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Information for live shows and viewings:

SNS and concerts:

I enjoy Kyan, Furi, Tomori, and Liyuu's solo stuff quite a bit. Nagi's is also looking promising.
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I just wanna see Coco's sweaty cleavage
for me it's nacherry
Aikyan's legs look so much more healthier than they were when Aqours debuted. Also they did a really good job at matching each other's heights. It threw me off for a moment.
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Nooooooo... Kanna...
(On the other hand I'm very excited to see more of Yuina x Yuna)
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What a cutie, there's just something about Coco's face that I love so much.
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Sexo duo!
It's not like she RTed a post shitting on Liella what the fuck
Legitimately what the fuck?
That why I was saying we need to start allowing more than seiyuu as the franchise expands. The musical girls was the start.
>we need to start allowing more than seiyuu
They are allowed. You need to stop listening to that mass reporting sperg because he's paranoid.
It's Love Live Seiyuu Thread and always has been. If we go by what mods "allow" in these threads then the Stardust fetuses also count as seiyuu most of the time. If you idiots must allow the musical bitches then at least change the thread name with the next thread.
We already had this discussion back on /a/. Just because thread is named LL! Sunshine! doesn't mean the other gens aren't allowed.
Hell, if we follow your logic we'll find out that posting seiyuu side gigs and gravures aren't allowed because it isn't Love Live content.
It's seiyuu because the mods were deleting 3D posts on /a/ and /vg/ and also removing generals from /a/. The anime and games are still /a/ and /vg/. We don't know what else they will do after the musical and drama but the thread needs to evolve with the franchise.
>Stardust fetuses also count as seiyuu most of the time
I haven't looked up the Jdrama cast yet but Juli is the only Stardust talent in LL.
Nobody has any problems with other iRises and BloodDyes. It's just the talent from Stardust that's a big no-no. Curious!
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>Miho Watanabe as Rurika Tsubaki (center left in image above)
>Nanaka Tomita as Anzu Takizawa (center right)
>Nanami Asai as Yuzuha Sumeragi (left column, upper right; reprising role from stage musical)
>Ayaka Yasumoto as Misuzu Wakatsuki (right column, upper left)
>Julia Ann as Yukino Hōjō (left column, upper left; reprising role from stage musical)
>Yuna Nakamura as Toa Kurusu (right column, upper right)
>Mizuki Yamauchi as Hikaru Amakusa (left column, lower right)
>Rina as Rena Suzuka (right column, lower left)
>Akari Yura as Maaya Mikasa (left column, lower left)
>Airi Yamamoto as Sayaka Harukaze (right column, lower right)
There are more Stardust idols in LL now.
llivers whoaa sugoii at ebichu when
I'm now convinced that the resident stardustfag knows something that we don't
cus this time it's an actual good fucking one sorry juli
thought shrimps went corporate and you grrrr'd at them

anyway yuna
i do grrr at them but

objectively thrutfully scientifically speaking

i have to eat my pride they the best fucking stardust and no amount of dyke kaho omochi deunkshit mireichan lycopene mayama and slutty cock girl tomato smoking angsty gonna change that >.<

they better yeah? say they are better than yupis and staplas and etc. say it SAY IT
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Off-topic shit that should be deleted.
they. be. tter.

dwww freb defending rinnya and riri frens <3
>Nanami Asai as Yuzuha Sumeragi

Keep it within the family.
Was, she's taking Sony dick now.
s-shut the fuck up

lion deserves respek :< *kicks you*
more like

lion didnt deserve pretentious ebishit :>
*joins shrimps* now what?
anyway lets celebrate with nu experimental avant garde artistic shrimps n_n

