Previous thread: >>47886495This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?
Playing Bradyon Veda currently, I'm not sure how I feel about the artstyle
>>47929324I thought it was quite appropriate for that particular game. It helps a lot to give a darker and more serious tone to the story.
>>47929353Its definitely growing on me now that I'm about 20 hours in
>>47929443How do you find it story/writing wise?
>>47929466Its probably one of the more indepth chuuni VNs i've read, its pretty jarring when it takes time out of the story to explain the technology or terminology for 10 minutes, but honestly I kinda love that level of autism.
>"remake is better, no reason to read the OG">read remake after OG which I liked>remake was a lot worse, didn't add anything new that was good and bloated the script that used to be tight and just rightt-thanks for wasting my time internet retards
My only reason for living right now is to read red garden.
>>47930179I was surprised that a lot of old Type Moon fags really like it.>>47930209Well, at least you will have a very long life.
>>47930242The original routes were not particularly outstanding, so it is appreciated that there was a substantial improvement. Now, the original red garden material is really good, so in this case it is much easier to make a final product that meets all expectations... although there is also the risk of ruining it, which hopefully will not be the case.
>>47930104>>47930242Anyone who told you not to read the OG tsukihime is a liar since the remake builds on it in several ways. Anyways it was kami.
>>47930280>>47930288I think the remake is fine but it's just not my cup of tea. Nasu toned down a lot of things I like in the original like the late 90s - early 00s vibe and the melancholic feeling while also adding elements I don't like in his newer works like over the top power level and fights. I'm just surprised a lot of old Tsuki fags don't seem to mind these changes.
>>47930517The near side was always supposed to be over the top fights. He was just bad at writing it then so the fact that Shiki fights 666 beasts at once doesn't really hit as hard.
Nasu should remake KT.
>>47930617>bad at writing it thenstill better than the garbage in ciel's new route
>>47930517I have to agree with you about the more depressive/melancholic atmosphere of the OG, however, I never felt a particularly strong attachment to near side. That's precisely why was surprised by how much I liked the remake. Really looking forward to seeing what red garden will be.
>>47930104You got bamboozled by the zoomers who refuse to consume anything older than 10 years
what's the most egregious dagger chin you've seen in エロゲ?
>>47930617Yeah, it mostly a matter of taste. I don't mind the fights in FSN and Mahoyo for example.>>47930659I do think the far side related bits are decent but then again you also have Arach.
>>47930824I don't care whether he counts or not, there is only one right answer to this question.
>>47930824her chin's just going to parry that knife
Can someone post that gargett from muramasa pic where he talks about learning nihongo
>>47931401I got you.
>>47931429Have you got the follow up too?
>>47931434If you mean the line after that, I unfortunately don't.
I only read the Tsukihime remake but I was a bit conflicted on it. I really loved the dark atmopshere of the beginning and in Arc's route, the setting hooked me in a lot more than F/SN's battle royale, (a setting I've grown tired of since watching Hunger Games). The game 100% lost me at the end of Ciel's route with those ridiculously over-the-top fight scenes. But from what I hear that was a remake original nu-Nasu addition, so maybe the OG Tsukihime is just better.
>>47931624>The game 100% lost me at the end of Ciel's route with those ridiculously over-the-top fight scenes.sameThe Vlov fights were good though and that's new content too
Over the top fights in my chuunige? How could this happen?
>having less than B in any categorystep up 主人公
>>47932753What's funny is the last boss has a super minmaxed stat spread and all his stats are either EX+++ or D
>>47931822I get that, but Tsukihime had a killer psychological horror mystery mood that chuuni fight scenes pretty much completely kill.
>>47933240That was almost all on far side.Admittedly, I'm really worried Nasu is going to fuck up far side because Arach seems to only exist to create spider monster mooks so there can be more fights where they aren't needed and to be responsible for all the bad things Kohaku did in the original
Menoa's adult version voice is far better than her all ages one.
I've been playing quite a bit of Souten Koihime and I'm enjoying it a lot so far, but one thing I've noticed is that it definitely seems a bit budget compared to other koihime games. The main cast is way, way smaller, and there's a shockingly high number of recurring characters with no sprites or sprites but no voice. In any other VN I probably wouldn't even notice, but this is a baseson game.I wonder if they were having budgetary or time issues. I wouldn't be surprised if in a couple years we see a remaster with additional sprites and voices.
What VenusBlood VNs are longest if you want to do 100%?
>>47933912Does she only voice h scenes or the entire game?
>>47933912I don't know what VN you mean but I fucking hated that seiyuu on Criminal Border
>>47934033Baseson seem to have a bad habit of releasing a lacking game then just re-releasing it with more content a few years later.
>>47933240If we're comparing near side to near side, I'd say the psychological horror is better in the remake too. Consider that bad end where Shiki gets his consciousness trapped in Noel's eyes and then watches Roa fully take over his body and start slaughtering Ciel. That fucked me up pretty bad knowing that he'd be stuck there for all eternity like that.
i forgot the fix
>>47935317Same. Extremely obnoxious acting. I realize that was kind of the point, but still.I was also pretty annoyed by that thing some of the VAs, like Meryl’s and Tatsuya’s, would do where they would say particular words with a brief pause and a questioning tone, to indicate the character didn’t understand the word very well.
Does Monkeys get better in the character routes? I hear people saying that it's Hato's best work and that it's a big improvement over Noratoto, but even with the flashy presentation it's kind of boring me. That and a lot of the VA work isn't the best, most of the VAs are complete amateurs and Sawasawa's deep voice is hard to take seriously since it's just the voice Yuuki puts on when she's being retarded in Noratoto.
>>47936101read Karasu
Meikoku Gakuen's ending is a bit weird it's just a cliffhanger ?
