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general for m16s only. no m4 series rifles.
Post yours op
^^^ this

wheres your gun, OP?
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I don't have a real one, cuz they don't really have a lot of semi ones that are available to get, or are automatic and cost a zillion dollars
however I do have a pretty good full steel airsoft replica, which is as close as I can get. My actual hunting / home defense rifle is some ar-15 clone, cant really remember the exact name off the top of my head
vomits all over screen
Are you american? I have 20inch fixed stock ar
>AR-15 clone
What the fuck is happening?
yes I am. I know you can get a long ar-15, but it doesn't feel the same as an M16. I want the feel, the non detachable carry handle sight, the ribbed handguard, fixed stock etc. I wouldn't use a full length M16 for home defense either, probably just go to the range with it.
I got the ar-15 clone because its the legally shortest rifle they had that wasn't an SBR
ik airsoft Is lame but I don't even play, I just shoot it in my backyard.
Im autisticly obsessed with reloading a gun over and over
You know you can get a M16A2 clone for almost under 1000 usd right? Psa makes one
>I got the ar-15 clone
You have no idea what these terms mean.
just get a PSA-15 20" & loctite the carry handle's threads after giving it a good torque, its $700
after that get whatever carry handle sight insert you want for whatever optics
ar-15 clone means a low price ar-15 made by some random company that you would find at a hunting store
>my girlfriend goes to a different school, you wouldn't know her
dude I don't know the name of it I bought it at a fucking hunting store ok. you know those hunting/farming stores that have a gun store in the corner. that kind
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Holy shit this thread is sad
So you have an AR-15
finally a- holy shit I thought that p226 was a usp match or a split seccond
no its an ar-15 CLONE. because it is not made by the company armalite
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Sincerely. Just yapping and no m16
you didn't but i can imagine what it would be like if you did
???? did you take this while deployed?
thats very obviously not an enlisted pic
How bad is the back pressure on your can? The Obsidian damn near makes my brass eject 3o' clock
>3o' clock
*2o' clock
Yes im in the SEALS. Got the silencer cause we have free range choice of gear, I serve as a sniper in my unit so I need it, this photo was in Afghanistan recently, were still doing special forces stuff but I cant talk about it. My MOS is basically just kill the enemy.
It's a universal 9mm can so its hotdog down a hallway but helps a bit.
No, it's an AR-15
>"ermmgmhmhmhm acuthahuklyyy I'm in the seals doing spec ops!!!! I'm a snipahehrhrr!!!! I cant tell you about it thoooo....."
>my gf is in Canada no you cant see her
an actual seal wouldn't put their gun in the dirt with their FUCKING BOLT OPEN YOU MORON! and would probably take better care of their expensive ass laser sight.
Also wtf is a seal doing with a M16(a4? a3?) shouldnt you have a m4a1/ hk416 / scar-h?
the ar-15 was made by armalite. ARMALITE-15
the others are ar-15 CLONES because they are NOT MADE BY ARMALITE
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do you call all 1911s 1911-clones too?
no I call them m1911a1 clones because nobody makes actual m1911s anymore
Lol ok kid. Real military guys know. >>62507209
Like I said kiddo we have free reign on our gear choices. I use the m16 because it's bullet is light and still can snipe and I can carry more ammo in case I get separated I'll have extra ammo. The scar is cool as a toy but some of us guys grow up and go back to the m16. The gun is in the dirt from a fire fight, kid. You ever been in a shootout? Sorry real life isn't call of duty, guns get dirty when your doin' dirty work....
>has time to take picture
>doesn't have time to rub thumb on laser sight to remove dirt
this guy knows what hes talking about
you tacticool posers need to listen up
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
It's an AR-15 tho.
I had sex with your mother (ar) 15 times
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nice underbarrel. got any smoke grenades?
not at this time, I'd like to figure something out at one point. for now I'm just working on chalk rounds so I can get the 3d printed cases, nose cones etc right, as well as some load data for the blanks.
pretty neat.
I wouldn't bother getting any explosive grenades for that btw, probably costs a zillion dollars not including the ass load of licences and tax stamps.
Smoke grenades however probably don't.
>not including the ass load of licences and tax stamps.
imagine letting the govt. tell you how to live your life
there's stuff you can do to DIY explosives for them, but imo it's not worth it due to the inherit danger. I'm going to stick with chalk since it's cheap and will be enough fun as is.
yeah id rather not have the police at my door over a grenade that literally no range ever will let u shoot
>no range ever will let u shoot
and there he goes, just rawdoggin them boots
are your lips black with polish, or are you just a nigger?
actually just shut up
as if i'd let you tell me what to do?
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I ordered a 601 lower from H&R April 5th. Finish was utterly perfect, I loved that lower. However, on July 15th I sent it back because it had two major flaws, one of which would have probably caused it to fail eventually. The receiver extension tang was bulged and the magazine button hole was like .022" oversized, the button wiggled around and the catch canted inwards.

