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Grooming standard edition


>Before you ask a question, check the FAQ

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>Fort Jackson Army Basic Training Guide (Nov. 2020)
https://pastebin.com/yg972vRE (Short version)
https://pastebin.com/53tsDj90 (40 page version)

>Special Forces Fitness Guide
Stew Smith Fitness

For all Army SF info.

>Should I go Navy Enlisted Nuke?
No, you'll get cancer and a prolapsed asshole. http://i.imgur.com/FZ0Q9q4.png
tl;dr: Two year long school with suicidal furries as your co-workers

>Info on sf86

>How to get way overqualified physically for BMT/BCT when starting from nothing

>How can I get more college credits while I'm in without signing up for classes
CLEP/DSST information:
Practice for CLEP/DSST:

He wasn't trying to molest that girl; he just wanted to maintain the grooming standard.
Anons, if I end up getting slotted for a job I don't like in the Air Force, can I choose to retrain into another job? How long do I have to wait until I can do so? Can I choose any job?
(I'm actually asking about the Space Force but since nobody here is in the Space Force and they're basically the same branch anyways, I'm asking for the AF)

Oh Sixta, never change
College graduates want to join Navy or AF as officer. In past 10+ years was misdiagnosed as depressed and bipolar. Recently stopped adderall and ADHD treatment. I’ve been through federal law enforcement training but want to join the military. I’m 34 GPA was a 3.2, my question is now with MHS Genesis I can’t hide these past Doctor fuck ups. How can I help ensure I get a medical waiver to serve. FLETC was paramilitary and I passed top of class so I’m not going to break in the military, if anything I just won’t be top of class.
Any advice anons?
go back
French Foreign Legion
Why do infantryman project so hard?
AWOL infantryman here
Left because its the losing side no one wants to die for faggots, immigrants and women
God laughs when US troops return in bodybags
The trash seems intent on taking ojt itself it seems
Uhhhh do we have to get your EO officers notified if your BIGOTED and HWHITE racist ideas?
Das right
What happens to the clothes/accessories I came with when I arrive to Army BCT?
burned in a burn pit. no, your cancer is not service related, chud
So we can expect you to be the next pedophile to join the Russian army?
Ziggerbots and ZOGbots are functionally identical (retarded, disposable pawns)

Guess it would be the national pass time in zogtopia
Sixta wasn't Russian
Why do you want to sign for a shitty MOS that is actively downsizing?
Put in a locker along with your phone, you'll get them back when you graduate.
me on the left
only reason to join the merchant marines is so you can have a cool ass uniform to wear at your wedding.
Why would you wear your work uniform at a wedding? Do mechanics wear their coveralls to their weddings? Do flight attendants wear their little outfits?
>no activity on /meg/ all day
we're really going to war, aren't we?
Isn't it crazy how much seething comes about when somebody talks shit about Russia in /meg/?
The threads have been trash for quite some time. Any discussion is drowned out trolls and AI because retards can't stop taking the bait. The few genuine questions we do get are often pretty retarded or the same shit over and over. I wish /k/ had a general or at least just regular threads for actively serving people to shoot the shit, but it also would get drowned out trolls and AI.

I hate to say it, but you're genuinely better off going on Reddit for advice about enlisting or just finding community with others SMs. /k/ is good for talking about weapons, tactics, and vehicles and such, but since 350F anon retired this general has gotten significantly worse. I check in on /meg/ daily, but it's just not fun (or even healthy) to post here anymore.
It's been a mixture of good and bad, depending upon whether the resident troll decides to throw a shitfit here versus another thread. There is still plenty of genuine discussion happening here, which tells me that people do still check up and will congregate to share information. I do hope that 350F is enjoying his well-deserved retirement.
This. Just go to reddit.
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>got diagnosed with adhd and prescribed meds
>tfw feel when I will never be able to get yelled at by a 5'0" gynogoblin for my country
There's a handful of good posters holding on, but the great ones are gone. 350F, bro203, Ricky, the group dudes, even that annoying "sniper airborne coolguy opsexy" fag all quit.
>caring about individual identities on 4chan, a website based around being anonymous
Some people are more helpful than others, and normal people appreciate those that are helpful. Only spiteful broken people would think lowly of those who are supportive of complete strangers
its deliberately being killed and the jannies arent doing anything about it ,because deep down they want these threads to die.

case in point>>62543610
Jannies clean these threads up sometimes. The one and only problem is literally one ban-evading faggot that gets off on being treated like shit by other people. He loves this general so much he even makes it when nobody else makes a new thread. People like this have always been on this site and they come and go. These threads are fine and will continue to persist indefinitely.
"nooooo stop spreading seditionist ideas and driving recruitment down further!!!!"
Lel lmao even, everyone has to do their part to destory ZOG
We already have a Mcnamaras morons 2.0 so what is next for the recruiting crisis? Enlisting felons?
why do you keep doing this when everyone in here already knows who you are and what you are doing?
You dont know shit and if you did, you'd still be mad about the facts of what you know
I use this thread to discuss what a terrible mistake joining the military is, which is on-topic for a military enlistment general.
You’ve admitted to having over a dozen tabs open at the same time, shitting up numerous threads. You don’t believe anything you say; you just come here for negative attention because it gets your rocks off. Real mentally ill shit
Sexual gratification from social masochism.
And me bro?
Even if one doesnt enlist, weve done our part in sparing him a life of EO and SHARP presentations
No I haven't.
Go for it man. Officers dont have to deal with Genesis btw.
The only downside to the military is you HAVE to get a pickup truck. Quit being a drama queen.
Anon, you've gotta ignore this delusional fucker.
The Navy getting called gay is just a huge cope by the other branches because while we’re traveling the world in our effay bell bottoms chasing pussy and living next to the beach, the rest of you guys are in some Midwest hellscape being told not to walk on the grass and competing for the 4/10 bartender that works at the only dive bar in town.
Back when I was in, I joined shortly for 9/11, felons could get a waiver if it wasn’t violent or sexual assault related.
>Officers dont have to deal with Genesis btw
I have a bridge to sell you
Bruh, 70%+ of the military is POGs. Support dudes who fuel up aircraft, spin a wrench, or work as clerks or some shit. You obviously played way too much Cawadooty if you think the average enlisted guy is dying for Israel or doing anything that remotely puts him in danger outside of buying a motorcycle and driving like a retard. You are so fucking out of touch with what the average service member does it’s unreal. The vast, vast majority of dudes turn screws for 4 years, maybe or maybe not use their GI bill, and end up in a cush blue/white collar normie job while collecting a couple hundo a month for tinnitus or a bad knee in VA gibs. You are straight talking out your ass.
You don't wear unfiroms dipshit
This general sucks because everyone says you're a faggot for asking questions about waivers
Not even most combat arms guys are "dying for israel" in 2024. There are "deployments" to syria or jordan to sit on a fob and do jack shit 99% of the time and there are "deployments" to poland or korea to sit on a base and do jack shit 100% of the time.
How do I deal with shin splints?
How tall are you?
Try doing tibia raises. If you don't have a tibia raise bar (you probably don't) use the seated leg extension machine at a gym and balance the roller on your toes.
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>It's 9 a.m. sharp, and I have no reservation. Of course I don't—planning in advance for things like this is for people with lives so mundane they need structure. I don't need structure.

>Pulling up to the ranger station, I spot him immediately—a zoomer, of course, wearing one of those oversized park service hats, looking as if his entire job consists of smiling politely while turning people away. The sun glares down, and I lower my window slowly. The ranger approaches, clipboard in hand, ready to deliver the bad news.

