Minecraft EditionBJD thread, primarily for vinyl dolls with an anime aesthetic.FAQs and LinksNew Guide: anime-dolls.moeOld Guide: dollfaq.buyfags.moeBooru: bjd.booru.orgLive Gallery: bjd.arcesia.net/Telegram: t.me/BallJointDollsSewing pattern books: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/2/folders/1okG9fyy7mciwiZUEsQYGNKQNnz1rv59J/jp/ BJD QnA Guide: docs.google.com/document/d/1SJPKqCd8YX5_JcB7NWjRS5Zy4dKeKMg5l-YmoHZgFZk/Community Events:Current Photo Challenge: Valentine's DayPrevious Photo Challenge: Staying Warm (or) SparklesCurrent Projects: None Currently PlannedNext Meetup: Katsucon | Feb 14th @ 12:00PM outside of the gaming room (Potomac C on the map.)Then After: NYC Doll Con | March 1st-2nd (TBA)Other Doll Threads:Previous Thread: >>48628801Resin Dolls Thread: Dead Again (but you can post here, too.)Fashion/Other Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/11291024Miscellaneous:If your doll is for sex, go to >>>/jp//ona/
How embarrassing, my image uploaded sideways... Good morning anons! I hope you have/had a wonderful day.
What's your favorite spot to buy doll cloths, specifically for SD and preferably US based? I checked Denver doll and they didn't have anything I liked. I know there's alice collection but what about others? Etsy sellers etc. I'm looking for casual stuff.
I think I missed my timing with these but here they go anyway
I don't understand how this phone is so much better at taking close ups. I'm not even using macro.
Sharing the cape
And the hat.
Family Photo
I brushed Letina's hair a bit today and made it a bit better but there's still all those frizzies. How would I go about fixing those, is that something that even needs fixed? I have no idea how to brush hair so I don't want to over brush it and end up messing up her wig.
>>48746638Her hair is naturally curled, right? I'd suggest getting a wide-tooth comb to tame them without splitting them apart. Look into the doll wig care products volks sells -- their spray oil will help you smooth everything out, wig mist (which I am convinced is rave/aquanet in a spritz bottle) will help set it once it's styled. Alternatively you can pick up some of their water wax, put a little on your fingers, lightly dampen her hair, and set the curls with your hands. Once it's set, the style should keep for a time -- and if it becomes messy or you want to change it, you can use their wig shampoo to wash the wig and do it all over again! Having said that, you don't need to do any of this, she's fine how she is if you're fine with how she is.>>48746552You have a lovely family anon!>>48745915It's fine, it's still lovely to see them. Their outfits are very precious.>>48745606Good morning to you, anon! It's going to be a pleasure to see this face around more often. That's not sarcasm.
>>48746709Thanks for the input. I do have a wide tooth metal comb and a few wig brushes. I got it a bit better and am happy with it as is. I'm not going to keep messing with it. I have a tendency to keep messing with something trying to get it "just right" and just end up making it worse.
>>48745693Doll Delights has some options. They mostly lean toward sexy than cute, but there are several casual items.
>>48746552god i love family photos
>>48745415>>48745428i love her outfit! but is she ok?? >>48745606thanks, you too! she gives me cutie Seras vibes >>48745934>>48746552cozy! >>48746738brushing sparingly is best! stretched/distorted hairs can’t really be fixed, just trimmed
do you guys not use a steamer on your wigs?? literally life changing
>>48747731I've never considered that before, actually. Tell us more about your process if you wouldn't mind, anon?
>>48747740First I use a wig de-tangling spray all over, like you would for a cosplay wig. I use the brand BOBOS Remi Wig & Weave Detangle Spray. Then turn the steamer on a low heat setting if possible - mine doesn't have that so I just use the default temperature and it's still been working fine. Then steam it from top to bottom. If you can hold it or set it in place somehow, it's best to comb through it and steam it at the same time. I would not recommend this for curly or wavy wigs, as it will make them straight. But I've saved wigs I thought I'd have to toss out otherwise with this method. If you have any specific questions just look up a cosplay wig tutorial, as the same information applies to all synthetic wigs.
>>48747774Thank you anon, this has been very informative. Any suggestions for what to look for in a steamer? I confess I wouldn't know one if I saw it, but I'm imagining some sort of hair dryer-esque device (which is probably incorrect and very silly.}
>>48747785I think they are usually used for clothes to get wrinkles out, it's not really a hair styling thing. I'd say a smaller one might be better since we're using it for doll wigs. And adjustable temperature would be a good feature. But mine is nothing special and still gets the job done. Another tip though, be sure to not hold it too close to the wig or get it too hot, some wigs are more resistant to heat than others.
When I was just looking at the thumbnails, my first thought was:>>48745415>how my year started>>48745428>how my year is going
>>48746638>>48746738The frizziness and tangliness is part of synthetic wigs and you can't do too much about it. Your fingers can do a lot for re-styling, since synthetic fibers retain their shape, and there are products as the other anon said. If you do use products, DO NOT use them while the wig is on the doll, always remember to protect the makeup. The makeup is the only really delicate part of the doll, try to avoid touching it with your fingers directly. Washing your hands before handling a doll is a good idea as well. It's not like she'll disintegrate instantly but it's something that adds up over time.Being nervous is normal. You're going to feel more relaxed after you've handled the doll a bit and tried things out like changing eyes.There's usually some kind of hairspray-like product on these wigs out of the box to keep them styled so I wouldn't try too hard to comb it right away because you might damage the fibers. You did a good thing not overdoing it. When you brush, start brushing from the tips and work your way up. It's going to be easier to get the tangles out.As for what to do with her, just play with her. Put her into poses, see what her joints can do. If she has a mobility thigh (it's a joint cut on the thigh) it means you can lift her leg up when she's sitting and move her legs sideways. This means you can cross her legs, sit her in the schoolgirl anime pose (suwariko?) and other things like that. Definitely buy her more clothes, but do not give them to her after midnight.
>>48752135>The makeup is the only really delicate part of the doll, try to avoid touching it with your fingers directly.But the nose is such a great torque point to turn the head.
>>48752180sacrebleu, l'hérésie...
