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RIP the last thread, died before it truly lived. I don't have a question to start this with.
Bump I guess :(
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What's the verdict on posting pics with serial numbers. Does it actually matter? Can anybody besides the feds do anything with them? Can gun store employees look me up?
I'll report them stolen
How does an ACOG mount to a carry handle?
Question I asked elsewhere and might well deserve its own thread but I'll try here anyway: do any of you guys have suggestions for some decent range trip log software that ISN'T subscription shit? I don't mind paying for it either, I just want it to be a normal old fashioned one time only deal (they can ask for a paid upgrade later but I lose nothing if I'm not interested). There's endless apps but they're all sub bs. Yeah, I could figure out a decent spreadsheet in Excel or LibreOffice or whatever, but something more focused and I could log my guns and various ammo and so on and have it relatively quickly and easily keep a shot count and stats, bonus points for tying into chronos or the like, would be nice if it existed.
Either directly through the little speed hole in the top of the carry handle or to a rail attached as such, depending on the ACOG
>What's the verdict on posting pics with serial numbers. Does it actually matter? Can anybody besides the feds do anything with them? Can gun store employees look me up?
As a baseline information hygiene thing, I don't think it's unreasonable to be a little paranoid on the internet. Once you put something out there it's out there forever. Even if there was no issue now, who knows what might happen 5, 10, 20 years from now. If you're already like, 80 years old or something do whatever the fuck you want because you'll be dead, but if like most of us you've got decades better less than more by default.

In terms of specific uses, remember engraving is easy, so someone could put a gun serial number they see on 4chan on another gun of the same type and use it for a crime maybe. Or just happen to notice you IRL by sheer coincidence, or notice if you posted it anywhere else, and then be able to connect for sure vs "pretty likely". Of course, that can happen anyway if you have something hyper unique, but normally if you're posting a generic common gun it's not a risk except via serial. Whether this matters or not to you and what the odds are I don't know. But since unlike sharing funs which is nice to do with anons sometimes, serial has no value, so I don't share mine and blank them in images if they're showing.
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Retarded question, but anyone know what stuff is needed to replicate these as closely as possible? Really like the basic-ness of these
Also this one, if at all possible
You can literally buy all of that stuff at a military surplus store, or are you asking about specific SKUs and model numbers?
don't know exactly what that specific rig is, but the eagle industries h-harness is a great match.
that's a blackhawk commando chest rig, if I'm not incorrect. Try to get the old ones that have snaps instead of velcro; they're a lot sturdier.
Can anyone actually give me a reason why LPVOs are better in your opinion than red dot + magnifier? I watched this Brass Facts video from a month ago that seems to say magnifiers suck so bad at range and using holds on LPVOs is worth it since the 1x is good enough? I have never used an LPVO, Im genuinely curious. I have looked through one and admit the eye relief and eye box are way better than acogs and magnifiers but what else am I missing? Right now I couldnt imagine not using an eotech for everything.
>Can anyone actually give me a reason why LPVOs are better in your opinion than red dot + magnifier?
I don't think they're better just different. Fixed mag starts getting bigger and heavier once you get past the 4-5x range unless you make major sacrifices in fov or other aspects. So if you've got a battle rifle in 308 or 6.5 or something and actually really can reasonably make shots along the entire range of 10yd-650yd, a 1-6/1-8/1-10 LPVO might fill that niche in a more compact/lighter way. People with astigmatism sometimes also find etched reticles easier to use, so the 1x is helpful vs a holo or RDS anyway. Of course, you could also use an MPVO+dot or irons for that as well, or other combos.

I think LPVOs have their place, but it's way way more niche then commonly stated. I also think that efforts like antimatter's to make on the fly adjustment fast is kind of a missing piece for them unlike other optics.
>"I watched this Brass Facts video..."
Listen, if you need long range capabilities, then a real scope would be better than an LPVO. If you're just doing close range, then a red dot is just as good if not better than a LPVO. Adding a magnifier to that red dot really sucks (which Brass Facts will talk about), and LPVO also kind of suck (which a Youtuber by the name of Trench Grenade will gladly explain to you). See, if you hate LPVO then go watch Trench Grenade, if you hate magnifiers go watch Brass Facts and if you just train with the gear you have, then you can ignore both their opinions.

Just look at your needs. As a civilian, I've never had to engage a target at long range, so I don't need a shitty magnifier or an expensive LPVO, a normal red dot would be fine. Hell, even irons would be fine for me.
I agree with you it would be more valuable for 308 or 6.5 over 5.56. I get its a contentious sort of thing I just love how I can acquire my target with a red dot without really adding any other form of adjustment to my process for most engagements Ill realistically get into. Its also good for the better half of the max effective range.

I will say, I was an infantryman for a good handful of years, but I always had the CCO/ Aimpoint comp m4. Many people considered me unlucky for not getting an acog but i secretly liked it way better. I think I maintained better awareness and engaged effectively about as far as those with 4x anyways. And usually at distance you're just doing fire superiority anyways. I was genuinely curious since they seem really popular and Id give it a shot if I could be convinced. But a red dot with a large window like the Eotech is my favorite now.
I'll watch Trench Grenade's video I guess even though I already lean that way. Thanks. I dont know, at this point I just want to understand why I see everyone with these things. I see a lot of those Vortex Razors at the range in person which is surprising to me.

A newly retired SF fellow I know is also into it, he runs various LPVOs with a cheap micro red dot at the 90 usually. Way better shot than me which is the only reason I can see why'd you want to do that. It seems like a lot to worry about when youre getting shot at. All the SF guys I knew originally ran eotechs without a magnifier as a base line when Id see them around. Lol, anyways, who knows.
As always with guns, if you don't feel a need for more then you probably don't. I will say if you do want to try one, go cheap. Like a swampfox or arken or some other chinesium value brand. There is no fundamental difference between a $300 one of those and a $2500 atacr. Yeah the latter has nicer glass, somewhat less chromatic aberration, somewhat better 1x and light transmission etc, but not 10x better. If you love the cheap one and find it a massive improvement could invest in more later, but if you are meh towards or hate the cheap one I don't think a nice one would make any difference.
>But a red dot with a large window like the Eotech is my favorite now.
Eotech is a holo not a red dot anon lol. But yeah at shorter ranges nothing beats one of those right now if it works for your eyes.
>I'll watch Trench Grenade's video
He hates LPVO so much that he has 4 videos on the topic, the first one was his most coherent one. Honestly, if quality LPVO were affordable, then I'd get one; the etched reticle on a scope is better than a red dot for my astigmatism eyes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fjLZYzP5TY
Yea...I know theyre different but I sorta lump them in together. Thats my bad.

I guess im mostly interested in how they have indeed managed to make these magnified optics have a bearable eye relief and I think thats true even for some cheaper ones. Its just something im following closely. Ill admit though, I just still am stuck on budging.
It's mostly a nothingburger so if you did it a few times it is very unlikely to matter. To some extent it is possible to doxx someone by running an ATF trace on a gun serial number, but the person doing it would need some LE resources/authority to do so. Of course some anon could report the gun stolen to mess with you, but that would only be an issue if the serial number gets checked later (which for a gun in private possession is generally pretty rare) and the anon doing so is putting their own butt in the sling for filing a false police report to do so.

It is good practice to try and avoid making serial numbers of guns you own clearly visible just in case of the 1 in 100000 chance it could possibly be a problem, but don't lose any sleep if you have done so in the past. There are tons of other ways you can get doxxed and fucked with posting on the internet that a dedicated troll would try first before trying the serial number on a gun.
Excel is probably the most suitable and can be programmed for everything you would need it to do. Plenty of people do what you are trying to do with a pen and a notebook. Heck the backs of most gun manuals have note sections for this exact thing.
Unironically thank you for exposing me to this it’s gonna be my next gun
Can I use an aviation headset as earpro? I got it for free, specs say it has 24db passive noise reduction
>just use actual earmuffs
I lost mine
>plugs are better
I know
Could be personal bias / sunken cost fallacy but I'm becoming quite the big fan of Ruger after doing more things with my Max-9. I have a plinker 10/22 but I want something a bit more kick to it. I'm considering a PC Carbine or even a LC Carbine. LC Carbine looks real interesting but I heard that 5.7 ammo is expensive as fuck. If I just want something that I can take to the range and have fun with, I shouldn't get 5.7 right? It can be chambered in 10mm and 45 too. I honestly just like the way it looks.

No idea what kind you got but I used my DCs one time that I still had on hand from my air force days that worked out fine, had no uncomfortable ear pain aside from being more weighty. If they're good enough for jet engines they're good enough for guns.
Getting my first suppressor for a pistol, I know 1/2x28 RH is the most common, but unfortunately I can only find 13.5 LH in stock for this gun. After looking into it, I really see only positives to 13.5, is there a downside other than possible availability issues?
>>just use actual earmuffs
>>plugs are better
Wear both you mongoloid. If you're shooting rifle cartridges without a silencer you need to be wearing double hearing protection. Yes aviation headsets offer good noise reduction but it's not enough to avoid long term hearing damage due to gunfire. You need to wear both.
>Excel is probably the most suitable and can be programmed for everything you would need it to do. Plenty of people do what you are trying to do with a pen and a notebook. Heck the backs of most gun manuals have note sections for this exact thing.
I know, but saving a little time and having a few quality of life features would be worth something, plus it's been fucking forever since I did spreadsheet stuff and I'm rusty as fuck. Looking on SH though seems like a number of people have done templates and shared them, so that might be a starting point.
>Does it actually matter?
Just tell me what could possibly happen. it's traceable, if you post it multiple times its a way to track you individually, but it doesn't identify you and nobody can do anything with it.
>Just tell me what could possibly happen
•Someone could know you post on 4chan for sure, and if you posted something particularly bad with it directly tie it to you. In some cases that alone might be enough to cause you social/work trouble. Most media and normies think 4chan = /b/ & /pol/.
•If it's a generic gun, I guess someone could put the serial on the same model and use it in a crime.
•Some jackass could report it as stolen. This would be a minor bother since everything is written down, it'd be trivial to prove you were the original owner who bought it from the FFL and had the 4473 run, but might still result in some irritating paper work demands.
•Stuff we haven't thought of, because it doesn't even exist. It'll be known forever, and thus tied here and to you for the rest of your life with ever advancing AI and shit. Will social credit scores or something like that someday happen? I think it's worth being humble about.

