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Canadian firearms General
>New here? Read this:
>Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:
>Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):
>Want to help firearm rights?

Previous Thread: >>62532329
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Sorta reposting from last thread but CTV news just did a story on the 67 million spent and not a single firearm seized.

(((Consultant))) must be a sweet gig, imagine getting paid to tell the government they are retarded.
based and maple pilled
cringe and poopilled
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there’s a gun show in NS this weekend, are they any good here or am i just gonna see overpriced fudd shit
If it's there, go to the GNG booth. They had some very smooth huskie bolt actions for like 400 bucks
It looks like this will never be implemented at it’s current pace and the Cons will be in power to repeal it.
Imagine if they instead spent this money on giving the CAF sleeping bags that won’t kill them.
Is the ACOG still a viable optic in the current year?
It's probably the best overall optic for AR15s, but not the best optic for all 5.56 rifles. Kinda out dated, some people like the benefits of fibreoptic illumination, but it also has major drawbacks.
I think the current meta is a 1.0x optic paired with a magnifier. Piggybacking a MRDS on top of an ACOG is about as gay as putting a T2 on a 3" riser, makes rifle cumbersone and snags on shit constantly. Great for flat range faggots I guess.
you're making me want one of these ancient crap rods
What do chugs do in their reserves?
chug liquor
Drink, get high, beat each other, fuck each other, repeat until next family allowance day.
Rape kill and steal
>family allowance day
What? lol
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They're not crap.
Better than a WK-180
your tax dollars that go straight into the pocket of their "chief"
It’s when the government gives them money each month.
I cant respect people who are good shooters but are fat. Same with hunters.

>ver not reqwer
I’ll see ya there fren. I’ll be the autistic looking short skinny fella with a brown woman.
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Acogs are great. I really really like mine. The eyebox is yuge and the bullet drop reticle is very helpful. I’d say they’re probably outclassed by something like an Elcan Spectre DR, but there’s also a significant price increase for those.
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Keep coping, weightlet. Maybe one day you'll be a big boy too.
Fucking kek
Gotta store up callories now for the great starvation…
Damn, I want to go to the range with cfg frens but I don't want people thinking I'm a fed.
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Not this shit again.
What shit?
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The shit abyss Rand
Same, but I don't go to ranges cuz I'm based, but I also don't wanna eat cum infused cookies in the middle of nowhere
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wise anon, be wary of feds and gays. they will try to trick you.
i wanna do this to a side by side and get a custom holster for it
in my minecraft server of course
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here is the turkshit of your dreams
Redpill me on the .30-06 cartridge
Henry makes a nice Mare's Leg for about $2k, it's quality but not a 12ga.

Or get filthy turkshit like this guy suggests >>62549343
and kiss your thumbs goodbye
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Good cartridge, limited rifle offerings in the year of our Lord 2024. More powerful than .308 without being too much more expensive. Good selection of ammo is still made. Considerably less costly to shoot than .300 win mag but also not as high performing.

Very good hunting round, better than .308, but not all that necessary if you can aim well.
If you're in territory with grizzlies I would take it over a .308. If you're way north with polar bears you will want .300winmag or .338, those niggers are fucking YUGE.
Recoil on 30-06 is quite manageable too.
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What gayge would you like it in? Iv'e pondered this before and like the idea of 20 or 28, to make it maybe just a tad more manageable.
Would be a based innawoods sidearm.
Mares leg isnt the same thing atall, and also the henrys are like 1.6k, not 2k.
If you already have a .308, then the next logical step up would probably be .300wimag.
If you dont have a 308, and dont have any plans on getting one, then .30-06 could potentially be considered a compromise/alternative to .308/300win
>Mares leg isnt the same thing atall, and also the henrys are like 1.6k, not 2k.
with tax and shipping they're $2k nigga
Nah yur gay.
Free shipping is often a thing, and based provinces only pay/charge 5% tax. while cuck provinces pay considerably more.
As a result, when prices of firearms and ammo are discussed, it usually makes more sense to state the base prices, not the +tax&tip prices.
but you'll be charged a faggot tax of 30% so it will def be at least $2k
nice meme bro.
mine still fucks at 6k shots.
Pretty based. It’s roughly the power of 308+p but optimized for heavy bullet weights and feeding in machine guns and dangerous game rifles.
If you want to have only one gun and you live in an area with large game it’s still one of the top choices.
Buy an ad.
The weekly paul barrel watch party starts in less than 10mins, if anyones interested
why did that guy from the last thread want the old FRT?
I'm actually convinced Bartok scours this board looking to "battle the trolls" wouldn't be surprised if there were others related to Canadian manufacturing here trying to fix their broken image. Welp sorry guys you can't ban people for speaking the truth here.
Given the way he behaves on CGN I doubt it; his walls of text are pretty distinctive.
There's no way that self-righteous fuck could handle the banter here, he would an hero
>Welp sorry guys you can't ban people for speaking the truth here.