Does anyone know of any shops that specialize in outdoorsy clothing, especially fleece jackets like the one pictured from Volks? The volks one is out of stock currently, and my searches on booth, yahoo auctions, etsy etc haven't turned up anything yet.
Letina wanted to try some red bull but she's having trouble with the can. I offered to help but she insisted she could do it herself
>>48752447she's too classy for canned drinks, give her a Martini
>>48747829>>48747634Shes okay now that she is back in-doors.We've been having extra cold weather recently and she was under dressed for the weather outside. I wish there was a way to take a picture with a doll inside an ice cube.
>>48752529oh good! the blushing on her hands made her look extra tragic in the snow lol. maybe a clear acrylic display box with some heavy gel gloss medium slathered on the outside could look ice-like?
Its so cold my dolls are huddling up.
>>48754614Warmer weather is on the way anon, hang in there! Bundle up in the blankets with your girls to stay warm!
>>48752364Little Wonder has a lot of more casual kinds of clothes
This is a "shitty bootleg" or whatever that means, ask the other moron. But i am fine with, because 200€? Beat that. I was surprised by her massive, i mean xbox huge, i mean like... Yolo! That's Gargantuan, and her ass too.I did my best for the shot, i am not Salgado, the other moron would gladly show us all how it's done with his 2000$ setup.So expensive? Shut up.Tho the face up is bare bones. But eh, come on... 200.
Crazy how someone mentions comfy threads and suddenly there has to be conflict.
Dolls in space!
>>48760221oh my, can they breathe?!
>>48760221Which one is The Doctor and which one is the companion?
>>48760239No, but they don't have to so it's okay>>48760387I'm sorry, I think this is a reference to something that went over my head. (Is it Doctor Who?)
>>48760221Do you mind if I ask where you got those delightful kitty stockings, anon?
"Okay.... now do a flip!"I got Lara a new outfit recently.
>>48760579https://volksusa.store/products/4518992450810orhttps://dollfie.ec.volks.co.jp/item/4518992450810.htmlThey're also available in SD/DD size.
>>48760752This is so cute, this made me smile.>>48760984Thank you very much, anon.
>>48760752lara is a denim enjoyer? very nice!
>>48760457>Is it Doctor Who?Yep
>>48760752Love it
>>48760752she is so talented>>48754614time to give them a blanky
>>48745428SAVE HER
>>48769157when will the doll violence end
>>48773165When all doll stealing ogres are dead
>>48775160Cute girls! Have you taken them to see the new Sonic movie?
>>48775160The dolls are upright but the monitor is sideways.ona li suwi
Does anyone here have experience with making selfmade props stainsafe for vinyl dolls? Particularly acrylic painted 3D prints and stained wood. Would a thick coat of sealant like MSC be enough?
>>48778634I would imagine it would be enough, if youre unsure still you can always sacrifice some hands to see.
>>48778634Just plain acrylic on it's own can be sticky so I would recommend a sealer even if you weren't using it as a doll prop. MSC seems to do the job just fine in my experience, but I've only used it for a few things.For wood, polyurethane should be fine over stain. The poly itself doesn't have any stain unless you buy a stain+poly, so staining shouldn't be an issue.
>>48781767>while you were busy doing drugs and kissing human girls, I was studying the blade
Tax return and work bonus comes this week. I'll be buying Oliva and a few outfits (from maskcat's site) and a few outfits for Letina as well.
>>48782539Oh no, they got another one. RIP anons future income.
>>48777102I actually haven't been to a movie in a very long time. I've heard good things about the Sonic movies, but I'd feel pretty self conscious going by myself.>>48777105Task bar on the side is the best position!
>>48786147Don't be! It's not really viewed as a "kiddie movie", so you wouldn't be out of place. I understand, though, I haven't actually gone out to see a movie in ages, either. Camrips have really gone up in quality over the years, I was really impressed with the one for Nosferatu.
>>48786147>but I'd feel pretty self conscious going by myselfCoincidentally, as you were posting this I was on my way to watch that same movie on my own.Be cringe. Never be afraid to do or watch what you love, as long as you aren't harming others.
Nyc doll con is not allowing any rolling bags (or strollers) so I will be at most bringing two instead of everything. I imagine its mostly because of venue space. Maybe if they grow in the future they’ll lift that rule.
Keep your dolls warm
>>48760221>Flying Fuckernauts.jpg
>>48790329Whatever fat fuck.
>finally a girl sculpt with a wide open smile and actual vampire fangs instead of stupid tiny bits of resin over the lips that make no sense>it's 1/4why do only 75cm dudes get to have big bitey fangs? where is the culture? life is unfair, worst timeline, my disappointment is immeasurable etc.
>>48791472Get a Dremel and do it yourself.
>>48791489Thanks Captain Obvious but there are no sculpts with a smile big enough to see the chompers if I mod a teeth part in the first place.
>>48791511Uh you need to make the whole mouth.
Why do you have to shit up this thread?
>>48790329I was always nervous about cuddling dolls like this because they look so nice I was afraid I'd mess them up.It feels real nice when I actually cave in and do it.
>>48791511> Dremel?
>>48794092Cute mouthbreather
I bought some new wigs for Letia as hers is getting a bit messy. Her head measures just under 8 inches so I went with 7/8, hopefully they fit. They should also be able to be used on Oliva when she's delivered (haven't bought her yet). I also went over to Volks and bought a few hair nets and one of each of their hair care products, I wasn't sure what all I needed but it was cheap enough to just buy one of each, so I have it. New outfits soon too but I want to spend some time browsing. I already had a few in mind from Alice's but I don't want to go overboard and buy too much too fast so I need to narrow it down to 2-3, maybe 1-2. I also wanted to buy some cycling stuff but if I do I may have to wait for Olivia. I always seem to pick up the most expensive fucking hobbies.
Well Olivia has been bought, wonder how long it will take her to get here.
>>48795277>>48796652Bought some outfits too. Got everything from Alice's since they have full outfits and their site is easy to navigate. Once I know I can buy the right stuff and that it fits well I'll look elsewhere but no more BJD stuff for a few awhile. I intended to only buy 2-3 fits but you know how it goes.....I also had to buy some pantsu and bras can't have my girl's going without. Of all the stuff I bought this is probably one of my favorites. I saw it a few weeks ago and knew I had to have it. Can't wait to see how it looks. Doll is just a model Alice uses, not one of mine.