>>47930630Only if he adds a threesome with two Lens.
>>47929246>more crypto bullshitit's so tiresome
Bros how to fix this?Already tried AlphaROMdie and it’s not working The application is RealLiveMax engine btw
>>47937635when I get this error in some other game I press cancel and it launches normally.
>>47937635RLSE Loader usually works to remove this.Locale Remulator with settings to spoof timezone, UI language, and other such things might work too.
>>47935171Entire game>>47935317Da Capo 5
>>47934033Is it a completely new set of characters and a different setting? Haven't read the others but wanted to eventually.
I don't know if this is the place to ask but does anyone have the copy of ?the one on nyaa doesn't have any seeder.
>>47939072why would you want this 3dpd nonsense
>>47939098it looks interesting.
>>47939072The Japanese Steam release is on AB. I'll upload it later.
>>47937731>>47938535choosing cancel twice actually workedThanks guys kind of them. But even if a game bgm isn't working because I can't install the wma drivers, if it also has cd-da shouldn't it work with that?
need more white/gray/silver haired bitches
>>47939700"Ladies" not "bitches"
>>47940149I spent a few seconds trying to guess what game this is about, but then it hit me that this can be said about every chuunige besides maybe KKK.
>>47940217it's silverio vendetta
>>47940217one cannot truly be considered as chuunige without being accused of homo eroticism
>>47940149Imagine chuunige without cool villain who outshine the heroine.
>>47940149I knew just from this it'd be silverio vendettaThe first two games are super gay with their last bosses
>>47939895which lady is this my friend
>>47940476It's your 氷の姫君 Asuka!
>fucked up by reading masada kamiges too early>now most of chuunige feels like unreadable slop and a waste of my fucking time (demonbane aside)>silverio reads like a dense and offensively deranged DI parody
>>47940149chuunige being honorary bl/otome is no joke
Can anyone recommend a VN with bestiality content? Specifically, one that features the animal marking who they're fucking. Starless is the only one I know of that has something like that, and I went through most of DELTA's backlog but couldn't find any scenes like that.
>>47940884i'd recommend reading されど罪人は竜と踊る, it's like the closest experience i've gotten to masadaesque chuunifair warning, it's a long spanning series and each volume is quite sizeable
>>47940149They definitely put in a lot of effort to draw his abs.
>>47940884Who are you quoting?
>>47940884dunno man I read silverio after all of masada's games and I loved them all
Avestabros, this year for sure
>>47941779Why was this so hard to develop? Well hopefully soon.
Hajimete no Kanojo or Dasaku?
>>47941908Why do you want so much suffering? Just stab yourself with a fork or something if you like pain so much.
What was the last big chuunige? I feel like the gerne is on life-support nowadays..
>>47942018Tsukihime Remake
how confused am i supposed to be w cross channel in the first few hrs cuz the scenes seem to be jumping around at random and idk if its cuz my japanese is trash or im meant to feel like this lol
>>47942430The first in-game week has a few flashbacks to the protagonist's childhood but is otherwise straightforward.If you're really struggling at this point, you may want to consider putting the VN down for a while and coming back when you have more experience. The rest of the visual novel is much more complex and confusing.
I want an heroine like Sadako.Creepy eyes included.
have this and its sequel been archived in any way?
>>47942027Nasu's works never strike me as particularly chuuni. It's like calling battle shounen or wuxia chuuni.
>>47943636If Fate/Stay Night doesn't strike you as "particularly chuuni", I don't know what to say. Might as well just stop using the word completely at that point.
>>47943700I'm not saying it doesn't have chuuni elements but Nasu focus a lot more on the characters than the cool factors in his works. Would you call Lord of the Rings chuuni?
>>47943754I mean no Lord of the Rings is obviously high fantasy.>Nasu focus a lot more on the characters How does this contradict anything? If anything I'd consider how you handle characters to be one of the defining chuuni things. I struggle to think of a more chuuni thing than Archer vs Shirou. I mean think about it. It's basically an autistic man having a superpowered temper tantrum against his autistic past self. Stand in your room, blast Emiya as loud as you can while saying the Unlimited Blade Works chant and try to argue this isn't peak chunni.
Is it possible to display furigana of the texts on an ubuntu machine? It seems like the vn readers only provide a machine translation and text-tracting function. I would appreciate it if there could be a program that only gives the furigana and nothing else, just like the Furiganaize extension for firefox.
>>47943832>How does this contradict anything? Imo in chuuni the focus is the cool stuff like the battles and the aesthetics. Nasu focus more on the characters' personalities and struggles than those elements. In Dies for example the characters are more of an extension of their powers but in FSN the powers are extension of the characters. If you take away the powers in Dies there wouldn't be a story to tell but the problems and struggles of FSN characters would still work without super natural power.>Stand in your room, blast Emiya as loud as you can while saying the Unlimited Blade Works chant and try to argue this isn't peak chunni.Well, obviously it's chuuni if I chant a spell like an anime character in my room.
>>47943946I used to use japReader which I liked because you could turn off the furigana for words you already know. Don't know if it works on ubuntu
>>47939072>>47939140Here. Feel free to share elsewhere if you want.
>>47943950Not that guy but personally, I liked the characters in DI better than in Fate.
>>47943950Yeah I'm going to disagree with you pretty hard here on multiple accounts. I mean like half the women in Dies Irae just have typical women issues (Eleonore, Lisa, Rusalka, etc.) and non of that shit requires superpowers or anything. For me, what primarily separates a bad chuuni game from a good one is how the characters are handled. A bad one will focus on the aesthetics/battles while the good ones focus on the characters and their struggles but use the battle to convey such things. Virtually every chuuni writer fills their works with characters that have weird pathological obsessions/autism and Nasu is no exception to that. Like Roa in Tsukihime actually just fell in love with Arcueid at first sight and then endlessly seethed about it for 800+ years or whatever the number is. To me, that is a key element of chuuni.
