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Russia test fired a RS.28 Sarmat (Satan II) ICBM. The test wasn't successful, the rocket exploded in the silo and took out most of the surroundings.
>Russia has le advantage in rocketry
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for comparison, RS-28 start silo
What is Cobra Ball?
>inb4 cobra deez balls
Perhaps they should buy some from North Korea
special missile tracker intelligence aircraft, it being in the air means they are actually firing.
Plane for sniffing nukes
Variant of the C-135
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No fucking way. This is too fucking funny and I refuse to believe it because I won't be able to finish my work shift without my sides
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firms even shows the forest fire they started.
ANOTHER fucking failed test? How many is that now?
Damn, maybe the schizo's were right. Am I really to believe this third world country has actually properly maintained thousands of warheads and hundreds of delivery systems?
Guess I should've read the next post. They're desperate to remind people of NOOOOOKS and forgot nukes are expensive and highly technical to maintain and use.
>Believing that russians are shit at maintaining their equipment means you are a shizo
until before the war the strategic rocket forces and the boomers were getting most of the Russian defence budget. They realized early that they could only pay for either the nukes or the army and they went with the strategic option and let the army rot.
I imagine the Ruskies must be shitting their pants right now since their deterrence isn't worth shit. Unfortunately for the rest of us it means they'll probably try to unfuck things, but, fingers crossed, they'll probably just embezzle the funds allocated to it, again.
bro that crater is smaller than my backyard
it appears that the strategic forces used that budget to build yachts and install toilets in their dachas
anon.... look at your backyard
I have bad news
Again? Didn't this happen like two other times since the Special Needs Operation?
spicy! That shouldnt instill hope in russia's deterrence.
...but now they have to throw money at the army, because they convert that money directly into blood for the blood god with signing bonuses and (haha as if they'd actually pay out) death bonuses

So does that mean the strategic forces will be choked of funding and even personnel by the war?
>Ha Bawnhrtoh.
What's a Bawnhrtoh?
another L for bbc puccia
russia has no working nukes
more at 11
What test was it that split in two in the air and then in two again? A year or so ago.
Bawnhrtoh DC
not Bawnhrtoh the state
And it didn't even have a warhead.......
Maybe it was a bad idea to send your missile scientists to the gulag?
>2024 AD
>still using liquid-fueled ICMBs
For what purpose?
The program started 20 years ago and around 100 billion has been spent. They just blew up 90 million.
IIRC they already transferred the security forces meant to actually guard said nukes to the front pretty early in the SMO when it became clear they weren’t winning in two weeks.
It's just an old design with electronic replaced. They couldn't skim as much for a new engine. 20 years, 100 billion. Maybe 1 billion has been actually spent on the program lol.
throw weight to pack extra heavy mirvs
SpaceX went from shack to Falcon 9 with not much more than that lol
They are most likely using old rocket engines. They've been cannibalized. >>62557540
It's been 10 years of a running joke. It cost a lot of money and parts to build high level rocket engines. The temperature and pressures get exotic. The programming is hard, controlling them is hard. Once you design it all, get everything running, turn it on, the vibrations might tear them apart. The Russians have alot of vibration issues with their shit. They never up grades they kept just trying to add parts and their rockets keep shaking themselves apart. From design to testing to flying to scaling these kinds of engines is at least 7 to 15 years.
>the silo hatch currently propelling through space at mach fuck
you se anon
when you have to 'buy new liquid rocket fuel', the general gets a new dacha.
Americans better not laugh at the Russians for this.
>please stop he's already dead!
And it didn't even lift off the fucking ground, you demented sack of parasites. Just get up from your desk, go up to the roof and jump. Just do it, imagine the relief you'll feel.
The funni bit is that the soviet ICBM industry was/is in Ukraine. Part of the reason their missiles is failing is due to Russian industry having to sub in for the Ukrainians
>no payload
>rocket blows up in silo
what is supposed to be tested here?
>buh whaddaboud
They're not even sending people anymore. This doesn't count as a human being.
The rocket, you inbred mongoloid. I swear I'm gonna brick in your goddamn mouth.
>The BBC exploded
i deem this test of the rocket a failure, start over, F minus
And so the master of insight has spoken.
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>US military test launches 2 unarmed intercontinental ballistic missiles in 2 days
>June 8, 2024
>The Minuteman III missiles were not armed, meaning they did not have a warhead aboard, but each carried one reentry vehicle.
>After launch, both the Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) flew some 4,200 miles (6,760 kilometers) before their reentry vehicles landed in the U.S. military's Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site in the Marshall Islands' Kwajalein Atoll
rentry from space characteristics of the silo hatch.
>Comparing a missile that’s already long past its intended shelf life to Russia’s supposedly newest and bestest missile.
they blew that one up on purpose to get Congress to pay for a new missile system
>Th-their nukes totally still work after a-all this time though, guise, b-believe me, dattebayo!!!11one
that doesn't undo the failure though
Russia launches things into space often enough, it's just a rocket failure, these things happen and it doesn't mean anything
>The Russians just test fired some kind of orbital gun.
>It appears they used it to launch a kinetic projectile into LEO.
Cobra deez balls, son!

