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>New here? Read this:
>Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:
>Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):
>Want to help firearm rights?
>Why do you use /cangen/?

Previous Thread: >>62561111
qrd on the pic?
Cities will always both cause leftism/dysgenics and also encourage those pre-existing elements to congregate there. They serve no purpose in the modern world when cars and the internet exist and it’s debatable if they ever did beyond entertainment for (((elites))). Any serious modern constitution would include very strict infrastructure regulations to minimize the size/density/proximity of urbanism and encourage the development of large, self-sufficient and heavily armed/prepared rural populations
Anon if we did that we would be unable to import a million jeets per year, which is unacceptable, stop with the crazy talk
1301 for $1550
In case ya missed it

Schrödinger's mole|
>He said the files came from “generic file hosting servers” like MEGA. There is no evidence what Maure searched to bring him to the specific packages, which contained files with “cryptic” names.
>Essentially we have a box, that comes from a generic website, with no indication as to what the contents are,” Titosky said. “The defence would submit that box was never touched, never opened
>After examination, we now know what’s in that box. But there’s nothing to show the user did.
>For Maure to be found guilty, the Crown must prove Maure had not only control of the files, but “knowledge” of their existence.
Tell me. Why is it cucked to post hand and gun on /k/?
Its a famous speech
Yeah it’s a basic Mens Rea/Actus Reus argument and kinda makes sense. They have the Actus (the illegal act) but from the way they found the files it seems there’s no Mens Rea/what normies call “criminal mind”
Delete this post right now. If they figure out the reference they'll nuke this thread to try to fill the void left by their missing genitals.
I know the speech, I just wanted to know where the pic was from
That's Chrystia Freeland's menstrual flow
Fucking kek
kek, that reminds me I haven't heard about that old battleax for a while
Posting guns and pasty white hands is baste.
A nice gun in a white hand is a flex that makes swarthoids seethe, because they know their skin tone is considered lower value here, and that they will never be fully welcomed by the core community.
Not a big fan of timestamping though, and can agree bowing to that request is kind of cuked, depending on the context.
I want a revolver
LOL, what a nasty bitch
What kind and calibre?
Sounds like the RCMP wasn't happy with him only getting 6 years (if he was well behaved he'll be getting out soon) so they want to keep him in a little longer.
>implying Christia Freeland isn’t barren
Was thinking the same thing.
It's suspicious that they would wait this long to look for or submit new evidence, to try and keep him longer.
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Explain this then.
It's an old photo, that's why it is so small.
Classic .357 and .44 Magnums, either S&W or Ruger. I also want a Blackhawk for .45 Colt / .45 ACP
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Baclhawks look goofy as hell, being single actions that try to look clasic but fuck it all up with their bulky iron sights.
Even the Vaquero, which corrects that problem, still looks a little off compared to colt replicas.
Like comparing a winchester rifle replicas to modern marlins or henry's, its just kinda uncanny.
I think they look neat.
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No they look bad and you should feel bad about liking them.
Blackhawks are great guns wtf are you talking about. Having usable sights on a gun is actually a good thing anon.
The fact that jannies sit by with rampant toilet posting is just proof they are part of a honeypot.
Bro this is why its not even worth it to engage
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No Sir, i really must insist, that you must feel bad for the lack of refinement in your tastes.
Im saying they look like shidds and fardss. The sights don't belong on there.
I'm aware adjustable sights may be technically superior (except for snagging and durability), but it sacrifices the sovl of the gun on an altar of moloch.
Can't claim it would be better for competition, because theyre banned in CAS.
Such guns are to be admired and larped with, how 'good' they actually are, aside from aesthetics and reliability, is largely irrelevant, because they can't compete with modern firearms at anything else.
I will not agree with you. Every gun I buy must pass the litmus test: how effectively will this kill an invading chinese conscript? Function comes before form unless it' an antique.
I'm sorry but the chinese are just going to die miserably if they set foot on Canadian soil, that's all there is to it.
If the Chinese invade you would be very sorry if you found yourself having to use your single-action revolver against them. not all guns need to be minmaxxed, which isnt even possible with a gun like that.
You can't stop me, S/E Jonathan St-Arnaud, badge number 13512. Inset cock sucker.
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Bros...are w-we the baddies here?
Just some basedboiis being judged by some faggots.
How dare he go camping with frens that i don't agree with on a political level!!!!
the horror.
why do leaf manufacturers struggle so much with JUST copying the original armalite-180b?
Nothing on earth could please me more than to ceremonially execute a chinese officer in front of his troops using a .44mag to the back of his head.
Just think of the demoralization, especially because I would be buck naked when it happens.
>nationalist socialism

