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Previous Thread:>>47863861
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No we already have our own problems.
no riri statement
is iLiFE cooked?
Probably crying still that two of the OG members quit and the slut got let back into the group
wonder if they'll relesae Luna's teaser tomorrow or if they'll stall and do Ice first.
I think there's a high chance Luna isn't coming back from hiatus
It's not even a hiatus it's "hearing loss" which she has never taken a "hiatus" for at all.
The 2face bitch tweeted out yesterday she wants to get better with the 6members in the group. Which would mean Luna might not be coming back.
poor Riri
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I know someone who can take iLife back to the top spot.
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Fuka did not age well
task did not age well
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last thread was too depressing, can we post wholesome idols who want to show their tits instead?
kyouka is at the perfect point in her life to do grav
thats a child youre talking about bro
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mogumogu in nagoya
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that was some shameless shilling but they are all pretty.
stay pure Kyouka.
stay pure.
virus don't click
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fresh Nemo show
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>めっちゃ酔ったからなんぱし てきたホスト連れてクラブで爆踊りしよかな
CyberMilk is such a skank.
I don't really care because she does make some fire tunes but she's trashy.
lol wtf nice shades Aki
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Choose Hanon’s cosplay for next Halloween
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Misaki (heart)
It's only depressing cuz the dumb hues in their stinky favelas keep talking about wanting to kill themselves. I say we kick them all out of the thread!
Colne should get into iLife!
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and you guys thought she was gonna make it.
check her twitter.
suicide attempt incoming
She's gonna make it. She's gonna enroll in a university and meet with her soulmate, Tenten.
i don't care if she makes it
Seriously she needs to travel around like Brazil or >>47882247,
and not staying home alone brainstorming shitting stuff during her free time.
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Goto's off her meds again
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Really makes you want to hang yourself
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interesting thing, in real life they are nothing like their social media persona, maybe typical Japanese two face things but I think it is probably also true about a lot of western girls that post on social media a lot
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Who are they?
all idols
Yeah, of course idols are still female and most guys no matter the age won't be endeared to idols if they act like their genuine true selves unless they sell themselves on mental illness. Did none of you watch/read Oshi no Ko? It's an industry built on lies and acting.
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Who cares.
And the ones who sell themselves on mental illness are the fakest of all.
It is common attention seeking
cute boy
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she's ugly
Both her and cider are skanks. It should have been obvious in their first MV they are both in a love hotel throwing around condoms.
she did it. i hoped she was going to make it.
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No. I think she will again ended up in the hospital this time. Listen to her recording.
it's sad i hate to hear her cry like that but i don't know what she lives for. i don't know what anyone lives for desu
you and this bitch >>47882247 both need to check your privilege. you try picking bananas all day and then see if you don't want to bail
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Well that's life for /alt/ idols.
Channeling too much dark energy will eventually break them even if they wanted to live a normal life again.
First from the left, i forgot her name. She has a promising talent.
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Magical devil horned wife
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Post the recording
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I own a NANIMONO NFT signed by yuma, neru and pudding but don't know how works.
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NFTs are a scam you dumb monkey.
Akira looks the prettiest when she is brown.
Double hot because she hates it.
/our rat/
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very pale idols are so cool
we hate pale idols
we love tan idols
Don't know why they decided to sing in English when they can't even speak English and the music sounds like they are mumbling.
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That's not who I was referring.
>implying I purchased that NFT
I get it for free, you mf moron.
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I never implied you purchased it, you monkey. Go get some reading comprehension.
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2nd best Spatio
But closer to 1st than 3rd
>brazilian calling 'monkey' to others
I never asked for your opinion, hominid.
sorry you live in a third world shit hole but don't drag me into your depressing life
Shut up.
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Chikeblos 3rd anniversary
it's proof of ownership of those idols. i assume you can get free handjobs or something but if you are truly pure you'll never use it
this girl is like future ringosan. if they hook up, need it or keep it?
This 43 year old hag idol(43) is extremely annoying.
Did i mention that she's 43?
i hope you choke to death on the next banana you eat
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Isihara Saki latest image is dangerous!
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I'm not even brazilian lol
I'm from Brazil.
I don't want to watch anything else die.
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>it's horrible isn't it anon?
>you know how to make it stop
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Riri looks so much cuter without the dumb filters.
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brasilians like idols? based, I didn't even know you guys have access to electricity and internet

hard agree, that counts for almost every idol though. dunno why they are so addicted to their stupid filters that make them look like clowns/aliens
>Riri looks cute
many are saying this
I like the menhera make up she has on in that picture the light pink under the eyes. She rarely does that.
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Is there actually a demand for Meina's soft and squishy body?
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ano has got to be the fakest bitch in the world
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street live
>/alt/ is like "why would you even do that!!? loser.
>where's your giant crowd of admirers willing to stand in the rain and watch you sing underneath a massive bilaboard /alt/?
she should've never done it
another day, another reason to dislike 01familia
Official Spatio rankings:
1. Saki
2. Moka
3. Literally who
4. That weird looking jeet
Yes, mine
they are making a whole show about how everyone wants to be ano so bad.
>The Anolorette
i hope ano crushes everyone's dreams. just stonps on them and spits on them and tells them to ask her in their best fake baby voice, "pwease anosama may i have another?"