At no point between April and today have the corresponding 601 uppers been in stock. As part of the RMA process H&R agreed to fit and finish match an upper and lower and then ship both to my FFL. On August 23rd I got an email that they picked out the replacement lower and matched it to an upper from their batch they sent out for complete 604 uppers (these are still not in stock). They said they would get with the sales guys to write up and invoice, since I have to pay for the upper. I don't even know how much it costs because it's never been in stock. September 14th and they still never sent an invoice.

I have almost every part to finish this rifle, I've been sitting on them since july. I planned to build this rifle slowly but it just occurred to me I've waited five fucking months. I have to look at photos like picrel to even remember why I'm doing this build in the first place. Don't buy H&R shit unless they are the only company making it. I will never buy from them again. Insane shit
Do you have original green furniture? Or are you going to paint a set? Make sure your aluminum parts are gray or the rifle will look like shit.
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>I know you can get a long ar-15, but it doesn't feel the same as an M16
Nigger a AR with rifle lower, 20"barrel with fixed sight upper is a M16, you can easily acquire all of this.
>I got the ar-15 clone because its the legally shortest rifle they had that wasn't an SBR
>ar-15 clone means a low price ar-15 made by some random company that you would find at a hunting store
>dude I don't know the name of it I bought it at a fucking hunting store ok. you know those hunting/farming stores that have a gun store in the corner. that kind
OP you're either extremely retarded, a liar or both, you don't even have any basic terminology down, either post your "ar15 clone" or leave my board you fucking faggot.
i mean he doesn't have a real gun, of course he doesn't know the terminology
>rifle lower
Rifle lower refers to a AR lower with a fixed stock
Carbine lower refers to a AR lower with a collapsible stock
good job outting yourself retard nigger monkey
>jap words
while I do want a m16 I just cant afford one
I guess best I could do is rice up an AR15 to look like one and put funny cloth hanger on it
Why not just say a rifle stock or carbine stock? The lower is the same.
the lower is the same but the buffer tube, buffer spring, and buffer are not. I'm convinced you're too young to be on this site
>The lower is the same.
no the fuck it isnt retard,go back.
I'm going to keep referring to the difference as the "stock" because the only difference between a rifle "lower" and the carbine "lower" are the easily removed/replaced stock and buffer components, not the serialized lower. Don't forget, I'm here forever!
Coat hangers are for all bark no bite homos. Get a mil spec lower and then get a m16 lower parts kit. Do the needful when appropriate.
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your ass & your mouth are the same
dicks go in, shit comes out
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The M16 sucks so much...
It's over complicated mechanism is both difficult to clean and prone to jamming.
Adjusting the sight, something that must be done every time a target shifts it's range, requires the use of a nail, ballpoint pen, or a similar device.
What if you don't have one?
The delicate plastic stock of the M16A1 obviates bayonet use, and by attempting to use it as such you would risk shattering the hollow, spring-loaded stock.
This is a critical flaw.
If you were confronted by multiple enemies and your M16A1 jammed, you would be unable to use it as a last-ditch hand-to-hand weapon.
In the 1960s, the M16 (originally named the AR-15) was designed for Air Force base security, but for political reasons typical of the military-industrial complex (you buy my weapon, you get my vote and my campaign contribution), it was adopted as the principal infantry weapon for the US Army.
So poor was it's early battle record that during the Vietnam War, communist guerrillas refused to take them from dead Americans.
The newer M16A2, although somewhat of an improvement, is still a second-class weapon.

