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Information for live shows and viewings:

SNS and concerts:

Why does Hina miss Moepii?
Why does Moepii ignore Hina?
Hinata is fucking ugly. That's why HarMoe happened and HiMoe didn't
I want to lick her (left)
I want to lick his big pipii (left)
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so when Aqours is dead do you think staff will force Arisha to stop using the name DJ DIA?
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I had a dream about Sayurin and i wish it was real
She would be miserable in a relationship with you, eventually if not right away, but as things are she can live a happy successful life. This thought may comfort you as it comforts me.
Okay but what happened to her teeth?
Kanako status?
What is she up to on her 30th birthday?
Fucking SEAmen.
I just want to hug Sayurin everyday anon. She’s too cute and deserves so much love!! I don’t want to see Sayurin crying or being sad. It’s gonna make my heartache if i do.
Nothing? They're great teeth that look normal, what the fuck are you smoking
Not him but she had a clear missing tooth for a while, also they didn't use to be this unnaturally white.
Why are you being defensive? You are not going to fuck that bitch dude
Are these supposed to be bad things somehow? I sure hope you retards aren't even against routine dental work.
You can protect her happiness with your wallet, Sayufriend.
Just having a bad day mate
Point out the post saying it's bad, schizo.
I just answered the question
>I'm 31. I'm always secretly watching X so my birthday hashtag came up on my trend and I'm so moved, thank you everyone for remembering me (emoji) Just relying on everyone's feelings (emoji)
Let this happiness be my daily energy. Off to deliver happy to everyone (emoji)
>Here is a picture of the most mature I've become recently. No bangs is good too??
>Thirty, working hard on my first musical piece, hitting a new wall everyday, I don't feel like an adult at all, I feel rather younger lol. Grateful for the days when I can live as a high school student, even if it's only emotionally.
Wording in >>47876973 heavily implies the poster thinks it's a bad thing, unless they're ESL and don't understand implications.
eh, I tried
>heavily implies
I forgot this board is full of ESLs projecting.
She is so handsome and I don't mean that in a bad way
Sounds like you're too autistic to understand implications yourself so let me spoonfeed you.
>Okay but what happened to her teeth?
"Okay but" implies contradiction to the OP who presumably posted her because he finds her attractive.
"What happened" implies something happened to make her teeth worse. You don't say "what happened" to something that improved. It also feigns ignorance at the obvious answer, dental work, implying that the obvious answer is incorrect and the actual answer is more insidious.
If OP intended simple curiosity it would have been worded something like, "So is it true she got dental work?" or "Her teeth really do look different now."
Make sense now, Juanito?
I'm not reading all that.
post sexy kinchans and I'll consider giving her birthday cum
Very lovely lady, inside and out. I hope she finds happiness and success in her future artistic pursuits.
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SLAP that ass
>hitting a new wall everyday
>"Okay but" implies contradiction to the OP
What? It disregards OP's blog post and asked an unrelated question.
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God I love the way girls' tits move when they play guitar
Your welcome for taking that screenshot
Arisa’s ass looks great too in the red
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Now I can finally visualize what it would look like to stand next to them
Today, Aguri looks a little different.
Imagine the sex
He's german, isn't he?
Sayuri already thinking about the chinpo baka my head
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WTF I love Kyan now.
>190 cm
Okay, that's pretty tall. I'm confident I would still tower over those two at least though.
The cancerous mole though...
He's 3cm taller than me. I didn't realise just how small those girls were compared to normal sized people.
>mountain dew
what a dumbo
You can see a man reflected in her eyes
He could easily lift them one by one, shake them with all his might, and throw them at the wall
The Emitsun floorslam special.
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I'd slam Emi on the floor if you know what I mean (I mean sex)
Why is she not a milf yet
I bet she can fit that entire MTN dew in her mouth with one bite. brb gonna go rub Cheetos and Doritos on my cock real quick
This woman just exudes sex.