Also, LMAO @ them not even being able to launch it before it blows up. Are their space capabilities (which had already stagnated for decades) gonna degrade like this, too, now that the U.S. et al. aren't relying on them anymore? Or are there enough interested thirdies to replace Western demand for R*ssian launch platforms?
At least it got off the ground, kek.
lol trying too hard
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Here I was thinking that those tard who say that russia is out of nukes are taking a piss, and yet I stand corrected.
>inb4 what about usa not testing their rockets

Please, everyone, imagine the Village People making a song about hot, long, hard and fast Minuteman III with spaceforce-provided background props. it would be gay, but it would be a banger.
So don't take this the wrong way, but I think we should do a full strategic launch on Russia, then send in the military to round up the survivors to be used as slaves for the purpose of turning Russia into a resource mine for westerners.
>Terminated during launch
>we did that part on purpose
holy fucking copes
Shitskin countries banned from SpaceX contracting will probably contract China.
You blew yours up on the ground on purpose, right? All four times? lol
based moderate
>"holy fucking copes
>..." the vatnik squeals, incapable of comprehending the capability to and very idea of intentionally destroying your missile during a test, after it shows signs of malfunction, in order to prevent it from crashing somewhere uncontrollably later on. To begin with, he cannot even fathom said missile making it off the launch pad in the first place since all he knows is his people's blowing up during the fueling state.
Well, I guess that's preferable to them doing business with the Snow Nigerians at least.
We can enslave the French and put them to work.
An the dopey Canadians too
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The ayys were askin' for it.
I know this is bait but how is failing the launch would be stronger leverage than successful launch with some remote inhabitable place destroyed?
The only message theyve sent is that they are. Able. To blow themselves up.
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The funniest shit is that they've clearly picked up the least fucked up rocket from the supplies they have.
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>russia can't even create functional rockets now
red line status?
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>cobra sigma ballz
China and India are cheaper than Russian launchers for people banned or butthurt from flying SpaceX
also no, Soyuz seems to be vatnikproof
I would vote for this. We need new states.
Making those nuke threats less credible by the day.
That crater is smaller than my gfs cooch and better maintained
Can't help see this and instantly have this start playing in the background
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>So don't take this the wrong way, but I think we should do a full strategic launch on Russia
>then send in the military to round up the survivors to be used as slaves for the purpose of turning Russia into a resource mine for westerners.
You go off the rails on this one though anon. Slave labor is obsolete and a proven expensive problem generator. It's bad for the slaver side too, discouraging productivity enhancing innovation, appropriate capital investment, and with a lot of negative incentives and potential for infection of the main culture eventually.

So it's a lot more in line with civilized values, justice and good moderate sense to just exterminate all the survivors completely and wipe their filthy culture from the face of this world, then let private enterprise take care of value productive resource generation, recolonization etc. Though remember it'd be a long expensive process, we know for sure both Soviets and Russia have run environmental horror shows. And we'd have to do a sweep first, make sure there are no remaining biowarfare sites or the like just sort of sitting around rotting.
He's proposing to enslave russians and send them to work in the mines only because this is an economically feasible way of raising their standard of living. It's quite benevolent, really.
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>Slave labor is obsolete and a proven expensive
Not if just work them to death.
I hope slavery makes a comeback, I'd like to own a few
Its not like being chucked in a filthy dank hole with bad air and half flooded will exactly be a downgrade in their living standards
The fact its not snowing down there might even be seen as an improvement
the genius subhumans are tricking us into a false sense of security of course
When you try to rattle the saber but the rusty potmetal snaps and stabs you.
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P Diddys house was raided and they found 784 dildos, 4 dungeons and 37 gimp suits. Also over 1000 bottles of baby oil.
you have my support only if the slaves are castrated
but... they're women...
>we don't NEED functional rocketry
but William Spaniel said they worked
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Alexi... the silo doors are closed! This is suicide!
You try doing chemistry with solids
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>Russians have alot of vibration issues
>first nuke test early in the war
>second nuke test when some us bigwig (biden?) was in piggeria
>third nuke test when muh counterattack was imminent
>fourth (?) nuke test now
lmao and those are the hand-picked, "this one will totally work" nukes
why exactly is nafo not bombing moscow?
>Or are there enough interested thirdies to replace Western demand for R*ssian launch platforms?
With chinks doing their best to rip off starlink and having a lot of money to dump at it there's no future for russoids. You have king shit US, then chinks, then EU with more artisanal quantity launch capacity, then India with... fuck I don't even know but they can sort-of launch stuff sometimes. Russia has neither the tech to be competitive nor the money to subsidize the launches for anybody that isn't Russia.
>why exactly is nafo not bombing moscow?
As you just described we can sit back and do nothing and Russia will degrade on its own.
It would undeniably be funnier if Moscow was bombed, especially by some tiny, literally who country like Estonia, than if it simply decays for the next forty years because oil prices go down and there's no plan B for the economy
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>ivan you is an aspiring superpower
>you is needing to maintain big navy, big army and big nukes
>army gets torn apart by piggies, replaced by retarded mobniks that chewed through most of enormous soviet stockpile already
>half of navy sets itself on fire randomly, the other half got sunk by a country with no navy
>every ICBM test fails
I think I'd rather be chinese than a russian at this point
>They realized early that they could only pay for either the nukes or the army
And some clever middlemen then realized that nukes will never be actually used, and even if they were it would no longer be their problem soon after. So why not line some pockets instead?
imagine being one of the higher up people in a western intel position who has known about the ever degrading status of the boogieman everyone wants you to be afraid of for the last 20 years
I only hope the true decroded nature of russia is fully exposed and put on display soon enough for some kino docuseries a-la chernobyl can be made in my lifetime
1) you want money so you pretend they're a threat
2) even if 95% of their garbage explodes in silos it still leaves 5% which has the potential for immense damage
3) given the modern pussified sensibilities you probably don't get to be a higher-up if you think getting rid of the asiatic menace once and for all is something that should be done
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Na Vashington