>"Good morning, sir. Do you have your reservation for Going-to-the-Sun Road?"

>"No," I say, smiling, reaching into my jacket pocket with calculated slowness. I can already feel the tension in the air shift. "But I do have this."

>I pull out my America the Beautiful National Parks Military Pass (not pictured), flicking it open like it's a badge of power. It gleams in the sunlight, the embossed gold lettering catching the ranger’s eye. He stops, dead in his tracks, blinking like he's just seen the face of God. His hand, still holding the clipboard, lowers slightly.

>"That's..." he starts, swallowing hard, "the Military Pass."

>"Yes," I reply flatly, not breaking eye contact. "It is."

>He stares at it for a moment longer, almost reverently, before his gaze shifts back to me. I can see the internal conflict—he’s torn between following some meaningless rules and acknowledging the undeniable fact standing in front of him: I’m not someone who waits. I don’t get turned away. I don’t play by the same rules as the masses in their minivans and cheap REI gear.

>"Well, technically..." he stammers, clearly uncertain about his next words, "you need a reservation to drive the road, but—"

>"But nothing," I cut him off, voice calm but firm. "I have the pass, don't I?"

>He hesitates, then nods quickly, like he’s scared to say no. Of course he is. "Yes, sir. That pass... it's something special."

>A moment later I'm returning his salute as I drive past
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>I hate to say it, but you're genuinely better off going on Reddit for advice

You sure? I can't stand these faggots. There's literally a wiki on the USAF subreddit detailing the jobs I'm asking about in picrel (except it's their air force equivalent), yet when I try to ask anything remotely related to said jobs, I'm met with typical reddit updoot-farming sarcasm shit.
>You sure? I can't stand these faggots.

I totally get it. I hate the sniveling sarcastic faggotry as well, but you usually will get some helpful advice for every one or two of those comments. Here your questions either go unanswered, you get trolled, and if you're lucky someone who actually knows their dick from their ass will answer. I'm not saying Reddit is perfect because I still get downvoted into oblivion over there myself, but compared to /meg/ I just find it more helpful.
The number moves a little closer every day. Then the only uniform i have left gets turned into a doormat.
based and disgruntlepilled
>Get accepted to OCS
>Every smart ass in my unit says “I’m not gonna salute you when you commission”
Does the majority of the enlisted force structure think saluting is some sort of humiliation ritual?
>Does the majority of the enlisted force structure think saluting is some sort of humiliation ritual?

Yeah, they think we care about getting saluted when in reality by the time you pin 1LT you'll be actively avoiding it.
Why are retention and enlistment rates so low? You guys make the military sound great.
You are fat and you are weak
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>Watching the Captain's face turn to awkward dread as you walk up to him like the creature in It Follows
You got it backwards man. It’s already so strict and will probably get stricter
>wanna join the military
>Oof sorry anon it looks like there’s a gap in your resume, we only want people who can maintain employment with a gap no bigger than a week.
What’s your plan for getting out? I hope you’re documenting any injuries the military would cause. Make sure you get the benefits you deserve (sweet sweet 50% SC)
And he still was able to be in the US infantry?
Damn, shit must be bad LOL
Imagine graduting with fatbodies
Just walk away bro, what? Is a OTH discharge worse than eating an FVP drone so your wife can fuck nigs, stateside? Lmao imagine dying for that.
So do you pretty much have to be a graduate of a military academy or an Ivy to become a general? I’m doing research to satisfy my curiosity and I found very few went from a normal college to OCS and none who worked before they went to OCS.
we are not at war you fucking moron.
Navy said I don't have to do the DLAB for CTI, this true? Got a AFQT of 97

Reminder ROE didnt allow them to even returb fire until blood was drawn even then the miltia only grew stronger
No, you don't need to go to a service academy to get a star, but it does help. Service Academy grads make up a disproportionately high number of Flag officers, but the majority (in the Army) come from ROTC these days. The reason you don't see many OCS grads become generals has more to do with age than commissioning source. WP/ROTC grads are usually age 22-24 when they commission, so assuming they make BG in about 25 to 30 years they'd be about 50~ y/o when they first get a star. OCS grads are usually a little old because they're either prior service or just decided to commission later in life. Let's say your average OCS grad is anywhere is 30 y/o when they commission. Adding 25 to 30 years to that age means they'd be around 55 to 60 years old when they first get a star, so they'd be quickly approaching mandatory retirement ages.

Prior service people (who make up the majority of Army OCS grads) eligible for retirement a lot sooner, usually around O-3 or O-4, so most of them just get out. I've actually met two generals who went to OCS, so it's not like super rare.
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>mfw having the platoon file towards the CO at 10 pace interval so he's forced to individually salute all 40 of us
Idk abiut space force but I was told by my recruiter that you can only retrain near the end of your enlistment. So if your doing 4 years near the end of that, 6 years near the end of THAT so yea.
No, but it helps a lot. Nobody gives a shit if you're a Pointer when you're O1-O4 (in fact a lot of ppl will look down on you for it) but by O6 the old boys political network is fully operational.
Wait until you're a 2Lt facing a conga line of salty specialists. Half of them are planning to get out. All of them are going to make you do the ritual.
Reddit is just as bad if not worst. Its faggots and virgins who get no pussy and post there and have no idea what the fuck they are talking about.
Your thinking of the Russian Military bro, this threads for the US Military
>bitch about how much you hate the army
>get out with no plan
>end up living in section 8 and flipping burgers
A tale as old as time.
>give the minium back to the system that outright hates you, wants to replace you and laughs at your pain
>have more free time to do things you love and lift heavy weights
>still have all your limbs attached
Based leechmaxxers
>its da ivans
Tru but at least theyre keeping the land they fought for
What did we fight for? Geroge floyds mural in kabul or the rainbow flag from the embassy
Oh yeah and see https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3659809/
you want to see young men resigned to a shit life flipping burgers. you are my racial genetic enemy.
You literally want to sustain a gay system that allows women to sent young men to their deaths for an INFLATED DOLLAR
YOUR WAGES ARE BEING DEPRESSED BY JOSE, no young white man or any man will ever retire because of you
You are my demonic enemy, may god have mercy on your soul during the 2nd CW i will have zero
you got kicked out of the military, which puts you up there with the worst of society.literally cant go lower. just because you fucked up your life doesnt mean you should encourage others to do the same you evil selfish pos.
I walked away after you spent 40k to train me up to a decent infantry standard and still i get calls of "y-youre gonna come back right?" No fuck off, fuck your IRR backdoor draft
Fuck your dwindling wages and "benefits"
Get pablo to step on an IED overseas.
do you actually believe any of that bs you just said?
Do you? Faggot? I didnt waste 2 years as a zoggie just to not have the backing to shit on zog when off uniform
Why are you gladly okay with sending young men to their deaths for things they loathe?
And dont get me started on the IRR you hooked nose bastards, that point i knew a draft is coming up soon, with that said EVERY young man can fire back at their recruiter oppressors, if they wanna drag young men to war, give them one at home
You're a degenerate loser, mate. Have the decency to slink off and lick your ass somewhere else.
The only degen losers are the ones proudly eating an Insurgents IED for neoliberialism, lmao
>"for gays! For immigration! And womens rights!"
No wonder the taliban beat us
By the way
Why was ahmed my enemy? Or currently you wanna paint Ivan as one.
nigga the last three Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff commissioned through ROTC/OCS (i.e. not an Academy)
>you're the degenerate loser.
Pieces of fecal matter, this is what you propagating
Damn. All have the chud phenotype lmao
Yeah the troll is very obvious and should be shot in the head.
Based hoping to get in next board. Figured tour d world would be based on top of slaying foregin puss.
Oh zoggie, when will you learn?
Ill be bumping insurgent music at my local NG base bye
How mad will the recruiter be if I ask to be discharged from the DEP 2ish months before my ship date to join a different branch?
>be 31
>live with mom
>life getting better
>stopped drinking
>first day in warehouse job any day now
Is it still worth it to enlist?

