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>New here? Read this:
>Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:
>Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):
>Want to help firearm rights?

Previous Thread: >>62546626
anyone know where i can source a squires bingham m16?
>They offer free shipping and delivery
Check gunpost and don't be afraid to lowball boomers. They can be found at gun shows too
ones on townpost for $500
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Wow, casual racism from a canadian incel nazi. Ill just be notifying the mounties of this
My racism isn’t casual, I’m going pro
What? We are just singing along to our favourite song.
What're the chances we get NR length models of the Ruger LC Carbine? The PC9 is quite prolific here Ruger does give a shit about our market. There's R length LC Carbines floating around and a new offering in 10mm now, and both the 5.7 and .45 are being imported here and there according to CGN.
I want an NR 10mm for the memes and since the TNW ASR aren't super available (in 10mm) right now, and doesn't appeal to me the LC Carb does
I like being in groups..
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Oh? What kind of groups?
You know the one. ;^)
me want a kel tec in 5.7 or 45
scratch that 5.7 and 45 acp
10mm is beats both in a carbine
i'll holdout until it is imported to canada
apparently irg has em in 45 so far
1 inch or less
We need suppressed short barreled rifles with full auto 30 round mags.
>The Cons have an once in a century chance to completely rewrite our gun laws. Make. Everything. Legal. Full compatibility with the US supply chain.
Any veteran should have a lifetime PAL by default, with full auto prohibs and concealed carry, no registration required. Over the counter service. No caliber restrictions either. If someone can afford to buy and feed a M2 HMG, then they have the right to do so.
>Any veteran
gonna stop you there, chump
I disagree. Anyone stupid enough to join the CAF (Bartok is an excellent example here) should be permanently banned from gun ownership and voting. I've never met a long-term CAF veteran who wasn't completely brain dead.
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>muh veterans
veterans of what? cleaning bunk beds? raising rainbow flags?
The Legion aren't vets.
Not that the CAF is any less gay than the Legion.
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yea here you go, better?
More accurate, but "better" isn't the word for it
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Is it really that bad?
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Could be worse, it could be Calgary.
Like all western leaf cities it’s what you make it. It can be gay as fuck or alright place to live, it’s up to you.
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Probably the worst place between Winnipeg and Hongcouver, could be worse though
>we have some gun stores and ranges
>genessee range is close by
>there's gold in the river
>we have a race track

>the location sucks, should be closer to the mountains
>the people suck, you mostly just see fentanyl chugs or jeets walking around
>more crime with each passing day, heard like 15 gunshots last night
>gay politicians, municipal and provincial
>the liberals here try as hard possible to act like Toronto queers in the hopes they won't be called rednecks
>crown land is a bit of a drive
>there's probably a lot more to add here but I'm done
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>heard like 15 gunshots last night
For real? holy shit
Yea right as I was going to sleep, sounded fairly close by.
Fuck off zogbot lmfao
Yeah and take your foreskin with you
I don't get it anon, what is it that you don't like about the cities?
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kek the torontoglodyte in the cab almost witnessed a FUCK YOU BLOODY irl.
After serving my time in the CAF. Some of those fuckers shouldn’t even be issued C7 let alone have a PAL
Hope you plan on reloading for it with the prices and availability of .303 in current year
csc has some 7.62 NATO Enfield sporters
Would these be easy to unfuck or would the difference in barrel diameter make it too tough?
these arent really considered bubbas for restoration, parker hale built them this way.
its like grabbing one of those husqvarna sporters and thinking you can turn it back into a military mauser
Fuck veterans, fuck the caf and fuck the legion.
Fuck this faggot shithole.
>cops have completely given up, don't even respond to calls anymore
>you ALSO cannot defend yourself

You have to be either a sadist or a masochist to live in Canada.
I'm genuinely pretty fucking upset here.
WHAT fucking first responders?
As far as I know, the government hasn't even existed for 2-3 months now. My local hospital is empty, the cops are nowhere to be seen, the fucking fire department doesn't even respond anymore.

It's like a post apocalyptic wasteland.
I hate this country so fucking much, I'm leaving so soon, I just need to last another few months.
lol, fuck torcongo and fuck indian street shitters
what's the best shotguns in the market?
thinking of getting a 590a1 with a 14incher
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Quitter. You probably play videgames on Easy mode, or just start on normal before switching to easy the first time it gets toughs.
Canada is a vast, wild landmass, with only sparse settlements of largely unarmed goblins, Skyrim irl starts any day now. its going to be fun.
You aren't poor, are you, anon?
If you are though, or just want a short gun that would otherwise be restricted, then yeh a stocked shockwave would be based.
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590a1 might be the best pump on the market
I chose the 20" 8+1
picrel - as purchased
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after adding some rare pieces
test, faggot jannies broke the board
Lucky, where are you escaping to?
is anyone else unable to post anything longer than 100 characters?
uh this certainly isn't the case for my city. not defending canada as a nation, but my city in AB has a task force to break up "entrenched encampments" and they respond swiftly to drug activity (triaged, obviously this can't happen all the time. also there is a house near my parents' that has razor wire on the back fence kek
Sorry anon, not interested.

