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Post gear. Discuss gear.
Previous >>62483030
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continuing the previous discussion

in summer it's green grass with darker green blotches of bushes, some rarer light brown and grey rocks, in the later seasons it gets more and more brown as the grass dies for the cold, then depending on the location whiteout with snow, or half snowed half brown, then when winter ends and spring starts snow melts and you get all dead brown or half brown half snow remains

see picrel, that's may not very high altitude like 1700m iirc
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sorry was 2k
I find that pixel camos like aor1/2 mix well with the environment and make you look like "visual noise" and blend you in, both close and far, and that lighter color camos are better bc they're usually be darker to your eye in most conditions thus better matching your environment, while darker camos get even darker and stand out unless you're inside a shadow, then besides the colors theres also breaking up your shape and where you're staying

nvm i rescind my previous post, coyote brown is basically perfect for this. camo doesn't make you invisible, it makes you less noticeable for someone who doesn't already know where you are.
Look at the thumbnail of >>62543730 and you'll see you're already pretty damned hard to sus out from the rest of the environment.
yeah desert digi/coyote works well 3 out of 4 seasons in mid / high mountains, at lower altitude where I live it's cropland but it's actually similarly colored, but more green, summer and spring bright green vegetation, grass and leaves, and some light brown dead grass or crops and darker dirt, autumn and winter dark brown ground and light brown dead vegetation
Ranger green is A2 approved. Ranger green haters get blown the fuck out.
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Post your load outs
>r8 h8 b8
you have a lot of cranial accessories
>no water
>no weapon light
>no radio
>seemingly no way to stow that gas mask
>carabiner but no paracord
>no multitool

Would defend burger town with
Got any recommendations on camelbak packs for the rear side of the pc?
Are unmolested baofengs still on the market?
Is a chest holster the two birds one stone option for me?

>me when backpacking
>osprey pack with padded waist belt
>drop leg isn't cutting it

>me when car camping with normies
>always wear large parka
>wearing belt holster under jacket seems counterintuitive
>wearing a separate belt with or without suspenders as a jungle esque rig seems overkill when all I need is a pistol

Seems like a chest rig is the easier answer for both of my needs- keeping my glawk 40 problem solver easily accessible away from my pack and outside of my jackets
I'm pretty sure you just have to select an option in chirp to have full functionality, if anything
Why are you taking a Glock 40 camping? Do you think a squirrel or a deer is going to rob you?
You can just use this if you have a UV5R
Tacticon makes one that attaches to the PC. I've only ever used it separate though. I personally run the agilite minimap. Yeah, it's expensive, yeah they're jews. I like it because it's just a better profile with my pc, I get 3 liters of water and a bag out of it.
helmet nigger I'm still waiting for your email
faggot you should always be armed
what g/sqm should i buy for moving on and off trails in the mountains with a heavy pack? i have no frame of reference, i want it to keep me warm in the cold, from 0C to -20C, with the aid of other layers ofc, but not be too thick that im hot while moving with just that and my outer layer

if i wear only the merino shirt under my pack will it get rekt?

I'm looking at kuiu shirts, theres 3 weights
HPG chest bag
Enough of you
Ranger green is ugly and makes you look like a fed or Lucas Botkin.
Ranger green is KOS
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>Ranger green is KOS
Your objections are duly noted and ill put them on the board
>0 to -20c
>heavy ruck
These are base layers, you really dont want to be changing them on the go. Id get the thinnest baselayer possible and then spend the rest of my time on other midlayers.

Too heavy of a base layer and it will just soak with sweat and then you will freeze when static. Swapping or venting those midlayers is always going to be easier than drying or changing base layers.
That said, insulation is extremely personal and can only be viewed through your eyes. Nobody on the internet can give a strong yes/no for you.
Did you ever post a photo of a unity clutch setup? Dunno if it was you but I'd like to see it if it was.
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Only have a single photo, was stolen from me by a shitty company so never got to spend all that much time with it.
In retrospect id probably do an enigma belt setup
you need to be 18 or older to post here, seething noguns
Is the 5-11 Rush12 a good choice to keep inside a larger ruck pack as an "assault pack", or is it too big?
I'd say it's a bit too big, aim for something around the 16L range.
it is a good pack from what I hear but keep it 14l to 20l I say.
Is there a resource on radios? I want to get one, but don't want to spend $1000 on one but also don't want to cheap out with a baofeng
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that's multicam though
so is apex armor solutions just a highcom shill?
Yeah. He used to be an RMA shill, but they had a falling out, and now he's a Highcom shill from mom's basement.
I think he found it impossible to shill RMA with a straight face after they lost their NIJ cert.
More or less. There's no evidence that he's actually shilling for Highcom, but he's boxed himself into a corner after falling out with RMA as the other anon describes and ditching Hesco after their own NIJ cert issues. Highcom is the only remaining "big box" manufacturer other than LTC or Tencate, neither of whom really appeal to the budget market like Highcom does with the 4SAS7, 4S17M, etc.
Depends what you want to do. If you just need to shoot, move, communicate a basic radio will work fine but perhaps a step up is mesh networked devices. Most of radio is knowing theory, applying it and testing, and developing protocols with your squad. There's nothing wrong with buying a couple baofengs and a programming cable to have fun with friends.
>There's nothing wrong with buying a couple baofengs and a programming cable to have fun with friends.
Not only is there nothing wrong with it, it's highly recommended.
I don't have a squad (that's willing to invest in this kind of equipment) so I would like a radio that I can easily integrate with a group who may be using a wider range of systems bu I have zero understanding or even know what kind of radios exist other than baofengs. I have Comtac V's so I'd at least like to get something decent.
I'm planning on a /gq/ radio infographic, but it might be a while.
>wide range of systems
Probably the Kenwood NX series
Capable of encrypted DMR and P25 along with standard analog
Also, there's Doodle Labs and Beartooth if you're looking to get into mesh networking
I see there are quite a few model options for the NX series with quite a lot of features I have no idea about, any ideas which one I should look at as a "generalist" option? Talk to me like I'm a retard.
Look into the Retevis HD2, its a chines radio, but its full DMR with AES256 encryption
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>thread made one day ago
>45 replies in /gq/
Where did we go so wrong?
Post Gear, Faggot
Sounds based. Also, nice trips.
that LBT 6094 pictured here is listed at $607, not $300 wtf

recommendations for the $300 range that is available in MAS Grey?
DoD price is not street price. Look harder.
Bedpisser did a number on this general.
At least he's in federal prison finally.
Not that anon, but could you explain who bedpisser was?
are you talking about the guy with a hateboner for gaydream and the fingerpainted ar-15
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I'm looking into buying a tri-zip assault pack and have narrowed it down to the 3dap and komodo dragon.
Is the extra 5 liters of space in the komodo worth the additional cost or is the 3dap fine? (btw not a poorfag its just my inner gods chosen comes out when buying nylon)
I'd get the komodo it's more rooky but still the same category as the 3dap, you can fill it more if needed or chinch it down and have it more east to take shit in and out when full bc it's not bursting, I got a 3dap and it's a good pack but if i could i would've gotten a komodo but it was too expensive
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I have an axl eclipse running a holster like this. Is there a better alternative that is more locked in place like the apsis adapter + a qls slot. I know of the true north but I don't know how solid it is. Doing a prs and pistol match with a lot of of prone shots.
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What about adding on a swivel to the leg strap? Alien Gear makes one and Arbor Armos makes one as well.
I got my gear set back in early 2020.
All I'm missing is the helmet and night vision. Don't feel like spending $6000 though, that's kinda pricey. Can I just call it good? No one will notice if I don't.
I'll give a +1 to the true north. Although, in reality, you can buy a cheaper one off Amazon. It's just a chunk of metal and some bolts. I'd say give it a shot.
>you should keep your defensive pistol zipped up in a pouch and harder to get to

who makes the best base layers for cold weather?
something that sticks onto your skin when it catches on fire and doesn't stop burning even when rolling on the ground
Most of these faggots don't hunt/backpack/camp so they're not going to give you useful feedback but yes they're goated for your usecase.

