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My dick demands it.
lmao the autist had typed his post, copied it and was just rubbing is fat sweaty hands waiting for the right moment to post at the exact 1501 post. just sitting there waiting to post his retarded garbage
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Nothing in the world belongs to me.
Yeah I checked and they've paid like 5 nijis, none of them even got 5k viewers, bet even Koyori would have gotten 10k
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are you the janny
Disgusting. *cums*
lmao, you sound a bit angry
238788.匿名@好き派 09-27 07:02 [通報] [非表示] [返信]

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subaru should host a server for this game https://store.steampowered.com/app/2682580/DUCKSIDE/
Kanata woke up in a cornfield.
Miosha shaves
she liked her coffee iced
We know, we've seen her in a swimsuit.
Mio has 3-4 inch long pubes
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Seems like Ceci is hardcoded to stream only 3 hours at a time per stream.
Either way otsu.
I feel like, if I could just have a nice, homely japanese gf waiting for me at home, that I could make it through all the trial and challenges life sends my way...
we hate hags here
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yuckymin did this
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I will destroy the Riot servers
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>western game devs in charge of making an attractive woman
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they're not all meant to be attractive, it's a range where the bottom tier ones look like meth addicts, the and the more 'premium' ones look normal

Can't wait to see her performance, it's gonna be a trainwreck.
How long has Nene been gone for?
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77 days, last stream was July 11th
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>the absolute state of holo indie
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sex with mio
do you guys want anything from popeye
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no thanks
is this real?
i wasnt built to exist
like having a sig
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cig even
Has it really been that long already? Damn.
nenechi a shit
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holo for this feeling?
how do normal people fall asleep and stay asleep if its not from drinking so much you pass out?
tokoyummy tummy
>jp holos plan for hours to develop a storyline and script
>en comes in to just mess around and ruin the story
hmmm i think i will goon to miosha today
hurea... my poor poor sickly elf
wise choice
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Fuck Miosha
Haha the joke is that there isn't anyone here since Sakamata doesn't bathe.
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Ina doing some voice mimicry
Towa's vulva is definitely puffy
>open polka stream
>"buenos dias"
>close polka stream
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Now what?
indeed it was
If my oshi graduates I'll literally become a pioneer
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I will marry this menhera.
its funny what memories stay with you
Fubuki sure has twisted humor, asking Ina for translating the rules for other medic team members during training, and Ina looking at their team with FuwaMoco and Irys having to explain ''I think we're good''.
Tuli's Godly rod...
here we go, ready to make some squid noises wah
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Makora www
hellos guys may I as where the streams are
She seems very upset about being born. I can relate.
papa is too damn horny. someone needs to stop him
irys and flare aren't streaming what are you talking about squid noises?
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I love Towa!
Please listen to her latest cover!
Also, checkout her covers with Startend!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEIo7LHOxK8 「8.32」
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35hMALocac8 「Integral」
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_T-1Vvm1fPA 「Kaisei」
the only stream i have willingly watched of towa's was when she was streaming some weird diorama door puzzle game. that was really comfy and wish she would play something like that again
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Astro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPYJIe1sODg
Kamippoina https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n02m47K5RfQ
Shoushin Ryokou https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6GCUYJvdRI

No stream tonight.
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Is this a literal rest day for about 75% of the company?
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i dont trust static gif images, too much of a 4chan old head for that
Miosha is looking weird.
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Casino is a god
we need a black haired shirikami fubuki and a white haired ookami mio
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sakamata chloe fact #15:
3 big reasons sakamata listed about why she hates to bathe:
1. bathwater is too hot, and she wants to give up after entering the bath for 5 minutes
2. she gets dizzy from standing up easily, due to low blood pressure. In fact, she gets dizzy just from getting up from a chair
3. she "boils" when she is in a bath - she thinks about a lot of things when she bathes, and that tires her out (compared to doing work, in which case she only needs to think about work)

other than that, an incident when she was young also traumatised her: she was playing with bubbles with her sister in the bath when she saw the reflection of someone in it. There was no one there other than them...
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it feels like it’s been longer…
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has nene done anything on her other channel or is she completely radio silent?
yeah, because this went so well last time…
pekora is unironically a pure maiden and a lesbian despite her appearances and outward personality
Miosha sex!
we need a subaru themed subaru car endorsed by cover and i would buy it
I was incredibly constipated, but after a long walk and some fiber gummies I finally understood the hardships that Towa goes through every day. I can appreciate her more now
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Me on the left.
Is Towa keeping regular? I need to inspect her hole to see if she is pooping everytime.
Subaru BRZ
Shion FRS
Towa GR86
i made a good goon to miosha earlier and i'm not sure if i have another in me for tonight but i'm gonna try
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large feline
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Mio zatsudan 25-09-2024