Lol. Do you think most of them were hardcore socialists? I think not.
Having a ceremonial execution tool is fine, but again that would be a situation where the symbolism and aesthetics of the weapon are infinitely more important than adjustable sights.
So basically they are saying you must vet your entire group of friends and associates to make sure none of them hold ""unacceptable"" views. This is FUN. I love Canada wooo!
Stop ripping on my commie killing fantasies bro you are being a buzzkill
Elcan looks so strange on the g36. I imagine it works great just looks weird.
I want an antique colt saa in 9mm.
That would be MY ceremonial weapon of choice.
I didn't it for the autism build.
I will put it a little forward because it's too far back. I will mount a T1/T2 ontop.
If I decide to switch, I may go for an aimpoint with a mag combo.
If it makes you feel better, those isis head choppers in those videos often used shit knives.
There must be some special kind of shame in being executed with a bear grylls knife.
My 1022 never jammed on me
Love that little gun
My ceremonial weapon of choice would either be a Taurus Judge or a Serbu buttmaster
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Silver up 5% today and 35% YTD.
>mfw Buy PM's NOW anon from a couple years ago was right all along
Go for the buttmaster.
Paul shat hard on the judge. I wanted one too.
Buying more silver this month and maybe some gold next month.
*Did it
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>Blocks your path
RAMSET with a hammer to drive a concrete nail into their socialist skull
Forecasted to 50 CAD an OZ by EOY. Whats the play here boyo? You have a price in mind to sell or just gunna sit on it until 100 dollar bread?
Yeah real men use muskets.
I have an old brown Bess loaded with double balls and ready to fire, hanging above my front door. I also wired an IR motion detector to my signing trout, so as soon as I hear 'lil slimey start into the maple leaf forever, I know it is time to grab my powder horn and unleash hell!
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Their leather holsters were very stylish though imo.
That's ok though. Unacceptable views only include crazy stuff like being "anti-police" or "anti-government." I know I've never met anyone who'd bitch about the government sitting around a campfire!
2016 was so kino. MAGA energy, lefties eating themselves, 1080p ISIS videos nonstop, no coof scares...might have been the last good year in a decade now...
This shit was filmed in a studio lol.
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>my nemisis appears
a few questions:
how do you like the 'can? where did you get it and how much was it? thinking of switching over, my buddy wants my 'cog for his wkek and would pay fair price, but they're so rare to see actually used by a non toober shill
>spending any of that $2k/rifle on qc
at least you have to volunteer to give your money for shit product in this case
and back to red.dit you go
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for me its an aimpoint
Nice AK-69 bro. Is that a dayNOD sniper scope on there?
>he doesn't know
post one (1) firearm and one (1) bullet or seething noguns confirmed
based, but y no carry handle? and is that not-a-carry-handle rear mount made of swiss bullshit money aluminum or german magic bullshit plastic?
the reddit tourists, probably some US military signals corps soldiers or something, trying to dissuade anyone from posting anything other than the bum fight
I'm in it deep, gonna stack it deep and buy some silver/gold ETFs or certificates on the side. But my physical horde will remain. 100 maple pesos wouldn't be a bad time to left some go though.
So I guess mainstream liberals are basically terrorists by this definition.
its a kac knockoff because i cant find a real one anywhere, aluminum though
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The liberal government fears the Buttmaster
Well, they are the baddies, just not for that reason.
Nice H&Ks fellas
Cogs are nice too. I luv me elcan, german canadian tech but cogs sre great. Similar positioning but the eye box is worse on the can. I paid 2k for this one, it's the last gen manufactured in 2021 or so.
I do have a spare one I could sell for 2k plus shipping.
That's a seriously nice build.
Very impressive anon, but let's see Paul Allen's G36 build.
The airshart Kac ones hold better than the real Kac ones, so you're good.
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>I'm in it deep, gonna stack it deep and buy some silver/gold ETFs or certificates on the side. But my physical horde will remain
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I'm thinking based H&K hour is upon us.
That's an Aimpoint PRO right?
This is fucking disgusting. Save yourselves white men.
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yeah its a pro but im going to switch it to a comp m4 some day. i usually use pros when i need a non standard mount like the one on this ebr
Did you get doorknocked, anon?
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I have a pretty decent stack but I should've bought more over the years, I got in a while ago so I'm up a good amount either way. Wish I'd got more gold that's for sure. Got some cool shipwreck silver at least.
That was me. You’re welcome.
That is unironically what they want, remember the whole "if you sit at a table with one Nazi, everyone at the table is a nazi" thing? They outright want to bring back the witch hunts.
I am in love with her.
Just start playing with yourself in that situation, the jury will understand.
Welp, there goes my boner...
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Stop buying your boomer rocks
opinion discarded
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I like the shiny rocks
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>Just start playing with yourself in that situation
I would just lay down and let her sit on my face and then pay her child support for her mutt kid.
>It's a scam
tell me about silver. Where is it the cheapest? I have a couple silver dollars floating around that my grandpa gave to me as a kid for helping him unfuck his fence.
Eh, good enough, all aluminum mounts seem to be pretty damn alright so it makes the cut. Every g36 carry handle I've ever seen has either been aluminum and good or plastic and dogshit (except for the stock sl8 mount, which has stood up fairly well as I've heard but that has its own problems).
thank you,
how used? also hwat model?
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Hey /cangen/

Some of you might've come across that thread on /diy/ where anon posted stickers of basedjaks over communist propaganda posters. It was an epic win indeed, especially how the tankies were schvitzing so hard over getting meme'd on.