Time to chill.
>>48799686I'm kinda mad this phone can handle darkness better than brightness.
It's always hard to choose just one photo for the fit check.
>>48799935Is there such a thing as too many photos? Cute as always.
But what if your doll is secretly full of love for you?
>>48805213On that one you can pose the tentacles too to get that BRLBRLBRLBRLBR Zoidberg effectI love these gimmicks on Dlace dolls but I never understood if they have functioning hinges that stay put. There's always hands holding them and it looks like if you let go they'll snap or flop shut.
>>48795277>>48796652>>48796712>did research>multiple outfits and wigs on arrival>underwear>doll care suppliesbless you anon you're the owner every dolly deserveswatch out for staining tho it's not as bad as vinyl but still possible
>>48805623I have picrel, the joints are very mobile and you can get crazy poses out of her but I haven't been able to achieve this specific one or get her to stand on her own. I believe it's possible, I haven't gotten the hang of her joints yet since they can get confusing
>>48806160Forgot to say they generally hold well and aren't very snappy or floppy
>>48806160I don't mean the limbs, but those hinged parts like the mouth.
>>48806208Sorry, I misunderstood. I don't have any issues with mine either, not sure about a bigger head with heavier resin though
Do your dolls enjoy any particular types of music?
>>48807843I have a playlist for every one of my dolls, what music they like is a easy first thing to come up with for their personalities
LOL. Danny Choo isn't even Japanese. He's Malaysian. He's completely made of bullshit.
I thought I'd share my current experimental doll clothes storage idea. I had previously put the outfits into one-gallon zip loc bags and stored them in big storage totes, but I didn't really like that much. Then I started wondering how the bagged outfits would fit inside folders in a file cabinet. So I bought one and gave it a try.At first I just put the bags of clothes into the folders, but due to the bulk of the outfits, the tops of the folders were wide open and it looked really messy. I went looking for something with closed sides and I found a bunch of expandable ones, but they expanded more than I needed so they wouldn't solve the issue. So I thought I'd just try to modify the regular folders with tape. I tried a few different ideas and the way I liked best was to just tape them below the metal hanging hooks, leaving the sides open below that point so they can expand some. I have to pry open the hanging bars with one hand while sliding in the bag with the other, which takes a bit of finessing, but isn't overly difficult. I also wrote the maker and name of each outfit on the tabs to easily find what I'm looking for (and the twitter hashtag on the back if applicable).So far I really like this setup. The only things troubling me now are that I'm not sure how I should sort them (by which doll wears the outfit, or the color, or season, or maker, etc); and I'm not yet sure what I should do with individual articles of clothing that are not a full outfit. If anyone else is interested in trying this out for themselves, do note that I have 1/4 scale MDDs and the outfits pretty much perfectly fit in the gallon bags and in the folders, so if you have larger 1/3 scale dolls, it might not work so well for their outfits.
>>48807843Yeah, Tiara's actually named after this Seventh Wonder album. She's basically my mini-me doll, with pretty much all the same interests as myself. Pic is from a couple months ago.
>>48790329>this is my futuregrim
So I'm actually thinking about getting more into Doll photography. I just have my one doll, but she is very cute. And I've finally built up a good wardrobe for her with a variety of outfits.I'm antisocial though and don't use social media. Where do people post doll photos besides chan boards? Especially the anime variety. Is it the standard stuff like Instagram and Twitter, or are there more Japanese centered sites that are better for posting? I do only speak English.I might just set up a blogger page to catalog my photos. I hate how you can't view someone's photo gallery on social platforms without having an account.
>>488105854chan boards are your best bet if you're antisocial, you could also try den of angels although it is far less active that it use to be thanks to social media.
>>48810585Flickr used to be very active, but not anymore. Instagram, Discord and Facebook are where everyone is nowadays, Twitter too if you're Japanese.DOA as mentioned above, it has slowed down over the years but it still has daily activity and people post pictures there. Same with Doll Dreaming.I've seen a few owners with personal blogs, you could start one and crosspost the pictures to here or to the forums
>>48811838NTA; are there any good doll discords? I found one through DoA but it was dead as fuck.
I don't like dolls because they scare me.
>>48814953The biggest one is activehttps://discord.gg/bjd
>>48814994this but 3dpd
>>48814175I like seeing dolls holding regular human size objects
>>48814994Do you know what about them makes you uncomfortable, anon?
>>48815231NTA but I don't like how human-like this one is, looks almost like a real 10 year old.
>>48815777That's the target audience
>>48819347From what I've seen, it's usually older ladies who buy/collect those kind of highly realistic dolls. They're very niche for clear reasons.
>>48820916BJDs absolutely, I meant AGs themselves. They look like realistic 10 year olds because their target audience are 10 year olds
>>48744742Honestly I love BJDs and nothing will take that away, but damn, it seems like a huge portion of jp owners are incredibly unfriendly or double faced. Peak ironic that my favourite owners ended up being so rude, literally keeps happening all the time. Recently, one of them (who's doll I love) posted something very harsh, saying they felt like absolute worthless trash or whatever, one of these 4AM posts, really bad, so I just sent them a DM (obviously in jp) trying to see if they wanted to talk or whatever, saying that I'm comfortable with translating and that. Bang, left on seen, never replied. How rude can you be man? at least say ok im fine, idk.I'm gonna generalize and say it's a thing against foreigners or something, or that they don't respect you/reply unless you prove that you're super into the hobby with pro level pics like some (which is gross). But again, I think even outside the doll hobby I've always had problems making friends with jp people, like in VRC. Ironic I ended up with way more Chinese friends after being surrounded by Japanese all these years, I found they're easy to befriend like Americans
>>48822684I see now! I was thinking of the life-sized Masterpiece Gallery Dolls.
>>48823090I just lurk here and I don't own a doll but I think you may have taken him shrugging you, an internet person and a non-japanese speaker, a little bit too personally. I can understand where you are coming from but who knows what they are posting is real or attention seeking these days.For what its worth you did the right thing and I think you should continue to enjoy his content but I wouldn't bother trying to reach out again.And who knows, he might have wanted to reply but got distracted and wandered off. I have ADHD so ifs very common for me to either leave people on read for weeks or to not even look at the message until days after its sent.