>>47944006Sure, I'm not saying Dies characters are bad, just that Dies is much more chuuni so if you take the chuuni out it wouldn't work.
Original Tsukihime isn't chuuni, it's just an urban fantasy drama. The action isn't even there that much in most of the far side.
>>47944043The near side always was.
>>47944026To be honest I don’t really understand what you mean by taking the chuuni out of it, because for both Fate and DI the whole basic premise that allows for the characters to coexist in the same setting and interact with each other is as chuuni as it gets.
Has anyone here ever figured out how to texthook toheart? Or any of the old original leaf games in general?
>>47943946Use something to extract the text and use japreader, it gives the furigana for kanji
>>47943991thanks, i really appreciate it.
What is the Parkour Civilization of VNs?
>>47944025>typical women issuesLike necrophilia? But jokes asides, these kind of obsessions aren't limited to chuuni either. For me the only requirement for something to be chuuni is a focus on cool powers. But it also need to have good aesthetics or it will felt not cool enough, lacking in edge, etc.>>47944054I mean characters like Merc wouldn't work without their power but Shirou's survivor's guilt, his dream of being a hero would still work even without any fantasy elements.
>>47941323Noted, thanks. >>47941608Happy it works for you, but it didn't for me. Only redeeming point was vendetta herself, but not enough to motivate me go through whole thing yet.
Well after months of neglecting my 日本語 I finally finished the base VN, it got unexpectedly cute and "deep" at the end, now its time for the extra content
>>47944496The extra content is the good shit.
Finished Mai's route in RiaImo. This route felt like half, maybe 2/3 of a satisfying route. I expected it to explain who Mai is and get deep into the supernatural details, but it's still only hinting at those and I guess the big reveals are being saved for Shiori's route. In a way it felt like a prologue to Shiori's route, which isn't necessarily bad, just a bit different from what I expected. The positive to that is that there's no way I'm going to drop the game here and not read Shiori's route, I feel invested enough to see this through the end.That 2nd Mai H-scene though, I understand its notoriety now. It was already hot conceptually but the way it was delivered and voice acted elevated it to a whole other level.
>>47944663P.S. Shiori with her hair cut and done in Mai's hairstyle at the end was unbelievably cute my god that was fanservice for me personally
Have any of you played the untranslated game Cross Channel? How important are the Kanji puns?
Why put fake-out credits at the end of the first arc?Was it just because this is where the trial ended?
>>47945124never played a koihime game but im interested in starting with this one, how is it?
>>47944992why does it feel like everybody's asking about cross channel lately. or has it just been one anon the past month, that does seem more likely
>>47945124It could be worse. I recently read a doujinge where the credits showed up even in the bad endings and spoiled the true ending.
>>47942018Depends on what you mean by big I guess. Kyokkou no Marriage is pretty chu2
>>47946163do we consider stuff without hour long fights as chu2ge? >>47942018magatsu barai?
>>47946202I decide based on whether it uses regular or irregular kanji for simple words
>>47945124They want the yoko taro audience maybe
>>47944058Apparently they don't use any common text encoding, so there's nothing to hook to begin with.'s no plaintext anywhere, each character has its own char code and you can only hook codes, then look them up in a code table and only then you'll get the text.>PC_Leaf_Kizuato.js>PC_Leaf_Shizuku.js
>>47944058Try lunatranslator, its constantly updated with new features, more than likely it will work is textractor doesn't.
>>47946202That magatsu barai can even be considered the last big chuunige speaks volumes about the decline of the genre.
Probably a long shot but has anyone read this?'m interested because it's an early Kinoko Nasu credit, released around the same time as Tsukihime.
>>47946447haven't read it, so can't really tell desu
>>47942018Jehewa? I guess the sequel is a chuunige too
>>47946728>Kinoko Nasu credit??
More eroge should have the option to change the protagonist's name. Nothing turns me off more than hearing some other dude's name come out of the heroine's lips during sex. I'd rather impersonal 貴方s.It's such a shame this feature more or less died as time went on.
>>47947290If you can't put yourself into the shoes of a guy who has a different name from you then you just suck at self-inserting.
>>47947290If only voice actors weren't such annoying entitled cunts and allowed free reign for AI voice generators to sample their voice for minor things like that we could have it already.
>>47947287Nasu Kunihiro is him, he'd written a doujinshi with Takeuchi under that name a long time ago, and it's the name he uses for his charity organization, see here under 役員
>>47947308Totono's player/MC divide applies to all games. The protagonist is just a vehicle, but everything gets that much better when through voice and text the heroine addresses (You) specifically.>>47947320Delivery is still important. Seiyuu generally suck at acting, and lucky them since they barely have to, but something about spending 30 hours voicing a character makes even them get in the role.
>>47947290LovelyxCation has this.
>>47947475Can they call you クズくん or ゴミパイセン?
>>47947577The first syllable of my name matches perfectly with one of these. Lucky.
>>47947290>What's in a name? That which we call a rose>By any other name would smell as sweet;>So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd,>Retain that dear perfection which he owes>Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,>And for that name which is no part of thee>Take all myself. 'Tis but a name. The heroine (be she a heroine at all) loves thee for who thou art.Naught else matters but this; to be in her heart alone is bliss.
>>47947290>self insert cuck just read gacha fucking tard
>>47947320Even if it was easy and perfect, I'd rather not.I'm confident my imagination can replicate the voice of a heroine I love better than any AI.
