiny?
groovy subaru
No wonder the clips were so bad in the news, look the shit Miko is watching.
your sentences are getting worse when you're not emulating me. maybe you need to use chatgpt instead.
Ok apollon looks tough now
somone link the clip miko is watching i want to dislike it
guess you're the bot here because only machines emulate each other
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Polka's misunderstanding ruined the confession
Noufaggi seething lol
Bros think they are some metal gear nanomachines spies trying to one up each other itt :skull:
It's over hime
pekos lame death there ruined the fucking event fuck lapras
More like they're the same person on 2 devices.
lap really didn't mean to trick pekora
fubuki.. your internet.....
Laplus is a whore
japs suck at making clips
can you two obviously gay schizofags just hop in a discord and have gay phonesex already? you're shitting up the thread in the least entertaining way
Superior SEA clippers doko?
yeah, where are the bruh and aaaauuughhhh sfx?
So Im Jeremy today not spectrum? lol
just upload the entire stream bro.
I feel bad for this little boy
>so long FBK has to skip the kino part
Fucking clippers
but the flying comments
>polka's manipulations are being aired out live to 60k
getting to the spicy part
>4 hours clip
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last hologta matome from lap
I just realized the glasses Fubuki was wearing were from Gojo
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>Polka was the mastermind behind everything
How does she do it
Holos do react so rarely the yare not good at it..... (also JP clips SUCK)
>5 health
Lunaito lives
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think back, where did it all start? who set it all up? who was there to capture it all?
cuuuuuuuuuuuuuute miko
She lives for drama. Whenever anyone mentions a cover insider, they mean Polka
sunao's the first one on the reel, right?
of course, the obligatory 3d mv of the album. looks kinda nice though
Miko Sunao premiere! https://youtu.be/4ZafIoQ_g7Y
twitter clips are fine, why are all the clips they upload to youtube so fucking long
those hands need to be grabbing my dick right now
they were actually doing this without script?
Probably why she wanted to join hololive so bad
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Tonight, we are blessed by the sheep Goddesses voice and thoughts.
>miko going to more clips watchalong
now thats leeching
date with migo...
date with miko
damn, this is really good.
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think! who asked kanata to distract koropapa!? THINK!
>not wearing miko costume even once in Sunao MV
Why Miko, why?..
Please Cover let Polka talk about yabs and let her enable the schizo a bit. You don't realize how much of a gold mine you are sitting on right now by denying her this.
they serve as summaries of the streams
Man apollon really fucked her up
spoke too early heh
>going to more
lol it is really lil bro
It doesn't bother me if it spans multiple POVs of a certain scene
translated clips I've seen were better than this...
Nevermind me.
cover hates exposed skin
That's a quick way to get cancelled
I hate Ao
they should use this kind of shader for 3d live sometimes
it's so soft
very emoi song Miko
that was too cute MV
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they say she's there at every turn. that no story escapes her... some even say that when there's no story to report on...
she makes one.
Kanauru should learn what actually good looking 3D MV looks like...
Didn't Polka leak audio of Pekora buying cigarettes?
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i hope this day 3 clip includes the fubupol aftertalk part and/or the day 4 first person drive..
Megami-sama will save papa
me? im watching sheep
The amount of good stuff Miko has been working on recently is impressive.
korekore would be nothing compared to polka news
is kamitsubaki the one with kaf?
Miko was literally the host so everyone is leeching off of her like fubuleech or pekoleech
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earlier in the year felt slow but i understand now
Don't watch Laplus, she's dumb and purple
Megami-sama is a cheat character wtf
might not be able to do a countdown.
Fubuki being a PekoMiko fan really tilted you huh?
Are you attacking Fubuki now, micometfag? I thought you liked fubumicomet or are numbers that important to you?
but those are the reasons i DO watch her
it tried it for a long time while fubuki is streaming and no one bit, but of course you start doing it now.
Probably because of PekoMiko clips she was watching early
It isn’t even me, just noufaggy falseflagging.
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And she also farts and shits on stream and is proud of it
shut the fuck up nigger
I never expected a bakery and its employees to create the best storyline
How many times did papa kill iinchou?
kinda disappointed that the police's plan that they planned the entire stream didn't go through...
would be funnier if lap got shot while yelling through her megaphone in the heist
at least 2
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Korone's POV were golden
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Did Korone's character have like super armor or something how was she so hard to kill?
She was bugged out from a revive
was that a death from the punch or because fbk fell onto the bench from the punch?
Two counter heists didn't go to plan and it disappoints me very much. The police all getting together to try and make the confessions happen was nice
optimized body built from kneading bread
How dare Ayame stand where Aqua stood.
kneading bread all days does that to you
She is just like me
fubuleech only uses Miko for her own advantage, shameless leeching behavior, she's trying to destroy miComet and Miko. I should've known if from the start, her suddenly getting close to Miko and Suisei was really suspicious, I should've realized that fubuleech is exactly the same type of person like pekwhoreleech, a leeching whore
She wasn't. Everyone at the end of last day were just given god mode if they died.
eating azki's pantsu mader her a god
but fubuki...
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Thing is a lot of people died and had to be manually revived so it only seemed to have that effect for her
Even Mio at the end could still be downed.
Oh, it's by the same MV director as Soware.
Ayame is replacing Botan
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the entire family are pole-dancers
oh that's why the facial expressions and mouth movements seem familiar
even mama 2.0
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Subaru isn't a crybaby like my dumb oshi
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The editing is just lacking
even without barricades it would be impossible to push armored vehicle through the tunnels....
town bicycles
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fun day out at the strip club
i never even realized polka was trying to stir subaoka into drama too... sneaky fennec
Fubuki has realized Polka is the true mastermind
They should learn from indian tv, they know their windows movie maker.
that's just it being really buggy, hell look at Lap's confession at the last minutes of the server and even though they had god mode Iroha was still downed
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as a 35p I will not trust anyone anymore except Suisei Subaru and Mio, they are Miko's actual good friends in hololive, the other are just leeching off of her
boat heist was kinda unnecessary but i liked seeing both sides working together
Yeah especially the Fubuleech the traitorous whore
shit never knew Pol was there when Subaru called Ogayu
Watamate? Kenzoku?