Which gives me an idea of making stickers of pic rel and plastering all over the "eVeRy ChIlD mAtTeRs" propaganda where I live.
How much of seethe do you guys think this will generate?
Very based, I wish I got into it sooner.
Yeah yeah, I know. Hindsight.
Whats /cangen/ doing this evening?
>t. getting shit tanked going to eat some pizza and [redacted] my [redacted] while watching war footage on my 85 inch 8k
Ebay helps, I have a bunch of reichmarks I bought. As for the elcan: Specter DR 1-4 556 reticle.
Dreading going to into work tomorrow.
Watching some fights, looking at guns
Just don't go lol
>t. Professional work skipper AMA
What fights brother? I was watching some bare knuckle fights a week ago, shit is BRUTAL and I am hooked now
Currently, eating pasta with homemade sauce; it's just tomatoes from the garden boiled down into slop, fucking delicious.
Then i need to go lock up the chimkens for the night. (with my guns)
And then i will probably make women make out in sims3.
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Dana White's Contender Series. Bunch of people fighting for UFC contracts every Tuesday. Bare knuckle is rad, I'm glad it came back from the dead.
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It's Norilsk, Russia.
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Neat, reminds me of the Stalker movie, where apparently some of the actors developed serious health problems from all the toxic locations it was filmed in.
>lock up chickens
Are you fucked shoe anon? If so you are based as all fuck and, if you could post a pic of those absolute beauties... it would be much appreciated.
BN is fuckin wild, every fight i watched had someone cut up, one guys brow cut started going up his forehead and they HAD to stop it so his scalp didn't fall off lol.
Oh fuck off jackass. Fearmongering vagueposts are gay as fuck
Go back
Most silver dollars in canada arent silver because we’re a gay country. If it was made after 67 it’s not silver.
Silver American (morgan) dollars are real silver. All canadian dimes and quarters from before 1967 are also mostly silver. It’s called “junk silver” but still holds huge value.
Buy sovereign bullion by the ounce or higher. Don’t worry about fractional silver.
there's a pajeet call scam right now where they call up boomers in america and get them to take out their life savings, buy gold, then give them to some random dude in a parking lot. I THINK that's what that is referring to
People STILL answer phone calls from strangers?
boomers do
Old people do, yeah. They've tried to scam my grandma and grandpa a few times but she told me anytime they hear an Indian accent they immediately hang up because they hate pakis.
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I don't think it's worth it.
those stickers were
>mocking communists
>legally backed by thirty years of their own government killing communists
>was just a funny jak with no real political statement outside of ">though"
the npcjak thoughbietever is
>mocking very rich well connected extortionists in the government, and opposing a very popular current thing akin to one austrian painter's wild ride
>questionably illegal, keep in mind that our government arrests people for having the wrong opinions, and has threatened criminal charges on anyone trying to count, prove or identify any remains or graves, not to mention that they are currently balls-deep in a campaign to replace thanksgiving with this.
And you're going to go around implying that people who believe this are "NPC's" which is also a media hot topic.
I wouldn't, even if you got away with it it would be a waste of time, and if you're dead set on it, try something that would make people stop and think as opposed to "lol ur an npc because current thing"
thinkin bout what I'd do for a ptrs-41, holy fuck, what I would do for a ptrs-41. unspeakable things
>And you're going to go around implying that people who believe this are "NPC's" which is also a media hot topic.
"""people""" got royally ass-blasted in 2016 over the NPC meme, calling it "dehumanizing", that shit really needs to take off again
Instead of spamming an off topic discord tier thread, how about you buy your own 4chan and an advertisement?
Don't be like this faggot OP. He never learned what lurk before posting meant.
He just wants the spotlight forever.
Fuck you, OP, you faggot.
....said the faggot.
Wtf are you talking about
all of them were minted in the '58, paycheque withdrawn right after as shipment of coin I guess. it doesn't bear any mention of the leaf
you ever see that meme about the difference between a stonetoss comic and a horsey antigun comic?
don't they call you daalit or something back home?
>thinkin bout what I'd do for a ptrs-41, holy fuck, what I would do for a ptrs-41. unspeakable thing
How unspeakable anon....????
you have a spare?
You suck hairy dicks?
>you ever see that meme about the difference between a stonetoss comic and a horsey antigun comic?
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God I wish this were me.
But I know him.
Finna gay Yall nigass up

You won’t shoot that paki liar
Dicks can't be hairy
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He must have downloaded a thread zip, and inside was a loli image. Didn't encrypt his smartfridge and CSIS + NSA dumped the files for the RCMP and CSE
>t. low T slack jaw
I've got hair half way up my cock
Are the ptrs' in canada all deactivated now? I was saving up for one before the ban
They have a year before amnesty is up, some lame retailers dewatted theirs immediately
>when nobody said that
Strawmanning much?
>Any serious modern constitution would include very strict infrastructure regulations to minimize the size/density/proximity of urbanism and encourage the development of large, self-sufficient and heavily armed/prepared rural populations
Bee the change you wanna see in the world anon.
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>>questionably illegal, keep in mind that our government arrests people for having the wrong opinions, and has threatened criminal charges on anyone trying to count, prove or identify any remains or graves, not to mention that they are currently balls-deep in a campaign to replace thanksgiving with this.
Damn, I guess they should go and arrest the entire National Post then lmao
still useless for longer than 48h of survival

