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If Israel does invade Lebanon and goes to full scale war with Hezbollah, what would the objectives be? How would they know they’ve won and what would come next?
Given it's Israel, probably occupation and displacement of anyone there.
They really don't give a shit when it comes to those sorts of things, especially since that's always been the law of the land in the region.
Shot until the other side stops shooting back.
Then you cease land.
Israel doesn't have the manpower to pull that off
the best they could do is try to dismantle hezbollah thoroughly enough and in a way that the locals blame their sufferings on hezbollah incompetence that a competing faction of muslims of the 'eradicate israel later rather than sooner' mentality take over.
Countries don't do "objectives" anymore beyond vague sounding goals that can be met by just about anything.
As you said, no one wants to risk there being proof they lost.
>what would the objectives be?
Keep Netanyahu in power and out of prison for longer. Let the orthodox/settler sects cement more power and control over Israel. That's the defining objective for all of their operations right now.
the military doesnt like netanyahu because the military is secular zionists with western ideas about statehood and society and netanyahus alliance with the religious jews is freaking them out.
probably they let october 7th happen to humiliate netanyahu whos campaign platform was keeping people safe from violent arabs

the politics of israel are interesting because on one hand you have the religious jews who, being religious, are very blunt about things, but also believe acting in a direct way is sinful, they should study torah and god will protect them. Then you have the militant zionists who walk the tightrope between being western leftists themselves so believing in memes like proportionality and not killing your enemy if they try to kill you by default, but once they decide they need to do something they do it with a certain ruthlessness.
The optimistic objective would be a security cordon south of the Litani. It's not clear if Israel will commit to that, though they could definitely do it if they really wanted.
They'll probably be happy to just wail on Hezbollah, destroy some rocket emplacements, take a few Shiite towns and eventually pull back.
I hope israel and palestine both nuke each other. Please please please
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>what would the objectives be?
A lot of dead muslims.
>How would they know they’ve won
By making the green area North of their border a lot smaller.
>what would come next?
Killing even more muslims?
what’s to stop this from turning into every other invasion/occupation since the Korean War where it inevitably degrades into irregular warfare, instability, fatigue, and withdrawal, with both countries being in the same position as they were before except worse? A la Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Gaza, West Bank, Lebanon?
The officer corps is increasingly made up of religious zionists. At this point only the top brass are the old secularists and they will be fully supplanted in the next 10-20 years .
You'd think they'd have learned their lesson from the last two times they invaded Lebanon. Since the current war goal is to allow residents of the north to return home I guess they'll go in, try blow up Hezz's tunnels, and leave. Of course, they may just be retarded and try to occupy it again.
Israel is unlikely to stay for long. The objective is a limited THD, just racking up kills and exploding some depots.
Both parties will come off worse for wear, but like 2006, the brunt of the damage will be on Hezbollah and southern Lebanon. Israel is more resilient economically and militarily anyway, so they can more easily afford to take the hit.
A war is also politically popular in Israel to return the evacuees, while many Lebanese, especially Christians, see the war as a Hezbollah initiative. By making unprovoked attacks on Israel and linking them with Gaza, Nasrallah now owns the consequences. Hezbollah is already being blamed for the damage in Lebanon, which is going to hurt them politically in the long run.
>rhodesia and South Africa
Didn’t work out fo’ them too well didnit?
>1978 First Israeli invasion of Lebanon
>1982 Second invasion of Israel
>2024 Third?
These are not meant to be long term occupatons. They are incursions up to Litani River, to clean the area for a decade or so.
Before Hezbollah there was PLO.

I would argue that Israel is in the same position as Rhodesia and South Arica, where you have to do raids across the border to destroy enemy staging areas.
Whites in Rhodesia made up only 10% of the population and were betrayed by the west who was working with communists. The israelis work with the west as well as china and india as their biggest partners and have their own industry
>Whites in Rhodesia made up only 10% of the population
True, but had the most power, so Rhodesia was basically white/Western run country.
>betrayed by the west who was working with communists.The israelis work with the west
I was actually thinking about this yesterday. Israel can be very glad to have actual military and economic support from the USA.

The public opinion in the West(even MSM)are is absurdly very anti-Israel.
I'm a yuropoor and the MSM news from Germany, France and my Slovenia show Israel in very bad light.
Even people in IRL here seem to be largely against Israeli right to defend.
People are blindec by muslim and commie propaganda. Its the same on Reddit and pol.

And I believe that USA would have supported Rhodesia had it not been involved in Vietnam at the time.
probably win is setting up puppet Lebanese govt and expelling hasbeenlah and its supporters
Israel won't occupy the whole of Lebanon. Just the southern are to clean it a bit.
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My understanding is that the secular-Zionist / religious distinction in Israeli politics has been corroding as there are now religious Zionists (Smotrich and Ben Gvir are emblematic of this) who do serve in the army and combine religion with hardline "10 Plagues of Egypt / bomb 'em back to the stone age" militarism. Ben-Gurion and his fellow secular Zionists thought they could tap the power of YHWH for their own secular ends, but the 3,000-year-old religion is proving stronger than their modernizing secular nationalist state. YHWH proved too powerful. (After all, not only is Israel full of holy sites, it basically *is* a giant holy site according to the Jewish religion, which is very clear that being in Israel surrounded by other Jews is highly desirable.) They opened the Arc and YHWH escaped confinement and is melting the face off their secular project like in Indiana Jones.
Operation Litani knower
The weird ones are the portion of the Haredi community that lives in Israel while also regarding the existence of Israel as an affront to God.
The Israelis' goal would be to make sure any border conflict happens on the other guy's side of the border.
I think you all have been telling Israel isn't a western country.
Well, guess what, by that logic Israel shouldnt have any problem going down a few positions at the HDI index to kick Hezbollah out of a new sanitary zone, maybe even decimate them to such a point their opposition can do the rest of the work, some lebanese would love to have a shot at getting rid of Hezbollah after the kikes do all the hard work.
It's a pretty logical natural border if you take into account map of religions there.
You're forgetting 2006
>The public opinion in the West(even MSM)are is absurdly very anti-Israel.
This is like saying Drumpf is absurdly unpopular because CNN, BBC, The New York Times and so on say so, there was, is and will always be a large core of israeli supporters who will go on exactly because CNN, muslims and lefties say they are bad, you know the joke, anyone supporting communism below their 20s has no heart, anyone doing so after their 20s has no brain.
Thank you for reminding me.
>burj al shemale
do they really?
In retrospective it was quite obvious, you could even see when reading Harari books, in his older ones he just declared old religions were done and we were going dataist, in his later books you see how he is struggling to keep the narrative and has to resort to "but I don't give a shit about it" while falling to the same mistake most academia do about what they call populism, populism is just talking to the man in the street in terms they can understand and without bothering to keep the faccade intellectual elites demand to feel like they have a saying, democracy is cool until someone reminds you are an entitled minority.
I understand your point, but still there is a noticable difference.
A substantial number of people here support Trump, even with the constant EU MSM bashing. But I have yet to met someone who supports Israel. I've talked about this with at least 12 people.
The Palestine Partition was a huge fucking mistake.
What the fuck was the UN and the rest of the world thinking?
Anyone with half a brain could see that was a terrible idea.
keeping the war hot until Bibi has figured out his exit strategy
they're not really in the business of waging war with tangible political goals
Look at the members of the committee.
They didn't care or in wanted to createca fucked up situation for Jewish people(Iran, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, etc.,)
Putin killed The End of History, it's now a game on raghead and commie terrorist game rules.
I have to support Israel because my hero Rabbi Jesus was an Israeli
>Putin killed The End of History
no, if anything this war is proof that the End of History is invincible.
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I choose to support Israel because they kill my enemies.
NATO mic is invincible, but Fukuyama's thesis is broken, we are seeing a return of nationalism, protectionist and re-industrialization, a lose of faith in believing "global southerners are like us", virtue signalling has amounted for palestinians exactly zero real support while no one is even expecting UN to solve any of these conflicts, even within the political architecture of the west you see the cracks as both sides are no longer eilling to compromise. Rearmament across the world is occurring and all MENA has left is the social refuse of an already finished ideological view which ignores even the biological basic building blocks of life.
You have enemies?
>What the fuck was the UN and the rest of the world thinking?
"Lets make it their problem instead of ours, lol."
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Nah, I support them because, like South Africa, they have managed to create advanced industries and help develop technologies which are vital for our species long term survivals, in the middle of a fucking wasteland, while their enemies are stagnant (no one expect MENA people to make any important technological breakthrough for the benefit of our species) and even worse, just one step away from returning to medieval times.
Israeli lives, western lives, because for me they are westerners no matter what their detractors argue, are far more useful and productive for my expectations than those of Hezbollah, Hamas, Iran and the populations which are under their command, under them we are just fodder for stellar catastrophe:

Fukuyama's thesis holds. There are no ideological conflicts, there is no more "meaning" in war.
It's all just garbage and the enduring legacy of the postsoviet liberal world order.
Keep in mind that this world order is not particularly receptive towards the desires of the global south.
Yeah, they're Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea, in that order. Plus all of their cutouts they use to keep their hands clean.
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The western managerial class, what /pol/ amusingly call "The Jews", expected MENA and for that matter the rest of the world to roll over and accept democracy, capitalism, freedom(s), etc, this is clearly not the case. Look at the average migrant, how much does he believes the same such as you? See how even after the major efforts done by liberals people still see non-binaries as the aberrations they are. Do you think the thinly veiled ethnic (racial if you wish) dissertations done by candidates such as Trump only belong to a fringe group? Then how is he and others like him are now seen as viable options?