not to argue but that couldn't be more inaccurate kek
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Damn. I guess I have to buy more guns.
Are you able to make the gamer word?
>get oil change
>dont pay
>get pulled over with fucking fent and a bunch of guns
>dindu nuttin

dey gud boys dey dindu nuffin dey jus need mo healin circles n sheeit
>I'm not paying for this shit cousinnn!
>thats our oil, theyre drilling from our land!
jokes aside, committing petty crimes while driving around with a car full of guns and drugs is just straight fucking stupid.
why are they always cousins? are they slightly inbred?
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>Officers searched the vehicle and reported finding a shotgun; a loaded semi-automatic assault rifle; a modified rifle; about 15 grams of pre-measured and packaged fentanyl; and about 100 Gabapentin pills.
>Gabapentin is moderately effective in reducing the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal and associated craving.
They are all constantly knocking eachother up on their tiny reservations.
Kinda sad, but without the rez's and inbreeding they would potentially be genetically replaced by now. (though not many are more than half pure n8v at this point)
sources; my ass
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>The objective of ROI is to create jobsites that are free of discrimination, harassment, and bullying - places that honour people for their abilities, skills, and experiences and celebrate what each other brings to the job. ROI training and BCIB onboarding is mandatory and failure to attend can lead to disciplinary action.
>History Matters is Indigenous Cultural Competency training, which means it will cover the history of Indigenous peoples in Canada. This material can be triggering for people, so support will be available during and after the course. If you have questions, please email roi@bcib.ca
Fuck this bullshit anti-White humiliation ritual just to make a goddamn living. I just want to make a goddamn living.
Can you even get high on that? If not then if anything getting caught with it may even help their case, they were trying to help their brothers on the path to recovery!
Drug dealers with a heart!
You wont post a picture though because you’re lying lol
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Taking this picture was the most I've handled firearms in about 3 months.
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My cat has a prescription for this to help him reduce the severnity of his shitfits when I have to take him for car rides kek
>one amazog special folding sight facing one way,
>The other facing the oposite way
lol why tf can't plebes figure out how folding sights work
ngl I'm on a dryspell too, it's been over 4 weeks since I've shot a gun. very ashamed, gonna try to get some blasting done tomorrow if it ever stops FUCKIN RAINING OUTSIDE.
kill any street vermin lately?
well at least you're helping Screams at Mice get better, the devil's nectar is a powerful elixir.
Junky puncher is that you?
How's your guys tinnitus been? Mines getting worse :(
I haven't played tennis in years.
I wear earplugs and earmuffs while shooting.
what does it sound like exactly
Can vary from one person to another, but in my case (nta) it sounds like that moive sound effect that plays after a loud noise goes off nearby; ie "EEEEEEEEEEEEE"
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Oh and if you've ever played the Stalker games, the noise the controller makes, matches the tone of my tinnitus almost perfectly, to the point that hearing that sound ingame aggravates my tinnitus immensely.
Had to get a mod to change that sound, i couldnt take it.
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What's the first gun you're buying when the bans are lifted?
insane digits
decent ar15 if possible
S&W 19 if possible
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Vz58. Henry big boy revolver to CC. Don't give a shit if it's illegal or not, I'm dying to cowboy maxx
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>Henry big boy revolver
Why not just get a model 10 instead of that ugly thing
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Whichever of these i can get my hands on first, within reason.
But if i had to choose, probably the 92X.
The 357 versions of the model 10 are kinda ugly too, they have thiccc barrel, like the one in your pic.
I caught a 3 day in cangen for saying that there should be a return to ranges in highschools as well as a fat tax on those over 30 BMI. jannies, even the canjanny, confirmed leads.
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True, I love the tapered 4" model but the fucking 4.25" requirement banned them all and few were rebarrelled. Far as I know Smith only made the bull barrel one a factory 4.25".
i take a lot of vacations for poking fun at the Chosen People.

