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Armorer edition

Previous thread: >>62540496


>Before you ask a question, check the FAQ
http://pastebin.com/Rx0nDuga (embed)

>Free ASVAB Practice Tests

>Fort Jackson Army Basic Training Guide (Nov. 2020)
https://pastebin.com/yg972vRE (embed) (Short version)
https://pastebin.com/53tsDj90 (embed) (40 page version)

>Special Forces Fitness Guide
Stew Smith Fitness

For all Army SF info.

>Should I go Navy Enlisted Nuke?
No, you'll get cancer and a prolapsed asshole. http://i.imgur.com/FZ0Q9q4.png (embed)
tl;dr: Two year long school with suicidal furries as your co-workers

>Info on sf86

>How to get way overqualified physically for BMT/BCT when starting from nothing
https://pastebin.com/yszadpNZ (embed)

>How can I get more college credits while I'm in without signing up for classes
CLEP/DSST information:
Practice for CLEP/DSST:

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Inb4 glavset and CCP glowies flood the thread like the last one.
Do CTIs get any good opportunities
Why do slavniggers bake /meg/ threads at night?
It military enlistment, it does specifically state which military.
Just go CTR and then crossrate into other CT rates CTR is easy as fuck and the others are not so if you fail, you just go back to being a CTR and can try again later or just go officer.
I want to go to the DLI, learning any of the current languages offered there fits heavily with my post-service career goals (besides maybe Farsi)
>tfw the military cured my lack of ability to make money but not my loneliness and unshakeable depression
1 out of 3, could be worse.
Don't tell anyone that or you will end up learning Farsi to keep you in.
If you're still lurking see >>62565241
I fully understand what I support.
New England already passed a resolution once the federal debt hits 40 trillion they can gather other states and leave
Texas still has their own secessionist movement, hopefully kamala accelerates faster
>I fully understand what I support
You really don't. You're just another insufferable pedantic cunt like those retards on /g/ who split hairs when discussing anything when in reality you don't know what you're talking about. It's pointless to talk to you and faking it until you make it won't help you anymore than it helped Japan in WW2, the Confederates in the Civil War, or Russia in Ukraine today. You're in for a rude fucking awakening and you're wishing for it head-on.
>want to serve and work with tanks
>tell recruiter I want to work with tanks
>end up working with tanks
life is good, thanks MIC our Lord.
I was Navy. I have had low exposure to tanks and have never been inside one. Tell me about your tank experiences please.
>Read a history book
I did, it's called the bronze age collapse, supply chain collapse and I guess we can toss the fall of Rome in there, the rape of Berlin too, the soviets literally looted Germans industry and it booned their ecomony for decades
The world's too interconnected, it was never meant to hold 8 billion people
Speaking off, Ivan keeps the land he fights for, the donbass is gonna be free real estate for them
What did we get in Kabul? George Floyd's mural and opoids LMAO, that's the thing, Ivan can eat those casualties, they genuinely believe it's a war or geopolitical survival, and they WILL keep what they want, we do not do that shit, we die for faggots, feminism, opoids and Raytheons new furry suit
Serbs said otherwise, honestly same with the Afghans
Lmao, he thinks it's not gonna be like Syria, the russian civil war or 30 years war
The worst thing napoleon ever did was somehow convince young men to die for shitty medals instead of estates and privileges but see when the supply chain goes down it's the nearest power structure usually young men that are top of the food chain, which is what I want, balkanization and making as many small nations out of the former US, the promoter of faggotry, women's rights and democracy must collapse for the security of all young men, the existence of the white race and many many other things important to humanity, I dont wanna see the world as some Americanized muttifed shithole, the liberation of Italy, Germany and Japan must be accomplished.
Does the navy do any cool traditions anymore or did it get wrecked by zoomers complaining about fun yet
Check for soft spots and get me an exhaust sample priate
in a couple months i will enlist (france) and if I get to choose what MOS I want I'll choose combat engineers(2reg), what should I expect?
what do combat engineers do exactly? do they still act as like infantry just with a different focus? do they act as entire units ornate they broken down and attached to line infantry?
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Not that type of tanks silly, now excuse me. I have Leo's gun tube to moles- I mean, lubricate.
>shoot yourself point blank with an M2
>body turns into a fine mist
>nobody thinks you committed suicide because they never found a body
>the red paint in this room smells weird
Anon, they will find your body on the floor pealed in half like a banana with legs. There's a video of some dude getting executed with a zu23 burst at basic point blank, and the lower body was intact.
If they're like US combat engineers you will train to do breaching missions, demolitions, and so on, in support of infantry and armor operations.
so you get an engineer subunit like a platoon or company attached to a battalion or brigade etc to do large scale breaching ops, or smaller elements like platoons and squads attached in fireteam sizes to line inf units to give them breaching capabilities in urban combat etc, or they go to the front to place mines?
since 2reg is mountain inf will they still have breaching vics or is it all on foot?
That's what US engineers generally do, yeah. Not sure if it's different for frogs, and since I'm not french I can't speak to more specific details of your unit.
Try lurking their social media pages if they have any, sometimes you can get an idea of what units are up to from their posts on there.
You build FOBs, fortifications, bridges, carve out roads, provide utilities. Combat engineers are defensive units, you follow right behind the infantry, dig in.
Looking at my per options and was talking to someone saying you could pipeline into jtac from 7314 or 7316. Would I have a better shot in Info & Comm Technologies 7316 or Air Control/Navigation And UAS 7314
How can I cheat the ishihara color blind test at MEPS? Moralfags and "you'll get people le killed"-fags need not apply.
Question, are rates such as QM and OS requiring a high ASVAB. Both of these rates seem appealing to me.
pretty sure they use the same book with 48 different circles for every test. you would have to memorize all of the circles before meps.
what branch and mos are you gunning for?
for reference :Color blindness will affect your job eligibility. The effect depends on which color vision tests you fail. You're given the PIP and Rabin CCT (FALANT replacement). Army also the takes the vivid red/green test.

