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>make pictures sing to you!

>Upotte!! Watch party date
09/28 17:00 est ep1-5
09/29 17:00 est ep6-ova
>Watch link
https://cytu dot be/r/zrak_#
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i like aug
it's a shame I associate that image with the brain damaged shill on twitter that calls every conventional explosion a nuke
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Rollin for 0
Fuck, got the nerd bitch
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za monolit
Give me ekolog nerd or give me death
>off by one
well shit, I guess I'm going on a date with the brain scorcher instead
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it's ok, the scorching doesn't hurt for long, join the club bro
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anything but the Ecologist.... please...
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>3/5 rolls got the bandit girl
I suppose being a turboslut would be in character for her
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she should belong to me only
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stop using twitter then you goobie schnoobert
>Shilling girls frontline
Why would you shill this dogwater?
someone is posting your guns in /arg/
The problem are people posting screenshots.
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Why would I shill a game I've never played?
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When your autistic rifle looks at you like this, what do?
Didn't she canonically get impregnated after being gang raped?
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Why is the daughter sick? Who coughed on her?
Moms moms. Gotta have a momwife. Oo oo anon oo mom, let's find some moms.
mom mom wanna have a momwife yes please mom have a momwife.
I hope there's a big Tiddied mom in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2.
How much longer till you’re a Dad?
Duty or sky please. Loner mono or eco is also fine ig.
Could have been worse. Could have been a lot worse.
idk man 8 or 0

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>Springfield Schizo actually intends to knock up the pajeet at some point
God damn that kids gonna be an absolute disaster
Wym why, youre already doing it. Instead of "why" it should be "why shouldnt i"
>Avatarfag at it again, just like in every thread, retards still replying
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At least he seems happy...for now
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>Wym why, youre already doing it.
How so?
>"why shouldnt i"
There are lots of reasons I shouldn't, starting with the fact that gambling is haram.

If you are ever tempted to play a gacha game, remember that the PNGs are free, you can just right click on them. You can also just read the entire story as essentially a visual novel online.
Will be, until the results of a non-white son raised by an autistic white supremacists is fully realized.
Too bad no one will buy that shitty game, since streamers will make sure that stalker 2 shares the fate of dustborn and concord
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I'm going to reach through my screen and strangle you for posting that. Not because you're clearly a shitstirring mudracking thirdie faggot, but because you posted jewtube links in MY thread. I hope the act of you posting this was as revolting as the reaction I had when that guttural pronunciation reached my ears. May God have mercy on your soul.
Why would you shill girls frontline, it's dogwater. Its ass
Keep seething. Stalker 2 will be a massive flop like dustborn or concord
Why would anyone shill stalker 2? No one in the west cares about it.
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she really is
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>retarded shitskin babble
>posts videos about one piece
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you're gonna regret that
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This is suppose to be your WSO/co-pilot for your fighter jet
Imagine if they made condoms etc a behind the counter item
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Old geuns and gear or old women
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Any new gup news?
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See you in six years, I guess
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Posting this because there were more than a handful of Halo threads that happened here in /k/
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need strict dooty wife
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covenant had a goofy desing desu
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Oh sure! And I'm sure the Olive Drab slop aesthetic of the UNSC is any better or "less goofy."
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it is less goofy for sure. at least UNSC guns, and vechicles doesn't look like a play-doh and spilled blueberry yoghurt. the only passible covenant designs were the brute equipment.
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>looked up and browsed the previous threads though archives
>learn that /k/ommandos like and post that lesbian and video essay bait android girl indie horror game

...But why???
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Big sexy robot ladies?
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Weeeeelll... Judging from the following that game has garnered and attracted... It practically- or might as well be, a leftist game. Sorry if any of you do like it for the "feels" and "vibes" and "aesthetics". But the moment you have attracted the twitter and or left-leaning fanbase who fetishize your setting with LGBT and half-hour long video essays (from left-leaning/leftist content creators). Its so Joever for your setting and might as well make a new one that hopefully doesn't attract leftist or twitter crowds.
Twitter trannies took over the empty fanbase only half of a year later after game's release.
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or you could just enjoy what you like instead of paying attention to what trannies on twitter think
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I wish sanders would not get fucked over constantly and be alowed new tanks..like every other school.
>Erm, sorry sweetie, but that thing you like? Actually, I like it for entirely different reasons, so its MINE now. Sorry not sorry xD Maybe you could go find some other things for me to definitely not hijack instead......?
its not a leftist game. The fanbase is though. Fortunately you can just ignore that and enjoy things.