worth it.
Mine showed up about a year ago but it's just because my jaw won't stop grinding in my sleep. I've got a bite guard so my teeth are fine but the tendon is wrecked and it's pulling on something in my ear. Funny that I didn't get it from all the guns, tools, screamers for my BWC, and fireworks though. It's pretty mild honestly if it stays like this I'll probably forget I have it.
Even once it gets pretty bad (and it probably will, get worse), you tend to often forget you have it, and only start to hear it again when you make the mistake of remembering that you have it, or if you are somewhere with little to no background noise.
You may find youself wanting to keep a fan running in your room at night.
Do you niggers just not use earpro or something, wtf
Earpro is not 100% safe and effective; namely if you shout louder guns, participate in longer sessions, if you fail to seal them perfectly or they get bumped/disturbed during shooting.
Aswell, if you are actually trying to kill something, you may not have time to put your earpro on atall before shooting.
i got a 3 day for having a penis tip in a gun photo. it's amazing anybody saw it because it's really small
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vz58s and xcrs day 1 after pierre is elected
bring it home
If you haven't copped a 30 day ban for "violating US law" then lower your tone when talking to me
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>still hasn't collected guns

Let's just correct that:

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>hey guise, we're comin' to 'collect' those gu-
>someone low balls me on gunpost
>check their account
>has a picture of him holding something
>he's a literal streetshitter from brampton
Why the fuck do we have to live with these people again.
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We can decide not to at literally any moment.
Actually maybe i should make an effort to get him to go somewhere and then ghost him.
Do this. Waste his time, he has certainly lied and cheated many people before you. Get him to meet you around Jane & Finch.
If for some reason the government decided to get into colonisation and gave you an all bills paid trip to India including all the guns and ammunition you could ever want, would you do it? Stop the problem at its source
the only thing that would fix the third world is a nuclear holocaust
I like winter, I was built for cold weather not dank jungles filled with malaria
well yeah but nuking the land ruins it for a bit, what if you could reclaim the land through the hard work of firing an MG-42 all day long
Colonize it? Or a Crusade to destroy it? Those are kinda different things.
Well I'm talking about shitholeistan and the way the brits did it was to divide and conquer. so yeah colonize, so you get some poos shooting at other poos to save you some manpower
Just dump agent orange all over them, kill their crops. Few hundred million will starve within 6 months.
>will starve within 6 months.
They'll be canadian citizens by then.
They tend to take the gospel of some redditors sponsored by Sterling Arms as something worth considering.
This isn't the 19th century anymore and we're wiser now, and know getting involved in the affairs of lesser countries is a great way to get dragged down to their level, and usually ends up being a quagmire that sucks up men and wealth for little obvious gain.
So I'm with the other anon and I say glass the whole fucking lot of it.
>No hardwood flooring

Maybe invest some money in flooring before you buy more funs
Abrams MBT
Most people cause a bunch of hearing damage over the years of 15-25, cause young and dumb

Then the tinnitus shows up and never ever goes away and THEN people take earpro seriously
I like brass
You the retard I caught licking clean the brass you collected at the range?
and tell him your name is Knee Ghaarandto just call your name and youll come right out
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CZ P10F in OD green
Succeeded by .308 because Big Army wanted essentially the same round, but more suitable for autos. They managed to make the new cartridge about 20% smaller while only losing around 10% of the power, due to its more efficient shape, and slightly higher pressure rating.
Aught-six requires long action, the length that some magnum rifle rounds now use, that unnecessary length and weight makes it a questionable choice for not just autos but bolties aswell, and as a result the niche of the thirdy aught, from a technical perspective, is really quite small, its popularity has waned, and will continue to do so.
It is less common and more expensive than 308, and that disparity will just keep growing larger as time passes.

But, it is very, very sexy.
I dont want to know anyone here.
Damn you work for the feds? Luckily i never had thst but i was only contract
Why would you want to talk to or read the opinions of people, that you would never want to meet?
Sounds fishy.