Mio wonders why her audio's messed up suddenly, others say she's loud but she's rather quiet on her end. Chat says blame OBS. Mio reveals she was initially invited by Subaru to join the cops but talking to Towa made her consider joining the medics in fear of motion sickness. In the end, she was appointed leader for the citizens. Mio planned to join lightheartedly but her position meant she needed to attend the leader meetings every day, which was usually filled with balancing but everyone became interested in the next chapter of the baker family drama after they started.

Mio wanted to do fortune telling in-game but couldn't make time. Mio wanted to make the bakers' activities a lot more interesting by hanging out with other factions like the drug dealers.
Mio knows people are disappointed by the cheating but Mio's curiosity got her every step of the way, she wanted to know how far she could take this rich story. The bakers themselves didn't even know they were going to become a family, much less the others. Mio rode on the interactions and everyone's confusion to propel their story. She thinks Fubuki wouldn't have made a move if the bakers decided they were a family from the start.
Mio was amazed at Polka's schemes on making sure FubuMio's relationship work out. Mio laughs at everyone's consensus to DV being the reason she's cheating, but Korone also accepted and played the Showa-era husband perfectly. Mio thinks there was no one is innocent in the drama. Mio was this beautiful, beloved lady and mother but she cheated, wore slutty clothes at the strip club and even made and sold drugs.
After she accepted the date invitation, Mio has contemplated her choices carefully on which route would be most interesting to watch. Mio thought they'd stay as a happy family after the wedding and the rooftop grenade accident but getting blown over the pier and killed by Korone made her frustrated and leave for the hospital director.
The date left quite an impression but the speech in the wedding hall was even more agonizing. Being told "You've all been tricked and manipulated!" made Mio feel sorry and she prepared herself to be killed at that moment. Mio felt the whole ordeal was unfair to Mama because while she understands the hospital director has feelings for her, she hasn't really accepted it. She wasn't even planning on dating the hospital director, Mama just wanted to have a thrilling adventure. He didn't even kiss her.
Then at the end, after running away and throwing away her family she intended to just cry and leave into the darkness, but decided to call the hospital director to apologize for everything she's done. Mio didn't expect the encounter to escalate to marriage despite the director having flags for other girls.
Mio thought she didn't interact that much with the police and gang factions because of their own activities, she ended up only going to the gang's base once with Lui and sitting in Subaru's car just once.
Mio thinks the baker family dying on the black market rooftop sharing their thoughts was a perfectly acceptable way to end. Mio thinks everyone will have their opinion on how things went and that's fine, as long as you had fun. There's no plot, story or script behind the scenes, which is why Korone was able to say Kanata was adopted out of the blue.
Originally, Mio wanted to hold a divorce trial instead of a wedding but Mio couldn't collect enough evidence.

Mio says with GTA, her summer activities are finally over. 7Days was fun with the how the progression steadily increased their tasks. She wanted to play 7Days with more people but the server was just too laggy. She'd like to see an update to the game.
Mio was really nervous appearing on the radio but Ooishi-san was a great conversationalist and helped her get over it. Mio says the duet with Ooishi-san only needed one take for the practice and one take for the live session, she's amazed at his skills. Mio's glad she practiced for the occasion, it's been a while since she's gotten cold sweats.

Mio was surprised at the matches she had with Subaru during Subaru's anniversary, competing at the single digits. When they were discussing the plan two hours earlier, Mio didn't realize it was for that same day. Mio asked it if was and Subaru yelled at her for not realizing.