Semi related, I learn recently that people that do construction jobs, like installing windows or build decks, for people's homes are just people that learned how to swing a fucking hammer and now they are "contractors". I like to think if I knew that in highschool I could be a contractor today. I guess I never learned when to hold them and I never learned when to fold them.
I'm not this guy. I'm >>62546914

Getting out with an honorable, and I sure have been. Fuck 50%. shooting for that sweet 100% p&t.

Aside from that, as far as jobs go, looking at government jobs. Since my wife's idiot sister can get one starting at 96k and is now making over 100k, it can't be too difficult, especially with preferential hiring for military people, and a security clearance to boot.

I legit will be crying tears of joy when that dd214 hits my hands. Fuck the army, and fuck anyone that tells people joining is a good idea.
I'm a US infantry vet, have my passport, and I'm about to reach out to the Ukrainian Foreign Legion. What unit should I request? I already submitted a packet for Chosen bla bla. Also any general advice for Ukraine that hasn't been covered by YTrs?
>inb4 lube up
>wants to die for a foreign country after he lost the war in the middle east

Top kek
It's exactly like it is here. They all hate the military, yet jump to defend it if you talk shit about it.

I remember when the /meg/ started. What you're seeing now is the after effects of all the people that joined back then getting out/ got out, and are disgruntled and sharing how horrible the experience was.
good luck anon
If you speak Ukrainian consider asking Azov if they'll take a foreigner.
Any loopholes to maximize pay in the military like is there a loophole for BAH ?
so what kind of reading material can I bring to Basic/AIT?
If I remember right you can only bring holy texts to BCT. Bibles, qurans, stuff like that. Partway through the cycle you might get a chance to visit a PX and buy military related literature, if your cycle/class allows it. AIT is typically less restrictive, you should be able to have whatever books you want.
you think I can get away with bringing Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Nietzsche?
Possibly. I can't remember exactly how getting to BCT and locking up personal possessions went, I think when I got to 30th AG I just took my pocket bible out and kept it with me while changing into PTs while everything else went into a locker.
Religious texts. That's it.
>What you're seeing now is the after effects of all the people that joined back then getting out/ got out, and are disgruntled and sharing how horrible the experience was.

No, it's quite literally one dude who just ban evades and bombs this thread repeatedly.
>Any loopholes to maximize pay in the military

Yeah, commission
Go to selection. SF guys get language pay (and each dialect of a language is counted separately), special duty pay, jump pay, demolition pay, per diem while deployed or overseas, etc.
What do you mean by SF special force ?
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>Separated from active duty last year (don't AMA, I'm busy)
>Was debating whether or not to join the Air Force Reserve when I got out, decided not to
>Still considering it
>Happened upon Air Force Reserve recruiter's office while running errands today
>Rang doorbell
>No answer

>Do school
>Sign up for Pell Grant
>Use tuition assistance (and scholarships and shit if you can swing them) to pay for school
>Pocket Pell Grant
>Literally get paid (a little bit) to get your bachelor's without even touching your GI Bill
Commision ??? what do you mean ?
Wait for the next /mcg/ to drop
I just swore in and signed the contract for my job literally 2 days ago. I signed for 4 years and my job contract states that I cannot retrain into a new AFSC until I’ve completed 35 months of service. It’s longer if you sign for 6 years, I think it’s 59 months
Ill capture you and behead you
T. Joining the russian side, also a former 11b
Whoever captures the most GAYTO mercs or chinese mercs wins
Based, go south. And hide, theyll try to drag you back via the IRR not even a dd214 will help you there
Look into it
You signed 8 years. Stupid goy.
>he thinks there isn't more than one salty person with the military

Clearly a neverserved
Not worried about it, broham. When I get out ill be right at 8 years. I'm ecstatic to slam the door shut on this part of my life for good.
Been in 4 for years and been in this thread about the same. The posting pattern is pretty clearly coming from a single individual because it's the always the same topics. A group of disgruntled veterans would tell you the actual reasons serving sucks, and not just exclusively harp DEI, trannies, and "muh Israel".
Could it be at all possible that multiple people have similar issues with the military? I am >>62546914 and there are many reasons I'm getting out. Shit pay, and a general shit experience while contractors make 10x what I make for a lot less work is just a few. Why would I want to be in the military making pennies while Raytheon and it's politician shareholders are making millions? Why would I want to be in war(s) that don't actually keep America safer, and we just end up on the losing side and come home to an ungrateful society? Among other things.
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Oh, and before I'm called a never served or or something.
>Why would I want to be in war(s) that don't actually keep America safer, and we just end up on the losing side and come home to an ungrateful society?
No offense but didn't you think this before joining? Did you have a wartime experience while you were in that changed your mind?
>No offense but didn't you think this before joining

When I joined 8 years ago, I was like every other dude that joined when they were down on their luck, and had absolutely zero going for them. The delusion of grandeur was just that. I'll have a stable income, women, respect the whole 9.

The facade quickly faded. When my career stagnated and every attempt I made to advance just kept getting shot down, and there is / was nothing I could do about it. After I got fucked over on my reclass, I just checked out and have been coasting until ets, and just sharing my experiences with people, and hopefully convincing other people not to take the bait, and think the military will be a saving grace; because it could just set you up to be right back where you started if you have shit leaderships.
I remember you from a few threads ago. You're bitter and rightfully so. But just let it go. You're almost free. Godspeed.
For me, it was watching our drill hand over half of his paycheck to his whore 68w ex wife
Im the one that harps about le jews but truth be told there is ZERO reward for service
The roman legionnaire got a villa, a loyal life and servants
What do we get? Opiods and divorce papers?
No national pride and they wont even compensate us
There is a lot more to my story, but what you said is 100% correct as well. You get treated like shit by the military, treated like shit by the outside world, don't make shit compared to the civilian standing over you watching you work, all while the contractors make billions, stockholding politicians get rich, and Joe private is taking home $700 every 2 weeks.
Why did you have to reclass? From what to what?
I wanted to reclass. I joined on an open contract and ended up as a cook. I wanted to reclass to 68w, but ended up getting sent to the wrong version of the AIT. I got sent to a resert school where people that already were emt's, paramedics, or former 68w that need to get their certs back are supposed to go. So an 18 week long school is shortened to 14 days. Yes, days, not weeks. Needless to say, I didn't make it. Missed the nremt by 2 questions.

I was then sent back to Carson, and when I tried to get the corrections made, and sent to the proper ait at Fort Sam, I just got told tough shit, here's your orders to Korea, you're still a cook.

That was the 2nd straw that broke the Camels back.

The 1st straw was how much smoke they blow up your ass about how they want you to promote and advance your career. Was signed up for a lot of extra point gathering activities by my command, only for the dfac to say I can't go.