It's unlikely to be a real issue but it's not like it hurts anything to post shots from the other side instead or put a piece of tape over it or whatever.
>is there a downside other than possible availability issues?
No. Threads are threads, there is nothing special about any of them, the only thing that matters is their compatibility with the accessories you want. Some people find left-hand threads to be confusing since they work backwards from normal threads but IMHO that's not a concern at all.
IIRC, there are a few suppressor makers that have lh threads with the gas in the can designed to continue a right ward spin somewhat, idea being that during shooting the can will continually self tighten a bit and thus help avoid any tendency to come loose, even without any thread lock.
>you NEED to wear earmuffs AND earplugs if you shoot a rifle!
No you don't
Not a question, but an answer to a post in a thread that got nuked

UN 3373, Biological Substance Cat B
for all those needing to import/export cum
How gay would it be to get a Rock Island VR60 over a Remington 870? I just want to have fun blasting shit with shot.
You will no longer have a functional shotgun and also be out $400 in less than 1k rounds.
Get the 870. If you really want the VR60, then buy both.
Why would you buy an inferior product just to save $100
>Someone could know you post on 4chan for sure,
why would you tell anyone this? and they would need to know what guns you have and their serial numbers. doesn't seem rational.
>I guess someone could put the serial on the same model and use it in a crime
why? it doesn't gain them anything.
>but might still result in some irritating paper work demands.
at worst a single phone call and filing a false police report is a crime. if you didn't give them personal information they'd ignore the claim.
>thus tied here and to you
we just showed that it isn't. also you can post other people's guns. and other people can repost your gun.
these concerns aren't rational.
>why would you tell anyone this?
I have no idea why, but people do dumber shit all the time. It's also entirely possible for them to figure out you visit here even without you telling them.

>why? it doesn't gain them anything.
First day on the internet, anon? Trolls get a rush from fucking with people. It's not logical, but it sure happens.

>these concerns aren't rational.
Most concerns aren't.
I'm saying you're being a pussy
Yeah, you need earpro, but you don't need to soundproof your entire fucking head. Cheap foam earplugs are fine. The only time I've ever shot a gun and felt the need to double up is when I was shooting a snubnose .44 Magnum.
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What does the word "organic" mean in context of military structure?

I think I heard that term in a sentence like "Organic mortar section"
Included in the org charts as a permanent part of the unit instead of being temporarily attached from elsewhere. So a tank battalion might have a company of infantry included as standard in its organisation, in which case it's organic, or it might have an infantry company sent over from an infantry battalion to help out, in which case the infantry isn't organic.
thanks man
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I want an MP5 but I don't want turkshit (MKE/Century) and I don't like HK asking more than double the price for a cucked version of a gun to meet fed standards that's made more true to it original form by a US manufacturer (Zenith). Is the SP5 just paying for the HK logo? Is US-made Zenki or Turkish MKE a crapshoot on getting a decent clone? I feel like the best bang for buck is the ZF5 leaving the extra money spent on an SP5 getting a collapsing stock, optic, and suppressor.
Went shooting on a sporting clay range. Other more seasoned members had a giant tapered pipe-cleaner mop thing for cleaning their guns between stations. What do I search for this tool? Ive been trying keywords for the whole afternoon on google and amazon and the best I get is a slightly elongated 3-6in mop attachment for a regular cleaning rod. The ones I've seen are like 3ft tapered dust mop cylinders. Seems very useful.

A wwii production garand in return.
A bore snake?
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Bolt goes through this hole and connects ACOG base to carry handle. Usually tightened down with thumbscrew.
Not really. More like a stiff rod that was like 3ft that was covered in a tapered swiffer duster type nap way looser than a normal nap for a cleaning rod. They'd run it through the breach of the gun forward. They’d give it a quick few reams in each barrel and then return it to a tube to store it. It was a stiff nappy rod. I feel so stupid for not asking one of the shooters using it but I was trying to stay with my team.
>What do I search for this tool?
"Shotgun cleaning rod"
"12ga shotgun mop" (or whatever gauge you use).
It's just a shotgun version of the same shit you'd use to clean a rifle. Mops and brushes screw onto the end of the cleaning rod, exact same as cleaning a rifle or pistol just bigger.
>Ive been trying keywords
Protip if you haven't figured this out already: Google fucking sucks when searching for keywords directly. Instead, search for a broader category then speed-read the hits you get, or browse images. For example in this case if you didn't find what you wanted in the first minute or so, search for "shotgun cleaning supplies" then browse whatever catalogs those bring up or look at the images from an image search.
thats not a troll, its a literal criminal.
This was one big tool in itself. No screw it was like a long tapered lance made of a nappy material they’d run through the barrel then stow in a tube. Not a traditional nap you'd screw onto a rod. I have a 12ga cleaning kit but this was a one piece you’d bring on the cart with you between stations.
Brother I’ve been trying. I actually use duckduck and the brave search but I've tried ebay and amazon as well. I’m completely missing some keyword. The guys I saw using it were shooting in the 90s on a 100rd course.I’m guessing its a good tool if they’re running it.

At the end of the day I’ll use a standard bore snake or a regular nap brush on a rod like I usually do and get my OU clean enough, but seeing that way more professional folk were using this new thing, it I’d like to think they were on to something.

Shaped like this, handle at bottom and whole thing was a nappy rod.
>This was one big tool in itself
Those are also called "shotgun mops". Do a google image search.
>troll activities are always lawful, they'd never do anything illegal like doxx or swat someone
Wow, it really might be your first day on the internet.
>I'm going to rob a store, better obliterate the serial number then put another one on top of it. that'll get me off
you need to be 18 to post here.
I agree, that's unbelievable. Now stuff like >>62512966? Different story.
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you're welcome
Best place to sell a few guns?
>Different story.
they won't do it. it's illegal to file a false police report and why would a cop bother doing a search for a gun that was anonymously reported stolen.
you can try it.
the most your victim will get is a phone call asking if they have a gun. but in reality most gun traces go nowhere.
>it's illegal to file a false police report
Have you heard of swatting, anon? Trolls do in fact file police reports.

>and why would a cop bother doing a search for a gun that was anonymously reported stolen.
you can try it.
They wouldn't. They'd just enter it into their database like procedure tells them to. But maybe, just maybe, if the owner goes to sell the gun a little surprise pops up.

>but in reality most gun traces go nowhere
"traces" have nothing to do with this. Your naivety is unbelievable.
>Your naivety is
>They wouldn't.
this is the third time you just admitted to playing pretend in your head like a preschooler.
if you didn't make shit up you wouldn't have anything to say.
What I mean is, all the ACOGs I've ever seen are sitting on a little rail mount with thumbscrews. Can you remove that mount and there's a bolt & block that fits into the carry handle channel and hole?
>I'm saying you're being a pussy
>Yeah, you need earpro
old people think youre a bitch
Correct. The rail mount is removable. It attaches to the ACOG’s integral carry handle mounting apparatus.
>Most media and normies think 4chan = /b/ & /pol/.
And we need to encourage and maintain that
does HK make decent 22lrs? In my experience, these 'converted' guns are terrible, having tried brands like Kimber and Colt.
>why would you tell anyone this?
You wouldn't. That was my point anon.
>and they would need to know what guns you have and their serial numbers. doesn't seem rational.
You should assume at this point that if you can read it, it's being automatically ingested into an AI backed database. Automatically reading a serial number off of a posted photo is child play stuff at this point (literally, my kid found some open source AI library and did something like that for a school project), same with gun identification which is much easier then like, insect, bird or plant identification which are all apps for your phone now. So if you have ever posted any gun on 4chan, gun type, descriptor and so on are probably recorded somewhere, or certainly could be.

But normally unless it's something very unique that can't be tied back to you for sure. Millions of people have "generic black glonk 19". If you have a serial number posted though, now that really is uniquely identified to you, with a paper chain. Government not doing anything with that is 100% purely the honor system, same as FFLs and so on.

It's completely your call on what assumptions you want to make about every gov for the rest of your life will be like vs the value you get from posting your serial number. Seriously, I don't care. But anything you put up can never be taken down, ever. So my default is that when it costs me nothing I try to share less. I'll be alive for another 40-50 years I hope, that's a long time.
>does HK make decent 22lrs
>I've tried other brands
Anon, all of these are made by like the same two companies. If you're buying a .22lr that is made to look like a center fire firearm, then you're either overpaying and or getting a shitty pot metal product.
the rest:
>why? it doesn't gain them anything.
This isn't a serious question on your part at all anon. Not even going to say "are you 12 years old" because 12yo get bullied and harassed for no reason all the fucking time. I will say "are you new to 4chan" because 4chan itself has plenty of history way back when of sometimes going off at people for reasons good or not.
>also you can post other people's guns. and other people can repost your gun.
Neither of these things matter. You getting fired or shunned isn't a court of law, there isn't any high standard of evidence required. And your supposed thing here is rules lawyer WELL AKSHULLY TECHNICALLY stuff anyway. Unless you frequently lend out your guns to random people nobody is going to believe a carefully lined up "check out my gun guys" shot was taken without your permission or even by someone not you, and if you do frequently lend out your guns to random people that's not a great look either to most.

But again, whatever. You can practice information hygiene as a habit, or not. I know different generations have different feelings about it. If you really just get a kick out of sharing your serial number then go for it. I do not though.
Red dot and magnifier is clunky heavy obsolete bullshit that needs 2 mounts.
You'll NEVER need to swap from magnified to unmagnified fast enough that you can't just adjust the magnification on a scope. You get a proper reticle with a LPVO. You get better FOV with a LPVO.
Move on from 2003. Eokek needs to die already.
>better fov then a dot
>better eyebox
>easier to use with a helmet/goggles
lol no. I have an lpvo but one of the big problems is people overselling them. While I'd like to see eotech improve their holos and would agree on them being lazy, that's not because the tech itself is in any way obsolete. They'll probably be surpassed by holosun or something instead though just like trijicon was.
>Anon, all of these are made by like the same two companies.
cool. Which two?
Beret fov than a dot viewed through a magnifier.
Umarex and GSG. Did you legitimately think companies all invested and tooled up to make shitty barely functional .22s?
That particular shit stick was made by Umarex. GSG made an Mp5 look alike .22 for years before having to stop.
>Did you legitimately think blahklbahbk
Anon.... I'm asking questions in an effort to become informed. Thanks for getting around to providing an answer!
>Beret fov than a dot viewed through a magnifier.
If you're doing constant magnification then sure, wouldn't be the right tool, but tons of people are doing 1x the vast majority of the time, only rarely using mag. So they optimize towards that. And if you're using mag most of the time, is an LPVO itself a good choice vs an MPVO which will have better fov then the LPVO at the same mag and a dot for occasional 1x needs? Etc etc. I'm not saying it's not a good fit for your own use, but the entire range of options has persisted for a reason.
I've shot an AP5 and SP5, both suppressed. It's the same fucking thing.
Is it cool having HK-branded everything? Yeah, telling everyone you overspent for "the real thing" is nice, but you could buy an additional 1.5 AP5's for the same price and get the same performance.
>Neither of these things matter.
it's directly tied to whether or not someone can identify someone from a firearm. what is a rational chain of evidence that leads from someone (who just saved an image of a gun on an image board) posting your guns to your employer, just hash one out.
it isn't rational, but that doesn't seem to be something that stands between you and making a post.
>only rarely using mag
thank God you are dragging around all that extra weight, complexity and cost for something you rarely use.
>it's directly tied to whether or not someone can identify someone from a firearm
No it's not. It's tied to whether you could identify someone to a standard that'd meet a court of law. But for normal society, if your gun is posted as part of a "look at my gun guys" post on /k/, it's yours. No one cares that "maybe somebody else could have posted it!"
>muh rational chain of evidence
I understand you're a loner turbo autismo but objectively you should be capable of recognizing this is not how 99% of the population works in general relations.
>all that extra weight, complexity and cost
>3x fixed flip mag for a few hundred bucks is tons of weight, complexity and cost vs an LPVO
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Every setup for dual magnification has its own drawbacks
LPVO is acceptable and long and close ranges, but switching magnification takes time and the 1X is mediocre for fast close range shooting
Red dot magnifier is fast to swap magnifications, but when magnified are poor for distance shooting. Arguably best for close range because at that point it’s just a regular red dot
Fixed magnification with a piggybacked or offset red dot is optimal for distance shooting and the fastest to transition from magnified to 1x, but you’re introducing a lot of height over bore, potential for snags, and at the distances you’d want to use your 1x that height over bore starts to actually matter
this was ultimately my reasoning for buying off brand; spent the difference on buying ammunition.
Lol your serial says jooo
I personally try to obscure my serials, but I also live in a place that is known to dislike private funs owners and instructs their cops that anyone with one is probably a criminal.
So anything to make their jobs harder or reduce my chances of being noticed by them
Disagree. Dot/magnifier is much more robust than an LPVO and you get a lot more bang for your buck. You can get a very functional, reliable, and much more robust dot/magnifier combo for well under a grand. It's the better choice for the vast majority of shooters over an LPVO. The cheapest well performing LPVOs with enough top end magnification to begin to be persuasive over a dot/magnifier is also going to be running around 1500 before mount last I checked. If you're going to be using the gun most of the time on 1x then get a dot and put a magnifier on there when it's called for. If you're going to be shooting at longer ranges for the most part then you're getting much better performance(particularly per dollar, but in general as well) with an MPVO and mini dot.
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The only one that I hide the serial number on is my SBR'd MPA Defender because if they're gonna run the serial numbers on a random gun on the internet, it's gonna be the pistol with a vertical foregrip and a folding stock that I'm bumpfiring with a fake suppressor
It's legal and everything, but still
The solution is a piggback mount where you strap an ACOG on top of an Aimpoint.
You heard it here first. Patents Pending.
based, thanks anons. I can afford any of the 3 nbd but I also care about performance value over brand name and market value as I don't ever sell any of my guns
Any good alternatives to this bullshit
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Does this exist but chambered in fuddy five? No I don't mean ones that feed from glock mags.
A piggybacked micro prism on top of a red dot would unironically be an interesting setup, but it would be impossible to get a comfortable eye relief on the prism while still keeping the red dot at a comfortable height to aim with. If you want to eliminate the height over bore you’d just do an offset red dot instead but that’s more of a snag hazard
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I was a retard and milled my non-MOS Glock for the Acro P2 footprint (direct mount). Is there a plate that will allow me to go from the Acro P2 to the RMR footprint? I haven't found anything on google, all of them are for RMR -> P2 ....am I fucked?