Army, vivid red/green fail: 15P, 17C, 27D, 36B, 38B, 42A, 42R, 42S, 56M, 68G, 68H, 68W, 68X, 92A, 92M, 92S, 92Y, 94D

Add these if you pass vivid red/green: 11X, 12D, 12N, 13B, 13J, 13M, 18X, 31B, 31E, 31K, 68Y, 88H, 88M
https://www.navycs.com/asvab-test.html shows requirements including subcategory score requirements. Most QMs I knew were pretty squared away, OS had some, but a lot of 'tards, too, so it can't be too hard.
Do enlisted flight crew also gun when not assisting the crew or do the let others handle that?
crew chiefs in the usmc qualify as door gunners.
Army, 25h series
I have 48 college credits and the navy recruiter is saying that should net me E2 but when I look it up sources say that should net me E3, how do I tactfully address this?
You can ask nicely, but your online info may be old or your recruiter may have used up all his pushbutton E-3 tickets for the month. In the Navy, the difference between E-2 and E-3 was like 6 months and some workbooks and in any event the difference between E-2 and E-3 is tiny..
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I got my ears pointed 3 years ago, they look like picrel. Will this disqualify me from enlisting in the us army? I know body mods generally do but some people have ears like this normally so my hope was I could just not mention it or say I was born with it. I haven’t spoken with any recruiters yet since I’m finishing college first.
Army and Navy consider this as a form of body mutilation and it will require a waiver to be accepted. I have no idea about the Air Force or Marines.
How does a waiver work? Would it be unlikely for me to get one for something like this?
Anyone doing work, making money, working toward retirement, trying to rank up in the IRR?
whats it like being gay
It’s decent, weeners r cool
Navy is more likely for a waiver but I’d just go to the recruiter of your wanted branch and ask now about your eligibility or how to fix something to obtain a waiver.
I'll ask about it, but the extra money is nice. I think the A school is one that gives an automatic E4 at graduation (64 weeks) but while in for that time would appreciate having more dosh to throw into a high yield savings
>"Army and Navy consider this as a form of body mutilation"
But no waivers for circumcision
Damn you sexy squidward
And people say Navy has the best locations
if you dont say anything they wont know
Will I have time to read Achtung Panzer! at OSUT?
Possibly, especially if you do a lot of CQ/fireguard shifts. You will also have tons of downtime in gold phase, which is basically just where you clean weapons and gear while waiting to graduate.
I read a shit ton at OSUT. If I remember correctly, I read Once an Eagle, On Killing, a history of Afghanistan, and a couple other shorter books in blue phase alone.
But I thought they didn't allow you to keep what you brought.
They generally don't, outside of maybe a personal Bible/Quran, but (depending on your specific cadre and cycle) you might get several chances to go to the Sand Hill PX and buy whatever books they have there, and you can also visit the B&N in Columbus during one of your pass days.
>you can also visit the B&N in Columbus during one of your pass days
How does transportation work?
Color blind anon here. If i just memorize the first 14 plates of the color blind test will I be fine? I'm just trying to work with computers and for some retarded reason I need full color vision.
>outside of maybe a personal Bible/Quran
What about Bhagavad Gita?
Go for Space Force
There are tons of taxi drivers who are very eager to part young infantry privates from their money, don't worry.
>There are tons of taxi drivers who are very eager to part young infantry privates from their money, don't worry.
Wait, do I get paid during OSUT? I am broke otherwise lol.
I have no interest in joining any branch that doesn’t have helicopters for me to fly
Yeah this is what my plan was but I wanted opinions on how likely it was to be accepted if I just told them I was born with it
Tried it, didn't work for me because they ended up using square plates instead of circles at my MEPS so my key points didn't align.
The military hates us colorblind. Look at MOS/AFSC/Rates you'd like that aren't discriminatory. I got CTI and love it.
Be aware they just you again in boot/bmt/basic and every time you get on aircrew duty. They'll catch you eventually
I’m basically a fucking crack head bit sounds fun mane
Should I stay in for another contract and then try to retire as an officer? Currently serving as an IT in the navy. I have 3 years left. The current plan is to get out but however it's not that well thought-out besides "oh the military fuckin sux". My dad is a retired officer but doesn't do much outside of home renovation and collecting retirement and disability checks. All my friends are civilian IT's or plan to be civilian IT's. I feel like without a job to get in on right out of separation I would be doing myself a disservice.
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Is Chief Petty Officer Miles O'Brien the most accurate depiction of being a Navy MM SNCO in history?
Yes you get paid, you can look up the pay tables to see (almost) exactly how much you will make during OSUT if you're curious.
I worked with all services in my job
Coast Guard had the least dissatisfied servicemembers
SF I'd say were about the same
There's a powergap after those two
>Army guys don't think about Army as a career
Many do, but wasn't for me at all, I wanted to retire in my 20s not my 40s
>which branch works better as a resume builder?
Depends what you specifically want to do afterwards, so start with that and we can recommend some more stuff
>Shooting at drug smugglers is harder in the Navy
Yeah you're not getting cleared to shoot at anyone dog they're just going to surrender and you're going to have to babysit and feed them for literal months while you finish your patrol
>is 35M really the worst one? why is that?
Never do your job. Tasked out to do the shit nobody else wants to do because you're free. Garrison fuck fuck games. Language jobs are shit generally.
>Asking again from last thread
Former US infantry, I'm about to put a packet in for the Ukrainian Foreign Legion. Should I just put 2nd Battalion for my preferred unit or should I be more specific? Any other misc advice would be appreciated as well.
I crave the mud once more.
Go alone to restaurants, will build your confidence
>Does the navy do any cool traditions anymore
They have the most of those
I will say they're pretty much all gay though, like actually homosexual gay
join https://discord.com/invite/J2RXt7Mced
we have a frenchman there
>If i just memorize the first 14 plates of the color blind test will I be fine? I
it was like 3 or 5 for me before they said I was good
but they may or may not use the exact same book from the exact year of publication you memorize so good fucking luck lmao
>Be aware they just you again in boot/bmt/basic and every time you get on aircrew duty. They'll catch you eventually
they never did me a second time ever, it just doesn't matter once you're in if you're colorblind at all
Maybe not in the Army but Navy does again and heard the Air Force does too. Get tested when you do your air crew physicals too
Some douche can always just sus you and decide to try to get you on fraud because they got a reddit tier morality system
If you can high 3 as an O it's a much better pension so yeah I guess.
But secure your VA disability as well to get your 50k a year tax free
Bit of a tough question
Nobody cares
Figure out a way to send back war trophies in pieces back to the U.S. I'll buy whatever
Yeah nobody's going up in the air without color vision
Show up to meps with your color vision granting glasses I guess idc
I just realized how poorly I worded my post. I'm only on 1 year into my first contract. I'm still gonna need 16 years for that pension.
What's your plan to make officer? Which branch? Navy is only around 30% acceptance of OCS packets while Army hovers about 70%. Could do NROTC too.
Lot's of variables to consider. It's better for a career surely but how are you going to get there and do you even want a 20 year career
I've got a few good school options atm, I'd probably stick with Navy and go Naval Academy. I'm not crazy about staying military. I'm at a point now where I'm really considering my options. I enlisted at 24 which is a little bit older than most.
23 is the cap for West Point and Air Force academy
That makes it super easy to just put a packet in as any enlisted under that age and get to go for free
Idk shit about naval academy
I'd suggest you do something else though because naval officers work way harder than they should/need to compared to other branches. You're losing years off your life from the overwork and stress.
>I just realized how poorly I worded my post. I'm only on 1 year into my first contract. I'm still gonna need 16 years for that pension.
just get out with 100% and do something else is my advice
if you can't, maybe branch transfer do like 2 in another service and secure the 100% that way
job doesn't matter compared to the 50k tax free every year until you die
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Not a glowie just a veteran who wants to keep people from getting fucked over by their governments. Not my fault you want to serve under nigger, woman, and tranny leadership while giving your enlistment bonus back in taxes you fucking retard. The military doesn't even support the constitution anymore, in fact the last time most shillniggers like you have read it was probably when you were forced to in elementary school history class.
Why do I hate Air Force enlisted air crew so much? Something inarticulable about them drives me up the fucking wall.
So is it essentially impossible to pass Delta Force selection without the use of steroids? 'Regular' SF already has a steroid epidemic, but none of the events seem superhuman, just really really difficult. But Delta Force really seems like it's made to injure you more than test you; I'd imagine the amount of people who drop out due to injuries is more than who actually stay in.
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2 questions.