>>48823090Japanese people don't "make friends' in the same way that the Chinese and the West does. The Japanese take a very long time to get to know each other and almost all of the friends they make are happenstance, accidents, or provide a useful service to them (as in an old mentor). To them just stating "we are friends now" when you barely know a person is bizarre and mercenary way to go through life to them. At least that's what I've observed.
>>48823090You meant well and did a kind thing, anon, it was wonderful of you to reach out. But while some of us appreciate the kind words of a stranger, other people -- especially Japanese people -- tend to shrink away and withdraw from such direct perception (just look at how many artists nuke their social media and vanish if they get more attention than they anticipated.) I second what >>48823217 said -- I think you're taking this too personally. Opening up to strangers can be hard, especially when there's a major language barrier between you both, and reacting with uncertainty and stepping back from the interaction isn't an unreasonable response. It could also be that they were just venting into the void -- for reasons I don't understand, a lot of people seem to treat their social media accounts like a private journal and react with surprise and dismay if you interact with the things they've posted -- even when the account is public. Again, it's kind of you to reach out. But everyone reacts differently to these things, so try not to take it to heart if some people shy away. There are a million reasons why people might not respond to a DM, even a well-meaning one, and at the end of the day, no one is obligated to respond to anyone, even if we reached out with good intentions. Chalk it up to societal differences and keep going.
>>48823090>japanese people are autistic and xenophobicmore news at 11
>>48823090I attempt to keep my sad posting to myself but if I had a menhera moment on twitter I also probably wouldn't want to interact with someone I've never or had limited experience with, especially if there's a possible language barrier. Honestly, I would assume that's pretty normal, I don't want to make new friends when I'm not in a friendly mood. I'd rather talk to a trusted long-term friend who I know isn't going to gossip about me behind my back or at worse venting anonymously on one of the boards here.
>>48823426I mean, I totally would get if they didn't want to open up or say anything about it, but I just can't understand how can you not even reply a "It's ok, thank you". I don't know, I don't even see how you can shake that as "Japanese" thing, that's just education and manners honestly. Just for yapping, I'll tell you another one. I got talking with this JP person on VRC, honestly surprisingly social and fun, told them about dolls and the doll map, mutual X follow too. Some days later, I end up adding them on Steam so we could play a vr game together that I suggested. We arranged date and time (very formal) and 30 minutes before they send me a message saying they have to go to the hospital and they forgot. ?? Ok, I tell them don't worry we can play another day, no big deal at all (it wasn't). Also asked them if they were ok or whatever. Bang, they never replied to me EVER again. The funny thing is that this person usually hangs out with another who I've also added, and they usually visit the same map where I am, and the friend sometimes comes n says hi and this person doesn't come close now. Like wtf? Why?Anyway, back on JPdolls; I love them, but I've given up on the owners. Also reeks like it's all about presentation and networking for them, like if the doll hobby was some office job where you suck the cock of the highest fucker with the best doll or whatever. I'll just keep looking at the pretty pics they take and that's all for me.
>>48823974>that's just education and manners honestly.AKA culture, the japanese are like that because thats how they were educated and taught manners.when we say "the japanese are like that" we mean the japanese culture is like that, thats one of the main reason why the birthrate is so bad, they abhorrent any kind of relationship being friendly or romantic.
>>48823090>>48823974No offense anon, but you taking their non response as "rude" makes me feel like you're the rude one in this situation. If this person is mentally ill enough to post horrible shit about themselves on a public social media account, what makes you think they would suddenly become stable and respond to you, a complete stranger? Feels like you have a mild parasocial relationship with this creator.Just because you both like dolls doesn't mean you'll be able to get along or make friends. It's a single shared interest. There's a million reasons why they didn't reply. Maybe they felt ashamed, didn't want to talk, or are 100% uninterested in you which is something completely normal. Not everyone has the same personality. I've met weird and two faced Japanese people in a completely unrelated community as well, but I've managed to make very close friends as well. I've also had Japanese people shit on my more accomplished foreign friends, and seen other Japanese people explicitly defend them in response. >they don't respect you/reply unless you prove that you're super into the hobby with pro level picsI mean, does this person have pro level pics? Would your favorite owner have shitty pictures? Would you message non doll people who post this sort of stuff, who have no followers or anything interesting to post? Seriously, reflect on your reaction here.Your VRC chat experience is very shitty and weird though.
>>48823974Cultural upbringing and communication style can vary wildly. It's like how in small towns it's common to make small talk with one another in the grocery store, but in big cities everyone keeps to themselves -- in the former you don't see people nearly as often and the pace of life tends to be slower. In the latter, you are inundated with people and everyone has places to be, so it's more polite to keep out of each other's way. You also have introversion versus extroversion, things like anxiety or other mental illness, it's possible that OP might even want to respond, but finds it too nerve-wracking to do it (I understand the feeling.) Reaching out can be incredibly hard. There's another layer as well -- if the person you messaged is a well-known creator in the JP side of the hobby then they have to be extra cautious getting to know people, because unfortunately, once you get some numbers attached to your name, people start trying to get to know you not because of who you are, but because of what you do (and might be able to do for them.) It's really unfortunate! But it's not uncommon at all, and it makes getting to know people just that much more difficult. That's not your fault, but it's something I always try to be mindful of when interacting with others, especially of they're someone with a lot of renown in their field, hobby, etc. I won't say you never know what someone's really thinking or planning, but I will say it can take a surprisingly long amount of time for them to show their hand.So, try not to take it to heart, anon. You meant well. The world is a vast place and we have engineered the opportunity to be anxious into every facet of it. Give them some time, too -- maybe one day they will reply. If not, there's plenty more people in the world. Don't sweat the small stuff.