Mio went to the hospital for a checkup, it was her first time getting an MRI scan. She had to get changed and remove her nail polish but she was happy she didn't have to get injections for the MRI. Mio says the oral agent itself tasted like water with a very light taste of pocari sweat and happily drank all of it. Mio laughs at chat asking if she had seconds. The MRI itself felt like being in a white coffin where she had to follow orders for a while. Mio thinks they told her to hold her breath for a bit too long.
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Subaru will never drive a Subaru
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Nice work, dude. That divorce trial idea sounds like it could have been even more fun.
link to video?
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Towa scammed me
why so many okayu pics all of a sudden
I'd say Okayu, but she wouldn't hide that shit.
Luna's roommate farted while in the bath and laughed about the bubbles rising up, instead of apologizing to her listeners. 5ch says that she lost her dignity as a lady and ruining Japanese society.
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lick every part of every single one of them
>clothes actually provide support
I wish more artists paid attention to this detail
Most of the time, people have no idea what they're talking about and are just spouting nonsense.
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You faggots make me save the dumbest shit in my Towa folder.
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fuck the police
Imagine being a brother to a sister with massive fucking tits. How the fuck do you live with yourself? The most basic least common denominator male thing to find attractive is big tits. And being a male in japan finding a japanese girl with big naturals is even more of a rarity.
Based on the lighting, I'm going to guess this was done in solidworks.
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>being a male in japan finding a japanese girl with big naturals is even more of a rarity
ok, my point still stands
There is an anon on this very board who hasn’t had a bowel movement today. Very grim.
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take me back to the 80s
Yeah same, Mio really wanted to demolish Korone but the only person who knew Papa was cheating again at the time were Kanata and AZKi and neither really revealed anything to her.
its all the bovine growth hormone in the mcdonalds
making tits big and frogs gay
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>whore fact
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Slave to a broken order, dare you look upon the truth?
is that hideo kojima
nah bro that's video cojima
I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna use the greenbacks.
Yes. She dropped Quiet's actress for Miosha.
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Towa is missing
His naked alts are kind of a disappointment.
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why does my oshi hate me...?
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Why didn't mio show off her cute nails before getting rid of the nail polish...
cute tubes
You can literally see the pozzification of Japan in real time...
i want mama mio to make me curry rice, hambagu, omurice and give me num nums of her sweet japanese milk and read me story time and change my diapy and t
What the fuck do you mean?
I only really care about the feet anyway, it’s just a bonus
Okayutomos are very lucky
>give me num nums of her sweet japanese milk
Shut up Subaru
Maybe I feel that way because the nudes detract from the feet focus.
Most mentally sane EN poster.
miofas are truly the worst non-schizo posters in this thread
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How is it anybody else's fault that you save the dumbest shit when you have a Towa folder?
Aqua literally abandoned Subaru and made her shid and fard herself
do you masturbate to these or something?
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there’s something particularly erotic about being fully clothed but showing off their bare feet
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even flare knew she had a weird wide face back then ahahaha
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Is this a feet thread now?
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bros how do we save flare
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I will not take this slander from a dog poster.
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Shit n farded thread
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i hate this ship
why does she look up to her whyyy
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Always has been.
Where's the video of Towa saying "mister gorilla"?
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I'm not a feetfag but casino's stuff is great
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towa keeps scaring the hoes...
The way she says "yes mister gorilla" always cracks me up for some reason.
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just use the fucking greenback material
*sips lacroix*
*washes it down with pellegrino*
I'm still not gay.

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I think that might be it, yeah. He's really good at that.
So the nude alts just feel meh in comparison. Like there's no taboo to it or something.
No one does it like him, I’m grateful every day that he loves hololive as much as he does
No, this is the hag pubes thread.
7DTD was better than GTA
There I said it
>schizo is posting Mio now
Is she a part of the big holos now? Good for her.
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being a hologirl seems like such an easy life
even when you're underperforming eventually you just make enough to live comfortably playing video games a few times a week on stream
i wish i could sleep
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Regloss 3D tomorrow...
I wonder if it will be live
1. miosha
2. shigure ui
do you guys think i have enough for a round three
all of casino's feet look kinda the same which makes me think maybe he's drawing his own
she's looking up to the bigger whore
i would be seriously impressed if they managed to actually train virtual idols to sing and dance live
Naughty girls hiding their feet in shoes
I will hunt them down and pull them off!
I believe in you.
4th gen concert next, right?
give me some suggestions i need something amazing
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I made this post
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This is really fucking good actually.
smack the tushie
great thumbnail
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>losing to shigure ui
closed it after three seconds
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i didn’t lose i chose to hate fuck that bitch good and i would do it again and again in fact actually…
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You willingly gave her your seed. You lost.
laplus, shion and ayame are whores
Naughty twaps hiding their shid n fard in diapers
I will find them and eat it all!
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Towa is so stupid. How did she spill yogurt in her shoes?
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reminder Poyoyo is a FAT FUCK
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i’m about to give that bitch some more
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me watching fuutan play Splatoon
Twa shidded n farded...
Kinda worried about Raden. Seems like she has the least stamina, but I'm sure she's not Luna tier considering that the Feelingradation mv has the actual choreography for that song.
Iwara links?
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Gonna get your ass whooped for another round? www
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Serious Sam
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This is a hag with fat tits larping as a bratty flat schoolgirl
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damn flare got this mothasucka on lockdown, in one of her recent streams she mentioned thinking about using one of his old flare splatoon fanarts as the thumbnail but decided against it because it was so old and she wasn’t sure if he would be embarrassed by it despite knowing full well this mothasucka draws her nearly every day
bro got recognized unprompted on stream he’s her slave now

