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how did they know where he was? is lack of comms causing the terrorists to do lots of in person gatherings?
The ride never ends with the Jews does it?
They could just stop trying to murder all the jews. That would work.
aaaaaaaand its gone
Hello rabbi.
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>blow shit up
>observe flurry of activity
>identify the most important nodes
>bomb them
This is not complicated.
Everything lies in execution.
Rebuff retarded slide threads.
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Nope. Neither does the ursury.
>Fighting to defend yourself from Zionist aggression is le bad
ZOGbots definitely having a good week. But it still won't stop the Palestinian fight to drive the Synagogue of Satan from thier land.
>inb4 brown
OK Patel. Don't forget to post Russian noook threats in the Ukraine threads.
it was an underground meeting of possibly a dozen commanders. playing pin the tail on the donkey isn't how they were hit since it was a transient target.
Mine was an observation of their dedication. I wasn't supporting either side. Though terrorists dying doesn't exactly cause me pain.
Terrorists gettin terrorized, and it isn't us doing it so we get to keep our hands clean.

Seems like a win.
>>Fighting to defend yourself from Zionist aggression is le bad
it isn't aggression when you repeatedly attack someone and they fight back. ironic how muslims behave identically to russians.

>Don't forget to post Russian noook threats in the Ukraine threads.
russia is on anti-jew side
Ending zionism still won't get you a girlfriend or a better job.
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too bad you brownfags suck so hard at war
maybe you'll get a win in a new civil war?
If the Arab countries wanted to engage Israel they wouldn't hide behind pseudo-religious paramilitaries. The fact of the matter is that they know there is no real support for a war against Israel (twitter and diaspora don't count, they won't be the ones taking bullets).
My post (first post) wasn't an insult. I'm impressed.
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>Zionist aggression
Hezbollah started firing rockets the day after the Hamas attack just to pick a fight with a peaceful border.
Not that they don't deserve to get bombed either way, but they really did bring it on themselves.
>I can't be brown if I call you brown!
Most people cheering for the Israelis in the west are whites. Most on the other side are brown. Every Indian who likes Israel has their Paki counterpart who likes Palestine.
Post hand. Hell, post passport.
Aren't you proud to be on the same side as jannies? nu/k/ is truly pathetic
>Zionist aggression
That's jewish land that the Arabs colonised, fag. 1948 was an act of decolonisation.
Nu/pol/ is browner than a turd in the Ganges
I wonder why "DECOLONIZATION" applies only to third worlders and not, say, French people evicting and removing Algerians from historic neighborhoods. Or Jews.
how to tell everyone you're a noguns /pol/turd without saying so. now please remove yourself kebab.
Or Ukrainians kicking out Muscovites.
>Ibrahim Akil was wounded in the pager rager , was released from the hospital this morning.

damn, i bet they had the hospital under complete surveillance. the pager hit exposed all of hezb's leadership even those who were unknown or in unknown locations. israel tracked them from the hospitals and is bombing the places they concentrate in.
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good news, 4chan.org/pol/ is that way ->
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i expect we'll see more eliminations, many are still being tracked from the hospital
>During the 1980s, Aqil was a principal member of Islamic Jihad Organization—Hizballah’s terrorist cell—that claimed the bombings of the U.S. Embassy in Beirut in April 1983, which killed 63 people, and the U.S. Marine barracks in October 1983, which killed 241 U.S. personnel.

Fucking piece of shit.

At this point seems Israel is doing everything it can to drag Lebanon into an open war.

I wonder if they will succeed, surprisingly both Iran and Lebanon have been hard to bait.

The US has told them to stop trying to poke Iran because Biden doesn't want to be dragged into a war with Iran in particular before elections.
So their attention moved from Iran to Lebanon which is a weaker target much easier to defeat.
I wonder why they are so keen on escalating the situation?
Is it because if they can bait some other major attack than they have a reason to involve the US like with the Houtis or is it because they want to get a reason to take south Lebanon like in the 80s?
or they just want the conflict to escalate so people stop focusing on what they are doing in Gaza and West Bank?
Or just Netanyahu wants to escalate because it gives him justification to retain power?
drag? lebanon launched a war on israel in last october
I think they're trying to bait a war to have a final solution to the Arab question.
I hear he had a 7 million bounty on his head by the US government for killing so many US citizens. IS the pilot who dropped the bomb on him eligible to collect? Asking for a friend.
>At this point seems Israel is doing everything it can to drag Lebanon into an open war.
Muslims and /pol/estinians lie as they breathe. www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-strikes-lebanon-after-hezbollah-hits-shebaa-farms-2023-10-08/
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beirut is back on the menu
Right? And they would do it to more people if they could.

