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AK General /akg/
War Rug Edition
>Thread #2041

Old thread here >>62504850
AK Buyer's Guides
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Post wasrs
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I'm looking to buy my first ak, these links kinda seem like outdated info. Which manufacturers and models should I actually be looking at bros?
Extremely outdated, first ak should be a cugir wasr imported by century. Do not buy a century made ak
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Get a WASR, don't overthink it.
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Current AK family photo until new optics get here so I can stop cannibalizing my other eotechs.
Very nice. I want an FNC so bad it's unreal. Shame they're like $6,900
Anyone looking to get a Pioneer AK before they're gone? I'm tempted to get the 556 SBR ready underfolder.
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What’s going on with the safety on the M91? It looks weird but it could just be the grainy photo.
Zastava in it's wisdom decided that SOME of the m91 will have cut out safety levers (that the m91 can't use, bolt doesn't go far enough back). On top of that there is no dust cover catch so mine is all fucked up from it over extending. I like to run it in local AK matches with irons. I've tried reaching out to get a proper safety and they've told me to pound sands. The m91 is a unicorn safety as well so I can't even just yoink one from spare parts.
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Pic related. I forgot I didn't put it away yet.
That looks parkerized. I thought Zastava blued all of their guns? Or maybe that was just historically and now Zusa does parkerizing
It is the same finish as all of their guns.
The same people telling you to get a WASR are the same people who were telling everyone to get a Spikes Tactical AR. Do your own research and make a decision based on the best information you have.
Get a WBP
BCM are the WBP of ARs
What a shitty comparison, and pointlessly lashing out over a recommendation for the best intro ak for the price
I'm merely pointing out the hivemind, if you can't see that then you're part of it.
these threads are more dead than the ak market
Ok retard please don't post here any more.
Depends on your budget and if you want to go 7.62 or 5.56 really. WASR is like the bare minimum, but there are other AKs that are much nicer out of the box if you can afford them.
I just did, pussy
what is the point of this? Why wouldn't they just sell these as complete rifles?
because people are retarded and will happily spend spend double the cost over a complete rifle because "muh customization"
Riley sells that exact gun though. Its not like you really have a lot of core parts customization with a 7.62 Krink let alone an American one. I doubt anyone would build one of these to be meaningfully different than the OOB "pistol"

Like honestly: what the fuck would you even swap out?

I am fighting the urge to buy a Chefur 5.56 Krink kit cause I'm not sold on PSA yet.

its over btw
I did not type that with those spaces wtf
Just get the PSA krink if you're not going to build it yourself. If you are going to build it then the Chefur kit is fine.
Neither is a real krink anyway so get whatever hits your dopamine receptors better.
I can build
>All plastic all the time
He's got the tacticool sickness most of grow out of
plastic isn't tacticool gramps. Been around for almost 75 years at this point
>what is the point of this?
kits and reciever blanks don't need background checks in order to be obtained which means a completed final product would not be on the defacto 4473 registry.

rails sure as fuck are, not even a bakelite grip in sight either
kinda reddit opinion
I said bakelite grip not bakelite mag
You unbelievably stupid nigger.
Unless two side mounted optics makes those tacticool, you have no fucking clue what that word means. None of those guns have wood because none of them were issued with wood.
oh my bad my nigga my bad. You're aight gramps
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Putting wood on a rifle that never had wood to begin with is as r*ddit as it gets.
Just look at this goyslop disgusting
that seems comfy to me
>Putting a shark fin or a cheesegrater handguard on a rifle that never had it to begin with is as r*ddit as it gets.
Can I post my new (to me) Russian shotgun in here or will you guys get upset? I also have a MAK90 with a really bad spray job lol
plastic is the default for each of those rifles.


Is it one of those Baikal or Toz? post it
I'm getting a norinco 56s soon. Does anyone know if zenitco furniture is compatible?
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It's an SPR-453 which is just what Remington called the MP-153 they imported. I can also post my really fucked MAK if anyone wants me to.

lolno. AK is beautiful. AR is fugly shit
WBP if you can afford it. cold hammer forged barrels and, more importantly, chrome lined.
Whoops WBP going to nitride barrels, Pioneer-tier.
even if, it STILL wouldn't be as shitty as a Pioqueer
not anymore lol
WBP bought them out. Trust the plan
I just bought a WBP with a chf and chrome lined barrel. Maybe they are switching to nitride, but you can still buy WBP, chf & chromed barreled AKs online
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KR9 running +p+ is actually based
KP9 you mean?
WBP nitrides the 5.56 barrels
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So sexy. Like Black tar
Buy a WASR
inhareited this recently...how much i can sell them for...thanks?
1. Neither are an AK
2. About $500 for the top one and $800 for the bottom.
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bout 2 fiddy
>how much i can sell them for
They're not worth anything. Your best bet is to just turn them in at a gun buyback for a gift card.
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I’m getting into suppressors and need some inspiration, does anyone have any pics of a 14.5” p&w’d 7.62x39 AK?
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got lost on your way to /pol/ you filthy brownoid
14.5 pnw is a waste of money
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Pic related is my 14.5" P&W Definitive Arms Saiga conversion that I bought 10 years ago before pistol braces and suppressing AKs were really a thing. P&W is definitely a waste of money now that Chevron has been overturned. The only thing that matters anymore is what's explicitly written down in the black letter law. As long as your rifle measures 16" from the breech face to the muzzle, then it's not an SBR. The way I see it, putting a silencer on your gun adds about 4-6 inches to the length of the barrel. If having a folding buttstock doesn't shorten the OAL of your rifle, then why should removing my QD silencer shorten the length of your barrel if your rifle was intended to be fired with the silencer attached just like how it was intended to be fired with the buttstock extended?
Definitely want to do a combo gas block, the 90° looks super weird. Thanks for the pic.
Posting wasrs
Throwback to when my WASR wanted to be a PSL as well
Beercan upper hg or a sticker on it?
Beer can, I wish I still had it. It was a Russian beer I bought from some ethnic food store before the Ukraine invasion. Probably never gonna see that beer again
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> Description: Bought this many years ago as an investment


$1,800 for a sporter such cringe many pains.
Lmfao boomers can smoke my pole. That's about 3x too high.
If he’s not an FFL, report him to the ATF for dealing firearms without a license. According to him, he purchased it with the intent to resell it.
Total boomer death
reddit moment
Post guns
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>average US Palm enthusiast

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