>question 1
Canadabros, is it worth enlisting rn? I'm hearing that it's getting harder and harder to put on that uniform every day. It'd be easier to enlist in the Canadian military because I'm a citizen but I genuinely hate the eastern provinces and I want to know how bad it can get. Even if I join as a reservist, is it bad?

>question 2
If Canada is a bust I have a way of getting a US green card. Americabros, is it worth it to try and become a heli pilot? Do you still need to be a warrant officer to do that job? What other jobs don't suck entire ass? Should I aim for air force instead of going for army? Pls to respond sar.
I'm not trying to do any flight related just computers so I'm pretty sure they will give me the basic color test and never again.

Thanks for the info. I'll just give it a shot and see what happens.
Air Force is the reddit branch. It has a bunch of snarky pseudo intellectuals and actual intellectuals who think just because they are in the air force that they are hot shit. Meanwhile Space Force enlisted are some of the coolest people i've ever met and make AF members look like retards.
Air Force guys are salty because every single one was tricked by a recruiter with their "list 10 jobs" system. Then they complain that the Air Force needs mechanics not 100,000 desk jockies, so they fall back on "Well my ASVAB score was high so I could have done something cool"
Just warning you, they used square plates at MEPS and all the ones I studied on were circular. I did Anki drills for months to memorize every ishihara plate and they still found a way to trip me up
Most americans don't consider circumcision to be mutilation. Cohencidentally, most americans are retarded.
Timestamped picture of your DD-214, please
And here he is, go back to /pol/ kremlin glowie faggot.
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>commit treason
>serve 11 months in prison
Is it really that easy?
>If Canada is a bust I have a way of getting a US green card. Americabros, is it worth it to try and become a heli pilot? Do you still need to be a warrant officer to do that job? What other jobs don't suck entire ass? Should I aim for air force instead of going for army? Pls to respond sar.
Yes, heli pilots have lots of fun. You don't need to be a warrant, but it is both easiest and most straightforward to become one via the Army's Street to Seat program for Warrant Flight.
You can try to fly for the Air Force or Navy instead as a commissioned officer, but it's more competitive.
most Americans (less than 40% now) don't get circumcized anymore as insurance doesn't cover the elective procedure
>Is it really that easy?
Yeah he really got zero punishment its kind of insane
he got kicked out
Idk bro let me call my homies in delta force and ask real quick
It wasn't really treason as he didn't mean to give American secrets to the norks or whatever so much as he did something extremely retarded and impulsive to try getting out of the consequences of his other retarded and impulsive actions. I doubt the dude has the brainpower to commit treason.
The meps I went to last year used the ishihara plates.
How can I better understand the career opportunities available to officers post-service? I’m a bit older so I don’t think I’ll be using the GI Bill to go to graduate school. I’m basically trying to find out if it will hold my back in my current career or help me advance.
Would've been nice if I got them. Fucked me up
I can't be an officer until I'm a full on citizen so the AF or navy paths seem less likely. I don't have my 4 year degree either but I can work on that while I'm in, I think. In the case of the air force, I'm not gonna be flying planes any time soon. Also, the idea of being on a confined metal box on the ocean, with a bunch of other guys, doesn't sit well with me. Not for gay reasons, but because I don't want to die trapped behind a bulkead or some shit like pearl harbour.
Bottom line, I want to do something that won't be total ass. I have a buddy in kind of an office position, who also did some other stuff, and he told me to stay away from the office sort of stuff because it's filled with immature motherfuckers who propagate high school bullshit. I just want to do something neat and have VA healthcare after.
Non-citizens get shit job choices
>assuming he was ever in
>I can't be an officer until I'm a full on citizen so the AF or navy paths seem less likely
You should go ahead and talk to a recruiter about the street to seat warrant flight program then
Benefits are you do nothing but fly as your entire job, no paperwork desk jockey shit like every other pilot becomes in the 2nd half of their career
Downside is your pay is half as much at that ten year point as theirs
You seem into street to seat
Why did the Army guys refuse to let me do it and let me walk out and go to another branch? They just kept saying my packet wouldn't be competitive but my ASVAB AFQT was 97
you should've went into a different recruiter. if you had college credits and/or flight hours you would be more competitive.
Guys i was planning to take (CTN) in the navy if i can qualify which supposedly was some cybersecurity role my question is i do have some experience programming but i have never dealed with ethical hacking so i get trained right ? i dont want to have problems because maybe what they are teaching is a crash course or something and needed prior knowledge
all enlisted roles are zero pre-req, entry level jobs
they'll train you to do absolutely everything
>You seem into street to seat
No, I don't like the 10 year active duty service obligation and think getting paid 75k a year isn't that great