Mine is a stealth gear USA, which I chose because I can mount a QLS system on it and just take my holster off my gun belt and click into the chest rig. Safariland makes one that does that too, and I think a few others.
shill me some good cold weather gloves, I got firebrand OR mittens but they're for cold af envs, I need something lighter, I have OR Poseidon gloves but they suck they dont have any insulation just goretex and shit dexterity, for that purpose the firebrand goretex liner would be better, I'm looking at something warm, water resistant, durable, with dexterity
Put more zip ties on the safariland plate so it doesn't wobble side to side. You also shouldn't need a leg strap for a friction holster I think you just need to train your draw more.
LBT does 50% off sales every few months but I wouldn’t buy a 6094 anyway, there are lighter nicer carriers
Name and shame them man
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Guess we'll be killing each other or w/e.
ok then name one
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Bought an LBVE 88 recently for less than $50 and I have quickly come to the realization that it is the best piece of load bearing equipment ever made.
>are you talking about the guy with a hateboner for gaydream
Hated that guy. I understand not liking Tripfags, but that dude was 100x more annoying than tripfags. We can only hope he's in a ditch some where, forgotten and worm food.
The 6094 is still one of the best carriers on the market if your priorities are durability and staying comfortable when it's loaded down. The fact that it can also take side armor (hard and soft) by design w no modification is a big plus when very few carriers on the market do that anymore and demand for it is climbing again as ukraine reminds us why side armor was a thing in the first place.

The carriers I would say legitimately perform as well or outperform the 6094 at its niche are the strandhogg, the AVS, and the SPC (and maybe the JPC-R but nobody's got one yet so I couldn't tell you). IMO if you can find a 6094 in the $200-$300 range (which isn't hard to do between LBT's constant "sales" and the secondary market) there's nothing that even comes close unless you get a good deal on an SPC, and then you'd have to mod the SPC to take side armor etc if that's something you care about.
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Plate Carrier conundrum: Is it feasible to set up a proper infantry sustainment load of 12-24 hours with a plate carrier? Or are you better off using a slick plate and just throwing an LBV/LBE over it?
It's called a backpack, dipshit
>Is it feasible to set up a proper infantry sustainment load of 12-24 hours with a plate carrier?
Yeah dipshit it's called a backpack
>wearing plates for 12-24 hours
but why

just size your backpack so it fits over your pc and doesn't ride badly
also get a sternum strap, makes things way easier since your backpack straps will be held together instead of trying to slide off (particularly if you wear shoulder pads on your pc)
>having to fight with a ruck
>"set up a proper infantry sustainment load"
You know those are just re-branded Chickshit $20 backpacks, right?
>fighting with a ruck on
There's units who have done just that and won, but there is also a big difference between a ruck and an assault pack and both exist for good reason.
>apparently unaware of the difference between an assault pack and a ruck
Yeah. Its completely needless (like the other guys say, just put it in an assault pack) but you can in principle fit a 24 hour ration and 4 liters of water on a carrier. Rations are designed to fit an issued large GP pouch, so with that on your cummerbund, a 3l bladder on your back and a 32 oz nalgene on your opposite cummerbund, that leaves your whole front and part of your cummerbund free for mags and shit. Add a second GP pouch to stuff rain gear and a ground sheet. This would suck to wear, but its by all means possible.
I've always viewed assault packs as a sort of "sustainment load" within the fighting load i.e. you obviously fight with it on and don't dump it, like a buttpack. Is it viable to carry an assault pack and not have to worry about weight and the bulk not getting you stuck on shit?
>"set up a proper infantry sustainment load"
I get that but have you actually gone hiking with plates on ? I have and it it's horrendously gay, and that's not even a proper "march". if you're just sitting in a trench or something and worried about arty fragments or so that's a bit more chilly willy. But having to move over extended possibly rough terrain is fairly heinous.

Backpacks are designed to be carried for extended periods of time, plate carriers are way less ergonomic. In an ideal scenario I imagine you would have your plates on a vehicle or in a staging zone or something so you could have them when needed without having to wear them all day if you have to move.

The other thought process would be if you're out there sustaining, what's your mission goals? If you're not moving with numbers you probably won't want to be detected and if you are detected you'll probably want to run away instead of engaging. In both those scenarios plates would probably be more of a hindrance.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk.

Hear me out. Combat duffle bag
or some kind of pouch like savotta's "askare" which is a giant fanny pack that could sit under your pc
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I wish the askare was 10% smaller so it would fit as a top lid on my aston. So far the best option I've found is M2016, though I'm not entirely sold.
anyone got experience on the otte gear softshell alpine jacket and pants?
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Anyone mounted a hydration pack to their pc? I live in Florida and figured it might be worth it vs having a Nalgene taking up space on my cummerbund. Anyone try the ice plate or have a better rec?
This may be unpopular but getting into GMRS may be a good idea. Cheap license, practical, lots of aftermarket accessories, and simple as shit. Also the license extends to the rest of your family. Not the most practical for tactical, but for general use, camping, and natural disaster it’s a good recommendation.
stop using a plate carrier in Florida dumbass
I have a separate rig for /out/ activities.
I'm not sold on it either, doesn't look like it would be great with any kind of combat/fun time belt too due to bulk like you mention

that looks decent, I need to look at more bags myself
Are you actually retarded?
their range pants are fine. Also got a pair of their gaiters on clearance. If the softshells are the same quality it should be fine.

I have one of the (((source))) 1L bladders for my PC since it's the smallest thing I could find. I don't like stuff on the back of it.
is the arcteryx leaf alpha jacket good?

I got a montura FR goretex one that's pretty rare, I like it but the zippers arent waterproof and the fit is a bit too tight, so I'm considering selling it and buying an arcteryx one, that would be as my main goretex jacket, if I had to wear it from the get go as an outer layer, while I have a lighter more packable one, the Patagonia Mars lvl6, to use as a just in case to keep in pack.
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picrel is the jacket in question
how can i tell if a spiritus gp tall pouch is fake or not? seller says it doesn't have any label inside, they're ranger green, with green zippers, on their website they have black zippers but maybe it's an older production idk, aside from that they look the same
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Do old gen crye pouches exist in coyote brown? I’ve only ever seen them in 330d Multicam, and I’m not sure if I’m gonna like the newer 5.56/7.62/mbitr pouch
The only spiritus item I own is an old mk3 micro rig, and even that has the spiritus tag outside and a wolf logo tag inside. I don’t think the tall gp is even that old of a product from them.
does it matter
I feel like you should just save yourself a bunch of time, effort, stress, and money and just buy a chinese knockoff lol
yes bc I don't want to be scammed
anyway I dont care about muh brand I'm looking st gp pouches in general and these were among the best priced
>yes bc I don't want to be scammed
you're buying a spiritus product, regardless of it being real or not you're being scammed
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I like how spiritus gets a rep as being expensive hybeast crap when the ferro gp pouch is $10 more. (you) me all you want I won't respond
Ferro is also overpriced hypebeast crap.
Hope this helps!
>everything I can't afford is hybeast crap
how do i pick which concealed carry holster is right for me?
lol, spiritus and ferro are the two main hypebeast companies. You could have picked a better example, my man
Experience, but if you pay attention to the right things you can get it right in fewer tries. PHLSTER has some good tips they've made videos about, but it starts with finding the right gun. Just know that if you differ from the average person substantially, you should expect to adjust your approach accordingly.
I'm definitely not paying them with new prices, they're priced the same as old gwot eagle pouches so that's why I'm looking at them, I need a couple pouches to put outside my ruck and on the hip belt
>it starts with finding the right gun
im going to use my glock43 for CC
Then you have a high probability of finding a place where you can put the gun where your clothes will drape without touching it.
frog inclement weather shirt opinions?
mystery ranch 3dap yes or no
Do you guys even have something like a prep list for certain types of missions or roles that warrant the gear? Or do you just buy gear for the sake of having gear?
Now that's a good idea for some infographics.
99% of situations you'd need tactical gear are active duty .mil and fed LEO (doesn't need guidance from anons) or preparing for post apocalypse. There isn't really a mission per se.
12-24hr combat patrol
>movement/infiltration into AO
>establishing patrol base
>conducting reconnaissance/security
>movement to ORP
>conduct of mission (area ambush/raid)
>consolidation/reorganization on or just after objective
>movement/maneuver to patrol base
>exfiltration out of AO/linkup with partisans or cache for supplies

