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/k/ - Weapons

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How often do gunners change barrels?
Maxim featured in two world wars; it'll be in the third.
These slide threads are getting worse everydaywdtrpr
bout every tree fiddy
>Fire until they see the glow of our barrels!
Depends on the gun, the rate of fire, and the type of fire/type of engagement. Anywhere from every 250rd to every 1000rd. Barrels can be rotated back in after cooling down
I always wondered, how do water-cooled MG barrels not rust to shit after so many years of being basically submerged?
There was a picture where a M240 gunner had like 5 barrels and 5+ boxes of ammo linked together and set up next to an Abrams, anybody have it?
Im guessing they would not be loaded with water when not in use to not lug around 4kg of more gun
As for the rust its only on the outside of the barrel, not an issue
>weapons post
>on a weapons board
>slide thread
You have like 15 Ukraine threads right now. Go to one of those or /pol/ if you want to shill for Putin or NAFO or whatever.
It's fucking insane that Maxim effectively perfected the machine gun on not just his, but anyone's, first try. Even more so if you count the Vickers gun as a Maxim.
This man has never heard of paint in his life.
Everyone laugh at the war tourist
Post timestamp gun pic. You should have to prove you own a gun to post a thread on /k/. Would stop 99% of you shit vomiting shills from leftypol.
Anon you're mind broken, OP posted a thread asking a question about machine guns. What board would you have him post this on instead, /hc/???
The rusting process of iron requires free oxygen molecules. So if you have pure distilled water that is fully free of oxygen (boil it long enough under low pressure), and you carefully close if off from the air, there will be no rusting.
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I'm a filthy war tourist and even i think you're retarded.
Guys were regularly pissing into water jacket reservoirs, anon.
I'm honestly curious, why have there been no attempts at a modern water cooled machine gun?
Your piss doesnt containt oxygen cause the lungs need it duh
Cause barrels are cheaper to produce
There isn't a need. Modern maneuver warfare means nobody is doing hours-long machine gun volleys like in WW1. Air-cooled MGs are good enough for modern purposes and are significantly lighter. You can't exactly get around the mass and thermal capacity of water--it's gonna add a shitton of weight no matter how high-tech your gun is.
>why have there been no attempts at a modern water cooled machine gun?

What is there left to attempt? Water cooled machine guns were pretty much perfected early on. If you need a light weight gun, making air-cooled instead is the first step in that process.
You need to keep the count of the rounds fired. Every gun barrel has a different life span, e.g. M2 has about 500-800.
The real big brained question is why aren't water jackets used on coaxial machine guns?
Air and dismounted ground makes sense for air cooled, an MBT could only benefit from a water cooled coax

Certain autocannon are water cooled like the ZSU-23-4 Shilkas guns.
The Maxim would probably be super easy to manufacture today. It's a good design and should make a comeback for insurgent with technical pickups on all sides
We made guns cheaper, lighter, and more effective.
Companies just relocated the cost into the machinery and development and it's a long term return if anything.
Not super easy. The design is fairly complicated compared to MGs now.
But now instead of hand fitting we can just churn out interchangeable parts on CNC machines.
What if you don't have a CNC machine?
No. Why are you bumping an alleged slide thread, anyway?
Sucks to suck then, bozo
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>My way is the only eay things can be done

CNC is overrated and limited, just like guns owners in the United States.
Space constraints? Maybe nobody wanted to bother designing a coax-only MG instead of just slapping another M240 in there. I'm not sure why you couldn't just use the turret bulkhead as a big heatsink, either. Presumably it gets pretty hot, but it has to be colder than an MG barrel, so you logically should be able to move heat around like that.
You fucking retard GO LOOK AT A MAXIM BOLT
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>enemy finally closes
>lightsabre reflexes kick in


Lots of oil.
You can just use coolant for vehicles instead.
Not hard, you're just skilless.
>My inferiority makes me upset and insecure so I have to say retarded things anonymously
>Hey bud, I'm on 4chan!
I can only speak to the M249 and M240 which are both 200 rounds before you change barrels. Depends on the doctrine of your armed force though.
Maxim’s original design received updates throughout the early 20th century. It was robust, relatively simple, but expensive and heavy to produce. Remove the water jacket and we still see variants of it in service today. We could also say the same for John Browning’s designs too.
air cooling has gotten better and it’s easier to exchange a barrel than to fill a water tank. Not to mention that the overall volume of fire has shifted to all soldiers now using automatics instead of a singular machine gun emplacements.