To Washington
With what? Their trying to keep the army afloat while burning fumes, no fucking way can they unfuck their nukes at the same time.
And that isn’t a joke btw. Literally 780 dildos
Na Vashington = To Washington
Which country throw around nuclear threats willy nilly and has its nuclear arsenal in combat readiness again?
>imagine the Village People
With a tribute to Von Braun at the end, no less. Korolev was Ukrainian, after all.
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I wish we could know whether this is 100% pure domestic russian incompetence or if we have spooks in the rocket forces helping them
It could honestly be either at this point, the FSB and other Puccian intelligence agencies are just buffoons these days, what with the number of fails we've seen from them
Domestic, if we had spooks that well placed we wouldn't be showing our hand by using them for a test launch.
>showing our hand
They wouldn't be responsible for messing up test launches.
They would be responsible for ensuring the entire nuclear force stays dysfunctional in the long term by encouraging natural russian traits such as rampant corruption.
It crashed btw.
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>Russia launches things into space often enough
So when was their last successful launch?
>liquid fueled ICBM
>in 2024
File deleted.

At this rate, I'm suspecting that this fucking glorified parade float has a higher operational success rate than the Sarmat. At least the owner presumably puts the effort into keeping his own damn car running.


Solid propellants require things like a functioning education system, aerospace industry, and keeping a lid on corruption.

China for the same reason has ICBMs where they find the fuel tanks are full of water because the missile crews stole all of the actual fuel (which is EXTREMELY carcinogenic) and used it for cooking
Wait wait wait, so it probably blew up during the fueling process... Do they not actually have any missiles prepped for launch at all? How are they gonna respond to a nuclear first strike like that?
>and used it for cooking
What won't the fucking chinks use for cooking, any random vermin and any random tainted oil
don't think about that, big scary bear raah raise one eyebrow and all of hafo understand
>'We've got Sarmats'
It's not like its predecessor was any more reliable.

Russia has always had a part of its nuclear arsenal in liquid-fueled silo-based heavy launch vehicles.
I don't really know why. It's always been only a small part, around 50-150 launch vehicles, of their total arsenal. Everyone involved must have known that liquid fueled rockets are not good for a weapon that has to be on the ready 24/7 and launchable at a moment's notice.
he didn't drive so good
>Narrator: they also let the nukes rot.
The other ones at least made it out of their silos.
>blew that one up on purpose
so did the Russians. now the congress won't greenlight a new missile system, because there's no threat
This was the fourth failure ackhshually
>Ha Bawnh'rtoh
This is too funny
dogwelder has really gone downhill
If we do have agents inside the Russian rocketry programs, it'd probably be accountants. There's no better way to sabotage the Russian military than to help hide all the embezzlement.
>HP Lovecraft on seeing an Italian
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It's called range safety, it's what china, russia and other third world countries don't do when their haywire rockets wipe out an entire chinsect village or vaporise the head of the rocket forces watching the launch.
Praise God.
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Looks like quite successful for me
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It's not the same car, but I was already too far along in editing before I realized it to not to finish and post. So, whatever. If only.
If only 5% of their nukes make it out of their silos, the damage potential is VERY limited. It's likely that 100% of the 5% that launch would get shot down. Bonus round: vatniggerstan would have actually launched a first strike, meaning the entire shithole would be glassed within an hour or two. And, if just one vatnigger nuke managed to explode within 50 km of it's intended target, the glassing would not stop until the glass was very, very thick. Everywhere.


