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>New here? Read this:
>Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:
>Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):
>Want to help firearm rights?

Previous Thread: >>62576303
I miss this lil nigga
same here senpai
stop chink hate they dindoo nun
If they had stopped at railroads, laundries, and restaurants, as God intended, that would be fine, but we're well past that now Officer Chang.
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Gun confiscation to begin Mid November: Leblanc.


Timestamp 30:40
We shall see, we’ve heard the “it’s starting soon for retailers” before.
After spending a few weeks wearing that vest I can confirm they suck ass.
How many years ago now was the PEI pilot project. And then they announced they would start buying back from retailers over a year ago but nothing happened.
Oh Christ like two years ago I think? This is a bit of a white pill but anytime the Feds try something the firearm community seems to find a way to throw a wrench in their plans.
The ATRS Modern Sporter is higher quality than the majority of AR-15s.
>This post was made by Diemaco SA20 gang
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Speaking of any updates from ATRS on their case? I’m too lazy to log into CGN.
$273,000,000 of taxpayer money being spent on white guilt and censorship
China=Mostly cringe
Japan=Mostly based
Japanese sushi places are the only restaurants that aren't infested with jeets. That alone deserves some respect.
The absolute state of cangen's reading comprehension
More like mid-Nevervember
Yeah, this is what I meant in the last thread. This is either a chink or a white beta male who can only get 3/10 chink women. You're a retard. Wanna post hands and/or gut and prove me wrong?
Once in a blue moon, I see an attractive shitskin girl. Maybe 1% at best. There is no attractive Chinese woman, however, and anyone who disagrees is coping with their own faggotry. That one that used to ugg-post and spam itself in threads for example was, for a chink, maybe a 7/10 but for a human woman, maybe a 2/10 and looked like an inbred nuclear accident.

Don't be soft on chang, Cangen. Steal from chink-owned businesses, never buy from them. They are ethnic waste along with Indians.
I have been asking this periodically and no one ever has an answer.
lmao there's no japanese run sushi place in canada it's all thais, philippinos and chinese

I’ll admit they age like shit and she’s korean
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Just checked CGN and their last post about it was August - no news other than they're understandably salty about how the CCFR case went.
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CSC is the dealer/warranty center for the Gen 3 M10X+.

The feedback on reddit has been very good. Seems like they fixed a lot of the problems with the older ones.
>they fixed it this time!
Even if true there's no reason to buy over a T81.
Are there any multi-thousand round test reports yet?
buy an ad faggot. not falling for that meme gun trash
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>m+m m10x
Couldnt be me bitch, my coperod may group like shit but yours has the unique feature of not only somehow grouping worse than a type 81, but grouping like different flavours of dog crap based on which side of the magazine follower a round gets picked up from
2/10 b8, made me reply
Nice garbage rod bud, I love sidefolders
I saw t97thot at taccom wearing some ballistic helmet and she looked exactly as you'd expect, not pretty