I've never even met any jews here on the banana plantations of Brazil but somehow i know they are behind this.
not racist just sayin
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>The FuCk you say!?
>get him henchmen!
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Run-chan joined police force to help them arrest me.
>They skipped Luna and went with Nico instead
not looking good bros
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Not going to lie to you guys but I forget she is in the group like 80% of the time. She has like no stage presence she is kinda like just there..
luna is cooked
i hope she's one of those pig dykes with an itchy trigger finger who pops you and then later on in the news is all like "whoops i thought i pulled out my taser"
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That'll be nice
cute boy
Run-chan is a very girly girl with very soft girly legs
luna is on hiatus you dummies
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We need more idols making youtube birthday video surprise parties behind the scenes. They all made a group and a surprise birthday party for Mei.
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damn she’s pretty
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Looks like a teenager Mugi.
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Midori Ono before dr Kim?
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*Today's devils.
i want to marry the tall autistic one
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Nobody will ever marry you
the tall autistic one might
That was nice to watch. They living in a slice of life.
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>if only you knew how bad things really are
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my nose needs to be right in between that gap
the tall autistic one..
Too tired to wank chinpos wearing a generic halloween costume.
how do you know that the tall one is autistic?
walnut would NOT like me.
Ice getting fat
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buff idol

idol content at tgs is cool
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Who would you prefer to be? Airi? Kurumi? Or Kaede?
Im between being Airi and holding Walnut from her hips or being Kurumi sandwiched by Airi and Kaede...
Yesterday Ai-chan
Today Kanoko
birth control pills are making her gain weight
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Not the same type of face, but I can see what you mean
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We love Haru.
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we like fatdols here
She is truly the strongest idol.
riri has been silent on SNS since coming third, is she going to make it?
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What's a good part-time job for an /alt/ that doesn't involve handjobs and other indecencies?
konbini worker
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She was fired from that.
Mayumi and Hinanners, we love them.
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wanking those penlights
she's ugly
>serial dater
oh nah
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Hard-working idols. Your oshi is probably among them.
heaven on earth
ikura desu ka?
9 hours for 1500 yen
They work at cafes. Not prostitutes.
It's absolutely disgusting. Kabukicho is especially bad.
Yes, that's the legal description for their job.
Are you telling me that daydreamin cafes are brothels? Brother, im packing right now and catching the first plane to Japan.
*Maidreamin. Sorry, my gland is doing the writing.
You do know people works at (multiple) concept cafes only goes there for a couple hours/days per week.
You do know they do have after hours services which is not bounded by their contracts with the cafes.
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I thought you would express desire to save those girls but you're just a bunch of degenerates after all.
I would save them but ultimately ask them for payment with their body
Yes. Im traveling to Japan to save them. I'll try to save a couple, probably three. Lets see how many I can save in a week.
Soaplands are fun but hard to find foreign friendly ones.
If I can save two at the same time that would be great.
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Nah, the darkness makes idols strong.
Hell, I'll kick them down deeper into the depths myself.
The new Bellring girls sans Sakura are all products of darkness
Dont lose your time in Japan. Go to Thailand.
Need more healthy contents like this
the tall autsitic one..
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incredibly smug midge
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>Adultery is a crime
did somebody impregnated her eye bags?
I thought they were called eye slugs
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Raki has Ano for breakfast
where's she hidin her nipples
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aint that chiqa dead
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I heard akiman is a north korean refugee.
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Superstar Milk is a public menace. I'm afraid to take the train to Akihabara because I am 110% certain I would be accosted by Milk and her goons.
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Mugifags gtfo. go make your own general.
/moveyourfacebitch/ #1
I doubt she wants to invite foreigners to her lives.
was she fired for stealing?
she looks like a thief
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dark AZU
the flyers are just to distract you while the other ones pick your pockets. like when a gypsy hands you a baby
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Haha you must be the guy from Russia. I feel you bro. Im from around there too.
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that's called a smidge
>watch video
>think she seems kind of wholesome
>look up her twitter
she is very far from wholesome
Come back.
I've seen similar setup before...
>Mostly ugly dudes
No wonder she goes to Akiba they are easy pickings lol most those dudes have never been approached by a girl before so Milk is their first experience.
That's outlandish
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different kind of wholesome
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Looking good those psychos lmao
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>It's been almost a week and Riri hasn't tweeted/retweeted anything
Oh no no no
She posted today.
Thanks god for Riri
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please get a tan

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