Israel will never leave and they will always have the Samsung option
>Samsung option
Why HASN'T Israel mounted automated arab-detecting turrets everywhere? Optics?
We need another crusade.
Imo someone snitched on them. The Lebanese people have had enough of Hezbollah and the Chaos they cause, along with the corruption and backward Ness of the country and it's economy.

Ho'y shit where was this?
>Lebanese dying for gaza

for beirut not for gaza
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This. Lebanese give a fuck about Hizbollah, they are shitting up the country big time.
Is he talking about Assad needing Russia to stay in power in Syria, with all it's crusader fortresses? Or hezbollah, needing Iran in syria, with all it's crusader fortresses, many of which were destroyed in the civil wars there ironically.
Do all these Eliminations actually achieve something? Every other week somebody "important" is eliminated.
They all have foreign supporters but none of those others have a superpower backer
With terrorist organizations killing leadership is a slow and laborious process due to how fragmented and numerous they are, but it's the only way to assure eventual >>62548549
maybe he thinks zhangs support lebanon
Is he implying America's superpower status is temporary? Or did I misread?
Lebanon would probably be happy to stop having a literal army of foreign agents running the place and picking fights constantly.
I just leave this here.
A lot of people were asking if the day of the pager made it more likely other factions or enemies of Hezbollah inside Lebanon would feel emboldened to act against Hezbollah. The reply was they would still be afraid of retaliation to openly act. But I think we're seeing a lot more of people inside Lebanon picking up the phone (kek) to mossad.
I don't recall Israel propping up any regimes since they don't do business with mudslimes (unless theyre buying pagers) so while it really sounds like hes talking about the US, I don't actually think he is, only because the take is too retarded and im giving a brownoid the benefit of the doubt.
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Post EDC and a White man's watch brand.
why meet in person just page each other
He might be saying the US is propping up regimes for Israel.
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vid very related
The us is simultaneously and weak illegitimate on the verge of being destroyed, and the world's greatest super power responsible for preventing the destruction of their enemies.
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i would not jump the gun so fast, IDF officially said they eliminated ibrahim, they didnt mention anyone else.

hezb usually report on their dead so we'll see
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IDF just officially announced they got him and 20 of his best friends, vid related
nope, just him
He was the only person in that building?
>downtown Beirut getting the gaza treatment

everything old is new again, beirut getting destroyed because of the palestinians
hes the only one confirmed so far, it took the IDF weeks to confirm deif because they are usually careful about such things and in this case they confirmed immediately i bet they have a drone or person that saw his body being pulled out.
how is the damage control today?
This is terrible. The war is going horrifically for Israel. Every day now, another report of a mass casualty attack, another top Israeli leader dead, and they can't seem to retaliate in any meaningful way.

Oh, wait, that's Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran.
clean up your room you filthy animal
There are a mountain of dead caliphates in the levant too

Lebanon and Israel have been warring with each other since before Oct. 7th. There's been only breaks in activity. I don't think you lads understand anything about the region.
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no names
but yea you're right he implies theres others
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The hits keep coming.
I have to respect the hustle. The Israelis with this spy novel shit is kino and I'm tired of having to deny that because /pol/ turned brown as fuck.
It is merely 5D hypercube chess, you would not understand
>how did they know where he was?
Because Hezbollah have been shitting up the country for decades and most people hate them.
>is lack of comms causing the terrorists to do lots of in person gatherings?
The ones that didn't allready lose their face or their balls to consumer electronics probably need to urgently reorganize before Israel invades.
Reminds me of the Beirut battle scene in Navy Seals at the end.
>still not posting weapons or a White man's watch brand
Any day now, Patel.
They want to draw the US into the conflict so that they can be allowed to take off the reins. Also because Bibi once Trump in office, an Americans always prefer a Republican president during wartime
it must be hard differentiating hezbollah guys from every other scowling, fade-having, 26-BMI kebab riding a moped around with urgency but no apparent purpose
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Jews have been promoted to honorary whites. We'll kill them last.

The pagers were brought in about 5 months before October the 7th.
Which makes me think a bit about the whole line of events.