If it's of any value I would have loved as much as you to see Fukuyama's thesis hold true, a Golden Age for all of humanity based on Kantian principles where the Faustian Man finally finds a way out of the deal he did with the technological project and we can completely refute dr. Kaczynski thesis. Alas we are in a new age of war and the West will prevail not through cultural victory but superior warmachines and ruthless violence.
the Russian population of Israel are Westerners? I thought we hated Russians guys
nah the antisemites of /pol/ are on Team Kabbalah Harris in these upcoming elections. you need to stay up to date, Zognald is so 2016..
How many Shoah museums will I need to visit before I can see things from your perspective?
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You said you're a yuropoor so it's different where I live, but I'm in the U.S. and have seen Israeli flags (not a lot) and met an ultra-MAGA lady recently who bought some enchanted religious water from Israel to sprinkle around the local Masonic hall because they're evil and she was hoping to drive them outta town (they actually moved towns several months later for unrelated reasons but tell her that).

Trump people are a funny mix. Individually I can usually get along with anybody, but I don't like the RFK Jr. schizos. I had a neighbor into that stuff who was also a Putin fan. But there are other people who have the old Scots-Irish honor culture. They are wary of military adventurism, but the idea is that if we *do* go to war, we should not hold back, and Trump has found a way to attach pro-Israel attitudes to their culture -- and this is the core of his constituency -- because they are FAFO types. Fuck around and find out. So they can be simultaneously wary of "foreign wars" while also having this attitude:
^ Maronite Christian btw
I'm done with /pol/.
I started using it in early 2010 because it was a platform where you could talk openly about ghe uncontrolled muslim invasion of the EU.

But seeing that now most of /pol/ supports literal islamic terrorists and antifa type FREE PALESTINE faggots because of "muh kikes".... fuck that place.
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MIGA is a doomed movement
Best I can do is a choclate best goy-medal when you've hit six million on your holocaust museum stamp card.
>the rest of the world to roll over and accept democracy, capitalism, freedom(s), etc, this is clearly not the case
Well, given that the world is once again reminded what the alternative is, everyone is suddenly again very keen on democracy, capitalism and freedom.

>Look at the average migrant, how much does he believes the same such as you?
In this generation? Perhaps not as much.
In two generations? These people are the same, they will be subsumed by capital. This is the ideological power of liberalism. Offer people a chance at a better life and they'll take it. All of the problematic immigrants are first and second generation, but they fade away later on.

>people still see non-binaries as the aberrations they are
Non-binary people are just people who don't know how to dress and do not engage with the culturally accepted range of fashion. It's not gender ideology, it's just fashion and fashion is mutable and will be subsumed by liberalism.

>Do you think the thinly veiled ethnic (racial if you wish) dissertations done by candidates such as Trump only belong to a fringe group?
it doesn't matter, the liberal world order can subsume everything and turn it into a product to be bought and sold. Racism is just another thing you can buy and if it doesn't sell, it disappears from the market.

>Then how is he and others like him are now seen as viable options?
Because people believe the lies they are fed.
Buyer's remorse will set in and the aberration will be corrected.

>a Golden Age for all of humanity based on Kantian principles where the Faustian Man finally finds a way out of the deal he did with the technological project
I think you mistake Fukuyama as a sort of utopian. He is more Fisherian in his analysis, but he doesn't perceive capitalist realism as a negative, but simply the end state of the world.

>the West will prevail not through cultural victory but superior warmachines and ruthless violence
The west has achieved a total cultural victory.
>The West will win
The West has already fallen. Literally none of the major nations will be majority native by 2080.

By 2100 more than half of all humans under 18 will live in Africa and Africa's population, just hitting a billion in 2015, will be larger than all of Asia. But due to weak states and global warming, millions of the new billions will try to leave. 2015 migration will look like a trickle. Easily 200 million will flock out. It's over.
Surely none of those things could have any correlation to Jewish groups advocating for open borders in Europe since the second world war, right?
That would be silly.
and yet all of those nations will continue to exist, because the institution of the nation is independent of the people
this is what true power looks like
You're fucking clueless. The West is pretty much Germany in 1944 tier right now. The writing is on the wall, the struggle will continue for a few more decades, but it's over.
it's the ideology that counts
Indians are good at assimilating to our western values
I wouldn't have any complaints if our country is 100% brown by the year 2100 as long as it remains a liberal democracy
I was commenting the other day at home it appears this time democrats learned the lesson and have been putting effort at /pol/. I mean, just look over here, you see some people using exactly the same arguments and memes they wield when fighting vatniggers against kikes, 4chan is closer to reddit than anyone would like to admit in terms of finding very different and sometimes contradictory opinions.
No, they're already cracking over this. They will collapse into civil war with newcomers overwhelming, killing, and enslaving the natives and/or new authoritarian regimes taking hold.
You can always invent your narratives, but the West is the best.

Go move to Russia if you think the east is doing any better.
you seem to be schizoposting
It's wild seeing rehashes of stuff from the Bush and early Obama eras posted unironcally
You're overestimating how useful Israel is to America and humanity in general. Its economy is massively dependent on military technology exports and subsidies from America and they have a history of stabbing them in the back and sending double agents, dual-citizen politicians, and pro-Israel lobbying groups hijacking control of the government and diverting more of our own resources into Israel. It's disgusting in the first place to allow these people to cuckold us and undermine our diplomatic standing so your support of Israel is tantamount to treason.
I really don't care whether a turdoid /pol/troon sees things the same way. Russia's SMO has annihilated their military and a generation of Russians at minimal cost to the west. An Israeli-Saudi peace deal is around the corner, and Xi's big economic plans are either stillborn or stalled.
You don't need to be convinced. You just need to lose, and that's happening.
there is a mitzva to live in israel if you can and so there are religious groups who see the current israel as a fake israel but still consider it better than no israel.
The jewish thinking is that not trusting god but thinking you have to do it yourself through your own abilities is secular thinking. They have the logic to back it up if you care to learn about it. It goes back to fundamental worldviews the greeks came up with and jews rejecting them. Its one of those things that wind up being a matter of internal intent though, actions are the same but whether you are 'doing what you should and trusting god' or 'thinking you are doing it yourself' is all the difference. Because israel was founded by secular zionists/socialists/revivalist pagan movements initially they see it as inherently suspect.
But they are supposed to live in israel if they can so...

yes there are religious zionists now. This seems a natural evolution. One thing about israel is even the secularists have a certain sense of protectiveness towards the religious. The average non religious israeli is still going to be amiable towards a religious jew trying to be religious. This means living togeather will wind up as time passes creating religious jews who are less hostile to the idea, and presumably to the religious' agenda secular jews who are not quite as secular.
Religious jews consider it a great success if they can convince another jew to be even slightly religious.
Its all really wholesome
is antisemitism not at an all-time high in America?
don't you think that as boomers die off and the younger generation abandons your hebrew book and your rabbi savior they'll give less of a fuck about defending your holy land?
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See people like >>62583911, most people no longer have great hopes in the future anymore, you are just repeating Pinker's talking points when they are no longer valid outside entrenched exclusive spa elites.

First graphic.
What's this false dichotomy that if you're antisemitic you have to support Russia now?
people's fee-fees are not what the world is like
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Second graphic.
It's the hasbara brigade struggling to cope with the end of the boomers' era. They have no argument so the only thing they can do is call everyone else brown, muslim, or russian.
>what would the objectives be?
Just like 'Nam, to win hearts and minds.
Atheism isn't going to end US interests in the ME, isn't going to make isolating Iran less important, and isn't going to drastically change relationships there.
Culture plays a role in interests, but power is always king, which is why America has bases in Muslim countries across the region despite not liking them.
Zion Don is 100% kosher meanwhile Kabbalah Harris is only 99.9% kosher
easy choice
>grr turdoid /pol/troon
>based saudis!
jewish retard spotted
nta but i dont think popular movements amongst leftists count as a legitimate anything. they will virtue signal about something else later and whatever opinions a leftist holds about anything is not backed up by any moral foundation that provides them integrated reasoning in their worldview so it comes and goes with no real conviction. Their only conviction is the desperate fear of appearing bad and fanatical need to show everyone how good they are by one-upping whatever the current thing is and evolving newer ways to sacrifice themselves.
They will all convert to islam, then become apostates and as they are being killed for it they will actually feel vindicated and happy that they were so good and such a victim.
how's that axis of feeble going for you wogfan?
>invasion of greece
>invasion of ussr
>invasion of china
>starting war with the US

When has an obvious bad idea ever stopped a fascist?
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Who are you quoting? I only said you need to lose, and if you like Iran (now best buds with the Russians), you are going to lose. An Israeli-Saudi peace deal will isolate them in a big way.
Though, on the side, it is unquestionable that the Russians do use antisemitism and antizionism as part of their larger influence operations, something the west would never do. I see it all the time as part of their propagandists. Calling Zelensky a Jew, inciting Muslims against the Israelis, etc.
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Why would I move from a place that is falling to a place that never rose out of the muck in the first place.

When I say it's over it isn't that someone new is going to win. China will have their own problems, India too. It's going to be over and everyone will lose, like Western Europe after Rome fell.