pic rel, fun in question.
Anyone run LVPO with a throw ring + micro red dot? Not even sure if I want top mount at that point, maybe 45° left cant to keep ejects in the dirt.
Only negative I see is weight and lack of high mag but with semi 5.56/6.5/7.62 anything beyond ~500 I am 360ing and run away unless I can set up proper ambush.
The only advantage I can see of using a red dot LPVO combo is you can dial the magnification for closer-ish range shots while keeping a 1x on hand for rapid close range target acquisition. Needing to change magnification at all at that point is kind of questionable in my opinion and you’re adding a fair amount of weight because of it
>still ass-blasted for being called the retard it is
luh mao.
have you asked if the magazine is wide enough for a double stack 45?
LaFrance M16K45
Acog / rmr vs lpvo for a 14.5 AR?

The durability and relatively light weight of the acog are appealing but the lpvo is probably a more capable optic. Don't do much shooting passed 300 yards so the extra 2-4x magnification isn't strictly necessary.
what's the best way to prep a barrel for shipping to prevent corrosion? who knows if they will leave it out in the rain or not. should I lather it up in synthetic motor oil and wrap it in plastic? where are the resident scientists/chemists here? it's bead blasted stainless finish.
Oiling it and putting it in plastic is more than good enough.
just some regular gun oil and a plastic bag is plenty. if you think it's going to take a LONG time to get there use a dedicated anti-corrosion oil like CorrosionX or a VLC bag, but that's if you are shipping it by sea or something. anything domestic and that is way overkill.
Both >>62539993 and >>62540020 are correct, if you're actually just direct shipping it to someone (or yourself). Light oiling and putting it in a plastic bag is completely fine. If it was going to sit around in a non-environmental controlled warehouse first for an indeterminate amount of time, gun grease and wrapping (just as with long term storage in general) will protect stuff from whatever, but then it has to be cleaned before use. That's stupid overkill 99% of the time.

You can also deal with some issues just be shipping fast, barrels aren't huge items. I shipped one cross country earlier this year, and just did fedex 2-day and it cost $28. It'll never be sitting around on 2 day shipping (and if it got lost entirely insurance would cover it). I did nothing special, a couple of days isn't enough to develop rust spots shipping anymore then it would sitting in a bag at home.
another question... should I just ship it in a heavy duty rod tube, or is it smarter to put the rod tube inside a normal box so it's harder to lose? I fear a rod tube alone could easily get lost comsoderomg it's under 20" and rolls around. I have no idea what the cost difference between those two methods would be, some online say that a tube is "irregular package" and might cost more, yet the box+packing material will add almost another pound. I just don't trust carriers because I've had boxes completely open sitting in the rain plenty of times.
I wouldn't bother with a special container, but DO make sure you pad the ends of the barrel, and pack the barrel tight in the boxor tube so it can't move around. I have had similar objects get damaged in shipping because they were loosely packed and the rod acted like a "battering ram" and came out the end of the box. Pack the box tight with filler so the contents can't move around. Make sure the ends of the barrel are well padded so it can't poke through the box easily. When I ship things like this I wrap the part in a bag, then tape bubblewrap or cardboard to each end so that it looks like a giant "Q-tip". Then pack that in your box.
Yes, this is what I did. Solid cardboard tube, barrel bagged, thin bubble wrap but so that it was tight and couldn't batter, then foam each end before the plastic caps. Finally heavy duty packing tape for the caps. Held up fine even though one end did indeed get a bit squashed.
How many decibels is the sound of an AR action cycling? No gunshot, just the action, but at the same speed it would run at if a shot were fired. How many decibels does this add to, say, a 300blk subsonic, bolt action vs AR.. Are there autoloading actions that are quieter than others? are there any ways to significantly reduce the sound of the action?
It'd depend on your gun. I measured my semiauto bullpup action cycling the bolt though with a decent quality microphone and certified software and it came in around 121 dB, which was higher than I'd expected but at the same time not entirely surprising given I had noticed it giving kinda unpleasant ear twinges to practice dry firing with no earpro. But of course in an AR the action is much further forward which would help at the ear. People have talked about it before though, and a bolt is a lot quieter.
>decibels does this add
If you're below 120 it'd matter, which will depend on your gun and can. But that's rare even for canenjoyers. All my shooting is suppressed, but it's also all mostly supers. So it still wouldn't matter there.
>Are there autoloading actions that are quieter than others?
Some seem to be but I don't know of any sort of formal systemic measurement of it, even though, unlike suppressors, that'd actually be pretty cheap. It'd just required some autism by someone with a lot of guns (or who could get them).
>are there any ways to significantly reduce the sound of the action?
Yeah, but I don't think it's something that has ever gotten any serious contemplation in the industry. If you don't have a can and subs it's meaningless after all, 110, 115, 120, 125, still would be completely drowned out by the 155-175 of an unsuppressed rifle report. Nobody has ever cared. Maybe if suppressors weren't on the NFA at all it'd get a little more attention someday.
To add to what this anon wrote, "the sound of the action" parts moving isn't the only source of sound other than the muzzle. There is also sound that comes out of the ejection port. So even if you found one type of action that made less mechanical noise than another you're still ignoring a large part of the equation. In that regard a manual action will always have an advantage over a semiauto. In other words, even if you DID have a can, and you were shooting subs, it's still not the whole picture.
How does .44 Special perform out of a rifle compared to a revolver? I know you can see considerable velocity differences with .44 Magnum.
I may or may want to Bubba a flashlight onto a R92 for home defense, and .44 Magnum indoors without hearing protection seems like a quick way to go deaf/overpenetrate.
So I've been researching PCCs. I'm trying to make an educated decision since I'm new to firearms. I came across the PC charger which has caught my attention. My primary question is, how do braces work, what's the going price range, and what kind of work can I expect to put into properly putting it together as well as maintaining it.
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Just bee yourself and try both out if you can to get a feel for which one you prefer.
Magnification is always better than no magnification.
>So I've been researching PCCs. I'm trying to make an educated decision since I'm new to firearms
I would strongly recommend against buying a PCC if you're new to firearms. You definitely CAN buy whatever if you really want to, but they're pretty niche and generally not great values vs handgun+regular rifle. For a few people they fit well, but they can get astonishingly pricey yet still are mediocre when you want to go to even mildly regular ranged shooting.
>My primary question is, how do braces work
I'm not sure what you mean by this. Are you asking how to attach one or what?
What >>62542769 said. If this is your first gun, or even your second or third, I'd skip the PCC and get a conventional rifle or pistol. PCC's are a very good fifth gun.
PC Charger is pretty decent from what I've heard. The general consensus is that it's kinda heavy and you might as well just get a 5.56, but that's true of every PCC really.
>how do braces work
Like a stock. Nobody actually straps guns to their wrist like Mega Man. It's just a legal technicality that says you can put a stock on a pistol if it's got a bit of floppy rubber on it.
>what's the going price range
Too much. You're gonna spend over a grand on a PCC unless you go full cheapskate mode.
>what kind of work can I expect to put into properly putting it together
You're probably going to have to buy a stock/brace if it doesn't come with one, plus sights because guns don't come with sights anymore for some damn reason. Plus whatever accessories you want and the spare magazines. You'll spend a couple few hundred bucks. If you're not super crazy into guns, I strongly recommend just getting an AR.
I see, I think I'll skip a PCC for now then. My general idea was to have a two handed firearm with cheap ammo just for shooting but I have a 10/22 for that reason I guess. I was doing more search on it and my brain assumed that they would have less recoil than an ordinary rifle but apparently they have about the same or more than a ordinary rifle. The only PCC I think I'd get at this point is a CX4 but it's so hard to find and I want to be able to test fire it before buying, let alone get one shipped online.

I'll start researching rifles, I do have some experience shooting ARs but not owning them. How much can I expect to spend on 5.56? I realistically don't plan on doing anything with it than going to the range once or twice a month. Thank you both btw.
If your state allows you to buy online, then always do that in general. ammoseek.com is the standard really good comparison site, you can look for every caliber under the sun with exactly the specs you're after and then find who is offering the best pricing. Just make sure to set your shipping rating at >8, because lots of scummy places like to try to appear to have the best prices, but then charge some huge amount for "shipping and handling :^)" so that the price ends up being higher than a decent place.
>How much can I expect to spend on 5.56?
So right now, I'm seeing 44.8 cpr (cents per round) for the ultra basic bitch cheap stuff in bulk, and ~48cpr for individual boxes. Prices vary a lot based on time of the year, demand, etc. Sometimes there are good sales. As you watch you'll get a feel for when you see something worth getting a bunch of.