There you go, you want a classic "universal" guerrilla/general infantry type mission that can be modified for other kinds of missions then there it is. METT-TC still dictates many things (movement to AO can be a few kilometers or it can be a few dozen kilometers) but as a general mission type that's as good as its gonna get.
24-48 with 72 kind of being the max since going more than three days drastically increases supply requirements making it hard to impossible to have any combat oriented gear other than just survival gear.
I think it's worth revisiting this once the radio guide is done. There are some considerations once patrol distances get too long out of UHF / VHF HT range.
I personally feel radios should be deemphasized in this context. Power should be the least amount to avoid detection, most small unit communication should be done with either very short range radios or just hand and arm signals, and long range communications should either be via timed coded messages blasted from a ham radio mounted on the back of a dirt bike or just sending physical messengers.

If you're constantly blasting radiowaves that can be detected dozens of kilometers away, you're kind of fucked. Radio discipline should be what is emphasized more than anything else.
I agree. The UV-5R will do 90% of what everyone needs to do. Encrypted options are nice but for SHTF purposes we should assume the encryption isn't going to hold. Besides, it doesn't make the transmission invisible and you will be fox-hunted regardless. My plan is as follows in terms of categories:
1. No-license options (CB / FRS)
3. Handheld HF, VHF / UHF, ham-style.
4. Manpack radios, HF / VHF / UHF.
5. Encrypted options and other considerations.
Then a short quip about antennas, fox-hunting concerns, along with FCC band permissions based on the license levels and how to study for the exams.
For training and shit in the now time, yeah. If you're doing shit like going on actual combat patrols looking for trouble, I don't think committing FCC violations would be on the top of the list of concerns.
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Forgot to mention, do you think a section on jammers is worth consideration? They are obviously illegal to possess and use, but are readily accessible on various Chinese import sites and becoming more frequently used in armed robberies. They are also exceptionally popular with the cartels.
>pic related, see guy's right shoulder.
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I'm sure this has been brought up in these threads before, but what do you guys think about using a chest rig over a slick carrier?

I live in a large town with plenty of cookie cutter neighborhoods, but there's quite a lot of woods too. I've been thinking that instead of having separate chest rig and plate carrier setups, maybe just throwing my chest rig over a slick carrier so I can easily scale up to armor when appropriate, and scale down to just the chest rig if I need to move on foot through the woods.

Obviously the downside of this is a chest rig over a carrier isn't as comfy as just a carrier, and shoulder straps start adding up once you throw a pack on too.

I'm just wondering if anyone here's done this and what conclusions they've come to about it.
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In minecraft yeah. Insurgents have a lot of EW capabilities that can really fuck with a COIN force. I thought of a sort of "Seal B Gone" baited ambush where you can have an insurgent cell headquarter sending out radio messages but the actual radio emissions are wired to antennas across the street to an abandoned building made to look like the insurgent safehouse. Given the possibility for there to be a lot of information contained in that building, it would warrant the use of SOF conducting a direct action raid rather than just drone striking the building. Little do they know that instead of coming across insurgent leaders with maps and intel to take. They will be stepping on a pressure plate activating a daisy chained IED under the floorboards. While the actual safehouse is a city block away not effected at all.

All just fantasy though.
I think for using in conjunction with bigger LBE gear than yeah. You can keep it slick or maybe just put three or four additional mags on the front of the plate if the LBE doesn't interfere with it for even more ammo.
Interesting hypothetical. I think a valid academic consideration is that jammers have very bad theoretical return-on-investment. The cartel's personal jammers are $650-700 a unit, and only provide multi-band jamming out to a radius of about 10 meters. There are larger backpack jammers some groups use for very hardcore airsoft games in Antarctica, but they get into the thousands of dollars.
I figure cartels use them so that whoever the death squad is currently trying to kill can't call the police or for help in general.
That fits the specifications of the jammers. I think it's worth noting that some models, particularly the "alligator" have a 30 meter radius but only 10 watts power. A powerful handheld radio like the Leixen UV-25D (20 watts UHF, 45 watts VHF) could overpower a single jammer.
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I just have a regular H-harness chest rig. 3x double AR flapped mag pouches with 8" x 5" zippered GP pouches on each side that can carry a radio, medical, a canteen, etc.

I was thinking about getting a very slick carrier that has an elastic cummerbund with slots for extra mags and other stuff, if I go this route.
It's a big topic and your gonna have to do homework. I'd tell ya to watch the tech prepper on YouTube to get your arms around the ideas until you can branch out and ask more specific questions
thanks for the recommend, I will take a look and see if i can't get it figured out
why does that chest rig have tegris inside of it?
They go on sale often. Just check their site regularly.
Lighter? Sure, its an older design and has a lot of bulk. Nicer? Define nicer, 6094's are robust and very well made.
My take is, armor only matters if you wear it. Of all the possible scenarios of SHTF, very few are going to involve wearing overt gear all the time. But many will have you wanting to wear armor in case things get hairy. A slick carrier, especially one you can conceal, is more likely to be worn and therefore more likely to save your life.
NTA but what you are talking about is nothing new; it was sort of the only option in early GWOT for a lot of people.

I shoot competitively in matches that require me to move sandbags and go over obstacles so I personally have 2 rifle and 2 pistol mags on my belt and 4 rifle mags in my cummerbund to avoid the mags getting hung up. I also have chest rigs that I could theoretically throw over the top, nbd.
>I personally have 2 rifle and 2 pistol mags on my belt
I'm the guy who posted >>62563819 and >>62563925, and I have a Blue Alpha battle belt with the same setup. 2 pistol mags, 2 AR mags, dump pouch mounted under one of the AR mag pouches, med pouch with CAT at 6 o'clock, Arbor Arms small Nalgene pouch for water or other stuff, Glock pistol holster, then another CAT up front.

I wear the belt with my chest rig and it's generally fine when larping in the woods, although I know most guys don't really prefer this kind of belt for innawoods larping.
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I think it's worse categorically than a purpose-built carrier probably 80% of the time but it's definitely doable and was the main way people handled shit for a long time, pic related. Personally the only time I fuck with it anymore is specifically when running a harness kit rather than a chest rig.