Honestly, anon, good luck, but I'm not planning to participate in this clownfest any longer.

The good old United States. It's ripe for a civil war too, but at least I can own a machine gun. Plus, I can actually afford a house. I wanted to go to Mexico, but family refuses to come, if I do.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
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Faggot jannies have some sort of filter, then.

Alberta's a different planet.
I'm in faggot glowie RCMP-cuck wigger-filled, Pajeet-camp Ontario.
>muh booby trap self defence house
yeah we all day-dreamed when we were children. for me it was heavily influenced by Home Alone
I had one of my posts never show up after i posted it last night(not even in archive), but its not the first time thats happened.
I retyped it (as close as i could from memory >>62558978), and it showed up just fine.
Maybe just connection issues?
Or maybe somthing to do with captcha, as i noted the captchas got super fucky (kinda grid-like, lots of straight thin lines) right after.
>cops have completely given up, don't even respond to calls anymore
anon they just want to go home safe at the end of their shift, why don't you understand that. policing is dangerous okay
The best tactical shotgun on the market is Benelli M4
Ontario is the best province retard
Well, duh, anon, as I said, it's LARPing to distract myself. What was yours like?

>yeah we all day-dreamed when we were children. for me it was heavily influenced by Home Alone
Same I got part of a series of magazine on vietnam with a section on booby traps as a kid and was hooked
The whole site has been jank for a few days. Cloudflair issue it seems like. I’m sure it’ll be back to full speed soon. Hope so anyways
Kek, good one
I just read a first-hand account of the first march of the NWMP and it's so fucking depressing comparing them and their society to modern Canada. BTW that Sam Steele Heritage Moment is a load of shit, the author recounted an incident where a reformed whisky trader from Fort Whoop-Up impressed them all (including Steele) by being able to shoot the ace off a playing card with his pistol.
>Fort Whoop-Up
>A trading post named "Fort Drunk Party"
>inside Indian Battle Park
i kek every time
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kek, got me
We never got those fucking CETMEs. Fuck.
Looks comfy honestly. I love that lil nigga clutching his SKS.
Me too
Anything East of Manitoba is a different Nation. WEXIT NOW
Why say never? It was designed before c-21.
RCMP Lab is not approving anything
RCMP approves sucking THIS DICK!!!
rcmp are a bunch of faggot cocksuckers CONFIRMED.
I can CONFIRM that the RCMP literally came to my local town hall meeting, and said they will SUCK the PENISES of EVERY MAN present.
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Alright you shitflinging nigs

Does anyone have the Canadian version of the comic in pic rel?
I remember seeing it pop up a few times in the general, but I can't seem to find it on desuarchive.
I can confirm, I went to DEPOT and 3rd week in they wanted us to suck eachother off to continue in the training.
>Needless to say I got kicked out week 4
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How far north, do i have to travel/move (with my firearms) before i stop seeing poo's in all the towns?
Alternatively, how do i join the Mennonites (with my firearms) and get a tradwaifu assigned to me, to produce an army of whyte children (to arm &/or protect with my firearms)
Mennonites don't associate with poo's (without equipping their firearms first) right?
I went through a phase of drawing underground areas like that when i was a kid, except i was drawing Hell.
>How far north, do i have to travel/move (with my firearms) before i stop seeing poo's in all the towns?
You can't escape.
Try Tuktoyuktuk
there's a muslimpoo community in inuvik
it's joever
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Last census was 2021. Showing their demographics as ~93%indigenous 5%white and 1%latino.
I am curious if they have been poo'd yet and we just dont know.
2025 census is going to be a real blackpill.
*~92% & ~6%
also the census is every 5 years, not 4, so 2026 is the next one, but they dont make it public until 2 years later...