You don't have to get an AR, you can get some other 5.56 gun, but for your described use 5.56 is a good caliber that'll do whatever you'd like at any typical range. If down the road you find you want more you can do that then. The other possible entry for guns is a shotgun, which have a lot of fun options too (skeet competitions can happen in more developed places for example) and is also reasonably priced.

Do not get suckered into buying any fancy accessories starting out. For the ones you do get, start with cheap. Even if you end up not liking something you won't go too wrong if you went ultra value since you won't be out much. Nicer stuff doesn't generally mean fundamentally different in guns, just polish that only helps if you're using it hard.
And just for emphasis: remember there is an entire industry built around extracting a ton of money from gun folks, shilling various products etc. Take things with a grain of salt. It's very easy to fall down the rabbit hole. You'll be a lot happier though if you go super cheap, and then if after a year or two something breaks and you miss it, or you decide some specific aspect is bothering you, then you'll be able to target just that for improvement and know what you're after.

Have fun!
Is microdotted ammo a thing?
My friend is wanting to get her first handgun. She doesn't have any gun experience. What would you recommend for her as a daily conceal hip carry? She's from Michigan.

She's around 110lbs and 5'4". It needs to be relatively small, sleek and not too heavy. Reliable. Preferably not too expensive. Single stack would be better.

I was thinking maybe a Glock 43?
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Anyone tried Bullets 1st 168gr 7.62 compared to Federal? Gonna test them head to head soon but figured I’d ask.
lol wut
go look at /hg/ they have a whole pastebin and general decent anons with good advice on that sort of thing
One of the Smith and Wesson EZs. I got one for my Mom who has super arthritis. Not saying your friend is weak but they're good for people who might have trouble working the slide.
>There is also sound that comes out of the ejection port.
Also a good thing to remember. I have a 10/22 with a 1/2x20 to 1/2x28 adapter on it that absolutely HATES Super Colibris. For some ungodly reason it is the loudest fucking ammo along with the 710 CBs (CCI Shorts). Bolt opens fast enough that a considerable amount of pressure comes out the ejection port and it feels like someone bitch slapped both my ringing ears. Meanwhile with 38-40gr CCI LR around 710 to 1,xxx FPS is quieter by a significant margin. Not sure why; could be that I'm using a super worn in set of springs, could be that my thread adapter is screwing super deep into the silencer and blocking the gas from getting into the first chamber (it is like 3x as long as the 1/2x28 threads on a new 10/22), I dunno. But that setup really hates the light Colibris, makes my ears ring worse than unsilenced subs would. Had that silencer on a different new 10/22 the year before and the Colibris were stupid quiet. However that same new 10/22 also makes 710 CBs loud while the Colibris are still quiet as with the previous silencer. Stupid and small differences add up.
In principle there are some interesting approaches that could be taken even for that. Don't think any products came out of it, but years ago I some some guys doing some pretty serious discussion (including some CAD work) on an "electric action", ie, rather than using either manual or gas, actually having a battery/motor that then powered a hybrid of manual and something like the F2000's interesting system:
From their math not much energy is needed relatively speaking just to shift around bullets and empty cases so a battery charge would last a very long time. You'd have all the gas going out the front, clean and sealed with no back pressure considerations just like a manual, but still semi automatic in operation, and spent brass delayed ejection out the front.

But as long as suppressors are regulated under the NFA not sure anyone would pursue that kind of extreme, because the market just won't be big enough for pursuing the quietest possible operation.
Are gun belts a meme? How are they different from regular belts?
Depends if you get an under the loops belt or a over the loops battle belt. They have their use as range gear or if you just want a fast piece of gear (if it's a battle belt) to throw on in a pinch.
All that said yeah they're a meme but a utilitarian meme for the right person.
Just started reloading, Classic Lee Loader, one round went in literally 0.01" deeper than the load data OAL says. Tried to use a kinetic bullet puller and couldn't get it to work despite using the correct collet and everything. What am I doing wrong? I load the round into the collet before screwing on the top instead of trying to rotate it in, is that the problem? Should I just whack it on concrete, because wood's not working?

Also, can I just fire this thing? It's 124gr 9mm FMJ on top of 4.8gr of Winchester Autocomp, and I've got a Ruger P-series.
stiffer and dont sag into themselves. thats not to say all normal belts are shit but most wont hold up to the weight and shape of a gun for a few months.
Yeah what >>62545900 said, though I'll add even a lot of utility belts aren't quite right because they're designed to hold other tools and are too tall, or just plain look kinda crappy. There's nothing complex about a gun belt nor should one cost you much, it's just designed to hold the weight of pistol and holder without going to shit while still looking ok otherwise.
gun boxers are a bigger meme buttcrack carry way worse then you guys claimed never doing it again
This >>62545900; I barely put anything on my belt and the leather belt has a sag where I hang stuff. Bretty sad as I like the belt but I think I might have to get something reinforced. Also fug do I hate having to soak and wash my belt; all the sweat that runs down my back hunting soaks into the belt. Then I wash it and ruin the stain and dry it out (and need to go over it with a conditioner) but it's better than knowing all that shit is in my belt.
How do I get a job at a Local Gunshop?
Ask them if they're hiring. How is this even a question?
anon you fucking zogger nogger get a job app you retard.
Keep in mind that 1. you're working retail, which will never not suck, and 2. your clientele are the worst people on the planet.
Eye look, firm handshake.
Does anyone have a rundown of the good, the bad, and ugly when it comes to Black powder rifles/muskets?

Pedersoli looks good but how much better is a $2000 musket vs a $400 one from Traditions?
I have a 92FS, a 590A1, and an 80% AR build. What should I add to my collection next?
It sounds like your tastes are basic tacitcool stuff. Along those lines you're missing a PCC/Subgun, DMR/Precision rig, and PDW.

Though honestly, buying guns because you're trying to complete some checklist in your head or trying to keep up with what other people like is retarded. What gun do YOU want? If you can't answer that question then hold off on buying something until you can. Serious collectors know exactly what they want and will ramble about the item(s) they desire for hours until someone tells them to stop. They'll tell you how many were made, where, by whom, the names of the inventor's wife, children, and pets, and all sorts of other useless shit because they're honestly interested in the gun and they've researched their ass off about it. "Collecting" without that level of autism is just consooming.
I really feel like I’m wasting my money on firearms. I don’t have kids but I genuinely think I wouldn’t be able to shoot someone even in a self defense situation. So what if some guy wants my wallet? If I shoot him I’ll have to live in a court house for years afterward, not just to prove that it was self defense, but also probably defend against a civil suit. Not to mention the fact that you have to live with taking someone’s life. Sounds like a lot of headache when I could either:
A. Die and go to eternal paradise
B. Hand over my wallet and just cancel my credit cards.
Am I just a retard or does anyone else relate
If I was going to do a muzzleloader, I'd probably buy one of the kits in the white and finish it myself. I have no idea on the quality difference, but a $400 project that I could pick at when I feel like appeals to me
Let me fuck your wife too, cuck
I’m not married but it’s no surprise you need to borrow another man’s woman
I am samefagging but I imagine you fantasize about getting the chance to kill someone
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No, but I don't fantasize about giving all my money and a blowjob to the guy robbing me either, and I definitely don't go on the gun board to post about what a good person I am because I imagined getting stabbed by a mugger and refusing to defend myself
I just can’t imagine myself shooting someone. Obviously I didn’t post on the questions thread to morally grandstand. Maybe a better question is how do I COPE with the fact I might have to defend my own life with lethal force?
Serious answer:
The subjective aspects are ultimately up to you. If you just sincerely want to say
>"well, I choose to turn the other cheek, my faith is so strong that if I'm raped and/or die for that I accept that"
then there is nothing for anyone else to say to that. But you brought up some objective specifics so:
>So what if some guy wants my wallet?
Criminals use some of the money from their crimes to commit more crime, and success inspires replication. "We live in a society" has become a meme, but it is in fact true. Our social actions affect lots of others. That doesn't override your right to make a choice, you're in the prime position if you're the victim, but don't forget that guy who you give your wallet isn't going to immediately never commit a crime again.
>defend against a civil suit
This has been thought of not just by you and is state law based in the US. A lot of states have complete civil immunity as part and parcel of a self defense claim. No criminal conviction, no civil suit. That may not be the case in your state of course, but that's a specific thing.
>Not to mention the fact that you have to live with taking someone’s life
Obviously subjective. To me property IS life, or at least a tiny piece. I'm not rich and have no trust fund or whatever. If you take $100 from me (be it cash or property), that represents 2-3 hours or so of my life I worked. I can never have that time back. And I also think this kind of sentiment misses the symmetry: you can't talk about "is it worth someone's life" from the victim side without applying it to the criminal. Is it worth their life to steal from you? If they decide yes, then to me fairness and justice says I get to decide yes as well.
>Am I just a retard
No, but perhaps a bit blinkered or at least need to think through a bit more on your principles and how they apply. Again, nothing wrong with picking a path for the right reasons. Just make sure your foundation is actually real, not imagined.
I'll add as well again for emphasis that I'm not judging you or calling you a bad or anything. And I'm not saying you should feel comfortable or good about shooting someone at all, which would be abnormal human psych. I live in a rural area and do some farm work and sometimes I have to shoot a sick or problem animal. I do not feel good about it. It's not the animal's fault. It's the right thing to do, particularly for rabies which 100% fatal and a truly horrible way to go, but it still feels regrettable. If I had some magic ray that would just fix their behavior or disease I'd use it, but of course we don't. I don't wallow over it but I also don't put on some tough "heh blew holes through that furball" edge mentality either.

To me criminals are worse, because unlike animals they do have a choice. Evil requires choice, and IRL monsters are always sentient. A sick dangerous animal cannot ever be evil, but a man who chooses to steal from his fellow man in a society full of opportunity and businesses begging for labor is evil. If I had to shoot I'm pretty certain I'd unavoidable still feel somewhat like "that was too bad", I mean, I certainly would prefer a world where there were no thieves/rapists/murderers, and those with serious mental problems got firm but empathetic true care. But I'd get over it fine, and more easily then putting down a beloved pet ridden with cancer.

If I chose to shoot them, it was because they chose to break into my house or try to mug/assault me.
Most of what I really want is either expensive or illegal to own without a lot of money and paperwork, or both. Like, I'd love to own either a full-auto M2, but obviously you need a lot of money for that, and space to store them and etc.
Other things I'd like to own are basically out of reach unless I become a defense contractor, SOT, or insanely wealthy, like a GAU-8 or an M134 or a Mk.19.