Also Lebanon didn't start anything, the Lebanese government has to live with Hezbollah because they don't have the power to remove them. Lebanon has always had christian presidents. Hezbollah is the descendants of the Palestinians refugees that fled after the creation of Israel in the 40s and Lebanon fucked up giving the asylum as now Lebanon very small army can't do anything against Hezbollah backed by Iran. But when Israel hits Lebanon the whole country economy gets it like during the last occupations.
So Lebanon is practically the guy in the middle between two angry neighbors that walk all over your property to fight one another.

Pretty much the whole line of events is:
Israel does operation guardian walls, than followed by operation Breaking Dawn and silver arrow etc... killing and injuring thousands as well as blowing up plenty of apartment buildings and keeping thousands in indefinite prison.

Than Israel sent some 6000 explosives pagers, phones, radios, etc... into Lebanon between December 2022 and summer 2023

Than Hamas does his own operation on October 7 killing over 1000 Israeli

Than Israel bombs Gaza with a death toll to this day of something like 50.000

As Israel begun bombing Gaza Hezbollah from Lebanon begins harassment of border outposts with rockets ( I believe they didn't successfully hit any targets) but cause the civilians to
evacuate promising to continue till Israel doesn't stop bombing Gaza.

Israel keeps bombing Gaza regardless of the UN calling of for ceasefire and ICJ rulings.

Hezbollah keeps it's harassment dropping explosives over the border even if it they are impotent to do anything worth writing about.

Israel blows up Iranian embassy, Iran does an half assed retaliation with zero kills.

Israel bombs Syria several times.

Israel blows up radios and bombs downtown in Lebanon.
lebanon invaded and launched rockets on october 23 starting this war. not israel is just going after the leadership
Lebanon has been at war with Israel since 1948, Mohammed

Read the whole thing before posting
>The pagers were brought in about 5 months before October the 7th
I stopped reading right there.
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im not retarded bro ive followed the news ive seen the videos of lebanease invading the border and shooting rockets.

the ground invasion was near kibutz hanita while lebanon was attacking all over the border. pic related were the attackers in october 23
imagine the funeral festivities tomorrow. they can only happen because they know israel wouldn't bomb a funeral, unlike muslim suicide bombers.
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>Use pagers
>Get cocks blown off
>Use walkie-talkies
>Get heads blown off
>Meet in person
>Get dabbed on by an F35

Holy shit, I've never seen a terrorist group's fearsome reputation tank so fast. Israel still needs to send another seven plagues though to complete the literally Biblical Kino. I predict Israel and Hez will be in a full scale war before the end of the month and that Nasrallah will be dead before the one year anniversary of October 7th unless Sinwar lets the Israeli hostages go.


Hezbollah is shiite, palestinians are mostly sunni
didn't bother to read the rest.
>The pagers were brought in about 5 months before October the 7th.
Starting your post with a lie.
Hezbollah themselves said they purchased these a few months ago.
lol at the guy next to the column trying to check dubs

Do you need proof retard?

The model AR-924 packed with explosives was only made by request of the Mossad linked shell company BAC using Apollo brand. The rugged design allowed for a bigger battery then typical pagers.

They begun promoting that specific pager on YouTube and directly for clients in Lebanon in December 2022.

The special pagers were produced and shipped arrived and distributed long before October 7th. Apollo contract is older than than. Shell company registration I'd older than that. First photos of the explosive pagers are older than that.
I thought Hezbollah had some crazy hidden air defense weapons they were just waiting for the gloves to come off

How many planes has Israel lost since Oct. 7th 2023?
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they have a pansir and russian made MANPADS

as long as you dont fly dangerously low and slow you're safe from those.
Mussies are content in living in mud all their lives if that means they get to throw their life away against Israel someday.
The balance power has ever so slowly shifted away from Israel over the decades. I don't see how these clever operations reverse that trend.

Why are you stupid?

Apollo contract is long before October 7th

BAC completed manufacturing of the special exploding pagers model Apollo AR-294 at least 11 months before October 7th


Look at the upload date of the promotional video.

All the pager plan is clearly planned before October 7th there is literally no doubt about it.
wow Israel knew Hezbollah would decide to use pagers someday before even Hezbollah did that's even more impressive, but still a lie.

Nasrallah personally and publicly called for the organization to switch this year. Maybe publicly announcing it wasn't so keen.

>Six months ago, Hezbollah's secretary-general Hassan Nasrallah called on the group's members and their families in southern Lebanon to forgo their mobile phones.

>"Shut it off, bury it, put it in an iron chest and lock it up," he said in a televised speech.

>"Do it for the sake of security and to protect the blood and dignity of people."

>The Lebanese militant group opted for using pagers instead.