The 3rd and final straw when when one of my kids was dying in the hospital and despite letters and notes from doctors galore, they were still trying to send me on a rotation. When he finally did pass, they said "well OK, you don't have to go i guess." Now I'm just burned out and done with it all.
Civilian here. I make shit pay, boomer contractors make 10x what I make for a lot less work. Raytheon and political shareholders make shitloads of money from my taxes. I had to get a masters degree in STEM and enroll in a second masters degree just to get an entry level job that pays less than what boomers with a BS in poly sci make.

Among other things. Civ life is pretty shitty too. Im not saying the army isnt shit, but it isnt all sunshine in civ life.
Open contract sounds like a raw fucking deal.
The rest sounds 10 times worse than a nightmare at the DMV.
And the army wonders why it can't retain anymore. Jesus..... I'm sorry, anon
Damn I'm sorry anon for how you were mistreated. Nobody deserves that. I hope you are able to find peace when you get out.
After hearing a story like that, how could you not understand why there are guys here that say what they say about the military?
Probably because they're in every thread instead of just moving the fuck on with life.
Recruiter spotted. Are they cutting into your quota?
Because there are other positive stories that do not get posted. Anon was super mistreated but joining on an open contract is retarded.

I know 3 different people who were enlisted in 3 different branches who got out and went to the same top 15 school, all paid for by GI bill, and now are making giga money.
>be delivery driver
>have to go on military base to drop off some wire
>get day pass after being given the runaround by security
>pull up to building
>call customer
>no answer
>go in the building and talk to the front desk
>guy just shrugs his shoulders and says "go find them I guess"
>walk past multiple people in uniform
>say to each "mornin, do you know know where the electricians are?"
>get vague directions each time
>see a dude with a stick up his ass
>"Who the hell are you talking to?"
>rambles off some shit about how the building is on duty or something and if I know what rank he is
>I am literally wearing a hi vis shirt with my company logo on it
>tells me to address him properly
>walk away
Yeah, I'm glad I didn't join
As in plural? I thought it was only 1?

His kid died after years of his career being fucked with
>lol just get over it, bro!
25 years old, white male, 5'6. No job, no money. living with family. I been thinking about joining the Army. Anyone else? IDK the first thing about it except what you all see online like me, but I know I would do my best and just get it done and act right and use it to get back on the path of life. Idk. Any thoughts?
The open contract is still no excuse for the other things that happened to him.
I would never say that it is. If what he said is true its foul how he was treated and I hope that he is able to find happiness after he gets out.

I just personally know people who have had better experiences and came out better off than when they joined.
Do something easy like supply, don't sign an open contract, don't become a cook, use your 3 years to get back on your feet.
Even if he wanted to be a cook, the open denial of him trying to advance his career is wrong. The shit with his kid would have made me lose it. The hate in this anons heart is justified.
>lol just get over it, bro!

Yes, he should find healthier coping mechanisms.
He told his experience. Where is the issue?
Joining will be a pay cut and commitment of time. Only do it if you feel you'll regret missing out on the experience of serving your country with all its flaws
What made you hate the army so much? Did you do 8 years active? Why?

I'm at the end of my rope in life right now where the military is unironically my last resort so i'm actually curious
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how did I do niggers?

been doing rucks weekly for a couple months now, used to do them before too but much more sporadically, worked my way up with distance and today was the first time I did 12mi/19.65km expert infantryman standard distance, I always bring 45 lbs in my ruck, of which 3L of water so it diminishes slightly during the ruck, today was 21kg/46.5lbs, flat terrain
So if I am also joining for the VA home loan, GI bill, and insurance I should probably just do reserves then.
Which reserve mos is the most lax? Depends of unit I bet.
I am sorry.
I'm 3.5 years in with a confirmed separation, so also in semi coast mode. I have been screwed by things out of my control but also happened to be in the right place at the right time for some one-in-a-million opportunities. I didn't realize how much it was all luck based.
I don't outright steer people away but think it is crucial that people go in with a specific plan and only pin their hopes on career moves they can guarantee.
That sounds like a tough situation for that guy but is it really that common? And do they really just advance and promote who they choose and not who's qualified? Cuz to me it sounds like he was getting purposefully declined but idk.
I'm 30 making 400k/yr with a zoomer gf. Tell me I'm retarded for wanting to enlist as 03 in the corps so I stop day dreaming about getting gunned down on a beach.
I know it's a little off topic but does anyone have any experience working in the defence industry, more making sure the fancy new tank gets built to a good standard (and all the logistics,contracts and shit that goes in to that) than actually driving said tank.
I'd assume a role like that would be pretty good on a CV but does it heavily skew you in to working for government/defence for the rest of your life? If so does anyone have advice regarding it that I couldn't just easily get by searching online
>Which reserve mos is the most lax? Depends of unit I bet.
Ignore that stupid question.

I think what I really want to ask is, if I joim the reserves and take an mos like: 68Q, 42A, or 92W
How far ahead will it really put me in those fields once I finish AIT? Any one go from 68Q to pharmacist or 42A straight to desk job?
Mite b cool. You can take up to 5 years full time active duty (USERRA leave of absence) in any .mil branch and your normal workplace has to hold your job for you else they will get sued to death by DOJ. Plus you keep racking up tenure and seniority based benefits at your day job. If it's big tech they will often pay out differential pay and RSUs too.

>t. did this with different branch
the marines is the worst possible option.we aren't at war. rangers are still fighting isis in syria.
marine corp is downsizing and cutting jobs, promotions are already hell, and you get treated the worst of any branch, your chance of going to any schools is virtually zero and your chance of ever fighting once in your 4 year enlistment is 0
Join the Guard on an 18X contract
Is there a way to sneak cotton underneath the uniform? Would be comfier.
Roman legionaires needed 20 years service to get land and a pension. We get the pension at 20 years and VA loans pretty early. You can do a pretty similar thing.
Not too bad, keep working at it til you're sub 2:20 and you'll be in decent shape for selection.
You're retarded.
That situation is not common. Cooks getting treated like shit, however, is very common. If you're thinking about joining, learn from anon's story and 1) don't sign an open contract (unless you are literally about to be homeless and you have no time to wait for another MOS to open) and 2) don't be a cook.
>decent shape for selection
what selection are you referring to?