If you want to fly though it's great
An 18 year old becoming a flight warrant is a pretty huge leg up on everyone else they went to high school with 6 months ago
They need people bad you really don't need any college just have to test well
48 credits, No flight hours though. Army guys were dicks about me asking for it. It's whatever, wife hates army guys anyways.
Does anyone here agree with this retard?
are they actualy removing the 20 year pension?
You will fill up wall, bag and anything you can with dirt, got to work with them a bit not the most brilliant fuker but they do there job quite good and fast, also you will probably paint a lor of rock in white
No. They just reduced it.
I think the EGA is too small, Do I need a bigger one?
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Guys what navy job can help me do mma or boxing after work or it is somehow part of the job and also posibly let me shoot guns afterwork or part of the job i am open to other recommendations since i havent joined the navy fully just talked to the recruiters but it is the only one i an thinking about
>but it is the only one i an thinking about
why?just join the army or airforce
Because im gay nigga
anyone here successfully beat an oral food challenge for food allergies? how do?
moralfags can fuck off
>are they actualy removing the 20 year pension?
They changed the pension % down and instead add an agency contribution to your TSP / 401K like every other company does
That 5% match will probably net you more money by retirement time.
>Guys what navy job can help me do mma or boxing after work or it is somehow part of the job and also posibly let me shoot guns afterwork or part of the job
The air force did not want me because of weight i have like 30BMI
I mean what about IT and just go to a mma gym nearby
No. The way it worked in the past was that you got 50% of your base pay on retirement as a pension (calculated off the 3 highest-earning years you had in the military, iirc). Now you earn 2% of your base pay in pension per year served, so once you're eligible to retire at 20 years, your pension will be 40%, while if you retire at 30 years you get 50%. The difference is made up by the TSP, which the government will match up to 5% of contributions from on the new retirement plan while only matching like 1% on the old plan.
It's better this way for people who DON'T do 20 years or more since their contributions to the TSP set them up better for retirement than someone under the old system who got shown the door at 16 years or something. However, because retards can't read fine print, certain people saw the change from 50% to 40% for pension pay and immediately turned around and cried about how Uncle Sam was taking away their retirement fund and bla bla bla.
Why do you guys hate being called a Cog in the ZOG?
then lose weight idiot
Need one month to find a job and the navy is the only one which supossedly does not have a problem
than just pick a good rate dont owrry about mma and boxing if you are desperate enough for a job that you're settling for the fucking navy.
asvab score?
Because I don't need to be reminded that I'm a part of a satanic military machine bent on destroying whites and everything decent in this world
nah thats bs ,just a perverted institution. if you want to make a change commission and encourage like minded youth to go to the service academies. gotta to resubvert the institution and vote red.
I took a practice test and got 75 however i did it fast and wast sick with like 2 hours of sleep and supposedly qualified for almost anything other than (NUC) and (CTN) i heard that the army sometimes does weight exceptions so i plan to check what the recruiter tells me
>vote red
Lmao you don't even get how jewish both parties are
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is somebody speaking?
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who was in the wrong here
are national guard guys allowed use government vehicles for anything they want?
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forgot link
noooo you're supposed to encourage wypepo to move to the middle of nowhere and uhhhh abandon all political and military power
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Why ? Also why the Navy gets such a bad rep ?
It's already changed to blended retirement, might as well just try and get the VA pension instead since it's just hands down better.
why get a good rate? think about that for a minute.
This to this post, 4chan mobile links the wrong posts for some weird reason.
Figured as much desu
I'm not expecting six figures here. It's the army, not an investment firm. The job lacking paperwork is a huge selling point though. Do you know what you're normally doing during time on the ground?
Fleet life is shit, do whatever is in your power to get a rate that does not go on a ship or boat if you don't want to hate life.
Or go on the ship, what do I care?
Both sides were retards, but using the vehicle for that purpose isn't really a big deal imo. They should have just ignored the dude and carried on with their business. It's just a bunch Nasty Girls who went out for dinner and drinks after the duty day ended, and since they're all most likely staying at the armory overnight they used the GOV because fuck it, free gas.

Like out of all the corruption in the government, this dude is trying to pick a fight with a bunch drunk E-5s and E-6s for using probably $2.00 in gas. Dude needs to get a life.
Tsp was a mistake and the only way to really make it worthwhile is to put everything in a Roth and take it out after the amount earned has more than the taxed value.