You make a lot of claims without any proof. Because you're lying.
>drone strike
I know its too much to hope for and the kikes probably did this to, but the CIA feeling left out and starting to pick off guys they've been watching for years would take what has already been a kino week into unforgettable territory.
Lose Comms and get humiliated in the process. Meet in person to plan response. Get taken out.
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That's nice sweetie, now clean up your room already so myself and other Americans aren't embarrassed to see a fellow citizen living in a messy hovel like Russians
This is a standard company promotional video for a new pager line. Even if everything you're posting wasn't a lie in bad faith (it is) and Israel had manufactured a weaponized pager stockpile in advance for possible future deployment, (not true) so what? Are you mad that countries build weapon stockpiles? Where do you think you are? It's the most successful covert sabotage operation in the 21st century deal with it.
You have single-handedly sold me on watching this film.

I only hope God remains in His people's corner, so we can continue to relish in the kino.
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>The balance power has ever so slowly shifted away from Israel over the decades.

>All but two countries and Lebanese militia actually outside the Palestinians - one of those countries being an Iranian regime with -100% approval and Syria which a light breeze could knock over
>Most Arab states either openly or privately supportive of Israel
>Jewish fertility higher than Palestinian fertility (with positive Jewish and negative Arab migration)
>No acceptable Palestinian leader capable of uniting the West Bank and Gaza
>Peace plans increasingly lopsided in favour of Israel
>Israeli economy vastly more powerful than it's ever been while Palestinian has never been comparatively weaker
>Anti-Israel Dems still a small minority in power while the GOP gobbles Israeli's cock at every opportunity
>Israel has vastly more diplomatic support than years ago with a growing Anti-Muslim global bloc of East Europe, the Western Right and India

The last two decades have been disasterous for the Palestinians. At this rate the only question whether al-Aqsa is destroyed by mobs of Israeli nationalists with or without open Knesset consent.
Jews already knew not to worry too much about Pantsirs.
And then Jesus returns?
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updated the list for everyone

Proof is here moron. >>62549076

You are lying trough tour teeth.

There is not even a shadow of a doubt. The pager plan is OBVIOUSLY older than October 7th.

The Mossad pager shell company BAC was registered in 2022, Apollo contract signed in late 2022, the explosive pagers were completed and displayed online for promotion in December 2022 and on other websites in early 2023.

The pagers supply chain and production is clearly older than October 7th.

Nah because when it comes time to construct the Third Temple the Haredi would probably freak out about whether they're standing on the Holy of Holies or not.

Israel would probably lend a hand in helping liberate Contantinople and the Hagia Sophia at least.
You can't quote your own post as proof lol wtf are u doin

Gets proven wrong.

Still can't realize what does it highlights that the shaping operation to cripple Hezbollah in response of October 7th was planned before October 7th.
to be honest this all reeks of desperation
they didnt blow up the pagers because there was an urgent need. they did because the whole thing was about to be discovered. it was supposed to be one of their trump cards in case an actual war breaks out. destroy the enemies' comms at the moment he needs it most. now they basically wasted a very expensive, non-repeatable, high-effort OP on... nothing - except a few blown-off dicks
they hit this guy now probably because it was the highest value target they could gather from the pager-info and their enemy now was aware of being compromised

overall this is a big L for isreal
>makes false claims
>gets called out
>triples down and points to their own false claims from earlier as proof of false claims

wew, lad. this is some kafkaesque stuff. you could write the great russian novel

Open the link and check the upload date.
>in response of October 7th
israel BTFO

> maybe you'll get a win in a new civil war?

It's like the special Olympics. The only way they will get a chance to win something is by competing with others at their own shitty level.

The most impressive thing is how they stubbornly refuse to mind their place in the food chain, no matter how many times they get stomped. The Israelis are starting to lose their patience by the looks of the Gaza campaign and are going end up taking a page from the Turks dealing with the Armenians.

>overall this is a big L for isreal

I'm sure Nasrallah is overjoyed right now.
Holy shit, it's Mark Felton Productions, he's my favorite terrorist.
I think they received the message, if you're muslim avoid batteries

>Can't disprove obvious truth just says "no you are wrong"

>Links the YouTube page showing the upload date which you seem to struggle to open

If you work for Hasbara they could replace you with some Indian guy at 5$ a day and it would be an improvement.

You can just keep saying "no!" "Wrong!" "You are lying!"