Something to consider though: most typical modern slick carriers will play nice with placards and most modern chest rigs are designed to work as placards.
Looks like a full chassis for the carrier, like an AVS harness without the fabric cover.
>he doesn't carry 20 mags on his plate, LBE and in his pack
That's more power than is recommended for HT.
Inb4 muh nonionizing
>most typical modern slick carriers will play nice with placards and most modern chest rigs are designed to work as placards
My rig does have hook on the back, so attaching it to a carrier is definitely a possibility. I'd have to retain the sides of the rig though. I could use the T. Rex back strap adapters for that, I guess (pic related).
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>inb4 future insurgents launching a raid include an EW team within the support element comprised of a ghetto jammer hooked up to a portable gas generator giving out a few kilowatts

Who cares about the gunships coming if they can't even call anything in?
The difference is spiritus is actually good
How come slicks are never worn with side plates? I think the best setup would be a PC that's slick and low profile shoulder wise with front back and sides to be used in conjunction with an LBE with the possibility to put a couple mag pouches on the front or a placard if it doesn't interfere with said LBE.
>How come slicks are never worn with side plates?
Because they're meant offer the bare minimum of protection. Just front and back plates. You could always get a different cummerbund that you can use side plates with, but that kind of defeats the purpose of a slick carrier.

I've seen quite a lot of guys who buy a slick carrier and then spend more money trying to build it up for a more heavy duty loadout. It's kind of silly. They always end up spending more money to get a structural cummerbund and all that. They should've just bought a more overt carrier meant for full loadouts from the start.
Problem with that is anti-radiation missiles. Jammers will put out huge electromagnetic targets and everybody will know where they are.
Correct. It has low (5w) and medium (10w) power modes. The "high" mode is where it goes all out and blasts 45 watts VHF. Only utility for that really is overpowering a jammer.
Both are good
>wedge this uncomfortable piece of hard plastic in-between your rear plate and your back so you can have a measly 1.5 litres of water
Buy one of those water bladder pouches and put it on the back of your carrier.
Can you run some sort of molle belt with an LBVE 88 rather than using an alice pistol belt?
Controversial opinion. Even if a guerrilla fighter had access to plates, is it really viable to wear plates? That is to say, it seems more so a matter of when rather than if the plates break, and unlike a military, you don't have access to new plates. So are they even viable to begin with? It seems like something that requires a massive logistical system to exist for them to actually be practical. Something that a military would have, but something some guerrilla fighters wouldn't. And if some shit actually hit the fan in America, I find it doubtful you would just be able to amazon ship in some new plates off the internet in that situation.
>Should I even wear clothes? They’ll wear out one day and I’m not a massive retail clothing outlet so maybe I should just walk around naked everywhere
Your ‘logic’ right there
Kurds actively avoided wearing plates, fwiw. They thought it made them faster and more strategically reactive. Turks just hit them with gunships.
>Even if a guerrilla fighter had access to plates, is it really viable to wear plates?
You don't necessarily have access to skilled surgery, so its better if a shot to center mass doesn't penetrate at all.
>And if some shit actually hit the fan in America, I find it doubtful you would just be able to amazon ship in some new plates off the internet in that situation.
Why not? Going by the last civil war and more recent foreign ones, whole states will be unaffected by it. Just because Utah is a warzone doesnt mean it wont be business as usual in Illinois.
Plates are a wear item. That's just a fact. Exposure to the elements can degrade them, sharp falls can crack the ceramic, etc. That doesn't mean you just dismiss their usefulness entirely.

In my completely unqualified opinion, for a guerilla force, plates would mostly be useful for direct action raid scenarios, and those would be few in number for guerillas. The main idea would be ambushes, hit-and-run sneak attacks, etc. You wouldn't want to be getting into direct confrontations with the enemy. Hit the enemy fast, then get out of the area fast. The extra weight of plates wouldn't be ideal for quick exfil, but not entirely without usefulness.

The biggest factor is guerilla forces need to carry all their stuff with them. Uncle Sam wouldn't be sending trucks full of ammo, food and water to you. A pair of plates can weigh anywhere from 8 to 16 pounds. How much more food, water and ammo could you carry if you ditched those plates?
I figure for some guerrilla fighter scenario. lvl IIIa soft armor for frag protection is probably the best general type of armor to have that can last a long time and you can actually wear it over long movements innawoods. People really underestimate light infantry movements where you're not getting helo'd in or trucked in to an area.
Not even IIIA. IIIA is overbuilt to withstand .44 Magnum, which is ridiculous for guerillas and military. For frag, Level II is better.
if you own one disassembled then then you could consider it "hobbyist radio equipment". getting your ARRL license would provide plausible deniability. a jammer is just a radio transmitter ass blasting all bands with null signals. very easy to create yourself :)
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so is this spiritussy pouch legit or chink?
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Chest rig is an option. I found that my osprey hip pad can have my holster attached with the pocket over it. Works well for me
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Shaw concepts has a padded option that I really like, it swivels well. Idn that it needs mounting capabilities but its good for a day of hard use
>Or are you better off using a slick plate and just throwing an LBV/LBE over it?
this is absolutely one of the worst things you could ever do and anybody who disagrees has never seen a gun except in a video game
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>PU backed inside
>550 vs knob cord pulls
Likely fake
>I'm sure this has been brought up in these threads before, but what do you guys think about using a chest rig over a slick carrier?
Straps on straps on straos
Big annoying
Spiritus very based
Seethe a natural contrarian reaction to popularity
Rhymes with bobando bore
Homie is carrying it for fun clearly on normie trails. Its not like hes getting ready to fight it out with 20 popup muggers or a grizzlybear.
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>kurds actively avoided wearing plates
This is complete horseshit lmao there is so much documentation of Kurdish fighters specifically in PCs whenever they can get them. My photo is from like 2017, which frankly is before some of the people who post here were born.
Agree on the rest, though

Like the other anon said, the S is HTF in places all over the world right now as we speak, and especially in places where the instability has been a long-term reality (again I'll use Syria and Iraq as an example) what happens is that stuff gets more available, not less. You can literally drive down to the market and buy that shit because that's capitalism, baby.
You might not be able to order that specific model of LTC 38365997284974817163949s but you can definitely get plates and a carrier, and many, many fighters decide that what they can find in the market is better than nothing because they'd rather have a shot at taking one in the A-zone and living.

So what's the lesson here? It's definitely not "lol just don't bother with plates," dipshit. If you're worried about needing more than one set of plates, have more than one set of plates because if you don't, eventually no-name chinkshit and/or whatever some local bubba is making in his garage will be your only option. Keep the spares somewhere cool and dry. Instead of LARPing in your nice ceramics and beating them up, maybe buy some weighted training plates.
>maybe buy some weighted training plates.
complete waste of money
grab some styrofoam, cut to correct size, put a piece of flat scrap metal on it at whatever weight you want, wrap in duct tape

should really be doing that anyway during training so you don't fuck your plates up if you care about preserving them
>Fucking up your plates while training
Idk if either of you have ever tried to break a ceramic plate intentionally but the sort of shit required to break a plate would probably kill the anon wearing them..
If you are throwing your entire carrier out of moving vehicles , just dont do that.
most people actually train and don't just walk around in some dudes empty field like you do fatlarp
>make a weighted training plate instead of buying it
Yeah sure whatever, point still stands and it sounds like we agree.

For the record your concern shouldn't be breaking the plate: they're pretty resilient to that. General wear-and-tear will be what gets you, especially if they're being exposed to moisture etc over a long period of time. Having the same pair of plates in your carrier for years of banging them around on the range in a ton of different temperatures and environments then shit pops off and you really need them, it would be foolish to expect those to perform exactly like new plates that haven't endured that level of abuse.
Even if the problem is entirely theoretical, there's just no reason to be abusing these items unnecessarily if the reason you have them is for a theoretical emergency down the line where they'll save your life.