Im tarded
Do the needful depaarting saar.
I will know the nation is healing when I take a trip to the city and see a fast food joint staffed by Canadian teenagers.
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These look nice, but not $3000 nice. If the blonde came with the gun it'd be a great deal. But for that price I could get an RPR in 338 Lapua and 50 rounds of "cheap" 338.
>see a fast food joint staffed by Canadian teenagers.
Or old ladies, they were alright too.
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A Canadian liberal is simply an American democrat wearing a different skin.
>is there a leaf version of pic rel?
>>is there a leaf version of pic rel?
Yea all the Toronto and Hongcouver rejects moving to Alberta in search of a cheaper house and bringing their gay politics and lack of culture with them.
Can confirm.
Ecuadorian recovering junky/drunk friend left a city life in bc to go live on a farm in berta.
Wolverine days patch promo is back. Money goes towards Stars and the CCFR.

The cold keeps most of them away but thanks to modern technology they can start their cars from inside their heated homes and spend no more than a few minutes in the cold each day.
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The new SAI PCC looks weird. I fucking hate canadian cope rods but this one takes mp5 mags at least which is cool.
God I hate that our options are so shit. Ternion or whatever can't come out with that NR/R polish mp5 quickly enough...
wait a minute it's not actually a canadian product, it's fucking turkshit, and has existed for a few years.
Canadian cope manufacturers are getting pretty sneaky
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is the benelli supernova a good goose gun? the reviews are generally positive on them. found pic rel on the cabelas site lol
(((Assault rifle)))
Some poly troll trying to earn a budget increase
Bruh this isn't /pol/ speak normally like the rest of us.
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What's up with this trigger group anons?
What gun is that for?
Weeks late to this, but just watched the WK180 gen 3 unveiling videos. Price point of $1,899 absolutely preposterous for such a heavy and inaccurate rifle (which will undoubtedly have some new defect also making it terribly unreliable).
Thinking about what you could get in the States for the equivalent of 1900 CAD makes me want to throw up
$2k for a Wkek? Never mind the US market, 5 years ago you could build a nice ATRS MS for that. The absolute state.
I know man. Shitty Canuck 180s are silly but inoffensive to me when they're like $1200, but two grand for a shitty Canuck 180 is over the line
What's the consensus on dremeling out a Crypto's magwell? What's the catch?
15 to life.
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>tfw going through forced (((reconciliation))) training
>some salish chug dei cunt goes through the heyahoya drum bullshit
I thought I hated chugs enough, but boy oh boy am I wrong.

I can't wait for the ebil yuropeans part.