If given the choice, emulate the Vietcong and ignore the M16 entirely.
yeah I already have zinc green chromate vallejo paint, gonna sand fill and prime a JSE surplus handguard, Luth Grip and Brownells type D stock and finish off with the airbrush and then clearcoat.

I have the whole suite of retromod grey phosphate/anodized small parts from ar15sport also. Only thing that isn't accurate is I'm using A2 sights and the FSB isn't milled
epic soldier of fortune copypasta
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I really really want one of the ones with the neat heat shield for the grenade launcher. Pure sex
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I know I'm taking the bait but the SN on that rifle starts with M16CE which means it's one of FNs M16A4 Collectors clones.
t. FN M16A4CE owner
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what's the point? there's already /arg/
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I just really like the handguard itself
i did mine recently, it looks and feels like something out of a game

would really recommend
It's a smart purchase, it makes the gun look meaner meaning it does more damage
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ill contribute to this silly billy thread
Under $1k? Which model? Cheapest I’ve seen is like $1200
Or is the a1 more expensive
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They really didn’t give a shit about the export version. A1 delta ring and barrel from the late 60s with a 1/12 twist
4chan is based on 2chan
WTF did people bitch that these were unwieldy long and cumbersome? The only real problem with the ergonomics was how the stock was made too long on the A2, since it was evidently made for Big Guys at USMC shooting ranges. And when body armor became widely issued that became more of a problem. But that stock length issue was easily correctable.
That yours? If so, was there much finagling to get that rail set up under there? More of a baby brainer man myself but it looks neat even with the angle grip on.
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I'm planning on doing an XM16E1 build soonish, I've got most of the pieces in my spreadsheet, but does anyone have a recommendation for a 603 style upper? PSA is out of stock and every other place that makes new production uppers does black anodizing on them which is wrong. Should I just wait for PSA to get more, or am I just stuck trolling gunbroker for NDS or Colt uppers?
No discord tranny drama
buck breaking the 16" timmies
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nothing to it
>cut the sides off a cheapo quadrail clamshell
>trim in front of the part that clips into the delta ring
>black spraypaint for the rough edges
>zip tie around the front rail slot
ez pz
Ahh I wondered what that was at the front there. If it works though, eh? Ty brah ;)
I had the same problem so I used moly resin. You can also try cerakote but it wouldn't be worth it if the only part you need to spray is the upper.
While I can't understand the A1 slip ring or 1:12 twist, the pencil barrel is arguably superior for civilians.

I was thinking of trying this with the midwest industries m-lok rail
You can also use a utg quad rail.
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Luv me PSA A2
What’s the lower receiver cut at the fcg? I’ve heard mixed reports about lower shelf or not
Sorry, I don’t know what you are asking
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My AR (right) is my favorite, but my A1 clone is my fan favorite when I take my friends and co-workers shooting. I paid 35 dollars for the upper three years ago.
The post that DESTROYED /k/.
How we will recover from this?
She's really fat, poor taste.
He wants to know if it's an M16-style low shelf or a modern commercial style that you can't put a DIAS in. I assume.
Right is fine, but I really, really like left.
A cool heat shield adds +2 to damage and +15ft to effective range yes
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Which does yours look like?
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>so few forbidden pinholes
Mmmm europoor....
post your gun. inb4 you wont.
So quick question. Is it true that i cant put a collapsable stock on these because the buffer tube is different?

I want to get the 20 incher but i HATE long as fuck guns so if i can cut down a few inches stock-wise it would be amazing
There's no point in getting a 20" barrel if you're not making an m16 or similar rifle. Stick to carbines sweetpea.
I put together a 90% surplus A2, Capco upper, FN M16 BCG/CH, milsurp stock and receiver extension with buffer and a new FN M16 spring.