In case you missed it, last night the faggots made a page 1 thread on bump limit as usual. but it got deleted. Reporting this shit does work. This current thread was made right away after that like on page 4, because early fags are totally not shitposters or something. Go use the real thread:
Unless you wanna stay in this shithole where half the posts are the Stardust downie.
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One of the new actresses, Rina is also from stardust. There were like two of them that have no twitters that I remember when I googled their names were also stardust.
The retard only loses his shit because the pedo also posts Juli, but he never says anything when Saiba is posted.
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>ban evading spammer constantly shits up the thread
>"wtf, why are people more willing to report the stuff that could be from him?!"
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The same way that not every Tomoricuck is loretard, you would have to be a genuine retard to be unable to tell a regular anon posting Juli apart from the pedo and his incomprehensible babytalk.
I detect a plethora of Hasunosora being posted ITT so it's my duty to remind you that IF THEY DON'T HAVE AN ANIME THEY ARE NOT REALLY A LOVE LIVE! PRODUCTION.
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>bumps the early thread
>calls others retards
>I'm gonna fight spam by also spamming the board. I am very smart.
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>I'm gonna fight spam by rewarding spammers and using their threads! They'll just stop when uh... eventually.
Nice alternative, genius.
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Pray tell, if you admit this current thread is also spam, why are you using it? Why is "being spam" stopping you from using the other one, but this one gets a pass?
nigga no one is forcing you to use this thread. If you don't want to "reward the spammers" then why are you replying in it?
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I think replying with a sage is enough and I want a straight answer from you. But I'll take your evasion as concession. Stay a hypocrite.
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Apparently Yuina is voicing a pokemon.
>just copypastes posts from the other thread
Totally legitimate activity, guys!
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>rinati too
so thats why janamie reposted it too
and thats why she ig story'd too
not my fault she posted a tv screen i thought it meant im gonna watch this >.<

im tired gonna celebrate later for canon rinati but not mia later~
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0 0.5 1
I want to fuck her giant face.
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If Kankan comes back to twitter regularly before Homin I'm going to kill myself
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I wanna cum in Hinaki's mouth
God, I'd give anything to be able to see Nozo's Twinkle Triangle.
You can stuff three chicken nuggets up each nostril.
Nobody else comes close to this level of cuteness.
Using a precision caliper to measure the exact diameter of each Synchronize member's nostril.
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>Midnight B-day post
Precious なおてゃ! Sayu was also right on time.
>yes, mr Stardust! YOUR spam threads are the only good ones! Please pound me in the ass, harder!
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Today is Yuina's birthday, but of course spamming faggot OP just chooses his images as random. As long as he gets to make the thread, who cares?
Holy shit take your meds
>like 20 early threads in a row
>thread made on page 4, only because the original page 1 thread got nuked (and right after it happened)
I'm sure it's all just a coincidence.
It's everything else you said that I take issue with
It is Yuina's birthday, it's pretty easy to check.
If you agree the premise and still think shitposters like that care about the OP image, you might be retarded.
The level off asspain you guys put yourself through over this chucklefuck imageboard is hilarious. Log off for a day and go do something else if it's making you so upset. I promise there are other things.
I love how posts like these always carry the implication that this logic somehow magically stops before it actually applies to the guy spouting it.
This was my first post in the thread, chief. Corral your boogeymen.
Didn't say you were anyone else.
>rt some coomer hater account
>career ended
Yuina love.
Yes even her laugh.
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I'm going to get KanKan back to normal and laughing regularly, even if it means I have to tickle her slutty armpits myself.
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It's 2024, it's time to admit that Chiemi is pretty hot.
I've been saying this for like 6 years!
It's insane some of you were gaslit to think otherwise.
Is she retarded?
>watching the anime
Why is her Twitter and her activities kill?
Wasn't she hacked?
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btw rina a syuka
>3dpd only
>Because of autism’s effect on social skills, they may not find things funny that other people do. This can cause isolation, awkwardness, and hurt from an early age forward.
You not her btw, since you probably also need that spelled out.
>doesn't realize the question he's replying to was probably meant as joke
A joke has to at least attempt to be funny to be a joke.
just realized that non-chan is a femcel
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grass is outside, please confirm
>Because of autism’s effect on social skills, they may not find things funny that other people do.
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Jesus Christ you painteaters are going to give me a hernia. If you think "iS sHe ReTaRdEd?" as a reply to >>47886627 is even remotely funny then you're severely autistic or underage, full stop.
>Because of autism’s effect on social skills, they may not find things funny that other people do.
The level off asspain you guys put yourself through over this chucklefuck imageboard is hilarious. Log off for a day and go do something else if it's making you so upset. I promise there are other things.
>Uh, sweatie? Don't you know that failing to understand others have different sense of humor is like, autistic?
two posts later:
Why do people in this general love to project so much, holy shit.
>quoting me to myself
lol lmao even

Are you seriously defending "is she retarded" as funny?