Holy fuck, I wish they actually were genocided.
My first week of BMQ in 2024 was nothing but how to talk to trans people and diversity shit lol.
Piece of fucking shit.
>Canadians broke muh treaties waaah
OK but every treaty has a stipulation that "Indians must obey all laws set out by the Crown" and I know that Clayton Bear stole at least 3 other kids' bikes in grade 6, so how about getting over it already cuz?
Most stable and intelligent cangen poster
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And here comes the "mudda earth" and the wank blanket part with the medicine wheel.
Fuck me.
I gotta go through another 4 hours and tomorrow of this faggot bullshit.
Oh I VR on week 5 I’m no longer a CAF member. Long story short I realized that military life wasn’t for me, I learned a bunch of promised shit was a lie, all the good people on my platoon VR leaving only shit pumps and people with mental health issues behind so I left.
Justice 4 Colten!!
What type of job do you have? Why do you have to sit through this? It sounds like a humiliation ritual. Can't you opt out? Aren't you a free man?
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wagies are cucks from the start
Carpenter at the Hongcouver Subway project.
>it's heckin mandatory
It's a crown company, so I initially expected faggotry in this humiliation ritual, but holy moly man. Two fucking days of faggot chugnigger shit just so I could make $49.50 per hour.
Exactly! When will Gerald get his Order of Merit!?
NTA but it was mandatory when I worked at a mine in BC, which I believe is the worst province for this shit because "muh unceded territory."
It was annoying but the chuggettes who led it were pretty cool, they brought bannock and didn't mind being called Red Indians.
I have a friend whose a carpenter. He showed up at a job site and the foreman was from India so he decided to leave and got assigned somewhere else. He was able to do that because his house is paid off. Do you have a mortgage?
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>me trying not to go full gigachud right now
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Mortgage? What mortgage?
I just turned 24 three days ago.
There ain't gonna be no mortgage for me nigga. Shits all kiked and fucked.
>muddah earth
my dad told me up north natives will shoot a moose and then chainsaw it in half and only pack out the back half because they dont want to bother butchering the front end
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Now here comes the crying about Joseph Trutch....
>tfw you will never have this much drip
He's 100% correct.
I have seen northern ice roads across frozen lakes, completely unspoiled wilderness, except for a dozen KFC buckets the natives threw out their windows on the drive back to the rez.
Is it true that chugs fall over drunk in the winter and aren't seen again until Spring, as completely frozen icechugs?
Yeah, hobos and wayward seniors too.
Holy fuck anon RIP
Thats nothing, the Labrador caribou population was decimated because chugs would chase entire herds on skidoos and mow them all down with unpinned sks's
>muh people muh land muh ancestors
to add, I remember the white locals telling me they'd see hordes of caribou carcasses on the side of the highway, couldn't say anything because it was native niggers
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Looks like it has an extra doohickey, that not all of them have.
Labelled as part 3 in this pic, i do not know that it actually does.
What webbing did the Canadian armed forces use for the Lee Enfield in the 1950's and 60's.
Plenty of accounts from the 1800s about bison being mass slaughtered and most of the meat left to rot, saying that half-breeds were the worst offenders, Indians next-worst, then American poachers (sometimes tied with Indians), and European settlers pretty much never, unless a bull bison tried to kill their cattle.
The fact that natives basically have free reign to kill as many animals as they want whenever they want with no oversight completely undermines all conservation and regulated harvesting practices.
>The fact that natives basically have free reign to [do whenever they want] with no oversight completely undermines all [attempts at a successful Canadian society]
Also it looks like someone has removed the 'backup sear activator spring', (labeled as part 1 in this pic >>62568054) which is apperently a redundant/reliability part that some people remove to make the triggerpull lighter.
Good. Good for you.
put it in and see what happens...
>tfw missed out on autojewpup timney triggers when they were making those
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I'm going to be seeking help for what might be an anxiety disorder and/or depression.
Should I sell my guns and ammo now or keep them and risk having them seized by police?
I think I read a story on here about someone going through depression and getting their stuff taken. Any advice or info on is very appreciated thanks
Not sure but i know there was this one anon who got his funs taken because he went nuts after doing shrooms and was admitted to the hospital.
There was also this one anon in Alberta who had all his guns taken because he dressed up as an RCMP officer and threatened to blow up a power plant.
the advice is to get 8 hours of sleep a night and work out, nigger.
Anxiety and depression literally do not exist. They are your body giving you warning claxxons that something is DEEPLY WRONG with the way you live your life.
Work out 8 hours a week, and sleep 8 hours a night, and see how you feel, I SHIT YOU NOT, within a week.
Also cut out booze, and if you don't already, start smoking.
don't be a faggot.
All really good advice other than the smoking part.
Do not cuck your cardiovascular capabilities.
Already tried all of that. The stuff I've been dealing with has truly ruined my life for the past 2 years and lifestyle changes have not helped me at all.
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My-err, his guns were never taken away. This was proven false.
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Shrinks are for retarded women, the only thing they'll do is chain you to the pharmajew. You get on the retardbox list and you'll be noguns forever.
Part of me is sad and feels like a failure for not sticking through it. Another part of me is happy because I feel like I dodge a major bullet.
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>missed out on autojewpup timney triggers|
They were also well known for their exploding hammers.
I wouldn't be surprised to learn if they were secretly made in canada.
the sacrament of pennance and fasting will help better than any shrink.
Depends what you mean by seeking help. If you are just going to the doctor for a (((prescription))), the doctor may ask if you own any firearms, the correct answer to that is "no". If you plan on doing something batshit crazy that will bring the cops to your house then yes I would sell them now or "sell" them to a trusted friend for storage. If you get wellness checked the cops will take yours guns 100%.
PSA, Trudeau will be a guest on the Colbert show tonight. Maybe he will say something about guns. I'm going to be watching anyway just to laugh at his fagginess.
I don't really believe you, because that stuff all would help significantly, but why do you feel your life is ruined?
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Maybe Trudeau will play a part in the vax-scene.
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does smoking actually help with anything? everything everywhere talks about downsides, but surely there is some good.
I can guarantee you haven’t, because you genuinely would not be having these “issues” if you had. I dealt with “panic attacks” for a decade before I listened to my body and realize I had been a piece of SHIT most of my life.
“Anxiety” and “depression” may be harsh but necessary realities that you can only blame yourself for. Do. Fucking. Better.
Work out 2 hours a day and sleep 8 hours a night. Faggot.
Based. Go the fuck to Church
I heard smoking actual tobacco increases testosterone and decreases stress but 99% of the crap you'll find is cut or has additives. The natives liked to use it before we came over.
Yes. Tobacco is based and can genuinely help with mental illnesses. A lot of people with autism or schizophrenia can self medicate entirely with nicotine and vitamin B complex pills
There are scientific papers on it actually.
Better to maybe get lung cancer at 70 than be dead from suicide at 30
>going to the doctor for a (((prescription)))
I'm looking for help with or without medication
>if you own any firearms, the correct answer to that is "no"
There's no point in lying. I'm sure they can contact the RCMP and find out the truth fast.