fucking ICBMs exploading... fucking bitch rocket... exploading like xoxol fascist cum exploading in ass...
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same vibe
what do you mean not the same car its even got the giant rocket
how many of these things do they have?
It's unknown how many RS-28 Sarmats they have. I doubt it's triple digits.
>not punching down on the retarded and disabled kid is a sign of weakness actually
>I don't really know why
cheaper per warhead. their solid fuel Topol was exclusively single warhead until they broke the treaty and modified it with 4 warhead MIRV bus, which is still a lot less than 10-12 or more warheads.
I'll take the centrist position and propose chemical castration for the surviving Russians.
why are they like this
like if I only just saw this one video it's kinda silly but there's so many instances of russians fetishising their nooks
My sides
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>The joke that Russian nukes dont even work might actually be true

Has this war been more embarrassing for Russia then the Russo-Japanese War?

The shills must find it embarrassing too since one is starting up the I just killed a thread posts again.
Christ you know current events have got them mad when they resort to that. Just totally giving up on any tricks and just trying to manually get rid of threads.
At least when they are spamming gayporn they are trying to cause offense as well as take up space.
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Throwing gay porn on 4chan is pretty much just pissing into the ocean of piss and thinking you're the offensive pisser
>so many instances of russians fetishising their nooks

It's the last thing that remains of their "superpower" status and the only thing that can possibly enable them to get back at the west.
It's not a joke, dumbass. Never was.
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We should pay one billion dollars to Russia for emotional damage, gift free PlayStation 5 and repair all their nuclear weapon to avoid any unnecessary escalation.
>has GP bombs accurate enough to get an A2A kill
2nd most powerful army in the world
>their most accurate ICBM manages to miss the entire atmosphere.
>why are they like this
Nooks bluff is only reason why they are not bombed to oblivion.
(Russian) Nukes aren't real
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Is there any value in faking an explosion at the test site for opsec purposes? To give the impression of a total failure of the program.
Puccians aren't very good at opsec, only naked threats
i mean fuelling is one thing if you use kerosene and lox, but RS-18/28 both use hydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide. isn't it somewhat insane to fuel and empty 200 tons hypergolic fuel inside a silo with soviet tech and 16 warheads on top? like that stuff explodes by itself, is highly corrosive and creates explosive fumes and normal pressure.
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I don't think it's very secure to embolden your enemies by showing that your ultimate weapon is a failure
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>what do you mean not the same car its even got the giant rocket
>how many of these things do they have?
more than the actual missiles anon
they even made a rally for them in moscow
>two of the sarmatmobiles broke down during it kek
I went to Russian 4chan and they're saying it was a Tomahawk attack on the launch silo.
>anything but our own shitty missile failing
Why are snowniggers like this
Dunno, but I find their Clancy-tier theories kinda amusing
https://Russian 4chan/wm/res/3892965.html#9238768
The old R-36 was the same.
Frankly toxic hypergolic fuels are far simpler anything cryogenic, and probably even safer in such a setting. You can store that shit at room temperature for years. Cryogenics are fickle, boil off in minutes, cause icing issues and fueling right before launch would lead unacceptable operational delays for a nuclear weapon.
That looks like an ass. I guess that's what they meant by the ass is in the ass?
The west:
>We need to seriously increase our industrial base if we want enough shells to both supply Ukraine and bulk out our own warstocks in case of future conflict
Meanwhile russia:
>Big scary bear produce many shells be afraid
>Is actually whoring itself out to norks and chinks for substandard ammo
Talk softly and carry a big stick realism Vs gulaghomo posturing rooted in their inferiority complex.
>What test was it that split in two in the air and then in two again? A year or so ago.
Pretty sure that was a Chinese one.
If russia has so much industry why does it need to whore itself out for ammo donations and send meat waves out to die in battle bukhankas? Post hand and electrical socket.
you said that NATO needs to get on the level of Russia, not me. I'll post my socket after I see yours. and don't forget a timestamp
What a honker on that violinist!
I literally didn't, perhaps do the needful and ask your ESL school for a refund saar
You see, Russia has bigger wartime industry, because that is what its industry has slowly been transformed into, NATO doesn't treat it as a war, it just sends some stockpiles to Ukraine, without gearing up its industrial capacity to make more shells and such
>fuck I don't even know but they can sort-of launch stuff sometimes
They literally had a lunar mission, and I'm not sure they've ever had any high-profile failures.
thread theme
>Literally 780 dildos
Did he just order three of everything in the Bad Dragon catalog?
>Throwing gay porn on 4chan is pretty much just pissing into the ocean of piss and thinking you're the offensive pisser
Anytime somebody talks about trying to offend 4chan, I'm reminded of an orgy during chanology v1.0.
It was after a counter-Scientology protest, a dozen or so /b/tards were having an orgy in a room.
Somebody was trying to do anal, and didn't have enough lube and this led into other people (who were also fucking) giving them advice about butt fucking which grossed out the guy who was trying to fuck some girls ass and he lost his erection. The femanon in question turned around and called him weak for not staying hard during this discussion about lube substitutes and bodily fluids.
When people talk about trying to shock or gross out 4chan, I often think of that event.
The biggest clue was /pol/; they screeched a lot about nukes being lost technology to America, and questioned if the nukes even existed.
>Russia test fired a RS.28 Sarmat (Satan II) ICBM. The test wasn't successful, the rocket exploded in the silo and took out most of the surroundings.
100% ready for deployment by Russian standards then. Russia missed it6s chance to have beeny hill music as the national anthem
chanology was 711 chan anon, this place was mostly pedos back then.
>sabotaged by HATO
>5d chess to give the west a false sense of security
>there was no explosion and the rockets work as intended
pick one, this is NK tier shit lmao
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>Russia launches things into space often enough
it sure does lmao
>the launch silo gets re-designated as the target missile site
Target destroyed within 1m of CEP, complete success!
>and I'm not sure they've ever had any high-profile failures
Their last landing attempt on the moon a year ago ended up in a brand new crater.
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A 1:1 Tannerite replica of Saddam Hussein? Where can I get one???
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we have to go deeper
Bawnhrtoh OK (Okrug Kolumbiya) actually
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It's dangerous to go alone! Take this.
SARMAT stands for Short-Ass Range Missile, Anti-Tree. It works as intended
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they should test a nuke near moscow, you never know.
>You go off the rails on this one though anon. Slave labor is obsolete and a proven expensive problem generator. I

