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Fall Season Edition
Old >>62488748

LAM/MFAL comparison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5V9qYxITW0

Resource on what these spec terminology mean

You shouldn't be chasing for spec values but they do exist and if you wanted to know what "better spec" values are there's a way to know which unit is desirable over another.
Most retailers won't post this info as they build NVDs to order, first come first serve, and depending on their grading scale of high, mid, low tier it may differ from retailers. If a retailer offer a “ready to ship” fully built units they will list the spec values. Hand select is an option from retailers that will try to match to your spec requirements.

Some reputable retailers:

SNR: signal to noise ratio, the amount of signal the tube can make compared to the noise
EBI: equivalent background information, how much false image appears in the screen through which the actual image has to show, sort of a noise floor of sorts
Halo: How big the circle of bloom is around lights
Photocathode Sensitivity: How sensitive the photocathode is
LP Resolution: Line pair res of the center of the image as measure against a standardized chart

If one spec is shit it negates the rest, if you have a halo of 2.0 it kinda fucks on an EBI of 0.20 if you want to do any kind of shooting and it's all a balance game

The numbers to meet or beat are
EBI under 1, preferably under 0.6 being great, 0.1 is gucci
Halo under 1, anything under 0.7 is awesome
SNR, over 25 anything over 30 is gucci
Photocathode, 1900+ is pretty great, 2500+ is stellar
Resolution of 64+ is good, 72+ is gucci
Nerfanon here. It is with a heavy heart that I must inform /nvg/ that the Nightfox Cape has been officially discontinued. Refurbished examples are still available from Nightfox for about $96, but I expect those will sell out eventually.
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Hopefully the battery pack isnt buggy with cr123/AAA batteries like the other cr123 unit.
is this like a pvs14 2.0?
Wow its literally nothing!
Anyone ever compare a UTM-X against an RH25? Previously had a skeet ir L, I loved the menu and controls and have not been a huge fan of the RH25 so far. Would be using it primarily as a handheld and occasionally as a clip on with a TA02. Also any noticeable way to tell apart the UTM-X and non X models?
Question thermal bros, if I can get a great deal on a ATN BlazeTrek 625, how well would this work for hunting? Not looking for a clip onsight, but rather just looking for something to find bedded deer in timber? Its 640x512 50Hz with 12 um pixels, and a NETD rating of <25mK.
ATN historically has poor firmware driving their electrosights, and they cheap out on their housings and optics so even if the sensor is specced well everything else could be crap. How good of a deal are you talking?
Gen 3 minimum, how many gens are there currently? I see multiple mfgs of PVS-14s (ATN, Sionyx, AGM, ATN) what the difference if they all use the same tubes from the same manufacturers? Is there a difference in quality? Which one is best for the price?
The only tubes you should be buying are Elbit or L3 Harris. Do not buy from name brand manufacturers like ATN and AGM, they are out to scam low intelligence and low knowledge suckers. Buy from CNV, Steele, Nighthawk, ETC. Gen 3 OMNI 6/7/8 tubes are the MINIMUM anyone in the united states should buy. Gen 3 is not the minimum, it is the current best.
is it heavier than a 14?
Gen 0 - convert IR To visible light, not much in the way of amplification and require the use of an IR spotlight. examples include the Korean War era Sniper Scope and WWII era German Vampir
Gen 1 - Improved light amplification. Made more usable by Cascade tubes, (multiple tubes stacked in line) Chief examples would be the Vietnam Era Starlight Scopes.
Gen 2 - Introduction of the micro-channel plate (MCP), allowing for increased light amplification.
Gen 3 - Introduction of the Gallium Arsenide Photo-cathode for greatly improved light amplification.

You may also see things like "Gen 2+" or "G4" but these are fake categories that Photonis came up with for marketing to cope with their inability to make Gallium Arsenide Photo-cathodes. Gen 2+ just incorporates things like autogating into a Gen 2 tube and "4G" is just a higher spec Photonis tube. I should note Gen 2 tubes aren't inherently awful but they're inferior to Gen 3 and if you're an American there's very little reason to get one.

