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Continuation of >>62483876

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I need more bullets
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Easily one of the hardest kits out there is that of the Byzantine cataphracts. You should read how these mf's rolled up.
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Still cant believe an anime about a magical witch has the most accurate depiction of medieval warfare.

Yes we all saw the Skallacuck video ten years ago.
Why are Osprey illustrations so hit or miss? This looks like shit. The body shape of the guy in orange lmao.
>Ceasar's methods might be brutal and he not operate with the Senate's approval but do you condemn the Gallic attack on Rome 364 auc?
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Sounds like it's down to your varying opinions about the coolness of this or that bit of medieval fashion.
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Underrated battle. As significant as Agincourt strategically and tacticallyxyupx0 speaking
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>only drawings
>not even period art, only modern drawings
I actually saw the anime when it came out, yes Im a weeb but i like weapons.
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Jeremy corbyn in blue
Why would you chain your dagger to your clothes?
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True. There are some amazing period artworks available.
Siege of Buda, 1530
So you don't loose it.
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Firing platform directed against the city from the Siege of Münster, 1535
they probably got better as you look at his later works, since he'd slowly be learning more
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Long guns directed against the city of Münster
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Formation of Pikemen with some gunners and halberdiers sprinkled in.
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Two long guns being aimed
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Gunners and two sergeants, who due to their position get double the pay (commonly known as Doppelsöldner).
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To the right more gunners and to the left more Doppelsöldner. While this position is often solely associated with Landsknechte wielding the large two handed battle swords, in reality there are many factors that qualify somebody for double the pay. Those are special qualifications, veterancy, supplying your own good quality arms & armor and being an NCO or officer
damn that posture is fucking good
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Common soldiers with little armor and jsut pikes.
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Soldiers with Battle Swords and Halberds.
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Ensign and musicians
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More armored pikemen and halberdiers
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And while seldomly associated with Landsknechte - cavalry also had its place. They were mainly recruited from the urban patricians and petty nobility.
me on the right
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Indeed. Plenty of artworks so full and rich in interesting details that they make those modern drawings look like children doodles
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I really like those kind of artworks - they remind me of picture puzzles/Wimmelbilder. There is always some detail to find.
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A Zeugmeister (the officer in charge of the artillery) with his Trabants. When a city was looted, he had the right to confiscate any captured artillery pieces and church bells (in order to produce more long guns).
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Loading process of two long guns.
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Actual beutifull art ITT thanks /k/-bros, i love you all.
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Love these lil fellas
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Their French counterpart, the Corps-Francs; also look pretty cool imo
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One of the all time greatest.
>Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.
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they were killers of men
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This doesn't seem historical at all
Its an Interpretative rendition of pic rel
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>Byzantine cataphracts.

Please, I would like to know more. Only thing I know is that Byzantines used them extensively considering how effective they were
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how dangerous were these first guns to the crew?
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Depends on the respective gun and the material used. Iron guns were cheaper but had the danger of bursting suddenly and catastrophically. Bronze guns on the other hand were more expensive but didn't burst as suddenly and visible deformities could be seen as indicators, that the gun was structurally compromised.
On paper every long gun was accompanied by one officer, who understood how not to overload his gun, could adjust the powder charges in a safe manner and was able to identify faults within the gun before it burst.
Those eyetalianis are always stylish
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>implying they didnt instantly run when they saw the horses and armor
Anyone know what this depiction is based on? The roman style helmets and scale armor are pretty weird.
I don't think them using scale armor is all that weird. Even if they didn't make it they could have just bought it.
Those guys on first plan are Roman cavalry unit. In Roman army cavalry was mostly Celts.
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It is very historical.
The Roman helmet you typically think of was based on an older design inherited from the Roman Kingdom, who copied it from the Etruscans, who in turn had copied it from the Celts.
That said, the face flaps were added much later, around the time of the Dacian wars. The original two designs kinda looked like metal baseball caps.
Could just be a case of the design bouncing back where it came from. Copies of copies of copies of copies, with a few tweaks here and there over the centuries. All circular, all cyclical.
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> some kinda spring loaded bayonet spear thingy

What is that?
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You can find enjoyment in both, no need to be a snob about it.
It says he's a pioneer (combat engineer), so I'm guessing it's a wire cutter with a bayonet mount for stabbing a bitch.
they look like they're from the 1970s/80s
older artists
guy bleeding near the door looks like he's wearing a Dacian helmet. so i assume it's supposed to depict a scene during said dacian wars.
Angus McBride illustrated plenty Ospreys, here are his works