seems like there's a couple free fullgiggle guns to find on his property
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Always happy to help with the investigation, officer.
Based and bunker pilled.
A bit spartan though.
I used to draw up plans for them for fun, and make them in the sims, will post some screenshots if i get around to it.
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Welp, this is alot less complete than i remember, but ah well, the idea is there.
Originally i wanted it to have a capacity of 1000 people, though a few hundred is probably more realistic.
It's 4 stories tall underground, and based on an idea of stacking large corrugated pipes, (like the kind used for underpasses/drainage tunnels) vertically, inside of and next to eachother, then filling in gaps with concrete/rebar for strength.
Looks like octagons/honeycombs ingame, but in real life all the rooms would be round.
It's divided into wings/districts, each with a specific purpose, and an overall goal of self-sufficiency
No niggers allowed.
Saying a prayer to St Jude the Patron Saint of Lost Causes in church this upcoming Sunday that that WK180 Gen 3 is a good rifle
It will most likely not be
Third time's the charm, right?
What did they say they changed this time?
Why do you think I'm praying to the patron saint of Lost Causes?
From carbine to rifle length gas system
New piston, new handguard
Probably some new defects we didn't even know we're possible in a modern firearm




LE DEVOIR: Le gouvernment fédéral a répondu auxiliary propos du premier minister Francois Legault, qui avait demandé au BQ de renverser le gouvernment Trudeau sous prétext qu'Ottawa n'en fait pa's asset dans le dossier de l'immigration

Published 7:13 AM this morning

Saskchads, is it over?
Nevermind, that comment from Legault came before he clarified that they would not vote against the libs in the non-confidence. I thought it was a comment from yesterday, but it's from last week
Two more weeks til they sing again!
Nothing ever happens. My bad. I thought it was last-minute brinksmanship, but the Libs simply took an entire week to respond. That's why the article was published this morning. Apologies to all. Nothing ever happens
Figures, Kabecoids have never done and will never do anything that's in the best interest of the rest of the country. If they ever leave, that will be the first good thing the frogs ever do for us.
Hopefully the improved piston design isnt actually shit and fits into the older gens
Hope in one hand and shit in the other, then see which hand is holding a WKEK
I believe you will need to purchase an entirely new upper. They have explicitly stated they are not changing the lower at all, so compatibility should not be an issue, but they didn't say anything about selling the new upper by itself.
As everyone else has already expressed, there is basically 0 reason to believe this new piston will actually reliably cycle and/or not break after a few hundred rounds. They are coming to market within the next few weeks and no Canadian reviewer seems to have their hands on a review model, which says everything you need to know. Their reputation could be salvaged by nothing less than extensive video proof of reliability and durability
Why are people so retarded
hey now poop has some uses unlike those locally made pieces of potmetal dogshit
When a store says they do price matching, how do i get them to do so?
Just adding my request into the "notes" section in the cart presumably wouldn't do anything, because i get charged the full amount as soon as i place the order :\
The rest of /k/ (a sub-reddit in all but name) says that /cangen/ is /pol/lite. They do not understand how much of a compliment that is. /pol/ is the heart and soul of 4chan. Without /pol/, this site would be no different from any other normie site.
/pol/ is a board full of commies, faggots and shitskins. It's quite literally the opposite of what it used to be.
It's still largely basedboii's. It just doesnt look it because half the threads are baked by faggots and bots now, who also make up a fair chunk of the posters.
The heart of old based pol still lives inside of us, when we stroke our firearms, softly muttering to ourselves "i hate niggers"
50% are retarded because of second X chromosome and 50% are retarded because of thirst for poosay
i agree but this is a gun thread - why do you keep reposting this shit? do you even own guns?
why do you keep spamming this, are you autistic? please post guns or kill yourself
I think it's a mentally deficient bong or something.
I believe it to be the same anon trying to discourage people from posting hands/guns >>62577037 and also the one that was hosting the strawpoll trying to figure out how many non-canadians are here.
kinda suspicious.
it just says that to look good in the ads
You have to call them up and be a Phone Chad.
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i get more views on my cgn ad than my identical gunpost ad. is gunpost a meme?
How do you even check views anymore. It used to be easy when they had the old site.
PSA, Tactical Imports is selling PVS14s now. If you don't care about autogating, they're an OK price, but if you upgrade to the autogated tube options, it is no longer a good deal.
on the "my classifieds" page
whatchu selling?
No on cgn
>captcha hmTPD
on the threads listing, not sure where else it shows it
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i wouldnt settle for anything less than white phosphor and autogating
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no youll make fun of me
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Yeah it’s fucking weird.
Guy knows what he needs to do
[spoiler] it’s post guns [/spoiler]
On a more related note - anyone use steel shot for migratory game bird? I’m used to all my boomer relatives advice, but have recently been told that steel shot is less effective than lead and to size up my shot for geese and ducks. Any truth or is it fuddlore?
if its a prohib then yeah, otherwise, no
JR Cocks is closing down the shitting edge?
Good riddance.
Source? I doubt it with all his r18mk3 shilling
What are the odds that FALs get legal again? I have enough money saved up I’ve put away so if it ever happens I can immediately buy an original C1A1
I’m not even joking, that’s what the money is for. God forbid there’s an emergency and I need to spend it but I’ve had it put it away for a while now.
If the Simplified Classification System in the CPC platform gets implemented, FALs will be legal (semi-auto only though obviously).
As to the likelihood, it's never going to be 100% but it's a stated policy goal of the CPC to make them legal and that's probably as good as it's going to get.
A C1A1 is on my list too so I hope we get our dream guns anon.
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I have a bayonet ready for her. She will come home to me some day.
New to bird hunting? Non-toxic shot is required for migratory birds in pretty much every jurisdiction in North America. You can't use lead for them at all. And yes, lead is more effective, it's just not allowed because bird will eat it and get lead poisoning.