FnV and postal are not leftist games just because trannies retroactively latched onto them
UMP45 and Springfield are better
The only similar experience in my shitty life was when I was barely 16 and had a 29 y.o. girl
Why would you allow troons to determine what YOU can or cannot enjoy?? Don’t give them that kind of power if they bother you so much, you can still enjoy games despite shitty fanbases. The entire reason why troons and other leftists take games you enjoy away from you is because you LET them, because you run away and then have the audacity to seethe about it
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>C100 in RU spawn
thats hot
Rollin for Clear Sky!

Watch me get Monolith instead (again).
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Yay :)
Hoping for 2,7 or 9
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I know, didn't understand just how lucky I was back then though

Only the the girl is good
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I want her to get me drunk and rape me
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She uses teeth while performing fellatio
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>I can't go back and save her
now I know a thing or two about being cougar bait but I'm gonna have to call BS on that age gap
You can save her granddaughters.
Yo Yukari, just got a bunch of Lebanese pita. What can I make to go with it?
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you're supposed to dip the pita bread into quality hummus and eat it like that. Alternatively, put stuff into the pita - I love me my tuna in pita sandwiches. Gotta be the thick pita though, fuck thin pita.
Would she use her teeth to pull my foreskin back and forth as she gives head?
Roll for Sidkun.
Let's roll
Where can I find a drawfag who'd accept a steam game as payment?
guess I'm making hummus, thanks for the advice.
Check Thailand
The default assumptions from both sides were a bit different than reality. Similar thing happened to me 16 years later, but this time I was on the other side kek.
I'm going to assume you mean "she thought you were 18 and you thought she was younger"
More or less, yeah. Being around 6' 1" helped.
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good evening, crests
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I'll touch yer bum
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you will do no such thing, Hohlonymous!
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Need to rewatch FMA
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is this muv-luv?
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right after turning 21 I ended up meeting a black weeb girl off /r9k/ (yeah yeah, I know) who was 29ish at the time. I guess it was revenge for not getting to nail my gym bunny MILF neighbor before she moved away.
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Yes, Muv-Luv: Anonymous Unlimited
>the mystery meat tripfag got diddled by a tranny negress off /r9k/
It all makes sense now
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I love AK-15! She is pretty and cool!
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Beatrix is my wife.
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by nigs that I want to destroy your wife's tonsils
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Probably but it might not feel good
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She’s not cool. Dorks aren’t cool. Dorks should be bullied
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Bullied with a loving marriage
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Shut up! She is cool and sexy!
hot moms
Never played a stalker/zone type game before, are there any that'd let me mod that shit to be anime characters?
I never understood getting embarrased when buying condoms. Damn straight I'm getting some tonight Mr. Cashier. Gonna get it on like Donkey Kong.
Because man innately knows waisting his seed is shameful beta behavior and he should plow his seed in the garden of her womb.
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Meant to attach this. Im retarded.
If you don't want the ecologist nerd gf then I'll happily take her for you
Did I lose?
I'm sure you'll get some great deals on things
Need a1.
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Fuck it, roll.
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>JUst iGnORe ThE wokE and TuRN OFF yOUR BRAIN! IGNore ThE oBVIOus woke AnD TWitteR crOWD and JusT cOnSUme aND eNJoY proDUct!!!

Oh yeaaaahhh! I'm sure just ignoring the "vocal minority" does wonders and won't affect the hobbies or media we all love into being infested with modern day communists and jihadist terrorist supporters! Oh YEAH! Surely, just ignore and not point out the obvious subversion, infiltration and infestation from the woke and twitter leftist crowd does wonders- OH WAIT! IT DID NOT!!!!!!!

The previous Signalis fan base FAILED to gatekeep the game from the modern day communists and LGBT pedophiles that have bastardized a niche indie horror game into a lesbian game. You tell me to "just ignore it, they're just a minority" but when I look up Signalis fan content it's almost nothing but LGBT lesbian slop with the characters doing Fortnite meme dances. And very little to none of it's original lore, world building and supposed military conflict based lore and backstory. No, the left leaning twitter lesbian crowd are NOW the majority fan base and players of the game and anyone else insisting "it has a military conflict based setting and lore" is big fat filthy liar. Maybe if the devs actually place larger emphasis on that aspect of the game AND told the LGBT twitter colonist crowd to fuck off, we wouldn't have this discussion.