There's also digital night vision (Such as Sioynx or any number of no-name chink brands) which are essentially just digital cameras with some processing added to brighten the image. For the most part they're garbage as far as seeing in the dark goes.
check out the OP links to both info and retailers
Thanks for the info, I will check out retailers listed in op. What is the difference/benefit between green and white phosphor?
Most people prefer the look of white phosphor and it tends to be more expensive but beyond that there's no practical difference. It's literally just down to user preference for which one you should go with.
I am thinking of one NV monicle for starters, attached to a bump helmet. I would then pick up a red dot that is NV compatable, and a IR laser unit. What type of mount is decent that can have two (if I buy a second one in the future)? Seems a bit confusing there are mounting options for the monocular, a 'bridge' and also the helmet? Is it that hard to get all three lined up so the work together?
green is cheaper than white, it's just personal preference between colors. If you want to get a monocular first and bridge another later down the line get a Nocturn Industries Tanto and a Daisho bridge, it's the best option for going that way.
WP is also mandatory if you want to dual bridge thermal
probably in the $500 range
for $500 you may as well take the plunge. 640s don't come anywhere near that cheap normally. hopefully it doesn't shit the bed or if it does you can get it warrantied.
>WP is also mandatory if you want to dual bridge thermal
why? You cant use two green phosphors for a dual set up?
dual nnv is no problem, but one nv one thermal the brain can have a tough enough time mixing images even if they are the same color, differing colors makes it worse.
Do you have any experience with using it to look for game in the woods which would otherwise be camouflaged and difficult to see due to brush?
I mean, if you have three eyes sure
wow so many great features that are already included in a modern pvs14! bravo! take my 5 grand!!! hype reddit!
>There's also digital night vision (Such as Sioynx or any number of no-name chink brands) which are essentially just digital cameras with some processing added to brighten the image. For the most part they're garbage as far as seeing in the dark goes.
In fairness to the Aurora Pro it can see under clear sky starlight. It's a grainy image, but it's better than naked eye. And it's nice under bright moon conditions.

That said, it is NOT a tactical monocular but a night action camera. Gen 3 is where it's at.
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If anyone would like an M6TR, I have a handful left before the next batch arrives. Email me if interested.
Do needs have warranty like the ISeg?
Found a holster maker that makes holsters for the Rovyvon GL4, oddly enough its in Canada. Should show up oct 1st.
would it not just fit in a xvl2 holster
no, the lever used to lock it in place gets in the way, as well as the dimension is different enough. I have a ragnarok SD that I had to modify a bit to get it to fit. This holster I am getting is a normal one with level 2 retention.
Yes. Standard warranty from LS. Only thing I'll ask is please don't remove the posts for the cover. Someone already did that and I have to replace it for them. I'm not going to do that moving forward, you'll have to deal with LS directly.
My b, thanks for taking care of it.