just another reason for me to hate her
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on the other side i bet flare gets jealous when he draws other girls
this is truly a menhera community
Would you make your oshi jealous by watching another girl
pekora wouldn’t give two shits nor would i want her to
I have 3 oshis
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My oshi sends me to watch other girls
damn flare is actually really fuckign good at splatoon???
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flare’s inkling is kinda ugly bwos…
>hololive CITY’24
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He drew both of her LINE stamp sets, he's been working with her in an official capacity for a long time. Glad she's his oshi, his art is really good and cute.
now this is a good clip
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My oshi is a filthy hakooshi
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man i can’t tell if these guys are as weird or weirder than en fans
being able to read japanese comments is a blessing and a curse
This is so good.
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cute purenano
That's a weird looking Kanata
What’s weird in that comment?
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Idols peaked here
Whore prostitute
can’t really explain if your japanese isn’t at a certain level yet, it just has a weird aura
Enough about Laplus
damn this is really well done
What is this? Merch? A concert?
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Dead Towa Storage
sounds big
Why is peko not in TGS
Can Ars sing?
The biggest VSPO but they can only afford the worst holo, and Polka.
Polka is the biggest holo
not really it’s a one off thing
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There he is. There he goes again

Look everyone he posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?? Oh my god.

I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room giggling like a little girl as you once again type your little 'Porka' joke up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don’t even fill in the captcha, maybe you’re such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a 4chan pass so you just choose the picture. Oh we all know the picture, the uh epic porka orca isn’t it? I imagine you, little shit, laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos onto the floor. But its ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh that’s right, did I fail to mention? You live with your mother! You’re a fat fucking fuck up and she’s probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all god damn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on 4chan posting about a dumb Porka joke. Just imagine this, she had you and then she thought you were going to be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand and then you became a NEET. A pathetic Porka joke NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can’t even talk to you because all you say is "HAHA PORKA ORCA FAT".