>it's just not allowed because bird will eat it and get lead poisoning.

The other birds that find the pellets on the ground get poisoned.

The ones that get shot usually have other things to worry about than the pellets on the ground.
I hate that faggot Bartok
Not new to hunting, but I am new to migratory birds. I usually hunt grouse which doesn’t have a requirement for lead free shot. I’ve never hunted waterfowl before though!
I’ve never done much hunting. When I was a teenager my neighbour invited me out to a farm to shoot some pest birds. Said I didn’t need any license or anything. Used lead shot. Dunno how legal any of it was.
He’s such a fucking fag, dude.
I’m not going to say shit. He got my CGN account banned and some of his cronies called my place of work to try and get me fired for “insulting a disabled veteran” thankfully my boss is very based (plumber) and told them to fuck right off
I fucking hate gunnutz and bartok is a piece of human shit
Lol how womanly of him. Even this general has too much drama but I can't imagine being on some named forum where faggot mods get butthurt and attack you personally. At least here you can just change your IP if the janny is in a bad mood that day.
What a fucking loser
I don’t use gunnutz for much else other than niche gun interests and the EE
Greentips is an absolute faggot as well and you’ll get insta banned for trying to buy or sell IVI ammo or components as if DND didn’t hand the shit out to civilians for decades
Thanks for clarifying my post to the sub 75iq crowd.
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Pro tip: make friends with boomers who were or are members of DCRA, provincial clubs
Some of them might have stockpiles of IVI ammo. Supply to civvies dried up around 1992 but they gave out shit tons of it.
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Non confidence vote failed, as expected. No AR's for xmas this year.
Are they still around, they seem interesting. They offer membership deals if you are under 25 years of age.
It’s very boomer oriented
Access to DND ranges is nice for the distance because nowhere else near me are there ranges beyond 300yards
IIRC if you want to shoot handguns at their ranges you need to get an ATT, which is retarded. This is the DND range rules, not the CFO’s rules because of course you can take your handguns to any shooting range without an ATT.
Basically the military hates your guts and will do everything in their power to make sure civilians cannot shoot at the DND ranges.

I mostly am a member purely for the nostalgia because I grew up around DND ranges
post it fgt
Tldr on IVI ammunition and its consequences?
why would discussing it get you banned?
CGN has a rule in the EE that any modern CAF issued gear will get you banned (as its assumed stolen) even though the CAF has been surplus'ing this stuff for years if not decades.
The only nice thing to say about CGN is its better than reddit.
>be me
>dangerous goods driver in CAF for like 3 summers in a row
>steal ungodly amounts of ammo
in minecraft of course
Not discussing it exactly but if you put out an ad to buy or sell it. It’s military ammunition and this sets off some sort of alarm in the CGN Zogbot admin brains that you’re in possession of stolen ammo/components, however the ammunition was given out to civilians for a very long time.
I like the way you think. have you thought about how to build it? how do i take a shit?
When did the government just give out ammo to civis? This sounds way too insane to be true. Was it like a breadline or something?
NTA but I would give up my firstborn child for a Manurhin MR 73.
How is that possible? Did they know your address or something?
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If you were a member of DCRA and related provincial clubs they would just give it away. I’m told the club would request a certain amount from the DND and it would be given to them. I think the deal was everyone would shoot the matches with the same ammo and it kept things fair. Sometimes there was ammo leftover. Decades pass and boomers stockpile the shit. It ended around 1992, and guys were just left to provide their own ammo and most just shot their hand loads. Picrel, full can of IVI 7.62
Idiotically had my place of work in my signature when I decided to pick a fight with the dickhead
You should write to Trudeau and ask him to bring this program back
Around the same time, members of the clubs could literally borrow FN C1A1s from the military for target shooting. Same for Browning Hi Powers. They let you borrow them.
i have one, only thing good about it is the 8 pound double action trigger pull
What the fuck
We used to be a real country
Technically I paid for everything the Army has so I have property rights to it. I am going to get my personal GWagen shortly, maybe with the Minime on it too
I almost bought one but it would’ve been a lot of money then and it’s a lot of money now
I bought a smith and Wesson 686 in February 2022 which has served me well and I’ve put over 2000 rounds through it since then
According to my dad, who is my source for most of this information, they shut that shit down when a Browning Hi Power went missing. Can’t really blame whoever took it, doubt it was used in crime, buddy just wanted an unregistered handgun
You have no idea how much we have lost. Full auto rifles were legal until the late 70's. This country is a shadow of its former self.
>completed grade 12 in prison
Congratz Moleman! I knew you could do it you dumb fuck
i have an alfa project in 357 set up kinda like this but no bipod..... yet