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After reminiscing about yesterday's stream, Watame wonders how she will perform as a gang member. When the next event comes, Watame will most likely become a bad sheep
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She has her hands in everything.
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Cute wah
you dont even need a script when you have polka
How does HoloGTA compare to the other GTA from regular streamers and Niji’s?
No Fubuki, Subaru never ended up confessing... She should've during the cops outing to the strip club but everyone kept interrupting their private time.
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missed the wedding and fireworks
lap may have been unlucky throughout, but she had a good run with gta
Talking about reddit meme, I stumbled on to a subreddit called r/okbuddyhololive recently and the people there are something else, saw a post shitting on Mio just because she said what she thinks, the people there really want to control the holo, even worse than the faggots here
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A number of Holos have good improv, when you think about it
It seems buggier
Back to /vt/ buddy
You would never see giga whores like Lamy and Marine in mixed gender servers. They can go wild because it's girls only
sometimes I don't know if azki is slutty or she's really good at acting
Poor Iroha...
More like smaller and had less cumulative viewers and no one had more viewers than Kuzuha
She did though, Okayu just redirected her confession by saying that Subaru should hear Noel out first, then snuck out and ran Subaru over later.
But for the actual “funny” moments? Or is it more competitive, like being focused on completing/stopping heists?
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zatsudans are the best form of streams
/vt/ doesn't use reddit
Kuzuha literally botted his streams
>Miko's live delayed
When did this happen?
this 小豆 girl kind of sounds like Noel a little bit
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Prankster Okayu mixed with current day slut cat is a dangerous combo
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Now that I think about it, this must be way more uncomfortable for pekora than iroha since peko is the most straight and unsexual of all the holos
>No other members are live
I hope you don't honestly believe that lol
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VCR had a more natural flow of people finding out what they wanted to do. I would say it was similar in terms of funny moments, I just didn't care for the majority of the people on the server. The heists not being as buggy allowed the gangs to be more active
No one is more straight and christian than Usada
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Pekora wants to fuck AZKI, hard.
Its not a joke saying she has the brain of a 12 year old boy.
Finally some gang clip
Towa being cool clip again
She would've accepted sex with Miko if she was gay.
The cool Twa
No Raden today...Probably working on that new mushroom video she said the other day.
this is where the cops being stupid right
>Cops clip
>they are having fun and doing stupid shit
>Gangs clip
>serious gaming moment
that was Miko's event and the last news segment of the week for holoGTA, but fubuleech had to undercut it by overlapping Miko with the same type of content and even reacting to pkmk clips, literal scumbag behavior that I expect of lesser holos, but not fubuleech. but alas fubuleech betrayed Miko today, and I will not forget
Nope, mentally unstable and going into a death spiral and thinking about quitting again.
those streamer servers are pretty awful no? they have pre-formed cliques and just troll and grief others
>immediately skips to the start of the action
Fubuki already watched this clip and is just rewatching to show everyone how cool Towa is
Cops are useless lol
No one would an ugly fat blob
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>Cops clip
>they are having fun
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You can't just demand sex from Pekora and expect her to put out, look how that turned out for Marine. she's still playing a tsukkomi role with her after 3 years
You have to be the passive role and let her go after you. or in aqua's case you just need to be on the same wavelength
stop projecting
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pekotyan on the radio sounds really different
>being happy you killed a bunch of useless cops like Watame and Kanade
she already married to junny tho
pekora told them she blew the heli up... and this clip didn't show it or her heli exploding pov
fucking useless clippers
Is she that kind of person?
>azki pov
noufaggi seething for a week because of clips kek
What does being unsexual has to do anything with having sexual desire?
The fateful meeting
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It was merely a dream
>corrupted by Marine
married woman pov
I don't like what she did too but its up to Miko if she will graduate fubuki or simply cast her out of their clique
She's a smoker, of course she's fragile.
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shots fired at nagoya kek
I didn't watch any of the cabaret club povs, did they just wait around for people to visit them most of the time?
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inaka musume mesu ochi
>jobbed to aqua in the locked room collab
wtf migo
great pic
>Poorfag Jeremy actually calls him Junny
Are your imaginary friends at your "Prestigious Academy" homosexuals too LOL https://warosu.org/jp/thread/47797449#p47798486
marine you evil bitch...
>innocent girl from the boonies gets tricked into the sex industry
pioneers are crying
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fun times, can't wait to look back at these times in few years
The way Biboo landed on her head with legs pointing sky from the explosion was my favorite sight.
ensharts and their pathetic fans feel intimidated by the mere presence of pekora
how does she do it
>marine, noel, lamy
the whores are all here
her husband gets private lap dances
>3339 damage
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yeah, me
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she had a nice movie arc on the server
Why are Japanese clippers so shitty? Half of them don't change pov and they are all long and unfocused
what the fuck
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I don't like this nigga
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That clips Fubuki is watching are from people that just want to do summaries of what their oshi did for people that don't have the time for the full stream.
holy newfags... jp clippers just add subtitles, this is known
lurk a year before posting
Why do you have autism?
Yukimin is the only one who looks fucking dangerous
cute upao
kanatasochan could never be here
Real hololive fans only
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Makes sense, I was thinking the experience was basically the same as watching a stream so I was wondering what the point was
Translated clips have to be succinct because the shorter they are the less work it is for the clippers to translate the subs.
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GTA is over! On to new adventures!
no cuckonbus no cuckfaggys all is good
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Gorone was too horny
i dont get it
i miss aqua...
hajime is really cute
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Battle cats hoshiyomi...
what about korone? :(
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pekomiko won btw
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they're not that close to begin with, but at least Korone and Miko are honest about it unlike fubuleech (and pekwhoreleech)
Kanade is funny
The shart tried getting with towa as well and she's trying to show off to Lap
The BGM change was cool but the boss wasn't that strong after the change