I came in just as they start it and I couldn't change my plan off G, they also sent my pin to some randon house, thankfully I am lucky someone didn't steal all my money. I put in about 10,000 over a course of 4 years as an E3(I never got promoted, and left with a Top secret Good conduct, EPs and Mps except for C school since everyone gets P only, hoorah Navy) and only made a out 500 bucks, I think it didn't even cover the withdrawal tax, so essentially I paid to loan money to the government for literally nothing. I also paid 10% of my income to California and then wasn't reimbursed for supporting my family by DFAS. I was essentially starving while sleeping on the ship since I couldn't eat food, and at one point I was kicked off onto the streets because my command didn't do me paperwork to get a hotel or a room and I was too poor to do it myself. I wrote to the base and they set me up in a barracks for E4s.

I could have stay in and got BAH as an E4 but my career would have ended fue to how awful I was treated, I essentially walked out with nothing but an honorable and got 100% P%T plus PTSD 100%. They actually retaliated againt me by banning me from driving on bases after I reported several officers for abuse and still will not take it off despite nevee having own a vehicle on base. The Navy and most of the Dod can go fuck itself. They eill literally kill you just so they can fuck your wife.
>free gas
Sorry for typos, typing on phone.
>if you join the military and serve under DEI commanders You are actually fighting for white people!

Get better material shill and fuck off back to /pol/
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I was thinking of the dont worry about mma part
apparently you are also incapable of reading on top of being a degenerate fuckup.
Skill issue, you can set whatever fund it goes in if you log in to the TSP website and do it yourself and you can allocate whether your TSP money goes to a traditional or roth account through MyPay.
I couldn't log onto the website and the Corporation wouldn't send me my pin at my a school or at sea.
I could be the good cop
There are a lot of good people in the military, it's simply impossible for them, especially you, to be in leadership positions to stop all the bad actors from fucking it up.
>Separated last year (was comm/cyber)
>Got awful job (paid okay though) in a program that has since been cut lmao
>Security clearance (TS/SCI) needs renewal in late January
>About to drink alcohol and apply to like every fucking cleared job in my area because I really like having that security clearance
time to reenlist. See you in the fleet brother.
How hard was it to get your clearance, Satan?
Damn, even the devil has it rough these days.
Just get sec+/casp+ and get a different job
I actually have been having nightmares recently, often military-related, but all of them were about things I've never done, very strange.
>Getting yelled at in Marine Corps boot camp with no context for how I ended up there
>Getting flushed down a toilet in SERE school, getting stuck in the pipe, and the instructor cranks up the thermostat and laughs because it's only going to get worse from here (awful experience, would not recommend)
>Getting assigned Chinese in DLI and being late to formation

Very easy. I'm a proud financially stable American with no friends, international ties, or criminal history


I already have CISSP lol
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>Getting flushed down a toilet in SERE school, getting stuck in the pipe, and the instructor cranks up the thermostat and laughs because it's only going to get worse from here (awful experience, would not recommend)
>I already have CISSP
I kneel, but I also think you're gonna be okay.
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>see! the military isn't woke anymore!!
>please die for Israel white man!
>I already have CISSP
Do you know any non-CTT/IS/IT rates that got the CISSP by leveraging their military career as experience? I imagine asset security is the easiest domain to do this for, but two are required. What is your take?
>fearing Chinese at DLI
My nightmare was Farsi
They do, just not in the US, mostly
I'm guessing they issue some kind of card, since I doubt you can use your civilian card.
would posting slurs and racist shit on other boards affect my security clearance? (i'm a leaf)
i did it mostly when i was mentally a mess and i'm past being a shitposter now, but i'm paranoid about being an edgy moron in my past effecting my future (want to either go into the CAF or as a public servant)
You get a pay advance on your first or second day and they issue it in the form of a non-rechargeable debit card. After that you just pay for stuff normally.
just enlist in the guard
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>muh chuds
Go back.
1. How good/bad are Army officer careers right now? Are you subject to an insane amount of progressive of stuff and a brick wall of advancement to promote blacks and women instead or is it pretty much normal?

2. Are older officers (say, 27-33) at a disadvantage if they try to make a career?
1. Who cares, just keep your mouth shut and do your job without being racist or sexist and you'll be fine

2. No. I commissioned at 29. Age is just a number, and the only disadvantage is that you likely won't have enough time to make General before mandatory retirement ages creep up, but if you post here you were never getting a star anyway.
Facts. Creeping closer every day. When that dd214 hits my hands, tears of joy will flow like Niagara falls.
I firmly belive the only people telling you ti join are one of the following.

1. Neverserveds
2. People that climbed the chain by either sucking and fucking their way to the top, or simply just fucking people over for their own benefit once they hit corporal.
Nta but I either will drop a packet with the Army at 34 or do AFROTC and try and do that at 37. Which path is better for an oldfag?
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>go to medevac rehearsal today
>Watch as the Blackhawk touches down, loads the casualty, takes off again
>Sudden intense feeling to fly a helicopter
I should start building my packet before it's too late
If you're not prior service, you're over the age for commissioning
Prior Navy. 34 is when my contract ends, have a bachelor's so that's the Army packer, otherwise doing a master's for AFROTC.
False, actually
Is that a fact or an opinion?
Fact. Unless you're a boot that is still on the kool aid high.
So if anybody in /meg/ does not fit either of the 2 categories (now 3), would you admit to being wrong?
Then pick whatever you think is best for yourself. You've been around the block enough that should be able to do some research to figure this stuff out. I can tell you about the process and what comes after, but whether or not it's right for you is a personal decision.