As we rightly deserve.
and now you're defending muslims? lol pathetic
I love how obvious 9/11 is on this
Actually, the Ashkenazi group are descended from Turks who falsely claim lineage to the ancient Hebrews and they managed to put themselves on top with an apartheid system that puts the worthier successors to the land beneath them in the hierarchy. On top of being a fraud, Jewish terrorist groups ethnically cleansed the people who had legal title to the land in the first place so they were never supposed to be there no matter how you stretch the imagination or cite ancient fairy tales written by backwards scarab-eating barbarians who thought the stars and sun were inside of the Earth's atmosphere and considered it socially acceptable to sell one's daughter into slavery.
Truth posting more like. Anon is right.
>Well, given that the world is once again reminded what the alternative is, everyone is suddenly again very keen on democracy, capitalism and freedom.
You are either retarded or naive. At least half of Europe would gladly throw Ukraine under the bus the moment the optics wouldn't be too bad, just to get back to business as usual with russia, if that gives them a few bucks more of profits.
>The west has achieved a total cultural victory.
Back during 1950s - 2000s? Yes. Now? Not really.
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Automation and cloning techniques are already a thing, the demographic argument has no value when confronted with technological evolution, it's now only a matter of political will rather than technical capabilities.
You misunderstand me, it's not that I overly value israelis as if they were some divine race, they are a historical happenstance, neither I do care to the political games nations play among themselves, anyone who know realpolitiks can't expect fair game and each group will try to maximize their own profits, it's just as I see it they are a net gain, while their enemies represented in radical islamism and MENA culture are a net loss, it's like with Ukraine and Russia, I support Ukraine not because human rights or other political constructs, people die all the time and suffering is the law of life, but because they better align with the set of intellectual values which ensure humanity's supremacy on the known universe while Russia is just a pathetic husk of a fallen civilization with no real hope for the future, they have fallen so low we can now seriously use the term lostech with them.

I really hope you never try to enter politics, you are in for lots of disillusionment.

Regretably they are, self-confidence and a deep belief in one own's cause, evidently backed up by facts and assets, is essential to win fights.

And before you think I am contradicting myself no, I am not, I am just pointing out the superiority of western civilization over all these dead-end wretches such as Dar al-Islam and Russkiy Mir while reminding it's still natural selection at great scale, civilization are living entities, hence biological rules still apply, internally yes, all praise human rights, brotherly love, democracy and so on.

Externally, Kill. Them. All.
Muslim here. I'm kind of curious why the Isranazis aren't razing and killing the people of the West Bank before destroying Lebanon.
>Actually, the Ashkenazi
not relevant, its a religious association. They converted and so are jews and are commanded to live in israel. You too could be a jew
>and yet all of those nations will continue to exist, because the institution of the nation is independent of the people
Check South Africa if you believe institutions work no matter what sort of "people" fill the organizations of power.
I never said I liked the Saudis. I said I hate Iran, and an Israeli-Saudi peace deal is bad for Iran, since they can coordinate their efforts against Iran organically instead of relying on the US to triangulate.
that's a lot of words unfortunately the philosemitism makes it all irrelevant
loving the reddit-tier armchair general LARP
different management departments and also worldview based.
gaza and west bank are sort of 'to be annexed' because technically they already won it in war and just graciously left is under islamic jurisdiction for the local muslims comfort.
lebanon though is actually seen as foreign area.

You must understand a lot of israeli thinking is (was?) along the lines of 'muslims just want what we all want, to live comfortably, if we throw money at them and import our culture they will just assimilate over time'.
Western secularists have no idea how to fight actual ideology. Its why they lost vietnam too. When your opponent simply does not see losing as a valid option because there are metaphysical realities in play that go beyond all material realities you cant simply pay them off.
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They are for the most part behaving, just like arab israelis, think of israelis like smarter and westernized taliban.
Since when are Israelis "Western secularists"
America's blind support for Israel is based exclusively around ancient prophecies
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Oh no! They have discovered I am mossad! Now I will have to blow up the electronic device you are posting from!
magic isn't real you shit for brained pol leper
Thst may be true or not, but you still need corrupt native people in power who accept deals and ideology from foreign elites.
I think that the world(West) is truly getting worse by the day and people like /pol/alck find a cope mechanism in blaiming the Jews.
>prices are going up, it's the jews
>I'm working a shitty dead-end job, it's the jews
>I can't get the a gf, it's the jews
>I'm fat, blame the jewish seed oils.

I used to be an ardent /pol/ack but I 110% support Israel during the current situation. Living near Muslims is worse than hell.
If Trump were antisemitic, I'd support him, but the last few months have been nonstop humiliation rituals. He can rot in Hell with the Adelsons and Kushner.
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Many israelis are as much western secularists as neocons and assorted creationist evangelicals, what now?
since thats what they are? their leadership and people in high positions have adopted the standard western liberal view and strive to fit in to western ideas of morality. Hence the leaflets/text messages and such, the whole 'most moral army in the world' propaganda attempts. If they were normal humans they would just go 'those guys are trying to kill us lets annihilate them' and not need to virtue signal how good they are.

The whole thing stems from secular humanism and the liberal enlightenment. Trust me im high functioning schizo
every elected Republican and conservative voter in this country believes in Hebrew magic
have you not paid any attention?
this too is what it means to be at the end of history
liberal ideology consumes all things
>here is what I imagine
the israeli tiktok girls are russian prostitutes
actual jewish women are ugly as fuck
where can you find a better future and a better life than in the western world?
Come on, answer me. You wouldn't mindlessly doompost if everywhere else was just worse, right?,
whats that have to do with israel?
if anything thats the efforts of chabad and the broad appeal of people like manis friedman in the west (who religious jews consider heretics on account of thinking their dead rabbi was the messiah and actually is not dead but physically alive). This works mainly because their message aligns with the liberal secular religion of corporate executives and positive affirmation manifestation 'the secret' type new age spirituality which gets eaten up in the west.
You see it is a complex situation.
Provide a serious response. It's 2024 and the most widely available book in America is the ancient Jewish fairy tale book from thousands of years ago.
bullshit, it's "not relevant". The Ashkenazis have always been in power in Israel and they imposed an apartheid system on Mizrahi, Sephardic, and Ethiopian Jews as well as Bedouins, Druze, and especially Palestinians. So, while religious Zionists can say all they want that there's a divine mitzva to live in Israel, most of the Jews who go to Israel just want either a summer home or a real estate investment. And, when shit really hits the fan, they’re the first to run for the nearest airport and that proves their connection to the land is more about power and convenience than religious duty. So it doesn't matter what any mitzva says, they know it's not their land and they will not die for it.
They're fun to bang though
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might as well just remove the entire organ.
God I wish the Jews didn't steal my fucking foreskin at birth. I'll never forgive them for this.
>some jews are not religious
big if true
international policy isn't based on prophecy, it is far more pragmatic, politicians pretend to believe in mystical bullshit to secure votes
that was Kellogg, an alt-health nut against masturbation, the cornflakes man
I realized every single Jew is religious to some degree. They all think the God they made up "chose" them. They all think some piece of land in the desert is their holy homeland. There are no atheist Jews, they pretend to be atheist to appeal to their mutilated amerimutt golem supporter base. I dare any of you circumcised retards to refute this, you can't.
>muh khazars
>muh apartheid
/pol/troon bingo
That is true, manis friedman is more known than Lebron James, Jesus, or Michael Jackson in America
From a social darwinist perspective: Natural selection seems to be favoring the Palestinians because they're a culture that values intelligence and they excel in STEM fields because hard times make strong men.

Israel, on the other hand, has descended into sexual degeneracy and terminal decadence and its military is highly incompetent as a result. They exemplify 'good times make weak men'.
More known than Yeshua bar Yosef? highly doubt it.
how many rubles did Putler pay you to make such a vile claim about the chosen people?
>X place is better to live than anywhere else so it cannot be in the process of collapsing.
Shit tier logic.
>some lebanese would love to have a shot at getting rid of Hezbollah
yeah like one or two of them
don't you think the Lebanese person are tired of being used as meat shields by KKKHAMAS?
yes every politician on the planet is high IQ very true
Shia are only a third of the population. The rest would gladly see them annihilated because they are basically a sectarian mob.
there are no atheist anybodies, there are secular and religious people, the conception of god and the divine one has doesn't leave the psyche if you decide to try and pretend otherwise. This is why fedoras are so predominantly focused on christianity, they are just secular christians.
This. As the saying goes, everybody worships.
Queers for Palestine is like saying Chickens for KFC.
I'll tell you if the majority of Lebanon wants Hezbollah annihilated, the majority also wants six million October 7ths against Israel with the survivors being slowly dipped into molten lead.
do you frame every conflict within the lens of you sucking penis?
Israel just wants peace with its neighbors.
I don't know what that has to do with the Lebanese wanting you dead. I don't blame them.
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>that was Kellogg, an alt-health nut against masturbation, the cornflakes man
I never trust those guys. They'll send you to the camps.
Unlike the land they fight over with the Palestinians, they don't want a part of Lebanon. A realistic win for them would be to reduce Hezbollah to the point where Lebanese authorities can reassert authority over the area and hold it. Hezbollah has treated southern Lebanon as an autonomous state for years now. Israel would be doing them a favor.
Exactly, hell nobody knows who Elvis Presley, Clint Eastwood, Brad Pitt, Zenday too because of them
>what is Shebaa Farms
Thank you, Israel. No one else has the courage to say it so I'll take a stand for our Jewish brothers. We love you, Israel.
>Lebanese authorities can reassert authority over the area and hold it

