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Soldier of Fortune Edition #18

Old: >>62492715
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OP-Rod Pistons had always been the better gas system
Where is Ash I have a few questions about thermals.
In the Ashcord of course
anyone knows what buffer tube it got?
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Ezpz rapid repeatable shots on steel at 800y. Credo, 77gr and strelok. Gotta get an lrf and tripod now.
Happy far friday, /arg/.
How do you see anything at 800 yards
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only reason why it's still in stock is because of that FUCKING PRICE TAG
I like that the QD system tucks into the body of the mount itself but not enough for me to sell my eotech magnifier and ftc mount
Safe to assume it's milspec
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Excellent. We need more attempts at long range shooting here to see how easy it really is
I'd imagine some kind of optical instrument that observes distant objects
What makes you think that, you can't see the whole thing
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this place is so outdated like who still fucking runs a2 grips? it's all about that b5 feel me. same with quads lol that was like soo 2013. oh god can't forget about still using a heavy ass 12oz bcg when you can just use a 7075 carrier with a carbine buffer and spring for maximum recoil reduction without affecting reliability
oh gosh you guys are so stuck in your ways like niggas really putting red dots on elcans LOLOLOLOLOL
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got muh tbag, when you slap the bottom of the mag when it's not completely full, even gently, rounds go shooting out. When it's full, same thing but gotta actually love tap it. The Gen 2 pmags do the same thing when they're full and also speed deload when not full when tapped (just tried it). It's clear enough that you can easily make out the type of projectiles loaded from the front, so visual cues on if you're running 77gr or SS109 are much quicker at a glance. Besides that, lubed the spring as it sounded like complete ASS before doing so.
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Opinions on ADM UIC/ADM4? Looking at pic related with a 14.5 barrel and Surefire CTN FH.
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Apparently the nips make good glass
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forgot pic
Because if you look up that brace for sale on the same website it days compatible with milspec receiver extensions. I don't think PSA sells commercial spec tubes, they would have a bunch of pissed off customers if they did.
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It's fine. Maybe get spares for the proprietary bolt catch
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You have no need for transmags, only lust.
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I got this for a gun I don't even own yet and I dont really like it
Pretty happy with my mdt-tikka
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Should've just gotten a McMillan or H-S Precision instead.
Yeah, I just didn't want to spend that much. This was $290 during a Labor Day blem sale. The grip area is just a little too thick and I'm not sure about the angle of it
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I don't believe I've ever seen orange blinds before
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Nice greenis.
looks like cheap plastic shit yet it's like almost 400 dollars right?
>not a single scratch on the gun
He has actual brass on the deflector, anon.
Cow kneecaps are just as good for your dog's teeth as greenies
Give it time.
>almost 400 dollars right?
New and unblemished yes
I mean yeah, I threw it together 2 months ago
>when you slap the bottom of the mag when it's not completely full, even gently, rounds go shooting out
wowee zowee its literally exactly the same as lancers that everyone shits on
All the blind's faggot's funs will be bought for pennies on his estate sale.
I haven't even received my hellion yet but I'm already regretting it. It's over. I should have listened to /arg/.
>regretting having your own Croation braphog
I hate all balkan niggers. That's unironically why I'm regretting it. Should have just gotten the x95 I had my eyes on.
all they're worth besides the full auto lower. should sell them now and build one good gun first.

What photo is this from?
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>I hate Balkan niggers, so I better buy sand nigger shit
I know this is bait but this is hits too close to home
The November 1983 cover of Soldier of Fortune?
That's me and my boys on our way to go kick some niggers ass.
>would rather buy from the literal Jew
I know Croats aren’t the best Balkans but oy vey
What is arg's favorite AR?
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Geissele URGI
I don't have a problem with Jews.
found the problem lol
Of all my builds, I really like this one but I don't shoot it often
Any DD ris ii, nothing else beats it in terms of value
Ok, Moshe.
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I like it. Which other rifles do you have/shoot more? I can't recall.
It has been 47 days, Aero has not shipped the Stag 15 blem lower.
If you don't like Q or CAT marketing you really need to do yourself a favor and watch the magpul Tmag commercial on their youtube channel
Finally a mag for the trans community.