For anyone looking at them, they do NOT screw off, despite being screwed in.
Been watching vids on night vision and muh lasers. Heard several comments how visible lasers are stupid and gay, but oh my god IR lasers are so great. If I understand the pupose of the comments its that a person without NV can see your green/red laser, but if the other person has NV they can see your IR laser and you are just assuming you have NV and the other person does not which may be valid assumption if jamal and juan are trying to jack your car. If visible lasers are so 'bad' why to the expensive 'dbal' type gear have both IR and visible lasers?
For zeroing without NV gear. Or for high speed, low-drag direct action missions. That was kind of sarcastic, but vis lasers get used in training pretty frequently.
vis lasers for coaligning zero during day or for training
The desert smelt like piss after all the rain we got, and I didn't see my owl buddy or really any other wildlife, too bad as I was gonna hunt him a bunny or at least a couple kangaroo rats. All of my new cans did great though, the Polo K's hype is well deserved.
It wasn't because of the rain...
Owls like to fly onto aircraft carriers. We used to feed them meatballs and chopped up glizzies.
Because they’re fun
Is it possible to not have fuzzy tism effects on red version of a sight but then have them on the green?
It's definitely possible that you notice it more with one than the other. It's not that you don't have it with both though.
I ask this silly question because I would like to get the green variant of a sight which I haven't tested yet - still am trying to get hands on one to do so. However, I know for a fact that the red variant works for me. Sounds stupid I know.
My advice would be to just find an LGS that carries it and look through it.
Red vs green is personal preference big time. Personally I hate green but I've never noticed a difference in how my eyetism reacts.
Light weight singlr tube housing options in leafland? Gonna get RPO 3.0 too.
nocturn tanto. pretty sure cold harbor sells them.
I heard they shut off when pointed upwards. I'll have to find out if thats true or if it can be disabled cause thats a massive deal breaker hard pass.
the only housing I've heard of that does that is argus 1431s, the tanto is probably the most featureless monocular on the market in exchange for being the lightest
Yea sounds about right. Thanks bruv.
Retard here, first post in /nvg/. I would like to see the stars with nvgs and have appreciable image quality. I have been told it's a sight worth seeing. My inferior flesh eyes struggle to see. Where do I start? I'll start by going through the archive of old /nvg/ threads and finding a beginners general.
Pvs14 with carson glass and a decent tube (high snr, good res, low ebi) and a 5x magnifier
If you are into astronomy take a look at this community: https://www.cloudynights.com/forum/139-night-vision-astronomy/
Anyone in here have a DIRV? I'm trying to figure out if it will clear a full size light on the right side, specifically a rein 2.0 on a ris2.
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I have a DIR-V and a SF M600 with an Arisaka inline m-lok mount, its on a piston AR so the handguard is not the typical dimension of a standard handguard.
I took a picture with a measuring tape hopefully it gives you some reference to its clearance.
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I got a slot (not waitlist) to the gun run NVG team night ops. If you are on the waitlist I am LMAOing @ ur life. If you also have a slot too then a toast to you.
I don't even know what that is but congrats I guess
That sounds gay. You sound gay.
lmao this nigga tryna flex something no one has even heard of
You sound like one of those faggots that was excited to be at those "exclusive" BAYC parties
I have no idea what this is but I'm happy for you fren
Thank you. A toast to you.

Lmaoing @ ur lifes
In a hypothetical race-war scenario will I be able to tell if the person I’m shooting at is black through thermal?
Judge via gait
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I got omni 8 tubes so no spec sheet, these pics of street lights, both close and far, were taken at night, does it like a good HALO rating? it's my first toobs so idk
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use black hot
Icy what you did there
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gonna be testing a vcsel peq soon, already seems more powerful than the M6TR within 100y but I don't think it'll keep up with EEL out past 500y...we shall see
did you make it?
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did not, guy who did sent me the prototype. He may end up going with a different body entirely (can't reveal, but it's more modern than the PEQ15).
That's pretty baller, but are we at a point where we want things to be more powerful? I never take mine off of low
I don’t care about full power all I care about is
I want something that doesn’t make the rifle suck the 99.9% of the time I’m not shooting at night
>flood over focus
Helmet mounted night vision has pretty poor detection range and none of us are going to be signaling CAS and most of us will never use a clip on NVD so being able to reach out 500 yards is pretty useless and 100 yards and in is a much more realistic engagement distance so the functions of a LAM should reflect that.
Being able to light up a wide area reasonably bright is more useful than being able to light up a small area very bright.
Goes without saying but we are talking about lasers with flashlights, they don’t need to cost thousands of dollars and they also don’t need tons of features.
So... M6TR, then.
man I wish I could have bought a full power DBAL-A4
Rovyvon GL4 Pro meets your wrong requirements.
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honestly no, but the spill on this peq is like 50% larger than the M6TR when the M6 is maxed and the PEQ is tightened all the way.