btw is 46.5 lbs a realistic weight?
I've seem on wikipedia they go up to 70lbs bc on top of the ruck they also carry the rifle and armor, anyway before upping the weight I'll be doing it another couple or 3 times to get my.bidy used to it as I'm sore as shit rn, after that I might start doing it with armor and helmet and will look caustic as fuck to normies passing by me lol
He wants to demoralize people, so leave him alone and let him be a Debbie downer
it's okay 35N posting will be eternal ever since I spammed it for multiple years and got like 30 of you guys to pick the MOS
The general will always be healthy as long as we have young studs (28 year old failures) signing up for 3 year 35N contracts to then get out with 100% and use their newly retired in their 30s life to shitpost all day in meg
>You sure?
he's mad he got bullied out of the discord so hateposts here daily
>I walked away after you spent 40k to train me up to a decent infantry standard and still i get calls of "y-youre gonna come back right?" No fuck off, fuck your IRR backdoor draft
chill kevin
>Is it still worth it to enlist?
Yes, warehouse is terrible
Do HVAC at the bare minimum man. Even plumbers have nice easy jobs.
Or do a 3-4 year contract and get out with some VA% and have a lot more freedom to do what you want and get free college
Yeah get out ASAP and get 100% VA and collect 50k a year untaxed forever
if you stay in, you will be missing out on this amount every year (this is called opportunity cost)
>>tells me to address him properly
you should have just told him to call you sir and asked for his CO's number to report his inappropriate conduct
>Any thoughts?
Yes, 35N three year contract with fort meade guaranteed duty station
>been doing rucks weekly for a couple months now
Found your problem
The way to practice for rucks is just get better at running and cardio
Nobody rucks for ruck practice, you just run more and longer and further and faster. Weight on your back ruins your body. Quickly.
>Tell me I'm retarded
You're retarded, but I'll take all your money and your GF if you want
Modern OCPs are like pajamas they're incredibly comfortable you don't need to make any edits. Do wear your own civilian boxers or whatever though the issued underwear sucks and hasn't changed in 60 years
>Nobody rucks for ruck practice, you just run more and longer and further and faster. Weight on your back ruins your body. Quickly.
False, you're going to an extreme because others ruck too often and wear themselves down. About once every 10 days is the "optimal" regimen, and before a particular event like a timed 12 mile it can even be beneficial to go once a week, depending on your goals and specific needs.
People fuck themselves up with rucks by never strengthening their knees and tibialis and never applying some thought to their own mechanics or ruck setup, resulting in them doing a 12 mile with their shit flopping everywhere and destroyed insoles and then complaining about knee and back pain. If you're smart about your approach to rucking you can work up to some crazy numbers and never fear injury or pain.
t. career 11b, zero back or knee pain or lingering injuries, regular 80+lbs rucker, rounded back deadlift enthusiast
Anyone have any opinions on the Navy Reserves? There is precious little information online, and I’ve never seen anyone bring it up on this general.
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Advice on how to get 100% VA ? Also any advice were i should be staying in the Navy like in what base ?
>Get rid of your moral compass
>Get good at navigating through bureaucracy
>Get all your medical issues documented (even the ones you made up)
>It is generally advised to file your VA claims through a third party like Disabled American Veterans (free), or a lawyer if you're willing to pay money for extra assurance you'll reach 100%
>Also don't forget to claim erectile dysfunction, it falls under a different rating system so it gives you a little bit more in gibs even if you're already at 100%
>35N three year contract
Is it a good idea to leave the Coast Guard DEP to do this instead? I have the ASVAB scores for it and I feel like I need to do something “more” than the CG.
Those two options have almost nothing in common.
What do you want to do, in general?
Stick with the CG. What rate are you going for?
Something important, something impactful, something memorable.
My original plan was to join the Coast Guard, become an AET, try to go to HITRON or work on the commandant's plane in Washington, get my A&P and get out. My buddy is in and he lives a comfortable life with a plan for when he gets out, and the stability of his life enticed me and got me talking to a recruiter. I've wanted to do secret spook shit since I was a kid playing video games and watching movies, but I never followed through with it as I was fat and lazy up until recently. I was combing different sites and reading the archives about intel jobs and 35N gets recommended a lot, seems like there's a lot of opportunities to perhaps do the type of shit I dreamt about as a kid. I have this itch to go do something crazy with my life, and I feel like I might've made the wrong choice and taken a safer route.
Keep in mind that you can do SIGINT shit through the CG just like with any other branch. There are upsides and drawbacks to every branch so do your research before you ship.
Apparently airborne infantry is what the Army is hurting for the most.
11X option 4 is what I wanted to do anyway.
How to best optimize contract?
I know option 19 exists and non-continental US stations are now available.

Can I request Italy or Germany?
Got any idea what SIGINT would be like in the Coast Guard vs the Army? The mission is really different, and that makes me wonder if they'd have access to the same opportunities that their Army counterparts have.
If you go option 19 you can't go option 4, just FYI.
As of August 2022, you can request any duty station on this list through option 19: https://recruiting.army.mil/News/Article/3111426/
So for SIGINT there's joint missions and there's branch specific stuff. The joint missions are at NSA sites and most people at those sites will be doing whatever the agency assigns them to. The branch specific stuff can vary a great deal. The Army has tactical SIGINT units that support FORSCOM and SOCOM as well as regionally aligned brigades that provide support to units in their aligned theaters. I have no idea what Coast Guard Intelligence does for the Coast Guard specifically, but if I had to guess it would be some counterdrug stuff or support to DHS and CBP.
Well, coast guard is probably the best option for IRL impact when there's no war happening. Especially aviation. Especially rotary aviation.

But if you want to glow, i don't see how you can beat being a 35n with a ts/sci working out of an NSA campus, with a menu of army schoolhouses to pick from.

Plenty of IS billets at area fusion centers and cyber/crypto things.
The focus would be more on countering TCOs, e.g. drug cartels, and nations we anticipate friction with in the maritime domain.

If you want to be an IS the list is very long so you will be waiting for a long time as a nonrate, potentially scrubbing bilges, potentially doing search and rescue, potentially handing out basketballs on a base gym.
>If you go option 19 you can't go option 4, just FYI.
ah damn... I got too greedy in my thinking eh!?

okay, thanks for the info anon. honestly, I think I gotta pick option 19 over 4.
>the list is very long
That was another thing that got me to start reconsidering my choice. If I went with the Army, I'd likely be doing my job before next year is over, whereas in the Coast Guard I'd be waiting around for at least a year or more before I even got to attend A school.
Insist on a 3 year contract. Don't fall for the 4-5 year meme. You can request whatever you want, and will likely get it, provided there is an airborne unit where you request. Germany mightn't work for that reason.
>Insist on a 3 year contract
Will do, thanks.
almost everyone likes being in the coast guard
the only suck parts are doing like triple duty if you pick the wrong rate and working your dick off for people that would stab you in the back
Should get some rate advice for sure
>Advice on how to get 100% VA ?
nah A&P's basically a meme. Lots of easier jobs on your body and work hours to get paid the same
>Will do, thanks.
Also you can insist on 3 years exactly they'll tell you its 3 years plus training time but you can actually get a 3 year 0 week to save, in 35N's example, 38 weeks or whatever on top of the 3 years
>Also you can insist on 3 years exactly
good lookin' out boss
How do I get an exemption for injecting aborted fetuses at basic?
>find this dudes channel
>dropped out of the marines after 2 years and goes to fight in wars that aren't even his to fight because he's so hungry for action
>has never killed anyone
>will probably choke on his own blood after being blown in two by a drone
>his final thoughts will be about how he fough in the dumbest wars known to man just for a chance to play CoD in real life and a youtube channel

Calling this man retarded doesnt even scratch the surface. I am legitimately in awe that people are so painfully fucking stupid and hungry for combat that they go to foreign countries just to "help" (fulfill their combat addiction)

Calling thisb
Forgot pic related
Why care about some nobody? Where did you even find this guy?
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>why have a discussion about military personnel in a military thread
You said yourself he’s not in the military. He’s just some weirdo with a death wish. The classic “I wanna see action” type that thinks killing someone will elevate his social status.
Don't know if I will qualify, but I have decided to schedule the CISSP exam. Worst case scenario I will get the associate status. I have A+, network+, security+, and cloud+. Alot of the material on the exam appears to overlap with security+, network+, and cloud+ materials. I think my military experience might qualify me, but what I want to know is, what kind of cybersecurity job would be a good starting point if I want to work for the DoD? I have an associates, but should I just finish my bachelor's degree first?
my ruck isnt wobbly, the weight is firm
any advice on how to prevent injury and get better?
I dont do weights with my legs, but aside from rucking once a week I do sprints 2 times a week and runs 2 times a week after those sprints, then do pushups and pullups 3 times a week in the days I'm not running or rucking, and 1 day of rest
Isn't 35N non-combat? How do you get disabled from that?
PTSD from hazing/diddling during training pipelines or schoolhouses
Morale day/sports day mishap
Sleep cycle/posture/nerve issues from keyboard warrioring at cubicle
ED because of ??
Back injury when you had to move lots o comms equipment with poor supervision
Working in Cyber Security (Insider Risk Management mainly), have CISSP here. I am pretty sure the CISSP is more valued than any random bachelor degree you might get and HR filters based on certificates first and everything else second.