These two are extremely cozy rn
Tenebraex sent the replacement ARD and it's too small. At this point I'm convinced they don't want to sell to civilians but they want the money.
my green one
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Took those pictures of the NGAL, did it solo and the weight of my SR15 caused a POA shift when I left it on the tripod to go mark the target so I wouldn't take that as accurate.

That said, each piece of glint in the corner of the A zone is 1/2x1/2" and are the visible laser POA. Distance was 25 yards, each scribble was as good as I could mark under NODs by myself.
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and the laser actually put onto an upper, since it was all going on a tripod.
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I want one and will probably get one, but at that price ill wait till I can see some youtuber review it or something
what goon tape is that?

Also thoughts on midgas faux dissys?
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How to properly store them or how to take pictures of them?
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Nice. It's a great feeling.
I appreciate the optimism
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Me gusta
If you don't fix your lighting I'm going to come out there and cockslap your girlfriend's booty so hard the sound waves will cause a tsunami and destroy Japan.
Not even judas dared for so much
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You keep talking shit like that and ima go teach a drawing class at my nearest battered women's shelter
You went too far with the bcg thing, fucking idiot child you don't know shit and don't remember the awb when we had lightweight semi auto cut bolt carriers, heavier carrier equals more goober more reliable but what the fuck would you know about who Jim Sullivan is the what he said shut the fuck up fuck you stay in your shitcord server
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Make my day, buttercup.
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Based DMR enjoyer
What tripod/saddle?
11.5 CQBish SBR, basic bitch 2003 Iraq war Block 1.5 and MK12 MOD H which I just posted. My next build will probably be a Gordy rifle
Plain old hockey tape
BOG deathgrip. I was thinking of replacing it with the HOG tripod
Why am I seeing so many tripods lately? I thought the spr craze was over but I guess not. I'm all for it I just didn't think people were still doing it when the conversation died down.
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Real g's move in silence like lasagna
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I found out I can eat a family size lasagna and if I don't eat or drink anything else that day I would still lose weight.
Dammit now I want lasagna and garlic bread
>garlic bread
Fuck I was supposed to get that at the store earlier. I walked right past it and thought "yeah I should come back and get some before I leave."
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>$400 rail
>nothing beats it in value
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lasagna is fuggin gross people.
it's the geissele of the tomato sauce and pasta game
Former Army Guy here, what optic should I get for my AR that will:
a) not break the bank (I am not rich)
b) perform good enough (I'm not exactly a competitive marksman)
c) make sure I get mocked as little as possible for owning it
>inb4 ha ha! you're a F. A. G. ha ha haaa!
My body is a temple.
Watching the debate rn finally with my ar15
surplus comp m2
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probably something in the Holosun flavor. 503 or 510c depending on your preference. Holosun makes a good product, probably duty grade longevity and strength, not crazy expensive.
I knew i shoulda snagged one of those from the arms room...
If i spent more than 500 bucks I would kill myself, so preferably lower and if possible close to 0
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wtf i love lasagna now.
I'm bored
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Hi bored I'm Cumming.
hi anon, I'm bored
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tmags inspired me
I have an original sonichu medallion
That's way too much work with the wood and the clamps. Just use tape and lay them on some cardboard.
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nah they took all of 30 seconds to set up, it was nice having them standing. i like doing all 4 colors in one go and not needing to wait for them to dry to flip them is nice
I spin them on my finger like a basketball on the cardboard
>having them standing
Interesting I didn't know they were upright. I usually make paint an all day thing with lots of beer.
they're obviously not standing in that pic unless the cans are glued to the wall
Yeah no shit. You're the one that said they were standing.
I didn't say shit about them standing, not that anon, stupid faggot
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holosun 403r (~$120 street price), 503gu (~180), or 503g (~180). I've owned all three of these and they unironically have less blue tint than aimpoint t1/t2, and romeo 4t. To my eye, the reticle itself (503gu emitter especially) is crisper than all the others. The 503gu can also toggle between eotech style reticle and 2moa dot. There are vatnicks slotting eachother using holosuns as we speak, just in case you need the (((combat tested))) factor to help you cope with purchasing chinesium

Holosun piggybacked in pic related
Not doing this tonight.
stop gunsooming and go play with your dog you fucking bloody bitch
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they weren't standing in that picture, sorry i should have clarified
if he buys a holosun i am 100% mocking him
It's a neat idea I'll probably try that next time but I don't have that many clamps.
you can never have too many clamps, checked
Good point and I've been wanting to try more technical camo patterns.