>>47947840Sure, sure, any excuse to be anti-ai and uphold the oh so precocious Human soul. I for one would prefer the best possible content regardless of how few real people are involved.
>>47947859Good heroines like all other creations require sacrifice and effort, blood and time, to come to life.
>>47947859>the best possible contentAI is incapable of being that, lol
>>47947877Not yet. But it's certainly enough to fill in the gaps current VNs have.
>>47947886Normalizing AI use would just worsen the flaws VNs already have. I don't want the readable equivalent to a vtumor stream.
>>47947290Hoshiori is truly the moebuta killer
>>47947859Think of the VN industry as a decrepit house. It's not in great shape and needs renovating. Introducing AI would not be a form of renovating, it would be setting fire to the house.
>>47947904AI voiced Protag, AI voiced custom names, greater variety in CG expressions, greater quality in art (especially anatomy which most Human artists still suck at), more CG, uncensored CG, clothes toggle.These are only a few things AI could provide for little cost.
If you like AI so much why don't you just let AI play the games
>>47947919Haha anon, developers be they game devs, movie directors or VN writers dont care about the quality of their work, they only care about putting slop out there that'll earn money, making what the people want the most and making what they produce better doesnt matter
>>47947919Go ahead and make your own VN with AI art, voices, and writing and see how that goes. Just don't bring up your techbro activism in this thread because we're here to talk about VNs that actually exist.
>>47947928I'd happily play a VN alongside my ai waifu :)
>>47947936>AI is soulless but is still more desirable than a real womanYikes it really do be like that huh
>>47947859When I imagine a heroine, there's a purity to it. My soul, and the image of her imprinted upon it by her creator, and the whole rest of the world slips away.I don't feel the need to tarnish that by bringing an algorithm's idea of who she is into the equation, no matter how much better the "content" would be.If you disagree, you're welcome to. I am merely stating my preferences without casting judgement upon yours.If AI-generating your heroine makes you sincerely happy, I sincerely think you should do that. I disagree, but that doesn't make you incorrect.
>>47947982No I agree with you that 100% AI generated anything is bad in every way, I only think that small amounts of AI should be introduced to assist and add small tedious details that would further improve on a VN like voiced custom names, etc.
>>47948004Slippery slopeYou start with that garbage and in a decade it will be 90% AI. Many artists that i have followed for years now look like they are making AI of their own shit. Encouraging lazyness with never bring good things, look at the current state of the worldyada yada
Most media today is created to be appealing to as many people as possible, and AI will only make that easier. I think VNs are amazing because they have always been a space for unique ideas and breaking stereotypes/tropes. I don't want VNs to become AI
>>47947859The soul doesn't exist amiright, reddit bros?
>>47947290I can't imagine actually caring about this unless you're actually japanese yourself and have a name that would fit in the setting. Nothing would take me out of playing a typical high school moege more than hearing a "davido-kun" or some other wildly out of place foreign name.
>>47947982>without casting judgement upon yours.I can only hope the Nipponjin don't adopt this attitude of a supreme cuck, because otherwise the downfall of our beloved medium is inevitable.
>>47948023Did you stop enjoying Anime when it stopped being hand drawn and moved over to digital programs? You won't stop enjoying VNs if they become AI made either.
>>47948037>"Noooo anon, you NEED to get angry at other peoples dissenting opinions, Hate them for daring to disagree with you REEEEEEE! Get mad like us superior Americans!"
>>47944043>>47944046It's 伝奇, you newfags.
>>47948043Be the change you want to see and start talking about VNs
>>47948051Not mutually exclusive
>>47948046Who are you quoting?
>>47948046>all opinions are equally valuable>you shouldn't hate things that want to destroy what you loveBrainwashed America-kun...
>>47945211It's a perfectly good starting point, you don't need to have read any of their other games.So far I'm liking it quite a bit - it's a fun mix of romcom with cute girls and historical drama. I do have some problems with the story, but a lot of them are mostly problems with things that happened in actual history being anticlimactic. It does start kinda slow and take a bit to get going, but now that it's gotten going it's great. That said, I'm only at the end of the first main arc (of what I'd guess are at least three?). So far, it seems like it's mostly just been setting up the actual Liu Bang / Xiang Yu conflict, so I have no idea if the payoff will be worth the buildup. I'm hopeful, though.
>>47947919>greater qualitymost artists suck but AI is worse>uncensored CGdowngrade
>>47942018I don't know about 'big', but OnS just came out and it was pretty great.
>>47948177Lol, you're really not aware of how AI img gen had developed are you?
>>47948185bro dlsite is flooded with this shitit's killed rpgmaker gamesif they were capable of making something that looked good they would be
>>47948203As I said, you're really not aware of how img gen has developed, you only know about the low quality stable diffusion model everyone's using to make dogshit AI art.
Can we talk about VNs now?>>47942741I'm also interested in heroines like this.
>>47948037Lots of people make things I don't like. Someone once drew a picture of my favorite heroine being raped by a dolphin.If you get mad about every little thing someone else does, you'll just be angry forever.What do you want me to do, hire a bitcoin assassin to go to his house and cum on all his figmas?I vote on what books I want to be made with my wallet, and I've spoken my mind. That's all that needs to be done.
>>47948265I wish we got more dolphin rape VNs.
>>47948215>actually it's not dogshit nowYou people said that 3 years ago too
>>47948282And it was true back then too, The difference from Waifu diffusion to NAIv1 was massive. And today's NAIv3 is absurdly greater than all those of the past combined.
>>47948162Do you have a particular game in the series you think is the best starting point? I've tried to get into the series a couple of times without much success.So far the only game that's clicked with me is 巣作りカリンちゃん.