No, Signalis is yet another example of failing to gatekeep and telling people who're not gamers nor are interested in the game's actual content and material to go away. And you cannot tell me otherwise.

What's next!? You're all going to tell me "fiction does not affect reality!?" Bullshit, look around you, look at the degeneracy, moral bankruptcy and hedonism that is rampant everywhere. THAT, is the result of fiction affecting reality... Fiction HAS affected reality FOR THE WORSE.

After all, IT IS true that politics is indeed downstream from culture and or pop culture.
Cheeky breeky
>"The UNSC look better than the covenant because the have perfect and great aesthetic!!!"
>The aesthetic in question is just Olive Drab and woodland camo slop but in SPPPPAAAAAAAAACCCCCEEEE!

The ayy lmaos are at least appropriate and fit the space age high scifi alien setting. Your precious UNSC marines are just American and Australian(?) soldiers in space with Olive Drab and woodland camo and Fabrique Nationale Herstal slop in space.

Really, Negroes!? Still using bullets, wheeled and tracked vehicles, HELICOPTERS/ROTOR ENGINE AIRCRAFT, and FN bullpup slop in space? 500 years into the future no less?

Gimme a break, and you must be one of those fags insisting a new Halo game where you play as a weakass "normal" infantry for muh soulslike difficulty and challenge. Yeah, tell me you aren't a veteran faggot who likely plays and LOVED Tarkov and extraction shooter crap without telling it to me out loud.
Are there any anime that give off this vibe
You’re saying the exactly opposite of what I’m saying. I’m not saying ignore it, I’m not saying surrender. Sure gatekeep if you must but don’t let your enjoyment of a game lead to having troons and leftists live in your head rent free
can't wait to see your autistic mud-babies shitpost here about how much they hate communists (assuming this board or even this site lasts that long).
4chan has been around for 20 years it will turn 21 in October, I doubt it's going anywhere in the next 20.
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We all have our preferences
Looks like they need GEORGIA STATE PATROL out there! get some GOOD OLE COUNTRY BOYS to help those little ladies out.
Refusing to enjoy something because of the fanbase is basically surrendering. I didn't say give up.
why does she look so evil?
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I want to impregnate 416!
I kinda wanna mount a bayonet to my sopmod but the super stabby seems silly.
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Bro who the fuck cares about what the "general consensus" is about a niche indie survival honor game. If you're going to be this terminally spastic-brained about "muh culture war" autism that you automatically seethe at the thought of libtards liking the same things you like, then I regret to inform you that libtards also enjoy drinking water and breathing air, so you should walk out in front of a bus and save yourself the trouble. I say this as a brainrotted Signalis-tard that bought a fucking Chiappa Rhino pretty much entirely because of the game, it's really not that fucking deep, there isn't a "sacred essence" of the game to gatekeep from lefties. You can fucking basedcap about "muh DEGENERACY, muh MORAL BANKRUPCY, muh HEDONISM" like some sort of based and epic twitter trad all you want, it doesn't change the fact that people making shitposts about something and flanderizing the characters is the natural conclusion of every piece of media on Earth. Most of the game is aesthetics, vague feelings of emptiness, and fucking NGE and old horror homages. That's not some fucking bastion of epic based and trad-pilled esotericism to gatekeep from the normie left-tards, it's a fucking meme game with a meme following, you're literally just mad the joke went beyond what you THINK the "intended audience" is. Some people genuinely like it for it's themes, barebones as they are, myself included. Some people like it for the funny shitposts, and all you can do about it is go "Eh, whatever. Not gonna let it ruin my day".

TLDR: Fuck you I'm drunk as shit on half a bottle of bourbon and this quickly turned into incoherent WORDS WORDS WORDS I'm going to regret spending limited braincells on in the morning. You type like a fag and your shit's all retarded, I hate you and if you said this to my face I would simply cylinder dump six rounds of .357 MAG into you chest cavity and enjoy watching you flop like a fish your last moments on Earth.
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Do you think the crime rate would get better or worse if every police officer was replaced with an attractive mommy who "wasn't made, just disappointed" every time she had to arrest someone?
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tl;dr, need STAR mommy
much worse, I would commit petty crimes just to talk to them.
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>Implying 416 would want to carry your microcephalic, web-toed children
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STARs are cute but I am more of a STORCH man myself

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