the korean is on screen again
Kanade is a loud retard who can't stop yelling. She actively makes collabs worse.
That's true but it also feels cultural, English clips of English media are short as fuck, everyone has adhd
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I really like this art style of Subaru
Kanade makes me hate proximity voice
ok im sold, kanade is cute
hologta is awakening me to members i didn't consider previously
nah miComet won bigly
What are Subaru's vocal chords made out of?
>not showing kanade's pov for this
shit clip
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Subaru and Kanade turn this into Gintama
please subscribe
I deserve a paizuri from Subaru while she is wearing a tanktop
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That whole segment was fun. Fubuki calling her up about mobilizing the citizens, Polka calling Subaru screaming to run from the police station because of it, her panic trying to decide if she should stay and help the gang or bail to interfere with Fubuki.
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i hadn't realized subaru yelled this much through the whole week. it's actually baffling how she didn't lose her voice day 1
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Saga 2 clear
>Yagoo overworking that whore
Haha, loud = funny!
fubuleech and pekwhoreleech should graduate next
Loud is funny
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I was hoping for more chase scenes from the week. This Aki vs Watame chase on highway ended up being kino, nothing else really shines in comparison.
And this heist's climax by noon time in the farm hangar was kino as well.
gura and sora should graduate first before the leeches
Let's just have everyone graduate
Towa should lactate
I should rewatch the kochikame movies
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Hime got policenauts perms
ps3 version I assume
Fbk please skip gorilla's clip
>sees Kanata clip
I still doubt kojima will acknowledge her existence
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buddhist enlightenment of the highest level
Maybe ps1 we'll see
Devilish Towa is pretty hot
Were buddhists just really dumb?
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can't even tell who this is
the ones who reached enlightenment were
Why didn't Aqua and Miko get meme'd into being skinwalkers?
It's the loud sidebrancher
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loud = funny
why does fbk have bad internet? surely she can afford good internet
Aqua's Live2D update was actually good
what the fuck
kino incoming
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this image would be better if they were all naked
Fubuki doesn't really have die-hard fans here (lot of people like her but she's not their oshi is what I mean)
some girls are loud but not funny
like kanata
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Koyori is the prime example of this too
but she was never hers...
Is Fubuki a reaction streamer now?
I need Palette to play in my life from speakers when shit goes wrong.
that goes for most images of holos
fubuki is asmongold
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I still want to see the ending where Friend killed Korone
this clips are so shit.....
Aqua's wasn't as drastic & there are still a few people who miss the old Miko.
NTR won that day
The clips are so long and unfocused she spends the whole time watching buildup then skips the punchline
A holo could make bank doing a "Hololive highlight clips of the week" show.
I'm surprised that it's not a thing yet.
True and real dude
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I hope somebody's compiling the whole BAking Bread episodes
Cool Botan
Fubuki fucking skipped the punchline
Jesas so much ''filler'' in this clip.
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Imagine if they had something like that but every day, would be pretty crazy.
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That would be the ultimate leech move
nyaharo again
Peko would've beaten Botan though
Fuck Laplus
you can edit such a pure kino for this heist
this clips is just ASS
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>will never be a stay at home husband for Botan and rub her feet and make dinner every-time she comes home from work
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lapu just wanted to propose to towa...
fbk stop skipping the end... you're blueballing me with these
this bitch forcing all the unfunny reddit shit and making other members sit there looking at all the unfunny memes was way worse
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Miko started! Nyahallo~ https://youtu.be/ymQyoxB3Nb4
why wont mio collab with male vtubers?
Taiga forbids
tired bebber
She already collabs with Towa???
This Watame RC vs Bae-Mumei was funny. It's a shame the heist escape ended here right after because 'we just decided so'.
nyahello miko miko miko miko miko!!!!!!
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Towa told her not to
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Any new holocats?
Kanzarin mama is going all out...
Emataso bros, your oshi...
fubuki is just watching clips... maybe we were wrong all along...
I'm surprised no one mentioned it but there's an among us collab tomorrow
fubuki's change was really big. she got fat compared to before.
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I watch clips everyday. I don't have enough hours in a day or my lifetime to watch everyone's streams.
holy shit this cat is aesthetic as fuck. is that even real? it looks like what an AI would generate if you told it to do the perfect cat
why doesn't pekora post her fucking monkey anymore
you are obsessed with the knife ears cat
*turns into a rabid dog*
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Miko lost her soul and panties
Please don't fuck the cat. We have Okayu for that.
lazy manechan
unnecessary baggage
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it's dead
Towa should pityfuck Laplus
That wasn't about meme review.
Towa bought a 4th one
amazon version is shipped? why haven't the official holo shop ship the album yet?
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He won't sit still
Aki's dumbest moment
i'm not going to fuck a cat. it just has beautiful, beautiful eyes... and a smug demeanor... and a cute nose... and perfect fur...
Stop praising yourself, Taiga
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>walks out the rooftop as a heli flies above and receive his henchmen
god topnotch supervillain act, who else mastered using the emotes like fubuki does
they are cute, just like Flare
Miko's model upgrade was actually good
>rescuers start laughing at said supervillain
She had the spirit at least
the normal edition has better art...
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crying towa...
You're a big girl
towa is so dumb
Towa baby...
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Dumb crybaby debiru
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Towa is so uncool
When Miko says "Hey Man" that is basically her saying fuck you nigger because thats what she thinks that means.
miko kyun
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there were honestly so many of these movie type moments it was bit unbelievable at times
i regret not getting the special edition
hope there will be a call and response training stream before I fly
We need a live2d version of miko
Download up
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Oyasumi hime
Towa crashed the plane with no survivors
Miko should make an enka song
spotify and itunes version is up
Why do all these clips use '4' to say 'shinda'? Don't tell me Japanese Youtube AI demonetizes videos that have 'death' written in them.
crying bebber...
I mean, the plan was to jailbreak her out. So they had to let out some frustration.