I didn't commission through ROTC, so I don't know how they do things. For Army OCS, the cutoff is 33 for non-priors and 42 for priors iirc
How the hell do I figure out if I can be wavered for being colorblind?
I want to switch from infantry to some other Army MOS, possibly something intel, after this contract is up
My retention NCO was no help at all, and from what I gathered I have to somehow ask the people in charge of the MOS itself what their requirements are and what they're willing to do
Would that be something where I just go to HRC and email a branch manager?
I don't think any other thing would be a problem except for this one thing, as my scores are very high
I'm guessing they give you enough to last for OSUT.
You'll die, or shit your pants and come home very quickly. It's nothing like guarding poppy fields in Afghanistan or being a fobbit hobbit in Iraq.
1. I care. It’s not up to you to tell me what to care about. You didn’t even answer the question, really. Also, what kind of army doesn’t allow you to be casually sexist and racist?

2. I don’t know why you idiots assume everyone here is some NEET loser. I’m pretty successful in my career so far and I know a few /pol/tards and /lit/erati who are wildly successful. This site is practically mainstream among millenials and zoomers. Anyway, that’s besides the point. What kind of tank can you realistically achieve if you’re good then? Colonel? It’s not like I’m gunning for this but to me, it seems smart to know where your ceiling is before you sign up.
I would think it’s pretty easy to get an age waiver right now.
>Also, what kind of army doesn’t allow you to be casually sexist and racist?

Does your employer have to be one that permits you to direct sexism and racism towards your teammates? If so, good luck on the job search. The military is an employer with a bunch of unusual rules, but an employer nonetheless.
>This site is practically mainstream
4chan has been dying in userbase for like 6 years now, and it's culturally dead with almost no cultural impact or generating new memetic content.
They all fit the 2. The "3rd" is just a stage of the second. Assuming they don't end up hating it.
>It’s not up to you to tell me what to care about. You didn’t even answer the question, really. Also, what kind of army doesn’t allow you to be casually sexist and racist?

No it's not, but the fact that you wanna be an officer and your first concern is whether or not you can beacist/sexist and get away it instead of anything relating to leading soldiers is pretty concerning.

You won't be make general because most people can't (about .5% of all who commissionen make it), and the fact that you're posting here and asking whether or you not can be racist is already indicative of you not being general material. You can be an excellent officer and still not a pin a star if you don't know the right people and the right people don't know you.
He's not worth the time or effort. He is just going to get screened out by his recruiter or give up when he finds out that commissioning isn't as easy as he led himself to believe. He will make up the excuse that he is already "pretty successful"
Out of curiosity, did you post in that officer's club thread a couple days ago? I was thinking of making it a regular thing even if it's not a full fledged general like /meg/.

This thread is cool for new guys to ask questions, but I figured dudes who are already in might want a place to congregate as well.
I'm >>62507344 lol
Also you can knock a year off the experience requirements with other certs or a bachelor's degree or something. And even if you still don't qualify as CISSP, Associate of ISC2 counted the same for DoD 8570 requirements. Not sure if it still does with 8140 desu.
After you pass it, the endorsement process includes a part where you explain how your previous experience relates to your chosen domains, so you (or ChatGPT) can just make that part really convincing if need be.
So I joined the DEP program because my recruiter wanted to get me to meps as soon as possible. Was going to join straight away next year after I got things settled and sold stuff, handle business. I've told them I don't want to leave till next year. but they keep trying to push the date to December and November. I know DEP is up to a year but why are they trying to send so soon, can they force me or can I tell them no I can't leave till then?
Can you not read or something? Obviously, it’s not my first concern. Do you know what “also” means? By the way (do you know what “by the way means”?), do you think no general has ever been sexist or racist? Were you born yesterday or something?

Cool to ask questions but not get answers apparently. This is a waste of time…
> 2 cents from the peanut gallery
Very helpful!
No, I didn't catch that thread. It would be nice to have a place to discuss things, but open forums like this inherently invite proles like Mr. Bigot who I would rather not invite into my conversations.
>what are jokes?
In 84’ they advanced us $50 to buy PT shoes, toiletries etc at the PX. Smokes were .75 back then
unironically just ask on reddit. too specified of a problem that only someone with direct experience with could answer.
Anyone got an answer for me? >>62580646
Kind of freaking out right now. Fuck, I regret my past posts.
Shitposting anonymously doesn't catch you for the US, don't know about Canada
So basically they paid you enough for a Ferrari.
t. zoomie
Close. I bought a ‘73 Monte Carlo after OSUT
Why? All of your posts were right.
You got answers, you just didn't like them.
The thread wasn't too bad until near the end when it got overtaken by /pol/shitposters, and some random dude making vague threats about a random conspiracy of veterans going around murdering retired officers.

I'll start another soon, but won't link it here so keep an eye.
i've matured out of it. i don't want to be that guy anymore. Problem is, will this effect my future?

Another E9 down
>E9 beats his wife

Water is wet
which branch has a more plesant culture where people dont care about military bearing as much, the space force or the air force?
E9 wives are:
-Single mom with kid from another enlisted yahoo
-A savior job, stripper that a marine decided to rescue
-Green card holder
-Highschool sweetheart from abusive household
TS isn't hard to get if you already had one. You probably can still get all the same jobs with secret.
If military bearing bothers you, why even join?
What is a USMC Sexual Abuse Victim Advocate?
Is it true that men who sign up for these and SAPR roles are usually there for the easy pickings?

Is it worth it to go Marine Infantry Officer route? I'm one semester left from graduating. I'll be 30 when I graduate but I think I can get an age waiver because I'm been fit all my life.

The thing is I was planning on going to Law School, but I kind of want to get out of the house. Does anyone have any experience of being a Jag Officer, and what makes up a day in the life for each of them. Very much appreciated.
Why spend years fighting the Marines for waiver when Army OCS will take you as is?
family heritage to be honest
If the Marines mean that much then go for it, but it will be an uphill battle.
>born into a cult family where you die 40 years early

lol humans are fucking nuts man
Thanks bro, I looked up some reddit threads (I know) and they said as long as you're in good shape you should be good.