>>48824068>makes you think they would suddenly become stable and respond to you, a complete stranger?I've talked with them a couple times but never through DM, and also because I just felt like worried about them and did that. It's not really that hard to grasp that if you post something like that someone will reach you out. Ok, you didn't want to be open about it, that's more than fine, I wasn't even pushy about it, just wanted to tell them they could talk if they needed anything. But hey at least reply with Ok, three days later if you want or a week, but they never replied, just left on seen. I absolutely 100% consider that a little rude, I wouldn't reach out that person again. I obviously took it a little more personal because I liked this doll and have been following the owner, but parasocial relationship is way overboard. >Just because you both like dolls doesn't mean you'll be able to get along or make friends.?? I didn't say that at all, but if you want to argue though, it's a common shared interest that gets two people to start a conversation, whether that goes anywhere is another story, they might like dolls and be assholes so idk.> Would your favorite owner have shitty pictures?Yeah, but I just like dolls a lot, so I usually find weird charm around them either way, In fact I liked a lot pics from a guy who aren't really what you would call standard at all (pic rel) I think they have a lot of charm. I don't know why u assumed this either though, you assumed a lot of stuff in your reply, but this person I talked with isn't extremely famous either, just normal twitter person. Anyway sorry this is enough derailing, I just wanted to rant a little this much is OK.
>>48824123Elaborating on this in its own post, once I won an auction for a rare doll and had someone I vaguely knew contact the seller trying to impersonate me to get the listing mailed to them instead, because I made the mistake of believing we were friends and shared with them my good news. We had communicated casually for multiple months prior to this, so I had no reason to suspect they would go off the deep end. but! Live and learn. I am a literal-who in the hobby, but I had something rare, so people still came out of the woodwork. One impersonation attempt, one "my dying daughter wanted this doll" email chain, one "I was going to put mine up for sale for (extraordinarily low price), do you want it? (Which is an attempt to get me to cancel my original winning bid and get the item relisted -- when I offered to buy that one too, suddenly they changed their mind. Funny how that happens!) The point of the blogpost is that I don't blame the Japanese dollblogger for being a little wary. Hobbyists can be nuts.
>>48824209>a huge portion of jp owners are incredibly unfriendly or double faced>I'm gonna generalize and say it's a thing against foreigners or something>they don't respect you/reply unless you prove that you're super into the hobby with pro level picsAnon, you made a ton of assumptions/generalizations as well. The original picture you posted doesn't fit into the "weird" or unconventional category. And who knows if they got a bunch of DMs and didn't want to respond to them, or placed people they knew better in order of priority? A lot of other anons are suggesting reasons why they didn't respond (mental illness, thieves, shame, anxiety, etc) and you're just ignoring them and saying "no way, they didn't respond because they're being rude." I'm simply bringing up the same negative hypotheticals that you did.>it's a common shared interest that gets two people to start a conversationEhh I'd have to disagree here. There are a ton of Japanese doll owners/dealers who have terrible drama with each other, especially ones with shared activities in the hobby like faceups, sewing, etc. They don't even have a language or much of a physical barrier. Many Japanese MDD owners are either late 20s women or 40+ year old single salarymen, I don't think shared interest in dolls would allow them to become good friends very easily. Even people in the same demographics aren't safe from drama.
>>48824350They're generalizations based on my experience, sure not all Japanese people are unfriendly, and not all doll owners are assholes, but sure a good chunk are very unapproachable to say the least, so I've given up, that's all. If that's not your case then good. I was just ranting about this a little because, yes no one owes me a reply, but I still found it a bit rude in that situation to not acknowledge someone that reaches out for you, even days later. Yes, maybe they were anxious about it and even appreciated but never replied, or maybe they simply didn't care, maybe they will reply some day, I don't know. I for sure won't be bothering them anymore though.>The original picture you posted doesn't fit into the "weird" or unconventional categoryWhat picture? the very first one? That's just a random one. I'm not gonna post the person I actually talked to, I'm not that unhinged, god.>Ehh I'd have to disagree here.I don't feel you're disagreeing with me though, you're just saying what I said? Like, yeah people can share something and still don't get along, but people sharing a hobby usually gets them to talk to each other and like, connect in some way I mean, that's what we're doing here too and why we have bjd meetups irl.
>>48824123>once I won an auction for a rare doll and had someone I vaguely knew contact the seller trying to impersonate me to get the listing mailed to them instead, because I made the mistake of believing we were friends and shared with them my good newWhat the fuck anon, that's just plain horrible.I want to ask why are people so rude and why do people not care about being assholes like this, but yeah the world is just vast like that.
Less than two weeks until the Katsucon meet. I'm so excited to see everyone and their dolls who are attending!
>>48823090Gonna be honest anon is someone I didn't know DM'd me I would ignore it too.
How do you turn your dolls head? I feel like touching the face could mess up the face up but I also think turning by the head (hair) will get oils from your fingers and could deteriorate the hair after awhile. Granted I'm not turning the head every day but over time it could build up.
>>48825362then get some gloves?
>>48825362use gloves or touch the cap underneath her hair.you use a head cap right anon?
>>48825373>>48825392Will nitrile gloves be okay? I already have a box because I use them when handling my bike chain after it's been waxed.I don't have a head cap yet, I just got into the hobby and was under the impression those were only for making wigs fit better but the doll I bought came with a well fitting wig.
>>48825399>Will nitrile gloves be okay?they work but they're not ideal, hand oil can sweep thru>I don't have a head cap yet, I just got into the hobby and was under the impression those were only for making wigs fit bettersome wigs can stain the head of the doll, so a cap is a must.
>>48825399Get some white cotton gloves
>>48825419>>48825517I bought some museum/art handling gloves off amazon.
Got some wig caps too, better safe than sorry.
>>48825545perfect, now you just need a cap.anything else that you are not sure about?
>>48825575see>>48825553I think I got it all covered. I got a bunch of hair care supplies on the way and net bags to store the wigs. I guess my next purchase will be maybe a stand but that'll be a bit later.
>>48825583then you should be all set for now, welcome to the hobby.
>>48825419Does staining that part really matter if it's gonna be covered 100% of the time?
>>48826632That's a personal matter, ultimately. How much do you care? If it bothers you, it's important. If it doesn't bother you, it's less of an issue.
>>48825399>>48825419>>48825598>hand oil can seep through nitrilesorry but where did you hear that?sure nitrile may let some types of oil through after long exposure but they're miles better than cloth gloves, which 100% will let skin oils & sweat through>a cap is a mustthis very much depends on the materials used int he wigall the wigs I've bought (so far) have been synthetic fiber sewn to undyed linen caps, so no staining theresometimes you can't fit an extra cap underneath a wig (depends size of doll's head, fit of wig), sometimes you need one to keep the wig on regardless of staining (though some people use velcro for that)
Where do most owners get their glasses from? Everything I see on Ali or Etsy looks like stuff I wore as a kid and my girls deserve something more modern and stylish than that.>>48826632It does affect resale value and some owners are stainaphobes.