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unironically, Chugs did nothing wrong
the way they are acting is nearly saintlike, especially when considering the fact that der erwige Anglo destroyed his entire world. I would be much more angry about it and would probably turn to drink like many of them did if I were in their shoes. The fact that they have liberals on their side is a "broken clock right twice a day" type thing
Call me when you find one (1) single body among the GPR "anomalies," or get over it already.
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>have you thought about how to build it?
I need to dig a hole, a big one; minimum 50ft-deep and 150ft-across.
I will need to extract substantial amounts of moneys from people on gofundme or somthing to afford the materials.
Lowering the pipes into the hole should be easy enough with a crane.
Connections/tunnels will be added 1 floor at a time starting at the lowest, before concrete is poured up to the top of that level, so that the floor for the next level can be bolted into that concrete.
idk somthing like that, should probably hire people that actually know what theyre doing.
>how do i take a shit?
Shit will be composted.
Composting toilets would be the easy/lazy solution. But i dont think people would like that long term. I want the facility to have plumbing, there will be no shoratge of toilets.
The composted shit will be used ofc in the gardens, so i believe that means i am going to have to disease screen anyone coming into the facility to make sure theyre poop is clean.

Somthing else i would like to bring up is that i would like the facility to be lit by fiberoptics, big lenses on the surface that feed down into cables spread throughout the whole facility, thats how my farms would work, and it would save from having to use generated power for lights during the day.
even if they didnt die it doesnt matter they still got absolutely wrecked.
Yeah it was just the Anglos right? Frogs dindu nuffin
where is the jew oven going to be?
Incinerator will be in the industrial district.
Ideally in the form of a waste-to-energy generator.
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A biogas plant may be better for disposing of organic materials.
Instead of incinerating the jews to make heat/electricity; they would be digested by bacteria to produce methane and fertilizer.
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wow i finally found someone else who has a similar color scheme as me
What the fuck is this? A picture for ants
Now I can support the actual narrative like this, with acknowledgments that the system was initially genuinely well-intentioned in at least some cases, that the chugs specifically requested it, that many of the cultural practices lamented as lost were barbaric and incompatible with the existence of any functional and unified society in Canada, etc. Of course the anti-white resentment and whining would also have to be kept to an appropriate minimum.
But of course none of that's going to happen. It's such a drag reading Canadian history from the 1800s and seeing how Euro-Chug relations were (by world-historical standards) quite positive and really better than they ever have been in my lifetime.
It's a picture for chinks. You need slitty eyes to make it out.
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stop being a fag. no chug has ever been mistreated in any way ever in all of history. im still waiting for a heart felt thank you from each and every tree nigger in the world for civilizing them and providing their cost of living and lifestyle
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I know, I seent this posted many times. Swastika seems like the best place in Ontario.
Based and has actually interacted with chugs pilled
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It all goes to Ukraine now
Wow awesome, my second very-favorite democracy (after Israel), I am no longer upset and am very happy that these pistols were kept away from Canadians
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a gagillion dollars says CAF will get some kind of plastic frame gun to replace them. during the "conservative" government of course
What year was that paper printed? Just wondering what 2024 prices would be
They replaced them with the p320 after like 20 years of looking for a replacement, think of all the money spent on contractors and consultants trying to figure out what to use.
I want a Hi Power
If it's not going to be available to the civilian market I don't really give a shit at this point, they could issue contracts to Kodiak Defense for all it matters.
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Go to Ukraine, they're giving them out for free, same with CADEX .50 cals
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They’ll probably end up in the US as parts kits or maybe even full guns. Ukraine has little use for them plus some soldier could have a crate of them go missing for a buck, happens all the time
Oh you, I spoke to you in DMs if you remember. Yeah, I hate boomers too man.
Quebec is going to do another referendum
Doesn't matter, the damage the French have done since the last one can't be undone.
would anything really change if they became independent
we’d still subsidize them, no?
chugs are victims of modernity in the fullest extent. these people didnt even have fucking writing, as in they were prehistoric. what is history? its a written record. chugs were nomadic meaning they had not developed agriculture which is needed for a society/civilization. this is because the animals they had were not good for domestication (as in europe), and also why native americans were clean of dieseases whereas europeans carried illnesses from livestock.

then suddenly we show up and force them into a way of life that is completely alien to them.