Come on explain how they ordered the pagers before October 7th if this operation is a retaliation for October 7th.
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>overall this is a big L for isreal
How ever will they recover?
I'm watching the lookner feed right now and I swear to Bismallah' that the only time I ever see the Lebanese national army is when they're guarding a site where Hezbollah just did a thing or Israel just did a thing to Hezbollah. Being in the Lebanon national army must suck.

You are lost in the sauce

> The Israelis were about to sign a historic agreement with Saudi Arabia
> Iran saw that as two of their greatest enemies uniting against them
> Iran used their puppets, the Hamas, to attack Israel killing 1200 civilians and taking 200 hostages to provoke an Israeli response that would kill the deal with Saudi Arabia.
> Palestinian go stomped HARD by Israelis, half of which want any excuse to genocide all of them.
> Iranian puppets Hezbollah and Houthis attacked Israel to stop them attacking Palestinians holding Israeli hostages.
> All the Israelis living in the North had to be evacuated due to Hezbollah rockets and can't go home, putting pressure on Bibi and the Israeli government.
> Israel is in the process of stomping both groups.
> The browns and extreme lefty retards (same traitor scum that used to support the commies ) cry "genocide" and "war crimes".
> Israel commits genocide and war crimes harder just to keep Bibi in power, because he fucked up big time by allowing the browns to fuck 1200 lefty Israeli hippy communist (Kibbutz are communes) and it's going to jail for corruption if he loses power.

>At this rate the only question whether al-Aqsa is destroyed by mobs of Israeli nationalists with or without open Knesset consent.

It's all comin' up pic rel
/chip/sisters, I don't feel very comfy...
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Two more beeps.
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At this rate I wouldn't be surprised if Nasrallah is a Mossad agent just putting the whole org through the meat-grinder - or that he's so stupid that the Israelis think he's an asset.
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dont leave em hanging
>At this point seems Israel is doing everything it can to drag Lebanon into an open war.
it's an open war since oct 8
>I wonder why they are so keen on escalating the situation?
we have about 100k internally displaced people because of constant rocket fire on border towns
>Or just Netanyahu wants to escalate because it gives him justification to retain power?
there is near universal agreement in Israel on the need to expand the war against Hezbollah
t. Israeli
>how did they know where he was?
Someone snitched. That's how all the Arabs are, because they think they're playing Game of Thrones. Also Hezbollah is hated by just about everyone in the region.
If the Israelis are smart they'll get the Lebanese government to disavow Hezbollah
Not to mention that this is 100% war of choice for Hezbollah. Only they thought they could control the escalation ladder.
if theyre smart there wont be a lebanease government
who makes these faggy football trump card graphics for them?
>keep conducting terrorist style attacks on surrounding countries trying to goad them into a larger conflict
>countries rattle their sabres, send a few drones/missiles over the border, but do nothing
>Israel ramps up attacks on commanding structure, paralyzing any response
>surrounding countries continue to do nothing, refuse to join in larger conflict
>Israel keeps turning to more and more 'sinister' forms of attack that start to resemble the sort of terrorism that they're protesting
>Surrounding countries still do nothing, especially with the US sitting carrier fleets off the coast because any escalation would be suicide
you are here now
>Israel prepares to invade Lebanon and attempt to spark a larger conflict to keep Netanyahu in power, because the moment any peace deals are signed he's out
>Lebanon does nothing, cries 'Ukraine.'
>Israel is an aggressive, invading country that uses terrorist tactics
>Harris wins, daddy Trump never shows up for bibi
>international condemnation
>bibi overthrown
>the truth about how much they knew about Oct 7 comes out
>International calls for restoration of Gaza to Paelistinians and end to Israeli-Lebanese war
>International call for restoration of Golan Heights to Syria and removal of Israeli settlements in the West Bank
>International condemnation of Israel, they can't use the 'but we were victims of the holocaust' excuse anymore
>No one gives a shit when the arabs start buying their land back from an apartheid state that's been cut off from the rest of the world
>peace in the middle east

sounds good to me!
lebanon started the war retard
they can ask for a ceasefire any moment, they dont want one.
the Lebanese government is dysfunctional and the Lebanese army is second largest armed group in Lebanon after Hezbollah, Hezbollah is impeded in Lebanese politics and de facto controls large parts of the country. it's a well integrated Iranian cancer. the Lebanese government has neither the strength or will to do so.
it is.
in truth there is against the interests of both us and the Lebanese to be at war with each other. both can only lose. historically the wars we thought there were always because of an outside element. in the 80s it was Palestinian groups launching rockets and in 06' it was Hezbollah kidnapping soldiers at a border post.
both only hurt Lebanon, the only reason we fight now is because Iran has created a vassal inside their borders to fight us.
if a full scale war does break out I imagine lots of arabs and moralising westerns react with outrage at the level of destruction but we have been sitting here for almost a year taking blows without any UN faggots applying any pressure on the aggressors side, so they can go cry me a river.
>>62548292 >>62548222

I remember when /k/ was a /pol/ thread.
Kindly fuck off Patel. Israel farming you out hard today.