Honestly though, probably the next thing I get will be either a PCC with a can or an AR10. Although at some point I should probably figure out a CCW, as the 92FS is really too big for that.
Oh, yeah you should be hitting it on something harder than wood,too much energy is being loss. I like to hit mine on the top of my steel target plate. When you go to swing don't worry about breaking it because it looks like plastic you gotta unlease your inner ape and just lose your self in the moment.Also I wouldn't sweat such a small error in seating depth I don't know where you are in terms of how close you are to max charge but I doubt its that bad

Thanks for the heads up. I did try really banging the puller on concrete later that night, still didn't work. Maybe I went way too hard when I seated the round? It's a Classic Lee so you literally use a rubber mallet to hammer the round into the case, and I was hitting pretty hard on it at one point. I can try banging the puller on a steel workout weight plate if I ever get another bodged round. As it is I just ended up firing it, had no problems at all. no big bang or kaboom, just went and hit the target with no fuss. 4.8gr of Winchester Autocomp is basically minimum charge for that published load, so it's not like I was playing with +P. Guess I don't need to worry about 0.01" play as long as I'm using light loads and the round feeds/chambers properly.
>Most of what I really want is either expensive or illegal to own without a lot of money and paperwork, or both
Stay focused on your goals and save for the fancy shit. It's a lot harder to save up for your grail guns when you're nickel-and-diming yourself buying lesser things. A CCW makes sense because that's a practical tool to defend yourself, not just a fun range toy. But don't think that you need to consoooom some new gun just because.
>save for the fancy shit
>don't think that you need to consoooom
Saving for the fancy shit is gunsoooming. It's not any more fun and it's barely more functional than mundane normal shit. It just feels good to have in the closet because it's expensive. That's the core of gunsooming.
>Saving for the fancy shit is gunsoooming
I say that depends on exactly what fancy shit anon is talking about. If it's the latest crap that's being pushed on Instagram and Tiktok? Yeah, that absolutely is consoooming. But surp and machine guns aren't exactly whats trending among the cool kids these days.

>It just feels good to have in the closet because it's expensive.
Honestly nice stuff appreciates very well. It's no more "consoooming" than collecting rare coins or fine art is "consoooming".
An AR-10 in .308 or 6.5 creedmoor to sit next to your AR-15
I just think the only one of those that's even remotely achievable without a multi-million dollar windfall is the M2, and even that probably isn't going to happen.
Nothing in 22LR? A 10/22 probably.

>To me property IS life, or at least a tiny piece. I'm not rich and have no trust fund or whatever. If you take $100 from me (be it cash or property), that represents 2-3 hours or so of my life I worked. I can never have that time back.
>Saving for the fancy shit is gunsoooming. It's not any more fun and it's barely more functional than mundane normal shit
Sorry anon but while this may be true in general it's not necessarily in niches. I just spent a long time saving up for my dream long range shooting rifle/setup, and I've already used it more regularly then my older semis. It is indeed a lot of fun. Do I NEED it? Nah, I could have got away with a Tikka in 6.5 and a chinesium scope with canted rail. But the compactness, the ultra fast barrel swaps, the extra mag range and sweet spot, the built in massive elevation is all still nice. My fancy handgun is my edc, I like shooting it, and the suppression is something I want.

I'd certainly always suggest starting with the absolute cheapest however. That's the advice I got from some older coworkers at the shop way back in the day, buy cheap, then use the shit out of it until it breaks. If it does break and you find you instantly miss it, or are experiencing real frustrations, THEN buy nicer knowing exactly what you're after and that it'll be worth it. If it ends up spending most of the time in a drawer/closet coming out once in a blue moon, well now you know and you saved a lot of money. It has served me well and wasn't intuitive to me at least, because it always felt like a "waste". But once I learned it was more like R&D and made things far better in the long run I changed my mind.
D&H mags good or bad?
Are vertical grips and angled grips on long guns just a meme?
Is it just me or are 10/22s overpriced?
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Vertical is great
Angled fucking sucks and it's cope for ban states and people who don't want to buy a tax stamp for an SBR
There is literally no reason to ever buy an angled.
They're overpriced
>What's the verdict on posting pics with serial numbers. Does it actually matter?

FISA warrants are hard to get (unless you're a certain politician, then the rules don't matter), but there's nothing stopping powers that be from asking foreign governments - or private companies - to do it for you ...

Ask yourself how hostile countries would run higher resolution wargames involving that information, like what would be the level of COIN required to occupy different areas, ect. Yeah, probably shouldn't volunteer serials when a bit of electrical tape obscuring it would make it a lot less useful to collate. Context? Chinamen like how the Germans invaded Norway, and Red Dawn was a very mild depiction of their dream scenario. Take Gaza-- how many multiples of those raiders could hostiles push through with the 7-10 million who the fuck knows forcing through the border the past three years. Or that SOF guy that put down those Russian Federation FOBs casing his family and house. Instead of random bullshit, would 'near peers' make lists provided off these kinds of data collection efforts to have maximal suppression of the total defense safety net of bubba minuteman hiding behind Yamamotos grass? Whatever the likelihood it isn't zero.
>Can anyone actually give me a reason why LPVOs are better in your opinion than red dot + magnifier?

1. Stretching 556 beyond sensible ranges with the ability to use MilDots to accurately range and hold for environmental factors

2. Making 7.62 shine at those aforementioned ranges while having something that can get away with not taking an additional Red Dot

3.You're in mountainous or open country where the dot magnifier will be felt to be inadequate often enough to be suspect

It's HK tooling, the Turks can't cut that many corners. PTR has its issues. There's always Stribog if you want a different roller delay option.

>for a 14.5 AR

Take the prism. Isn't worth the weight, isn't going to be doing the business for the 6x and above use case.
unironically go on Fiverr and find a guy whos good at excel if you suck at it or are too lazy. Give him $30 and he can probably make you a functional program in a couple hours. throw a copy of the doc+ macro list on google drive burner account for safekeeping. EZ
It means they are allowed to grow vegetables behind commander's tent in the FOB.
I've finally outgrown my cheapo Stack-On "safe", looking for a real safe now. Got any recommendations?
Do you need an actual for real safe against actual thieves and accidents, or do you just want a "gun safe" that is a bit more storage and maybe keeps kids out?
Actual for real safe, with room for at least 40 long guns
You need to look for something properly UL rated, and be aware that a true safe is no joke when it comes not just to cost but even more so to getting it to your house and installation. Honestly, given the topic importance (40 long guns is definitely getting into 5-6 figure value territory which is serious business) and depth I'd really suggest just reading all of this to get started:
and the whole myths list which also has some discussion of how ratings and construction work:
Know that the same stuff which makes real gun safes a pita also mean you CAN sometimes find super good deals, because like other heavy stuff (server racks for example) they're so fucking expensive to ship that if some business wants to get rid of one locally they will often take dimes or pennies on the dollar if you can handle the removal. Depending on your own home situation and what stuff you have on hand (I have a tractor for example and with a few buddies could use that alongside winches etc to get heavy stuff into my basement, and I do have a real basement with exterior access) this may be feasible or not.

Your house matters too. Obviously, you need to the structure to actually support the raw lbs/sqft, but also as that site covers safe protection is improved hugely by proper installs, having it embedded with solid structure on all sides but the door etc.

Also you may be able to offset some of this cost if you have insurance, a proper safe cuts risk so you may be able to get lower premiums or other bonus incentives depending on provider.
If you've got a ton of money and want to buy new Graffunder and AmSec both offer real-deal safes. Real safes have UL "TL" ratings. TL-15, TL-30, etc. The higher the number the better, but even a TL-15 is a pretty serious safe.

If you're looking to save money keep your eyes open for use safes. Check Cragislist and Ebay. Keep an eye on local news for business bankrupcy auctions--many businesses have safes for payroll/deposits, legal documents, computer backups, etc. Labs/pharmacies have safes for controlled substances, etc. That stuff all goes up for auction at time to time and like the other anon said it often sells for pennies on the dollar. Having those kinds of things shipped long distances can be expensive, but if it's just local that's totally different. I bought my safe, an old Mosler, at auction. I paid a local safe company to move it, service it, and change the combination. Safe cost me $700 and the moving/service cost about $1000. Not bad when a safe like that would have been way over $10k new.

>a proper safe cuts risk so you may be able to get lower premiums or other bonus incentives
That is a thing. My insurance company said they would cover up to a certain amount of guns/other valuables, and if I needed more coverage than that I'd either have to have a safe or the rates would be much higher. This is where safe ratings come from, so insurance companies know how to balance coverage with protection.
Fully depends on what model you want. Some are kinda pricey, some are pretty affordable.
>1103 wood stock 10/22 carbine: $250
>31191 plastic stock 10/22 carbine Ruger Day edition w/ threaded barrel: $236
>1151 plastic stock 10/22 carbine: $230, as low as $170-200 during holiday sales
The only US made rifle cheaper than the 10/22 which I can think of was the Marlin Model 60 at ~$80-100 IIRC and they've been out of production for a couple years now; you can thank Freedom Group for fucking up Remington and Marlin. I didn't include shipping in price for either as it varies and often one of the top three lowest priced choices has free shipping. Compared to the current production (Turkish made) Wildcat I think the 10/22 looks even better; it's a whole $30 cheaper than the 10/22 with no aftermarket. Not my first choice, that's for sure.
Thanks for the serious answer. Good points and I can actually relate to the having the kill nuisance animals but not wanting to
just buy a second

>room for at least 40 long guns
its going to weigh 2000 lbs and cost 8k+ or its going to be some shitty design which requires you to remove 20 guns to get the one you want
>and I can actually relate to the having the kill nuisance animals but not wanting to
Yeah, been decades but I've never become totally inured to it which I'm oddly kinda grateful for. I do it, it's work, but I try to give them a decent burial afterwards, and I have made real effort to avoid any sort of temptation generation on my end (like building a steel cage for my compost, or embedding metal mesh around my buildings) so that as much as possible we can all get along. I don't reach for my guns as an easy answer, but sometimes it's called for.
>its going to weigh 2000 lbs and cost 8k+ or its going to be some shitty design which requires you to remove 20 guns to get the one you want
He sounds like one of the cases though where yes, he knows what he's doing and yes, he really does need the real deal. If the average price on those is even $1k, that's $40k+ in firearms at home, that's well into genuine serious value territory. If I had $40k in precious metals or a painting on the wall I found out was worth that much I'd be considering some more protection investment too.
Thanks for the writeup anon, very helpful. I'm probably going to go with a Sturdy

kek I don't know what I'm doing but I do know I need the real deal
>I'm probably going to go with a Sturdy
>I know I need the real deal
Pick one. Sturdy does not make real safes. Real safes have UL "TL" ratings. Sturdy Safes do not have this rating. Their website is full of clever marketing bullshit but notice that they never mention their UL rating. Why? Because like 99% of "gun safe" makers they aren't UL rated. They aren't even RSC level II rated, let alone a real TL rating.
Where/how do I get surplus AK furniture? I want it to bring spirits to haunt my apartment along with my SKS and Mosin
Google "surplus AK furniture" and click on some of the links until you find what you're looking for
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I love watching planes on ADS-B Exchange and noticed two Ospreys flying around Norwich. One of them has the icon for airplane mode, one of them is currently in helicopter mode, if you can call them that. They do switch in between. Is that really something that gets transmitted?
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Anyone has an idea or knows what this is at the end of a road in the middle of nowhere, China?
Radio towers
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Bought a Detective Special off Gunbroker for $415. Did I get a good deal, or did I overpay for crap? The finish is kinda worn.
Going rate for snubbies these days. You did good, treat her well.
>Can anyone actually give me a reason why LPVOs are better in your opinion than red dot + magnifier?
because they are heavier and more expensive.
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Doesn't really look like it. It might just be some kind of mining operation but it's really the fact that that installation is in the middle of nowhere, deep in the Altyn-Tagh mountains (closest town is 60 km away) that budges me
How do you move with guns, especially across state lines? Do you take a truck and drive them there yourself, or trust a moving company, or fly them across?
I just packed them into the Uhaul first and drove it. I did buy a good lock for the truck so I wasn't so worried overnight.
>How do you move with guns, especially across state lines?
Driving if it's anywhere on the continent, though that's the same as a bunch of other really valuable stuff. Most is replaceable for money so insurance can deal with that but for stuff that's irreplaceable or deeply valuable (not necessarily for money), which doesn't amount to that much, I (or family) drive it. If you move all the time would have to think more about it, and you can fly with checked guns following the rules about it, but for me it's rare enough that I'd just treat it as an opportunity for an equally rare Americana road trip.