No seriously, this is the Middle East we''re talking about. How is some little semi-failed state going to assert Western-style civil control over anything?
>Western-style civil control
definition please

Because they are not attacking them. It would be incredibly dumb to open another front for nothing.
>gaza and west bank are sort of 'to be annexed' because technically they already won it in war and just graciously left is under islamic jurisdiction for the local muslims comfort.
there's no such thing as "won it in war" unless you right now would like to tell me Russia legally obtained land in the last 3 years.
Israel never graciously left the West Bank
Israel never graciously left Gaza, they did it unilaterally and had to drag out the Brooklynites literally screaming.
never ask an Israeli why they're not supporting Ukraine with lethal aid (he might be a Russian)
By the grace of almighty HASHEM. Praise Israel.
>aren't razing and killing the people of the West Bank
sorry you had to hear this from me but the IDF has literally never stopped killing Palestinian in the West Bank, ever. over 500 in the West Bank were already killed within the last year.
Shebaa Farms is internationally recognized as part of Syria. Nobody meaningful accepts Lebanon's claim. Even some Lebanese politicians regard it as Syrian.
At this point it's just an excuse for Hezbollah's militancy.
Syria itself recognizes it at Lebanese land
They've refused to submit that to the UN to formalize their claim. It's just empty rhetoric, because they themselves don't believe it.
>In private, Syrian officials repeat that the farms are Syrian and are an integral part of the occupied Golan Heights, which Israel must return in accordance with UN Council Resolution 242 (on the territories occupied in 1967).
>In his book on the secret peace negotiations between Israel and Syria in 2011, former US diplomat Frederic Hof recounted that President Bashar al-Assad assured him that Shebaa Farms were Syrian, and that their return under Syrian control, like the rest of the Golan Heights, was a precondition for any peace agreement.
Good. Fuck 'em.
Unironically it would be worse under (((Trump)))
Do you understand why the world likes Ukraine but largely doesn't care about Israel? Antisemitism maybe?
Let us know when you feel ready to send Ukraine a lethal aid package containing a single 5.56 round. I heard Russia and Iran have been pretty buddy-buddy so it'd only make sense wouldn't it?

They have stated their objectives clearly: "to allow the people from norther Israel, that have been displaced for months because of the missile attacks, to return to their homes"

There is talk about applying the same strategy that they applied years ago with Syria when they took the Golan Heights to create buffer zone (Same shit Turkey is doing by taking control of parts of Syria and Irak to fight the Kurds).

Lebanon could lose a chunk of land if the sand people keep sucking at fighting as they have until now. And that is saying a lot because the Israelis are sucking quite a lot on that department, surprisingly. You can drive across their country in a few hours and they couldn't send troops for more than a day to protect their own people in October 7. Fucking pathetic as well.

In that case, we will have to hear the browns and the lefty commies cry non-stop about the evil western colonizers stealing their land in social media, as usual.
JIDF itt want to say Trump is based and heckin redpillarino'd but they know better.
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Funny how our resident pregnant Anne Frank poster seems to have the most mixed feelings about Israel and Palestine of anyone on here despite being basically spiritually the most Jewish
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I keep telling Israel to start funding Ukraine but the Israelis get pissed off when I say that.
Probably the Russian ones.
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>In December 2019, Israel revealed it had an agreement with Russia not to sell arms to Ukraine and Georgia, in exchange for Russia refraining from selling arms to Iran.
Israel has enough problems without making yet another enemy. Russia needs to give them a reason. They haven't yet, but the decade isn't over, so I'm hopeful.
Only a brown person would post this and think it's an own. Make no mistake, when you see radical far left protestors chanting "Free Palestine" it's actually codeword for "Kill the Jews". They call America the Great Satan and burn your flag. They won't stop at Israel they want to Jihad all over the world. We're the shield protecting the Western world from the extremist orcs of Islamism. Without us you're fucked, if Israel falls you are fucked as a civilization. The IDF will accomplish what fellow Western militaries are incapable of doing.
Me on the right
The last year isn't really a good comparison. Violence has spiked dramatically since the 10/6 attacks.
You "Israel" and you godless zionists will not be able to overcome our Mujahid as we struggle for the poor and oppressed and even the innocent Christians in Lebanon and Palestine. We do not have fear of death while you live in constant fear for your crimes against the innocent.
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I haven't heard this particular cope before.
>Russia needs to give them a reason.
No I get it man, I really do. Plus the reciprocal relationship between Israel and Russia vis-a-vis Syria is totally a good one, Ukrainians be damned. Israeli jets will continue to fly over Syria and Russia will continue to switch off their air-defense systems.

If I were Israeli I'd probably be embarrassed and ashamed of myself and King Bibi for letting a country like Denmark outspend you in Ukraine.
you put six million russian-israeli babies in an oven on October 7th, sit the fuck down muhammad.
>10/6 attacks
I can't make out what your convoluted bullshit means, sorry. I support dead mudslimes. Full stop.
10 for the month of October and 6 for the 6 million victims that were baked alive, keep up with current events abdul.
Michael Young is an informed Lebanese writer. Here's a take:

>From the start of the fighting on October 8 of last year, Hezbollah was caught between contradictory imperatives. On the one hand, it had to come to Hamas’s assistance in Gaza in defence of a strategy developed with Iran known as the Unity of the Arenas strategy. The idea was that parties in the Iran-led Axis of Resistance would combine their efforts to combat Israel if one of them came under Israeli attack.

>On the other hand, Hezbollah had to avoid a widening of the conflict with Israel that might lead to Lebanon’s destruction. The country’s economic collapse in 2019-2020, the growing sectarian hostility towards the group from elements in the Sunni, Maronite and Druze communities, and Hezbollah’s unpopular hegemony over the Lebanese state meant that the group’s leadership understood the real risks that a devastating war might have for its ability to prevail in the aftermath.

>An essential element in the Unity of Arenas strategy was that it was based on the capacity of the Axis of Resistance to deter Israel. Until recently, it had managed to do so to a significant extent, although this did not prevent Israel’s devastation of Gaza and the mass killing of Palestinians. However, Hezbollah’s limitations domestically also illustrated the vulnerabilities of the most powerful Axis of Resistance member.

>By dialling up its attacks against Hezbollah over the past week, the Israelis showed that a gap was growing in the deterrence relationship between the two sides. As the Israelis were escalating their actions, Hezbollah seemed increasingly incapable of responding in kind. If so, what does this hold for the Unity of the Arenas strategy?
It means stop being a greedy Jew and help Ukraine out, they're the ones being attacked by Iranian weapons meanwhile KKKKKKHamas super soldiers get by with their Chinese AKs.
It's not unusual or evil for Israel to put their own considerable security interests ahead of another country's, especially one in a foreign conflict a continent away which doesn't really impact them. If Poland was in Africa, they wouldn't be sending Twardys. South Korea has avoided military aid for the same reason. Not really their problem, and they've got a big one to deal with.
you need to reply with several paragraphs like in your previous comments. write us another essay on why you love jew jew cum.
Again I get it. Large Russian population, activities in Syria. Sorry Ukraine we're fighting another heckin 5 front 2nd Holocaust!
>There were always profound risks in the thinking behind the strategy. All the countries or territories in which the Axis of Resistance is present – Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Gaza – are highly vulnerable in the event of Israeli retaliation. The reason for this is that Iranian regional power was built on a wasteland: wherever Iran and its allies intervened, they left behind failed or failing states.

>One might assume that this played in favour of Iran’s allies, since the absence of functioning states meant Axis of Resistance members could do what they pleased, without pushback. But this reality doesn’t quite hold in Lebanon, where the country’s complex sectarian make-up and traditionally weak state have meant that religious communities and sectarian identities are much stronger than elsewhere.

>While such communal identities may have widened divisions facilitating Hezbollah’s hijacking of the Lebanese state, they have also created outposts of resistance and resentment to Hezbollah that the group has failed to overcome, but is sometimes mindful not to exacerbate. Yet it is also a measure of Hezbollah’s hubris that it largely disregarded this when embracing the Unity of the Arenas strategy.

>With Gaza and large swathes of southern Lebanon destroyed and Hezbollah struggling to keep up with Israel in imposing a deterrence equation, it may be time to reassess the Unity of the Arenas concept. Several factors underline why: Gaza has been obliterated; Hezbollah simply cannot afford a wider war; and the Syrian government, fearing Israel’s response, has shown that it will not open a new front against Israel.
Yep, this is a chosenite zigger
Iran is not a strategic enemy of South Korea and South Korea did a deal with the United States to provide 155 mm arty shells, try again.
>provide 155 mm arty shells
They loaned them. It wasn't free.
By that logic, the Israelis have been selling arms Europewide which allows for additional equipment and munitions to go to Ukraine.
So, I suppose they have been aiding Ukraine militarily in an indirect way.
Dude I remember near the start of the war when Bennett fought tooth and nail to prevent fucking helmets from reaching Ukraine and Lapid had to browbeat him into doing it. Fuck yourself.
They even outright refused refugees from Ukraine unless they were Jewish before that was reversed.