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Yeah that's me hehe
She never really did it for me as a young woman but the older she gets the hotter she gets and that gray wig she wore for that one play is proof
images you can smell
travelling to india or any other SEA country for the 2nd time since her broke ass bf wouldn't want to go to Paris
money isn't enough anon... I just want to spend precious time with sayurin
Even if she's just looking at her phone the whole time?
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She looks like somebody I could score with and I don't know if that's exactly a compliment but it still makes me like her more
Do women actually look like this up close?
Only you if you help us.
>fag has ruined our precious general spamming off topic shit

Sounds familiar.
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looking older and older
Yes, that's generally how aging works.
she looks 40
What a beautiful, young Japanese woman! Have my children Naomi!
Payton vs. Saku kickboxing spar match when?
What's the point? Payton is the designated jobber of the group.
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Kind of a wild gig on Yuina's part, gratz.
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Bless the girls who unabashedly flaunt their feet and pits on camera.
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No this 40
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>lustqueen for a kid's anime
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Parents beware.
I still wonder if Yuina even knows what Lust Queen implies. She's supposed to know a bit of English...
She probably thinks it means 最後の女王
It's supposed to be Bust Queen
it's supposed to be mippi
no you dumb fuck it's riju
urusai wa ne
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Those outfits are some of my favorites, legs-a-plenty. Nice to see Kuma wearing shorts on stage rather a dress/skirt too.
Tall boots are soooo sexy...
Thanks for the folder btw
ayame ;-;
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She's not a child. She knows it's a provocative name. Does it suit her? I don't know. IIRC, her debut song was typical pop.
She doesn't, nor do any of the other japs involved or else she wouldn't be on a Pokemon cartoon. If they know the word at all they think it's in the "lust for life" sense.
My last date be like
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there is no end to producer-san's humiliation fetish
Does she know sweet potatoes are associated with farts? It's kinda provocative and doesn't suit her desu
I'd pork the maid
hobgoblin slut
She found her role.
slam pig
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Right is such a gigachad
Even Yuina's stacy energy can't compete
Some of these photos arent even bad
I'm not sure they were all meant to be. The guy I got it from had some... interesting tastes.
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>wake up
>still no nagi gf
reasons not to become an hero today?
jesus christ she got hotter with age or what
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wtf since when is the 5head hot? I almost didn't recognize her
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She got fat for a while.
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Welcome to enllghtenment
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Who are the muscle mamas of Niji, Liella, and Hasu?
Konachi started muscle training recently. I don't think she's actually showing much visible progress yet though.
Yabu's always expressed the desire to start going to the gym regularly and building muscle, but she's too scared/embarrassed to go alone.
didn't even bother to learn their names
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Welcome to the GUN show.
I love Yabu but she looks more spider than human here
Love Nina
leave it to flopfags to ruin everything
Coco is obvious, don't know if she works out but she's built like a gorilla + drummer + most of Niji seems weak as fuck.
Maybe Sakura for Liella since she does kendo, Nagi also has an aura of being massively stronger than she looks somehow.
Don't know Hasu very well but I'd be scared if Kokona started throwing punches at me
>using shitty nicknames again
I thought you loved Kuma
hope we get hina pits soon
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Goddamn, she really is the perfect woman.
Who's this cutie?
It says in the tweet.
Meant for >>47882457
Oh right, forgot about it, but Nagi and Aya really trained pretty hard to get their bodies tight for their photobooks, they were really pushing that angle during the publicity rounds. Doubt they actively train anymore though.
Miss the nose mole she covers up on Liella broadcasts these days...
No longer a larva, she has become a beautiful butterfly.
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This (gay) guy gets a free pass to touch the hair of all the Apollo Bay girls... Sayu, Nagi, Non, Konachi, Marina, Chihaya, etc...
Still need to know what Nozo's older sister looks like
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Maria Sashidas el Sanchez
Maria and Makoto Sashide - whores I bought for the night.