Correct. Slave labor means that business that invest in technology to increase production gets outcompeted by cheap labor in the short term before their investments start to pay back. Back in the 90's I talked with a couple of guys who did metal workshop automation, they told me that euros and asians invested in advanced CNC machines to boost production, while americans fired their old staff and hired $7 an hour mexicans and kept using their old lathes from the 1940s and 50's. There is a deep pervasive myth that "labor costs" are the reason for outsoucing, but the truth is that massive capital investments in europe & asia has meant that they have way bigger production per staff member than american metal workshops, and they have plenty of experienced workers capable of using CNC lathes. Meanwhile, america, not so much.

Replacing your workers with even cheaper workers means that you get a short term immediate return on your action with no cost, while doing massive capital investments means that you get a long term large return on your action but it costs a lot. This rot has spread so deep now that even high end items like american airliners are falling apart from low quality workmanship and components.
>Everyone involved must have known that liquid fueled rockets are not good for a weapon that has to be on the ready 24/7 and launchable at a moment's notice.

Unlike solid fuel rockets, unfueled liquid propellant rockets lasts for decades without a decay in function. The KH-22s that russia fires at ukraine were made in the 60s and then stored. Solid fueled rockets develop cracks in the propellant over time and eventually they become dangerous to launch because they will explode.
>>has GP bombs accurate enough to get an A2A kill

A2A kills with time fuzed GP bombs were common in world war 2. It was used to break up allied bomber formations.
Here's an excerpt from an old 2017 RAND corp paper on Russian space sector.
>Corruption—Generally considered organic to the Russian economic system, corruption has become
evident over the last few years in various aspects of the space sector. The most famous example of
corruption is the construction of the Vostochny Space Launch center. Russians envisioned Vostochny in the 1990s as a replacement for the Russian reliance on Baikonur. Over the last few years there have been numerous public delays associated with the construction of the launch
facility and several cases of managers and workers arrested for corruption.
>Separately, in January 2017, Roscosmos announced it was
withdrawing all second and third-stage engines for the Proton-M rocket, citing "technical reasons."
>At the same time, Russian media reported that factory bosses manufacturing engines for Russia's
Proton-M rocket may have swapped precious metals for cheaper alternatives, possibly leading
to the failure of the Proton in December 2016.14
>Elsewhere, there are reports of substantial percentages of state budgets siphoned from major
programs and projects as a part of “overhead.”

Surely the talent pool and technology supporting Russian civilian rockets and ICBMs have significant overlap. Of course there are also the sanctions to consider. Just add this to the pile of evidence for aerospace becoming a lost technology for Russia.
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It's pretty hilarious how these ziggers try to hide/dilute the spread of news on /pol/ right now
A nuclear pants-shitting in russia is apparently accompanies by mlp ponies shitting in russian infosphere operations
What a toilet of a country
Thanks for having better moderation, I try to respectfully adhere to board culture here
Greeting from /uhg/
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Its sort of hard to put Russia at a point of technical achievement because a lot of the reference points prior to that were the USSR and that was a whole other animal. A lot of that depending on having this massive population, a fairly decent education and higher education system up to about the mid-80's and it meant you could pull 'genius' motherfuckers out of the swamp by benefit of having that massive swathe of human resources. All those one in 50million kind of dudes who just are so much smarter than anyone else got picked up and put exactly in the hole they could do the most work and essentially cultivated for the state systems.
Be that aerospace, engineering design, materials science and everything else that goes into rockets, planes and missiles
That kind of started dying off during the late 80's and it sort of meant that only the really old guys, greybeards and a handful of genius guys left, were the only ones holding the bag after the USSR popped. A lot of the very good ones that were still young enough just hopped the fence and fuckedoffski to somewhere with actual living standards that didn't involve living in a crime infested, frozen swamp.