>First time the thread is this active in months after the eop spammer left>Its about AIWe it was good while it lasted, what was that 2 3 months after the spammers got bored? it was a good streak
Who cares, talk about eroge.
>>47948321Big witch hat!
>>47948321I love small breasts the most!
>>47948321I love chuunige so much bros
>>47948353Which is your top 10?
>>47948394I don't dare claim to have a favourite, they're all precocious existences to me.
>>47948409Gay, I felt like reading something good with a pettanko.
>>47948436Narrow down your request and I'll deliver something.
>>47948321I love romantic, pure love shit, but when I read too much of it at a time I start feeling terrible like a kid who ate too much sweets at once. Have to balance it out with games where I get to kill people.
>>47947217jeweha sucks ass man the fights suck ass and the majority of the game is fighting only woflfag and prince had a decent fight it's a mixture of low budget and just unengaging writing
>>47948634yeah I don't get the praise for it
>>47948641i mean it had some cool twists, i liked the characters and the first turning point in chapter iv was really cool but it just went downhill at that point and it also got really retarded like suddenly having arianna have her own dark arc complete with a dark version of the school uniform because she's way too in-syc with the statue man and the whole eurayle shit was so sudden and dealt with so quicklyi'll still probably read the sequel
Wait a minute, that room...
>>47948697That poori VN was still one of the weirdest things I've read.
>>47948321Alright.I really want a Rewrite rerelease with sex scenes and restored cut content. They did Romeo dirty with Akane. No wonder he stopped trying after that.
>>47948737I really enjoyed akane route, but yeah, the restriction creatively limited romeo too much. It would have been cool to see a h-scene with her.
>>47948737The rewrite girls were all pretty hot indeed. I cope with some doujinshi.
>>47948697>>47948743There are so many public domain photos out there that can be used as background material, why do devs keep on using the same ones?
>>47948743unironically best girl of the game
>>47948877Finally someone understands
>>47948947It's true, I just wish more eroge heroines mocked you for being a 早漏 in the first scene since I always blow my load halfway through after nofapping through their routes.
>>47948737>restored cut contentdo we know of any cut content?
>>47948985Yeah I only remember that from Amane in Tenshi Souzou and it was awesome
>>47929246Why are these threads in english?
>>47948985>>47949320meanwhile study steady has the heroine making jokes while saying everything is fine because MC couldn't get it up during their first time
>>47949432You don't need to be able to write japanese to read VNs, only to understand it.
Maybe I'm just fucking retarded but I just can't manage to finish a VN. I always finish 60-90% of it and then stop playing, instead switching to another VN.
>>47949498Maybe you get bored of the repeating assets. I tend to get tired of seeing the same backgrounds and settings over and over again after a while which is why I appreciate games that have a lot of backgrounds or at reserve unique backgrounds for certain routes.
>>47949498Are you new to VNs?Try something shorter
>>47949498the only VNs I manage to complete are plotge. if there isn't an actual story to follow I usually tap out pretty quick
>>47949522>>47949498Would probably like plain text novels better in that case
>>47949671But those lack loli sex.
>>47948321>people always say Masada is the deepest, most intellectually thought-provoking author ever, above and beyond anyone else in the medium and you need to read 500 works of literature to understand them properly>read Masada VNs>they're pure red-blooded power of friendship battle shonen where the good guys win 'cuz they're good and good guys always beat bad guys
>>47949686I still can't get over the fact that he named the main antagonist after the guy that brutally murdered his great grandmother and went out of his way to make him as cool as possible.
>>47949498You may have 飽き性, aka Zoomer/ADHD brain
>>47949810I legitimately do not understand Masada's beliefs. He includes a number of political themes and ideas in his VNs - or at least political window dressing - but if you try to understand what he was actually trying to say with them you'll give yourself an aneurysm. I think he legitimately only included the nazis in DI because he thinks their uniforms are cool.Also, he didn't just name the antagonist after the guy that murdered his great grandmother - it's explicitly the same person. What the fuck did he actually mean by that???
>>47949686Anon-kun, that detail is technically a spoiler which is why I phrased it the way I did.
>>47949849Shit meant for >>47949838
>>47949838>I think he legitimately only included the nazis in DI because he thinks their uniforms are cool.Nothing wrong with this, people don't want political propaganda in their entertainment.
>>47949838Your problem is that you are approaching it from the wrong angle. This does not apply only to masada, but most writers do not introduce their own beliefs into their stories. Obviously there may be certain thematic similarities of their own between the various works, but again, that doesn't mean it's always the author's beliefs. The compositions of masada works are mostly clashes of philosophies.
Why did Saga Planets switch from SiglusEngine to KiriKiri?
> anyone have the download edition that only include japanese with apparently updated features, and some other stuff? i swear i've never seen a VN from the early 2000s that not only include a MTL translation from release but also fucking english voice acting???
>>47949927>i swear i've never seen a VN from the early 2000s that not only include a MTL translation from release but also fucking english voice acting???I can't help with the first part, but in terms of a Vn with English voice acting in the 2000s - casual romance club had a dub made by the original Japanese voice actors, who don't speak English. It's fucking hilarious.
>>47949979>casual romance club had a dub made by the original Japanese voice actors, who don't speak English.The OVA or the VN? Tell me more.
>>47949945Trinity is so good. They really knew how to take advantage of the fact that it was no longer necessary to explain basic concepts and gave a higher priority to the story and characters.
>>47949927>The compositions of masada works are mostly clashes of philosophies.Yeah, but what are the philosophies? "Muh nichijou" versus "I fucking love killing so much"?
>>47950062By that I meant that he endows each character with a different philosophy, which would be the minimum necessary for any good character. And yes, that can be considered a philosophy since it is called worldview and it is based on a set of beliefs and values that shape your perception of life and in which the environment in which you grow and/or develop has a huge impact. Such a philosophy not only determines the way you see the world, but also the way you interact with it. The examples you give are simplifications of that.