An H&R upper, KAC lower Parts kit and a LMT "milspec" AR15 trigger. I have an A2 trigger minus the sear, but I can't get a solid legal answer.
My mostly M16A1 factory installed parts, 1974 Colt SP1, it's weird but cheaper than running separate production lines/procurement.
>no point
If im going to shoot 223 i want it to explode into pieces when it hits a target at range
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My hr xm16e1 has been flawless, I also have an hr a1 lower that was seems fine. I know they are struggling to meet demand tho
vltor makes a buffer kit for adjustable stocks
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This is now a retro gun thread. Fuck OP.
Does a Dissipator count as a M16 or a M4? An interesting thought
I love old school guns. Tactical stuff is so sovless and gay looking. Maybe one day I'll regret only having boomer guns but somehow I doubt it.
>Adjusting the sight, something that must be done every time a target shifts it's range, requires the use of a nail, ballpoint pen, or a similar device.
Such as a bullet, you mongoloid?
>What if you don't have one?
Why the fuck wouldn't you?
>I can't get a solid legal answer.
Do you have a question?
Did the early versions (i.e. 601) with gray receivers have gray pins as well? Do people just rattlecan the ends of their pins gray to match the receiver? I've been looking around and I found a new production gray mag release but I can't find a full gray lower parts kit, for example.
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I like my budget "a4"
If you're not too bent on correctness then you can just get any phosphate coated lpk. Lot's of modern lpks use black oxide which makes the parts black and shiny. Phosphate coating is matte gray and looks lightly scratched. I got mine from outerwild outpost(formerly white label armory).
Gunbroker has clamshell rifle length quadrails for $50 right now
See not that's what I was talking about earlier. Fuckin' noice.
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"Sniper" or "stealth" gray is pretty close to H&R's gray, I got some ceracoted ones from the2ndtactical
god damn
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No bullshit answers and please dont bully I just want to be cool and shoot a nice clone, will the PSA upper and lower be ok for general usage?

You can get it for 600 plus minus shipping and ffl fee.

Alternatively the H&R is 1300, what really is the difference? Remember no bully
I'll add I actually like some of the PSA lower details, it has fire/safe etched on both sides so it's slightly more helpful to a lefty.
PSA is cheap but gtg. As far as I know they don't make A1 or A2 uppers on their regular line of ARs, only for the h&r line. Aside from appearance, I don't think there's any quality difference between h&r and normal PSA parts.
Theoretically, you could get one of their h&r uppers and slap on a regular barrel. It'd be a lot cheaper than getting a 100% h&r assembled upper. Of course that's assuming you want a black gun and not the retro gray finish.
Just curious, which model are you trying to clone?

Here's a protip the old-timers used to use: "Naval Jelly" will turn a black part gray. This only works on steel parts, so the trigger guard and mag release button will need to be painted, but it works pretty good on everything else. Usually just lower parts kits, but i've seen people use it on fully assembled barrels and it doesn't look bad. I don't know if it works on nitride.
For example, these three BCGs were all originally black. The two on the bottom were soaked in naval jelly and scrubbed clean.
with like 20 minutes of training these are meaningless benefits. a PSA will shoot though, if that is your only criteria
hate to say it but this stupid thread inspired me to show my AR more love
got a Yankee Hill angled rail mount on the way now too so I can slap an HLX on the underside without the sling getting in the way
Color and finish-wise I'm not picky at all. I'll probably rattlecan it. I used and carried the A2 when I was in so I'd go for something like that. But I'm not picky about the upper either, in fact I have a couple red dots and a facog that I'd probably just swap around and play with.