I hear constant soft ringing but went for a hearing test about a year ago and everything was good. Surprising considering i shoot guns uses chainsaws regulatly and played in bands in my 20s. Gotta use hearing protection always

>put chainsaw on craglist
>put maybe 10 hours through it, never used it much cause has a huge 32" bar and dont do a lot of bigger trees
>brand new sells for 1500
>im offering it for 1000 (plus spair chain and file)
>guy messages me: i can find the same saw brand new for 1000
>ask him where? Because its on stihls website for 1500 and say he's full of shit
>replies: woah now dont need to get so mean

Fucking shitheads
Why would you want to meet them after having read their opinions?
To shoot some guns, perhaps a little frenly competition, while further discussing our lack of fondness for jeets and other undesirables.
Do you not know what friends are, anon?
>Do you not know what friends are, anon?
there's a point to anonymity on this website.
To get away with saying nigger on the internet?
True friendship is being able to get away with saying nigger in person.
tell him hes a kike poo nigger
Well you boys were not kidding the CAF was pretty gay. What’s a good job to get into after I release? Was thinking of trying to be a bylaw officer as I enjoy doing that kinda of work, but I don’t want to be a full cop.
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we tried to warn you, anon.
be a fish cop, chill innawoods.
I don’t have the education for that, but maybe. I was looking at some Park Ranger (peace officer) gigs in Alberta as well. We will see.
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>complete a minimum two-year post-secondary integrated resource management diploma program
not bad for the pension involved, go to school for a lil bit anon.
I can do all that at the local gun range with the boomers. And without any gay memes
>Do you not know what friends are, anon?
yea people I go shooting with
something you obviously lack ya dumb fagtard
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What's the matter? Afraid it might lead to something more...?
Pic was facetious but the final redpill is that it is worth fighting for. Some people may not like it, but consenting adults being able to do whatever they want within reason is unironically the price of freedom.
>b-b-but I don't like it/gays can't-
Gays have been conquering and buttfucking since before recorded history. You may disagree with it, but if the Romans, T*rks and GAYreeks made it work then it's not a problem except with attitudes.

>/r/ing that comic of chinese getting whipped into being TOUGH AF while gay decadent US zoomer fuckbois learn gay math shit from a limp-wristed homo, which converge on the based trad changs getting DRONED
Why do zoomers misuse the word "invest"?
You don't invest in a floor, you buy it. You invest in things that go up in value, like stocks, gold, real estate. I overheard some stoner saying he was "investing" in some $500 electric water bong thing that he called a volcano. Fucking zoomers.
I remember that like it was yesterday. I've been coming to this shithole for far too long...
No way it’s been four years since that was posted…. Fuck me
>There is a literal squad of furfags in BC
mapleniggers were a terrible, horrible mistake.
>being a bylaw officer
fuck off lmao
sticking your dick in poo, being a walking diseased pitri dish, sodomizing children, etc etc etc is not reasonable. faggots should kill themselves. that includes you
The price of freedom is also that people have to be allowed not to like gay shit, which is de facto illegal now.
It's the difference between "the state has no place in the bedrooms of the nation" of previous decades and the modern "the state imposes what should stay in the bedroom upon the nation."
fags are nasty.
So this is the shitty troll for this particular Saturday, neat
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>foreign bike riding sodomite sympathizer thinks he can preach to us
Gonna take the seat off your bike and look for potholes?
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>unironically the price of freedom.
thats killing tyrants, anon. not being a homosexual.
9/10 good bait I replied.
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>nearly fumigated myself cleaning funs in a room with zero ventilation again
one of these days I will post my last shitpost.
Using brake cleaner?
Carpets are a communist invention
Gramps you forgot your schizo pills again
>Hes not gonna win
It's going to be a 1993-tier blowout
>he's not going to unban
The simplified classification system has been an open goal of theirs since 2015
>he's a faggot politician and voting is retarded
Yes, democracy is gay, and put not your faith in princes, there are many problems he won't solve (like deporting anyone who isn't R1b) but you shouldn't be this much of a doomer faggot.
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>(like deporting anyone who isn't R1b)
God I wish...
You are aware that chinks also have drones, right?
I remember when faggot shills like you actually tried.
May you all have a chink and jeet free weekend.
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Time traveler here...China is going to help Trudeau win the next election. All guns will be banned and a house will cost 5 million dollars. 结束了
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A pair of jeets got a talking to at the range today because they started shooting trap with buckshot.