And plenty more itt

And pic rel is Marek Szyszko
Inca pike phalanx?
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Testing my new camera. Model: Swedish army sabre m/1847 for cavalry troopers.
Looks great - what type of camera do you have?
It's auxiliary troops (Celts) during the Dacian Wars.
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No they didn't. What are you going on about?
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New one's a Nikon Zf with a Tamron 28-75 f/2.8 lens. So now I'm hoping for weather to take new portraits of the sword collection in the coming week or so.
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You made this pic look to me like if it is a comically big sword or pretty tiny bench somehow
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I guess not seeing how far down the backrest goes could make the brain think that's about it and read the proportions as those of a bench rather than the chair it actually is.
Having the background blurred like that with depth of field tends to give the impression of miniatures

Hawaiians or Maori I'm guessing.
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They're Hawaiians, this is the Battle of Nuʻuanu in 1795, during king Kamehameha's wars of unification of the archipelago
Other artworks related to those wars
The Death of James Cook in Hawaii, 1779
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Last bump, nobody else is posting
>yes Im a weeb but i like weapons.
Why do you think /k/ is called /k/, you dumb fucking newfag?
keep posting, these are cool
If you want to know more, just do a basic search on what armor they wore. Its insane. Multiple layers of mail and padded armor and like 5 layers of chain mail on their face. They were armored to the shit and carried maces and just slowly rolled through the enemy which was preceded by arrow volleys to break up the enemy formation. Lots of info out their about them.
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Seeing as the thread is dying, time to Judea-post
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One of my favorites
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not related at all but:
>we leave a food bowl on the porch for our outside cat
>it's been raining the last few days so there's some soggy food out there
>went out on the front porch last night and there's about a dozen small snails and half as many 1-2 inch slugs swarming towards the food bowl
>one slug is wounded and being eaten alive by slugs
>the other snails had rushed past their wounded comrade to secure the food bowl
>by morning only the half-eaten slug remained
poor james. he did literally nothing wrong.
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thats gotta be a terrifying situation in so many ways. Small boat, nowhere to go, guaranteed to drown if you fall in the water wearing chainmaille.
I think they fought close to beach
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The Battle of Lekkerbeetje was a cavalry duel akin to the famous Combat of the Thirty. The cause for this duel was the boasting of a french cuirassier commander,Pierre de Bréauté, in service of the Dutch Republic, that his men were worth twice that of their counterparts in the service of Spain. A brabantine cuirassier commander, Gerard Abrahams - known as "Lekkerbekje" (meaning sweet tooth), in spanish service heard of this claim and challenged de Bréauté to a duel with equal numbers. Each side fieled 22 men, including their commanders, and met on the choosen field: Abrahams was the first casulty, being shot through the neck during the initial charge. De Bréauté in return was captured after being wounded and having his horse shot from under him. He was killed as an act of revange for the death of Abrahams (an act that was controversial at that time).
The duel/skirmish achieved nothing in the grand scheme of things - the cuirassiers in dutch service suffered 14 losses, while the cuirassiers in spanish service suffered only 5 casulties.
The age old strife: Monkeys vs Cats
"Captain Aap; there is a Pussy amongst our midst"
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>Die for our retard commanders boast? Sure why not...

What were they thinking
Pretty much like tanks in WWI
Honor and how other nobles see you was forced into their brains since childhood
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Even 80 years ago many young men enlisted to war because they didn't wanted to be pointed as cowards.
>What were they thinking
"I'm sure, I'll survive"
Glad we eventually decimated these filthy cannibal savages.
You can swim in chain mail; Varg Vikerness, the black metal artist and murderer, made a funny video a few years back of him swimming about in a lake wearing armor. The original video was taken down when his channel was removed, but you can see him swimming in this video at 25 seconds.
Granted the extra weight, exhaustion from battle, and enemies still on ships picking off survivors probably made it near impossible to reach shore alive.
What are some must have books from Osprey publishing? (Its for me and my son)
Check out the OP of the /hwg/ thread on /tg/. It has links to a lot of the Ospreys. Can see what you like there, and then order hard copies of the ones you want.
>Combat of the Thirty.
There is also this one
The legend says that part of the dispute was one wine (not reported here in the English version).
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"Pride goeth before destruction and an haughty spirit before a fall."
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Image limit reached, but last bump

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