I'm young and physically healthy. I already exercise and sleep enough. My troubles are affecting my life seriously and I can't afford to just ignore this shit anymore. I'm getting medical help and you retarded faggots are not going to gaslight me into ruining my life even more.
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Bullshit. Nothing here is telling you to ruin your life you PATHETIC FUCK.
We’re telling you to work out and get sleep go fuck yourself. Post a gun with a timestamp or your just a vagueposting (you) farming nigger
dude they were using fals at that time
>muh gaslighting
You don’t own guns lol
>watching colbert interviewing turdo
oof, big nty from me.
Why would you want to watch 2 faggots suck eachother off?
big nty from me.
>they can contact the RCMP
Why would they bother? Just don't talk about guns with them you retard
>ruining my life
People have told you to exercise, not drink, go to church, and sleep 8 hours a night. None of this will ruin your life. I'm beginning to think you're just crying because you resent the fact that mommy and daddy gave you the same advice.
I’m too lazy to read all your posts, but log off and take some time away from phones and computers. Just go relax, chill remember don’t sweat the small stuff and take it easy. Yeah life sucks and shits hard but there is beauty and relaxation to be had. Go shooting, go enjoy the range and have some you time.
If i may suggest going for a train ride. Leave the phone at home and just forget about everything for a few days.
Should note that i don't mean commuter trains like Toronto and Montreal have.
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I recommend a trip to North Korea.
No phone, No internet, you can get there via a 20 somthing hour train ride from chyna.
Its quite affordable for an all-inclusive vacation, nice hotel, restaurants, a packed itinerary and some souvenirs should set you back only a few grand for a few weeks.
No he should go to Cambodia and blow up a cow with an RPG
just thought about 30 round mags
oh boy
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Just think of the time one had that fucker gotten laid.
i figured out how to do it. the rivet is still there but i just thought about it
kinda early to be this drunk bud
>tfw no 500$ Surplus G3
hopefully PP uncucks the mags
so many faggot laws in this country
I believe he will unban handfuns and ARs, possibly make ARs NR, but I think we might be stuck with mag cap limits and I don't think we'll ever get cans.
But hey, that's just one man's opinion.
Bros why the fuck didnt anyone tell me a goose and duck permit was only 17$ from canada post of all places
Finna fill my gah dang freezer this hear
You guys gunna fight in WW3 for canada???
Anon ducks at the park are free.
I'll be spectating but I hope both teams have fun
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Yeah "for Canada".
doubt it would make it full auto by dropping it in
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im fighting for team white
no they arent nigger. you are not supposed to eat them from the park. go back to haiti
>I'm going to be seeking help for what might be an anxiety disorder and/or depression.
sounds gay, you sure you aren't just gay?
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You can just take them home.
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It's what I use, pardner. It won't do anything better or worse than any other pump. It might be a bit on the big and heavy side compared to its peers & is furnished with plastic.
>Bartok still shilling hard for the new Turkshit Arms copeshit
man he is heavily invested in this thing lol
>Judging solely by its design, fit and finish, I must say that the pre-production R18 Mk3 that I have in-hand is a VERY nice firearm, every bit the equal of a Colt USA, Daniel Defence, or BCM product. This is NOT a bottom-tier Turkish product like some of those cheap shotguns. The R18 Mk3 leaves the impression of being a proper, serious defence product, not some "fly-by-night" company's garage-factory abortion of a firearm.
the gun they gave this dude doesn't even work
>every bit the equal of a colt usa, daniel defense, or bcm
Also since its Turkish will it have the anti suicide trigger guard to stop redditors from shooting themselves when they realize they blew $3k on trash.
Tbf its priced at 1800$, which is in itself s warning sign
He's fondling a confirmed-unsafe explosive device, while cumming in his pants at the thought of the kickbacks he'll be getting if he can make it sell inspite of that.
Fucking lol. I'd bet $50 that this thing is equivalent to the WK180 2 in terms of quality. I'd also bet that the WK180 gen 3 will somehow be just as shitty as gen 2. I'd even go as far as to say it will be the piston again that's a disaster, for the third time a row.
Who has the cheapest bird shot right now? All this hunting talk has me itching to hunt
Idk specific stores atm, cheapest last year for me was crates of score from Canada first ammo
Canadian Tire
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born too late for cheap milsurp semi-automatics, born too early for post-apocalyptic Stalker blowouts, born just in time to die of microplastic saturation
This should be true but I have seen union leadership shilling Century Initiative-tier talking points on immigrants.
Private sector unions are cool, public sector unions are basically collusion against citizens and should be completely illegal.
Yeah, I support the idea of unions in general but a lot of them are totally disconnected from their members and basically act as left-wing activist groups. There are also some unions so large that they end up with extensive investments in the same industries as the members they represent and are happy to screw over their members to keep the money rolling in.
ummm akxcually
shut the fuck up, higger
Gonna start my own Pinkerton esque security firm based specifically around public sector union busting
That's the auto sear / trip. when the cam on a full auto bolt carrier hits it, it releases the hammer at the correct time. It's how closed bolt full autos work.