Imagine Nozomi and Yabu's bulging, round stomachs on their petite frames once they get knocked up...
granny has menopaused
Half my fantasies involve them being pregnant so I'm way ahead of you on that one
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Look at your daddy, bitch
Yes, grab it like that. You know how I like it
You like it when your tits drips cum, don't you? Filthy whore, next time your pussy will drip
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Which one is the wife and which one is the affair?
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Why does this makes me hard?
There are indeed 10 people in this photo
But why are you counting in binary?
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Also 10
They are so pretty
Yabu wife.
Yabu the wife, Busu in the trash.
I don't think Yabu looks any better than Busuhara desu
As long as we can agree they both look better than Chunrun
Spic hafu
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Need those plump lips wrapped around my
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Looks like your typical latina cleaning lady
But they don't have fat tiddies
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>Mou, Anon-kun! My eyes are up here!
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Images equally as erotic as this?
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Please crush my balls Sayu.
lovely shukappai
My sunlight
My delusion
My power
Like a whisper in the wind
A melody always in my mind
A feeling so hard to describe
When I lack the strength to carry on, your smile illuminates the pathway in front of me and gives me strength
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never forget
Yabu does
Proof? She weights 25kg.
See, THIS kind of cringe post is how you tell the retard apart, not stupid shit like "someone posted Tomori" or "someone used a nickname".
nigga shut the fuck up nobody cares
No. She is my sunshine and my delusion. I'm the one who she's giving power to.
Post analytics.
>not only gets upset about it, but had a screenshot prepared beforehand
That's a weird way of not caring.
I asked the poll maker that last thread
pink or brown?
I wanted to vote Yes a couple of times with my German SIM, but I got lazy.
only white people have pink so brown
Can't believe I got fooled by JAV...
/our/ Kurone-sama has fully blossomed.
name one JAV whore who has pink nipples
Emi Nitta.
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Pink, perky, and perfectly round with slightly puffy areolae
ibuki mita
Stop it. I'm still at work.
LL seiyuu most likely to have puffies?
This is so laughable that I hesitate to justify it with a serious response but just from a quick glance through my JAV folder:
Mei Satsuki
Aika Yumeno
Nene Tanaka
Fumika Nakayama
Kokoro Ayase
Eimi Fukada
Arisa Seina
Nozomi Ishihara
I've got a pretty big collection and I'd say maybe only 25% at most have brown nipples, and I don't have an intentional preference either way.
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Just imagine what she looks like in just the sports bra she's wearing under
>Mei Satsuki
The first video I pulled up and her nipples are fucking brown nigga get your eyes checked
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lmao what, you've got a strange definition of the word "brown" mate. Those aren't even a particularly dark shade of pink. Nao Jinguuji has brown nipples, so does Emi "Miku" Nitta
Will Anchan do slutty gravure once Akua is ded and she's about to hit 30?
June Lovejoy has pink nipples. The only whore at of the 8 you listed that you could maybe argue has pink is Eimi and even then it's closer to light brown than pink. Calibrate your monitor.
out of*
Why do these two completely different people always appear at exactly the same time? And why is their behavior so similar?
I mean, you're objectively wrong, but I'm not going to waste my time explaining color theory to someone who faps to white pigs.
We've already been through this before, most of those adult actresses use nipple bleaching creams/beauty-products to achieve that look. The vast majority of 'normal' Japanese women likely have darker nipples.
>someone who faps to white pigs
You're a retard. >>47883070 this bitch has pink nipples. None of the whores you listed have pink nipples. Anyone with eyes can see this.
Sounds like a lot of hypotheticals getting pulled out of your ass with no evidence, but whatever helps you sleep at night.
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Not that anon. You're full of shit and embarrassing yourself.
>Giving an example for comparison means you fap to them
Get a load of this retard.
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It's just like my grandpa always used to say, a nigger sees brown nipples everywhere.
Not him, but I've never seen a single Japanese male in any JAV with pink nips.
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It's been a while since I've been this triggered before. No pun intended.
Does Payton have one brown nipple and one pink nipple?