You became a parody of your own self. And that’s all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he’s done a million times now.
are polka fans also fat which in why they’re ok with it
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there’s kind of a holo for everyone it’s really freaking based if you think about it
Sex with Botan
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might need to go for a round 4 boys
there's no dragon holo
there's no vampire holo
there's no necromancer holo
there's no gamer maid holo
>still no south korean holo
She had it all, and she let it go.
okay attempting round 4: botan wish me luck boys this one might take a while
How about streaming?
We already have Kanade
>still no whore holo
I wonder how pekora took this
*shaves your oshi*
we have Miko though
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alright i think that’s the last one out of me tonight bwos think i’m all out of juice
Twintails Raden is made for ryona.
love how akutan told marine to log out and how marine responded
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Where's Aqua's Skyrim stream
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Hard to be watching my oshi, these days...
>"It seems I spend most of my time sitting in here at this computer, and lately—probably for the last month—I walk in here, look at my computer and think 'I've got to make a video today,'" she said. "And then I just shake my head at myself and say 'I don't want to, I have no desire to,' and I walk back out."
Holo for this feel?
Subaru please
I watch multiple girls at once
I made this post before
i have a garfield comic for this
Newspaper comic holo when?
Lasagna cat watchalong when
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post you morons!
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>no one is live
So the one that's handling the Hakone glass forest museum account likes Ririka the most... Raden...
Tokoyami Towa on art
“All art is useless.”
Dance lesson again... what concert is coming
yonkisei anniversary
Anya has a very nice writing
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We have pekora tho
Dress more ladylike!!
Aqua is a full time NEET now...
Towa threatened me
b-but korekore told me she married
Stupid sexy cat...
I fapped to her there times in a row after I saw her in that costume
Did Kanade said cunt?
Really weird to go back and realize how much a holo's voice has changed.
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Was Tokoyami Towa - ERROR the peak of hololive?
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I ultra miss enen...
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stop living in the past
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coolest chiikawa merch
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holostar holo when
You now forget the legendary idol, M[ ][ ]ato [ ]q[ ]a
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love akutan
love nenechi
simple as
just ordered chinese food for the 3rd time this month...
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greetings from the best timeline
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Can you stop posting pics of my wife please?
Aqua can sex her close friends as much as she wants
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Really cute that Laplus acted like a proper elder sister when she's with deso
sirs please do not reproduce saars
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the weirdest part is that i hate chinese food and i'm extremely racist towards chinese people....
I just had sex with Towa
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Me on the bottom.
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pog holo when
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what is pog
pagpag holo when
>sayuri died
holos for this feel?
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pogupogu holo when
*starts to feelingradation*
I miss Nene...
cosplay maid Holo when?
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45.5kg holo when?
what the fuck
she is just like me
Married ho who cares not me
average nekko
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>28 year old
I miss GTA...
Do they have pre-streams for the 3d live?
>sayuri killed herself at 28 yo
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Didn't see this before
Heartbreaking for her husband, they just got married earlier this year.
28, jesus
that’s younger than my oshi…
>kills herself not even a year in
wednesday aqua just killed himself too
why is aqua a boy
Hate it when the cause of death is not revealed.
Which Sayuri?
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You tell me
a single crumb of Japanese Manko
Holy shit, really?
When it isn't you can safely assume suicidde
She couldn't sing and was going insane over it
I hope nothing similar ever happens to my oshi
Wait a sec, I've seen before in The First Take, what the fuck? She's a real good singer too.
Sayuri was a Japanese singer, musician and songwriter. Wikipedia
Born: 1996 (age 28 years), Fukuoka, Fukuoka, Japan
Height: 4′ 11″

>same age as my oshi
>who suffers from throat problems
I wish I hadn't learned about this
Why the cute girls keep dying but Towa is allowed to live
aqua has a heterosexual boy brain
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she will die soon alhamdulillah
Did Sayuri suffer throat problems?
So young. Life's not fair, guess I'll use this as an excuse to get drunk tonight too.
Chronic dysphonia. She couldn't sing anymore and her voice stopped working, basically.
That's why I think it's suicide, she had no reason to live.
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holo for this feel?
And people say the cock can fix you
only twinktomo thinks that
Isn't this Kanata oshi? Is she going to become a menhera again?
I feel like this is pretty common in Asia and I always assume suicide
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too flat
I wonder if Sayuri was saving herself for marriage or if she was a turbo whore...
sayuri should've joined hololive if she werent straight
hero of the children
fuck me...
I missi Kusunoki-san...
Did she have any good songs? The last anime I watched was cowboy bebop
>be super famous
>achieve all your dreams
>get a throat sickness that ends your career
>an hero
Sounds like she couldn't live as a peasant like us. So much for love for her husband.
fastest open close of my life
Money doesn't bring happiness, only misfortune.
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I fucking love Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko!!!!!
>Mio felt the whole ordeal was unfair to Mama because while she understands the hospital director has feelings for her
I translated that as mama being unfair because she accepted the director's advances without really reciprocating. That's why she apologized at the end.
Will we get the news if a retired holo passed away in the future?
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This sounds like an ancient chinese proverb
my poor sayuri
Remember Towa?
Towa will let us know
Aquacrew... now isn't the time to sing
When will rinco do tiktok dances?
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when will rinco do this
this but narumi...
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Tick tock aquacrew
dumb meme fetish
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Not my oshi
Not my problem
least sexy holo and holo mama
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Is Miko sexy?
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I need some evidence on how her voice can sound sexy. It's the only thing preventing me from fapping to her.
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Her last live performance was so bad that I'm not surprised she an hero'd herself desu
>popular musician
>had live shows infront of thousands
>marrying your love
That's not money
But I guess being an unremarkable face in the crowd is too harsh a fate
thank you ajuju
>I can't sing? Might as well be dead.
Japanese women might be too menhera for me.
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The sexiest
you either die a pure virgin lesbian saint or live long enough to become a turbo whore
Good thing that Sakura Miko was a turbowhore since day 1
do not reply to me
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why does this happen every time? They'll just admit it was suicide a year later anyway
Not talking about her husband but people talking about her death
but enough about pekwhorleech the turbo leeching whore lol
>the only way that you can make Pekora purchase something is just slap a franchise logo on it like a consoomer
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Wanting to have sex with Miko is perfectly natural
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nrm would be too embarrassed to even take her socks off
We know Suichan
Pekora should drive a car too
I guess Miko was also battling suicide when she took 3 month break due to chronic disease
I Drive.
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It's been 1488 days since Mano Aloe "graduated" from Hololive.