I don't think anyone did. Fubuki was the only one that I saw that had them on macros for better RP.
Watame is peeing in my mouth!!!
sleep tight luner
goodnaito hime
>Don't tell me Japanese Youtube AI demonetizes videos that have 'death' written in them.
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crying mig...
i'm so proud of her
this mechanic sure turns my gears
what a crybaby...
They also say 56す
proud of you miko
don't cry, mig.
miko bebber...
Reminder that Korone and Fubiki don't like each other and don't do 1-on-1 collabs. Nothing that happenedb between them in that server was acting.
Botan also had some macros on for her stream deck. It was for various stuff to make stuff easier though.
You worked hard migo very happy for you
Crying girls are so hot.... I need to replay this Miko stream over and over miko
im proud of you mikochi
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I was on Pixiv masturbating to Furen and Nui but ended up cumming to a Shigure Ui picture instead...
I feel defeated.
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based retard newfags
Big if true
fuck i might cry too
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shhh. let them be retards. it's cuter that way
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I'm gonna need to listen to flower rhapsody lyrics
/hlg/'s origin
i am already. i'm a little bitch even after all these years
How do I work hard and go through hardship so much that when it is all over I'm able to cry tears of happiness and relief like Miko?
They just aren't friends. Korone said so herself during her collab with Polka but that doesn't mean they hate each other.
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Having goals does that to a migga
that's the fun part
hard work rarely pays off!
I think they respect each other but are both too smart and find the other intimidating
this is album
can't wait for the tears during sololive
work on things you love
You guys know Miko is just faking her crying right to sell her album right? Lmao who the fuck cries like that while trying to sell garbage what a cheap tactic
Go outside first
>Miko's album theme is about her finding her own identity through her 6 years of activity and her feelings towards all 35P who have been walking besides, watching over, and supporting her growth
that's so sweet Miko T___T
men don't cry
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Raden also cried because of her hardwork
miko is one in a million, me and you will die crying alone
Holos being overly emotional always makes me paranoid
isn't that flower rhapsody the song? or was she talking about the whole album
cant stop crying...
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Towa cried yesterday
Lot of shidding and farding past two days, it's been great time to be into crying holos.
Leeching her fans' simpathy now that's a new low
fubuki would've unironically had a better react experience if she just opened 10 translated clips one after another from holodex
fucking dire
that's how japs watch clips? surely not?
your oshi doesn't care about you, Miko cares about 35P
nigger, we bought the album already
Polka did, but hers were all for the report mike, journalist notepad, camera, stuff like that.
Yeah we really need another member to pander to a retarded fanbase and get more of such retards into the hobby, now that would be great.
How about pekora's song
fuck i will cry during her sololive 100%
With that finally resolved, Kanata now understands she owes me sex.
It's corporate mandated tears
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>translated clips
>from holod*x
she's going to be an absolute mess during it
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>M*k* Sololive
Sololive used to be a merit
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Enough about pekora
The nice comments are gonna have her cry again
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she's ugly crying now...
hehe being bullied by heartwarming chats
Miko is not pekoleech, she genuinely cares about 35P unlike pekoleech who abandoned her fans server just because she got low numbers kek
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jesus miko
That fake crying LMAO
Holy shit 35pigs are reatrded
Usan is eating good tonight
who made migo cry harder
miko is getting super emotional. if it was a 5 minute cry i would be happy for her. but for some reason it's starting to make me worried.
She's cutely crying
let's goooooo
Miko is crying for supachats again?
35p with their nice comments
Meanwhile Marine's album has no theme and she gets a 2 day live for no reason. I bet she can't even sell out the venue.
Same. This amount of crying isn't normal.
us (her dads)
Only Towa is allowed to cry
No one is graduating
cute collab