My shit isn't as brown as this post.
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>option one stop seething about it and enact TKD.
Arabs will never do this because the only thing that equals their fantacism is their ineptitude.
>option two
continue to flail about in an ineffectual manner and seethe online every time Israel mows the lawn.
option two it is I guess.
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>I remember when /k/ was a /pol/ thread.
Wow, when was that exactly, somewhere between your last krokodil binge and this latest bout of cope-addiction?
>Kindly fuck off Patel. Israel farming you out hard today.
Israel making turdies seethe will never not be funny, you wouldn't get it because you're either foreign, Muslim, or commie.
>BAC completed manufacturing of the special exploding pagers model Apollo AR-294 at least 11 months before October 7th
You've literally thumbsucked this out of your anus.
The upload date means literally nothing. It's a promotional video. It's nothing to do with when a particular batch of pagers might have been manufactured or doctored.
You are legitimately a moron and your lies are painfully bad.
>Obvious truth
>Come on explain how they ordered the pagers before October 7th if this operation is a retaliation for October 7th.
They didn't and you have no proof that they did. A promotional video for some pagers means literally nothing.
If the Lebanese government, assuming they could, did disavow Hezbollah, there would be a legal impetus for the international community to pressure them to cease their actions. This probably won't happen for a variety of reasons. However, Lebanon is stuck with Hezbollah as long as they exist as a legal political party.
It's a bad faith poster. The only point of their posts is to repeat the premise over and over again so that more people see it.
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>I remember when /k/ was a /pol/ thread.
/k/ existed before /pol/ was /pol/. No I won't tell you what /pol/ was called before because you'll just use that information to try and cosplay as an oldfag with greater verisimillitude., brownoid.
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Nigger please White than you, more Devout, more guns.
>boomer life
>Ibrahim ACK-Kill
Pol existed on /b/
Get your sheckls saar
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>I remember when /k/ was a /pol/ thread.
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>liver spots
Quick somebody tell the Japanese whalers they let one get away
>weird capitalization
>incorrect spelling
ESL or just retarded
>says post guns, doesn't post guns
based retard, have you considered the comments section on Fox News' Youtube as an alternative community?
On the Palestinian economy, don't forget their gas, electricity and drinking water comes from Israel. They can just close the faucets and Gaza becomes uninhabitable.

I agree the idea of spiking pagers and other comms is older than October 7, however there is no way to say they were manufactured before that. They could've made several different designs, mass producing them only when they saw an opportunity to sell them. They made a promotional prototype or mass produced non-explosive models and made a lot of exploding ones to meet the Hezbollah order a few months ago.

This would also explain why Talkie Walkies exploded too. They didn't know what Hezbollah would go for when their smartphones were compromised and needed options.
>Indians can’t eat more than 500 calories a day
>Indians never seen a true ginger
>work in high security building can’t bring my p320 to work
> midwestern education and 30

