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New magpul dropped
What does A2 think boutit?
op is a homosexual.
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can confirm, he blew me in a chick-fil-a bathroom
Is the DT mechanism better than a CTR lock? If its not, should I stock up on CTRs for the inevitable discontinuation of the best Magpul stock?
Dangerously close to having sex in Church. You are probably going to Hell, faggot.
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Can anyone ID this ar15?
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Where is Overwhites, is he safe, is he all right?
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hideous british tranny chaser
Something with the cohort slreddit rail
FCD ambitious mag release
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Current favorite AR, still grinding for funds to finish accessorizing it
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POST “you can only take one” RIFLES
into the trash it goes
Trips called it last thread sir, that stock is shit.
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My block 2 is only 8oz heavier but this feels significantly lighter.
Biggest problem with the block 2 is the fuck huge laser on the front end of it.
The RIS3 also has significantly better ergos than the RIS2. It’s a lot more comfortable to use overall
Cmt handguard dipshit.
Definitely buy all of the stocks you can afford.
Why are super short barrel ghetto blasters so popular with browns? I don’t care if you’re brown and you don’t personally fall in with the stereotype or if you’re a white boy with a ghetto blaster collection. You know what I mean. Everyone notices this phenomenon, but what is the reason?
Why do you need that ard of war? Some kinda psycho???
I would but you did the gay reddit "le funny feet in pic" shit so now I won't
>this nigga doesn’t know what a TA31 ECOS is
>but what is the reason?
Big bullet small package.
Drive by shootings are easier done with compacts hence you see orks running PLR16s and dracos
Ngl I almost bought a PLR16 once and SBR'd it because folding stocks are cool
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Easy to conceal because thats what criminals want
Easy to one hand
No need for longer rails, they arent running COTI/PEQs
Rising draco prices
Lack of understanding of ballistics
They engage at point blank range and need to conceal it. That way they can keep that thang on em.
that's the scope his chinese airsoft's imitating
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>308 to 50bmg
Been thinking a lot about this lately.
It's not that serious.
>bad ano
Seems fine to me but I'll watch out. Also who gives a fuck about ano? Getting rattlecanned anyway.
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>Been thinking a lot about this lately.
Real talk:
Outside of extremely specialized roles are you really going to be walking around, sniffing the air ,detecting a threat at 1km , dropping prone with your 338/300nm/416 and then making that perfect sniper shot? Of course the arbitrary terrain cut off is extremely dependent on where you live, but I question the larp utility of ELR unless you live out west in the flats and intend to move around a lot to control ??????? pieces of key flatness.

If you are denying fast approaches it seems like a semi 50 would be the preferred choice, especially with most magnum guns coming in at almost the same weight.
>Ngl I almost bought a PLR16 once and SBR'd it because folding stocks are cool
based keltec funguns
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this is what I'm grabbing when the CHICOM paratroopers start dropping
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May order my 44 Magnum lever tonight, idk yet
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me, my armalite rifle model 15 and my cat 「OSCAR」are ready for the PLA
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same result but less moving pieces, it's a win imo.

nice casv

thoughts? Debating running some for qp matches, bypass black hills/razorcore altogether
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I would have had a sig folding brace, HS512 on a fast riser and a X300 just for fun. I wish kektek didn't have bad QC because they have some cool ideas desu fr.
i don't hate this as much as i feel like i should
20" rifle = Brad
18" mid = CHAD
Capitalize White, please.
>FNC/BR 180 dust cover
>ambidextrous, bolt release, changing handle, mag release
>fully or semi monolithic rail
>integrated 1913 stock plate
>aluminum lower
>adjustable gas block
>make it take milspec grips, safeties and triggers
>sell it in 300 blackout
>sell one as a upper that fits milspec lowers with a buffer plate like the MCX or JAKL

And boom I made the PLR good now keltec please send me money, I take venmo
Thats the blackarc not the badlands stuff
Shoots fairly solid
Bumps up the recoil a tad
Bumps up velocity a little but doesnt shift windage ime.

For matches it would be pretty nice, not sure how much further that gets your no solution shots.
>I wish kektek didn't have bad QC because they have some cool ideas desu fr.
Atleast they innovating, for a long while there it was veryboring in the gun industry and they were the only people getting forward on it.
>he thinks i own more than one
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>blackarc not the badlands
yup, one of the few things that's got me excited/curious lately. You have any chrono data, specifically ES?? Just curious how consistent these are...
Fr the RDB uses the cool forward eject system of the FN2000. If only it didn't jam so much.
If you haven't actually killed someone with a gun this is every bit as bad as the Jeep Wrangler on 37s that has never engaged low range.
A2 how much does an empty NAS3 5.56 Case weigh to an empty brass one?
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US soldier, 8th Army Division
K9 unit.
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Thinking about checking out a PRSL for the 18/20 inch longer range ar i'm putting together.
/raises hand

Which carbine stock on the market offers the best cheek weld? I've got the old Magpul MOE stock and it works, but am sick of shouldering my rifle and feeling like I am holding a PVC pipe next to my face.
probably sopmod

exactly. I don't have time to take any SHIT from a civilian
/Raises hand?