Btw, do you have any advice on infantry vs jag? Did you know any while you were in?
Leukemia isn't based, you shit yourself for the last few months.
>do you have any advice on infantry vs jag

Do you want to be an infantry officer or a lawyer? What kind of question is this?
Which options make the most money and mog at the most wine parties?
Which MOS gets the best access to DC country clubs?
Shit, how to avoid getting that shit. What are you exposed to that gives you it?
sorry for the stupid question
Their contaminated water, exposed either by drinking it (which is avoidable) or by skin exposure (swimming, mud, etc all of which is encountered in training)
Navy. Air Force don’t care much about military bearing but they are sticklers for procedures and rules.
Green card holders are usually the best ones.
All the bases on the west coast are great. And the rest that aren’t on the gulf (aside from Norfolk) are miles better than the Midwest hellscapes Army and AF get.
No. O’Brien actually fixes stuff and does work. Chiefs just point at things and drink coffee
Fuck I remember the contaminated water commercials. I don't think the military as a whole can get around that shit. Fuck
This. Be a Seabee. Shit was dope.
Yes, because he is a bit part while all of the officers are the main characters.
Dude just fucking google the pay tables, it isn't hard. Your initial pay advance is like $350 and after that you get paid every 2 weeks just like everyone else.
fucking baffled really, I look at soldiers in nice vehicles all over town but I look at enlisted pay and it just doesn't make any sense to me
They’re getting BAH and living in a 3 bedroom with 2 of their friends. Tack on another $2k (tax free) to the pay. They’ll also use veteran protection laws to break their lease early, throw all their shit in storage, and go on deployment where they bank cash for 6 months.
There's a couple different populations among military personnel who drive nice cars.
>SNCOs and LCpl/SPC types with terrifyingly high APRs
>PVT/PFC types with similar APRs but whose cars get repo'd a couple months after buying them
>dudes flush with deployment/bonus cash or with living situations that let them pocket tons of money
Weirdly enough, all the genuinely wealthy people I've known in the military drove total shitboxes.
Also note that pay bumps accrue for years after 20 (which is a short career by career standards) so if you like your job and location it's common to stay to high year of tenure and "homestead" (making more payments on your land using allowances and active pay instead of retirement pay). I did and having no mortgage is Very Fucking Nice.

Never join the Navy or Army or USMC. I was so warned by the many vets from many wars I grew up around and saw nothing to make me regret going AF for the career.

Those exist, but require integrity and effort. I had generally good to outstanding supervisors but part of that was working for/near aircrew who generally appreciate the effort. Every branch is its own world with smaller worlds within. One person may have an awesome career while their peer breaks everything they touch and makes their coworkers into enemies (and those coworkers can be ruthless in self-defense no matter your rank!) while another just has a chill unremarkable life.

Or Reserve.

Your desires and questions mark you as too dense even for most of the military. Fuck off and do something else, or if you must go pollute the Army.

Wisdom, because those questions require CURRENT, SPECIFIC experience.

>Kind of freaking out right now.

That means you're too emotionally weak to be an asset anywhere. These threads often consist of defectives who want a structured environment to save them from themselves and don't actually care about excelling while ethically dealing with their troops. Let shit in the door and it rises in rank then no one is happy. You don't NEED the armed forces so find something else to your liking.
You're fine, no one will care.
^Vet confirmed.

^Wisdom. Buying toys when you should be setting up your future is dumb, especially from lots near bases. There is another much smaller population who have nice toys. Those are technicians or similar at work who wrench for pleasure off-duty. (1.5 Harleys will fit in two wall lockers if partially disassembled and the room will pass inspection.)