forgive the shitty footage, I'll get a much better comparison out to 500y tomorrow against a civ MAWL.
>just got it yesterday and had to see
>set the rifle w/ the M6TR on a chair, made gf hold the SPR with the PEQ and she had no idea where she was even aiming bc I was too lazy to break a 14 off the panobridge

I just want something under $1k that'll hold up, compatible with modbutton lites, has decent performance...the M6 is the only worthwhile option really
the iris will save us...
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first part is closed iris, then I shoved the phone in my armpit to open it and when I saw how bright they both were I was like holy shit abort
I meant the holosun iris kek
if only those digits were the MSRP
That's what a diffuser is for
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I'm too poor for Gen 2s and 3s and kinda want to buy one of those $500 AN/PVS-2s on Whatacountry for fucking around innadesert. Are these massive 7 pound jew beasts better than an equivalent digitial NV scope like a wraith or are they too old?
If you can afford to waste $500 you can afford to save $2000
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I had a stupid idea. Do you all think pic related would be more secure for mounting a laser on the "side" than mlok and similar systems?
mlok and a quality picatinny rail piece like arisaka or magpul have no issues holding zero when torqued correctly
M8 this is a textbook case of someone who wants a lightweight dedicated laser plus a Vampire for illumination.

Anymore the move is probably a holosun+vampire slaved on an axon sync, but I've had good luck with my cqbl+vampire combo
While I agree with what >>62577190 says in terms of you probably being able to save up for Gen 3, I will say that there's a certain charm to the old Gen 1 Starlight scopes. They're not the most practical or effective things out there, but they are fun to play with.
seems like trying to run a vampire light + laser only device is a pretty bad idea and the best bet is to just do an all in one
>seems like trying to run a vampire light + laser only device is a pretty bad idea
Explain why you think this
You're giving up a lot of performance going from something like a m600V+cqbl to a GL4 Pro as someone who has both. The GL4 Pro is nice on something with extremely minimal railspace but it just doesn't have the chooch of a vampire+laser with something like an axon sync that activates both devices with a single press, but desu even with a regular 2-button axon it's pretty doable to run effectively. Mode select between white and IR on a vampire is MUCH easier to do (particularly in the dark and/or with gloves on) than it is on the rovyvon too. The white light on an M600V is mediocre compared to a lot of dedicated white lights but it's also quite a bit better than the one on most all-in-one units I've compared them to.

The biggest downside to both all-in-one units and IR/White light+laser setups vs dedicated white light+MFAL is needing to mode switch to go from IR to vis, but it's not meaningfully different between the two former options except for manual of arms, which is a training issue. Personally when it's an option I think an MFAL with a diffuser for good flood plus a dedicated white light is the way to go but anon's criteria are literally perfect for a vampire+laser setup.

If you have the railspace for a vampire+laser+switch setup that allows you to run them effectively then it beats an all-in-one. If you have big time railspace limits then all-in-one units really shine.
i am once again
Because the surefire vamps suck both as IR lights and as white lights.
It's also just more going on.
If you use a LAM w/ integrated illuminator you just press a button and voila it works (hopefully anyway) versus using a light + laser only combo where you must use a tapeswitch.
It's adding complexity and decreasing performance.
The DIRV fits my use case a lot more. My only hesitation was if it could clear my light set up but I found a review on AR15 where a guy with my light and my hand guard is using one so I think I should be fine.
I'm also interested in the M6 but I'm waiting to so if/when a reliable and durable diffuser cap comes out for the illuminator. Freeing up some FOV with the DIRV would be nice but I'm using an FL5 now and I honestly don't even notice it when I'm shooting because I'm focused on the target.
Only thing I really notice is the damn weight.
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I made one, it works alright.
>Because the surefire vamps suck both as IR lights and as white lights.
How much trigger time do you actually have with surefire vamps though, anon? This is pretty hyperbolic.