You sort of see it in their oligarchy and the directors, they're all well past shooting a hot load and probably should have retired 10-15yr ago, there is just no one to replace them though. They literally 'don't make em like that any more' and they will never do it again. Not that even with all that effort however, could they ever match western engineering and more importantly, processing power. The western systems found it hard to make a human computer, so they just decided you know, fuck it we'll make a computer that will solve a lot of slide rule business and scribbling.
That pretty much booped the nose of Russia industry, plus a lot of it was just flogged off to the chinks for kilo of steel on dollar for machines and technology.
it was successful, it flew straight up for 3000 km and fell down on the launch pad as intended
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>The Russian Z-mobile with a mock-up of the Sarmat missile on the roof, which was travelling around Belarus this spring, was involved in an accident in Tver region of the Russian Federation.
>This was reported in the evening on December 20 by the Mash telegram channel, close to the Russian security forces.
>According to the publication, the car "turned into a pile of metal" after the accident with a French Renault on the M-10 motorway.
>The driver of the Z-mobile explained that his car was beyond repair, but the Sarmat mock-up remained intact.
>According to Renault driver Aleksey, a moment before the collision his airbag exploded out of the blue - because of this he lost control and crashed into the Z-mobile. There were no casualties.
>airbag exploded out of the blue
Clearly frog sabotage at it again
Well played DGSE kek
Renault drivers are either senile or insane, bound to have happened.
Imagine blowjobs
That's the best part about liquid fueled ICBMs, you can't store them fueled, and you can't fuel them in secret!
The problem with nukes is that most of Russian ones are probably fake and don't work but you still don't want to call their bluff because if even one works that might be someone's capital city gone off the face of Earth.
>Russian nuclear silos are now being struck with impunity by western weapons
>Or we fucked up
Obviously the first option makes russia look stronger and more competent, because they're displaying restraint by not responding.
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can't believe i baited them into testing their nukes just by shitposting on /k

>they tried and failed spectacularly
Why are they lubricating so many babies?
>resort to regular nuclear sabre rattling
>every time you try to rattle the sabre it blows up in your face
So why should the west be afraid again?
>So why should the west be afraid again?
A new reality in which russia has no nukes would mean that China could just walk into siberia unopposed and claim its resources, which the US cannot allow. And the russian far east and Siberia are large, and it would require considerable investment to put an occupation force there to keep the chinks out. Vietnam and Afghanistan will look like a joke.
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before launch
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and after. the crater is apparently over 60m wide
I was wondering how big a fucking hole it made and yeah, looking at the fire engines there tend to be about 15m long or so, you could fit about 20 in the hole and still have room
lol, did you include a pic of that if you only knew sticker?
Could be it popped out, didn't ignite the engines, then fell partially back in the hole and exploded. Or just an explosion during fuelling, but I would expect it to be less effective above ground
Not much, what's Bawnhrtoh with you?
That's a pretty impressive hole. I have no expertise to estimate how sturdy ICBM silos should be, but looks like digging that hole would take more energy than a sub-orbital rocket holds in its fuel.
How fucking heavy is the RS-28 again?
200+ tons fueled
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What the hell even is that? That can't possibly be a real thing.
That's the sound a black swan makes.
>t. Owner

Shall we start taking bets on how many died?
I like how delusional this is.
>Oh they had a few geniuses.

No retard. They stole tech. Stole and copied stole and copied. Like the chinks were doing these last two decades.
You see anything truly innovative come out of china recently(besides corona) ?