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you sure love watching miko despite being a schizo
Nyeggas here haven't watched a single Watame stream?
Also good reminder that Gorone shidded and farded for 30 min straight weeping her guts out after FF9 ending.
Sometimes it can be like a dam finally bursting and the message yesterday probably helped crack it a bit as well
I typed this.
i wont lie i havent seen any watame... but ff endings is understandable they're pretty sad
The only solution is to rape Ui to even out the score.
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Cheers to many more to come
You won't understand unless you have worked a night shift in a deadend factory job before.
Holyshit Miko is legit just crying nonstop that's so hot
It's not just that, her first year in Hololive was rough for her too. It must feel good leaving all that behind.
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sakura miko no monogatari
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fake crying is not hot
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Ema sex!
everybody is
Have Miko cry in front of Pekora and she'll get so turned on that they'll finally make up.
begging for no reason
I'm proud of miko
I cried too
man i wish every holo would leave from cover and become indie while keeping their model
den den mushi miko
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Uhh I thought Mio hates males????
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Tokyo-U graduate...
damn, so the songs are gonna be chronological story?
miko can sing? how does she even have enough songs for an album kek
She's a bit better than pekora
She specifically said playing games with
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I thought anon shared the twitter for that one 35p
Grass cutting ASMR...
Not trolling but I’d kill for a react holo
>Korone killed FBK
>FBK get Mio in the end