>>48826984I got my glasses off booth, its really simple round frames with basically no detail but works for my doll. I know theres some fancier glasses owners around.
>>48823090Bruh never interpret lack of action as action over instant messaging, it's a surefire way to turn yourself miserable or go schizoI have learned to avoid reaching out to people who bash themselves online ESPECIALLY if they're people who accept donations at the same time because 99% they just want the attention and pity money. I only worry when someone nukes. But when I want to send a supportive message I make sure there's no implicit invitation for follow-up. Especially younger people feel a lot like they want to extort something from you every time they interact; last thing you want is to answer someone's question (= request) or get pressured to talk to someone you don't want to. And I don't mean "there's no need to reply" that's just fucking irritating. Just say something nice and supportive. I've done this kind of thing in the past and I know it's done with good intent, but I imagine it's draining to be on the receiving end of it. Getting no-strings attached support hits different and feels more mature IMO.
Kou-chan now has elf ears.
>>48826814>sorry but where did you hear that?serial killers, more than one has been caught because they wore nitrile gloves and hand oil seep through and manage to left finger prints and DNA, it also happen to burglars and none-serial killers.>cloth gloves, which 100% will let skin oils & sweat throughno, unless you have disgustedly sweaty hands that would never happen and even then you can just wash the gloves with cold water and a mild detergent after some uses and problem solve, this is why if you see any person handling antiques or other precious items they are always using cotton gloves.
>>48825199So you did take a calendar arrival pic. Yuzu seems worried about Elle doing her hair. Is that a new dress for Elle below or is the black and white tricking me?I'm looking forward to your pics.
>>48830544I wonder if there are proper dwarf dolls now.
Letina has drank nearly an entire large shaken brown sugar espresso. I told her it may be a bit much, but she insisted. She seems to be doing just fine so maybe she has a very high caffeine tolerance, who knows?
>>48826984The usual places, Etsy, yahoo auction japan, Volks glasses are sold out instantly. 2nd hand from mandarake.
is blind box bjd posting ok? my bon bon pocket 1/6 girl just arrived and shes the sovereign of my captive heart
>>48832915Don't know why they wouldn't be. post away!
>>48831627Have you used either for more than a few minutes? Because I can guarantee you that cloth is more permeable than nitrile.
I'll wear nitrile gloves to handle heads that I haven't sealed yet. I'll go through them as I don't reuse them if I take them off. I do wash my hands before handling my dolls, just position their heads by their chins and grabbing their wigs avoiding the faceup, but it will probably be fine with light touches if its sealed properly. It's sealed plastics and synthetic wigs, the sun will do more damage than the oil on your hands. Don't over think it, do what is comfortable.
>>48831863>So you did take a calendar arrival pic.yeah I had intended to develop that roll before I moved but ran out of timeand yeah it's the same skirtthose are just contact scans (basically roll previews) done on my document scanner so even though what I uploaded is low-res the actual scan isn't much better (too many layers = blurry)I'll do actual scans on an actual film scanner later this week / weekendat least this lets me see I'm going to have to do significant postprocessing on the delta 3200 roll, rip>>48831627>caught because they wore nitrile gloves and hand oil seep through and manage to left finger prints and DNAI guarantee you it was because they got all that shit on the outside of the gloves when putting them onpersonally I use nitrile for extended doll manipulation (changing parts/clothes, indoor shoots, faceups) and wipe them off with an IPA wipe after putting them onI also use cloth gloves for when I'm shooting outdoors and need to take them on & off constantlyBUT that's just how I do things
>>48833184>I guarantee you it was because they got all that shit on the outside of the gloves when putting them onno, but I'll admit that I'm being pedantic, the material that sweeps through can only be detected at the microscopic level and this seepage allows you to leave finger prints even while wearing nitrile gloves (this is how they get caught, because not many people know this). That is the main reason why people handling antiques and paintings don't use nitrile because they will leave finger prints all over it.cotton and cloths gloves are thicker so there is no immediate seepage, only after wearing them for hours will they allow seepage if you have sweaty hands, so for normal doll handling they are perfect if you wash them every couple weeks or so.but in the end it doesn't matter what you use, it's your doll so care for her however you see fit, I was just pointing out facts that the average person wouldn't know.
>>48833728I was trying to research this and ran into a problem where none of the articles I've found on the subject are available in the usual places. doi:10.7282/t3-0prv-na10 seems interesting (Fluorescent chemical development of latent fingerprints) but I can't find conclusive information on this anywhere. I would love to read more on this though anon, sincerely asking.
>>48833813>>48833831google has built-in features to stop you from researching shit that could help you commit crimes, you're basically googling "how to make a pipe bomb", it's not going to show up.I work in forensics and thats why I know, pic related it's a glove print made from a latex gloves, is not nitrile but they have similar prints.yes, it's way better to have an actual finger print because the glove print it's different that your finger print so it can only be use to match it to the glove, also this type of prints can only happen after extended use, if they do it fast enough it would just leave smudges and half prints that won't be of much use and it's a pain in the ass since they can't be use as evidence.I don't want to derail the thread anymore than I already have, use what ever the fuck you want it literally doesn't matter, unless you are touching your dolls for hours at a time you can use what ever you want and it would work just as fine.
>>48825199Why does it look like something erotic is going on in the last two rows of pics?
There's a short online survey from Volk made for their "Dolly Day in Barcelona" participation.At the last question: >What do you expect from Volks as first-time exhibitors at the event? I simply replied: Nothing, i don't like anime dolls.Because i really, really don't: They're bland pieces of junk.
>>48833930That's not google.
That's nice. So why are you in a thread about anime dolls then? Actually don't even answer that and just fuck off quietly.
I think I'm going to take some dolls to an upcoming anime convention I'm going to and take some photos of them there. Will report back if they go well, very nervous taking them out to it.