That is The Way. My bro bought his house and his two roomdogs basically paid for it. I rented to various friends and it was all fun. Key is not advertising publicly so you purely rent word of mouth hence can pick and choose.
My cousin told me about a Lieutenant at Travis who bought a McLaren. Apparently the base was close to his parents' house so he just lived with them. Not sure if I should call him based or retarded, but fucking lmao either way
>i heard that the army sometimes does weight exceptions so i plan to check what the recruiter tells me
it's a specific program for people within 2% over of the BMI regulation which every service has to meet.
But yes go army they'll ship you faster than any other branch
Pick 35N, failing that any 35 series job
Failing that any 42 or 92 series, or any 68 series that isn't W
For Army yes. Navy, Air Force, Space Force are 42. Coast Guard is 39. The Marines have successfully kept their age max under the radar, but it's now 42 since they are Dept. of Navy. My local OSO told me that it's 42, but "you better max out our PT"
You're fine just don't admit to anything
I retired in my 20s
don't double space between your replies
>Weirdly enough, all the genuinely wealthy people I've known in the military drove total shitboxes.
basically true worldwide
either you care about being rich
or you care about a lifestyle
How many of those cars were pickup trucks? I understand owning one is a mandatory condition of military service.
Why do you post this unfunny shit in every thread?
This should cheer you up:
>the terminal emptybed arises
Is this funny with additional context, or am I just not mentally ill enough to enjoy it?
It's interesting cause it's weird I guess
If you go intel, there's very few if any trucks. The two I knew were both 5' 2" dickheads, one of them an ex-cop and the other was so bad at his job he got kicked off the watch floor (a job where you literally show up and do nothing for 8-12 hours)
Short man is seething
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Hey guys, why not start learning now about where you're gonna be deployed right after boot camp? >>62582413
>if you join the US Army, you WILL deploy to Israel
Cool, so we'd be joining the winning team and steamrolling brownoids? What's the problem with that?
The problem is Russia running out of talking points.
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No one is getting deployed there. Military service is, for the most part, uneventfully boring. If anything, we'll probably use drones.
>b-but muh "die for israel"
Nah. We'll launch missiles and drones. Maybe you can try and get people to feel scared of having drones destroyed? Idk. Currently the most dangerous part of a (relatively) peacetime military is preventable, off-base fuckery like DUIs, or self-inflicted dangers. Sorry if it hurts your narrative, but the vast majority of people who served in the military are gonna be just fine.
What if I told you that Russia isn't here, but instead one very frustrated loser who got kicked out for having a loud mouth
I'd believe it.
The schizo poster accidentally outed himself as being a USAF 3D1 at Keesler when he was desperately trying to prove that he knew what he was talking about.
It is funny how those types of people can be exploited so easily. They just can't fucking help themselves, they have to display their sense of superiority.
>No one is getting deployed there.
But Albert Pike predicted the first two World Wars and predicted the third would be started by Israel.
>muh glory days
if they are going to run around playing with military and government equipment can they at least not be fat?
Not his fault. He picks up rank and is already sailing toward retirement age. Committed to his career. Now he's given a role and has to figure out how the fuck we're not going to get ass raped in the coming battles (probably scheduled by the elites over the finest caviar and lobster tails with live entertainment, maybe during those bali parties all the heckin' world leaders must go to because they totally represent us or whatever)
>allergic to shellfish
I really want to join the USAF, how over is it for me? I do get anaphylaxis, but I don't need an epi-pen
If it’s a true shellfish allergy you are absolutely disqualified from USAF. Though, Army would be most willing to waiver it through most likely. MAYBE Navy.
They want me to do an oral food challenge. How do I get through this? Benadrylmaxx?
do immunotherapy and then come back
You’re cooked, there is 0 chance you’re getting through this. If you value your health, and not embarrassing yourself by seizing up in some poor schmucks office, go Army and get a waiver for it. I’ve heard of it sameday but at most 1-2 months
Just don't mention it, and avoid shellfish. I met a dude during OCS who was allergic to fucking tomatoes of all things and he was accommodated fairly easily.
It's documented. MEPS found it.
Damn, I'm so glad I joined like a month before Genesis went live lol
It's crazy that the GWOT didn't even peak at 1,000 deaths per year. Meanwhile in Rusland...
Is this some inside joke? Neither of you answered my questions. I’ve noticed these threads only occasionally answer questions actually. About half of the questions are answered in a joking tongue in cheek fashion while another quarter aren’t answered at all. So why do these threads at all? I asked a realistic question about promotion for offers and you weirdos went off about racism and sexism. It’s actually funny how stupid this exchange was lmao.

So if anyone else is reading this, please let me know if there is anywhere else on the internet I can get my questions answered.
An anaphylaxis reaction to anything is permanently disqualifying.
Even if Genesis wasn't a thing and you tried to hide it you'll get found out eventually since dfacs cross-contaminate all the time.
NTA but your mindnumbingly retarded comment about promotions and women or some shit was probably why they are mocking you.

But to answer your question in good faith, early promotions (O-1 to O-3) are mostly a time in service thing, and happen automatically (do not get any DUIs during this time). O-4 is really when you are “graded” based on how well you’re doing your job aka a board decides your fate (O-4 is usually pretty easy to get unless you are comically shit at your job or you got an aforementioned DUI). Past O-4 is pretty branch specific (like what sort of qualifications you need) and I’m more well versed in Navy than Army.
The first comment was made by the other guy you illiterate. He was the first person to mention racism and sexism. I merely replied with an obvious joke.

If you can’t even read or lack basic reading comprehension why should I put any stock at all in your question.

You guys are retarded, man. This is actually fucking dumb.
Are you not >>62580861?

The whole thread is confusing with multiple posters having multiple responses in the same post.
He is that guy. More than likely he's just a troll.
How bad of an idea is it to join the army as a tranny? I’m 27 and was planning on trying to enlist for aviation this year but my ex navy friend says I’ll probably get raped and that they might like flunk me out of flight school and demote me and stuff if leadership wasn’t cool with me
The Army is fine with you being transgender, but you can only be recognized as male or female. If you haven't transitioned yet, and been cleared by a doctor you will be treated as your birth gender.
Yeah I’m like legally trans that’s not the concern, my friends are convinced the people in the army will abuse me and stuff because I’m trans
>my friends are convinced the people in the army will abuse me and stuff because I’m trans

It's possible that it may happen, but if it does just report it to your unit EO representative. Ultimately, bigots are gonna bigots, but for the most part people will keep that shit to themselves because they know how quickly they could end up in hot water over it.
>Yeah I’m like legally trans that’s not the concern, my friends are convinced the people in the army will abuse me and stuff because I’m trans
Just like real life though everyone will know and hate you because you're a freak of nature
Lots of opportunities to get fucked though, which, knowing your proclivities is a huge pro! Either join or don't your identity is totally irrelevant
t. Guy who gets all his views from the internet
We will. Don't join.
I'll espose my views even if I'm the only one who shares them
This is how people convince others to share their viewpoint
People who are cowed into not sharing their viewpoints have viewpoints doomed to die out
Nobody cares man
you'll be fine, the sexual assault rate was its highest in FY2021 (~8%) which means the Army will be cracking down incredibly hard on assault within the branch--the next reports will be markedly lower.

I'd be more worried about making airborne, or even getting through bootcamp. People really like to get carried away before they even make it in.
Oh I don’t want to do airborn, I wanna do aviation and fly helicopters lol. It’s why I’m finishing my school first.
Oh if you're going officer cut the assault rate by more then half. You have less to worry about. Mind if I ask why Army Aviation over Navy?
That's good to hear and kinda makes sense
I want to fly helicopters and I don't really want to be stuck on a boat. Also the stuff army pilots do just seems more interesting?
haha bet you guys feel pretty dumb now huh
>/k/ - fruity social generals
Fuck off
Have you looked at the catalog?
What did they blow up now?
>Trans helicopter pilot
You aren't going to be able to fly on all of your 'necessary medications' dumbass
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Any of you fags ever done the TF Sinai mission? Im headed over there next year.

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