Echolalia is also a sign of autism.
Hey man don't be mean to autists. They're literally the only reason this franchise still exists.
For real though thanks, ought to take my own advice. See ya.
see you in 20 minutes
>Are you seriously defending "is she retarded" as funny?
No. I'm trying to show that you're a hypocritical fuck trying to call others autistic with the "humor is subjective" argument, then immediately failing to understand the same thing. You don't need to find this funny to understand that others might, in fact that is the whole point.
>quoting me to myself
Great, then you're also criticizing for getting upset on an image board, then proceeding to have a melty yourself. Are you jewish, by chance?
The worst part is that you're apparently too stupid to see the irony, since you admit it's your post like it's a gotcha.
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Guys, I'm going to be honest. I really can't imagine a world where Kanna actually has brown nipples.
Those things have to be pink, pepperoni-sized bad boys.
That better be a SIM girl. How many stardust sluts made it to LL?
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I need to suck on those shit talking kankans
>How many stardust sluts made it to LL?

3 more with https://www.stardust.co.jp/talent/section3/anjulia/
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only 4 so far
Stardust girls being added to the love live franchise makes me mad because they're so much cuter and more talented than the other girls. It's not fair, bros.
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I refuse to believe that stardustfag started his shit on the whim. He knew something.
a broken clock is right twice a day. he probably got lucky.
I believe he predicted Shu as well although I might be wrong
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Blah blah. Stop fighting and post some god damn cute seiyuu pics today.
The last post could possibly count as "fighting" is from an hour ago, what the fuck are you talking about, you retard phoneposter?
See. Your attitude is what i god damn mean. Post some cute pics fag.
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Read it as "Post some cute pig face" and thought it checked out considering what you posted it.
Fuck you. Take that back about yuina
Is little piggy upset?
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hinaki ibuki maimai btfo wwww
pino ;-;
hnng yunopi
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i remember why i dropped yuna from my follow list

bitch literally said "uhh so this candy has alcohol on it, i wonder if it's okay for me to eat it since im underage?? ...meh whatever, what gives" *eats it*

fucking little shit with nerves .I.
Who and what the fuck are you even talking about?

the "not the yuna D:" haunted me for days
Off topic shit, just report the attention whore.
you're such a fucking nigger
Piggy doesn't want to be called like that? Piggy has been losing weight because of her insecurities?? Piggy believes she's beautiful in her own way??? Awwwwww
>Love Live! Seiyuu Thread
So, which anime or game does this Yuna lend her voice to?
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keep calm and get rode by miyutan
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are you dumb
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It's seiyuu because when 3Dposting was banned there were only seiyuu in the franchise but now LL has expanded beyond anime and games.
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>"because I say so" arguments
Don't reply, just let him photosynthesize
It's still seiyuu. You can't just say "this thread is about x but it should be about y because I said so." Change the thread title next thread if you want to allow non-seiyuu.
Still mad your Aqua only general failed?
That's a good idea. What should we change it to to emphasise it's about the real world cast members and not the 2D side or should we assume people will infer?
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fucking bitch .I.
>Change the thread title next thread if you want to allow non-seiyuu
I don't have a problem with this but let the rest decide too. People should accept that LL is more than just anime and games now.
>wow, you said thing, you must be this other poster from who knows how long ago who did random ass unrelated thing
Why are posts like this so common here?
She sure changed a lot
Okay, I legit got mad
Why so defensive?
Love Live! IRL Idols Thread
Love Live! Actresses Thread
Love Live! Seiyuu & Actresses Thread
Love Live! 3DPD Thread