Choose one to protect you, the rest will try to kill you
Yeah but we all know Japanese males are a different and far inferior species to Japanese females, like anglerfish.
Use the plastic as a bullet-proof vest.
beep boop boop beep
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Always bet on the Mad Dog.
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Kanako's vastly more successful friend...
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I want her to break all of my bones one by one
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Meanwhile Karin and all the other im@s groups at Ijigen Fes were openly worshipping Aqours as their daisenpai so ????
>vastly more successful
She was in BlooDye.
Assuming he actually watches the content is your first mistake.
They're purple from Rhett-kun's rough licking and biting.
Which lls has pink eye?
I do, and have watched all of the past Ijigen Fes livestreams. I'll still stand by my claim, Carin's individual career has shown significantly more promise than Kanako's thus far.
Maybe they're from the same shithole and get home at the same time, you never know.
>verification not required
Damn!! Chow down Chinese girl, chow down.
Oh hey hey hey, it's the reference. Yeah I get it, nice one!
Maybe. Kanako's indisputably a better singer but seems to have shit management or just isn't professionally ambitious. Carin does have the advantage of being very conventionally attractive which will do a lot of heavy lifting.
Good afternoon, dogfucker-kun.
Doubt Payton's here, bro.
Yeah, a large amount of that popularity almost certainly stems from her appearance and mainstream buzz she generates with her proactive photobook releases. And just to clarify, I still definitely prefer Kanako's personality and voice over Carin's any day of the week though.
She's a plastic villain.
Good afternoon, /imas/ and/or /bushi/
Liyuu looking at her phone next to you for an hour fucking when
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Still no scans, huh? I was very tempted to add it to my most recent photobook shipment, but couldn't justify spending the extra money on it. I put that money towards adding Mayu's 2nd PB to the order instead.
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Very cuddlable Sakucute just dropped
Is she eating chow mein?
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Why are Aqours such cleavagesluts?
I'm so glad Liyuu came into my life and turned me on to Chinese women.
more like chow chow amirite
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>tfw no art school Liyuu gf
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Shuka seems to really want to show off her body but her management keeps holding her back. I've known a few nudists not hot ones and she gives the same vibes so I can almost guarantee she's naked as often as possible at home.
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She needs to abandon her career and come be my live-in girlfriend/sex kitten. I'll buy her all the weed she wants.
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Still kinda wish she hadn't gotten those lip fillers. Like she's still cute but they really didn't improve anything.
Is it weird to think Liyuu may legitimately be the most beautiful woman in the world? I can't think of a single physical attribute that could be improved in any way. Did I get commiepilled?
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Outside of her imas gig her career is getting half-naked in weekly playboy thus far
>lip fillers
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Hmm, you reckon they could be? I feel like they've always been on the larger/plumper side, even in the earliest Comiket shoots I can find of her.
There's no shortage of non-procedure products on the market that help plump them up naturally too. Definitely not objectionable in my eyes either way though, I thnk they're sexy as fuck.
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As long as she keeps her chest all-natural, I'm okay with anything.
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Just seems like her upper lip in particular hasn't always been this plump, maybe I'm schizo though.
Why did the Emitsun flexing posts get deleted?
I hate Tiny Stars and KuuKa so much it's unreal
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She does have slightly thicker than average ankles. So there's that.
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too lewd for worksafe board
She's off-topic and belongs on /jav/. In all seriousness, those were probably pedo's posts.
Okay, that is a rather large forehead, even when covered by bangs
what about >>47880509
Big J is sometimes oblivious.
Her forehead is proportionally normal, it's just her head that's huge.
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big bear, big brain
Not her fault the rest of Liella besides Yabu and Sakura are headlets
>how shit your third-world country is
He can't possibly be from all the countries he simps for. He's a woke retard getting offended for others, ironically the most american thing ever.
Or y'all thinking too much into it.
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This might come in handy.
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oh no no no
That's a big ass y'all.
nuke subhuman shitskin american pig
New thread?
Not Love Live
kill yourself
Meltdown in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...