Based t81 poster
Just buy a type 81 lol. Half the cost and way more reliable.
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>I saw t97thot at taccom
RIP in your eyes
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Anyone know anything about the new Holosun thermal red dots? I’m seeing conflicting things online. Most seem to say you’d be better off spending more for a RH25.
>nooooooo don't post guns nooooo
Thats not your gun.
that bartok boomerfag is saying csc "cracked the code" on fixing it and it is "reliable" now
if so i may pick up a gen 3. apparently people are sending in their gen 1s to csc to get the fix
like >>62588799?
Gunslop "content creators" are fucking vile, especially when they're a woman and/or minority.
We fixed it this time©
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it looks so much better than the ugly chink tin pot metal people keep posting in here
aparrently its new parts and supposedly csc is 2500 rounds in but who knows if it is another boomerfaggot cash grab
boomers basically ruined their reputation in Canada for generations to come so i dont trust em
fuck bartok, the fact that he is saying that means something is up.
>cracked the code
fucking boomerspeak
i wouldnt be surprised if he is working with csc to sell more of these m10x
csc got the call to do damage control over a 2k gun failing to feed
the whole thing is sketch but they posted rapid fire videos of it
stop promoting your e-thot whore
>looks better
Call me when it works, zoomie
Is this Misty coping again because traded his T81 for an M+M? Let it go bud.
Every new gun should be subjected to a third party 10K round torture test in all weather conditions, eg -40 to +40, snow, rain, mud, sand etc. Show it passing that and I *might* consider it.
seen her at the range with her retarded friends playing dress-up. One of them muzzle-swept a boomer couple and she nearly walked into someone's line of fire. immigrants are fucking incompetent.
I thot she was banned from her local range, or was this before that?
this was a while back, but as far as I know it wasn't a ban. I think the anon who works at LTV flagged her to Dave and he gave her and her friends a talking to about breaking rules re: social media posting, being rude, and being nuisances (the boomers at the range, while cringe themselves, rightly dislike her and her mutant followers), so she didn't go much for a while. But she's been there since.
>listening to bartok
This has to be a fucking joke
Shut the fuck up faggot lmfao
a blade i have is so fucking sharp i accidently bumped it with my thumb and it bled like a faucet
holy shit no way a nigger is surviving a direct hit with that thing
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looks like a trooned out ar15 though
>trooned out
dont know what transexuals have to do with this. it looks like an ar-15. a american came into /cfg/ like a week ago because it had an MS sporter OP image that he thought was an ar15
all the “validation” atrs gets is two-faced and half-hearted
how do you figure?

>Timestamp 30:40
Lmao nothingburger. Some boomer responding to a reporter question with a vague timeframe
nothing ever happens
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But i don't even like sushi :(
I hate tendies sofuckingmuch.
Based and super-human IQ pilled
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>poorfags seething over ATRS again
That’s the new Marco Mendicino, and just like his predecessor he will do nothing of consequence
Dominic Leblanc is just a shittier version of Justin Trudeau. Son of a career Lib frog politician, elected because of his dad, ran for the LPC leadership.
He has never accomplished a single thing of note in his entire life so I wouldn't be too worried about having any guns grabbed.
At least Marco gave us that funny moment of pissing and shidding his pants when he saw a 10/22.
Where are the serials printed at on a russian sks? Want to see if they all match.
They won’t
It’s worse. The leblancs are the worst kind of nepo baby faggots. His father was Trudeau Sr.s governor general.
>they wont
I wish to confirm. I see the one on the stock. Do you know where the others are?
The stock would have a rack number, not a serial number
Nigger just pick up your gun and look around lmfao
Did you ever play resident evil? You know that cool feature where you can “examine” things in your inventory? You can do it in real life too.
Whats the difference between rack number and serial number?
Rack numbers are added to the gun by the armory after the fact. Will rarely match up with the guns serial number
>It’s worse
That's why I said he was a worse version of JT. His dad was GG under Chretien, not Trudeau Sr, but he did work for Trudeau Sr and was a minister in his cabinet for a long time.
Anyway I think we can agree they are a family of scum and Dominic is a retard who probably would love to take everyone's durr gun, but is unlikely to.
If the rack number and serial number do not match is this considered non numbers matching?
I already got an X95 but I kinda wanna buy the SBR X95 but I can’t decide if it’s worth it, especially because it’s restricted. I don’t even have nods.
It isn't worth it. If you really want it and actually have a place to shoot it nearby, and will actually shoot it, go nuts I guess, but there are definitely better things to spend on if you've already got an X95.
Try to find or wait for the conversion kits to come back instock? (sadly only 9mm ones seem to be available right neow)
Less than half the cost of a new jewvor tho
Oh my god you fucking boomer shoot your gun instead of trying to get more money for it on gunpost
if anyone is actually curious my gen 3 jammed 3 times in 500~ rounds, 2 of them were stovepipes using brass (Sellier & Bellot) in P-Mags, this was sub 100 rounds, yes it was on gas setting 2 and yes it was lubed to shit. 3rd jam happened around 250 rounds, using chink non-corrosive out of a steel mag, it was also a stovepipe. I think the ejector is still shit.
>inb4 "why did you buy it"
because I already have a t81 and figured why not
This post was not very helpful anon
Not worth the loss in velocity. 5.56 is insane out a 18.6” barrel - specially since its the same length already as an SBR AR-15
Good. Go fuck yourself gun flipper.
only (legal) semi in canada i'd take to war simple as
Thanks bro I actually do appreciare the review, if it's just jamming and not self-destructing that does still sound like an improvement, just still not as good as a chink garbage rod kek
gun made for war versus gun made in ??? by ??? using ???. is the m10x a genuine "canadian made" gun or what? who is behind that abomination?
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Truly peak 95 aesthetics.
and that tfb tv nigger seems to really like his
but as other anon mentions, the barrel length is kind of questionable, it is really short 5.56, while it was a bit too long for a .300blk. (i believe ideal 300 barrel length is like 9")
It's such a huge piece of shit that you could be forgiven for thinking it's Canadian manufacturing, but M+M is in Colorado.