Actually without a doubt a sick, self-interested country even ignoring all the domestic shit and conflict. Just a real scummy, greed-filled nation.
please take the antisemitism back to /pol/
fuck off no one wants you here
>They helped them, but why didn't they help MORE.
The same reason the South Koreans didn't help more. They're a little busy, and don't want Russia as another enemy.
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And holy fuck what was that shit about Bibi wagging his finger at Zelenskyy over some stupid fucking Jew pilgrimage to some Jew site in Ukraine? Like that's his immediate issue in Ukraine right now? Religious bullshit? What a lunatic. Deserves the Rabin treatment, but hopefully where it ends in a super long coma and eventual death like Sharon.

These are priorities.
>Yeah yeah shut your yap about those Iranian drones we're not sending you anything... now down to the REAL important matters!
>encouraged his daughter to convert to Judaism so she could marry a rich Jew
If anyone ever thought Zion Don would ever, ever be an anti-Semite they are fucking dumber than literal, actual dogshit.

If you are going to go down that road, Hez has been doing much ghastlier things than that for longer.

I certainly won't shed any tears for Hez (or their supporters).

Don’t look up how the great multicultural experiment known as Yugoslavia turned out (both times).
Jesus fuck I think I'm actually replying to Vladimir Schlomo.
>what would the objectives be?
Those big-ass tunnels. Easier to clear than those in Gaza because they're big-ass tunnels, not latrine outlets.
>How would they know they’ve won and what would come next?
When the tunnels are destroyed and Nasrallah's head is mounted on a pike on Beirut's parliament for all to see
>go to Israel as a Christian
>probably have a decent trip
>go to ANY one of Israel's enemies
>get decapitated for being kaffir

>How many Shoah museums will I need to visit before I can see things from your perspective?
You can start by not having skin colored brown like feces lmao

Israel is a shithole surrounded by even bigger shitholes, and if there was a way to give every single member of AIPAC and their families ass cancer I'd give everything I had or would ever have to fund and deploy it.
But if you back the muzzies who love to kill Westerners, you're either a retard or brown and IDGAF about your brownoid seething jealousy. don't bother replying i shan't be reading it
>they're Jewish
You might be confused here zigger but Zelenskyy in all these talks stressed the importance of countering the Russia-Iran axis and providing Ukraine lethal aid. Bibi is the one making a big deal out of a religious pilgrimage like a fucking retard.
There are zero Christians in Palestine and Lebanon so true
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it's a rusnigger country before you even see the demographics
No, you're brown and I'm White.
I'm the only White man in this thread and possibly even on this board or on the site as a whole, maybe the only White man on the Internet.

You're all brown.
Bibi? That Polish clown?
The objective is dragging the United States into war with Iran, and total control of the Middle East.
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found your times of israel account
That's only going to happen if the Iranians are dumb enough to shoot at us first.
That said, I wish a nigger would. I'd give the air campaign a week before the Iranian economy and conventional military cease to exist.
>jews deislam the middle east
I know the rest of the goys would be next but I would love to see the asshurt if jews invaded and PAGER'ED Tehran or Mecca.
Too bad they didn't get the other William F Buckley instead
courting Mecca has always been Israel's path to survival. it's actually one of the reasons why Hamas attacked.
why would they pager an ally lol
Ben Shapiro is not a patriotic American

I looked at the list of weapons the Lebanese military uses, thinking it was AK762/545, cause Arab country.

Its got American military standard equipment. I couldn't believe my eyes.

I think government contract 556 is about to get hella cheap. Ukraine, Israel, Lebanon.

Also, you need boots on the ground to occupy. Israel wouldn't stand a chance
Nobody likes you Reza. Certainly not Americans. The entire planet would clap to see you wiped off the face of the map. Well, save the SEAniggers, if you count them as people.
maybe you should have armed the Iraqis harder, Moshe
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project reality beirut
>Its got American military standard equipment. I couldn't believe my eyes.
That's because the U.S. pays for the Lebanese Army.
I was on the Israeli side once as an MGer and went ahead of my squad setting up a FOB to occupy the second H-shaped building from the right and then laid down as much suppressive fire as I could tas the Russian team or whoever it was tried to set up and practically pinned them all down. We destroyed them in that match. Suppressive fire is really effective in that game.
beirut is one of my favorite maps. I'm really loving that PR is unironically becoming reality within the last two years
>Deserves the Rabin treatment
Ironically he probably has the most responsibility for Rabin's death of anyone besides the assassin himself. The head of the internal security service warned Bibi that his supporters were a credible threat to Rabin's life and asked him to reign them in. He refused. The world would probably be a better place if Bibi, not Rabin, had been killed in 1993.
Populations and races are not homogeneous retard-kun, that's why you have chads like Bukele telling Hamas what they are, shitty mobsters, while faggots like Chomsky keep sucking anti-western dick. We use generalization here because it's easier and funnier to talk without the constraints of political correctness.
Based grandma rejecting gay things like logic.
The same objective as always: destroy the economic hub of the Middle East, set up a Christian Fascist state (Ben-Gurion stated this desire in the 1940s), seize land in the south for Settlements
Wrong: https://jewishcurrents.org/inside-the-movement-to-settle-southern-lebanon-uri-tzafon-israel & https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-04-11/ty-article-magazine/.premium/part-of-eretz-israel-meet-the-very-few-israelis-dreaming-of-settling-south-lebanon/0000018e-cdbf-d5ed-adcf-ffbffe750000
The most you can say about Chomsky was he flirted with chinky communism decades ago. I don't think he's anti-West, he's said on multiple occasions through the years he cares more about what his government does than most other governments. Makes sense to me.
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Israel isn't running on cheat codes (inb4 memes about US money), they'd be stretching themselves thin trying to colonize Lebanon and that would be a step too far even for the West given that Lebanon has stronger ties to France and the US still needs to keep countries like Egypt and Saudi Arabia somewhat happy and in line.
Israeli military got ZOGed, a sort of ZOG^2 if you will. The current Chief of General Staff is literally an Orthodox Jew who lives in a settlement. The days of Labour Zionist 130 IQ Ashkenazim educated in Vienna is over, now is the age of 95 IQ religious Jewish fascism retards
>Herzl (Herzi) Halevi was born in Jerusalem. His father Shlomo was the son of Haim Shalom Halevi (Gordin), a member of the Irgun
>Nah, I support them because, like South Africa, they have managed to create advanced industries and help develop technologies which are vital for our species long term survivals, in the middle of a fucking wasteland, while their enemies are stagnant (no one expect MENA people to make any important technological breakthrough for the benefit of our species)
Finally, someone who shares my view lmao
You could replace all Israelis with Singaporeans for all I care, just as long as they're smart people who advance technology, rather than being "Yet Another Third World Shithole #174"
Hmmmm maybe we really should colonize the Levant with Chinese dudes kek
Anon, darwin's theory of evolution refers to the most adaptable, not to the most "strong".
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Because maybe this time they don't intend to leave. Invasions only don't work out if you stop killing everyone opposed to your invasion.
I don't think he does, but he is pointing out people can have self-defeating cultural attitudes.
They won it in the same way ukrainians deserve to keep Kursk.
>the Ashkenazi group are descended from Turks
This meme isn't just dead and buried, it's literally fossilized. DNA testing has repeatedly proven that Ashkenazi Jews are descendants of Hebrew men and Italian women (which I guess ironically makes them non-Jewish by religious laws)
Anyhow, they're a minority of Israelis too, most Israeli Jews now are Mizrahim from the MENA
Anti-Zionism, not anti-Semitism, retard. 90% of anti-Zionist activism in the US is led by the progressive/liberals/leftist who are horrified by and denounce all anti-Semitism. There is no real political anti-Semitism in America, nobody will be advocating for any "ban on Jewish politicians" or whatever.
You might be confused because it's possible for fags to understand Islamic views on homosexuality and be against what they consider is oppressive and potentially genocidal treatment by Israel. Actually doing the "chickens for KFC!" line is more self-defeating because that's something christcuck american boomers post on Facebook and Israeli politicians yell in the Knesset.
The average human loves the underdog, is even a consistent figure among different cultures, further reinforced by western contemporary narratives, don't you watch movies?
Israel also tend to attract hate from the worst people on earth so it's a good integrity and moral test for domestic latent commies, jihadis, sadists and generally those who want to see the world burn, often under the camouflage of some luxury beliefs
Are we sure who the underdog is in Ukraine anymore?
>There are no atheist Jews, they pretend to be atheist to appeal to their mutilated amerimutt golem supporter base
Amerimutts are religious, you fucking idiot.
Any Jew who describes themselves as atheists wants to appeal to European cosmopolitan sensibilities, the type of people who live in Vienna or Berlin or Paris, they're not appealing to fucking Evangelical Billy Bob
>Israel also tend to attract hate from the worst people on earth so it's a good integrity and moral test for domestic latent commies, jihadis, sadists
If we're looking at online shit then I would agree with you. I don't think there's too much overlap between Russia supporters and Hamas supporters in the general going the fuck outside population.
>Even people in IRL here seem to be largely against Israeli right to defend.

Israel's right to defend itself isn't limitless. They don't get to shit the bed for the entire region every time there's a terrorist attack (which is usually very much them reaping what they sowed in the first place). They have killed more than 10,000 children in Gaza since Oct. 7th. Those are not the actions of a sane country.

>People are blindec by muslim and commie propaganda. Its the same on Reddit and pol.

If you think everyone else is wrong except you, maybe take a moment to ask yourself who's the one swallowing propaganda.