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>stop gunsooming
>go play with your dog you fucking bloody bitch
golden retrievers are pure dopamine, he gets near constant attention from me
who makes a good 20" chf upper these days?
Probably buying that clearance mk16, anything else cheap from Geissele worth buying?
>no Maritime bolt catches on the website, but everywhere else
fuck you bill
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Is there anyone selling FRTs yet? Last time I saw (like a month ago) any sites currently.up were scams.
been to busy with school and having anal sex with my gf to go shooting for a while
might make it up to the range in a few weeks though
which credo?
Get the matching green Airborne Charging Handle if you have a suppressor
Sling, light, irons and save up for something nicer
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I grilled senpai about no parallax adjustment and he said "works on my machine, 800y" and he was correct as per usual. I also snagged a hit at 900 and would have at 1000 but I ran out of ammo. After 800 it goes transonic so shots were much less predictable.
Should I spend more and get the Tikka bolt gun or be a cheap nigger and get something basic
I thought tikka was basic but I see the price has gone up quite a bit since it became the /k/ meta. You're doing 6.5 creedmore? Should get an AR10.
>You're doing 6.5 creedmore?
Still undecided. .308 has an old timey cozy feeling
>Should get an AR10
The main reason to get the rifle is trying hunting and PA doesn't allow semi-auto rifles for big game
FN makes the best. PSA or BCA if you’re cheap. Some cl button barrels are decent like the Windham or DSArms. If you’re going pencil profile for A1, Fulton Armory makes the best most accurate but the Brownells is decent. Luth is ok.
Getcha a savage and if you feel the need to later then upgrade it as necessary. You will probably find you want different things out of a hunting rifle than a precision gun.
tikka rifles were like 400 dollars at europtic for the longest time. How much cheaper can you go?
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Do we know A2's opinion on Dirty Civilian?
>niggas really putting red dots on elcans
14.5 ris 2.
what do you want to do with it?
sigshit 4xt pro if you want a red dot
whatever the step down from the razor 1-6 is if you want something else. I think it's the Viper PST Gen 2
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My FN chf cl shoots 2 moa with 77s 5moa with 62gr
Shot 1moa with tula

Gonna have to play with more weights

I would go Fulton if I was to do it again and not put so much emphasis on having a chromed barrel
this gun fucks, what upper?
That's an arms rail
Yes, it's fuck off retard.
Based a2.
They're like $700 for a T3X Lite now
Erm… AR15?
Boring, let's talk about 22lr rifles instead.
I just got an athlon scope for my kidd rifle so imma go shoot in an hour or so
>have to drive an hour for the nearest outdoor range that isn't absolute garbage
I hate Houston
Could be worse. The nearest outdoor range that's 1 hour away that isn't absolute garbage could be half shut down by the nose tribe and their invaders.
>local lgs has tmags for $19, no tax on cash sales
>no one's buying them lol
i also think I finally decided on a flow 556k but I'm cheap so I just made the guy talk to me about cans for 30 minutes today before I left without buying anything
I just wish I could shoot in my backyard.
>has tmags for $19
Nah they don't
The 4th amendment protects you from un-warranted search and seizure
However, there is an exception to the 4th amendment called the "single purpose container" exception, which allows for the warrantless search of a container that is so distinctive that its contents are a foregone conclusion.
i.e. gun bags/boxes

Considering this, what would the best container be for an AR-15 that could not be reasonably construed as a single purpose container?
I do not want cops/feds doin be dirty.
American shooting centers isn't too bad, kinda gay that they make you do a psuedo-qual shoot in order to use any of the ranges past 100m though
A cardboard box. Anything nigger wtf
>However, there is an exception to the 4th amendment called the "single purpose container" exception, which allows for the warrantless search of a container that is so distinctive that its contents are a foregone conclusion.
Genuinely provide source for this.
Are you saying that putting every gun sticker I get on my safe/hard case is a bad idea?
Write “no gun inside”
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Don't forget it gets muddy and floods. Changing a target is a pain
Are you allowed to train in the m*d?