These don't drop in to semi auto x95s without modification. Needs the full auto bolt carrier, a modified safety and a modified receiver.

The 13" MSWs that these are from, that got prohibb'd here last year, could be made select fire by simply modifying the safety to have a third position.
kek OK keep paying dues that get donated to Jagmeet then faggot
You spent 3k on a parts kit to try and convert your x95 to full auto?
FUCK THE uni-party
>t. Unionized
yeh i suspected that's what it was, but didn't think we could legally get autopacks thus didnt want to sound like a tard, or get anon vanned, or risk getting tavors re-evaluated by the lab.
I took the triggerpack out of my Israeli made x95 to check and can confirm that it uses the skinny style packs (Shown as IWI US in that pic) and due to the moulding of the gun it would not be able to accecpt the wide "IWI" style without modification.
You'd also need a different full auto bolt carrier that has a cam to trip the auto sear, that pack alone does not make the gun full auto. The pack is legal to own.
>The 13" MSWs that these are from, that got prohibb'd here last year
There werent any refunds for that were there? people just got fucked in ass?
captha K0T AYS
Some got them deactivated for free, others got a store credit.
Sounds like a dick in my ass to me, anon.
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>Some got them deactivated for free
>3k for a twice circumcised paper weight
no refunds, goys
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someone say kot?
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As much as I hate that we were deprived of these for the past 3 decades, how much cheaper and better ARs are than everything listed here and how many of them will be bought in the near future will make up for a lot purely out of the seethe it will cause. If only ammo was still cheap and plentiful
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A boomer at my work got suspended for being racist. He said "wipe up that oily mess or I'll rip that diaper off your head and do it for you."
He came back recently and just today he got fired for saying nigger.
Reminder to get your cat a PAL.
lmfao based and ungovernablepilled
he knows we fought the wrong enemy and it itches him
Massive cope. I want an FAL.
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fedposting again? 22lr revolver?
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he was talking to his supervisor about fishing and said he was nigger fishing. that's all it was. not even directed at anyone.
it's almost camping season
>You guys gunna fight in WW3
yeah man, no choice on that part
>for canada???
uhh… yeah, about that…
Jesus. I remember drooling over listings like this in '86. I wanted both the Hk91 and 93 so bad. Three years later, I did.
>$139 for a clawmount
Now that's more reasonable. I need one now. Works out to $298 today on the inflation calculator.

Just a retro-flashback: there was a weekly buy/sell newspaper in Calgary called the Bargain Finder (some called it the fargain binder) in the late 80s. Every thursday you would see these great classics in there. Christ, I want to go back in time.
>MFW i'm shitposting on a mongolian throat singing forum with someone 3-4 times my age.
Its a blank gun lol
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590A1 baby
Benelli M4 or Beretta 1301/A300. If you are a poorfag get a Mossberg 500/590.
Saddens me as a burger to see what’s happening to Idaho, Montana, and other Western states. I wish they could’ve stayed under the radar for longer
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montana? fuck that's such a blackpill i had no idea
I wish the Turbot War had heated up into a full-blooded conflict. I think it would have done a lot of good for the country, especially if Spain had devastated up and down the St Lawrence.
I'd much rather Quebec be populated by Spanish QT's than stinky condescending frogs.
My bad i'm retarded and thought the Turbot war happened in like the 1700's. My statement still stands though.
Since i'm tripping down memory lane, i'll lay this on you. It's 1988 and a friend and I just saw 'Diehard' in the theatre at Chinook Mall. I said i'd love to have one of those sweet MP5's. Buddy says why don't I get my FAC, they're only $10. I go to the Calgary Police office downtown a couple days later and fill out the 1 page form and pay my $10. Three weeks later I get a call saying i'm cleared and to come pick it up. I asked if I could buy an MP5 now and the cop just laughed. Ouch.

I had a lot to learn. Could buy the gay looking Hk 94 but wasn't interested with that long barrel. With a '91 in my sights ($700, lightly used no scratches w/ 6 spare 20rnd mags in said Bargain Finder) I thought they were Restricted due to the barrel length. At the time barrels under 18.25" were restricted... and of course the barrel on a '91 is 18". Quarter of an inch shy. Dammit. The Gov knew what they were doing when they drew up those regs, those mf'ers.