One was using some kind of tacticool short barrel shot gun and it was smoking like black powder every time he fired it. What's weird is that they showed the owner what ammo they'd be using before they went up and he said it was fine...maybe they just had a mixed bag of shells that had a bit of everything
No one believes your lies satan.
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could i put a msw trigger into a tavor?
asking for a fren
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We need to convince all the jeets that the Torngat mountains are an incredibly beautiful place with lots of white women, and that they should go there.
>convince them to remain on Canadian soil
That's a non-starter
Eat my piss. (You)
Not even worth replying, it just disappears after 20 minutes every time anyways lel
Your first .22 should be whichever one that your father gifts to you, his red-blooded son.
If you are some kind of genetic or social defective, this might not happen, and in that case it's probably for the best that you don't own guns.
The last gun my father shot was an AK47 in the army. I would never take him shooting because he's retarded.
Anyone know of good crown land in the lower
mainland in BC where you can shoot?
Most resources online are useless. Thanks.
Stanley Park
>like deporting anyone who isn't R1b
mfw I am slavshit r1a
>lower mainland
>crown land
lol you're stupid
Slavs can stay in the Prairies. It just wouldn't be the same without perogies and Pil.
If their idea of “colonization” is pic related’s solution to the jeet question then yes. Anything short would be inadequate. Would also need a harem of some of the hotter sterilized women though
If something will make your life more efficient or save you money over time or if it will actually go up in value then it’s an investment. A hardwood floor would probably be less maintenance and generally easier to clean than carpet which could save you time/money/energy in the long run and would be worth more than carpet when selling the house
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I don't think I can keep doing this shit day after day
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just take the i don't give a shit pill
tribe and train
Think of it like an adventure. You're the protagonist and it's your goal to ensure your home isn't destroyed. Giving up is for weak faggots like the French.
You're not French, are you?
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Just enjoy the little things man.
I remember talking to IRUNGUNS and them telling me they could import and sell chinese AK's for the same as a SKS and still make money
soon bros!
The ocean of salty tears created by pp unbanning AKs would be visible from space
wont happen.
shut up

It will happen anon.
do you think jews want you to have guns? because jews tell him what to do
jews literally stopped them from banning tavors because we need them to help with beekeeping