It's very much a fud/boomer outdoor range where you're only allowed to sit at the bench and plink. I'm sure they do some class thing that allows you to fire from a holster draw but other than that there isn't much fun allowed
On one hand I think rifle quals are stupid.
On the other hand I realize they probably exist because of how many retards showed up with a non zero’d non leveled scope and just started shooting at 400 yards with no idea where the bullet was going
So does my range because mexicans shot away all the grass on every lane from blasting trash at 5 yards even though it's a 100 yard lane and you're not supposed to blast trash.
That sucks. I was gonna say how that m*d/floods is great to train in.
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>it’s 80 degrees on September 14th
What the fuck man I want to be wearing my comfy clothes and drinking cider and not getting a sunburn at the range
Are you British?
>inb4 b-b-but that's retarded!!1!
I don't make the rules
I don't think that would be what matters, I think the cops would seek any justification for a search, and find any excuse. They could say "oh, this container is sold by cabelas for the purpose of carrying a gun! Therefore, it is a single use container!"
But yeah stickers that are gun related are probably not a good idea, a lot of it is based around the "reasonable person" standard which can get weird a lot of the time. Including other non-gun stickers might help.
You must remember that some cops and nearly are feds are niggermonkey freaks who will bend every rule to the extreme with the hopes that they get something, and if they get nothing they will at least get to subject you to a lengthy and painful legal process that proves your innocence.
It's 47 degrees here in anchorage.
Fuck you.
>I don't make the rules
Okay let us pretend that this is actually real. Why are you letting cops search your vehicle then? Are you retarded?
47 degrees is comfy what’s your problem
Possible, lanbos had them for 18. Academy or sportsman's has them in stock as well. Stop being terminally online
Thanks bros. Looking to build a “do it all rifle”. Does anyone have the newfag AR build guide? I’ve seen it posted here before but neglected to save it.
MY problem?
lel you're the one getting roasted southtard
Dd 14.5" upper with a ledcog
I live in the northeast
80 degrees in mid September is uncommon here.
you below 50 degrees north?
I’m below 50 degrees one day above 80 degrees the next day north
You can get sunburnt at any temperature.
Idk I left my protractor at school
>Yakubian hands typed this...
Hell, you can get sunburnt especially in freezing temperatures if you're in the arctics (because of the sun reflecting on the ice and snow), but 80 is not a hot temperature to be complaining about heat and an exceptionally strong sun to sunburn you with.
I don't believe XCRanon would have this much vitriol for the South.
It is if you’re white
Thanks. Those come p&w’d right? I don’t have a suppressor but plan on it eventually, which muzzle device should I have my gunsmith change it to?
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imagine not knowing your location 100% of the time
Figure out what suppressor you want and get the MD that’s compatible with it.
STILL no answer on a discrete gun bag...
I am in fact *White and my ethnic origins are from an area in which the winters do get bitterly cold but the summers also get nice and hot.
I know where I am, hell.
Figure it out yourself fool. There are only so much bags you can use that are of appropriate length that won't obviously scream "Gun" because the cop used arbitrary discretion to proclaim it as a gun bag. You're playing a losing game.
get a guitar case
You can't recommend him a guitar case because that's a blatantly obvious "single use" container by his retarded worries.
a guitar case would be a single purpose container and the cops could search it
Bro just get a gun bag. You will never find the right answer if you're going to be a schizo about it.
It's almost like there's no actual law for this "single use container" bullshit. A car is a single user container, does that mean cops can now search it?
A car is not a single purpose container...
>Purpose is to drive and carry people
Any lawyer can argue this is single purpose container.
Finding training in Texas is difficult. You have the be a landowner or know someone that owns land where you can shoot. I always envy those mid to north States where you can just drive off to the desert and shoot all you want
"The single-purpose container exception allows for the warrantless search of a container that is so distinctive that its contents are a foregone conclusion and can therefore be said to be in plain view."
From that link explaining the rule that you didn't read.
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Surefire four prong with an rc2. Just mount it yourself. You're a big boy, right? Super easy. Alcohol swab the mating threads. Take your time to find the correct shim combo to time the MD so that you're about 1/4 turn from torquing to correct orientation. Apply a small amount of red loctite to both mating threads. Torque to correct MD timing and wa la.
broh clean up that paracord mess on the stock, you could get away with just one strand since the shit is hard to break
latest consumerism phase
Is Gmansporting g2g?