So go take a firearms safety course and join the range. Glad I did. Go to buy the '91 (off a Calgary cop no less!) and find out that because it had a flash suppressor it got around the Restricted classification. I couldn't believe it. It's non-restricted so I could take it home with me! Nice! Was very happy. Same indoor range/store had a 20 litre pail full of used 20 rnd mags for $6 each. They were a little rough looking but worked fine. I wish I had bought the whole bucket now.

Those were fun days. You could pull over on the side of a highway, sling a rifle like that over your shoulder, grab your ammo can out of the trunk and go wander off in the bush. Try that now. :^(

Thanks for letting me reminisce.
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>still couldn't buy an MP5
>You could pull over on the side of a highway, sling a rifle like that over your shoulder, grab your ammo can out of the trunk and go wander off in the bush.
As a zoomer this is what I’m saddened about the most. There’s not many places anymore that are just the middle of nowhere and you can do whatever you want without some passerby sending the police your way. This applies to both guns and cars too.
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You still can just live in northern ontario, or rural quebec, not some cuck city
Yeah that could still have happened. Worst case, Gaybec probably would've separated which would still be a huge improvement.
>You could pull over on the side of a highway, sling a rifle like that over your shoulder, grab your ammo can out of the trunk and go wander off in the bush. Try that now.
One of my regular shooting spots is exactly this, right off the Trans-Canada. I pull off to a side road because I don't want to leave my truck in traffic obviously.
Enjoying the stories though bud!
Way ahead of you bud
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Anyone know where to get C1A1 furniture?
Not internals or anything like that, just the wood grips, stock, and sight.
>for what purpose?
Bit of a long story, but the gist of it is as such:
>mom hates guns
>not my problem because I don't live with her
>my younger brother still does, and happens to love guns
>too young for his PAL
>mom wouldn't let him have a rifle in the house anyways, doesn't even want him owning airshit
>make good money and have decent disposable income
>getting him a high end airshit FAL (VFC DX), compatible with metric parts and going to kit it out like the C1A1 grandpa had when he served
>also including actual '82 pattern webbing and a proper frag vest for him, along with a replica altyn because he thinks it's cool
>probably also gonna throw in a webly with fake casings since he really likes revolvers
>will be giving this to him at christmas without telling mom, knowing full well that she won't be able to tell him he can't have it after he opens it and loses his shit over the whole package
It's essentially a "fuck you mom" package for the kid and a very petty act that I intend to carry out because she never let me have any toy guns when I was a kid, it's also because my brother's important to me and if he wants a fucking FAL, he's getting a fucking FAL.
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Very based, but why is the "i" lower cased?
Also, do you actually have a PAL?
Based bigbro, i hope he shoots up the christmas party with it before turning it on himself in the bathroom.
>Also, do you actually have a PAL?
Is that like a FAC or something?
your best bet will probably be some wood kit for airsoft (see https://www.evike.com/products/67770/)
or making it yourself because canada is notorious for destroying old surplus
btw where are you going to buy the FAL from?
>your best bet will probably be some wood kit for airsoft
I had a feeling that may be the case, I have an old C1A1 stock but it's missing the buttplate and everywhere I look is sold out of every other part.
>btw where are you going to buy the FAL from?
Got it online from Trigger Airsoft, they seem to have a decent selection but sadly only had one extra mag for it.
Wasn't cheap and I probably could have found a better deal if I kept looking or tried for something second hand.
Yeah, if it wasn't a gift I wouldn't have been able to justify that tag.
You must really love your brudder, mines a race traitor so im not going over $50
Most expensive gift ive ever bought anyone was like $300 (vortex bino's for pappa)
>but sadly only had one extra mag for it
you should see if any american stores have some, there shouldnt be any issue with importing
not sure what makes the deluxe edition 1k over the (sold out) normal version but american stores have them for 600 usd + import fees
Marstar has a few butt stocks and the left side of a handguard so maybe you can repro the right side or search around ebay
>stock https://marstar.ca/product/butt-stock-canadian-walnut-long/
>handguard https://marstar.ca/product/canadian-c1a1-left-handguard-new/
It shall be repealed soon brothers.
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What does CanGen think of the trump shooters SKS?
Based Plett.
Also, a huge percentage of senators are hitting mandatory retirement age between 2026-2028, so if he is so inclined, PP could pack it full of /ourguy/s.
It's unbelievably silly, borderline Canadian
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King of sniper
people who mod these things to have ak style lever safeties are such fags
Same with type 81s, I feel like adding the AK safety jumps over the line into you’ll never be a real AK cope.
Agreed, although the stock T81 safety is absolute dogshit and I understand wanting to replace it with almost any other style.
just buy a dewat fal, its what i did to cope
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keep going anons
Did this guy tape a makeshift eye cup on there because he can’t into eye relief?
>we fought the wrong enemy
We fought the ashkeNAZI globalists and won.
>(((They))) are still seething and butthurt generations later.
He needs a bigger scope. At least 50x
Look again retard, he extended the scope to give extra magnification
I just think it would be more effective to use two scopes in front of each other for an optical power boost. A 2x and then a 25x and then a red dot for quick target acquisition.
Now you're cooking with gas, bubba. Remember, if the women don't find you handsome...
Redditors say that we are /pol/lite. They don't know it but that's a compliment. /pol/ is the heart and soul of 4chan.
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Redditors are missing parts of their brain
That explains why /k/ has become so devoid of arguments after Reddit occupied it.
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I hope you guys have a good day.
shut the fuck up
The Ukraine threads definitely reflect this. Cangen not so such thankfully
Thanks, you too
Good luck out there anon
Alberta bill of rights will have firearm rights.