And they were proud of it. They have average or above average scientists. They didn't make anything worthwhile. Even after they jumped the fence.
I just don't understand
if america knows russian nukes don't work then why don't they just nuke them?
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it's funnier seeing russian suffer for years and decades more or less evenly instead of wiping them all out at once and then not having any more suffering russians.
basically torture
Because they are better than Russia and find the idea of eradicating a lot of decent and innocent people (I maintain that some of those still exist in Russia even if suffering and/or in hiding) abhorrent.
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The intercontinental strategic ballistic missile "Sarmat" exploded in its launch silo during testing.
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The missile exploded, how wasn't it successful?
>threaten to nook constantly
>plan a ICBM test to prove you are serious
>ICBM explodes in silo
Please be true, it'll be so fucking funny.
> What the hell even is that?
UAZ-452 4x4 van. Made since 1965 to this day with minimal upgrades. Tooling is also from 1965(so, degraded to shit), and its entirely hand-built(by drunks) - no robots on assembly line.
Shape of a loaf of bread, and loaf of bread in russian is "bukhanka".
Here's a funny review of a completely new one(by a retarded churka, but its better that way. if you dont understand russian - doesnt matter, you only need to see it):
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>might be someone's capital city gone off the face of Earth
They can also fail not inside their launch sires but while flying over Moscow, so I guess you're right.
>Caring about innocent people
The reason they didn't glassed moscow is because their goverment is full of russian traitors
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At least now we know how exactly they're going to fail and what's the radius of material spread. Seems safe enough to gamble even if you're next door.
It would be generally unpopular to nuke first
someone in road-ology explain this to me, but did all the asphalt just burn off or something?
you can't make this shit up. We truly live in a simulation
russia has historically spent a significant amount of money on its nooks. Even when things were collapsing in the 90s, its noook forces got most of the cash. That's why the rest of the military atrophied disproportionately.
Sadly for you Helmut-Mehmet, the French nuclear missiles work very well.
Looks like it's covered in dirt
>russia has historically spent a significant amount of money on its nooks
every rocket that can reach space (made in the US) has a giant bomb on board that will rip it apart if it goes off course. Before such things, we had fun incidents like the Nazi led teams after WW2 "accidentally" sending rockets into mexico
Even the space shuttle, and even jeff bezo's bozo blaster has a termination system
>chanology was 711 chan
Not where I was, the whole chanology group in my city was only from 4chan /b/.
We become quite a tight group for some years.
>Their last landing attempt on the moon a year ago ended up in a brand new crater.
You cannot in2 reading.
You're not quoting a post about Russia.
Rocketry autist here, you are correct but "we terminated the flight" isn't a good argument because the only successful test that involves the termination system is a test of the termination system.
Here is a super rare example of a failed test leading to a successful test.
It's covered in dirt that got kicked into the air by the explosion...
they live in a shithole, and this is their way of coping
The airbag is inflated and the perfidious rooster pecks at the bear's asshole
if you actually read what i was replying to it was never implied that it was a successful flight and the guy I'm replying to is just a retard
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Maybe once
You need to keep in mind and aknowledge tha this is the FOURTH TIME that vatniggers failed to ICBM noook oook
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Maybe once
You need to keep in mind and aknowledge tha this is the FOURTH TIME that vatniggers failed to ICBM noook oook
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Sorry guys, I was having upload issues
I don't know why it even allowed me to make a dupliacte reply
No, I'm not trying to delete it due to the fact that 4chan deletion method is fucking retarded
>oOoOooHHHHhHH you need to WAiT LooOoOooOONGeeRR to DeeEEElEEEeeeT
>OOoOOOOHHhhhH yUo cAnNOt DELeT thIs pOAAASt animOAReeeEe
fuck off lmao
I always consider this too. But launching to space is slow and tedious, you can scrub with smallest sign of problems. ICBM should be like 24/7 clockwork. And this was a controlled test in what apparently seems like a complete underground launch pad with lab and diagnostics equipment, where they could stop and evaluate any problems.

Exploding test article on fuel-up is akin to Elons starship experiments. Not a deployed detterent.
A slur, like mulignan or n'wah
Oh shut the fuck up you faggot ass europeon
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>Solid fueled rockets develop cracks in the propellant over time and eventually they become dangerous to launch because they will explode.
Is it because the cracking increases the available surface area of the propellant, leading to it burning way faster than intended? I heard that's why Turk 8mm ammo is dogshit, can't imagine what that would be like scaled up to ballistic missile size.
a weapon capable of killing millions of amerimuttians should be praised, it's almost like the power of a God
I'll have a brown post with a side of seething about the US, thanks.
>capable of killing americans
Maybe if a spook is around the silo before the inevitable failure.
Perhaps some odd logic of maintaining multiple designs for redundancy? If you have a liquid fuel ballistic missile that is totally independent in design to the main solid fuel missile families, then problems with the main missile family that might arise in time don't mean your entire nuclear arsenal is incapacitated.
perhaps geography, thanks to their huge landmass they get more early warning time and get away with building heavy liquid fuelled rockets. also the benefit is the larger throw weight, variants of the R-36 carry either 10x1MT or 1x20MT warheads for that extra super villain feeling. Maybe also costs, liquid fuelled might simply be cheaper.
Yeah, but SpaceX has something the Russian military doesn't have. Russian rocket scientist.
That makes perfect sense. The old machine tools were often superb but they belong in the custom and repair machining world, not the production world.

For example many successful US machine shops use WWII-era machine tools because they're a perfect fit, being large and precise. They use them to make and repair replacement parts for specialty machinery and smol production runs. The equipment doesn't wear out if maintained. My bro has a beautiful early 1900s Cincinnati shaper which is rarely used but was paid off by a single job decades ago.