stranger things have happened
my X95 says yes KEK
It is kind of funny that the worst influences on our country, the Chinese and the Rootless Cosmopolitans, make the best available guns at the moment.
brother the only good guns you can get in this country at this point are kraut and jewish guns lmfao. And chink guns but I don't shoot x39 that much
ill tell you fags whats going to happen. Penis Pumper will undo the OICbecausethat takes zero effort and can be done for some instant gratification. all the other laws recently introduced will stay. the FA rewrite will be delayed at least until a second election because they will use it as a wedge issue just like the liberals. if he ever gets it legislated it will be turbo gay and not actually deliver any extra rights and will almost certainly add extra rules at the end of the day.
So I'll buy handfuns and ARs at worst, and cooler shit at best. Oh no we're so fucked bro
as long as they're getting paid they don't give a fuck
Is he involved with cope 180 firearms manufacturers in Canada?
I just remember the name because he was saying retarded shit on CGN once and his prohib collection. When he dies I want his C1 SMG even if it gets dewatted
>your rights will be infringed and it will be sold to you as a win
There isn't a political solution to that in the long term.
In the short term the best it's going to get is potentially more guns in my house and fewer jeets in my town, there's not much point being a doomer beyond that.
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Handguns would be under "other laws recently introduced".
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I wish man I wish
There already is a sea of salt from PP simply saying he will undo the last 8 years of bans lol
fuck off officer inderpoo. I make my local community better, that's enough for me.
Yeah he literally writes their fucking FRT applications lmfao
How do you have a setup like this and still produce absolute garbage.
Based and living in the real world pilled
I just remember him posting his massive gun collection and spouting some braindead boomerisms about how he was able to afford all of his guns no problem as if it is something that it as at all possible for the average man today
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>starts with a thin blue line flag
L m f a o
Going on dates with chicks in Canada is brutal, how do you keep a conversation going on a date if the girl literally does nothing besides work and meaningless bullshit? I end up getting stuck talking about hobbies and make it obvious that I'm an autist, any advice?
Ask her how many kids she wants and when. If that doesn't invigorate the conversation or she gives an unsatisfactory answer, leave and try a different girl.
Ask her how many kids she already has or has aborted.
Have sex then talk about how much you enjoyed it then make plans to do it again.
Or take her shooting idk.
Shits bleak
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Welcome to the future, isn't it grand?
As a general rule I’m not interested in firearms made by a manufacturer that stole their name from a pre-existing reputable firearms manufacturer
There’s Turkish Hi Powers being sold under the name “Inglis”
Springfield Armoury yoinking the name after the real Springfield Armoury arsenal closed down
Try dating a woman without a penis.
The X95 is an objectively good gun even if you don't consider it in the context of Trudope's communist gun ban. Tons of people in the US have been scooping them up in the past few years, I think the ban up here created a surge in their popularity that swept down into the US too. They are really the best bullpup you can get, all things considered. Augs are nice but more limited and less modular. Only thing I am ultra jelly about is the barrel removal on Augs.
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Top right without question.
Manufacture a situation that highlights your skillset. Something like a vehicle breakdown that you've planned and then show her you can fix it. Pretend you have a flat tire by bleeding all the air out of it when you leave to go to the bathroom during dinner.
You think shit just happens? You need to put in work.
Thats actually insightful, I will think that over for future dates
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My wife is slowly starting to become interested in guns, asking about which ones she could handle if she shot them. I think she'll come to the range with me soon. I'm excited!
not all of us are chads
Sorry anon, I'm not into methheads
The only thing I don't like about mine is its country of origin.
Congrats anon. Don't leave us hanging though, which ones can she handle?
Some of us are actual humans who want companionship instead of a living fleshlight.
Get a dog then.
She's strong for a woman. One of my proudest moments is when she beat my former high school crush in an arm wrestle. She'll be able to handle .22 and 9mm no problem, and might be able to shoot 7.62 or 556. I don't think she'll be able to shoot my 30-06, 45-70 or 12-guage, but she thinks the shotgun is cool.
The first time she used my bow she was really good at it for some reason, so she figures she might have the same beginners luck with guns.
I'm just happy about this, it would be cool if she got her PAL and shared in my gun autism.
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Yeah tavors slap. Just buy em used and use 62gr 5.56 to match the twist rate.
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Seriously most of us wouldn't be here if our dad's hadn't done something clever to trick our moms into fucking them. If you're not handy then find some funny jokes you can tell her, practice them beforehand so they sound natural or like you just thought them up. If you're not a 10/10 gigachad with a 12" dick you have to find other ways to impress her. Good luck bruv.
That's what bros are for,
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It's not even a problem if you don't recognize Israel as a country. Problem solved!
Women are impressed by racism
....for fucking?
you fuck dogs?
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They are very good at spending all the money they scam from plebbitors, but that doesn't mean they aren't retarded and irresponsible.
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>you don’t recognize Israel? What so you think the rifle was built in palestine?
>mfw these plebs don’t realize my rifle was built in what I recognize as the Holy Kingdom of Jerusalem, seat of Christendom, upon the mount Tabor where Christ was Transfigured into an image of the Godhead
It was built in a British colony located on the eastern Mediterranean
Unironically this. Perfect litmus test to see if she's worth your time. Girl I saw a few years back actually brought it up, she was buying a new car and couldn't stop telling me how disgusting the jeet sales guy was and how he kept leering at her and trying to touch her hand when she would use a button or the shifter. She said she walked away from the sale because of him. Then I explained to her that Hyundais are pieces of shit and only faggots drive them, and we bonded over our mutual hatred of jeets. Didn't work out in the end but she was still a decent girl and I might've overlooked her if not for her calling that jeet a "fucking greaseball".
>if anyone needs me, I'll be in my Lab
So you're saying that my 1hr 15 minute presentation on the Indo-Aryan invasion in 1700 BC and subsequent domination of the subcontinent as an explanation for why modern-day jeets are a slave race will convince women to sleep with me?
wtf is that hat
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You don't know the half of it. My cousin shot me via ricochet last Saturday. Hit my shin but didn't penetrate skin or leave a bruise, it felt like getting slashed by a hockey stick. Gonna stich the hole later
Unironically this. Any woman worth dating is redpilled by the jeet invasion, so it's a good measure of her character to see if she hates them or not.