the free will of the chug is to wander the prarie lands with his fellow men looking for bison hoards and various squash vegtables, occassionaly blowing tobbaco smoke up eachothers asses (thats where the expression came from)
>occassionaly blowing tobbaco smoke up eachothers asses
i see youre carrying on the tradition
Canada did not force shit on them. Read firsthand accounts from both sides, for the most part they readily embraced British rule under "the Great Father" and even moreso "the Great Mother."
American poachers and whisky traders, and half-breed buffalo hunters (the main agents of bison depopulation), as well as their historic American tribal rivals like the Sioux, were far more destructive to their way of life and traditions than Canadian settlers.
Good riddance
Depends on the terms of the referendum and how it is executed. But yes, any time they talk about it, that's on their list of demands.
where may i find such first-hand accounts firstly, and secondly residential school is exactly canadians attempt of adjusting them to an industrial lifestyle.
regardless, the poor poor chug cannot handle the infinite niceties we brought them like cheap liqour and food. they are incapable of such intense self regulation for they come from a time before them in which no such trait was important.
Oh my God who fucking cares post a gun
Most recent one I read was The Law Marches West but basically any book written in or about Canada prior to 1900 will include firsthand accounts.
Chugs specifically requested the schools in the first place.
Also >>62584051
Let me see some guns bro
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Now u
I am mobile posting rn I can't. I promise I have guns tho pls believe me
>i’m posting from my camera
>but i can’t post pictures taken on said camera
>because… I JUST CAN’T OKAY!!??
Res shills itt tonight
armored core 6 pvp and making a ghetto chick parm
my friend is a chug and he got 5 acres for free on the rez and makes $34 an hour tax free working from home

they have is better than whitey does
Chugs are like women, they've turned crying into an infinite free money hack
Nice spike
I can't post photos to 4chan in Incognito browser and can't scrub metadata from the photos on my phone, need a desktop to do that.
Chan autoscrubs dummy thats why photos end up rotated if phoneposted
Screenshot and recrop whatever picture you want to post
Always worked for me
Tell that to Moleman, his opsec was flawless and he still got got.
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canada is so gay and retarded it's sometimes unbelievable that this place actually exists
>pic not related
>his opsec was flawless
Nigger posted himself blasting powerlines on FACEBOOK anon
Not that things weren't pretty gay and retarded 10 or 20 years ago, but it's amazing how quickly things have fallen apart.
Yeah but he had a mask on
One anon here had one. I remember him talking about custom loads. He even had to make his own brass.
I heard about a guy who had one, who knew a guy who made the ammo for $20/per, and that was years ago. How would you even "make brass" for 14.5x114mm?? I'd like to own a .50BMG in my lifetime but 14.5 would be cooler, maybe Marstar had surp ammo of dubious quality for sale along side the PTRS and PTRDs once upon a time, who knows
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>Nigger posted himself blasting powerlines on FACEBOOK anon
kek post yfw you realize this madman will, one day, sooner or later, be free to roam the nation amongst us.
It says the app does not allow screenshots idk why. I have guns tho I wouldn't lie about that.
Maybe on a small lathe.
The Horsies are trying to put him away for a bit longer with "child porn charges". Hard to tell what will happen as he was denied day parole earlier this year.
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>post yfw
Fuck off noguns faggot
>Hurf durf cities obsolete because of all these things that get made in cities allow me to work remotely
We get it, you're a dissatisfied office drone with a made up job.
Don't be rude I probably have more guns than you.
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Ring ding ding daa baa
Baa aramba baa bom baa barooumba
>Wh-wha-what's going on-on?
Ding, ding
>This is the Crazy Frog

Ding, ding
Bem bem!

Ring ding ding ding ding ding
Ring ding ding ding bem bem bem
Ring ding ding ding ding ding
Ring ding ding ding baa baa
Ring ding ding ding ding ding
Ring ding ding ding bem bem bem
Ring ding ding ding ding ding
>This is the Crazy Frog

Ding ding
>Br-br-break it, br-break it
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum
Bem, bem!
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum
>This is the Crazy Frog

A ram me am brem da
Am da rem ram am da baabeeeaaaaaaa!
Ding, ding
>This is the Crazy Frog

Ding, ding
Da, da

Ring ding ding ding ding ding
Ring ding ding ding bem bem bem
Ring ding ding ding ding ding
Ring ding ding ding baa baa
Ring ding ding ding ding ding
Ring ding ding ding bem bem bem
Ring ding ding ding ding ding
>This is the Crazy Frog

Ding, ding
>Br-br-break it, br-break it
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum
Bem, bem!
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum
Dum dum dumda dum dum dum
>This is the Crazy Frog

Bem, bem!
>Whats my next plan of action here?
time for the rope
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just go join them
see image posted by >>62578871
>"Everyone is welcome here, regardless of religion, race, nationality, political views..."
Kinda cool but doesn't quite sound like my scene
>three months' worth of diesel
I was hoping to survive a little longer than that.
>underground orphanage
>we have room for your children, but we don't have room for you
tor is one of the of all time imo
If you are of the persuasion that you want the government to collapse, you have to ensure that the same liberalism that is affecting all other facets of the government, affects the tax collecting authority. Lobby for the CRA to have (((liberal))) views when it comes to taxation, and you ensure the collapse of the government.
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>>we have room for your children, but we don't have room for you
Canada is giving free guns to the indigenous and indigenous don’t need gun licenses.

Russia is now giving Yemen free missile supplies. Therefore Russia is officially at war in opposition to the cult-of Israel.
>Canada is giving free guns to the indigenous

Bullshit. Source?
What movie
Darude Sandstorm
if this pic had a neutral facial expression it could be a modern art piece
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Seemed like a nice enough guy (died 2021), but the concept is certainly suspect and i don't find it appealing.
I would not want to be locked up with a bunch of children, especially ones whining about being separated from their parents.
Also, the gps co-ordinates of the facility are on the wiki paga, and the blast doors look very weak; even if they aren't doing unspeakable things down there, people are liable to show up with such intentions.