Function is really all I crave I guess.
Cool yeah that's really all I care about.
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Pair of BRN blems. Couldn't decide on E1 or A1. Did both. Solid rifles.
can someone post an m4
Anybody here got a complete Fulton Armory A2 upper? Are they any good? Gonna get one soon to throw on my old-school Bushy A2 lower I got a LGS.
If not a Fulton, any other suggestions? No PSA or H&R shit either please.
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this is my trash surplus store build that i did for like $600
>luth barrel on sale
>anderson lower w lpk
>surplus everything else
i’ve had it for a while now and have been abusing it pretty good. i’ve really earned respect for the barrel length and poverty
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Update to this, they shipped my receiver set tuesday, transferring it tomorrow
Would be cooler if you had a Kennedy gold m16 clone.
that’s crazy keep us updated
I'm not really trying to be annoying I just thought anyone debating buying an H&R might be interested in what RMA turnover is
Opinions on the H&R-branded 20-round mags from PSA?
Are there any other new production 20-round mags that are better?
$20 for a 20-rounder is a little overpriced imo, but I get that it's paying for the name on the baseplate. ASC & Duramag both make 20's, and they can be found for like $10-15. I've used both, no complaints. Promag also makes them, but it's honestly a crapshoot whether they'll fit right in your magwell.
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>This nigga wants to be an olympic rifle team gun so bad lmao
>cant really remember the exact name off the top of my head
It should say what it is on the side.
i was being serious. i was about to go the h&r route. everyone says they’re gtg so i thought np
As a carpenter, I think these woodern furniture M16s are pretty cool. Is like a survival rifle, cheap and accessible.
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The M14 is such a nice wooden rifle, semi auto and 7.62x51, no wonder it is still used as the M1A. These did effectively kill communist guerrillas, but the rifle isn't why the war was doomed.
This is a thread for the m16 not the mwouldhavelostusthebattleofiadrang
>cheap and accessible
What's even cheaper and more accessible than wood? Black plastic.
My Brownells 601 retro upper came in but it's very purple. Is there any way to make it more gray or will I have to wait until the H&R stripped uppers are back in stock and then rebuild on a properly gray receiver?
Thoughts on the Brownells/Colt 4x retro optic? Really considering picking one up
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Did you order the complete upper? If so you're screwed unless you want to take the upper apart. You'll then need to either spray it with cerakote or moly resin. That's what you get for being an ar15 wrenchlet.
I just got one "free" with my BRN-601 upper so once my lower gets out of governor jail I'll let you know.
From pointing it at stuff in my house the glass looks surprisingly decent and the crosshairs aren't huge though they are larger than I hoped. It feels heavy for its size which makes it seem robust and not cheap. The windage and elevation adjustments don't click but they are visually indexed so it's not like you're just guessing. The range adjustment turret does click, but just barely. The eyebox is not big which might make it tough to use when all I have is a chinweld.
The free optic (which I would have bought anyway) made it a better deal than building from scratch even considering the need to buy another upper receiver later if I want them to match. Plus it was in stock, gray 601 uppers from H&R are not.
I'll shoot it as is until they're back in stock and then I'll take this one apart and put it back together on a H&R, which will also give me an opportunity to phosporic acid the steel parts which boomer machinists and anon up above say will turn them gray.
I hope that scope cost more than 100$
it's the colt repro from brownells
Suppressor where is it?
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I don't even know how many levels of bait and counter bait we're on at this point
Don't do that you might end up with a splotchy finish on the lower parts. Just buy a phosphate coated lower parts kit. That's the color you want without any acid nonsense.
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Post M16A5 /k/ino
>retard coded buzzword
>shit opinion
like clockwork
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Excuse the crappy res and reflection but I saw this at a museum in Vietnam today
not him but you sound like a homosexual
I have only ever owned a few shorter rifles. The call of the 20” barrel is getting louder with each passing day. How badly am I missing out, bros?
putting an adjustable stock on an A4 doesn't magically turn it into an "A5"
Only get one if you really want an m16. Some lightweight free floated wwsd tranny gun is gay and stupid.
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>The call of the 20” barrel is getting louder
Actually you'll find its "call" is quieter at 20".
>How badly am I missing out, bros?
Go shoot with irons: it's fun.