What MOA is the Lockhart raven
>still illegal to discriminate based on race, gayness, sex, or troonery
I mean it's an improvement but we've got a ways to go
Do you think they'd decide to come back to a seperated Alberta if this gets implemented?
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I hope we go full Khmer Rouge on Calgary and Edmonton. Despite being mixed together with Judeo-Communism, rural Cambodia wishes a return of the Khmer Rouge due to how thoroughly they BTFO the urbanites. Imagine the basedness of a Khmer Rouge that wasn't commie.
Your resentment is pathetic, you should really endeavor to not be so transparently resentful. You come across as a malformed loser. The Kmer Rouge could not have existed as anything other than Communist because it (Communism) is the living embodiment of biotrash undermensch resentment.
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Cities are fine, it's just the city folk that cause trouble.
The psychological effects of cities cause city folk. You cannot separate cities from city folk.
Moleman nooooooo
Yes I agree, they just shouldn't generally be allowed to have any input in governance, at least beyond the municipal level (read: reinstate property qualifications for the franchise).
Sounds as fake as the "evidence" of influencers being shills for Russia.
Moleman is a pretty big retard but this does sound a bit fishy.
He has a kid too, doesn't he?
Urbanites can't have any input in governance if they are dead.
I would bet my mother's life on the fact you have never read a single Linkola work from front to back you spiritual 3rd worlder
Then kill your mother right now.
Cities will always exist, and they serve economic and social purposes. Some of these purposes are quite positive.
One good purpose for especially large cities is to act as containment retards. The main problem is giving power to the retarded.
>Cities will always exist
Never say never
>they serve economic and social purposes. Some of these purposes are quite positive.
Insignificant compared to all the negatives.
>The parole board concluded that while Maure is a "low" risk to offend, releasing him still poses an "undue" risk to the public. It noted Maure remains in medium security after two incidents involving cannabis and homemade prison alcohol, which suggests he still has unhealthy coping mechanisms.

What a nigger lol
Cities are people farms, their inhbitants are cattle.
Their votes should either be devalued by half, or simply not apply to people who live outside of cities.
>One good purpose for especially large cities is to act as containment retards.
They don't contain retards. They create them.
>Cities are people farms, their inhbitants are cattle.
Hard disagree. Cattle are useful to people. The more accurate term is vermin, whose presence brings us nothing but suffering.
Yeah but his kid was made and born after he was arrested. Child porn was before arrest.
This article both confirmed that the feds monitor this place and that Moleman was a highschool drop out.

The lore thickens.
Half? Jeez and here I thought I was a bleeding heart softie, kek.
>They don't contain retards. They create them
True to an extent, but, like cities, retards will always exist.
I didn't mean to imply that the two things were related, just a by-the-by.
That's at least the 100th time both of those facts have been confirmed.
Sounds fake as shit
>Half? Jeez and here I thought I was a bleeding heart softie, kek.
I consider you to a softie on urbanites like someone who likes a rat infestation.
I wonder if it was even real child porn. They probably decided to nail him on his hentai folder or something.
File an Access to Information Act request kek
Look man if I could delete T*ronto, sure, no correct-thinking person could do otherwise, and I like Uncle Ted and Robert E Howard's writings as much as the next guy, but it's not productive to rail against the heavens until the last brick of civilization or the last silicon wafer crumbles.
Is it possible to apply for Maid, while in prison?
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Maure has not disclosed the whereabouts of some of the weapons and explosives, the parole board added.

Free fullauto to whoever finds it first

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