What's funny about it is, people will tell you with a straight face that vampires suck because they're too bright AND because they aren't bright enough. If you want an area flood illuminator, they do the job better than maybe any other option on the market. The white light performance is the real downside (aside from price, frankly no surefire product should cost what it does) but again, it's not as bad as many anons make it out to be, especially when they're looking for something for "100 yards and in" as >>62576712 said. Again the IR illuminator's area flood is very, very good especially at that same "100 yards and in"
>it's just more going on
It's genuinely not "more going on" than any all-in-one unit that requires a mode switch between IR and vis. And honestly it's easy to grab the bezel of your flashlight and twist it than it is to fiddle with the dial on the gl4 or fl5, especially in low light with gloves on.

I'll say again my preference is for an MFAL+dedicated white light on a rifle but I've got 2 setups with vampires+lasers on them and I definitely don't find them to be lacking, especially compared to a unit made for a pistol like the GL4 pro. Also worth saying here that, despite on-paper having a brighter white light than a vampire, the vampire's head design does a lot of heavy lifting compared to the gl4.

Another floody unit that's frankly got no right to be as good as it is that anon could look at is the now-discontinued Streamlight TLR-2 "eye safe". They're tough to find and no clue what they go for now (paid ~$200 for the one I have), but again if your usecase is "100 yards and in" it'll do that very easily while giving you very solid area flood illumination
Except that with many of the all in one lasers you either adjust focus or use a diffuser cap to create a very wide flood while still being able to switch back and have a means of either extending out or overcoming photonic barriers.
The vampire can only ever be IR flood so it’s a lot more limited in functionality.
Will it work on an FL5?
Anon we've been over this, I could make you one specifically for the FL5 but I'd need dimensions.
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Depends on the quality of your thermals
Ok calm down everyone not all at once, I now have both an RH25 and UTMx. RH25 at similar gain/brightness settings seems to have slightly more contrast from thermal sources but sometimes they appear much more 2D than with the UTMx, which seems to produce a slightly more realistic image.

Menu on the UTMx is 1000% faster/easier to navigate. Black/white/edge detect switching is always available via a button press and does require navigating through menu.
Does not*** require navigating through a menu. Need to compare the zoom functions more UTMx has a 0.5 and 2x while RH25 has 2x and 4x. 4x on RH25 is noticeably pixelated, 2x on both units seem fairly similar UTMx might retain a bit more clarity, maybe the core differences and general image processing that results in a more realistic image playing into that.
Wilcox dovetail matches up well
My dreams of thermal are a bit further away now. RIP.
Why? They're cheaper than ever
Seeking new employment.
Skill issue
Sold my pvs14 monocular awhile back for life expenses. Budgeting to get back in, but now I’m seeing 16mm tubes for cheaper. I researched for months and months before getting my pvs14, how did I not hear about 16mm tubes? Some YouTube channel was shilling them, can’t remember who.
>appear much more 2D than with the UTMx
Thats been my experience with other BAE core scopes from IR/Trijicon and N-Vision. They look quite a bit better than the eastern 640 units. I assume the main advantage is in processing since they look better not just on native mag but also significantly better with digital zoom applied.
mother fucker faggot usps driver decided he didn't want to get wet in the rain bringing my tantos to the porch and scanned my shit with no access to delivery location. and i KNOW that motherfucker didn't even try to deliver them because i was here AND he didn't even put the usual sorry we missed you sticker on the front door. FUCK.
why deviate from the standard? seems silly to lock yourself out of the best housings and optics just for some minor upfront savings.
They love doing that