The soviets did keep maxims in service into the 1980s along the chinese border emplacements for cost-saving measures and due to their perceived effectiveness against human wave attacks.
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>The real big brained question is why aren't water jackets used on coaxial machine guns?
space inside a tank is at a premium
this goes double for a co-axial which has to sit in the most cramped part of the tank
Quick change barrels.
chill out guy
Underage bitch faggot confirmed.
300 - 800 if you can also you rotate constantly because if you are in conditions where you are stuck with 3-4 of them you don't want them to get fucked.
I was told every 3 belts or 3 minutes, conditions allowing. You can go for longer but that barrel will be questionable, if not toast, depending on ROF.
>Get called out
>N-N-no, You!
>(Haha, I win)
Everyone sees through your charade, kiddo. Be grateful you are anonymous, but do not abuse it.
They should had pee on it early.
Follow up; 3 belts or 3 minutes is also max time before displace, unless your position is so superior as to validate holding. Or tactical situation impresses you to keep providing fire.
A good team can swap and reload on the move. Obviously if you are retreating under fire concentrate on moving and make haste, but if you are relocating on a ridgeline with cover or concealment you can swap in a low crouch while maintaining movement. It is awkward as fuck without copious practice.
Keep digging that pit, tiger.
>Implying anyone is taking you seriously, here or IRL.
You are a joke, just not funny.
>0.1% Finn
That must be some ultra-concentrated Tism.
You're not even arguing with me lol.
are you going to post your own. that's how it works. it isn't a buzzword callout, you post your own and the other person posts theres.
>being 2% pajeet
>Maxim featured in two world wars; it'll be in the third.
and the 4th world war with sticks and stones
Imagine this made with modern materials and an artificial liquid that's better than water at conducting heat. I bet you could make it a lot lighter
he went away. i claim victory
you aren't white
all these accusations yet 0 guns posted. miss the poster counter.
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Go to bed, you're drunk.
>rent free
post gun (or axewound idgaf)
It says "not detected" on every other sub-locale in the UK, too. You're Irish as fuck, anon.
/pol/tards don't know what they want. They just know they don't want the current thing, even if the current thing is food, water, pussy, or money. Conspiracy theorists should not be listened to as a rule because they are not engaging in logic, but emotion.
>n-no you're the t-tranny, i swear
>starts mentioning trannies out of nowhere
>has hundreds of pictures of them saved on his computer
thank god you don't own a gun lmao
10 minutes at the sustained rate, 2 minutes at the rapid rate, 1 minute at the cyclic rate, when using light and medium machine guns.
At the end of day at the sustained rate, after an hour at the rapid rate, and after half an hour at the cyclic rate for heavy machine guns (.50 and above).
When worn out or at the lifecycle replacement point specified in the TM, for chainguns (25mm and above).
>The real big brained question is why aren't water jackets used on coaxial machine guns?
Because Australia filed a patent on the benus MG for tanks.
it is worth noting that the soviet maxim gun was only used because they had large amounts of them available and it was never considered ideal
they replaced them with air-cooled machine guns as soon as they were available
Every thread that's not directly about the Russo-Ukrainian War is a slide thread. Remember that.
How many tines have you been banned, and why isn't it more times
I like guns
When you notice elevation is required that wasn't required before you are running a bit late on the barrel swap. But sometimes it be like that. You just gotta keep blasting at a threat that just isn't giving up. But that moment your other guys can get the problems heads down or air/arty support finally hits, you swap that fuckin barrel. Helluva thing when you can fucking see the rounds giving off a white light as they go down the barrel, and you can see the droop getting visible and feel the heat radiating from a few feet away.
You got got. topkek.
Hey the jannie didnt ban me and the trannie obsessed autist is gone, Im happy with that
I hope Irishman-kun is okay...
Judging by the fact he did this last night, hes probably going to do at least one more repeat performance before getting perma banned or having a stroke
it's just colored water with some additives, the additives only stop rust/stop the mixture from freezing, they actually lower specific heat (the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of a substance by one Celsius degre)
the more ya know, neat
or just do it again now lmao
Do you ever get tired of replying to yourself?
yeah its a sight to behold

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