I'm always going to love her

and die from car crash
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>He thinks his oshi is a lesbian just because she said a girl is cute.
Aloe also has throat problems...
I like how we're like one big family here
lets do a seance and talk to sayuri ask her how blown out her vag hole was
>battling suicide
eigo umai
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they age like milk
women's bodies age like milk
tf is wrong with you
I still remember seeing her street performing videos for the first time...
kanata's mom died?
nothing... im just a normal guy
>got married
>killed herself shortly after
Japan is ngmi
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this sayuri
she wishes but Sayuri will outlive Kanata
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What an erotic child
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children should not move like that
You're right, this makes more sense. She said this as a tangent during the wedding spiel so I thought she was saying this in regards to the director's speech, not her actions in the series thus far.
>Mio thinks the baker family dying on the black market rooftop sharing their thoughts was a perfectly acceptable way to end
Fireworks festival confirmed not canon
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day 30 of akutan missing
You know, this makes me realize. If my oshi passed too early, I'd probably blow my brains out. Not like there's anything there.
She's not missing, she left and you aren't entitled to know anything about her anymore.
Koropapa: Alpha chad
Miomama: Cheating bitch (female dog)
Fubuki: Beta cuck
Musumetaso: Beta cuck
Korone should have known
no streams today
? it's correct English
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listen to miko album!!
No it's not, sounds like a marketing phrase for a nfp
Battling suicide
I give it a 6/10, decent but not memorable enough
>mexicans are pioneers
That explains so much
Retard alert
hehehe... ah.....
I think you mean "retardar" chico
https://x.com/juufuuteiraden/status/1839550439047758057 Raden stream after 19 jst!
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baby making sex with kanata
kishida is graduating...
From life
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poe poe www
Sex with desperate and broke 2016 Kanata
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its Friday
Who should I watch
Pubes doko?
you don't have much choices
koyori's breasts are the best
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its over for nippon?
>カードタイプ サポート・マスコット
>カードタイプ サポート・ファン
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what the fuck why? suicide?
>another one into the 28 club
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Why did she do it?
How did you get this
I don't know why you still think this is how they sue people.
*suicide as a result of illness
hopefully kanata doesnt kill herself when she goes completely deaf...
I miss Abe
i can literally save every cute Japanese woman
its 27...
Why do you even want to kill yourself
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brain fucked up
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I will save them.
Killing yourself is cringe and gay we don't endorse it here
Heimin must be stopped
i always liked flare but i respect her even more now with how good she is at splatoon
she has the gamer gene
Yeah I can't understand suicide
If you want to die just pay someone to kill you, why do it yourself?
was it because of her singing style? she has a very powerful head voice. that's why her songs really stuck to me even from years ago like from the ERASED one
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I want my...
I want my hlg
I want my...
I want my hlg
I want my...
I want my hlg
I want my...
I want my hlg

Now look at them numbers, that's the way you do it
You trigger schizos on the hlg
That ain't workin', that's the way you do it
Money for nothin,' and your clicks for free
Now that ain't workin', that's the way you do it
Lemme tell ya, them gals ain't dumb
Maybe get a dislike on your totsumachi
Maybe get a dislike on your song

We got to sift through shitposting daily
Custom filters onegai
We got to post with these southeast asians
We got to post with scores of Towa...s

See the little oshi with the voicepack and the single?
Yeah buddy, that's her own ware
That little oshi got her own membership
That little oshi, she's a millionaire

We got to sift through shitposting daily
Custom filters onegai
We got to post with these southeast asians
We got to post with scores of Towa...s
peko peko