Reminder to ignore these threads and wait for a new one on page 8 if you don't want to support the same couple of spamming faggots making all the threads for the foreseeable future.
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There's at least 3 in there
Page 10*
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>barely over one day
Totally natural, guys.
It literally says Love Live right there
>ANOTHER early thread
Are you fucking doing this on purpose?

They will samefag anyway and migrate there. The same groups of people who make the threads super early now are also the ones populating the threads, so they unfortunately can't be defeated.
>Are you fucking doing this on purpose?
Are you retarded?
Never stop the fighting. Death before defeat.
It's "they" now?
So report the the new OP for spamming. Maybe if enough people do it jannies will see the two threads up and connect the dots.
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Frankly it's a miracle we still have any jannies at all. This level of retardation maintenance would be enough to drive a paid professional off the deep end let alone an unpaid volunteer.
>over half the posts in the new thread are stardust brain damage talk
Really makes you think.
>new thread immediately taken over by the downie
Yeah nuke that shit >>47884087
I don't think it would matter. Just look how active that thread already is despite our complaining. People (probably the early thread makers) will just migrate there anyway, and they already seem to control the threads. When people see how active that thread is, they will migrate there too. I've seen something like this happen across many threads in many boards so I know how this modus operandi works.
So you're saying that Stardustfag is the one making the super early threads? It wouldn't surprise me if true.
How many stardusts are in the franchise now?
Not seiyuu, though.
Are we really going to tolerate these early threads now?
not Love Live! "seiyuus"
Not "Love Live" but "BloodDye". Leave
Reporting those too probably won't hurt, it's more likely to get deleted if they see most of the posts are shitposts.
Coco will be on Kuma's radio.
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Any solo artists' discographies worth diving deep into? I usually find these solo tracks pretty underwhelming or uninspired, but I'm really tempted to give all of Nako's stuff a listen sometime just since I love her (and her voice!) so much.
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based jannies
we wait for page 10
You don't learn do you?
>everyone on 4chan is me and my boyfriend
I looked in the following to try and find the twitter for her NND program and lol she doesn't even follow her own program, but for some reason is following Miyutan
Telling you that you don't learn from the previous early thread getting deleted does not have a imply a samefag accusation, but it sure is funny that you felt called out in that way.
You are probably one of the early thread makers if not the OP of that thread if you got triggered. Is it really that hard to at least wait for page 8 or so before making a thread?
>you don't learn
>actually I wasn't accusing you of samefagging
Are you retarded?
>early thread gets deleted
>retard goes and makes another early thread right away
You can be a different fag and still are clearly not learning.
>wait for page 8
I waited until page 8 like 10 threads ago and you fags still complained.
I'm learning you two faggots are queer for each other
but that was my first post, you think 4chan is just you and two other guys or something? lmao
They were probably the ones who wanted to make an early thread
>people are STILL using the new early thread
>2 replies in half an hour
If you look of those posts are deleted and some have been missed. I wouldn't think too much about it.
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Two replies too many
That is not a great picture of Saiba.
Imagine becoming a jannie on JP expecting to just have to pop into 2hu threads every now and again and instead spending hours every day cleaning the spergs out of several idol generals.
Just say you want to fuck her and want to have a session with her
Idk but I’m not complaining, more cleavage slut posting please
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>give all of Nako's stuff a listen sometime just since I love her (and her voice!) so much
I don't remember making this post.
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They're black as night.
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dumping cleav
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Happy to take requests btw
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I love you Anon, thank you
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cheers m8
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Only a couple Anchan ones is surprising, she hides those puppies pretty well doesn’t she…
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The best kind of cleavage.
She is quite modest, but that makes it even better.
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sucks she isn't in the TV drama adaptation
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Many such cases with Liella.
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That's all she wrote, enjoy responsibly lads.
You’re not wrong, still coping that she’ll decide to show off though, one day. Her and Coco for that matter too. >>47885288
I will enjoy, thanks for making the thread tolerable for an hour lmao.