> cangen thinks 5k for a gun is a lot
>high end clay target o/u start at 10k

Perazi has something for 40k wtf
let's see your $10 000 O/U
>implying im rich

My Browning was 2700. Might spring for a 5-8k browning citori 725 or ceasar guerani
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boomers are retarded. its a tube, why the fuck would would you spend more than a grand on a 12 gauge manual action.
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The Bubba'd SKS and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
this. if you own a bubbaed sks unbubba it right now or remain cursed
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i paid $2500 for a legit trench gun

Because I dont want turkshit
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Agreed, but;
Even $100 is too much. All these turkshit companies think we are all made of fucking money.
Somebody needs to bring a basic pipegun to market, preferably for like $50, something that the average joe can actually afford
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if you can't hit skeet with this it's purely a skill issue.
My dad always told me about expensive skeet shotguns that “it’s just a fucking piece of pipe”
My Citori does pretty well. I’m happy with it
Those expensive shotguns are popular in nogunz countries because they can't buy anything better. Countries like the UK and Australia.
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Logic seems sound.
If you are into guns, then you are surely going to sink thousands into them, eventually, even if you arent rich; but if you are restricted to one category of gun, then that's ofc where your thousands are going to go. May as well get atleast one nice one.
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You can really flex on the poors with a Holland and Holland.
It's not even that, you can legally get AR15s and cheap turkshit but some hunters still get Blasers and super expensive over-unders.
They're usually also extremely rude fudds. I've literally never met a pleasant Blaser shooter.
>can legally get AR15s
You have to suck off your local chief of police, very hard, to get one though. and you have to swallow, too.
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blaser straightpulls are baste and make my pp herd.
Just found out that the Bren 2 costs four thousand Canadian rupees after tax Jesus fucking Christ man
Like how fucking big can the market even be for prices that high, surely the number of people with RPALs and four grand to blow cannot be enough to move all that product. That is not a lot of Canadians fulfilling those two requiremenrw
Too much moneys for a range toy. and not in a haha that p.o.s is toy kinda way, but in a legally it is a range toy kind of way.
I figure that since they are sending them to the bumfight, they have the lines running constantly and so can siphon off a few to send to Canada to rape the locals for a few extra shekels (the bumfight ones are probably paid for by us or other governments and get government pricing)
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Show me your lever guns /cangen/. this is my 30-30 I’m using for hunting this year. I got 150-170 he SP and 60x 190gr hard cast buffalo bore for predator protection in the bush
just a plain old winchester 1894, idk if its worth posting
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One of 3.
Winchester 92&94's are the best levergats ever made, ofc it's worth posting.
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Fuck I love 22 magnum. I got a 13” barrel custom savage 93
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yeah its a classic pre '64
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New Winchester 1886 in 45-70, only fired 1 box out of it so far. Kicks like a horse.
Do you prefer Winchester’s to marlins? I just like that marlins feel more sturdy, and better in the outdoors being more closed an all. But winchesters seem a lot less chunky and handier, but still reliable and built amazing, I really want a pre 64 3030. I used to have a marlin 1894 CSBL and its brother the marlin 1894 SBL 44mag but sold them both after realizing the 336 is better than both and I wasn’t looking for a traping rifle and an extra 4” is fuck all considering you get a good amount of shells in it being a 20”