>whatever A2 said
Idk lol I've had the human personification of the dunning-kruger effect filtered forever and all of you should too.
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My sides
Modern plates are doing hours worth of diesel saturation tests and then being shot to spec. Your sweating in it is a nothingburger.
God help me I violated my own rule and read the reply through the filter.
Would you buy used plates that you knew for a fact had been sweated into, temp-cycled as low as -20° and as high as 120°, soaked through in the rain, probably hundreds of times, plus day to day wear and tear over a 5 yead period? A 10 year period?

I'm aware of what these plated go through in testing, retard. I'm also aware that spending $50 to give me a 1:1 training experience while allowing me to keep my $1500 plates in pristine condition for as long as possible is such a no-brainer that only a complete fucking moron would refuse to admit the idea has any merit even if they didn't feel the need to do so themselves.
You are infinitely more likely to be injured in training than the slim chance you damage your plates in training.

The shear number of hours you are training makes it an almost certainty that your PPE will save you at some point. Sacrificing your protection today to further insure yourself in the future is retarded. Especially if your """"training"""" is so vigorous that you are damaging/compromising plates.
>Scrap metal and duct tape
>weighted trainer plates
>workout plates
>airsoft plates
Cease this faggotry at once.
You didn't answer my question, faggot.
>Would you buy used plates that you knew for a fact had been sweated into, temp-cycled as low as -20° and as high as 120°, soaked through in the rain, probably hundreds of times, plus day to day wear and tear over a 5 yead period? A 10 year period?
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Of course im not going to acknowledge your strawman anon.
>Durr these are my bald winter tires, because if a big snowstorm comes im savin the GOOD ones for that.
>This is my aliexpress platecarrier, because when the big SHTF comes im savin my crye carrier for that.
Plates are a consumable that you will go through in a number of years no different than any of your other gear. If you cant afford to attrit through them, you cant afford to train enough for them to attrit.
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Haha, are you the guy who sold me on the Guardian Warrior Solutions Bang Hanger? I've got it on a Blue Alpha Battle Belt Lite, and I'm using the Shaw thigh strap too lol.

>Straps on straps on straos
>Big annoying
Yeah man, I'm thinking of using it with a slick carrier by mounting it to the carrier with the SRBs and hook/loop, and using the T Rex Y adapters to retain the sides of my rig to the carrier. Not sure which carrier I'll go with.

I was looking at the Raine RTG plate bags. They're minimal while having a flap in the back for the cummerbund that can retain the backstrap that the Y adapters would be connected to. Pic related. The placard buckle height is adjustable, there's loop on the inside face of the plate bags for pontoons (I hate spacer mesh), and the shoulder strap angle looks better than the straight up and down angle of carriers like the LV119 and AC1.

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What I opted for is belt kit with thin suspenders that can go under a carrier vs over it.
>Belt kit
>Belt kit + carrier
>Carrier (with panels for different weapon systems)
>Carrier + two piece belt
Solves a lot of needs for me
Beltkit does get compromised in vehicles when used with a carrier but at that point you can treat it like an assault pack and store separate from carrier. If you need to leave vehicle quickly you can hastily throw it over the carrier straps and suffer for a bit until you can fix it.

If running belt kit alone in vehicles you can 180 it and wear it as a front rig unbuckled during your ride. Then swing it around to your rear like a ruck when dismounting.
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>Replies to my non-strawman with several actual strawman
Ok yep putting the filter back on.
This nigger's not just parked on the peak of Dunning-Kruger Mountain, he's homesteading up there

Your arguments would have a lot more validity if the training plates weren't, again, fifty fucking bucks and it didn't take less than 10 seconds to swap plates.
>ballistic plates live in the carrier, ready to rock
>take them out and throw training plates in for situations that don't call for ballistic plates (this is almost all situations)
>throw ballistic plates back in when training plates are done accruing abuse

When I was issued plates for free that got rotated out at set intervals I didn't give a fuck. Now that I'm buying them for myself I can't think of a single legitimate reason not to do it this way other than to ostensibly save myself about an hour's worth of wages once and a few seconds at the beginning and end of range trips.
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Local strawman aficionado not so funny after getting strawman of his own!
>Training with non ballistic plates
This is the disconnect we are having
You are failing to understand the value of having PPE during that training. Training that is far more dangerous due to the shear number of reps you will perform.
>10 seconds!
Great! When you catch something in the chest you can probably swap plates before putting on your TQ!
>I can't think of a single legitimate reason not to do it this way
To have ballistic protection while training?
>includes artillery splinters
>"level 2 is good enough"

I don't think this is right
just got some Patagonia lvl5 pants for the autumn winter season going innamountains, grey ones and aor1, plus I got a beyond pair in coyote, already used those and they're pretty nice pants
>it's PPE for training
I keep the ballistic plates in when I'm doing live-fire group exercises.
For sims and flat-range shit, yeah sorry I don't see the need. I spent 8 years in the Army and worked EMS after and I've never once seen the type of training accident you're apparently worried about.
>I keep the ballistic plates in when I'm doing live-fire group exercises.
But alas, you might cause your $1500 plates to wear out doing this !
> I spent 8 years in the Army
TYFYS bro!
>Worked EMS
Deal with a lot of hard plates in EMS?
Look at the FREE LWOL as well, very comfy softshells you can find used and FR.
I was specifically referring to the 5K series, but you will need to decide based on your requirements. The handheld models are divided into VHF and UHF, with each further divided into different keypad options. The 5K series can be loaded with up to two digital modes (NXDN, P25, DMR) along with analog. The radios can be loaded with cryptographic modules to alow to use of secure hardware keyloaders for use of encryption over P25. The radio can additionally use enhanced encryption over DMR loaded without a keyloader. I mention this because DMR and P25 would likely be the modes you would see in use in the scenarios you envision
What pouches would you recommend for gp use onna belt, surplus saw pouches any decent?
>But alas, you might cause your $1500 plates to wear out doing this !
Doing due dilligence to reduce unnecessary wear-and-tear when possible is just smart, dipshit. It's hilarious you've got your hackles up so far about this you've decided this is bad. At the very least I'd argue that taking the same approach as high-level competition shooters do would be prudent: have a setup for training that you let get clapped out from daily driver wear-and-tear and have a showtime setup that you keep in absolute top shape and don't force a ton of city miles on unnecessarily.

Legitimate question: since you've decided that your plates are simply going to wear out through use and thus you simply train in and expose them to the elements: how often are you verifying the integrity of your plates? How often do you replace old plates with new plates? Are you just tossing them after the expiration date like the military and LEOs do?
I'm not asking for general guidelines or whatever, for the record. I'm asking YOU personally since you said up there that wearing out and replacing plates is a regular part of your training regimen.

>TYFYS bro!
You're welcome ;^).
>Deal with a lot of hard plates in EMS?
Dealt with more GSWs working EMS than I did while deployed in fucking Afghanistan lol, including training accidents at gun ranges. Not one of those gun range accidents would ballistics plates have made a difference. Most gun range accidents are retards shooting themselves in their hands or feet.
And desu most of the deliberate GSWs were also situations where a PC would have mattered only if the victim literally wore armor 24/7.
Sold my Ops Core for funds to buy another industrial sewing machine along with an Adept Novasteel helmet/parts for my end of the year sewing project
It's a pouch dude. You just put shit in it. Get whatever is in your budget and put stuff in it. Over thinking pouches is retarded as fuck.
shut the fuck up faggot
Kill yourself, retard.
I mean he's right, about stuff like GP pouches at least. There's just not that much to them. I have a $25 Chase Tactical Horizontal GP pouch because it rides flush on my cummerbund and desu I've never once felt like I needed something else.
damn i forgot how shit this general is lmao only two guys here with anything worthwhile to post
hey an actual recommendation, sick, thanks anon you're definitely not a stinky cock smoking faggot like some anons in here
Nah you always want better V50. And Level IIIa is at the point where Level II is pointless. Its very cheap on the low end and the high end is so thin and light there is very little argument for level II at this point.
You can do best of both worlds. Several companies make concealable balcs vests that can take plates too. In theory you can scale up or down as needed. But really you can wear full protection under a jacket and add LBE as needed.
Perhaps a dump pouch, but aside from that, I wouldn't have room for an actual GP pouch on my belt. In your case, SAW pouches are a quite cheap compared to tailored GP pouches. Look for the 1000D Eagle Industries ones
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Depends which saw pouches youre talking about
The eagle split lid ones are sort of shitty for a GP
Im using BAE eclipse saw pouches in that pic and I like them as they have plastic stiffeners in the sides but still fold flat. If you dont have beltfeds dont worry about the pussylips ontop and just focus on the primary latch system being something you like.
Surplus first spear GPs, spiritus GPs , Crye smartpouch, etc most of them are just going to be filling space tier.