Lightweight is relative.
yes it does retard lol besides it’s an A1 pencil barrel not A2 you fucking nogunz
wwsd has nothing to do with M16s..
lmaoo stupid nogunz tranny
i couldn’t imagine making that connection, you must be under 18 and from reddit
>no, you see, it has an older barrel, that makes it a newer gun!
based retard
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do u like the bushwacker? also what muzzle device r u using specifically with the taper mount
Checked. The barely-there finish on that e2 carbine is making me hot under the collar.
That's lightweight done tastefully. No kp-15 stock with a carbon fiber mlok rail and a chinese micro rds.
zoombeast mad people dont like your retarded buzzwords?
fully sick, god I wish I had the courage to die in Vietnam holding one of those bad boys
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Like a tranny with a pronounced Adam's apple.
lurk moar
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fellow m1a fag here. something about black and OD green catches my fancy. this is now a scoped m1a/landmine thread sorry everyone
the kp15 is retarded. a standard lower with a car15 stock can be brought within an ounce or two. what they did is redundant. all the weight in an AR is in barrel and optic
bretty nice
lol. lmao.
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H&R C7 upper has worked flawlessly for me in my experience, its a mutt rifle currently but I’m thinking of building a proper C7 clone with it
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It took years to come to come to the conclusion that anything but a 20” is a kids toy
and NOW I'm playing with a full deck
honestly a pretty comfy setup, I can tap the lightswitch easily with my thumb curled around the foregrip and the offset mount of course keeps the sling from obscuring the light
fuck carbines, fuck free-floats, and fuck meme-lok, this is my perfect home defense gun right here
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Based setup. You just used the magpie lower and chopped it down? what did you use to set the fore grip in
it's the bottom half of a picatinny quad rail much like yours, I just chopped the sides off and trimmed the front and back.
I posted a more exposed pic of it earlier in the thread, here >>62510622
I lowkey want this build to spray it and make it look like the bf3 m16
thanks bro definitely going to try this. i remember seeing the clamp on there, no good?
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C7 bros
are you talking about barrel clamps?
they're too wobbly, especially with foregrips, and don't completely cover up the underside of the handguard, and anyway mounting anything directly to the barrel like that is bad for accuracy. I wanted something that felt more stable all around.
>I wanted something that felt more stable all around.
And a zip-tied chopped-up quad rail meets that requirement? >>62510622
Why is this difficult to obtain?
And why not a commonly owned weapon?
That sling attachment is peak cringe.
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Assembled my slickside upper yesterday. All I had on hand was A2 handguards and I think they're gonna stay on here because I really like them
>Nigtride barrel
>Dicked up delta ring
>Castle nut not staked
>Non-milspec trigger guard
>Fagpul buis
certified chaser build
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>Yes im in the SEALS.

Navy SEALs haven't used 20 inch barrels for anything besides training since the Invasion of Panama
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SEALs used 20 inch DMRs in early GWOT so they haven’t used it since then. Do you know what has increased in the SEALs since then though? The number of SEALs who have transitioned to women.

Maybe the should move back to M16 so they stop becoming trannies
if you get a bunch of the Vseven stuff you can drop the weight even further without sacrificing durability as much. A polymer lower just appeals to low impulse control poorfags who want to feel like they are doing something cool by using a polymer lower. miss it
20" is super comfy to use and handle if you don't bog it down with a full quad rail like alot of A4 builds, but the best part is being able to rapid fire as fast as you can at 100 yards and never miss your shot because the recoil is so low
it’s not even worth that desu. i’d rather have totally missed parts and components that can be replaced no problem. like the wwsd doesn’t even use a standard front take down pin which is obviously essential for function. a milspec lower with a car15 stock is goodnuff
It was cobbled together from random parts I had with the exception of the furniture, it isnt meant to be a clone and is my beater. Same reason its got the jank UCP surplus sling I got for $.50
Ergos with a pencil barrel are magnificent and still not bad with a govt and your recoil control and iron sight picture will be an astonishing step up. Free floating is for bitches too and keeping a polymer handguard will keep weight down
This. After shooting my uncles surplus sp1 I have totally rethought my entire understanding of ar15s. It is perfectly balanced and weighs like 7 pounds. It truly is a masterpiece.
Nogunz will never understand the purposes of a beater
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Your shoes look too small for your feet
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Does she count?
probably the worst US service rifle but okay
It's good
Very nice.
Get a light on her and this is unironically all you need. Get GGG mount
Gayron's poverty pony.
Imagine not owning a gun and talking. Shit about others'