>a container that is so distinctive
Sounds like it describes a house. I guess houses are free game to search without a warranty now. (I did read it by the way, which is why I'm giving you so much shit).
Am I gonna be annoyed by the glass tint on the UH-1 Gen II or should I just get the EXPS3 with the new CQB reticle?
A house isn't a container.
The dog
>I know you are going to put the short upper on the rifle lower as soon as the camera is off
Then what is it? Is a house a ball? Is it a fishing rod?
A house is a house.
80 degrees is cool my man.
You are arguing with a wall when you argue with schizos.
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Spoiler alert: a house is just a container with a different name. And it's single purpose. Do you see what the issues are now?
It genuinely is going in one ear and out the other.
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I lived down there for 6 years or so, it was a good place to buy shit, but that is it. All the land is controlled by boomers, oil corps, or gen X-ers trying to emulate boomers. Moved to Michigan and can shoot basically whenever I want with all the state land. Course When you are able to start shooting regularly the ammo budget becomes a thing again.
nigger, READ
I gave you everything you need to not be a fucking retard about it
Did you even read what you linked?
>The single-purpose container exception allows for the warrantless search of a container that is so distinctive that its contents are a foregone conclusion and can therefore be said to be in plain view
A house is a single purpose container that is so distinctive that its contents are a foregone conclusion and can therefore be said to be in plain view. You desperately need to learn legalese or just give up your guns. I don't know what to tell you.
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for an impulsive 1am spray job, I'm pretty happy with how these came out
You're fucking retarded
>the contents of a house are a foregone conclusion
How are you this dumb?
First off, a house is not a container, it is a living space.
Second, you cannot know what is contained within a house from the outside.
A house does not exist to contain only ONE thing, it contains MANY things, beds, dressers, microwaves, TVs, refrigerators etc. Meaning that if it was a container, which it is not, then that container would NOT have a single purpose with regards to what it contains.

You CAN look at a glock pistol box and conclude that there is a glock pistol in there.
You CAN look at a bundle container of cocaine and determine there is cocaine in there (this is the specific instance that lead to this ruling)
>You CAN look at a glock pistol box and conclude that there is a glock pistol in there.
>You CAN look at a bundle container of cocaine and determine there is cocaine in there (this is the specific instance that lead to this ruling)
Now in MY opinion this is ALL retarded, but my opinion is of no consequence, I'm just relaying to you what the courts have ruled.
Why are you arguing against me? I'm fucking right. Go defend yourself against a future scientist right now trying to tape your asshole and watch a lawyer call him the victim. This started because you're so goddamn autistic that you can't figure out how to buy a rectangular bag for your guns and need someone to spoon feed you. Stupid idiot.
You aren't right at all, you didn't read anything about this, you're just saying shit that you think sounds clever.
He doesn’t actually want to talk about rifle bags.
I know, he just wants to suck cocks and doesn't understand that when you try to set a retarded precedent like that, that is so up to interpretation it's entirely arbitrary in nature - you may as well toss out the fourth amendment.
If you don’t own any tmags, don’t reply to me.
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>timmy mags
It is visible but it doesn't bother me. Not as bad as a cmore or rmr
Just be aware how fragile the eotech is
Rather stock up on Jimmy mags.
>suggesting buying from a company that hires cold blooded murderers
Kill yourself.
>Hovering heels
Very unSlav
Thanks for the response. I wanted to upgrade from the XPS2 and I've not necessarily been kind to that optic, but it served me well. I never thought of Eotechs as fragile at least not compared to other holographics.
Jimmy John's day old loaves for 50 cents and make your own.
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We don’t have one here.
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Regarding that new reticle, how does this work?
>With a .223/5.56 rifle zeroed at 50 yards, the DCR would provide three confident aiming points to include a long distance 200-yard zero as well as a 7-yard solution.
The 50 is the center, the 200 is the ^ where is the 7 ?
50 and 200 are both center dot, chevron is your 7yd zero
Best AR15 brand for someone that goons daily?