>we bonded over our mutual hatred of jeets.
Holy shit marry her
hope he/she pays for a new pair of those Walmart pants.
I can't say 100% but I'd probably fall for it if I was a girl.
She was too much of an urbanite. We met because we both worked in the city but I wanted out badly and she wanted to live there in a condo. Never would've worked out long term.
>she wanted to live there in a condo
Imagine wanting to be a sardine, lmao.
>she wanted to live there in a condo.
So she actually likes the smell of curry on every floor?
If you have a moment, any advice on firearms for handling bears? Not to hunt, but there are weather events capable of forcing a temporary relocation which could cause my family to encounter them.
It's all good I can probably stitch the hole, still very much a fan of red head apparel
Pump-action 12-guage with buckshot. It will save your life.
Semiautos fire quick but are more likely to jam at the worst time.
shotgun with a bearbanger first round and then slugs if it wants to fuck around and find out
I appreciate the insight, thanks. I didn't know about that jamming issue.
>if the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy
Post a transcript here and let's see.
My pump "jammed" when a hull got stuck in the chamber after my friend shot it. He handed it to me and I just muscled the action extremely hard and it ejected. He was embarrassed. Proper pumps don't jam.
We’re all Christians here, right?
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Culturally, yeah
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You have your PAL? Then get a cheap well made American 12 gauge pump. Winchester Rangers go for like $200 and will last for your lifetime and longer. don’t get turkshit, use buckshot and slugs
I tried to reason with her but it's all she knew, she thought living in the country was a bad idea because it wasn't close to stuff like hospitals. Sometimes you just can't change people.
Nonreligious. I used to be Christian but stopped once I grew up. However, I now realize the utility that religion has in controlling a population. Intelligent people can live fulfilling lives without it, but the unthinking masses need religion to prevent them from sliding into hopelessness and degeneracy
nice winnie bruh
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>‘I’d Choose Christianity Every Time’
-Richard Dawkin
Carry bearspay, a gun, and a knife.
Make your presence known, to avoid bear encounters you should be making alot of noise as you travel and at camp; consider randomly discharging your firearm throughout the day to make most things nearby fuckoff.
I'd recommend a reliable semi-auto, like a jewvor, but its probably out of budget, so as other anons mentioned, a good pump shotty should work aswell, just make sure to practice with it, otherwise you may only get 1 shot.
Noted, thanks.
>le bell curve meme
You think you're on the right side but you're really on the left.
midwitt detected.
nta but just because you realize that scientists using shit like Big Bang absolutism as a crutch is bad doesn't mean you have to revert to "MUST BE GOD'S WILL" either. That's equally lazy IMHO. A thinking man realizes there's things he doesn't understand and may never comprehend, but it doesn't mean God created it either. The likelihood that we're some experiment from a higher race is greater than it is we're some divine creation from an omnipotent being.
Varied insights, thanks. Investments are looking promising so a lot ought to open up soon.
sure hope I didn't spot some lethal pixels in that photo
Thinking about hunting season. Got some access to swaths of private land this year
More like it's quite simply easier for there to be nothing, but something was created. There's no logical reason for it but you don't have to accept god because of it.
Though you may as well be culturally Christian, because it's the most kino culture if you're white.
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Big Bang theory was created by a catholic priest
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We must return to monke.
Thanks brah
Based and Hesienberg pilled
I don't know what you mean by "they" endorse gay marriage. Historically and today, virtually 100% of opposition to gay marriage in the Western world has been from organized Christian groups. Overall they are much more conservative than Western atheists and it's not even close.
Universalism is an issue though I agree.
Hunting on private land used to spook me but then I got to know all the farmers near me and found they’re quite happy to have someone clearing out pests. Deer can decimate fields
Most farmers hunt but with tag limits they usually don't care if you take a deer, as you said they are basically giant rats that fuck up crops and spread disease.
They aren't tossing them off rooftops and I want to know why
What calibre and distance?
The way I understand it is this: we're all familiar with the tactic of pretending to be part of a group and then attempting to change its policies. If people will do that against people in war, demons and those that follow them will do so to mislead others in life.
The fact that we can't ever perfectly stop this is part of the point: no human-lead government will ever stop this. Still, God is allowing time for all sorts of things to be attempted to definitively show this, rather than just ask people to believe in warnings based on words.
The difference between a human employing this method and God employing this method is that only God can restore the earth to perfection and us along with it. He also has the power to properly dole out discipline to the repentant and punishment to the unrepentant in the end.
However this is for people who are already building up their faith. Using the law to restrict self-defense options of those who are not there yet is just leaving them in a position where they have neither faith nor self-defense options. Meanwhile criminals are ignoring the law anyway.
And yes anyone religious who is encouraging homosexuality has it wrong. They're supposed to show love by helping people to repent and setting an example for them. Not encourage them to keep going with that lifestyle and end up getting others curious about practicing such things.
We come into this world alone, and we leave it, alone....
>The likelihood that we're some experiment from a higher race
7.62x39 chinky stinky at around 30 yards shooting steel
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Anon, your mother spent hours forcing you out of a hole between here legs. and ofc that was only after you had spent 9months just straight up inside of her. You could hear here talking to you, and feel her heartbeat.
If that's your definition of alone, then yes, you are definitely going to die alone.
Based. I took some 22lr to the eye once, but really it just felt like a getting a bug in my eye, and very much may well have been.
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Cons repealed the LGR before, I trust they'll repeal c71 c21 and OICs