>FBK killed Korone
>FBK get Mio in the end

Yeah I don't think it matters
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she can sing, Suisei's been coaching her now
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>open flare stream
I still think of that roboco tweet about sololive sometimes.
miko pc98
Prerecorded music can have an endless amount of editing done to them
>I still think of that roboco
I don't.
The sololive will be prerecorded too
Thats Towa
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pretty nice that every song has theme
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When you think of what she's participated in
>shiraken stuff
>holowitches stuff
On top of maintaining streaming she's a really damn hard worker props to miko
She's graduating :)
That's why she is the protagonist of hololive
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That's my migo.
dibs on Subaru
Anyone seen Towa
>Miko has a song shitting on trolls and antis
based Miko this must be her girlfriendwife's Suichan influence
Sex with the dumb lion
Protagonist doing her best
there's that one anti that got turned into fan like half a year ago
Suichan must be really proud of Miko
He heard the song early
Gif that you can hear
Took long enough for someone to translate for you, didn't it
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yeah that is the plan
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But hololive only has a smart lion!
Still radio silence from Pekora. Man she really did not like having to be in Miko's gta event. Probably glad it's over
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Lazy holomembers after reading this
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Laplus' wet dreams.jpg
whens the next pekomiko collab?
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i hope miko will sing other original songs during her sololive too...
my name is elite please
After the next aqushio collab
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it will never comeback...
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>finding out who she is and who she wants to be (project 35 probably)

>daidaidai fantasista
>compared herself with others (ayame) and how no one came except that one 35p

>sakuranbo message
>memory of her high school announcer club thing, and the nice gal who likes her voice

>nyaharo world
>discovering the joy of streaming (gta?)

>sakura days
>her infatuation with galge (sabbath witch?)