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the other reticles work this way as well, center dot is 50/200 and the top of the bottom hash mark is 7yd. I assume their thinking is the chevron will be easier to pick up quickly
I'm cumming right now
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great rifle bro. my best out of picrel was 1.2moa with 77s but im mostly shooting the cheapest 55s i can get my hands on and depending on the load i shoot 2-3 moa with ease.
>”do it all” rifle
kind of cringe but it’s a fun concept. after years of autistically shooting and testing ARs i have come to the conclusion that there is no better rifle than a modern A1. keep in mind im talking about LARPing innawoods and not on a flat range. its lightweight and packs a punch i can throw my acog on and it weighs under 7.5lbs.
I thought I was losing interest in the hobby, I felt like I was just going shooting out of habit, not knowing what else to do with myself. Until I got a pack of Tmags. Now it's like it's all new again, I'm doing 90mph to the range every day and losing sleep over my next drill sesh now
Same. I don’t consider anyone that doesn’t own at least a few tmags to be a human being. Literal subhumans.
>Slippin' Jimmy mags
What if I don't own any guns, but am trans, and the onlyfans firearms related thing I own is a Tmag? Because they are so cute lol.
>cope post
more like low T mags lmfao.
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still kinda want a spear lt ngl

really glad i wound up passing on the transmags.
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believe me, i know.
First you buy a sig
Then you'll be updooting goobers on reddit
Thank God no one takes your opinions seriously. Like seriously, who the fuck do you think you are? You're on 4channel ffs lol.
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they just look cool. also walked past the stacattos and some guy was explaining to his wife how each one is handfitted and made by the same gunsmith. i wonder how often that conversation happens on a daily basis.
too hot for rifles, got some pistol reps in today then got ammo on the way back
>@20' low ready fast as I could, left then right side
shut up reddit
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In today's episode of digging through bins at fudd gun stores.
Dipshit, if they see the container that's game over they don't need your permission you stupid fucking illiterate bitch
Are you pretending to be this stupid? I hope so.
Lmao, stick to discussing your discord celebs. At last you're knowledgeable about that.
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I wonder how long until they come with a complementary tmag and rainbow charm
>too hot for rifles
>94 degrees
oh. w-well at least it's not 80% humidity like here
You are a midwit, dunning kreguer buffoon not worthy of actual conversation just a magnet for mockery.
I’ve never used one of the multi dot EOtechs. They seem really cluttered and if you need holds that bad you shouldn’t be using a dot.
They also become meaningless if you throw it on a unity riser
pretty /k/ino ngl
>They seem really cluttered
They can be but the 2 dot isn't too bad. Although, had I not bought it used for a deal, I wouldn't have gone multi dot.
you're weak, anon
Its hilariously overbuilt. The rubber is bonded to a steel inner liner and the adapter block is all steel as well. Probably ~10oz for just a pistol grip. I need to dig through my parts drawer and find a single side safety to work with it.
you should install it and post
What would a barely used 16" .625 hanson (160 new) and a 13" mcmr (180 new) fetch used?
Its perfectly fine for a $2300 pistol to go off when its dropped
What would that be? A shartcatto?
Shartcatto ND
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>gamer gun isn’t a duty gun
Should I get a Spiritus fanny pack?
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Got a couple cool things ordered today
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Threw it on a range toy that was silly already.
this fucks hard, I like it.
Gonna go bald lol
well i figure that’s about treefiddy!
you overpaid. a hanson can be had for a little over $100 these days. just keep the barrel and put it on a cheap upper and some shit ff rail and beat the fuck out of it or bury it off a frequented highway with some ammo as a shtf back up cache
No just some things need to be clapped back more than just haha shut up idiot or ignored. Fuddlore will be destroyed fuddlore adjacent bullshit will be destroyed no mercy
A2 always recommended them.
bretty based. kozy boomer pilled
Brokefag hasn't even looked at the product page to see they have a duty model. Like pottery
Where are you finding them for $100?