The internet sucks now because it's full of faggots like you
It'd be better with a carry handle
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>It'd be better with a carry handle
Only a fixed one.
I assumed that went without saying.
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what should i do with this?
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Hi anons. Here's my A2-alike I pieced together a while back. It's a PSA lower I bought for $80 in an LA Fitness parking lot with a Windham 1:9 barrel, non F-marked FSB. The upper is RRA and I think the elevation drum may be a National Match version. It seems to have extra ball bearing detents but haven't counted. Bayonet is just a green Ontario M9. Not clone correct but I love it
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i like it. how do you like that windham barrel? i bought mine pre covid on sale and put it on an anderson lower. it has close to 10k rounds through it now but is still shooting about 3 moa. i was a block ii ubermensch until i discovered the power of the 20” and how perfect it is
Thanks anon. I like yours a lot too. I like the Windham barrel (I think they're Green Mountain). Mine shoots about the same at 3ish MOA. I've only shot Lake City M193 and I'm happy with that.
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here mine :>
>no 14" two-piece, free-float picatinny handguard
>C4 handguards only go out to 12" and Centurion won't make a 12" C4 with the extendo wings on the sides and bottom
MLOK all day baybeee
Tried the QTDDTOT: Hope yall can help. I recently got a hold of a weaver qwik-point, trying to zero it onto my m16 clone with a carry handle mount. Ran out of adjustment but the dot is still left of zero.
Is there a way to shim the mount, or any other options?
You've piqued my interest, somebody answer this anon
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see >>62586097
Also I wanted to add to that previous reply.
>I have some vintage scopes that run out of adjustment on some 22s oddly, usually vertical. Might need some repair.
This is why I don't buy vintage 3/4" Weavers on eBay and HIGHLY recommend no one else do it either. They're overpriced as fuck (~$85-150+) and you might just get a fucking lemon someone dropped or smacked on a tree before you were born, totally screwing it up inside which is why it was in the junk drawer at their estate sale. The insane prices are from retarded sellers finding the Vintagegunscopes site seeing their scopes sell for $250-500 and going WOW SURELY MY SCOPE MUST BE LITERAL GOLD!!!11!!1!1!!! when they in reality have a rusty ratty piece of shit in need of a multiple hundred dollar restoration to also fix the hazy lenses from poor storage conditions which means a full re-glue of the lenses as well as a fresh nitrogen purge (good fucking luck). Skip the retards on eBay, find one in person for $15, or buy a fully restored one if you have the cash and autistic desire. As for the Weaver red dot: If your red dot is fucked, anon >>62585324, then see if you can contact these guys and ask what they might charge for a repair if you really like the dot despite the huge dot it projects. I've considered putting one of mine on a shotgun since that was their original intended use but I'm a little hesitant due to its age; people want way too much for them and I really don't want to break mine.
t. wastes far too much money on vintage scopes; I easily have 5+ 3/4" Weavers in the desk I'm typing this on
Thanks for the advice anon
That’s not bad. Did you get the full windham upper or the barrel kit?
Just the barrel kit was available at the time. The A2 upper came from Rock River. When the YT shills started shitting on the A2, I knew I had to have one. So, I ended up buying a vice block from Midwest, Magpul multi tool, and torque wrench and assembled it myself. I forgot to mention that the lower parts kit came from Windham as well. She's as basic of a bitch as she can be. I liked it so much I ended up ordering another A2 upper and a 16" Del-ton heavy barrel w/ mid-length gas (non F-marked front sight) to make into my carbine. I put that on an old Windham Bushy lower. That's my A2-ish carbine. I kind of wish it had a lighter profile barrel but that was all that was available at the time.
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Built my retro today. It's not a clone of anything, just freeformed it with parts I like
Make sure to post it on reddit too you tasteless cocksucking faggot.
>m16 posted in m16 general
fuck off no guns
What receiver? Is it a set?
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Don't know if M14s and M1s are accepted in this thread but fuck it.

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