You also gotta figure out if you wanna become a generalist or specialist within Cyber Security. CISSP is more towards the first and is good if you are not an introvert coder who cannot speak normally to management.
>Morale day/sports day mishap
>ED because of ??
Probably porn/masturbation. Should have gone grunt
Excessive masturbation is a universal problem regardless of MOS
Let's say they accept my military experience for two or three of the domains and grant me CISSP status. I have never held a direct cyber security job, but I am good with computers and decent at management roles. What advice can you give me based on this information?
>we get pensions at 20 years and muh va
Whos gonna tell em lmaoooo
Imagine having to pay for your land post service, all for what? So your wife can vote for your son to lop his balls off? Lol you are not even compensated likd you should be, thats why i bailed, that was the last straw
Say goodbye to your girl, brah, jodies pulling up once you ship out
Sit this next war out, bro, wait for the domestic conflict lel
>I dont do weights with my legs
Nice trips. You need to do lower body weight lifting. Its for your own health of joints and back. Every single athlete lifts and you are no different.

>Skipping leg day in ano domini 2024
Shiggy diggy
k, but why is it needed as opposed to just running and rucking?
I wouldn't know where to fit leh weights into my program, I already train 6 days a week and from Monday I'll resume boxing so I'll train 2 times a day
Do y’all even want my gay ass? Might be a waste of tax dollars
Because they all compliment one another. I'm sorry but I'm not going to write an essay explaining it. Everyone from track athletes, NFL players, and infantry men lift weights.

Just make it retarded simple and do starting strength 3x a week.
Ya hopefully I can pass pt
least insane and jewish /k/ shill
Why the fuck would you join the US military? It's literally one of the shittiest choices you can make in your lifetime. Acts of congress abuse you and every one of your superiors finds new ways to abuse you and work you longer than the average Amazon worker. The benefits are not worth it and if I could go back in time I would kick my ass for joining the military.
If you want to serve your country do volunteer work for your local community instead of a shitty federal government that's addicted to stomping on the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitutional rights of every United States citizen.
>Anti ZOG forces won, now KILL YOURSELF sycophant scum.
Honestly this. Traitors to the American people should be punished by being forced to commit suicide. Hemlock poisoning is the best that tyrants deserve.
It's pretty chill, good travel opportunities.
She is cute
Can i become a dependo and slurp up her va money
Serving sounds like a privilege — cant wait.
Ye, now get back to sweeping ans mopping the latrines, bro.
Evil requires agency. They just swear an oath to serve evil, anon.
Is basic training really awful? I don’t know if I can handle getting screamed at in the face followed by excruciating PT and rucking on no sleep for weeks.
Hahahaha the mask finally comes off you glownigger faggots
>I don’t know if I can handle getting screamed at in the face followed by excruciating PT and rucking on no sleep for weeks.

It's gonna be awful if you're fat enough to think running 3 to 4 miles in the morning or walking for 10 miles is considered "excruciating PT".
I've seen more injuries caused by morale events and platoon sports than any other single cause, outside of combat and training for it.
If you look past the yelling and smoking, which are essentially just a big game the cadre plays with you so get used to stressful situations, BCT is pretty much just a summer camp. In the moment you might think it sucks but once you finish you'll look back on it and laugh.
Alright :(
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>Special Forces Fitness Guide
drink lots of beer and run down the middle of high traffic asphalt roads instead of the green way
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>Is basic training really awful?
guy, the military is not for you
Bro you don’t get it
Speaking for Air Force, it's awful. Awfully boring. The worst part is near the end of week 1 when all your hopes of training are dashed and you come to the realization that you will spend the next 7 weeks being taught nothing by constantly pissed off semi-literate fatboys who know nothing about anything.
Not sure how the other branches are, aside from extra PT.

>excruciating PT and rucking on no sleep for weeks
>Excessive masturbation is a universal problem regardless of MOS
Do you like being weak and awkward? You should save your cum for your bros (no homo)
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I’m an infantry officer working as the Executive Officer at an infantry OSUT (Basic Training) Company.

Ask me anything
Would you rather get fucking curb stomped or shot in the face
Definitely shot in the face
Right answer!!!
Got any hot tips for 18-21 year old anons looking to join?
Got any funny stories or horror stories?
Im about to b line to moscow and throw in with ivan after doing a couple years in benning and eating a proper discharge
Theyre removing the 20 year pension and the VA will fuck you over if they can, the training is great, lifestyle god i love it, especially as a single man, its bearable but you will get to a point where you just cant justify giving your life to people who hate you, and itll eat away at you
The only reason id like to throw with ivan is to capture a few zoggies in revenge, fairs fair and i really want my pound of flesh back
Oh yeah if you have a girl, you wont anymore
i guarantee you were insufferable to deal with when you were in.
You sound like a fucking retard. Be sure to wear something identifiable when you inevitably get killed by a drone.
>I want to die for slavniggers
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Good idea bro
you're gonna get raped and killed like that other guy.>>62563112
Just don't join the muhreens and you'll be okay.
Just signed my contract, leaving in November for basic. asvab score of 98. Wish me luck retards
What mos
Air Force IRL is mostly easy even in AFSCs soigurls snivel about. Idiots who want to be treated as such go elsewhere. As the USAF puts officers in harms way they tend to appreciate lower ranking folks who keep them alive. The Air Force is intended for adults interested in mostly technical careers who think in career terms.

Those who cannot figure out how to do well in every service are best separated which functions as a vote for better pay and benefits. The best thing you can do for any services quality of life and compensation package is one and done. They leave and those who stay make rank sooner than otherwise. AFSC with slow career progression reflect high retention (most of the time).

The Army is historically for those who can't make it into the Air Force and is so structured and regulated. The Army (and Navy) retention rates reflect the dismal necessity of making Bubba and LaQueefa into usable form. Unfortunately when you need so many lower quality recruits many of those are retained and become equally retarded managers (I don't confuse managers with leadership).

Before the "everyone is a hero" era when the US had millions more vets in the workforce the public were realistic about serving and tended to choose accordingly.

4chan is pack with mental defectives hence the constant queries on how to hide insanity from MEPS. Fortunately the worst are attracted to the Army which is geared to poor retention and high turnover. That would work badly for the Air Force so it cultivates retention.

BLUF you have to be quite stupid to fail in any of these highly structured environments.

Open contract was always retarded.

The solution is simple. Forget every last dream of combat glory you ever had then only join for careerist reasons with the goal being a first career to vest retirement (which is glorious but there are near zero retirees who wander into /k/ to explain it).
92G ;)
why would you purposely fuck yourself over like that?
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Who else is/was 35T in here? Is this mos comfy? I'm a computer nerd.
Why the Army? There is no coldly pragmatic reason to join it unless every other service rejects you and hobos chase you away from the communal bridge.