I don't know what I paid for it 2 years ago, probably $150-60
they can be had for around $110-120 during big holiday specials. i picked one up at gun show with gb after i talked the guy down to $95 back in 2021
>see mailman walk by window
>run outside and snatch package from him
>place on my product unboxing table
>rub my fat fucking hands that we're just stroking my little dick together
>grab $500 folder
>flick it open like knife youtube faggots do
>cut box open with aire of gunsoomer brainrot
>unable to contain erection, pulls Tmag out
>shoot $900 otf open
>cut open Tmag seal
>slams Tmag™ into SR15 that gets shot once a year
Yup, still a faggot
Surprisingly inactive thread
I'm not surprised at all. Fags like you have killed it
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>no YOU killed it
I got 2 pairs of jeans today, so I feel you nigga.
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im rangebanned innawoods or id post OC. currently remoting into my home pc
yeah well ive been pretty busy doing really important stuff
Is that a yost vise?
it's junk whatever it is
Wow rude and uncalled for.
he is not talking about the gun oil magically turning into a lapping compound you dumb nigger. Stop pretending you weren't being retarded
What is he talking about?
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stream is up
he's talking about using a cleaning rod with a dirty brush and using a boresnake incorrectly. 2 different things, neither or which will destroy your barrel if used correctly.
Get this disgusting brown bullshit out of here you fucking faggot
yeah I repeatedly say it was a human error thing. I agree with him. What are you talking aboutM
>hating on sotar. Post your guns if you have them, would love to put a rifle to the faggot
you said it WOULD destroy your barrel, not that it could if used incorrectly. Then spent the next 50 threads (and counting) back tracking your dumbass statements
i'm gay and i need someone to bust my crust
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Called it
Paper isn't abrasive until you stick sand to it. Brass and shoelaces aren't abrasive until you get gunshot residue stuck in them.
I'm not abrasive until I log into my 4channel gold account and see all of the stupid posts people are making
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4channel is dead hoss
nah if you use it improperly it will definitely do that but it's obviously impossible not to be moving material around when cleaning a dirty bore. Like the SOTAR comment says
nah I made an exaggeration and you are autistic and have been cursing me with your sonichu medallion since. Kill yourself as fast as possible but you don't own a gun so idk
Will you be gunsooming HKUSA?
Legends never die
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I was busy at the range
>quintupling down
You said it will ruin your barrel
It won't
It will ruin your barrel if used improperly. Sotar is right. Are you actually xcranon or just using his pictures?
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yes it is me xcranon from Alyaska oblast
Eventually someone will go through the archive and screenshot all of your boresnake posts for a meme compilation, you will be seething in the corner and all the chads and staceys will have boresnakes
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your headcanon is getting kinda sad, anon
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i personally hate that faggot
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Sotar is based and you shouldn't let me have so much control over your emotions
I just swapped an 1895 to the pistol grip magpul furniture and lever
highly recommend taking an Arkansas stone and polishing the lever, makes it much smoother than the factory finish
If you’re central-ish, Burnet has a long range that’s pretty dope with tac bays, 600yd and ELR to 1 mile. Regular comps and they’re hands free as far as RSO oversight
how do you even use 1000yd lanes? I haven't tried yet because I figure I need someone holding up a target over the big ass berm.
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Ambi bolt release should become standard. Being able to release the bolt without taking your hand off the handguard is great.
Its multiple steel targets staggered at 50-100-ish yd intervals. 4-6 benches and the other 2/3 of “lane space” is open for prone/tripod/bring-about-whatever-you-want-to-shoot-off-of shooting.
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I guess the 1000yard range I have access to is different. It's more like those military ranges, very bizarre setup. No steel targets.
It's paper? Do they have someone going out there to change shit at regular intervals? Might be worth checking out to see how jank it may or may not be run.
This one is in the TX hill country so the ranges go up hills or across small valleys/saddles
nah it's definitely not jank, like I said it's just build like those old military ranges with a FUCK TALL berm and I think someone is supposed to hold up the target on a stick to hold it over the berm when you fire. There are no paper targets or stands set up, just a GIANT number 1000 yards away denoting each lane.
I swear to fuck if one of you makes a new thread before me again I'm going to anal vore your entire life.
hurry up and make it then retard

where do I get a salty surplus M4 upper? Preferably cerro/diemaco forge marks?
>warning read manual
Damn everything. I wanted an XCR.
I wouldn't dare. what's vore?
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Remember that episode of South Park? Kinda like that.
Fucking asshole.
shit or get off the pot faggot
Oh you're going to be well acquainted with my shit while I slowly digest you.

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