The US is in bed with Israel because it wants to be in a position to pump the brakes when the Jews want to go nuts again (this is now proving increasingly ineffective) and to hopefully stop them from using nukes. They also like all those computer chips that Israel supplies. It has nothing to do with Israel's 'right to defend itself' - which, incidentally, is a right that would also be shared by Palestinians, if it exists. You also have a fringe of Evangelical fruitcakes who think Israel will help summon the second coming of Christ or something shit, but they're just icing on the MIC cake.
In my understanding pepetard they still have been sneaking other forms of aid to Ukraine, aince I am phoneposting and you are mostly trolling you do the google search, meanwhile Russia did their usual thing and went to the iranians because, yeah, they are that incompetent, which is the reason why israelis are pissed off at Putin so there is a good chance Mossad is already planning to do their tricks on russian mercs and assets.
Mean for >>62584662
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>they still have been sneaking other forms of aid to Ukraine
all this is, of course, is secret so yeah...
Do they pay you to do this, or do you do it for free?
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nta but I shill Ukraine for free every day. Israel should find a way to be more like them instead of looking like a thug, plus this war also produced zero memes and kino instead just a bunch of dead kids with some jihadists mixed in.
>muh carriers mugafugga
Didn't the flagship US carrier get hit by a houthi drone? These aren't the theater deciding platforms they used to be
>The days of Labour Zionist 130 IQ Ashkenazim educated in Vienna is over, now is the age of 95 IQ religious Jewish fascism retards

Well these guys are currently pulling one of the most impressive, rapid dismantlement of a foreign army the world has ever seen, That's without even using 10% of force.
It was sunk too
A lot of tankie types / enemy regime likers don't like Chomsky. He was never a communist. His ideological background is more in anarchism, libertarian socialism. More YPG than CCP if that makes sense. (He supported U.S. air strikes on ISIS.)

Chomsky has actually been critical of the Palestinian movement, certain aspects of BDS, a rare somebody on the left who can get away with it probably because of his stature. Not that he's opposed to the movement at all but regarding certain issues. He called the PLO the most self-destructive national liberation movement ever. Like the idea of destroying Israel, or giving the impression that this is your intention, is counter-productive because Israel is not the French in Algeria and it backfires and results in massive violence to the Palestinian people.
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This is Chomsky from an interview in "Understanding Power":

>Well, you know, I’ve always thought that the P.L.O. is the most corrupt and incompetent Third World movement I’ve ever seen. I mean, they’ve presented themselves all these years as, you know, revolutionaries waving around guns, Marx, etc.—but they’re basically conservative nationalists, and they always were conservative nationalists: the rest was all pretense.

>In fact, part of the reason for the failure of the whole Palestinian cause is that the P.L.O. is the only Third World leadership I’ve ever seen that didn’t try to stimulate or support—or even help—any kind of international solidarity group. Even the North Koreans, crazy as they are, have made efforts to try to get popular support in the United States. But the Palestinian leadership never did. And it’s not because they weren’t told that it would be a good idea—I mean, there were people like, say, Ed Said [Palestinian- American professor], who were trying to get them to do that for years, and I was even involved in it myself. But they just couldn’t hear it. Their conception of the way politics works is that it’s arranged by rich guys sitting in back rooms who work out deals together, and the population’s irrelevant. They haven’t the slightest conception of the way a democratic system functions. So while it’s true we don’t have like a stellar democracy in the United States, what the population thinks and does makes a difference here—a big difference—and there are mechanisms to influence things. But the P.L.O. leadership has just never understood that.

>The extent of this is really astonishing, actually. Just to give you one example of it, back in the early 1980s...
>Well, there was an approach to the P.L.O. about all of this—and incidentally, the P.L.O. had tons of money. I mean, part of their problem was that they were way too rich for their own good: they had a ton of money because the rich Arab states were trying to buy them off so they wouldn’t cause them any trouble. So you know, Arafat was able to broker billion-dollar loans to Hungary, and all this kind of crazy business. But anyway, the P.L.O. had tons of money, and there was a proposal to try to get them just to purchase books—like, say, Yermiya’s book—and send them to libraries so the book would be in American public libraries: it was nothing more than that.

>....And in fact, that’s just symbolic: they would do nothing that would help to build up support for the really suffering people who they were supposed to represent—just because they were playing a different game. Their game was, “We’re going to make a deal with Kissinger or Nixon, or some rich guy in a back room, and then our problems will be over.” Well, of course that will never work.

>Actually, the corruption of the P.L.O. has just infuriated Palestinians in the Territories, I should say. I was in the Territories back in 1988 or so, and when you went into, say, the old city of Nablus, or villages, and talked to organizers or activists, their hatred and contempt of the P.L.O. was just extraordinary. They were very bitter about it—about the robbery and the corruption and everything else—but they just said: look, it’s the best we’ve got, that’s our international image, you want to talk diplomacy you’ve got to talk to them.

>However, by about 1992 or ’93 even that kind of grudging acceptance had begun to collapse. There was a lot of opposition to the Arafat leadership in the Territories—and in the refugee camps in Lebanon, there were open calls for his resignation, calls for democratizing the P.L.O., and so on.
>The Israeli press knew all about it—they cover the Territories pretty well—and certainly Israeli intelligence knew about it, because they’ve got the place honeycombed. So there were articles by doves in the Israeli press around the summer of 1993 or so, saying: now’s a good time to deal with the P.L.O., because they’re going to give away everything—since their support is so weak inside the Occupied Territories, the last chance the P.L.O. leadership has to hang on to power is to be our agents, Israeli agents. Israeli doves wrote articles about that, and of course the Israeli government knew it.

>Well, okay, that whole phenomenon led to the Oslo Agreements—and now where the P.L.O. leadership fits in is just as part of the standard Third World model: they are the ruling Third World elite ... And every Third World country is like that. Whatever you want to call it, the whole American sort of “neocolonial system”—El Salvador, Brazil, the Philippines, and so on—is not run by Americans. The U.S. may be in the background, and when things get out of hand you may send in the American army or something—but basically it’s all being run by local agents of the imperial power, whose internal power depends on their support from the outside, but who very much enrich themselves by their client ruler status. Alright, that’s the standard colonial relationship, and the P.L.O. is intending to play that role.

>So they have a huge security force—nobody really knows how big it is, because it’s secret, but they may have thirty or forty thousand men enlisted. They surely have one of the highest densities of police per capita in the world, if not the highest. They work very closely with the Israeli secret services and the Israeli army. They’re very brutal. And they’re making a ton of money.
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If only all Jews were as American as future first gentleman Doug Emhoff
>commie jew hates revolutionary group that hates Isreal
Imagine my shock. Wish he had that level of distrust and critique of the Khmer Rouge instead of sucking them off and denying their crimes against humanity.
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Well, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Unless you are pick related, who is both twisted but right most of the time, funnily enough the entire show is filled kabbalah symbolism, it's a wonder even muslims love the Date A Live, I am impressed their religious leaders haven't declared it haram or something.
Also before you get the wrong idea I'm not supporting the PLO. I'm shitting on Chomsky for being a commie apologist PoS.
counterpoint: Chechnya
Lmao the absolute state of this board
Yes, the entirety of the 5th and 6th Fleets got sunk by a combined operation of Hamas paragliders, Houthi $500 drones and Hezbollah mind-controlled octopi (and I know zoomers won't get the reference)
Kremlin pays its bots to promote racism and divide western countries from within
we can see through your tricks Ivan
I guess by this point even the poojeets already know Russia is a lost cause.
So, for how many agencies do you work? Is 4chan worth all this effort?
>No you

Did something happen in Russia again?
The objective is to have the mutt taxpayer pump up Raytheon etc. stock prices.
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He didn't suck off the Khmer Rouge. His own book on it in the 70s didn't deny a genocidal bloodbath was taking place but that specific claims about what was going on at the time weren't true. It was a more complex argument about propaganda, how the standards of evidence for what the U.S. was saying about Cambodia was much lower than what was going on in East Timor by comparison (when Indonesia was a friendly country to the U.S. and killing a similar proportion of the population as in Cambodia), and the role of U.S. carpet bombing in Cambodia, stuff like that.
>If you don't support poojeets shitting up your county you're a zigger
Sorry saar but I won't do the needful. I'd honestly take Mexicans over Indians at least they know how to poo in the loo.
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>If Israel does invade Lebanon and goes to full scale war with Hezbollah, what would the objectives be?
It's 1982 all over again. They'll probably kick out Hezbollah after taking a lot of casualties (way more than Gaza and probably a bit more than 1982, probably closer to Yom Kippur War levels while Hezbollah and a shit ton of civs get annihilated, likely with numbers close to Gaza if not bigger). Eventually Israel leaves due to international backlash just like in the 80s, and a new anti-Israel group fills the void after a lengthy period of atrocities and deportations committed by the IDF and whatever allies it has left in Lebanon. My guess is that some of these enterprising warlords from all over will come in and make a new anti-Israel force in Southern Lebanon, and the process will start all over again:
>They opened the Arc and YHWH escaped confinement and is melting the face off their secular project like in Indiana Jones.