Saar you can’t hurt my feelings, shit up another board
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>Ibrahim Akil becomes Ibrahim ACKKK-illed
Are the scriptwriters even trying anymore?
Exactly. Israel is a jewish state and these warmongering arabs need to get out of the gaza strip. It's unreasonable that they continue to occupy the west bank. Palestine is a non-entity, to call Irbid anything other than rightful israeli clay is absurd. It's crystal clear to everybody that Israel's land in Sidon and Nabatieth is non-negotiable and Israel can not and will not stop this war until it has freed the Levant from terrorist occupation of its land, the middle east.
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So tell us more about the origins of /k/ gramps, how did /k/ originate from /pol/ when /pol/ originated from /b/ originally?
Also please start using more sunblock if you're actually a soulless one, you have a lot of photoaging for a 30yo, skin cancer is a bitch.
>still won’t post hand
It was fun /b/anting with ya. My memory might not be right but at least I’m white.
>that pic
The LGBT community has split over this one. The non-binary brigade has thrown in with Hamas and Hezbollah, but Israel has Purim-ready psytrance battletwinks.
Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear. No that's not right at all.
I'm sensing a distinctly new fail.
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>It was fun /b/anting with ya. My memory might not be right but at least I’m white.
And a durka durka Mohammed Jihad to you sir, remember the sunscreen daily or eventually you're gonna' start looking as crispy as your Hezballess pals
I recognise this writing!
Hi Kike Anon, how are you doing buddy?
I haven't seen you around here for a long time, do you only visit now for the Israel threads?
I'm embarrassed of my tiny dainty hands
You might as well take this opportunity to settle scores and do as much damage to the enemies as you possibly can whilst international condemnation is at its peak.
>But wat about escalation
Not many people give a fuck about what's happening over there and the ones that do are currently powerless to stop Israel shitting all over them. Things are as bad for Israel as they are ever likely to get, and Iran and it's puppets can only be made weaker, if not just outright killed in time.
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The Objectivists have thoughts.
Don't entertain the shills, there is also about 2 to 4 in any thread about Israel. They will play coy and argue in bad faith, its waste of time to reply.
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the card is out
in 10 years maybe. There's a reason decapitation strategy don't work you know
works just fine
yup, totally
>How many planes has Israel lost since Oct. 7th 2023?
0. Less than the number of tanks lost in combat (1)
>Ho'y shit where was this?
Dahiya, a predominantly Shia suburban area south of Beirut that has been a Hezbollah stronghold for decades.
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Oy vey
Even pre-oct 7th you had people saying hezbollah had gotten too big for its own good and was full of holes n' moles, while hamas was obsessively insular to avoid jew intel agencies dragging them over the coals like this. This last week has been one humiliation after another for hezzies because of mossad penetration
>Do all these Eliminations actually achieve something?
It puts Hezbollah into a state of temporary disorder as they try to whip up a communications method that isn't completely compromised. If Israel was ever planning on taking the plunge and attempting a push towards the Litani, right about now has the best odds of success without turning into a shitfest that will set the country back by a decade.

Granted, they could very well misjudge and blunder into that shitfest anyways, but going to war a month and a half before elections in the US basically forces the current government to choose between backstopping the IDF's currently sketchy munitions stockpiles, or risk pissing off enough of the 400k Jewish voters in Pennsylvania to lose the presidency in what's shaping up to be an extremely tight election.
>all they can do is call you brown
Insanely based take anon. Careful, might piss off the J(anny)IDF.
The problem is the Palestinians have zero capability to fight. A terrorist attack once every ten years isn't going to do anything.
>this much cope
>when the palestinians are so shit that egypt and jordan fucking allied with israel over them
To one side I'm a goy, to the other I am an infidel.
They should solve their disagreement with geofenced nuclear missiles to ensure they just kill each other.
Find a pic of the Apollo pager and that would be perfect.

As always,the blame is on Islam.
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>tonight you will get your dick blown off
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it only took less than 5 days to diminish the idea hezbollah's supposed might

>b-but muh 2006
It's the egypt character that gets me every time.
>that pic
Now this is cope posting.
hamas shills = every time you kill us we win

hezzie shills = every time we do nothing we win
holy fuck, the sheer condensed cope in this post
Jewish war criminals should be executed.
Being a civilian is no defense to committing a war crime either, that makes you a terrorist. Jewish terrorists constantly attacking every neibouring country has been the rule for 50 years, Jewish terrorists attacked western forces directly douzens of times.

You might well wonder why western forces allow Jews to attack them, well the reason is that the attackers are terrorists within the IDF. The IDF has a very hard time keeping zionist terrorists out of it's ranks due in part to mandatory military service. There's a meaningfull distinction to be made here between the IDF and terrorist elements of Mossad and the kabal who run the knesset
>At this point seems Israel is doing everything it can to drag Lebanon into an open war.
It would be a massacre, since Lebanon like most Arab states is a failed state and would fold like a house of cards if they were to go to war.
Israel is just fucking with them as they please because they know there can be no consequences from it. Hezbollah is Israel's bitch.
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>Jewish war criminals should be executed.
>Being a civilian is no defense to committing a war crime either, that makes you a terrorist. Jewish terrorists constantly attacking every neibouring country has been the rule for 50 years, Jewish terrorists attacked western forces directly douzens of times.
>You might well wonder why western forces allow Jews to attack them, well the reason is that the attackers are terrorists within the IDF. The IDF has a very hard time keeping zionist terrorists out of it's ranks due in part to mandatory military service. There's a meaningfull distinction to be made here between the IDF and terrorist elements of Mossad and the kabal who run the knesset
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start shit get hit
Cry more darkie
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>highest military leader killed
>14 senior members killed
>all in one strike while they were having a meeting underground