Hahahahaha fsggot
>/raises hand
wtf is this shit faggot?
My rifle looks like that (minus fsb and mfal, I have an Acro stacked) and I haven’t killed any humans (that I know of)
I’ll answer you if you promise to never do that gay shit again
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11.5" SR15/w Saker556k - Black ARC 77s
2614 (crimp jump?)

15.1 NSW RECCE/w AEM5 -Black ARC 77s
It probably weighs the same regardless of the presence of an empty brass one [spoiler]4.75 Grams for an empty unfired, primed NAS3 case. Brass ~6grams with a fired primer[/spoiler].
Sionics NP3 BCG worth $200?
seconded. sopmod fucks
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Over a thousands times! Posting 'bout wanting a janitor overrrals? Ya serious?? Gid the fuck outta here and begga for chump change ya pathetic fuck
Just buy a bcm bcg
They're pretty good. It's my favorite bcg currently
Doesn't look as cool, the logo showing is gay too
Oh you sweet summer child
It's a BCG, just get an unbranded microbest/toolcraft
I'm shooting 4" groups, 75gr hpbt, with a 4x cog. Got about 5k through the gun. Are y'all really shooting 2" and below groups with these? Seems impossible.
Thanks dude. You and 20fag are the only people worth listening to in /arg/.
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Sup dudes!
20fag is a noguns troll that provides neither novel insights nor rigorous data. A2 is literally the only one
What barrel
Chf kac. 75gr Hornady badlands shellshock rounds.

From a bench so the gun should be solid.
Noting how you didn't include the range at which you're getting 4" groups, is how I can tell you're the issue, not your rifle. That could be sub 1 moa.
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skill issue fr fr get a criterion barrel
Doesn't the whole inclusion of drones kind of make long range engagements even more important and possible? Seems like now more than ever snipers are having their heyday, hell what about that reaper nigger on ig that espouses fry the brain, behind every brade of grass shit
I have microbest, toolcraft, Brownells, delton, and a sionics, the sionics is the most gas efficient, has the best gas key staking (by a significant margin) and has better machining quality/fit and finish compared to the others. Idk how it compares to other "good" bcgs like BCM but it's definitely better than cheap microburst/tool craft
Pics of the setup. What distance
100yd. It's got an acog. Ta31
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>4x cog
Found the issue
You likely dont have the precision required between fat ret and bloomin onion illumination
Throw a big scope on it, get good position and bipod it. Gun should be capable of ~1.5-2moa easily.
>just another faggot calling people he disagrees with noguns
He is literally right though
I can t zone pistols at 25yds no problem though. Shouldn't be a skill issue with a better setup shooting better rounds from a bench right?
Are cogs really that bad? I'm aiming tip of Chevron 6 o'clock hold.
Np3 is a meme and you are a joke. Get a microbest luxe model from wc armory for half that and buy more ammo or some tmags you poor fashion victim.
20fag is literally a black tranny
Nigger show us the setup, might help sus out any stupid errors.
>you poor fashion victim.
Haha good one. That was a joke...right?
I need like a minimum of 8x, ideally more to shoot really tight groups at 100yd. Having a solid shooting position and well supported rifle will help too of course. I usually have the best luck with tight groups shooting prone off a bipod with a rear bag.
I thought he had a lmt
Not all microbest are created the same so fuck idiots like you and blanket muh micro muh toolcraft. Specs and components vary model to model. Some are not tested some are batch tested some are individually tested, some have ocks screws some don't and so on and so on. You again are an idiot. Own a bunch of shit too.
I have never heard of anyone or personally experienced any trouble getting tight groups with the acog. Where does this come from? Sometimes your tism confuses me. 300 blackout and lithium aa/aaa batteries are other places you are funny and silly
I have a MB chrome and it's machined like shit
>I usually shoot best in the most stable position possible with the most zoom I can afford
This is crazy, thanks for the insight anon!
>owns more guns than most of ar15 general
I have a MB chrome and it's machined legit
You are confusing the actual anons who own those rifles with the noguns schizo that posts steaks and shits the thread up every day.
Hi bunni
Flex em
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Cheers bigears
>Long range
>Point to point weapons systems
Dont have to pick both
If you have a cleared firing lane you have not only a target indicator but also an exposure.
>Snipers having heyday
Behold the power of trenches bro.
Perfectly fine for a combat rifle but imho the chevron imprecise for that sort of work.
Chevron just aint that precise. Youre aiming at an infinite point with very weak windage stadia. Its possible to shoot really good groups with them but imho it takes much more focus and care than even just like ye olde fine duplex. Rest of his rifle is squared away and presumably anon can shoot so its gotta be an optical incompatibility.
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Bring back McDonald's monopoly or I'll be forced to notify the relevant authorities about your brass abuse
lol why are you so tilted? I have the microbest brand microbest from wcarmory, mil-spec phosphates/chrome lined c158 mpi with springco extractor and oring, product 4514601. It's simply not as nice as the sionics and is less efficient. The sionics was double the price and is double the quality imo.
I have 3 and it's 2 to 1, even in 2020 they were hit or miss but the new luxe model is another animal. Their new microbest luxe dlc are nice nice too
I'm just saying most people aren't shooting sub MOA groups with low mag. Some people can of course but it's pretty rare
I don't get it. Are you saying most dwot scenarios more likely than not are going to devolve into trench warfare in the continental united states. That's a bold thesis desu. I'm definitely biased because i have mile+ views outside my house and live on a hill overlooking the valley my town is nestled in so I have a good view of almost every major intersection from my attic. The only thing limiting what range I shoot at these days is ammo selection and scopes. Circling back to the original point I'm not sure I understand your explanation for why drones will not help snipers behind every brade of grass further utilize their overmatch or whatever
Your opinion is shit tho mr nobody and you have no proof of anything either, the guy from wc armory hand checks the luxe models and only once has sold vlems that had some tooling marks BTW thanks for letting us know you suck sotar Chad's dick what does his cock taste like sotaracha? Is it cum efficient in your 3 bore rectum
So basically it's not worth worrying about. Just zero as best as possible, stash it for a rainy day, and continue shooting 55gr?