I really want to know what the fuck even makes anyone consider the Army. The flawless way of avoiding Army shit is not to be part of it.

Step one, do not join the Army. ANG or AF Reserve is wisest choice. Then ask Airmen currently serving detailed questions about fields which interest you. /k/ has very few Airmen because /k/ is a small arms fetish board.

Your concept of serving is ignorant and you can retire a multimillionaire in not many years. Therefore enlisting is retarded. Your dreams are as retarded as a contested beach assault.
>Getting rid of 20 year pension
I only hear this shit from demoralization shills and never seen one article backing that shit up. You guys update your script when you realized most people join for benefits? Can you provide some proof?
What’s wrong with army?
Nothing, he's just a typical Airman.
nothing, that guy is wrong.
What's crazy is if the Navy chases you off then the Army wouldn't take you either, so they really didn't go through all their options.
Coast Guard > Air Force > Space Force (too new and disorganized) > Navy > Muhreens > Army
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>the deluded insufferable midwesterner who watched enemy at the gates too many times wishes to die for Pocciya
By all means. Wear bright colors so we can find your gibs wrapped around a tree from a bomb made of a soda can
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Do it faget!
Government/defense careers are underrated and mostly below civilian radar which is a good thing. The dual retirement path of enlisting or commissioning, vesting, then coming back in civilian clothes is magnificient.

I'd be doing that like my bros but chronic pain prevents it. However unlike the civilian world I get disablity which atop retirement and modest investments meant I didn't need to work after 47. My avionics bros did especially well, shifting to drones after fixing fighters etc.

For specific advice go to military fora and subreddits so you get CURRENT advice as trends matter. Choose very long-lived systems. Someone working C-130 at the beginning will have died of old age by now and had time for a military + civilian career. His favorite contract job was in Singapore where his family loved it.

If you can enter the MIC as a civilian there's plenty of career progression too but the people you should engage are NOT HERE.
I have met people like you. Anyone with your line of thought has made significant problems for themselves both in and out of the Navy, and then turned around and blamed everyone else for their own choices and actions. You are making a significant mistake with your life if you think joining up with Russia will provide a favorable outcome for either your moral fiber, or quality of life. More realistically, I foresee you at a dead end job or in prison after you get out, all while telling everyone how you're gonna use the GI bill up until the expiration date where you haven't utilized a single dollar of it. If you're sincere, I hope the Russians take you. If you're trolling, I hope the Russians take you by force.
Shitty SNCOs, worst base housing, lot's of gang fags trying to learn squad tactics to bring to the hood, desperate people, dumb people who didn't know the other branches existed and got swindled by the recruiter and therefore are mad the whole time. Lot's of people treat it like a shitty job with little pride in the Army but leadership expects pride, unlike Air Force where the pride isn't expected or the Marines where pride is a thing. Actual legitimate retards because of ASVAB waivers in there. Most stuff you can do in the Army you can do in literally every other branch, infantry gets more schools tho.
anybody recommending the usmc to young men should go to jail. the usmc is the worst possible option for all reasons. army is way better for medical shit than navy , navy is only better for moral and tattoo waivers

>coast guard number 1

are you taking the piss?
depends on what job you wanna do and the real reason for joining
I'm gonna keep lurking in case anyone has more information.
Kinda taking the piss yeah
Coast Guard is still the one I'd want to most because I love their base locations, but a recruiter was far away from me so I couldn't get in with them. Navy has been fine though, CTI linguistics. Air Force guys seem to have it a bit better in the exact same bases and locations, Army guys seem to use their language a lot less from what I seen and its a waste of time to go to Presidio for them.
My experience
A&P can be useful but best to get more quals than that and remain in the MIC world for the best package even if you go civilian. Avionics is generally in more demand because it filters most idiots.
So DO IT faggot.
>Most stuff you can do in the Army you can do in literally every other branch

Except for all the shit that you can't
This. The Army is basically THE branch if you want to easily go SOF (Rangers/Green Berets/CA/PO/160th) or be an armor crewman or fly helicopters right off the street. Other things are replicated elsewhere but those three things are unique to it, as far as I know.
Name something besides infantry schools that were already mentioned. I meant POG shit that gets you jobs
^This and more. I've many years at joint bases and not once seen anything to make me envy the Army. One example is Pope AFB which was a closed gate installation to reduce idiot spillover from Bragg.

Comparing police blotters was hilarious. While I was at Pope they had one Bragg troop light up his PT formation and others go hunting Zulu in Fayettenam.

I've zero interest in inter-service rivalry and chose very carefully before enlisting late at 21.
Hey anons, I want to join the space force for intel but from what I see they are having a lot of problems and kinda sucks to be in right now.
Can I transfer to another branch if it's really bad? Or should I do the opposite and join another branch then do the space force later once they have their shit together? is such a thing possible? Thanks
None of that is possible. Space Force isn't taking any more transfers they're full, and you can't transfer out until you finish your contract, and at that point the Air Force won't take you (Navy might)
even CISSP associates get hired as ISSO and ISSMs for 130-150
just finish your WGU bachelors degree in a few months and you hit every wicket

Everyone's been on a range to qualify for tinnitus (10)
Runner's knee (everyone does PT and PT tests) (10)
Lower back from lifting during gym PT (10,20)
Plantar fascitis and Shin Splints from the aforementioned running (10, 10)
Migraine Headaches after hitting your head during an obstacle course (30)
various mobility limitations and pain from various parts of your body all worth 10%*5
then mandatory cornucopia of mental health which all resolves into one combined rating, everyone these days is damaged (30, 50, or 70)
sleep apnea 50%
just this list alone will get you to and past 100%
IBS and Acid reflux is also easy to hit for 30
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35N is just better
here's the pyramid
>Why the Army? There is no coldly pragmatic reason to join it
you get to pick your job which is a pretty big draw
shorter contracts than other services too
able to Op 19 to a base of your choosing (meaning, with your short contract, you'll only go to this one place and be done with your contract completely)
see above op 19 duty station of choice

you'll be fine, if you can get an intel job in space force you'll never regret it
the fact you're being this gay about it means you're a huge pussy btw
>if you can get an intel job in space force you'll never regret it
how would you know, soldier?
Coast guard should be the default choice unless you can't pass standards or the job you want only exists in a different branch
You choose your job in the Space Force and Navy as well, option 19 and shorter contracts are give or take desu, and kinda shows Army guys don't think about Army as a career
>even CISSP associates get hired as ISSO and ISSMs for 130-150
I only have Secret, but I think I'm TS eligible
which branch works better as a resume builder?
Doesn’t matter about the branch. It matters what you do IN the branch.
“Disabled” is a misnomer used to put people off from adhering to the contract. Read the fine print. It’s like renting a car. You are lending your body to Uncle Sam and if they do not return you to civilian life in the exact same condition that they received you, then they owe. That’s the deal. If you rent a car and put a scratch in it, you owe. Doesn’t matter that the car is still fully functional. Document everything. Every owie, every boo boo, every time you were exposed to something harmful. Doesn’t matter if it actually, legitimately hurt you or not.

This is the bargain you make with the US government. You aren’t cheesing them out of money you don’t deserve, you aren’t gaming the system. This is legitimately part of the contract.
>the job you want only exists in a different branch
you mean all the good jobs?
Any branch you just need to go in with a plan and really research job choices hard.
Navy, Army, and Space Force could be the best just by merit you can choose whatever you qualify for. Air Force has great shit for contracting and 3 letter agencies if you land those jobs. Marines does have some Intel, mechanic, and cyber shit too but no clue how you get them or how viable that shit is to transfer over
You are going to be assigned to some shit ass base in the middle of bumfuck nowhere that has garbage weather and in a hick town.