Gotta sift through shitposting daily
Custom filters onegai
He's gotta post with these southeast asians
Got to post with scores of Towa...s
Looky here, look out

I shoulda learned to speak Japanese
I shoulda learned to Smile and Go
Look at that mama, she got it stickin' in the camera
Man, we could have some
And she's up there, what's that? Menhera noises?
She's cryin' on her twitcast like a lonely sheep
Oh, that ain't workin', that's the way you do it
Get your money for nothin', get your clicks for free

We got to sift through shitposting daily
Custom filters onegai
We got to post with these southeast asians
We got to post with scores of Towa...s

Listen here
Now that ain't workin', that's the way you do it
You trigger schizos on the hlg
That ain't workin'
That's the way you do it
Money for nothin', and your clicks for free

Money for nothin', clicks for free
(Get your) Money for nothin', clicks for free
Money for nothin', clicks for free
Money for nothin', clicks for free
Money for nothin', clicks for free
Money for nothin', clicks for free
Ow, Money for nothin', yeah
And the clicks for free
What's that?
Get your money for nothin', clicks for free
Look at that, look at that
Get your money for nothin' (I want my, I want my)
Clicks for free (I want my hlg)
Money for nothin' (I want my, I want my)
Clicks for free (I want my hlg)
(Get your) Money for nothin' (I want my, I want my)
Clicks for free (I want my hlg)
Ah, money for nothin' (I want my, I want my)
Clicks for free (I want my hlg)
Easy, easy money for nothin' (I want my, I want my)
Easy, easy, clicks for free (I want my hlg)
Easy, easy money for nothin' (I want my, I want my)
Clicks for free (I want my hlg)
That ain't workin'
Money for nothin', clicks for free
Money for nothin', clicks for free
rushia might be a fake menhera if she hasn't killed herself yet
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Oh wait maybe Sayuri died because of the vax
that is why there is no cause mentioned
why are rushiafags like this
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meanwhile towa is still alive
https://x.com/mokumoku_free/status/1839348346315764156 holos like this
where is this rushia that you talk about?
I wonder if it's harder to eat with that.
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Her hand is weirder than her tongue
were there any songs you liked?
ueee… gooned so much last night
what she doing
She ate something too spicy, like a slice of jalapeno in a bowl of ramen
my poor twap...
>another day where no good streams will be on
Owari da...
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I am reaching to the top
the greenback material...
god she's so deliciously flat
Sex with Botan!
Kanadeso love!
kanadeso a child
Miosha sex
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Why do you keep spamming? Neck yourself honestly.
Raden going back to normal rates.
>no one is live
Akwa...my akwa...
she’s corean
shion too
my poor wallet…
>t. Kanatard
tyoko!! wife!!!
Cover you fuckers! Regloss has to use VRchat? Let them have proper 3D reveal streams!
who's the next /jp/ PM?
I hope someone shoot kishida too btw
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It's over for hololive...
>opposed to feminism and LGBT rights
>otaku for japanese idol
he will break up every couple in hololive and take them for himself
too big
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>she stressed too much worrying about her voice
your oshis...
>train otaku
Honestly, day 7 was the worst hologta day
here is your pekomiko
but peko also has a boy brain..
no it was the day Mr Koro was missing.
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I fucking hate how they keep removing her metal parts on new outfits
very nice
my beloved...
Yeah, Roboco isn't even Roboco anymore really. There's nothing she shows for it left other than her metal horn sometimes.
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its joeverino
who asked for towa?
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Tonka Truck...
please save Japan and gas all foreigners
Who's his oshi?
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I can’t stop listening to her ASMRs
this girl is dangerous…
Be quiet virgin!
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Sex the omarun
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yeah seriously she's like the least kid-friendly one to choose for something like this
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Ao really loves her genmates
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cute nails
Towa is the most motherly holo
>still barely any frame
Is today a rest day or something/
it’s only fair that she posts her toes as well
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Kids love Towa
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How is this not kid-friendly?
agree towa will be great wife and mother
Everybody is at TGS
Fuutan vs Sora rancher
It's kid friendly in the sense that you can easily make kids with her
wow there is really nothing today
whats happening
>singer gen 1st album
>7 tracks + 1 remix
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180 KB PNG
Maybe TGS related
Why is Flare like this?

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