All viable and more accurate, hell even "Love Live! Seiyuu+ Thread" would be enough to shut people up.
Because I'm tired of you schizos.
And yes, I'm aware your type takes literally any reply they get as somehow confirming what they want to believe, I'm not trying to convince you.
The answer is unironically autism.
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>Love Live! 3D Thread
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Can get behind this. /ll3dt/
Love Live! Autism Containment Thread
I think simply "Love Live! Idol Thread" would be fine. LLIT isn't an awful abbreviation either.
Could also go Love Live! Idol General but that'd cause too many LLIGma jokes
LL3DT is also fine.
If you change the thread name, will you stop making early threads?
That's /llsifg/
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Which thread do the coomposts go?

FUCK!! Imagine contorting Hinaki's petite body into that exact position and eating her ass out!
The app is the anime though
I know purists still say seiyuu who play idols are different from "actual" idols but the distinction has been blurry at best for many years. They're clearly more "idols who also voice act" than "voice actors who also learned to sing and dance" at this point.
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Welcome coombro
please do tribute
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Are we seriously contemplating renaming our general for the sole anon with absolutely no common sense?
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>sole anon with absolutely no common sense
No reason not to make it accurate to what's actually allowed here, especially if it stops the screechers.
I remember Chuke and Nina doing this in one of the SeHasu episodes but now I can't find it...
>purists still say seiyuu who play idols are different
It's the regular seiyuu thread's retarded rhetoric that's only half true. We have both of those types in each group.
For what it's worth, I'm the OP of /llst/ #1 and I support changing it. Like someone mentioned, there weren't non-seiyuu in the franchise at the time, and if there were I would have named it something else.
You can edit the pastebin or return that one ancient disclaimer for a few month in the OP.
I'm for changing too, we don't know what else they're going to do with LL so to prevent future arguments it's better to make it an all-3D thread.
Okay. Just add + so we don't have to start the count all over again.
No one said anything about restarting the count.
Yeah, looks like it's from one of the roke episodes but I'm too lazy to scan through all of them to find it.
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I can't believe you're legitimizing stardust pedo again. After he stopped posting Nijis it was easier to get him banned for off-topic.
I want to find her at night in a dark alley.
I want her to find me at night in a dark alley.
You're going to pretend there's no LL musical and drama just because of 1 schizo?
This whole discussion started because someone replied to the pedo.
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Bleach-blonde Shu is so fuggin' hot. Need to get around to watching the R3BIRTH Unit Live on Blu-ray so badly.
****yuna*** made everybody mad grrr
Don't care. Clearly people think this is a good idea regardless.
pedo or not he earned a victory lap >>47885967
Do you think Konachi comforted Kanna as she cried in the immediate aftermath?
It's still going to come up with or without him. Do you want to wait until there are 10 musicals?
You mean only you and your pedo boyfriend?
Are we going to discuss day 2 cast of the 3rd musical that only performed once?
I didn't watch it but some anons might want to.
You can't be serious.
Whenever people try to they just get hit with "sorry that's not allowed because the thread title says seiyuu and also you might be a specific anon I don't like" or sometimes even reported.
What don't lose anything by allowing it other than stopping these dumb arguments every few weeks.
Are you going to stop them if there are?
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you just did
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Fuck guys, don't know about you but I can't wait until MiraKura Park Minecraft episode 2.
The fuck? We don't even have 2nd musical let alone 3rd.
Once it stops being about LL, which is a guaranteed certainty, then yeah.
>Once it stops being about LL, which is a guaranteed certainty, then yeah.
Most of the "discussion" here isn't about LL.
I want to mark that forehead.
Like we don't post about lls's side gigs, solo music, webshows, gravure, PBs oh wait
This thread needs less whining and more coomposting
You're supposed to start yourself when you say stuff like that, whiner.
Seiyuu who are into golden shower?
Hard mode: No Maria
It's not like off-topic is the only rule he breaks. "This post is extremely low quality" and "trolling outside of /b/" are equally valid.
You seem to be mistaken. This isn't a Love Live thread. It's a Love Live Seiyuu(+) thread. If they do other things outside of LL it's still on topic. If it's about Love Live but not the seiyuu(+), or about seiyuu(+) who aren't in LL, then THAT is off-topic.
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Be soothed by mommy's tummy sir.
Giving: Konachi, Non-chan, Mayu, Akarin, Kin-chan, Moeka
Receiving end: Non-chan, Mayu, ???
>Giving: Konachi
yes please
Can you really call yourself a true Aqours fan if you wouldn't try Arisha's poop at least once?
no off topic please
I don't know, she pretty clearly has a sadistic side if you listen to her radio show, I wouldn't doubt it if she grew up reading all sorts of deviant doujinshi or BL too.
You're completely shitfaced at 3am in Tokyo and a drunk Mayu is approaching you, be honest, would you go for it?
Seeing her face would probably scare me sober.
Mommy is so sexy, thanks anon
>I can't believe you're legitimizing stardust pedo again.
Why not? We're already letting him make all the threads.
That's hot
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Mayu's sexy as hell and you motherfuckers can't convince me otherwise. She still probably holds the title of "Most Fapped to Niji" for me.
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Did Mommy get a Brazilian done for her PBs?
Cute goosebumps~
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Luv Yuina
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Birthday Bite
In a different timeline it was our Sayuri that passed away...
don't jinx it
from wanting to end herself to loving life