YHWH can't do that on account that it was killed 2304 years ago. It was replaced by another of its kind though. The primary enemies of the jews and their dark masters are located outside the physical universe. It turns out that the jews made their covenant with the paranormal equivalent of a negro youth crime gang who has a big posse of powerful entities out there chasing them.
All of Israel's history related to Lebanon would say otherwise. I can excuse and even defend a lot of shit Israel's done in relation to Syria or even the West Bank, but the shit Israel's done to Lebanon since the 70s is despicable, Russia-tier bullshit.
Israel did this from the 80s to the 00s with the South Lebanon occupation. Didn't work.
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IDF = Nazi
>Nazi Jews
>whataboutism: the book
Tankies never change their tactics, do they?
>Indians are good at assimilating to our western values
>I wouldn't have any complaints if our country is 100% brown by the year 2100 as long as it remains a liberal democracy

By 2100 America is projected to have a population of 1000 billion, and most of the newcomers will be pajeets. You will get your wish. Euro-americans will be far less than 10%, I expect such people will only be found in the most inaccessible hinterlands where they eke out a meager living off the land.
how's the weather in moscow?
is saying stupid shit supposed to make people agree with you or just avoid you so you can free like you won?
It's most often Tehran. Most Kremlin media types are Jews themselves.
He's being sarcastic and dismissive of you obviously being retarded.
I swear this board and /pol/ are the most retarded and bot-infested areas of the 'chan, I go to /int/ for my serious political discussion, and will continue to do so from now on.
My mistake he didn't deny their atrocities he just downplayed them and claimed evidence of them were propaganda. Sorry but you're not gonna convince me he's anything other than a fifth columnist trying to whitewash communist regimes and their numerous crimes.
>have seen Israeli flags
old farts who will die by the end of this decade do not matter. Look at demographics of europe and us weather you like it or not white will lose power and with them jews, israel will fall like south africa
Why would you have a serious discussion on 4chan, or anywhere on the internet for that matter. It's a massive shithole as of the last decade or so
Because if I talk about such things in real life it puts a target on my back.
I'd rather be in a fake cesspool than a real one, if you catch my drift.
Oh, you're a gangstalking believer
a thousand billion wow
you're safe as long as you don't own a pager ;)
Not at all. Feds have no reason to do anything with me, I'm just some guy.
I just don't feel like now is a very good time to be seen as strongly politically aligned or active; given it handicaps financial and social gain for now.
I'm not a doctor nor am I a fucking monkey, I don't use a pager like the overwhelming majority of Americans haven't for the past 20+ years.
>I just don't feel like now is a very good time to be seen as strongly politically aligned or active; given it handicaps financial and social gain for now.
translation: Kill all jews niggers and spics! but im scared mom might kick me out
>/k/fed things I'm a /pol/nigger without any evidence whatsoever out of nowhere in the middle of what would be construed by two normal human beings a normal conversation
we won't have to deal with these trolls much longer after Trump loses in November all the incel rats and Iran lovers raiding our board will retreat back to their dark corner and never be heard from again.
The objective is to keep Netanyahu out of court as a defendant and prison until Trump gets in to bail his dumb ass out. He's gotta know he's utterly ass fucked with no way out. Even Trump cannot save him anymore.
well they are the majority people in the west
>NAFOtranny thinks I'm a Trump supporter even though he supports gun control, wants war with Iran more than anything (which would be the best-case scenario for China and Russia btw), and openly despises NATO and Western militarism in general
It's all so tiresome. I'm not voting AT ALL because I don't believe America's political system works anymore. It's guaranteed that regardless of who becomes president, that their godawful policies will sink America and the world with it.
I don't want to be responsible and have my name attached to that process, simple as.
crackers do have a weird fantasy world ah ? By 2050 your kind will be absolute minority in your own countries, those who will replace you will not have your cuck white ideals. slums in pajeeet land look better than mutts proudest cities
>pol takes
>noooooes im not pol im a zoomer, see my sig?
What is /pol/ about any of my takes in this thread?
I'm a zoomer, not a tranny. I'm a Ruger man.
>what would the objectives be?
War between the United States and Iran.
This is how Israelis operate.
This man dies in defense of innocent Christians and Muslims in Palestine and Lebanon, the little ones, poor and oppressed. This man is a Mujahid in the way of Jihad and he is your friend, he has died and become a beacon of power as a martyr.
>don’t vote goy!
Still voting Trump!
Have some attention
This entire thread is Third World glowie bullshit being stage-managed by someone else.

I just thought I'd point that out.

Al-Quds Brigades

The martyr Mujahid

Hussein Musa Balouni

He died to protect the Christian children in Palestine

In Hezbollah brigades are Christian fighters and are striking the zionists
reply to the wrong post or just stupid?
I mean, at least the local lefty-/pol/s aren't even trying anymore.
didn't you just have a mental break down in >>62581138
Not "if" but "when". Anyway, the plan is
>Depopulate the area up litani river
>Settle it with jews
>Screech it's your ancestral land
Same old story
>for christians
do they make it unbelievable on purpose?
I hate communists so fucking much.
Every single one should be sent to Cuba or North Korea for a week to live under the results of the ideology they espouse to cure them of their delusions.
K, enjoy your trade policy and currency devaluation that amounts to the economic equivalent of a naked unarmed banzai charge towards the Chinks, a war with Iran that will be the end of the American world order (not for the reasons this retarded board thinks, either), a massive flood of Jeets (they're the good, legal immigrants, you see!), Ukraine likely losing, federal gun control policies (b-but they aren't as bad as those heckin Democrats!), and of course 0 change to any social policy regarding the LGBTQIAP2S+ stuff that everybody hates (Imagine if the sides were reversed!)
>Every single one should be sent to Cuba or North Korea for a week to live under the results of the ideology they espouse to cure them of their delusions.
anon they know those places are shit, this isnt the 70's, most are just contrarians or morons who put too much emotional capital into an ideology and cant back out now that they realize its stupid ass fuck
good lord its all buzzwords
The usual propaganda, is it, Abdul?
> they intend to annex us, I swear
> they totally raped us but didn't annex us, it's proof they wanted to annex us but we won!
Wow, you sure seem to want me demoralized and not willing to vote for someone who’s supposedly given up!
If not voting, what is the answer to all those problems?
Everywhere else is just collapsing faster or doesn't have anything to collapse, anon.
is this some kind of reverse troll thing?
>If not voting, what is the answer to all those problems?
it doesnt matter cracker, your kind will die
again, I find it funny that the term whip cracker is supposed to be an insult when all it does it remind everyone we were the masters in the arrangement
Literally just living your life according to your own ideals is the ultimate form of resistance and independence. It's how mankind lived(and is supposed to live) before all this left-right political party retardation took over the western mind after the 19th century.
You say this as if that's not what all political discussion in the U.S and broader West has become reduced to. I watched the debates and have combed through the policy websites of both candidates, it really is that bad dude.
you are a living monument to everything wrong with modern politics
>it's another semite vs semite or slav vs slav faggotry thread
It's all so tiresome
How is deliberately not engaging with the political system make me the pinnacle of contemporary political retardation? Is this projection from somebody who is plugged into the bread-and-circus of our emotions-first political system? I think you're bitter at the fact that I've managed to decouple my life from the political.
you mean Western Democratic values vs Third World Orc Communists
this obsessive need to let everyone here know you're nuuuuutral, you're no better than any of them. its just more attention whoring
Not participating isn't the same as not being affected
I'm not neutral, or god forbid a "centrist" at all. I simply don't see any way out of an impending cataclysm, so I've simply decided to withdraw from participating in a political system incapable of producing logical solutions or even thought.
Again, the easiest way to reshape the world in your image is to reshape yourself and your life in your image.
>this thread is filled with NAFO schizo
yikes, do you also think 7th October is some kind of russian masterplan?
First, i'm not a snadnigger. Second, it has been modus operandi of israel since it inception, thats why you have half a milion settlers in west bank now. I swear to god, hasbara must be a branch of olgino.
You have such low tier taqiyya even some literal chink gacha character can counter-act it.
>not being affected
Precisely, I'm trying to position myself in the best position possible given I know it's inevitable that everything is going to be mega-fucked for everyone in the near to medium-term. Not forcibly aligning myself to a pair of parties and leaders I deeply resent and whose duelling cults deeply resent each other will do wonders for my social standing when this bullshit finally falls apart.
Likewise, it also puts me in a position to focus on things that are actually important, like money, friendships, religion, family, romance, hobbies, intellectual pursuits, and of course getting and shooting a bunch of guns.
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For anyone interested in jewish crimes i urge you to read reports of any humanitarian aid organization (could be jewish orgs. Like b'tselem if you don't trust non-jewish sources)
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Well of course we know many of you aren't ragheads, see >>62586057, you are just the byproduct of some shitty jew apostate.
Sounds like your just a doomer retard. I hope the world gets better just to spite your idiotic world view.
That can only happen after TKD
yeah like the other anon said doomer-kun, hope everything gets better in spite for your inept views
>I hope the world gets better just to spite your idiotic world view.
I do too :)
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You better ask monke to send you some poojeets to train you at the next deal Ahmed, this is some low effort shill even by Global South standards.
now THATS cope
Ragheads are semites, where is the mod? Why didn't this fag got banned for antisemitism yet?
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>If Israel does invade Lebanon and goes to full scale war with Hezbollah, what would the objectives be?
Hopefully to have fun and just bee themselves. I dunno why anons here gotta take things so seriously when a good chunk of the posters here don't even live in the ME.
There's nothing "cope" about cautious optimism.
Jews = russians so you should ask your buddies from olgino for help
Its just the morons who invested too much emotional capital into their personal ideologies that they cant do anything but rage when someone disagrees with them
like >>62586155
except he's also disingenuous
>a good chunk of the posters here don't even live in the ME.
Who's gonna tell 'em
So they are going to replace the beepers with telepathic banans?
Let him be blissfully ignorant anon
you had one chance to make a bannan phone joke anon