Double check but i think its specifically for hunting in/near water and/or when hunting waterfowl because the lead from the shot will leach into the aquatic ecosystem and kills everything.

Cant be, not enough chunks, cocaine and cat hair
Yeah and what world would that be, the one where they spent their primitive lives raping, looking, genociding other tribes?
Wow, I feel so bad for them.
And they're lucky it was the English who subjugated them. Only they were stupid enough to try and educate & integrate them into this new urban society.
All other races know the score, except for perfidious Albion trying to go against the grain. And look where it got them in the end.
Star of David floor-plan
Cool project btw. What software are you modelling it in?
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the french did a much better job at native relations desu
they let us keep to ourselves and come to them for trading
Yeah no doubt, I was being a bit overzealous. There certainly was a middle ground that could've been reached. Too bad that isn't the timeline we're living in.
Cangen occasionally gets deluded changs in here (rightly) saying Indians are gross, or shitskins ripping China but pushing the Sikh bro tier meme. To be clear: all minorities are racial filth. Flush both shit and piss. Chinese are just as disgusting and slimy as Indians.
I'd actually like to see their politicians make an earnest effort at securing some kind of victory, even if it's merely increased autonomy within confederation.
Would set a nice precedent for the western provinces.
Don't understand how anyone can push the Sikh "bro-tier" garbage with all their ethnic gangs polluting Canada in addition to the foreign separatist movement clashing with officers, shutting down streets, intimidating people, etc.

Nothing "bro tier" about third-world spats.
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Wow the job market is fucking ass
Effeminate white "men" say such things, but I've also noticed we're being flooded with different minorities and falling into the "Well, X isn't so bad I guess" trap, usually regarding smelly, scamming Chinese. Again, this is an idea usually pushed by skinny-fat beta males who simp for 3/10 chinks.

To me, with the possible exception of the Japanese (who are welcome to be based in Japan), any amount of non-whiteness is evil.
It's a reddit meme, probably started by the shitskins themselves.
Anon immigration helps grow our economy because it just does, OK? All of our immigrants are job creating entrepreneurs despite having a 2x higher unemployment rate (after 5 years in Canada) compared to native-born Canadians, OK? Giving them jobs that Canadians would otherwise be working and houses that Canadians would otherwise be living in is what's best for Canadians and if you don't see the mechanism for how that works, you're evil.
I'm not going to simp for chugs, because their privileged status should be revoked and they need to stop constantly committing violent and property crimes, but I would say they can stay. As for the rest, you're right that the only answer is they all need to go back.
Ahhhhhhhhhh I hate it I hate it I hate it. Fuck 10 years ago I had no issues getting a job seemed like anywhere I threw a resume wanted to hire me at decent wages. Fuck this shit so hard man.
Where are you at anon? Potash mines are always hiring, especially the ones further from Saskatoon. May or may not be shitty work depending what you're doing but it's stable 6 figs.
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Hello 4chan users. Pierre Poilievre here. If elected, I promise to bring back $75 SKS unpinned into every Canadian Tire, along with a spam can of Russian surplus 7.62x39. Don't forget to vote!
Go on gibs. It's your own tax dollars. Use the money to buy ammo and be ready for a race war.
>hmm yes just move out to the middle of bumfuck nowhere and live and work with a bunch of fat, chainsmoking alcoholics driving lifted pickups with no prospects for raising a happy family.
Shoplift from any large chain store that preferentially hires poos and slopes (which is all of them). No chink or poo will challenge a white man because they're servile slave-races, so use it to your advantage.
Funny enough in Saskatoon, where are you seeing mine gigs? I took a peep at all the company websites and nothing really came up. Even the far north isn’t hiring.
I'd back your play on that. I've probably met a higher proportion of acceptable chugs compared to chinks (maybe one or two out of hundreds) or poos (maybe two out of thousands). I don't think chugs are inherently evil, unlike the other two mentioned.
Wow I can't believe he actually said this but it's true
Bumfuck nowhere is full of people with happy families. It's much easier to have a happy family when you can afford a home and land and your kids aren't interacting with junkies every time you walk downtown.
Esterhazy, Rocanville, Bethune, Belle Plaine
>implying bumfuck nowhere towns aren't full of fenty zombies
wake up it's 2024 not 1988 pal
When I lived in bumfuck nowhere BC Interior this was true downtown, now I live in bumfuck nowhere Sask and the junkies at least stay home/on rez and don't bother normal people
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>Bumfuck nowhere is full of people with happy families.
Delusional...I live in a town of 8000 people there is nothing but despair and addiction here. No decent jobs whatsoever and now we're getting FLOODED with poos and other undesirables.
Based chink hater, I can't stand stand them either and their women are gross looking.
a nu
That is The Sims 3.
Probably not the best tool for the job, among other reasons the performance issues are becoming noticeable, even though i'm only like 20% finished the facility, at best.
>8000 people
Get out of the city, bud.
(depending on the province, anything in excess of 5,000 people may be considered a city)

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