And I agree, had an old Skeet IR-L I got for $2k. Definitely an amazing value if you just want a handheld scanner especially considering how small and light they are.
Just go pick it up tomorrow duder
Excited. My UTM arrives today. Hopefully I didn't get scammed.
was it usps express delivery?
Idk, I probably wouldn’t. Is there a considerable weight difference?
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I want to preorder a TAD, should I just wait for it to release ?
priority mail
non X 640? Let me know how it looks, I think if you got it for $3k that is a very solid price. I picked up this one from a local guy for $4k, see them listed for $6k or so on tacswap. Visually they are identical from everything I’ve seen, just the startup menu will indicate which is which.
Non X, yeah. Got it for $2000 plus a PVS-27. Comes with a Wilcox mount so even if I don't like it it's a pretty complete package I should be able to sell fairly easily.
Insaneeee steal wow, enjoy it man
idk what you're even talking about dude, just go standard PVS14 setup with standard Carson optics, RPO has splash and isn't worth the extra cost nor is cheating out getting something non standard, everything else is a meme.
Which is more desirable, the X or non-X version? I'm not super familiar with the nomenclature.
>Except that with many of the all in one lasers
There really aren't that many all-in-one units on the market, anon. I can think of about 6 off the top of my head and 4 of them are either discontinued and/or unobtanium today.

The vampire's IR flood is excellent but its throw will also light up targets a lot further out than you're giving it credit for. I'll say again it sorta sounds like you're not speaking from hands-on experience here. I wouldn't put one on an AR but again for a "100 yards and in" gun as specified, it's more than up to the task.

I'll state again that my strong personal preference is for MFAL+dedicated white light. But for the asks in >>62576712 what I'm describing is probably the closest thing to an ideal setup that exists currently.
X is updated 60hz, has TraceIR software, and maybe a better processor? Not worth a massive price difference but if non X is $3k and X is $4k probably worth. It's just so hard to find any literature on these. Found one guy mention pre 2014 X models have issues with collimation.
tested the prototype VCSEL PEQ tn alongside the M6TR...it's probably the only unit that can keep up in terms of power. PEQ has wider spill (though conversely, doesn't get nearly as narrow as as the M6TR). If the M6 gets a diffuser cap it'll keep up at closer ranges and be really well rounded. Already established it btfo's a FP RaidXE
That's pretty neat. I'm guessing M6TR on the left, PEQ on the right? Is the PEQ the one made by Found Industries aka InvisibleSight?
I swear to god if people keep saying IF it gets one I'm gonna fuck my own ass
You were always gonna do that, gayboy
I got a D121 with M851 gen 3 tube, bump helmet and surplus mount for $450
Just look on the used market, a photonis tube is probably better than the crap I got
You have an ebike for night-time no noise recon right?
I have chevrolegs
Sorry faggot we'll believe it when we see it
>hear noise at neighbor's house
>new house, not finished, nobody lives there yet
>grab SiOnyx so I can record and a weapon
>sneak outside walking in socks to be quiet
>damn dog getting into their trash can for workers
Told the dog to go home. But this made me think: is there anything between socks and shoes that's good for walking quietly on dirt? To me the noise difference is pretty large. I want to be dark AND quiet as a mouse.
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Not IS, this is made locally in the USA. Honestly find IS's business model extremely suspect given the lead times and unwillingness to warranty based on being 'backed up.'

The PEQ I have is basically a test platform for the same (if not slightly improved) PCB/internals being used in a VCSEL NGAL model coming out soon in the easily sub-1k price range. Will be far superior to IS in terms of ruggedization and overall quality.

Thought my buddy with a MAWL would join me last night for a head to head VCSEL comparison...next time

Married to the M6TR so I, too, eagerly await
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TAD is the TNVC COTI they are releasing. It’s an ECOTI without the E features I don’t have access to
I already made one, is my point
Are they both on high? That beam on the PEQ clone is overkill
moccasins or one of the modern analogues? most of being quiet is how you walk, not necessarily what you are walking in but a thin sole can help you make decisions on how you place your weight.
oh shit my b, take my money

