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Previous: >>47856247

All AKB sub-groups and related Japanese *48 groups welcome.

FAQ: https://pastebin.com/vnf5EBHe

(10/02) SKE48 33rd Single (Kokuhaku Shinpakusu). Kumazaki Haruka center
(10/08) NMB48 30th Single (Ganbaranuwai). Kojima Karin center
(10/12~14) SKE48 16th Anniversary Concert
(11/08) IDOL SQUARE 6 (SKE48)
(11/24) Nyanpokora Fest 2024 (SKE48)

>Useful Links
Theater Schedules and Ticket Application: https://ticket.akb48-group.com/home/top.php
Live Shows: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JnKp_AEeGUNTNePfY3C3AO4veiVi7frza82lRo44ejQ
48/46 Group Masterlist: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1B1HFVF5iQBgvjDrPnmwfbq0Iz6VvaOmDep0C2x8yoMoA
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Nice dead general
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Day 266 of posting a Yuki Arai picture everyday of her championship reign
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My legal age daughters are very large breasted and walk around nude. I get deeply turned on by them and they knows it. What should I do?
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what will hana do for the rest of her life?
Legal age in Canada and Alabama BTW.
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jedi master anons give in to the urge, you know you want to teach so many things to the padawan twins.

woops wrong image pic upload
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So good
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Since 18th gen intro song was Nemo Hamo Rumor (future Team B), and 19th gen intro song was Gingham Check (future Team K), I would highly suggest that 20th gen (future Team 8) intro song would either be Hachinosu Dance,Aisatsu Kara Hajimeyou, or First Rabbit, since First Rabbit has been a dear, staple, frequent song in their traveling bee travel performances throughout the world.

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Protect Amichan
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>I don't know why I run away
>I make you cry when I run away
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*blocks your path*
>I don't know why you run away
>I make you cry when you run away
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>Yeah, I broke your heart like someone did to mine
>And now you won't love me for a second time

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