I like to integrate one tall GP so it can serve as a dedicated bottle pouch if you end up doing bottles in pouches.
Other than that my thoughtprocess left to right is
>Multitool in 1911 mag pouch
>Fast mag reload for 5.56/7.62 or thermal when using beltfeds
>GP for more mags/belts/water
>Buttpack for layers, nods during the day and belts
>GP for more mags/belts/water with pry tool jammed behind it
>Vertical pouch for water bottle if running belts, thermal+batteries if running nods
>TQ pouch consistently TQ
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>Doing due dilligence to reduce unnecessary wear-and-tear when possible is just smart
>Swapping in shit plates/training plates and good plates depending on risk profile of training
The right attitude and should be articulated correctly when simping for $50 training plates.
Go buy a pair of chink $100 botach/lapg plates and use those for trainers if you are worried. Marginally more expensive, dont have to beat up your nice plates, will perform at SOME level of ballistic performance and are weighted correctly. Worst case you have a shitty pair of spare plates to replace your gucci plates when you survive your first half dozen shootouts over cans of beans outside the fema camp or whatever the $1500 plates are reserved for. By contrast the trainer plates are more or less useless in the same situation.
>How are you checking plates
About every other month ill take apart my shit and hose it off, check plates and snaps/molle retainers.
Tap and torque them, inspect the outer wrap for signs of peeling and verify overall integrity. Generally it takes ~3 years of use at my use level to wipe the labels out and start peeling a wrapped plate. At that point it gets set aside for the aforementioned role. Coated plates are going to lose their label well before the coating shows any wear obviously.
>GSWs I saw
Anon, how many of them were doing team livefires. Your risk might just be drastically higher. Especially if you are factoring in lowlight, breaching and mobility.
Whatever dump pouch fits with your other shit
Always based… fucking zased…
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I just routed my comms cables, but I routed my ptt cable under my shoulder pad, and it's kinda awkward because I have my radio at my 10 o'clock. So the cable comes across the opening for my arm. Where do you mount your radio? Putting it further back would interfere with my ability to get to it, but keeping it more up front makes the cable routing really awkward.
Mine is on my waistband behind my left hip. Realistically I just use it for calling back home to my wife when I’m in our fields since we’re homesteaders, so I don’t need to be constantly switching channels or anything, its kinda just set & forget
"belt" like an LBE belt like the homosexual posted or a battle belt? Surplus is generally sewn fine, but might not do what you want it to.
Thanks, this looks good
This is the one that goes on the back of the carrier.
>Has never had to dig a fighting position
>Has never had to carry a real rifleman load not only for getting to the objective, fighting and taking the objective, and then leave the objective but to also do that and still have enough for chance contact or new tasking without potential resupply
>Has never stayed in the field for longer than 12 hours

There's a reason why pre and post GWOT kits favored LBE's with a shit ton of gear. You need a lot of combat sustainment and normal sustainment. You're not getting that with just a PC with some pouches on it. And putting literally everything in an assault pack is a bad move.

Embrace T R A D I T I O N
>Christian larp
>Using kike gun
The only cool parts of Christianity were the Germanic pagan parts.
Not that guy, but chest rigs over slick armor is horrendous garbage that you would not want to wear for 12+ hours; and belt harnesses are worn under armor not over, so in either case he was right to shit on it.
They can be worn over or under. I would say the disadvantage of wearing them under is that you have to take all of it off and then put the plates back on while on work detail to keep your protection from potential mortar/artillery fire during work. Which then makes putting all that shit back on involve even more steps.

In general both are fine but that can get annoying real quick though.
you don't really train just stand around and sometimes shoot paper badguys
so no wonder you're fine using your cheap plates daily
Anon are you so mindbroken by the internet that you're incapable of believing people to have genuine religious beliefs? I was raised in a small faithful community. I'm training to become a deacon. I have a wife and children thanks to the Church. It's pretty important to me, and I'm sorry you don't have something like that, too.
I like the jewpup (though I bought secondhand because I didn't want to support the current state of isr*el), it's named after the Mountain (Mount Tabor/Tavor) where Christ was transfigured into an image of the Godhead. I'll pray for you.
the religion that built the West and Conquered the world doesn't need to confine to your image of "cool" you fucking 14 year old.
The vast majority of beautiful architecture, art, sculpture, and classical music (not to mention most important post-Helenic verse, literature, drama, and opera) was all for the glory of God, written by Christians, for Christians, living in Christian societies, creating Christian families.
The vast majority of important firearms designers were Christian. John Garand was a Catholic French Canadian. John Moses Browning was a God fearing baptist, Eugene Stoner was Protestant, and Mikhail Kalashnikov was a Russian Orthodox Christian.
Take your fucking /pol/ bullshit elsewhere, post some fucking gear, or fuck off.
minor correction to myself - Browning was a Mormon - same with the modern Desert Tech
Wow this guy must watch so much Joe Rogan, he’s so smart.
Run a celled elastic cummerbund instead. Run your radio in one of the cells
I just readjusted it, and that's what I ended up doing. The only issue with that, is I'm using a cheap boafeng and I don't like how the ptt connects to the side. Routing it through my cummerbund, means the force of the cable is perpendicular to the connection. It works, but now I'm paranoid it's just going to keep pulling out.
>celled elastic cummerbund
Oops, I misunderstood what a celled cummerbund was. I don't want to replace my cummerbund, because it's a structural cummerbund and I like the stiffness of it.
>Spiritus very based
ironic shitposting is still shitposting, a2
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Oh shut the fuck up you larping faggot
>>There's a reason why pre and post GWOT kits favored LBE's with a shit ton of gear.
>You've never done any le soldier stuff in the shit like I pretend I have!!!

you need to be 18 or older to post here
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What kind of eyewear should I get for SHTF?
Do you guys recommend a single frame of glass, or doubles?
>eywhere for SHTF
Do retards really?
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damn...Rip in peace Mitch

the Kenai is pretty great but I've switched to a chest bag/rig. Hill people gear is goat, 5.11 if you're cheap or just want to test drive the concept. Main reasons for bag over Kenai are:
>protection from rain
>ability to carry more than just a handgun and a mag on your chest

It was different when I was guiding in AK, literally what the holster is named after. I still have mine and it's a great piece of kit, but I end up dressing around it. Also, the draw takes some getting used to and requires the rig to be strapped pretty tight.