>people are still using the early thread
>early thread still not deleted
Why are we rewarding them?
Again, like half the posts are Stardust brain diarrhea. Just ignore that thread and use the new one, it's okay to make now, right?
Also, if you can report those posts that probably helps too.
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>it's okay to make now, right?
>page 9
I like how it's still early.
Before the faggots started lowering the page number, whenever I complained I was told repeatedly that even page 8 was perfectly fine.
Also, the alternative is waiting a few more hours and letting the fake thread get like 100 posts.
Stick to page 10 or page 9 going to page 10 in a few threads. As how it has always been.
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I'll use the thread that stays up...
>I want retards to keep making early threads forever
let the early thread be the retard thread, then make a real one on page 10
Whatever, just let the new thread die. You retards complain about the early threads, but are willing to do absolutely nothing because you apparently think the obvious shitposters will just stop by asking them nicely. I bet even the other thread getting deleted was a complete coincidence. See you next page 1 thread!
I guarantee you the early threads would have stopped after one or two, but the retards constantly complaining made the faggot double down.
>then make
Because I bet you're not even going to make it yourself.
Nope, there were literally 5 in a row before my first complaint. What do I win?
Well? Say something you stupid fuck, I want you to admit you're fucking retarded.
literally almost every time a new thread has been made for the past month has had these replies. At first it was muh nijifags, then it was muh vgfags. You are an actual retard for thinking telling a troll you don't like thing will get the troll to stop posting thing. This is literally how every forced meme from moepenis to yuihag gets started.
A link with an early thread then a single word "retard" reply has been done for literal years. You're an actual newfag.
Assuming the early thread started with 1065 because no one complained about the Akarin or the Yabu OPs, no. No one waited literally 5 threads in a row.
If you stretch definitions, anything can be true!
>two posts saying "I propose we stop humoring early threads"
Yep, those posts are clearly to blame for this situation. What a complete autistic meltdown. How could trolls resist?
Kill yourself OrcTaku faggot
Isn't it suspicious that the early thread is full of low quality "discussion" and spam? As in the uguu posting that /llst/ is notorious for.
I find it more suspicious that for 20+ early threads in a row the stardustfag decided to stay in the dying threads until now when the thread wars started.
Okay, here's page 10. I have no doubt you absolute faggots still won't do anything, I'm just curious as to what's the excuse this time.
What's stopping you from making it?
I made the Emorin one and you fags didn't like it because page 9. I'm absolutely sure that even if I made another now, you'd still manage to find fault with it.
Also, this fag said page 10
Why shouldn't he make it?
I swear on me mum that if one you fags makes a third thread I'll do absolutely nothing
You guys are such fucking cucks it's unbelievable. Might as well just line up to suck off the pedo.
I really have a problem understanding the retarded notion that
>duplicate threads are bad, so we shouldn't use this one
>early threads are bad, but it was already made so I guess there's alternative other than humoring this fag for the 20+th time in a row
You lost. Take the L and jog on.
Okay, but explain the logic to me so I can know better next time.
Crazy that you can cry about it for 8 hours but not apply to be a moderator.
People are tired of all this endless bickering.
Yup, only one person in all of 4chan dislikes spammers. That's me, I guess.
Next time just say "no" if you can't.
If you're so tired of the bickering, why are you still checking replies in the old thread? Are you stupid?
Next time apply to be a moderator or touch grass dude, this reply exudes pure cringe.
I never implied it was just one person btw.
>Crazy that you can cry about it for 8 hours
There would be nothing crazy about it if you considered the possibility that it's multiple people doing it, therefore you aren't considering it.
Gotta love the "this argument is above me" attitude from a fag who's wasting his time having said argument on a dead thread he could easily choose to ignore.
I didn't say I was tired, I genuinely enjoy watching your weekly meltdowns.
Call ahead of time so I can procure some snacks and beer.
Her or not. Doesn't matter. I will always support her.

You belong on the grave. Buried alive.

Kill yourself OrcTaku faggot
Fuck off
Kill yourself

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