>>47949938No idea but going from kinkoi to their FD was rough, the voices had lower quality and they went from 60fps to 30fps
>>47950062Women can't defeat ちんぽ seems to be something Masada strongly believes in.
I had a feeling this would be the case, but Miki really isn't my type of girl.
>>47950202Yeah she's much better as a side character.
atribros we lostthe anime doesnt fix the vns redditarded ending
>>47950340The only time I've seen an anime adaptation improve on the VN endingwise was Little Busters removing the stupid mandatory bad end and subsequent time travel. Too bad the rest of that show wasn't that good though.
This little convo makes me kinda sad, reminds me of how much the eroge scene in general has dilapidated over time and how ALcot themselves are on their way out.
>>47950340What happened in the end?
>cum right on time when the MC does after a solid length H scene at what feels like the end>dialogue keeps going for a while but I think they're just doing the "the two drown in sex while fade to black" to end the scene thing>eventually realize it's actually a legit full round 2>end up wasting that entire part of the scene because it's too late to get back into itfailing as an erogamer is tough sometimes
>>47949938because they left visual arts
>>47949498Assuming you're like me and you were once really into vns, it'll come back to you. Don't try to force it, keep doing as you're doing and just don't beat yourself up over not finishing something. Eventually enough time will pass where you get back into that phase where you can spend literally all day reading a vn, and then after finishing that one immediately play through the next, etc.It also helps to spend time doing other mediums right now until that motivation returns.
>>47949498When that happens to me I just switch to playing actual video games for once maybe beat a long ass JRPG because it will spark my desire to read VN again at some point.
Lately I'm remembering a lot that scene from kuro in albatross where she gets her hair combed. Man, what a great scene. I like it when there is a proper build up to a scene and it has a special impact, especially when said scene consists of a simple everyday exchange between two characters but has a certain degree of thoughtfulness to it.
>>47947877>AI is incapable of being that, lol99% of moege artists can be easily replaced by ai already and very few people going to notice any difference at all.
>>47951238The 'very few' people are hardcore autists. You know, the only people left who read and buy visual novels?It's really a pointless conversation anyways. There's tons of games out right now using AI. Nobody's reading them. You can't argue that it's the future and everyone will be using it when the future is the present, people ARE using it, and nobody cares.
>>47951244>The 'very few' people are hardcore autistsDoesn't have to be hardcore autist, just need to have artist education and understanding of anatomy. To be fair, a lot of eroge artists sucks at anatomy already, so lots of shit art gets a pass. >There's tons of games out right now using AIBecause they look bad, it's simple. Once the slop stops looking like slop, tears stop coming from the eyes and tears start pouring down from the dicks.
anons here really love to talk about ai huh
>>47951270 (me)no pun intended
>>47951270what do you expect people to do? Read a visual novel and talk about it? Don't be ridiculous.
>>47951270愛 is an important part of eroge
Surely, the ensemble isn't just going to fall back to trash after kyokkou no marriage?
>>47951314should I read this, I was confused by the simultaneous all ages release with only one route
>>47951314I would argue that Ensemble generally makes quite good games, even if they do re-use the same premise a lot. I suspect they'll go back and do at least a couple of their straight trapge to assuage their dedicated fans before trying something risky again.>>47951343It's one of the highest rated releases of the year and for good reason. Definitely worth a read. Short, good chuuniplotnakige.
>>47951314Personally I'm really surprised that Asagi managed to write something like this after seeing the previous works. There are some pretty glaring inconsistencies, but it was still an unexpected and interesting proposal.
>>47951343>I was confused by the simultaneous all ages release with only one routewait why would they do this
>>47951357No fucking clue, but they really did simultaneously release an all-ages version of the game containing ONLY Ria's route for the Switch. It's kind of bizarre.
>>47951343>should I read thisIt's fun, so yes. >simultaneous all ages release with only one routeThis vn doesn't really work with just one route, so switch release is kinda pointless unless they going to relese other routes.>>47951354His website says he used different pseudonym before, so it's likely more than just shitty moege.
>>47951362Hey now, Hanaoto was a really good moege.
>>47951366I'll try it at some point since I like trapge. Wanted to read the other one with Kirihana voicing mc, but it's probably mid af
>>47951374You mean Monkeys!! ? Monkeys!! is fucking incredible dude, absolutely read that right away.
>>47951362>so it's likely more than just shitty moegeOh, interesting.>This vn doesn't really work with just one routeActually I could argue that only Lia's route is pretty self-conclusive, the other routes are mostly to answer some questions. Although I have to admit that while Fine is definitely the weakest heroine, her ending was the best conclusion to the story.
>>47951390Anon is talking about
>>47949972Disc 1 of ねこ20周年記念限定BOX Less than 2 GB and you get Mizuiro for free.VA language is selectable in-game (at least it was in the DVD version that I played it like 10 years ago) and text language must be selectable too, considering that the game was never released outside of Japan.
>>47951390this >>47951437monkeys was great and it's shame harukaze seems deadtsuriotsu(luna+ursule) + otome riron(resona route) is my absolute favorite tho
>>47951360who the fuck in the right mind would buy the switch version which literally has less content.
>>47947290Retards like you why I can't have nice things. Real self insert chad hates getting called anta/kimi/senpai. I like it more if they call me by name because I AM the protagonist.
>>47951771Kys you dumb tourist
Where the fuck can i get dies irae (amantes amentes) the ones on nyaa or ryuu don't work.Do i just have to go with acta est fabula and watch the additional content on fucking youtube of all things?