BTW since all the pre-CNC classic firearms were made on manual machine tools (some quite complex like Brown and Sharp automatic screw machines) they are relatively easy for hobbyists to manufacture for themselves.
To prevent tearing at stress raisers.
>shaper which is rarely used but was paid off by a single job
Bullshit. I don't think anyone has ever made back the cost of a shaper with paid work.
Just because a lot of money was allocated, doesn't mean a lot of money made it there.
makes me wonder what he'd say about a Russian
Yeah the posting issues are happening site-wide.
Unironically goes insane.
I don't think "moon-shaped face" is meant to be a crescent.
Please see the light of God
please kill yourself
No, it atrophied disproportionally because it was overall funded disproportionally. They mainly kept funding shit that they could export (a.k.a. make money off of) such as choppers and shit. Nook funding still decreased overall and even then it was the exception to that rulee, not the norm.
I don't get it.
>t. assmad /pol/troon
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Imagine losing the fucking SILO. The fucking SILO. Holy shit what a colossal fuck up
the A4 rockets that the Nazis sent into mexico actually had termination devices on board. The nazis fought off the american who was trying to push the button
Looks like some conspiracy nut thinking an error message about terminating a parent/child process is about demonic ritual child sacrifice or something.
>And we'd have to do a sweep first, make sure there are no remaining biowarfare sites or the like just sort of sitting around rotting.
We also don't want any russians managing to hide out in the forest or escaping to Mongolia/China/Kazakhstan or wherever the fuck. You'd need to do a few sweeps to make sure none were left.
dunno how reputable this is, but sounds like six
>bottom has something on the hood
>Top does not
Either it was added after the first picture was taken, or there were MULTIPLE of these things driving around
....didn't the last time they decided to test a rocket as a show of strength also fail?
Pinched their nose shut before a sneeze, very dangerous.
I the guy he was disagreeing with am also a faggot ass europeon, but I'm pleased to see that the world gas not yet fallen completely into the pit of nihilism russia seems to be embracing wholesale.
ability to launch a T-72 turret placed on top of the silo
Gouss you might check what your ancestors were, "cowboy"....
oh, right. Europeans, most probably. Not Americans, most likely.
Come on man, don't use the n word.
Yes, rocket propellant deflagrates at the designed operating pressures of a solid rocket, add a few cracks though and you increase the burn rate leading to higher pressure and eventually detonation, in the worst case scenarios. Same thing with shitty ammo, though usually that's just pressure and not detonation.
Conspiracy nut thinks they've uncovered the Illuminati conspiracy to cull humanity and enforce eugenics after they turned their computer on and it failed for whatever reason when in reality the computer is just ending (Kill) something running in the background (The process) and the orders below it (Sacrifice child).
So my ancestors decided to unfaggot themselves. Good.
only the king can own a swan m8
>I'm not that anon, I swear!
I just like this bit of silly from a failed thread & thought I'd archive it here as this thread goes down. It's been fun, guys. For public use should any anon wish to taunt r*ssians when this topic comes up again and they blow up silo number 5, And 6, Etc.

I mean, they're 4-time gold medalists in silo destruction. I'm betting they're on a winning streak. Ya' rooting for 'em, lads?
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not reaaaally that related, but i never see this get talked about, and its metal. the Nedelin disaster in 1960, the soviets were testing ICBM's, and while setting up the launch pad for a test flight someone accidentally hit the launch button like days before it was even close to ready. a bunch of military officials, including the guy the whole operation was named after, nedelin, were all hanging out right under the rocket thrusters and a bunch of automatic camera's started and recorded it. 58-300 deaths.
Assasination? Could just be incompetence but its pretty Agent 47 a way to kill off some big wigs visting the launch pad.
>58-300 deaths
Good ol soviet "if we don't report our loses they didn't happen"
i believe that it could just be a short circuit like wiki says, people were doing crazy experimental shit on the fly with barely any safety. and as odd as it is for it to be recorded, if you were assassinating someone would you want it recorded? dunno.
swear i read an alternate version that said something along the lines of someone just accidentally hitting fire and a bunch of safeties just not being in place by coincidence.
Actually, the king only has a 1/3 share of unmarked mute swans found on open waters. The Vitner's and Dyer's guilds in London have the other two shares.
>Like and subscribe for more feudalism facts
That's how Houdini died.
I used to have a picture saved of an anime girl version of Marshal Nedelin but I can't find it.
How's copelord taking the news?
>all according to plan, having a 100% failure rate in recent ICBM tests is getting off lightly
a kilo of cement mix and a gardening trowel, everything will be back online in the morning, russians are now qualified to do anything with nothing, the wect has fallen
Emergency bump
Currently posting about the Oktyabrsky ammo depot being a lucky hit that was almost empty anyway.
>when in reality the computer is just ending (Kill) something running in the background (The process) and the orders below it (Sacrifice child).
VLC was using too much memory while it was playing their movie.
Still would

After an STD panel.
This just sounds like a massive EFP designed by people who don't know how EFP's work.
Well, it's a pity you'll have to settle for childish trolling on anonymous imageboards.

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