literally peak character development
There is no proof that Maria is into that anyway
way to out yourself as a non-fan troll piece of shit
How do I upgrade to a troll plant piece of shit?
What gift should I buy for Sayurin’s birthday?
schedule a session with her
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This thread needs less jabbering and more seiyuu.
What are these sessions?
You get pissed on by chunrun
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Very cute general audition trio
Imagine going to high school with one of these sweeties and having a crush on her but being too beta to confess and then a year later she's famous and getting coomed over by 100,000 otaku incels
Tribute session where you jizz on your iPad (saran wrap in place of course) while watching Sayuri's 1 hr staring at phone video
Can I get a session like >>47891394 but with Maria instead? I'd jizz to her big juicy tits
Leader Sayu and the initial rejects
Terms are non negotiable
Don't let your dreams be dreams
Considering even Uisama didn't pass Liella auditions I can't help but wonder about the dozens if not hundreds of top cuties we're missing out on.
Are you implying the current Liella don’t have cuties?
Do you share a birthday with a seiyuu? And do you like her too?
I can see her bra outline
I want to Sashide in Maria so badly
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Sayu would be such a cute young mom at her age. Just imagine those tiny tits swelling up into firm C-cups over the months as her belly gets more and more disproportionately huge with child (mine)
Stop lewding Sayucute!!
Not at all, rather that there are like twenty full Liellas' worth of cute otaku babes out there who just didn't make the cut for one reason or another. Really makes you think.
Don't like your implication.
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Nothing lewd about raising a loving family with my cute wife just as God intended.
Let me clarify, the ones who passed deserved to pass and I love them, so all the other girls who were only 90% as good are also probably major cuties who also deserve my massive white shlong.
>deserve my massive white shlong.
Stopped reading there.
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Some of the expressions she's been giving in photoshoots lately, god help me
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Well that was the end of the post so I should hope so.
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>Do you share a birthday with a seiyuu?
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This is the face of a woman whose body is desperately eager to reproduce even if her mind doesn't know it yet.
ewww why her though...
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>intently stare at her chest looking for tits yet still find nothing
>look up and see her looking at you like this
>what do
I do, so wish me a tanjoubi omedetou alongside Yuina.
That's a good one though.
I said stop lewding Sayurin with your dirty thoughts!!!
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She must be impregnated to make them bigger. It's the only way. I'll save you, Sayu-chan.
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The Lord Almighty and Shinzo Abe (God rest his soul) both agree Japanese women must be fruitful and multiply. I just want to do my part.
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Those mosquito bites...
Hey everybody, this guy's lewding Sayurin! Get him!
Feels unlucky to share my birthday with a hobgoblin.
Not with gaijin.
Japanese men are infertile bug people, it is the only way.

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