if not pic related
Do you care about privacy when buying guns over the internet? I don't want to send some dude a copy of my driver's licence, but I'm missing out on so many deals
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just watermark it with date/username/site
Scammers can't reuse it then.
I'm not worried about scammers, I'm worried about getting doxxed
I would definitely prefer in-person purchasing but if worst come to worst your place will be searched just because you're on some kind of record in terms of a license. Perhaps you got your guns without that in which case your desire for maximum stealth is viable.
Kek. I make it a habit to always wear eyepro whenever I'm going shooting.
One time I shot at a rock point blank with a .22 loaded with 40gr of cheap federal value ammo. The fragments went all in my chest, and it felt like I got stabbed by million tiny needles. I opened up my shirt and thankfully it didn't leave a mark.
You are old and bitter.
Its ok to admit you're nothing but chattle anon. Some of us are superior to you and thats ok! <3
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this is what criminal SCUM would do:
>offer controlled good for sale
>get picture of ID
>fast forward 3 months.. camping outside house on ID with binoculars
>establish pattern of life or anon work schedule
>worlds easiest robbery when anon is gone for 7 hours, thief loads the entire safe, makes tea and takes a shower

anyways.. just censor your address to prevent that. an alarm should be a minimum too desu.
that's fine, literally anything is better than being a midwit. Stupid people intuitively understand realities about the world, smart people have to take time to reason their way there, but it doesn't change that there is significant overlap in what they think about things especially religion, midwits are lost though, to smart to simply know the answer and to dumb to find it
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what's a good price for an m1 garand in 308?
Is ERDL (green-dominant) any good in the prairies?
Up in the North yes, during the summer yes, rest of the year no.
just got with m81 anon, more options if u wanna keep everything the same camo
i usually just get shit in od green (plate carrier and other stuff like my belt) and then just wear m81 surplus.
im not sure how good it would be in the prairies but here in northern ontario it works well.
when's the next shipment of t81s coming in?
there never coming in, dont you ever listen to TI? LAST EVER SHIPMENT!!!
Who would even want one now that the entire aftermarket (Ligmaco) got arrested?
speaking of that dude, i acually was in contact with that guy about testing his prototype handguard when he was talking about it on CGN before all the messages about it got nuked by jewish CGN niggers.
Cool dude, too bad he fell for honey pot groups, dude could of had a shit ton of money making aftermarket parts for the 81s. If he gets out im sure he could still do it but idk when he is gonna get out, by then we will have AK's and FALs and 81s will sell for less then 1000 each (due to mass amounts of them and people wanting to get rid of them for VZ's or other nu-prohibs)
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Next summer.
Delta dynamics is an option. I wonder what happened with 3 bar d
I feel bad for him and his wife, I hope he gets out soon
Harrison lake fsr logging roads
Just outside mission.
nice "special" forces helmet
Used to wear one, there alright.
bullshit, post service number

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