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>Music Channels
Sakura Gakuin: (dead)



Latest @onefive live


Muto Ayami

>SG Graduate Projects
Yuzumi ASMR (Wed, every two weeks):
Neo Sato in Repipi: (Intermittent)

Oshibudo episodes:

Oshibudo movie:

BM Pro-shots (up to date)
BM Pro-shots (old version)

Previously on /bmsg/ >>47820435
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New Kano backstage vlog
Moa needs to be assfucked and bukkaked

The overwhelming need to fill Su-metal's Su-natchu with my Su-permu
this but gently
I wish Babymetal were relevant again
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The most famous ex Sakura Gakuin

this but momo
What a weird take considering that since 2016 this is the most relevant babymetal has ever been.
That anon is living in another universe.
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Check out Mariri's LUCY!
you don't understand, I want Babymetal to be relevant TODAY, EVERY DAY
How new are you to this band?
Aah okay sorry for misunderstanding you. Lucky it's not too long before their south american tour starts so we will get atleast a lot of fancams.
not that new really but it's hard man
What kind of content do you want? If you mean social media or behind the scenes content, Koba will never do that.
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Thet are sooooo prettt!
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damn i miss these days
soyo doesn't like being touched!
It was a mystery why Yuzumi became president. why not Maya?
not to be an asshole but we all know Moa is a whore right?
I know many girls with the same cheerful energy and they're always partying and having casual sex with random guys (and girls)
stop with this shit
You do realize that like 90% of idols have that same cheerful energy. It's called acting
Because he's an autistic neet who projects way too much into things he sees on a screen
that amount of idol fans who cant grasp that most of these girls are playing pretend 99% of the time is baffling
Yeah. Wonder if those same people also believe that Robert Downey Jr is actually Ironman or that Su is actually goddess who travels through space. I'm sure the girls are nice people but no one is that cheerful 24/7.
you'd have to be incredibly autistic to think Moa is just acting, she's always been like this since she was a child, she's a playful and cheerful person
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they were very close
Pretty sure you are the autistic one. I bet you also think she only thinks about hamburgers and food despite weighing like 30kg.
Moa is a depressed nymphomaniac who hates food
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>real Moa
Real Moa is a shady otaku. You can find her in Love Live thread.
I know you are joking but no need to go from one extreme to another. Moa propably is just a normal fairly cheery girl who likes food but isn't like obsessed with it like her "character".
She is also a big fan of New Jeans
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I love all Moa
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Look but don't touch
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I love whore Moa!
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I would pay a lot of money if "real" Moa or Su made videos like the one where Soyo was studying for over an hour and her mom brought her McDonald's
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Wish she would shoot me.
>Yuzumi: I want to bite her ass
does she have secksu?

Imagine rimming her as Moa and Momo make her eat them out after a show.

Su-goi desuneeeee
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Su looks almost scary in this pic
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I want to lick her entire body
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Any day now...
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Hanabie > Babymetal
I want to punch MooMoo in her fat cunt while she braps on me
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>Any day now...
she will join Yui beyond the veil.
Speaking of braps, Hana really got hers out for gravure and never did it again?
how can you download those pictures?
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Press the share button and paste the URL here
studs, ruffles, lace, fishnet tights, garter belt, what are needed for Babymetal new outfit

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