Glorious Navy gets to be by the beach at all times and travel to foreign ports to party. Plus no one cares about uniform or hair standards as long as you are good at your job. I showed up to quarters every day with a wrinkled ass, nearly white from repeated washings uniform, and a 1940’s mop top that was barely in regs (4” in length 2” in bulk) and I still made E6 in 5 years.
Shooting at drug smugglers is harder in the Navy
Norfolk sucks and everyone ends up st Norfolk
I was in Port Hueneme and spent 2 years in Japan.

Everyone else I knew was in Sand Dog or WA. Norfolk is for fleet shitters.
Most the Navy is fleet. That's the point
>Why the Army?
>Special Operations
>All the POG MOS's you want if the above doesn't work out
>Coast Guard should be the default
Unless you hate getting rocked on a ship 24/7.
Stop acting like Virginia Beach is worse than Fort Lost In The Woods or Oklahoma.
Army bases suck worse
I just don't like the east coast or California.
NTA, but where do you like if not either coasts or any number of prime coastline naval bases CONUS or OCONUS (Outside of Guam)
is 35M really the worst one? why is that?
PNW, Alaska for domestic coastal.
Love the Nevada deserts, San Juan mountains of Colorado, Vermont. But not places I'd get stationed lol.
Put me in some Coast Guard base in Oregon and I'd love it.
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Thanks for the reply, damn I'm really glad 35T(active) is up that high on that chart, that's exactly what I picked with a 5 year contract.
They can tie ieds to my chest and point me to nearest ukie legionnaire camp, I'll take a one way trip, as long as I perish in opposition to ZOG that's a W to me, anything is preferable to sustaining a system that gladly wants young men broken and dead.
Hopefully, on the home front more young men realize they can tap tap reasses on the draft enforcers trying to get them killed in some faggot war for muh democracy
I already saw a few ukies fragging a recruiter.
I've been out. Lmao
There is ZERO reason to convince me it's good to kidnap young white fathers from their families and toss them into an unwinnable conflict, that's where my moral fiber but it appears zog never felt the same way
Imagine unironically dying in Afghanistan to propagate this and calling yourself morally righteous, most uki conscripts also have a short lifespan and I've seen the territorial defense brigades used as sacrificial lambs like in krinky or adiviika to cover a retreat since AZOG got buckbroken twice and is spread thin with elements all over the front

Can also wait for the second civil war to kick off, it was openly talked about in my unit from 2020 to 2023 as a potential conflict along with the standard ww3 with Chang and Ivan
>Id like to capture an American volunteer to Ukraine and make a Mexican cartel video out of em
Fairs, fairs.
Anyone who ends a zogbot is a friend to young men everywhere
From the taliban to the ccp kidnapping foreign women to give to their loyal soldiers
Anyone who kills an American soldier, is based.
Today, I will remind them what they fight for
>t. mindbroken over the pager supply chain attack
No need to blow up just because Hezbollah found their calling
lmfao seethie weethie
Eh, I'm friends with an AWOL IDF guy too, he's being recalled, Israel's about to invade, I mean it's like Israel's 200k vs 600k for Iran?
Bennie better make this one, because if not and this gets dragged out, he's gonna be strung on a rope by his own people
I was talking to my bro about it, estimates is like what, 1/10 Israelis would have to be involved in some way with the war so if causalites mount. I don't know how long that can last
But it's probably just gonna be nuclear
Hence why all men should prepare.
option samson is still a thing
They only do their job if they deploy. Otherwise they're stuck in shitty S2s or doing some other bitchwork. Unless you think there's going to be a major deployment somewhere in the next few years, don't bother.
Isn't that true for all army+usmc tho?
No. Most Combat Support and Combat Service Support jobs are doing the same thing whether they're deployed or not. They just may or may not have additional wartime functions and duties that come into play. Combat Arms, and any job that exclusively focus on handling EPW is just larping unless you're deployed.
I do not weep for your highly misinformed disposition.
Well, I'm still not gonna die for zog and will spread seditionist ideas to other young men
Either up the pay, let soldiers loot and rape, or actually remove all non Americans
But you won't, because how else will shekelstein get his cheap labor, not by paying you a living wage, that's for sure
Migrate whenever
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>I've been out. Lmao
>There is ZERO reason to convince me it's good to kidnap young white fathers from their families and toss them into an unwinnable conflict, that's where my moral fiber but it appears zog never felt the same way
How many people actually died in that conflict compared to the total number of boots on the ground at the time? Disingenuous as fuck of you, to be honest.
>Imagine unironically dying in Afghanistan to propagate this and calling yourself morally righteous, most uki conscripts also have a short lifespan and I've seen the territorial defense brigades used as sacrificial lambs like in krinky or adiviika to cover a retreat since AZOG got buckbroken twice and is spread thin with elements all over the front.
There has been over 2.5 and half years for Russia to complete their 3-day special operation, and over the course of that time we have seen the contrast between how Russian soldiers have been treating each other compared to how Ukrainian soldiers rotate from the front. Im not saying Ukrainian performance has been optimal, but they have aligned their doctrine more closely to "no man gets left behind" compared to contemporary Russian tactics where they send individuals to die alone on the front lines (often by suicide). This thread isn't dedicated to that topic, of course, but you have signalled how you aren't ready to discuss this at length in any event. Picrel.
>Can also wait for the second civil war to kick off, it was openly talked about in my unit from 2020 to 2023 as a potential conflict along with the standard ww3 with Chang and Ivan
Any civil war that kicks off in the U.S. will by multipolar in nature and not be "red vs. blue" or "city vs rural" like people suspect it would be. By all means though, share with everyone here how your myopic, egocentric, and nihilistic fantasy would play out based on your seamlessly perfect intelligence.
Jarvis.....pull up US veteran suicides
125k....damn bro, I was referring to Ukraines autism with PR victories and throwing their dwindling reserves
>muh civil war will be collapse
Yeah I know
Grape and pillage my friend, grape and pillage, I much support balkanization and sedition, there's a new England secessionist movement and the Texas one is growing
GAYTO has to literally remove units because of a lack of anyone willing to die in their faggot western armies, all were doing is waiting for the inevitable ambushing and isolation of American federal forces overseas and stateside.
If you had the manpower. You'd already have occupied Yemen, LMAO
Russian deaths over the past 2.5 years, in the most conservative reports, outnumber US veteran suicides and war casualties over the past 50 years. Not sure why you think that's impressing.
>Grape and pillage my friend, grape and pillage
Puts you on the chopping block first in any SHTF scenario. Read a history book.
How convenient of you to ignore both the rules of engagement and the fact NATO is a defensive organization. Also not sure why you think another war in the middle east is an idea worth supporting since it is a fiscally cumbersome activity.
in a couple months i will enlist (not in the us) and if I get to choose what MOS I want I'll choose combat engineers, what should I expect?
what do combat engineers do exactly? do they still act as like infantry just with a different focus? do they act as entire units ornate they broken down and attached to line infantry?
>not in the us
if we dont know the country we cant help you.
Looking at my per options and was talking to someone saying you could pipeline into jtac from 7314 or 7316. Would I have a better shot in Info & Comm Technologies 7316 or Air Control/Navigation And UAS 7314

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