If I was ever moving to Alaska I guess it'd be more complicated and it'd probably require flying given Canadian laws. Or maybe there's some ferry/cruise you could do which could be kinda cool too?
It's not reported. The data aggregator may have done something cute with the reported speed to switch between the two sprites.
whats the cool new gun these days? i havent been much into the hobby since i moved to the east coast where shooting is expensive and gay.
There's endless cool new guns you're gonna have to narrow it down a lot more than that anon.
>since i moved to the east coast where shooting is expensive and gay.
Your fault for picking part of the east coast where shooting isn't cheap and awesome as everywhere else.
>I did buy a good lock for the truck so I wasn't so worried overnight.
People around here just steal the trucks. Drive somewhere out of sight and even a good lock won't stand up to abuse forever.
nta but if you're transporting valuable stuff on a multi-day trip, part of that is figuring out a safe route with decent stops (and/or you do the trip with your wife or some friends and alternate driving/sleeping so you can go much further at a time). Avoid high crime areas, find places that offer secure parking etc.

Alternatively the more fancy and expensive but fun way to do a true cross country move is to rent an RV, and really make like a week or two vacation out of it. Rates can be surprisingly decent taking into account you avoid any sort of motel costs, and then you can both explore more freely on your way, stay in really different spots, and spend the night with your stuff.

Anyway, plenty of ways to do it.
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Where do US special operations forces get deployed these days? Since the GWOT is basically over now, what countries are there still combat missions happening?
Yes I know this map is old that's why I'm asking.
I just recently cured my nogunsitis, but need a cleaning kit. (Got a Mossberg 930)
Will any old cleaning kit do or is there brands to avoid/recommend budget kits?
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I use the black T handle shotgun cleaning rod for my shotguns. Comes with an aluminum adapter so it can clean rifles or shotguns. Then buy the 12ga brush kit making sure it's not the 20ga one they sell next to it which people like to mix up on the pegs. Hoppe's no 9 and some gloves if you have a really dirty barrel. That stupid little adapter can snap though so be careful; I broke one off once cleaning a really fucked rusty barrel but unless it's a muzzleloader, you can easily screw another on again or push it through. The tornado brush I never use unless I have a rusty absolutely fucked ancient gun that needs major work. Same with the metal brush; I mostly use the mop. Links so you know what I'm on about:

Also look into bore snakes. I don't know if any 12ga ones exist but I have a 30 cal and a 40 cal one and they're nice for my SKS and .410. Just leaves your hands dirty and they need cleaning after a while. I still run a patch or mop through to get the remaining junk out.
NTA but what's the best way to clean a bore snake? Is running it through hot soapy water enough?
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No clue what the best way is as I've barely needed to clean mine. If I were going for commonly available stuff you could also use to clean a lot of other things, probably Dawn in the spray bottle; that shit is so fucking strong. Spray it on and use hot water. With gloved hands, roll and work the dirt out. Rinse well to get all soap out. Hang dry in sun. I've used it to clean a lot of gun stuff including hunting gear. The clear stuff has less or no scent which I like to use on my hunting gear so I don't smell like freshly cleaned dishes. Lemon or no scent seems the best for that.
Bren 3
Low back pressure and 3d printed suppressors
Forced reset triggers back on the menu
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What exactly is the use case for slow, fat projectiles?
From what I gather, the modern trend is to become smaller and faster, but there are advantages to being stout.
>sub sonic for suppressors
>niche game hunting
>longer barrel life
>I just like it, bros.
>4 wod wors
I feel this strange calling for a .50 Beowulf AR, a 45-70 lever action, despite how little use I would have such guns. Also, jewtube keeps recommending me this video with a thumbnail looking down the bore of a high caliber revolver. It has begun to occupy my thoughts If it comes back I'll post it.
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I would highly recommend not working at a gun store.
What if it's Cabela's?
None, unless you mean huge bullet weights like you can get from .44 magnum in which case the increased suppression volume might be a worthy tradeoff. 9mm is widely available in subsonic 147gr and is substantially quieter than .45 or .44 subsonic. Barrel life is literally not a thing in handguns. .45 is objectively a terrible choice for a subsonic gun.
Thinking about downsizing my collection a little. What's the best way to sell guns?
Give them to me.
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I want to 3D print an ammo box in PETG as a good test print. Anyone have any recommended files?
Waffle mag, search on reddit slash arrrr slash fosscad
By the time they need to be cleaned the brush is usually worn out, so at that point just throw it away and get another one.
Subsonic is really the only significant reason unless you want to count stuff like 40mm grenades. Even for hunting smaller high-velocity projectiles outperform the big slow ones.
Mmm you add the normal amount of gun counter headaches to the corporate ones. Buy stock in aspirin.
Be more specific about what guns you want to sell. Fancy/rare guns are best sold at auction. If it's basic bitch shit like ARs and Glocks check local forums, see if your LGS does consignments or has a sell/trade bulletin board. Web sites like gunbroker can be good for mid-tier stuff. Depending on what you have and where you are it might be worth going to a gun show.
Like >>62573286 says, subsonic is the only "technical" reason. If you actually look at how the formula for air resistance, you'll see it involves the square of velocity. Go do a ballistic calculation and you'll find that once a a big heavy high bc bullet drops through the transonic barrier (which is the only chaotic point), it actually then loses surprisingly little velocity after that. There are subsonic niche huge rounds like 510 whisper that iirc people have pushed out past 700yd, and in principle could go far more (though at some point it becomes more like shooting mortar then a rifle lol). Being slow does make them more affected by windage, but being big and high bc helps keep it manageable further then one might think. Much lower velocity also means the recoil is stiff but not quite as bad for the size as one might think, plus subsonic barrels and actions last basically forever they wear so little.

That said 99% of fire arms use is supers for good reason in terms of sheer practicality and effect. However, I think it's always worth noting in these discussions on /k/: you don't actually need a "use case". It's fine to just think "big boolet is cool". To admire the look of some full size revolver, and enjoy the experience.
>If the average price on those is even $1k
anon, most people who have 40 guns are hoarding shit like milsurp they bought 20 years and turkish shotguns, especially when they had a stack on box before. if he had actually spent money on these guns, he would know enough to not ask for advice, or that a safe is pointless and if you're going to spend that much money, to just buy a vault door.

>I dont know about grinders
>if he had actually spent money on these guns, he would know enough to not ask for advice
Sorry anon, this just isn't my observation. I've seen a lot of people get into things very gradually so that it ends up kind of normalized without them ever noticing the transition from hobby to serious. A friend of mine got into maple sugaring like I did, but while I ended up stopping after building a shack and getting to maybe a few dozen gallons a year, serious hobby level but still hobby level, he kept going, got a few bros into it. Then suddenly a few years later they've got over 11000 taps and are dropping $20k on reverse osmosis machines, and his mother suddenly pulled him aside one day and is like
>So, going well. Do you have any sort of accountant, doing any book tracking?
>oh, uh, you think we need it?
Etc. Seen that a lot. Hell, that's me. I ended up going from hobby side project computer business into actual business, but I only actually got off my ass and formed an LLC and did normal stuff this year. It was no big deal, and I hadn't had the bad luck of anything bad happening, but I had 100k into the business and was generating more before doing that which was frankly fucking retarded. No insurance at all, no liability protection. Then comes the morning you wake up and think "wait a second".
>it actually then loses surprisingly little velocity after that
Bingo. And it's not just the idea of maintaining stability because the velocity never drops transonic. Drag correlates with the square of velocity, so a lower velocity bullet loses much less energy due to drag. The .510 Whisper is a really interesting cartridge, taking advantage of super high BC match bullets it has surprising power at range. At 500 yards it's hitting with more power than a .300 Win Mag even though the .300 WM has twice the energy at the muzzle.
Which autism is most important? Gun components (triggers, barrels, springs) or ammo?
>inb4 both
I just want to know which rabbit hole to go deep in.
Components. Short of hunting, and even then, stack what's cheap and works for your gun.
ammo. because it's an ongoing concern.
With hardware, you'll get a setup and like it, but then what? You already have the hardware. If you did a bare minimum of due diligence (not autism levels or even close), that hardware will be pretty great and won't need any major changes after a certain point, and it will last far longer than you'll be alive if you treat it respectfully.
But ammo is consumable, and ammo autism is like building on constantly shifting sand, and the only stopping point is when you stop shooting.
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big boolit is fun. I have a .458 Lott, a .45-70 and an Enfield I am making into a DeLisle in .45-70 (assuming I can get a barrel that will work), and a 458 SOCOM upper for my SBR. it's fun to have noticable recoil and very little noise. my 1895 with subs and my banish 46 is genuinely quiet despite firing a nearly 600gr projectile.
>>I dont know about grinders
you're gonna be really mad when I shoot you in the back in the hotel parking lot.
lol wut? Autism about ammo is essentially irrelevant unless you get into reloading, and ammo details don't matter much until at least medium range shooting. It's enough to know the rough factors that influence it, and then just use ammoseek to find whatever you're after at the cheapest price.

Components are going to be more fruitful early on for most. It's always useful to be able to not just pick the right stuff, but to have some ability to maintain it yourself even if you don't go full scale into gun smithing. If you're going to the trouble reloading, you'll want to know a certain amount of details anyway. Though yeah you can just black box that part as well to some extent.
>Which autism is most important?
In what context?
Ammo is probably the most important in terms of accuracy and terminal performance. Plenty of people discuss caliber but bullet choice is rarely discussed.
Important for precision accuracy, not so important if you're magdump larping.
Some calibers wear out barrels fast, others last essentially forever.
Depends on the gun. Some are known to have reliability concerns, some don't.

>Autism about ammo is essentially irrelevant unless you get into reloading,
It's extremely important if you hunt. Shooting a big animal with a varmint load is just going to piss it off, not kill it. It's also relevant if you care at all about accuracy.
>It's extremely important if you hunt. Shooting a big animal with a varmint load is just going to piss it off, not kill it. It's also relevant if you care at all about accuracy.
Not really. Or maybe we're both using different definitions of "autism" here. What you're talking about to me is just super basic knowledge. There are plenty of really simple rules of thumb (with tons of margin for error to take into account newguns skill), like the old
>"try to have at least 1000 ftlbf when a round hits for medium or larger game"
For accuracy new shooters can get away with "just buy nicer stuff" or get a cheap old style chrono so they can check various kinds ammo directly, since the big initial differentiator between accurate and not is mostly delta-v/spread. Or honestly, just shoot more. It'll take awhile for most people before they get to the point where it's the gun/ammo vs them. Then can start to think about other basics like using a ballistic calculator.