god damn. they got got
Allah willed it I guess
How did Israel turn into another middle-eastern theocratic savage pit in just one generation? Is Russian immigration and hyper orthodox breeding all that is needed to turn a liberal democracy into an ethno-nationalist embarrassment with terrorists in government?
Who cares, they kill muzzies for me
The exploding pager trick was funny
>Samsung option
Exploding TVs when
No one is going to cry over dead muslims here.
If western glowies were instead spending all their time blowing up middle-eastern terrorist groups using gimmicks & gadgets right out of a bond movie /k/ would hate them less.
Good film. Explores the pain of losing a brother in that context. It was a very novel idea executed to as high a level as you could in the context of animation for children.
The IDF looks for conscripts who are good at programming and promptly shoves them in intelligence units. Their entire cyber division is basically rabid 20 year old computer autists.
you need to understand brown pride is on isreals side
Yeah it's sad to see what their society has become.

Imo it has two sources, first the ultra Orthodox went from being a tiny minority to a sizable portion of the population because they breed like n strategist. They don't vote however so people are simply angry to see a group breed exponentially on welfare.

Israel took in 600 000 Jews from the middle East after the 1948 war to populate the regions they had expelled the Arabs from. While these people are religiously Jewish they've lived in Arab countries since biblical times, and they are effectively Jewish Arabs who think like Arabs. They were a large minority initially but with their higher birth rate they are now a slight majority. They hate Arabs and speak Arabs and had to give up everything to come in Israel and so they are extremely hawkish, especially around Jerusalem and in the west bank they're the ones using terror to drive out the Arabs.

They are religious zealots who believe might makes right because they were initially from Algeria, Irak, Tunisia and Lybia and in those places these views were the norm at the time.
Right after eavesdropping TV's. But they might have picked worse Korean company for that as LG is arguably leading in spying their customers.
Hopefully Israel and Hezbollah go to war and Beirut can get flattened just like Gaza.
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>wipes out your "elite" unit's entire chain of command in 1 (one) strike
nothing personnel
there was an attack on the border hours earlier, 2 hezbollah fighters planted a bomb and were waiting for the patrol vehicle.

the radwan command probably meant to plan more attacks or an all-out invasion which theyve been planning for years (numerous tunnels were discovered under the border)
/k/ is waaay older than /pol/, nigger.
dude just win. easiest way to get /k/ approval is to not be retarded. if the Arabs were dabbing on das juden this board would be laughing their asses off. instead it's the same tired
>ummm sweetie you're on the wrong side
yeah i know about the plan. it's called Operation Conquer the Galilei. basically it was gonna be a oct 7 style attack
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also killed the butcher of Madaya
You're laughing. Hezbollah is being dismantled and you're laughing.
hezbollah bombed israel 40 minutes ago theyre not dismantled
hahahahaha. he touched a nerve?
what do you mean?
Why do they use the Georgian year instead of Islamic calendar?
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Bruh, arabs and their crazy airbrushed pictures.
they have no choice but to fire unguided rockets into Israeli cities. thats all they can do.
Without air power Hezbollah is unable to fight this war.
>They begun promoting that specific pager on YouTube and directly for clients in Lebanon in December 2022.

The legitimate manufacturer may have done this; the Israelis only interdicted a shipment this year, once they'd confirmed Hezbollah were the customers
Did you get that from this bitch's instragram?
That's a famous Chechen fighter, anon.
And the Greeks would still hate them
so, youre telling me, with as stupid as they are, and the way arabs drive and behave, none of the doctored pagers blew up beforehand?
the jews threw the gates open and were the 5th column in Constantinople. same as everywhere else theyve been.
>Writing fanfiction
wasted get
Repeating digits!
This is a propaganda line based on a deliberate misreading of events. Mossad had created the shell company as early as 2020, the company existed on paper and had some consulting and other unrelated operations stated at that time. The shell company was re-purposed for different operations as the need arose, ultimately becoming the front for the pager operation, which was initiated sometime much later. Propagandists are seizing on the fact that the company existed years prior to falsely claim that the pager plot was also started before Oct. 7th. and the war between Israel and Hezbollah. It's not a bad dodge, and contains elements of the truth as good propaganda should. The articles I read confirm the company existed and also state that it was repurposed more than once, which, since it's a "fake" company, it makes sense that it would become whatever mossad wanted to use it for when they needed it.
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