how so? We can tune it. Here's both on low/low within 50yard. Will post some video out to 650y
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I don't have any good side by side video yet, but here's the PEQ on hi-hi at distance. Top priority is testing it against another VCSEL unit, should have buddy with MAWL joining soon
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and for reference here's the M6TR at the same distance(s)
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should also note, humidity was at 97% last night but they both pushed through without an issue
Not sure if you were here when we were discussing the power levels for the M6TR but the consensus was that a 1mW low end IR pointer and I think a 10mW high end IR pointer were the best options for civilians since we are pretty much just shooting steel which makes the laser bloom out even more on top of whatever it already is and we aren't signaling CAS.
Maybe with the high end it's different in this case with the PEQ if there are functional diffusers but regardless of how it's achieved I think at the end of the day people who actually shoot with their devices want something more tame because it's more usable for most applications as a civilian.
the illuminator looks really good and I like how wide it is. I don't think getting it to focus as narrow matters as much either because again there's not really a civilian application where that matters unless you're using a clip on nvd which most people aren't That beam is just crazy bright. Looks cool in pictures/videos but probably just gong to be too bright to use for actual target shooting.
I agree with the others that the low could stand to be lower. an argument could be made that with the PEQ15 form factor the L3 ND filter could be used to cut it down further, but with it being a new product it just makes sense for it to work better out of the box without L3 accessories.
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Noted. So next question, would you prefer this in an NGAL body? They are actually easier to ruggedize than the PEQ bodies...
When I get my m6tr back in I'll make a vid on the assembly, files will be uploaded fo free as is tradition. I don't mind hand making a few for fellow nvggers tho.
I'm torn on this since I like the size of the unit and illum control of the NGAL but I dislike the forward placement of the onboard fire button. It is fine on an SBR but a pain mounted at the end of a longer rail. NGAL is probably still the better overall choice between the two though.
Same. I haven't used an NGAL or NGAL clone so I can't speak to how it actually works out in use but it seems like the button being so far forward would be annoying.
It does have the benefit of being a much smaller footprint though.
As much as I dislike the NGAL form factor, it is just overall better than a PEQ.

By the way, anyone needing an M6TR, I am currently out, but the next batch should arrive in a week or so.
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Found a company that makes an own holster that fits the gl4 pro. Gray Fox strategic. My sp01 tactical fits, just need to work on the screw tension to make it a bit easier to draw, but otherwise I am happy so far. 168 shipped out of Canada.
PEQ is such shit. i regret ever buying one.
Do you use the laser or just the IR illuminator?
>basically a test platform for the same (if not slightly improved) PCB/internals being used in a VCSEL NGAL model coming out soon in the easily sub-1k price range. Will be far superior to IS in terms of ruggedization and overall quality.
when will these be available?
I have used both. The IR laser is nice for practicing a tive aiming.
my daisho bridge is DOA
the west has fallen
Interesting. I just got an Evolution Gear airshit chink NGAL. It is the same housing as the invisible sight, but is missing a lot of the upgrades of the invisible sight.

Anyway, I took it to work and took some measurements.

First off, the IR aiming laser appears to be emitting around 816nm. Not sure what is up with that. 816nm was measured using a scientific spectrometer calibrated with a Xenon lamp using the Xenon 823nm and 895nm peaks. I'm rather confident of the 816nm measurement.

I also measured the output power. Seemed to be right around 1mW for the IR aim low and 12.75mW for the IR aim high output.

In my backyard last night with my 2300 FOM white phos Elbit Gen 3 tubes even on IR Aim low the 1mW seemed rather bright. Quite a bit of halo.

Because this unit is the cheaper Evolution Gear as opposed to the Invisible Sight, and even though the Ebay listing advertised functioning diffuser/neutral density caps, the included caps don't appear to do anything. I'm thinking of either shelling out for real NGAL diffuser/dimming caps to reduce the IR aiming laser output, or trying some cheap LED dimming stickers cut to size myself to bring the 1mW low even lower, say 0.2mw-0.5mW or so, to avoid bloom, burst, and halo. Similarly this would allow the IR aim high at 12mW to be reduced to 2.4mW-6mW with the cap in place.
kek fucking owned imagine spending money on a bridge instead of just buying a new set of binos
Intredasting. Thanks for the report
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Oh shit, wonder if it would play nice with my p01 then
Why not just get an LS321? They seem to go for $500 used.
it bewilders me that niggers buy airsoft toys instead of getting just a Holosun

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