>>48832941oh sweet! i got a cute wig for her too because i couldve sworn they came with bald head pieces... ah well now im just waiting for those to come in a couple weeks
>>48838480I kind of dig the hard plastic hair, don't see much of those around.
>>48838480cute! i finally decided to get a blind box bjd too, and she’s got the tiniest s-hooks i’ve ever seen
>>48838852she seems to get along with my other doll (who drinks like a fish…)
>>48838965she is way smaller than I thought, look bigger on the first pic.
>>48838991the set she’s from is marked as 1/12 (which i associate with figmas), so she is actually a little bigger than i expected! here she is with a nendoroid doll for comparison
>>48839066ah that makes sense, I just thought she was bigger here >>48838852 because I thought that was a human size couch at first
>>48838480What blind box series is this cutie from? I was looking at blind box bjds, since I'm not quite ready to commit to a full sized doll, but most blind boxes I've found are fantasy themed, and I was looking for more normal/casual styled girls.
>>48839495she's from BonBonPocket's Fashionable Cute Girls series, which just came out this january! got a confirmed box off ali because i was smitten with this design, but im really fond of most of them (ive also seen them called 'weird cute girls' which is on the box and 'strange cute girls' which i assume is a translation)>>48838750im not usually crazy about the plastic hair but hers is very cute, will probably alternate between them
>>48839862these are so cute. please post pics when you get her wig! i don't like hard hair at all, but i'm seriously tempted by these. if they look cute with a normal wig i might get one
>>48839862they are so cute!! I'm gonna start saving up to buy them all.
>>48839862top right looks like Amiya Arahnaneat
>>48839967will do! the head pieces seem like they wont be here until late this month so her wig is just sitting lonely on my shelf modeled by a bottle of tea leaves. hoping to pull off a longer wolf cut type style with a similar white star barrette
>>48834788Nonzero chance that there is something erotic going on in the last two rows of pics.>>48838965Smol>>48839862Those are really cute. I think I'd be happy with any of them.
>>48829390I know, it doesn't matter anon, they were right and I just took it at facevalue for some reason. Who knows what's up with them. I still have a beef with japs in general, but I was wrong in this one and I accept it.Ironic enough, the day after I wrote that I woke up to probably the worst day i ever had in 9 years and what will go as one of the worst days of my life. I sure I couldn't care about anyone else at all
So I saw USPS is no longer accepting packages from China so if you have BJD stuff on the way from China how are you supposed to get it?
>>48840460I'm not sure if it's the case everywhere, but there are other common services for international shipping that don't use usps.
>>48840460>So I saw USPS is no longer accepting packages from Chinawhat?!?! since when? what happen?
>>48840472I'm mostly concerned about the Liroro Fairytale House Series I ordered. It just shipped so hopefully it doesn't go through USPS.>>48840479Something with the trade bullshit but I guess it literally started today. All the major sites have articles about it but nothing on forums yet. I suspect it may not last long? I can imagine the backlash is going to be pretty severe once word gets around.
>>48840488>All the major sites have articles about it but nothing on forums yet.rip I don't watch the news but considering how much stuff comes from china I doubt it would last long...I hope it doesn't last long.
>>48840511I can't imagine it will? I assume a lot of people have shit on the way so USPS just isn't going to take it, return to sender, let it sit somewhere? How's that supposed to work, I doubt everyone will get a refund and a lot of folks will be pissed.
HUH so it turns out this whole color film thing kind of works tooignore the unfortunately-located white speckles, that was a tragic accident that occurred post-development film I tried to cut because it was dry was in fact not as dry as it seemed>>48834788>>48840122no comment, judge for yourself when I post the full version
>>48840550What doll is that? I really like the picture
>>48840460Man I can't even play with dolls in peace, this is stupid.
>>48840460some people voted for this so
>>48840568You sure do, right
>>48840858I sure do
>>48840568that's Elle, she's an AngelPhilia… Elleand thanks, I did that shoot (digital) back in June of last year, added some shots onto my first roll of color film as a test so I'm not terribly bummed about the blemishespicrel is the quality of the digital photos in comparison (Pentax K-1), film was Portra 400>>48840858>>48840871well she tends toward these types of photos
>>48840893Fatherless behavior
>>48840893>AngelPhiliano wonder she was so provocative
>>48840460I'm worried about all the shit I'm waiting on to ship after Chinese New year and pre orders that will ship later in the year. No Chinese packages in transit fortunately but I do have a Mandarake package and hope there won't be additional bullshit against Japan. I guess worst case scenario, I'll ship my shit to over seas family members and pick up when I see them or have them mail it to me.
>>48823090This is like looking into a mirror at my past self... Anon you are too emotionally invested, and need to back off. You owe each other nothing and should expect absolutely nothing, especially on the internet where scams are so prevalent. This is the same as trauma dumping when a store clerk asks about your day or how you are doing. Sadly, it just isn't the right person, time, or place to do so.
>>48840460USPS is missing out on all the extra revenue they could be making by charging you 10-15 bucks for the privilege of paying 25% tariffs.
>>48840959Considering Mandarake is used items, probably not. I doubt they keep track of where things are manufactured, so country of origin for those items would be Japan, not China. Its been a hot minute since I ordered from them, but I remember the import sheet being a generic listing of "used doll item" regardless of what company made it.Stuff from Japanese sites or companies? If they made it in China, your gonna get some ransom notes in the mail later on. I don't know where Volks sources their clothes from, but I know Azone is from Malaysia so they're in the clear. Smart is entirely Japanese.Anyway, enjoy your cost of basically everything going up for the next 4+ years.
if volks would rerelease the ribbon girl set we would have world peace, i think.
>Have a mixed japanese/chinese order at ACBJD that was supposed to arrive later this month.Well fugg. >>48842857That and Mikus Project Sekai set. There's a special circle in hell reserved for scalpers.
>>48824776Oh boy, can't wait to watch from afar again because, after all this time of lurking, I still haven't bought my own yet. Surely 2025 will be the year, though...
>>48842857>rereleaseDoubt it.Pic is a 11x markup compared to MSRP.I'd just pay the asking $500 for it now if its a grail costume set. Heck, even Sadol-doll clothes cost nearly $500 for a full set.
>>48840460I had a feeling something bad was coming up so I got my AliExpress purchases done last month. Sad to see that feeling was right...