>happy that fans love her live performance (mikochi daisuki chat at 11:35pm)

>she was wary about calling herself cute (because the bullying about her voice probably), but now she embraces it (she goes from notto baby in 2020 to full baby after)

>mikodanye birth

>like to hate
>haha how the fuck is cyber bullying real hahaha nigga just walk away from the screen like nigga close your eyes haha

>akiramenai kokoro
>she found her personality (that she still doesn't understand) because of 35p

>flower rhapsody
>what she wants to say to her past self from her present self. a lot of things happened that shapes her to her present self so "it's fine"
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Deso's new cover is pretty nice, but that Fandead artist is right, what a whiplash from the past week.
>like to hate
I feel like reaching out to them like this is a bad idea
hopefully for the encores
Where's Towa
but my name is elite is perfect as first song ...
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Look at this dumb cute thing
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Does he still draw M*keneko
like "and" hate actually.
the way the song is written is more like hokori takaki idol or something, rather than something that actively bashing on haters
Ko zuha
Peko ra
Flower Rhapsody and Sunao is way too fucking emoji
The story with the fanmeet where there's only 1 fan that came to her meeting compared to Ayame was sad
nyahallo world is a perfect opening song for her sololive
au contraire, going out with with my name is idol would be the most kino.
Have you seen the lyrics
Last time anon posted his alt he did, yeah.
He simply stopped drawing her on his main account and tries to pass for an Omaera instead.
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cute sexy goofball
last song will be sakurakaze of flower rhapsody
Our tree is the most kino
now you know
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its perfect song for hyping up the audience
i still remember her singing it as first song on her return live...
you didn't even try to understand what she was saying and it's tl'd for you
chinko www
but our tree should start the encore...
He's ESL and doesn't understand Japanese, you're expecting far too much from him.
unko www
Way to out yourself noufagi
unchi is still funnier
>likes rushia
>likes kanade
Holy awful taste jesus
Miko is so precious
you're the worst out of all of them because you just call everyone a nousagi
not even worth the time but here we are
Deso is funny and Rushia had her moments.
I can't condone following Michael though, now that's just awful...
been watching miko for years now but keep shitting up the thread nigger
Rushia is the heart of gen 3
Last time was after the korekore appearance specifically referencing it. I don't think it's ever going to stop.
man I want that clock...
They live rent free in his head. Seems pretty empty up there, must be a lot of room. Kinda jealous, I wish someone was that obsessed with me.
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Not now noufagi
Miko is 100% fucking him
that burger heh
>not dabuchi
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Kanade really reminds me of sidebranches. Constantly yelling, slow in conversations. Even her loudest fans in hlg are similar, spamming and trying to liken her to popular holos.
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Love how clear and beautiful Kanade's vocals are.
Her covers are not overprocessed like a lot of holo MVs.
Can't wait for the 3D Live.
man those cocktails look nice.
shame I'm a diabetic.
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licking subaru's armpit sweat
the mikochi glizzy...
having a hater that dedicated is special
reeeeeeeeee why it ends on 20th
fuck you for not making this event around 26th
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35P wish, Miko is an actual lesbian
yeah that fucking sucks.
my flight is 24th and I'd still miss it.
Mumei is next for this year
Way to out yourself noufagi
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There is nothing wrong with drawing mikeneko
AYAME hate
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Isn't she too old to be acting like this?
anyone have the full image of that messages?
She's only a cake, not a hag.
my beloveds
So why is Marine getting a 2 day sololive again?
gang had to fight the (actual) system
Her music is popular.
her music is popular
The gta thing?
But there's not enough of it for 2 days.
face is puffy from crying
Who's on the right side
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towa shidded and fartet too...
Day 1 features other people anyway.
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No, cute knows no age
Towa should get a week long sololive
Flower Rhapsody is so good... I'm crying.......
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*funky baby dances*
fubusan went from a waste of space gambler to delivering absolute cinema
all pekoras wives
The way she keeps failing at the start only to perfectly pull it off at the end is kino
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it can't be helped
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aki and matsuri are really great when they're with holos.
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papa kakkoii...
Aki is always great.
Matsuri is never even decent.
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leeching targets*
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Whole weeks worth of muh X faction vs Y faction thread shitting.
Week with practically zero number faggotry shitting up the thread.
Merely a coincidence.
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>pekora's message ending with -peko
press x to doubt
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