marlins arent as nice but are more modern, like a button safety is pretty nice to have . its also easier to put optics on marlins
i just prefer my lever actions to be super old school.
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I plugged my safety. Half cock is more than adequate imo and I have personally lost 2 coyotes because it was unintentionally put on safe. I wish I could carry my 8 shooter also
yeah good idea... and another advantage is that fancy rear sight
i can shoot up to 175 yards with the skinner rear peep sight. it is a must IMO, i got them on my 22mag SBR too and can kill grouse easily up to 100 meters >>62593007
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better pic.
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>Fuck I love 22 magnum
It has its place, sure is good for marmots. Though, I probably wouldn't have acquired one of my own volition, gun was pappas.
>I got a 13” barrel custom savage 93
Very sexy, and also based.
Also based.
Based and picrel pilled.
I agree; halfcock is fine and modern safeties don't really belong on levergats.
its got its uses. better in every possible way than a 22lr obviously, except its not really a semi auto cartridge. ill carry this thing with me and my mossberg shockwave 12g for week long innawoods trips multiple times and have killed pretty decent sized game with. and in a binch, you can shoot .22lr in it if you put in in a spent 22mag case with the primer cut off
The Globalists want to take away your guns and enslave you. What are you going to do about it, White Man?
poo in a box and mail it to them
.22wmr give a huge advantage over .22lr if i just want to shoot a bird or something?
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>better in every possible way than a 22lr obviously
Problem being that, when i want to shoot 22, its usually because i want to shoot cheap &/or because i want to shoot quiet, preferably without even needing earpro.
(or because i want to shoot pests, who are usually located in or around structures that i dont want to cause excessive damage to, but i am aware ratshot exists in 22mag aswell so that isnt relevant to my point)
Yes that’s a totally fair point. 2x rounds of 22lr is more potent than 1 shot of 22mag, and much cheaper and much more common
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For the 22mage, by comparison, i only buy 1 type of ammo, varmint ammo, the hornady vmax, for killing marmots.
However, i do want to try the cci gamepoints, i have some sitting in the cart waiting for me to order them, but im really not sure what i am going to use them for. should i really eat a coyote?
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skin it and make a hat
I believe varmint ammo is preferred for skinning, because it tends not to create an exit wound.
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CCI max mags are all I use, I have about 500 of them and I have roughly 300 22mag FMJ winchesters. This is my main gun when I shoot grouse or any smaller than coyote size and under gun. I shoot loads of coyotes man, including 18 in 1 day on 3 separate occasions. Use 40gr for coyote imo need that heavier weight for bigger game. Do not eat coyote, skin it and stretch the pelt and make a nice skin or some clothing. I’ll dump my coyote kills In a bit
How about beavers? ever get any of them? i have to imagine mage would be ideal for them aswell, though i don't think you can legally hunt them in most provinces unless they are being a pest on private property.
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I’ve only killed a few beavers, but lots of everything else
How did insurgents communicate before the advent of radios?
Secret tea parties, slumber parties, letters, or just yelling really, really loud.
You see, this was before the advent of mass surveillance, so people could actually just say really based things to eachother and meetup without as much paranoia about the feds.
Source; i literally just made it up, right this minute.
i cant stop thinking about John A Macdonald and how based he was for hanging that traitor in parliament. He would hate to see Canada today and the mess boomers created. When i see him in heaven I will tell him about the boomerfaggots
Praise him
Avenge him

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