>>48843293>just the fucking clothes>that pricetagc'mon man. scalpers need to neck themselves. i won't even fault someone charging extra to offset the cost of import fees or taxes where applicable, breaking even or making a tidy profit is fair, but this shit? for fuck's sake...
>>48840728i voted against this, so fml i guess>>48843485glad you did, anon! i meant to buy some more clothes and other crap off aliexpress but dragged my feet too long. probably will still purchase there regardless for wigs and oddities i can’t find elsewhere…
In case you anons didn't see USPS has already lifted the ban.
>>48846127i did not! thank you, i don’t have the will to keep up with all this fuckery on my own
>>48846127Thanks anon, I also don't have the will to keep tabs on this individually. You're a peach.
Thank god I'm already broke and can't buy dolls so I can't become broker by buying 16 dolls and enough clothes for an entire doll mall.
>>48846775isn't that what credit cards are for eh
>>48846862>>48745428if you go into credit card dent this will happen to your doll when you are homeless. she will have to sleep in the snow. you don't want that do you?
>>48846862I like to think of myself as slightly more responsible then that
>>48846871Sell herwhore her out.Dolls are assets that generate wealth
>>48846877Dolls are for loving marital sex only and any money gained from marrying one to someone else should be thought of more like a dowrywait no isn't dowry bride to groomreverse dowry?
>>48846876why is she looking at me like that?
>>48847014wants your money
>>48840460I had a package coming from Orione when this was announced, worried that I would be out ~$600. Luckily it was processed anyway and says it's arriving Friday. So I'm not sure what's going on. Maybe the scale swords I ordered yesterday from AliExpress won't make it, we'll see.>>48846127oh nevermind lmao
>>48847073shes gonna get this instead.
>>48840928who, me or her?
2025 Snow Miku outfit will be up for preorder soon.
>>48847688I'm tired of snow miku, when are we gonna get normal miku?
>>48847763I wish they'd rerun Sakura Miku...
>>48848209You mean Sakura Miko?
>>48790329what's the source on this? it's very cute, reverse image search doesn't give me anything
>>48848209Aren't they about to this spring?
>>48795277The wigs I bought came in today and they do not fit like at all. They're too small, I can't even get them on the head. I bought 7/8 and I guess I should have bought 8/9. I think I measured the head wrong (the fabric tape measure I got has a huge blank space before the 0 so maybe that was it or I measured the wrong spot). I'll buy some 8/9s later on and save these 7/8s for future dolls.
>>48851975Well, it turns out I did measure wrong or something. I looked at Letina's measurements online and her head circumference is 21cm which is 8.26in and that translates to needing an 8/9 wig, I should have double checked that. I read somewhere, maybe reddit, to not trust those and to measure yourself and go with that which got me into the situation of getting the wrong size. I think going forward I WILL trust those measurements until proven wrong because if a site posts all the measurements why would they be wrong?
>>48852212For future reference, that advice is more useful if you're buying from a third party seller or a dealer. If you're buying straight from the creator, you can trust the measurements.
>>48854330thank you anon, I appreciate you
>>48858238We should all be blessed with such a lovely climbing partner
Hard to think it's only been about a year since Akira arrived. She got her 1-year birthday gift a couple weeks early but I'll still find something special to do for her on the 22nd. I'm fairly impressed with these Orione outfits.
>>48865185wow, those outfits do look complicated but CUTE!! the prints and ornaments scale really well
anyone here print their bjd parts?
Took my doll to a con and took a photo of her there. Took a few more on film that if they come out well I'll post here.
>>48865185Super cute outfits. >>48866999Cute, hopefully the film comes out. Never get tired of that volks outfit.
6x6 Ilford HP5+ @ 800 ISO110mm macro @ f/5.6
>>48871164I prefer the closeup but here's the full shot
>>48871177>>48831863>Yuzu seems worried about Elle doing her hairwell she'd have the same expression whether she liked it or not what I intended with her faceup/personality
>>48871202and yes I did get the calendar, it's currently in my (work) office because I haven't worked up the courage/time to knock nails into my new apartment walls… also, is it just me or is there something pretty important missing from the calendar?
>>48871164>>48871177I like the full shot a bit more since you can see Elle's face.>>48871202Cute! CUTE!>>48871222>missing from the calendarI can't read your mind anon
>>48871238>since you can see Elle's faceI was trying to have her hide her face and wasn't happy with how her hair was falling, cutting her mostly out of the frame worked a lot better>I can't read your mind anoncredits for the dolls on the cover>>48834788>>48840122alright you may judge nownone of the film shots in this shoot turned out well, this is the least bad and was heavily over-exposed
>>48871896>credits for the dolls on the coverAh, you're quite right. See attached.In case it isn't clear: anon didn't provide any names or maker details for the cover girls
>>48840550turns out VueScan's ICE just decided not to work for that test scan, here's a better scan (might not be the exact same photo but they're all fine now)>>48872592I see
>>48815567nta, but I think it's the fact that they have human eyes and mouths, typically associated for human expression, but they do the exact opposite. Something in your brain puts you in fight or flight where you don't think you're in danger, but also don't want to close your eyes around it, lest it moves when you least expect it. I would constantly have this nightmare where I would be looking at a doll lined up on the wall and its eyes move in my peripherals.
>>48873585Nobody post the gif, it will scare anon away
>>48873585do you find even the cute anime dolls scary?
>>48876503Which one?
>>48878264I'm convinced my doll is alive but she hides it perfectly because she knows how much of a disgusting creep I am.
>>48851975All the cash you sacrifice for dolly will please her, no matter if it fits or not. You're doing good anon
>>48745415What mold is this if I may ask?
>>48879112Volks Sdgr Alice (white skin).Has multiple versions such as Lorina which is the same mold.http://www.tenshinokichi.com/2019/01/11/alice-jo-lorina/
>>48879221thank you senpai, she is very cute
>>48877023I think they're not scary because they're stylized and less human looking.
>>48840091delayed to mid-late march TT_TT worst comes to worst ill shell out for the whole extra body
I don't know if anyone has said this yet, but whoever put together the new doll guide kicked ass. I was looking for information on doll stores in Japan since I'll be going for the first time this year and ended up reading the whole thing.