>>47951788>implying not being retarded moecuck makes me a tourist草
>>47949838Let me give you a critical piece of information that makes parsing chuunige significantly easier. It's there because it's cool. That's it.
>>47951399It's fine on its own in the sense that the mc does what he sets out to do. There's some wacky shit going on in the background, but if you don't think about it too much it works.
>>47951913 at the comments
>>47952068Thank you anon, i got it nowI never paid attention to that one since it had 0 seeds, but i was still able to grab just the crack from it which i then used with the other torrent that actually has seeders and it works
>>47951437>>47951508Otokoi is fucking amazing and easily Ensemble's best game (up until Kyokumari at least), some parts of it are as good as Sakuuta
>>47950932So long as you cum alongside the MC on the virginity taking scene (中に) then you succeeded in connecting your spiritual love to your waifu, subsequent nuts only act as supplemental prayers. I agree though it's annoying when that happens, overextending the climax.
>>47949474what vinnie?
>>47952872 be somewhere in these results. like the looks of this one
anyone got a vn with a voiced protagonist where his voice acting is so good he outshines the heroine seiyuu?
>>47953840Hello Lady
>>47950830mc "saved" the world and turned it into a reddit utopia, cheated on the main heroine (basically dead) and married another female character, and then "revived" the main heroine in a cheap reddit way
>>47953840you sound like you will enjoy blge
>>47953870second this
>>47953840If you're satisfied with "only" outshining the majority of the heroine seiyuu, then almost any chuunige with a voiced protagonist would fit. The protagonist being literally the absolutely best is kind of hard because any game like that typically has top talent all across the board. But guys like Kurou in Demonbane, Kageaki in Muramasa, etc. were undoubtedly near the top in terms of voice acting in their game.
>>47949825NTA, but I can read longer books just fine. The majority of VNs just suffer from having too much filler that doesn't really engage you and lack of direction. Almost every VN I've read you have to endure hours and hours to get to the good parts. Partially I get it because VNs are expensive and you'd want your money's worth. But it leads to writers droning on and on just to meet a word count instead of them writing meaningful content.
uh based?
What is the best 18+ version of Aokana to read in Japanese?The Perfect edition is only 720p while the 4K version is only available without ero-scenes. Are there any downsides with the Steam version? Is it true 1440p?
>>47954946Why would you need anything higher than 720p? Just play the version with ero obviously.
>>47954967If this was 20 years ago, you would have typed "why would you need anything higher than 480p"?
>>47954946Just point your phone to your monitor with an AI upscaler, sister.
>>47954967Because I don't want pixels on my display go to waste.
>>47954946Play both? I haven't played the game so I don't know if this is reasonable, but you could read the 4K version until you get to the part where ero is supposed to be and then switch to the 18+ version and skip to that part. Then switch back when you're done.
>>47954973If his post said 480p then I'd have said that too.
>>47954946Huh? Do you care more about the graphics than the story? Just look at the CGs then.
speaking of hello lady, how is it? ive had that shit on my backlog for like a decade and after ensemble im looking for more revenge stories
>>47955036Graphics are essential part of the experience. And I care about the story enough to want enjoy it in the best quality available.
>>47954946There's absolutely nothing wrong with the Steam version unless the idea that there's an English translation that you can completely hide makes you uncomfortable.
>>47955087I'm more worried if there might be some Steam-specific script changes or other modifications. I haven't found mentions of such things anywhere though.If there are no problems like that and graphics is indeed true 1440p then it seems to be the best version to get., I'll never stop using MTL, sucker.
>>47955254At least you'll surely have much better luck learning the language through MTL than through Duolingo.
>>47955070pretty funny
>>47955085In practice there's nearly no difference between 720p and 4k for VNs. It's not like you're reading it with a Game Boy resolution.
Thanks ALcot for helping me remember where Tochigi and Gunma are.
I am so fucking jealous of those who attended KeroQ music Live yesterday, only cause I love their vocal songs a lot Anyone got a recording or stream or anything? Dunno if filming was allowed
There's multicolored hair and then there's looking like a schizo. Anyways, the opening scene alone was enough to sell me on 鏖殺ノ乙女. I was iffy on the premise at first, but now I'm looking forward to it.
>>47956061is that a magic bra?
>>47956322It's a very strange 変身. That's for sure.
>>47956061Is the audio on the trial bad? I played the trial last week until the opening because this game's audio sounds bad on my device
>>47956061Needs to get dicked. Shame about the lack of males.
>>47956467No you aren't hallucinating. The audio is fucking garbage. It's part of the reason why I didn't bother playing trial all the way through. They probably just compressed the shit out of it save space. Some of the CGs looked pretty compressed to me too.
>>47954946helo sir have you ever heard about wonderful piece of software called magpie
>>47956719>wonderfulNo, only the piece of shit called magpie.
>>47956743I know you're too poor to afford gpu, so not talking to you.
If you have a 4k monitor and you want to read VNs simply break out a smaller one damn
>>47956772or use a fucking magpie, even 1660 and a simple upscaler should be enough to make it look decent on 4k
>>47956777But wouldn't it be preferable to go with the better option
>>47956772It's not a big deal if you have one with a low PPI, at 40" or bigger instead of buying one at 32" which makes all the windows tiny. When it comes to 4k you need your screen to be huge to make up for the number of pixels. I can read 720p games windowed on my 43" comfortably without any need for Magpie. 600p is borderline, sometimes I use Magpie and sometimes I don't. Only when I get down to 480p do I feel like I need to magnify the window.
>>47956772720p and up scale perfectly fine on 4k. Also you probably wouldn't want to use another monitor because it would almost certainly have worse color reproduction. The only thing I would bother worrying about is anything old like 480p or whatever. But that looks funny on 1080p too. The right monitor for games from that era would be an old CRT or such if you have one.