To me getting autistic about ammo means starting to care about different powder burn rates, seating depth, how head spacing is done and the consistency, what sort of coal you have to work with for higher bc loads and so on. Really getting into the nitty gritty, not just reading a number off the box and plugging it into a ballistic calculator. You should definitely build up a basic to intermediate knowledge of ammo, no argument there, I just wouldn't consider "more BC less delta-v better" to be an autistic level I guess.
>What you're talking about to me is just super basic knowledge.
It's basic to me too, but you ought to realize it is NOT basic to everybody. /K/ sometimes talks about the differences between military projectiles, like M855 vs M193, but I guarantee you most of /k/ is totally clueless when it comes to hunting bullet selection simply because that's not part of the media their gun knowledge is built upon. The few times I've seen it brought up here there's a handful of people making legitimate points and then ten times that many posting either
>lol it doesn't matter
>just use m855 bro, it kills everything

IMHO the guy asking the question sounds like a complete noob--I think he is using the term "autism" figuratively here. He's not at the advanced level yet. He's asking something more like "which of these topics should I start down".
To a point yeah, but these days they put pictures of the animals it's rated for on the boxes. Plus they'd get a better in depth explanation in their hunters safety class they're required to take. Not to mention it's a whole lot easier to have your 'fighting' rifle completely separate from your hunting rifle. So having to worry about getting compliant mags and the right ammo for your short gun isn't needed when you can just find a box of soft tip .308 and call it a day.
Yeah, kinda agree with >>62576198. Hunting isn't rocket science, and if anything new folks to it generally seem pretty intimidated and eager to seek advice the first year (we don't have any required classes here unless you're under 18, but people want them anyway). It's a very different experience then what the majority are used to at a range.

I mean, let's be serious too: if you're hunting at normal distances, almost everything will work with even a vaguely decent shot. Won't claim there aren't retards, and will admit that 100% of my experience is within 100 miles or so of my house, other regions might be different. But I think hunting, particularly in areas of denser vegetation, is a pretty solid filter for a lot of the typical junk. You aren't guaranteed anything. The animals do not have to cooperate. You can do everything right, and put in a fair amount of time, and still not land that deer. You can do fancy stuff on the gun side, but if your woodscraft isn't up to snuff and you have no idea how to find animal signs or track it's not going to be an i-win button.

So if someone chooses to do it on their own (and doesn't immediately quit after year 1) I think that's at least a little bit of a self-selected audience. Anyway, don't really mean to argue with you too much, but that some people lack basic knowledge imo doesn't mean it's still not basic knowledge.
I'm not claiming it's rocket science. My claim is that the average shooter will get more practical value out of learning more about ammo than they will learning about springs or barrels.
>My claim is that the average shooter will get more practical value out of learning more about ammo than they will learning about springs or barrels.
Now that I wouldn't disagree with as a general, I guess I just interpreted original anon asking about what to get "autistic" about as meaning he already knew the basics of both and shoots a fair amount, not "the average shooter, and was trying to decide what to deep dive on. That was only my assumption though and might be wrong.

I totally agree someone should have all the basics and intermediate for that matter intermediate down first. But I think if someone wants to go advanced, there are some niches like prs, but in terms of generally applicable skills the two "branches" so to speak would be "gunsmithing" and "reloading". Each can be very rewarding and open up a new range of possibilities, and each might appeal to some folks more than others, or build upon already existing skillsets. But I think for most learning about how the mechanics of a gun works might be more helpful then specifics of ammo. That said, reloading is super cool as well and might appeal more to /k/ autism.
Why do most new handguns have front cocking serrations? Why would anyone rack a pistol slide from the front of the slide? I don't get it
Noguns here.
If you handloaded 9mm Luger to be fired out of a long barrel, like from an AR-9, would you use rifle powder? If not, would using rifle powder be bad?
Are there special commercial loads designed for PCCs? If so, do people use them, or do people usually just fire regular pistol ammo out of a PCC?
They'd do the whole slide if they could. More and more limpwristed manlets are buying pistols and are finding it difficult to rack the slide. There was a guy a thread or two ago asking if there was some trick to it because he couldn't figure it out.
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What ship was this?
Tacticool presschecking oper8or shit (completely worthless)
Ribbed for her pleasure.
I got 380 acp that I’ve had zero problems with. They load and run smooth.
Most people just fire regular pistol ammo out of a PCC. You could handload ammo that would be optimized for a longer barrel, but nobody is going to bother to do that outside a handful of spergs doing it for funzies. There's nothing bad or unsafe about loading 9mm with slower powder for longer barrels, it's just an answer to a question that nobody asked. That ammo would be useless out of a pistol length barrel, and there's really not much of a point to trying to get more power out of a 9mm pcc when something in .223 is going to have a lot more power and have less recoil. You'd be expending a lot of effort to make really hyper-niche ammo while there already exists a better alternative.
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Yea dude, run em. I saw a guntoob channel the guy shot this brand and it sighted in with as good as accuracy as the 40 dollar box of hunting rounds. (I say that because I don’t remember the rounds that was being compared to )
Little late to the party.
I have a px4 sub, broke yhe 9mm slide while installing tritium with my retard strength.
Called beretta, they said cheapest option was to use a 40s&w slide.
Shoots fine, however the barrel can move side to side a little.
This anything that can fuck me other than aiming?
Still hitting decent shots with the 40 slide.
ok, serious question.
suppose you had a soviet made AKM with 3 magazines and 100 rounds of ammo, and also a time machine. how far back in time could you go such that the current days' gunsmiths and engineers could successfully reverse engineer it and issue it to the infantry of their time?
What, in /k/'s opinion is better for home defense: single shot break action shotgun or semi auto .22 rifle?

huge stopping power, shot placement is a meme, but sacrificing quick followup shots and loud as fuck
Highly controllable, able to put many shots on target quickly and without making your ears bleed, but with rimfire reliability and weaker power

What about double barrel shotty vs .22/.25 handgun?
You're fucking retarded. Get some reliable 22 that feeds reliably and magazines that feed reliably and use that.
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I'd say 1890s at the earliest, 1910s for sure. Basically as soon as smokeless powder was invented. That's just to make the thing though, for it to be mass-produced and become issued you'd need to have tooling and factories and shit set up, which wasn't really possible until the World Wars era.
There was a shitty book called Guns Of The South where Afrikaner Neo-Nazis send a bunch of AK's back to the Confederacy. They're able to recreate the rifles, but they can't do the ammo because all they have is black powder, so it's a straight pull bolt action that gets dirty quick.
Shotgun is traditional. It's an honor thing.
what the fuck situation would you have where any of those would be your only options lol
AKM? Hard to say considering it's stamped steel; IIRC the Soviets had problems with stamping them to begin with and that's why they milled them for a couple years. Original milled AK? That would be a lot easier. The mag might have to be modified though. Apart from that you're really asking how far back you could make smokeless and casings, brass or steel.

Neither are my first choice but it'd suck to miss your single shot. I think it'd depend how proficient you are with that single shot, like if you hunt with it a lot or if you rarely shoot it. I'd choose 22LR since that's what I'm more proficient with, maybe with a red dot and a magazine bigger than the 10rd it comes with. If it's a 10/22 though they like to jam every now and then with BX-15s and BX-25s but I personally have decent skill reloading quickly under pressure, like directly after taking a shot hunting. Had to reload while keeping the animal in my sight quickly last year. My only issue is how long it might take that 22 to do anything; I've had groundhogs run 25yds with a good side on lung shot even with supersonic hollowpoints. And really, >>62583385.
I feel like shit posting, is there a better thread than /arg/?
While it's a super retarded hypothetical unless you can give us some details on how the hell you'd end up with that, >>62583415 gets it pretty right. I'd choose 22 myself of those stupid choices just because I don't have the confidence that in such a situation with adrenaline flowing and surprise and so on that I wouldn't make some blunder and find more rounds helpful. Of course that's why I have a real rifle and handgun instead. On top:
>My only issue is how long it might take that 22 to do anything
For home defense driving them off is enough. If you kill them so be it but that's not necessary, just surviving and having them go elsewhere. 22 would still do that job at that kind of range, particularly with 10+ shots.
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is the stock of the ruger 10/22 1103 made from actual wood?
The ruger website says it's hardwood, but my friend says it's fake wood
>Is there a better thread than /arg/?
Literally any of them
>For shit posting
See above.