Also one of my biggest gripes is (at least when I bought mine like...6 years ago) the retention is NOT adjustable. Major oversight imo
Attention poorfags or people that do not like to waste money this is a amazing deal
If you don't have a pc, and are looking for cheap over everything else. Yeah, that looks fine. But it's not anywhere near a good pc.
I'm throwing out my plates and most of my gear because I'm just never going to use it. If/when I get a situation where I need plates I just plan to die, it's easier.
Don't do that. Just put them on when you're home alone and run around the house for 30 minutes. I'll put up my whip antennae and sit on the couch listening to NOAA weather forecast. Do a few squats and pushups in my gear. Clear a couple of rooms, and then stash it back in the closet. It's fun.
I've already given away or thrown out all my PCs, chest rigs aside from one basic, cheap one, including my helmet. I'm just going to chuck the plates, they're cheap RMA plates anyway and I've never used them outside of fitting a PC like twice. The only thing I plan on rebuying is a cheap chink helmet to hold my pvs14 for the rare time I want to use it and not hold it.
That's a waste. Donate them to a thrift store and at least get the satisfaction that they'll be drawing straws on how to price them.
If they're 1155s, that's a lesson learned on why 8.3lb plates have been out of style since like 1997.
In all seriousness I agree with the other anon. Use them for fitness purposes.
The idea that ceramic plates are unduly fragile and have to be babied is a fuddlore (or psyop) from the 90s that got a second wind when NIJ 0101.06 included a drop testing protocol.
Stick with IIIA. The weight savings with II are negligible and IIIA will also let you use "ICW" non-standalone plates (ESAPI, SAPI, XSAPI, etc).
you leave A2 ALONE!
A2 is best
when i grow up i want to be just like A2, he's so0o0o0o0o0o smart
>The idea that ceramic plates are unduly fragile and have to be babied
Literally no one is talking about or saying that though, retard-kun.
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i'm gonna enslave A2 and pawn off all the expensive toys he bought through minimum monthly payments with his credit cards
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There's always pic related hanging in the shadows, waiting to drop the nugget that only AR500 steel can survive the TEOTWAWKI.

MUTC? Kinda looks like their shoothouse.
Does anyone have any good buttpack recommendations? Preferably one that attaches to molle, I have a 6 loops wide space available.
Fox outdoors recon.
i'm in the same boat
>6 loops wide on the back of my LBE
>spent months searching online for a good buttpack but can't find anything good
>let alone in the right camo pattern
at this rate i'm thinking the best option is to just buy the materials and sew together my own custom one to fit all the stuff i need
>unironically calling people "Anon"
holy shit your faggot ass still posts on this board? you're so fucking lame
British surp respirator pouch makes a good buttpack
Whiskey Two Four, Camo Fabric Depot, and Jontay are your friends :)

I believe in you, anon
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>>Has never had to
You've never had to do any of those
>There's a reason why pre
That's all there was for mainline units and special forces using their LBEs (such as SEALs using LBT 1195s) forewent armor at all when wearing it. Rangers wore shit like the original molle LBV and RACK over the RBA and IBA and it was an uncomfortable mess. The LBV (and subsequent FLC) worn over the IBA during the early stages of GWOT was universally agreed to be terrible to wear
>post GWOT kits favored LBE
I just know you're an airsofter that just discovered "le retro" kit after binge watching shitty "war aesthetics" videos
>And putting literally everything in an assault pack is a bad move.
remarkable milsim west brained post
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multicam tropic my beloved
I am actually pretty happy with my PIG gloves. I only had to re-type this post three times while wearing them.
always impressed by your textile skills
cool stuff
Thanks, anon
How did you stitch those dividers. I assume they're the first thing to attach, before anything else goes on?

It's done strategically

You build the divider section first, then stitch the inner two central dividers to the main pocket. After that, you stitch the outerdivider body sides to the inside of the sides of the main pocket to complete the main pocket assembly. Finally you will sequentially sew the two inner dividers to the main backer followed by stiching down the perimeter of the pocket

Hard to fully describe with words, sorry
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Will a large crye zip on pack be too big/not zip properly on a medium, standard cut avs?
I found a great deal on a 1.0 zip on pack (in large only), and I know they’re sized differently to the new ones but can’t find much documentation on them.
It likely will not fit properly. Crye recommends you only match L/XL type panels with either Large or Extra Large carriers
Hey dude I just bought a bernina 830 to make my own crye pants/tops. Will it work? It's a mechanical sewing machine from 1977.
non tactical question -- i want a new backpack for mild outdoors, camping, and travel. is osprey still good? looking at the 26+6 since plebbit thinks its the best thing since sliced bread.

everytime i look at onebag type lists they seem like pure chinesium and i havent bought a pack in a decade.
Unless you’re putting mortar rounds, Carl G pods or tins of literally thousands of rounds of .50 cal or 7.62 in your backpack, then it doesn’t matter all that much what bag you buy and Osprey will be fine. Clothes don’t have sharp corners, you don’t need 500 or 1000d cordura, you don’t need a $1500 Kifaru Mystery Ranch Stone Glacier frame to hold 3 granola bars and a raincoat
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just got an inclement weather shirt

not sure it makes for a better option than a base layer+outer shell but it's a pretty cool item for sure
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Not a single shitpost.
I think most peoples day to day experiences with ceramics are to blame.
Fuck you want me to call them? Dave?
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>$200 for a small bag
fucking hypebeast faggots
So close, but considering your proclivity for butt stuff I think Daddy is more on brand

Only specific issue I've had with osprey has been with larger packs in the 60-80L range. The hip belts are adjustable but rely velcro combined with friction to keep the hook/loop pressed together. Doesn't matter, as the pack and belt starts to settle during a ruck it slips when I start cranking. Smaller packs with no major reliance on hip belts - you'll be fine. Can also check out Kelty and gregory (definitely skip to these for larger packs), but osprey generally nails the aesthetic and I'd be fine with it for a day pack
Does anybody else make a simple bandolier similar to the bfg one? curious to what else is on the market

>poor noguns recommending chicoms need not reply
>$200 for a GP pouch and X harness
An entire Crossfire DZ-Rig is $350 ffs. Spiritus is high on their own supply.

Shaw Concepts bandolier is pretty nice and only $45.
>The asian produced rig is cheaper than the american rig
The west has fallen....
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Right on doug, duly noted for future correspondence.
Sir thats a big ass buttpack.
USGI surplus?
How big?
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only 5 rows
you think its big because you are a plate carrier 3 mag placard fed twink
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>5 rows
>small pouch
Hate to see what the anon approved large GP is
>for mild outdoors, camping
>and travel
I see these as two or three different uses. A day hiking pack doesn't need to fit in a stow compartment or hold a laptop. A travel bag doesn't need as much adjustment or modularity. Having said that I'm an eberlestock slut and would just buy whichever size made sense.
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red pill me in merino wool

for going out in cold environments is it actually the best base layer for:
>keeping you warm
>moisture wick sweat
>not stink like ass
>work when wet
>not break apart
>be comfy
>fire resistant
i love my smartwool undies
Yeah one of these
Damn it Darrell how much bigger do you want a pouch to be?
Its no melt but it will burn eventually and any flash/heat will go right through it
>>not break apart
Eventually will wear holes at contact points
You can darn it but its not endless.
too small, european shipping and not multicam tropic 0/10
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I just found a moth in my gear room
Thanks for letting me in bro, I told you I was a fairy.
It's pretty GOATed.
With synthetics I find I don't notice the sweating as much so moisture still builds up in my layers and then makes me colder later. Whereas with merino I feel the heat faster and vent/remove moisture before it could be a problem. Technically yes it's not as bad to be wet with merino but it's still nonoptimal and uncomfortable. Basically wool is superior both ways. My 2 cents.
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Great idea, it’s what I do
>spotless brass deflector
Explains the opinion
>Shaw concepts bandolier
Yeah, except they've been out of their multicam 4 cell 5.56 for nearly 5 months now.
nice reddit "loadout" arrangement, tourist
come back when you use it (rolling around in the backyard doesn't count)
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>reject plate carriers
>reject chest rigs
>embrace belt kit
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I cleaned it
This anon needs to try harder
>poor taste in beer, nuggies and guns
it appears the problem truly is endemic
Forgot you were more of an impossible nuggets and IPA kind of guy. On your way back from the SIG gunsmith, don’t forget your newest thing purchase
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could not be more off the mark than that, but i guess missing your target is just what you are good at
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Your point? Oh well ackshually you’re wrong checkmate. You really showed me anon. Wouldn’t show your face around here if either, if I were you.
luv me PLCE simple as
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Just wanted to give a big thanks to the anons who recommended the Savior LRP bag awhile back. It arrived and it's awesome, holds full rifle with suppressor attached, but also much better organization for other stuff (mags, chrono etc), lots of nice attention to detail like the org bags being velcro so you can easily adjust them or adjustable suppressor cover. Doesn't have a belt but the backpack aspect is still pretty comfy too. It's a big improvement over the too short bag I was ghettoing with, and will make it way easier to head a few miles out innawood with that rifle.