>>479568041660 still should be enough for more than just a simple upscalerits pretty dumb to have money for 4k display, but not being able to afford even an outdated low-end 100$ worth gpu desuand if AI upscaler bothers you (not (you)) that much, then going for 4k is pointless
>>47956843I like the option to have multiple windows open like when I work on projects on Photoshop when I'm not gaming. Having a screen that can do whatever I want when I want is convenient and I'm glad I found exactly that and am able to use it to this day.
Miki route done. Glad it was short because I don't like Miki as a heroine. What the other anon said about her working better as a side character was true, I don't mind her existence as a support since it allows for a fairly unique dynamic with her brother and a source for amusing shimoneta but she's not that interesting for me when she's the focus of a scene. Pretty much glazed over her H-scenes too. Still, I'm glad I did this route since it explored the scenario of what if Ryou went for a non-incestuous route, as well as showed how Shiori and Mai would react to it. Plus, getting more scenes and characterization for Akira is great so it was a decent experience overall. Akira is a great bro character, he really speaks to imoutoge lovers who have an imouto in real life.Man, both Mai and Miki's routes have huge arrows pointing at Shiori as the ultimate true end heroine and teasing heavily towards her 攻略. Looking forward to her route.
>how can you say you love her if you won't even eat her poop?thanks for reminding me of that old classic
>>47957026I love tokochan
Man, Baseson have absolutely no idea how to get MC to switch sides except by having him kidnapped or taken as a hostage. I think it happened five times in Sengoku Koihime and it happens again in Souten.
How hard are the Eushully games vocab wise?
>>47957497I played 神採り when I was starting out don't recall having any particular issues. Fairly standard modern fantasy words. Not really noticeably different from a Final Fantasy or a Rance.
Amakano start around this date for the immersionfags
>>47957590Thanks for the reminder, time to begin.
>>47957590Tits too small,won't play it.
>>47958962Here you go anon
>>47958978Thank you mister, but i already read the majority of One-up games.
I wonder what factors caused the boob inflation we're seeing in eroge in the last couple years? It's obviously more noticeable in nukiges but the average boob size in moeges are getting bigger too.
>>47959603all thanks to burger bodypositive fad, which coming to and end thanks to ozempicaccording to my theory we're going to see average boob size decrease sooner or later
>>47959603Degeneracy and lack of self-control. The Greeks considered small penises to be associated with ideals of intellect, self-control, and rationality. Take a look at the world we live in today and you will realise those traits are lacking causing people to return to base animalistic sexual deviant desires.
lol big tits sell more retards, that's all.
>>47959655cringe small minded, missing the forest for the trees' thinker
Personally i want torpedo tits back.
>>47959674My brother in christ I'm reading my eroge, I can't waste much time explaining how capitalism works here to shitposters.
>>47959706>capitalismbro really thinks it all comes down to a single thing and not a complex web of interconnected causes, you proved me right by seeing only the singular capitalist tree anyone uploaded it yet
>>47959871It's super cheap so just buy it yourself.
>>47959603I suspect that the pressure to exterminate the token lolis is a part of it.If eroge makers can't profit off of lolicons, they might figure to just go all-in on the cowtit-lover pandering.
>>47959934American censorship and DEI activism is a bane on existence.
>>47959893i'm not installing steam just for it...
>>47959603AmericansAlso just porn addiction in general, just like people who start with lesser drugs like crack or meth start getting too used to it and want stronger stimulation, same theory different application.
>>47960103but smaller boobs is sexier
>>47960120Only to one who is pure of heart and a superior intellectual.
Was planning on reading Tenshi souzou but apparently the heroine i was aiming for is a side heroine? that sucks.
>>47960202Could be worse, i read that the only worthwhile heroine use birth control pills and the one i was interested in had fake pregnancy and that completely evaporated any interest i had with that eroge
>>47959603Fat people so westerners basically. They can't self insert otherwise, that includes the men.
Just finished watching Summer Time Render. It has some problems bit overall pretty fun show. Plus point for the fact that most of the cast speak in Wakayama-ben the entire show. The first OP is a banger too.
>>47960602Wrong thread?
Best game from ウグイスカグラ?I want to try a proper eroge before I get scammed by the writerfag's new episodic non 18+ steam release.
Any moegē with asexually created heroines (eg. lab-produced, etc)? It's disturbing to think that I was NTRed before the girl I love was even born because she used to be inside her dad's dick.
>>47960746If she was lab produced however it's more than likely her naked body was observed by other men.
>>47960766That's disgusting. Any heroines whose mothers reproduced asexually?
>>47960746Ushinawareta Mirai o Motomete You created her in a lab so technically she's your daughter wife.Koi ga Saku Koro Sakura Doki - Tina is a Shinigami, so probably not traditionally "born"
>>47960766Not if the lab only has female scientists.
>>47960828There are more female scientists in eroge than male ones.
>>47960811getting ntr'd by f*male is even worse
Heroines that are just a figment of your imagination are the purest
>>47960962Chaos Head bros? We won?
wtf he has an aimbot
>>47952872silverio trinity
I think I'm getting old guys, I came home from work and usually I'd masturbate before bed, this time I felt it was too much effort, a waste of time.
>>47962292I'm taking L-citrulline for different reasons, but as a side effect I'm pretty sure it made me a lot hornier. You could try that since it's just over the counter and not an actual drug.
>>47962292Play competitive video games they make you horny whenever you come out of a close match
>>47963045Too boring.
>>47963045that sounds more like your weird 性癖 anon
>>47963314Nah it's a real effect, same for soldiers surviving battles and athletes finishing a soccer or tennis match