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>rage at the one guy in the thread who doesn't care and is apolitical when there are literal Islamists Communists, /pol/fags, and Hasbara shills itt
I hate this board, I'm only in this thread because this board's threads on the lead-up to Gaza were pretty good.
>we were the masters in the arrangement
masters in watching their children getting raped and doing nothing is not much of an achievement
yeah this is just attention whoring now
We already knew Hezbollah, Hamas, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, PLO and the ayatollahs are mossad. And for that matter Putin, Kim, Xi, Biden, Kamala, Trump and Chomsky, specially Chomsky.
so what happened to russia/hezbolla now?
Innefectuality, you know, low trust societies, medieval mindsets, horseshoe theory, etc.
>We already knew Hezbollah, Hamas, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, PLO and the ayatollahs are mossad. And for that matter Putin, Kim, Xi, Biden, Kamala, Trump and Chomsky, specially Chomsky
Are you arguing with yourself? No one even said anything like this. And check this >>62586174
and say with a straight face that israelis are not russians
So your answer is to do nothing? Kind of cucked if you ask me
Doing "nothing" is better than voting or supporting people that will actively and deliberately make your life worse. In this particular context, oppose it all and live as closely to your values and ideals as possible, is what I say.
Something I’ve noticed with all of the excitement over the past year. All of the successes Israel has had have been from the IAF. The IDF constantly fails to achieve anything, and there’s always some reason for it ie, not enough troops / cost-cutting etc. I’m starting to suspect that the IAF is just a more competent military service due to its elitism (mainly Europeans are involved), whereas the IDF may have competent leadership but it’s ranks are mostly ethnic Middle Easterners.
Nah it's pretty cucked. Even if you don't support anyone at a national level you still go vote for your state and local issues. That's the shit you can actually affect and will have a much more immediate impact on you and your loved ones. Just vote for some third party candidate for president if nothing else you'll make whoever lost seethe harder that it's all your fault they lost.
they keep their technology for themselves and encourage MENA to invade Europe because they see the west as a rival.
you dumb nonce
Always has been the case. It's like their equivalent of the IJA/IJN divide, where the IJA were a bunch of retards who killed civvies to cope for their lack of success while the IJN were the ones who actually got shit done and won campaigns. Yom Kippur War is where this is most obvious, Lebanon Wars too.
>vote for state and local issues
...that just so happen to be downstream from R+D autism
>That's the shit you can actually affect and will have a much more immediate impact on you and your loved ones.
>loved ones
Silly oldfag...
>Just vote for some third party candidate for president if nothing else you'll make whoever lost seethe harder that it's all your fault they lost.
Precisely. I'm doing a write-in, Jimmy Carter is at the top of the list.
>Israel isn't running on cheat codes (inb4 memes about US money)

Jewish power stem from american christians who are absolutely certain that the existence of Israel is necessary for jeebus coming back and ending the world. I would say that Israel does not only have american money, they have total american mind control as well. Americans will willingly fight and die for the return of jeebus because they believe in a book with 66 chapters written by jews. You can't argue with the irrational. If a war with Iran will cause the end of the American empire, so what, jeebus is coming back and ending it anyway, so let it be done, deus vult.
How's that working out? Trump straight up said he'll lift Russia and Iran sanctions too and is on a full schitzo rant spree now.
I get not wanting to follow religiously the mutt political circus, but choosing not to exercise your vote at all, at a time you yourself describe as approaching calamity, in line with authentic values you presumably do hold, is just cutting off your nose to spite your face. Your inaction is tacit support for the system you and all the other larping faggot cowards on this website despise so much, yet ultimately depend on.
My action or inaction is irrelevant given the collapse of this system is an inevitability. That is why I am choosing inactivity. The only way anybody could change anything is by somebody assassinating either candidate and accelerating the collapse.
Don't tell me you're the retard who keeps comparing Singapore with Israel even though they're nothing alike. Surrounding SEA states are not an enemy of Singapore since they keep it afloat. Malaysia is who *gave* Singapore their independence you imbecile, and the two are connected via rail, and all their food is imported from Malaysia and Indonesia. All their construction material is imported. Unlike Israel which has irrigation and agriculture, Singapore is entirely dependent on neighbors. If Malaysia and Indonesia blocked trade and maritime access, Singapore would collapse.

Neither Malaysia nor Indonesia has invaded Singapore nor has any wishes to absorb them. Everything else is just schizo paranoia that has zero basis in reality. They're not even close to being similar to Israel since no one in Southeast Asia is calling for their extermination. Malaysia and Indonesia aren't Hezbollah and Hamas, they never once invaded Chinkapore and have zero ambitions in doing so.

If the two states wanted to team up to subjugate Singapore, it would give in easily. Eat shit, you autist.
>muh civil war
Bro PLEASE get off the internet.
I never said anything about civil war apart from the freak (and now increasingly impossible) probability of a successful assassination.
"Collapse" will most likely be the result of either candidate enacting their retarded and nonsensical foreign and economic policy cocktails, or the U.S simply collapsing into a sovereign debt crisis if neither side gets a decisive edge in congress.
Israeli TV has been stating their intent is to annex southern Lebanon as a buffer zone for days, anon.
Try to stay informed on the basics.
>Your inaction is tacit support for the system
As opposed to what, participating in it and VOOOOOOting for R or D, thus upholding the same system that's leading us to ruin?
more whites die every year than they are born
can't justify yourself so you fall back on the old trope of everyone that disagrees with you are globohomo shills and/or glowies.

Israel's going to win in Gaza and win in the Leb, and it's going to find itself the victor on a field of bones with no friends left in the world - even the US is turning away now.

you can post edgelord shit about 'Muslim propaganda' - like that's even a thing and doesn't show you to be a fool - it's not going to change the fact that Israel is fucking itself at this point and propaganda has nothing to do with it.
Man i can tell you got a D in lit class
No theyre fucking not, well poisoner
Go suck off spic feuntes more fag
“Id let that man fuck my wife if he had the same ideology as me”

Lmao back to яeddit, cuck.
More яeddit neckbeard takes
Man zoomers are stupid
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My sides.

I'm off to post a link to this thread in the Recruitment General so they know where they'll be fighting after boot camp.
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Well what else are they supposed to eat, chud?!
Would fuck the lesbian on the right. Not that she'd consent, but it's a minor matter.
>No argument
Why is it that Israel shills just start having a shit fit whenever someone points out that
>Israel is a small country, heavily reliant on trade and assistance from the west
>Israel’s special relationship with the west is coming to an end and they don’t have any other allies to pivot to
>Without allies, Israel is gravely weakened and will slowly devolve like other post-colonial states.
Ask Rhodesia, South Africa, and Hong Kong what happens when their Imperial system decides to withdraw. Israel will eventually have a One State solution, but become like South Africa with Arabs effectively running it into the ground.
>what would the objectives be?
>How would they know they’ve won
People bitching about it
>what would come next?
Arab countries having a meltdown
>How would they know they’ve won and what would come next?

The base case for winning would be that the border towns stop getting regularly ATGMed even before a formal end to hostilities (implying Hezbollah was in a state where they could not reliably project power within at least 5km of the Israeli border).

The definitive marker of winning would be the above plus IDF troops being able to chill in the Litani for photo ops somewhere in South or Nabatieh Governorates.

The “divine intervention”-tier level of winning would be the same as above happening, but somewhere in Baalbek-Hermel Governorate where Hezbollah’s long range missiles are stationed.
>People are blindec by muslim and commie propaganda. Its the same on Reddit
>and pol.
Nah, they just hate jews
South Africa is not an example of a nation with robust institutions.

Yugoslavia went perfectly well, while it existed as Yugoslavia, the institutions failed and thus the nation did too.
>Israel will eventually have a One State solution, but become like South Africa with Arabs effectively running it into the ground.

Nah, considering demographic trends, it’ll be a one-state solution with the Haredim effectively running the country into the ground. The average Haredi couple has double the number of children as the average Palestinian one, if they manage to somehow not get nuked out of existence in the next 50 years and there’s not a surprise influx of secular Jews, they’ll win the demographic war against all other takers since their numbers double every 20 years.

If IDF service ever becomes normalized in their community, we’ll see unironic military campaigns to conquer and Judaize parts of the Levant that have Torah prophecies about one day being Jewish before the end of the 21st century.
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>Israel’s special relationship with the west is coming to an end and they don’t have any other allies to pivot to

israels "special relationship" is based on a lot of blackmail that's not going anywhere. they would sooner america be reduced to rubble completely than stop supporting israel

Tell me why you actually support Trump other than wanting to hurt the feelings of the other side like a woman.
>15 percent
>Israel will fall any time now
I have heard these points multiples times, you already know the historical record and all you have left is citing the 2006, well guess what, this is the second round, so while you wait for zoomers to somehow keep their social media drama queen opinion after getting pummeled by life Israel will keep scoring victories.
>second round
Lurk more newfag, Israel's been in a countless number of wars in Lebanon since the 70s and has never won any of it's wars there.

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