Can't wait for the weekend. A rifle bag isn't much compared to a lot of the stuff /k/ discusses but I think it'll make a pretty big practical difference.
I don't see why it wouldn't. Berninas are premium grade machines among apparel sewing machines.
whats it feel like spray paining an opscore?
>>spotless brass deflector
nogunz detected
Wet bags of sand
I've been carrying my guns in a tennis racquet bag since forever. Having some le tactical bag for a gun is just tryhard faggotry
>I put all my gold clubs in a duffle bag any golfbag is tryhard faggotry
Playing golf is tryhard faggotry
>I am le heckin rich and play le rich man sport look at me I’m so upper class
newmoney faggot detected, bet you have a rental luxury car too or try to pass off your company car as yours
What's some uses for a single column of molle? I have a gap between two pouches, I dont have anything I need to be there but Im curious what it could be used for.
TQ pouch.
shock cord
weave it through then use it for what you want. chem, sharpie, gloves/hat, paint can opener for stuck casings...
>I've been carrying my guns in a tennis racquet bag and taking it miles into the woody hills/mountains since forever.
No you haven't.
>Having some le tactical bag for a gun is just tryhard faggotry
Thank you for the rare admission that you're a fat dumb city slicker who shoots exclusively at a range, probably indoor only and 75yd lol.

Not that some anons aren't decent dudes who are just stuck like that due to job circumstances, but none of them look down on the notion of shooting anywhere but the range.
nigger I walk outside and shoot on my own land, you’re the cuck faggot walking along the public trail like a beta male, hiding your big scary AR on a gun bag until you can find somewhere secluded to shoot at trash
>nigger I walk outside
lol sure you do
>and shoot on my own land
Wow you have 5 acres of shrub and manage to waddle an entire 50' from your house? You seem very insecure about your amazing achievement anon lmao.
>t. paying 4 instalments for his $219.99 cuck bag
>triggered and in tears, absolutely SEETHING over someone being happy about a basic bag to carry a decent gun with and getting EXPOSED by claiming he actually goes any distance innawoods with a golfbag
oh no no baby boy it's ok you're going to be ok deep breaths
>literally rolling around in his own shit and piss in a mental asylum projecting and projecting
I was being a smoothbrain and forgot that I need some pants do ya'll have some poorfag recommendations?
-should hold up to shitty weather
-available in coyote or black
basic jeans? or just go to goodwill or wherever and sort through whatever they've got. people donate decent clothes all the time.
I've collected multiple pairs of merino wool socks over the last few years. They are great and I wear them all the time. They are expensive to buy a bunch of so I just tell family members to buy me a pair as gifts and I'll get three or four new pairs every christmas and birthday.
do you notice any difference between brands? ingot Danish endurance which is a cheaper European made in China brand but I've been using them for more than a year and they're extremely good, so I wonder if the 30+ euros/dollars per pair for guccier brands is worth it when I can get 3 pairs of Danish endurance for the same price and they work well
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I always wanted to know, what kind of chest rig is this guy wearing. Reddit says it's an LBT 1961a but I can't find that molle back panel.
that's fair, but I did mean like for hiking and at least water resistant.
Kind of forgot that part.
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Look up about how to do your own waterproofing (and while you're at it look up permethrin and how to make insect repellent clothing too). It's very straight forward, and while the results won't be quite as good in all respects as fancy miracle fabrics on a budget you can do well plus then you get to have exactly what you want for the size and such, rather then be limited by rarer features. After that kinda gets into your area and what conditions. You might want to stick to synthetics for example so they stay warmer when wet, but you could also just wear long underwear for real cold, mainly you really want it to be flexible when wet.

And honestly? I'd STILL suggest going to a used clothing place or surp place, because all kinds of stuff goes through there. Someone with a bunch of very nice practically new fancy clothing dies, and the family just donates the entire set of clothing because nobody else fits or wants dad's larp pants. Might take a few trips but if you know you're after clothing for a specific purpose you can look through a lot quite fast.
looks pretty good, thanks
I'm >>62588809, I actually just got a bunch of those earlier this year on sale and I like them quite a bit. Though keep in mind they're very light and thin, they're fine for trail hiking and excellent for warmer weather but will get damaged over time in denser underbrush and such. They're not waterproof or insect repellent without treating it. And I didn't suggest them because I don't really consider those prices cheap, though half off helps a lot.
thanks, I'll do that.
Any good videos/posts you'd recommend?
crye Sand
ive read permethrine kills cats is it true?
>ive read permethrine kills cats is it true?
Yes, it and a pile of other stuff are toxic to cats, frogs and other aquatic life, and other stuff. But that's the same as other stuff, like deet or lead for example. As someone with a few cats I love, it's just something you have to take into account. I do the prep carefully and clean up not just flush it down the drain or hose it on the lawn, same as when I'm cleaning my guns. I put on the clothing/boots before I go innawoods, and when I get back I take it off again and put it in its own box in the entry way, I change back into other stuff. It's like putting on insect repellent except much more convenient and much easier to "clean off" (ie just take off the clothing vs having to take an immediate shower). I wouldn't have my battle buddies sit in my lap with treated clothing on.

But once everything is on it's not like you walk by a few feet away and everything drops dead. You just need to exercise normal care. I worry way way WAY more about antifreeze for example, which is why in my household every last bit was long since replaced with propylene glycol instead of ethylene glycol, since the former is massively less toxic (this applies to dogs even more then cats since cats aren't attracted to sweet, but a cat could still walk through some dripping out from a vehicle).
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I fucking hate Spanish buckles so much. I get they're meant to be quieter but they're too damn finicky. Would it be worthwhile replacing these things with a rubber quick release buckle instead?
Not knocking anybody for being careful around pets, but I believe once permethrin is dry it's safe
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i agree, spanish buckles suck
i've been considering replacing the standard side-release buckles on my mag pouches with these magnetic fidlock ones
pets are fairly notorious for licking shit, so that's not much of a comfort.

plate carriers are way too comfy to reject.
I hear you, I only have dogs and apparently K9 Advantix and some other topical flea/tick medications are literally permethrin. Thankfully I established a long time ago that my husky only destroys chapstick, paper and random cigarette butts on the street, no clothes or shoes or anything
idk I never bought it bc I don't want to kill my cats bc I keep my clothes changed in my bedroom so it's too risky and dont want to take chances contaminating the cats with my hands or whatever
Does anyone make metal swift clips (or a similar style of clip)?
Why do you want metal?
Cause plastics are brittle and less resistant to impact forces.
NEW: >>62590194
For the most part no, but they tend to be different style socks so they can be hard to compare. One pair are thinner and meant to be worn in the warm months. Another are thick and meant for hiking or winter. And the ones I got most recently are low cut gym socks.

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