It's not shit posting if all the other posts are shit. That's just regular posting.
Every one I've seen has been real wood. It's not nice or fancy wood, but it is real.
Which do you consider more likely: one of the largest US gun makers is engaging in long-term easily-repudiated blatant false advertising, or your friend is an idiot.
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his friend could just have higher standards than any wood is real wood.
like hes expecting it to be made of walnut since old 10/22s had that and its young birch
I recently got a hold of a weaver qwik-point, trying to zero it onto my m16 clone with a carry handle mount. Ran out of adjustment but the dot is still left of zero.
Is there a way to shim the mount, or any other options?
Can any of you ballistics inclined anons explain to me how 5.7 stacks up compared to 9mm and 45 ACP?
rattler lt or jakl 300blk for pdw size use case
>t's not shit posting if all the other posts are shit. That's just regular posting.
This is disappointing. But thx.
>post a QTDDTOT thread
>a question appears
>respond to the question like a retard
Why are you not in the Retards That Don't Deserve Air In Their Lungs Thread?
>one of the largest US gun makers is engaging in long-term easily-repudiated blatant false advertising,
No, the Ruger stock really is pressed sawdust. His friend is right.
>one of the largest US gun makers is engaging in long-term easily-repudiated blatant false advertising
It's this one. Ruger is run by gungrabbing faggots and pathological liars.
Don't ask yes/no questions if you don't want yes/no answers.
Is sawdust made of plastic or something?
It's pretty much a direct upgrade compared to 9mm. Lighter, higher velocity, similar muzzle energy, flatter trajectory, similar wound channel. It's more expensive though, and also harder to find.
It was specifically designed as a direct upgrade to 9mm with the added ability to penetrate Kevlar, but the ATF hates fun so civilians aren't allowed to buy the kind of ammo that will do that. We get slightly heavier, slightly slower moving cartridges that won't penetrate armor.
Performs badly out of a handgun length barrel. It was a sorta ok smg round and that's it.
Are you autistic?
Even out of a handgun it moves a lot faster than 9mm and has similar energy. At handgun ranges both will kill someone dead.
>We get slightly heavier, slightly slower moving cartridges that won't penetrate armor
So what I'm hearing is use a load that carries as much energy as possible
I'm starting to see the light, and it eminates fron 45 ACP
Most .45ACP loads have similar or less energy as 9mm because they move quite a bit slower. You also get less ammo with it. Imo .45 just isn't a good choice for most things.
Noooo don't tell me what I have is the endgame nooo how am I supposed to gunsooooom
Your friend is repeating literal boomer gun forum fuddlore. I'd know; I've heard the "ITS PARTICLE BOARD" retardation myself. It's real wood but they keep changing what kind of wood it is due to cost and availability.
>1964: March, gun writers are sent catalog proofs of the new 10/22, in June, Ruger begins print advertising the new rifle / gun released in Walnut
>1980: The stock material is switched from WALNUT to BIRCH, butt plate now made of plastic
>2008: Five Millionth 10/22 manufactured, Trigger housings switched to plastic, extended mag release added, stock material switched to MAPLE, Ruger Rimfire Challenge is started, finish on the receivers changed to a rough texture.
I also heard beech as a possibility but that may have been from a (failed) attempt to ID the type of wood on something like rimfirecentral or something before. I'm sure Ruger would confirm the type of wood in an email if you sent them one if it's not on https://www.ruger.com/products/1022/overview.html or something.
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That's really weird; try it on another gun if possible. I have some vintage scopes that run out of adjustment on some 22s oddly, usually vertical. Might need some repair. If it works fine on another gun, then maybe your rail is out of spec. It's super cheap to chuck it on on a 10/22 to test, like $8-10 if you already own a 10/22.
Make sure the front spring clip of the Qwik-Point is over your picatinny rail and in place correctly. Make sure the clamp isn't stuck on something; make sure everything is clean. They were made for Weaver rails but IIRC Weaver rings, etc. should be compatible with picatinny rail, but not the other way around. If it were vertical instead of horizontal I'd say get a clamp on drooper riser, something that cants your scope down a certain amount of MOA (or up if you install it backwards lol). Left to right is a weird one. I'd personally see how much adjustment from center you need to use on a new super cheap scope like a $30-50 Walmart Barska (they're usually right in the center of their adjustments new in the box), or maybe buy a Leupold carry handle to picatinny adapter instead; it's only $26 and would cheaply tell you if it's your adapter or not as Leupold makes really good stuff, no doubt better than most others, especially when it comes to carry handle scope adapters.
Or your carry handle could be milled out of spec/the channel isn't straight, which could be fun. Haven't heard of that but they're milled off center enough (one side of the channel thicker than the other) that I wouldn't doubt it could happen. I've also heard some people having to shim their carry handle channels to use those little direct attach Colt 4x repros because of channels milled too wide IIRC.
Good advice, hadn't thought to throw it on my other rifles. I'll go try to zero it on my 308 and 22 to see if it's the optic or the rifle.
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Can someone help me identify a youtuber
He posted his video on /k/ once and it was like an AK build except his workspace was completely cluttered with shit everywhere, and he just had a pull out drawer of mystery meat ak parts and gas blocks and such
Gaunt and his 44 Mag AK? The drawer of mystery meat AK parts doesn't sound familiar though.
>Even out of a handgun it moves a lot faster than 9mm
9mm goes over 2000fps out a handgun. Not many bother with those loads though simply because it doesn't actually make a difference in terminal performance.
Well, it can be if you are sawing plastic, riiiight? Now, think before trying to be clever.
>It's pretty much a direct upgrade compared to 9mm
>similar wound channel
lol no
It zips right through you like a fucking laser, it's literally only effective if the guy's wearing plates and you're using AP ammo, which you can't get. 5.7 fucking sucks
wood is a polymer foam
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anyone got any pictures or rather links or keywords regarding "that" completely made up pocket pistol from a movie? It looks somewhat like a Glock, but is in stainless or something similar. It's a completely made up design. I can't seem to find it online, I have tried all keywords that came to my mind. pic rel is how it looked, redrawn from mempry
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According to imfdb, it's a "Non Descript Pocket Pistol"
Flashpaper nongun prop
>. 5.7 fucking sucks
Ranger T in 5.7 will blow your lungs out.
You mean the ammo that nobody can buy because Winchester only sells it to piggies and cops don't carry 5.7's?
Gold Guard and plastic foil
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I need help with finding real world images to use as reference for art. Does anyone know of any pictures of an actual bone stock MP5 from this specific angle? Maybe someone here has an SP5 or an airsoft gun they can take a picture of from this angle?
what's a good way to an hero that won't be used in anti's stats. If blackpowder muzzleloaders don't count as firearms, would that count as a firearm death?
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What are the things I need to know about moving with an NFA trust in state?

I have a pretty standard boiler plate trust from national gun trusts so I don't have real legal support. I have purchased a single NFA item (suppressor) with this trust. I moved within state, literally down the street from my previous address. The address on the trust is my old apartment address. If I want to submit a Form 1 or 4, what changes do I need to make to the trust to reflect my new address? Do I need it to reflect my new address? Can my trust address and actual address not match when I submit the form or the 4473 when it gets approved?

All of the resources I can find are moving from one state to another, not within state. I have no pending forms, I want to buy some new cans but I'm not sure how to proceed, I don't want to spend money to do another trust at my new address if I can prevent it.
They'd probably count it.
Why not go on an adventure? Buy a one-way ticket to some shithole country where you can live like a king for a dollar a day and gamble, drink, and whore until you get murdered.
There's nothing to it. When you move to a new place you just print out a form for a Change Of Address Amendment, fill it out, go get it notarized and attach it to your trust. That's it, there's no central database sort of thing going on trusts are old school. There's nothing to do with the ATF or state for already bought stuff, only if you have something actively in flight (so basically nobody ever makes changes during an application). When you buy a new NFA item, you'd include the amendment as part of your overall trust document and that's it.
Thanks anon. I think I'll get a change of address amendment notarized this weekend. Is there a good resource or generator to build one or should I just wing it?
wait that's retarded. My trust has a change of address form as a part of it lol
>Thanks anon. I think I'll get a change of address amendment notarized this weekend. Is there a good resource or generator to build one or should I just wing it?
Go find an actual one, that's not some complex thing and having the appropriate form is free and you might as well. Actually while I haven't dealt with national gun trusts specifically every normal commercial gun trust form provider I've seen just provides that sort of thing gratis on their site somewhere, along with trustee/beneficiary amendment forms. It's just simple bog standard stuff, obviously people move all the time. I'd just go look there first, or write them. But a quick search should find you something workable anyway.
I bet you could find what you need by watching YT videos of MP5's and then pausing at the correct time.
Ha, yeah some just include that with it because it has to be done regularly. In that case yeah you're already set, just fill it out, notarize, and include it next time.

Again, only real thing is if you wanted to do this while you had an active Form 1/Form 4 application in flight. Then you'd need to notify the ATF etc. That used to be more of a challenge, because when we were all waiting 8-12 months each time that was plenty that sometimes a move could happen. Now hopefully it's less of an issue.
Yeah I pulled up my actual trust and found all of the amendment forms at the back of it. I'll get it taken care of this weekend and go on the hunt for a few new suppressors.

Luckily I have nothing in process right now so it's just this I need to deal with before I submit a form.
Just bee yourself

>Actual for real safe, with room for at least 40 long guns
Do you provide open heart surgery for a living? Sounds like you'd have no problem affording something from Sturdy Safe no problem. Bonus points if you convince them to bring back the old treasure chest design or at least make an acceptation for you.

Get a smol gun like a LifeCard or North American Arms revolver.
The Kellogs guy kind of looks like Varg.
fucking based
>Sounds like you'd have no problem affording something from Sturdy Safe no problem
He said a REAL safe anon. So like Graffunder, something UL rated.
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Why are you linking to a random dead unfunny schizo thread? Trying to milk a couple more (You)'s out of it, Patel?
Why'd you slide it, jew?
Whatever you do anon DON'T buy a Liberty safe, they'll sell out out without even a court warrant.
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What's a good FFP LPVO <$1,000? Pref 1-6x or 1-8x. It seems like there's dozens of options, each with different drawbacks.
5.7 tumbles which helps with the wound channel.
There are loads that go that fast, but they're not by any means common, and 5.7 is up around 2500ft/s.
>super high velocity round that weighs nothing and tumbles around
So it's basically just that chink QBZ ammo?
Similar idea, but that's a rifle cartridge.
>around 2500ft/s
not out of a handgun, most loads don't break 2k.
LF loads will do 2k and even common loads will do 1700. Most 9mm loads are down around 1200.
Piggybacking off of this, what's the consensus on the minimum acceptable price point for LPVOs these days?

Are the newer Primary Arms and Sig Sauer ones that routinely go on sale for $300 or so with the mount included generally good to go for most uses?
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I thought Sturdy had a good UL rating though?
is there a barrel shorter than 14 for mossberg 500/590 or do i have to cut my own? Thinking of getting a sbs.
>a good FFP LPVO
There's some options.
Nevermind, no options for less than a grand. If you're into old fashioned strats, you can buy a 3-9 scope and put a canted sight on the side.
>5.7 is up around 2500ft/s.
Not when shot out of a handgun with a 5" barrel. You'd have to get a 10.3 or longer barrel to see those numbers.
whats the best way to harden a firing pin for 22lr ?
i have a broken one, and dont want to spend too much on buying one
i have a lathe, so i was thinking about turning a new one and hardening it with a torch and water
is that a sound plan ?
is there something im missing ?
>is that a sound plan ?
The proper hardening procedure depends on what steel alloy you're using. Some you quench in water, some in oil, some you just let cool in the air. But yeah, the basic procedure of turn it on the lathe then harden the the important surfaces is a sound method.
Assuming your're using a pretty generic carbon steel this should work:
They aren't UL rated at all. Instead their marketing department tells you that they are so good they don't need to be rated.
14 inch is the shortest factory barrel from Mossberg, it's the same one they use on the Shockwave and the factory pistol-grip AOW. They can be cut shorter, though at that point you're also having to modify the magazine, as is done on the Serbu Super Shorty for example.
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Do I need more than this? I’ve been using ballistol on my LCP max and EDC for 4years with no rust, my new 43x, and then also my surplus and modern guns. It’s protecting the wood and preventing rust just fine. I’ve been thinking of greasing the recommended parts on the AR. Other than that why would anyone use another oil? It’s nontoxic which I like a lot since I carry it every day. I just don’t get all the hype with polymers and specialty oils. It seems like a video game stat boost more than any real life advantage.
>I’ve been using ballistol on my LCP max and EDC for 4years with no rust
You answered your own question, no you don't need anything else if that's working fine for you.

>Other than that why would anyone use another oil?
Different people have different needs. Some people have battery-acid sweat that rusts guns really quickly. Others live in humid areas where rust is a much bigger problem. Those people may need something with better corrosion protection. Also, people love to argue about their favorite brands, it's Coke vs. Pepsi or Apple vs. Android all over again. Many of them are weak-minded and get personally attached to a brand, and when someone comes along and claims that another brand is better they take this as a personal insult and get all twisted out of shape about it.
You need coom.
I've been using the red shit in an unlabeled condiments bottle that every gun store sells. It's kind of embarrassing that I have no idea what it's called even though I have like 50 guns
>he red shit in an unlabeled condiments bottle
Ed's Red, maybe? I've never seen people sell that at gun stores but I've seen it at gun shows before. People commonly make that themselves.

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