Sounds like it's not really worth getting premium ammo without higher magnification once you have your hd setup done.
For the sake of my own humility I'm gonna play devil's advocate and ask you to substantiate that claim. Otherwise I'm a way better shot than I thought I was but I'd always been under the impression I was 'fine' at best. But then again my dad was the designated marksman so who knows
in English, doc
Ironically, the DT PR makes the newer DT stock obsolete, but the CTR remains relevant because of Larue RISR compatibility.
Consider that extra velocity will have a non-insignificant effect on terminal ballistics and barrier performance. Diminishing gains are still gains and the reasom we get all the gucci gear we do is to stack the odds as much as possible. Ammo is no exception
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Ok - everybody in the thread post your best group and note the platform/shooting conditions.

18" SPR barrel, AAC 75gr ballistic tip, prone with a bipod at 100 yds. I considered myself a mediocre shot
I for one will wait patiently for slade or some gut on reddit with a 3D printer to sell risers for the PR stock
oh yeah and at this was with 12x magnification
How much optical zoom? That's pertinent to the argument.
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Not /arg/ approved. Pic related

Exactly as you said, for the same weight and training effort 50bmg is anti material that does ELR good enough for who it's for. Only downside is price per round.
Gotta start the Barrett fund.
Oh uhh a 20” Ar being a superior performer to its shorter counterparts
Thoughts on the new magpul? Why would you buy this over the newish MOE RL when they're the same price and vice versa?
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Glock 17
Not really
this is why that moron keeps coming back.. because dumb noguns tards like you keep denying objective truths
>Thoughts on the new magpul?
i need it
At what range do you fellow larpers decide that you’re just gonna to bring a different gun and caliber?

For me and my 11.5”, I figure 300 is the max I would definitely for real shoot at tyrannical glowies with it, and any further away I would either just avoid contact or go for 308 or bigger instead
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I was zeroing my rifle. Tighter groups is when it was zeroed. 77gr OTM from a MK12 MOD H
>different guns are better for different distances
really blows my mind
I bring them all and just hold Y to swap weapons.
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Only one I could find was from awhile ago. 10.5" 300 BLK 110gr aac, 5x at 200 yards. At least they're in the circle
>microbest not arg approved
Works on my machine
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100 yards zero
600 for my 5.56 guns, 1000 for my .308, 20mm after that
Chinese plate gets shot with m855a1. Multiple barrel lengths. Round defeats it all the way down to 10". Coincidence? I think not.
The quality of my groups is very much dependent on the quality of my targets. Try something with a more visible/easier to track center point.
M995 pierced a level IV plate with less than 11" of barrel. M993 couldn't do that
This anons is right. Started printing my own negroid flash card targets and suddenly I'm putting them all in the same hole right down the black brain stem
>no built in QD
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Now we're talkin
I just use scrap paper and sharpie a half inche dot. Last trip cold bore I shot exact bullseye.
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its optional
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>M995 pierced a level IV plate with less than 11" of barrel
You know how there's that target floating around that lets you sight in for a 36 yard zero at 25 yards? Is there something like that for a 100 yard zero? I have a 25yd range locally, but it will be about a month before I can make it out to our 100yd range in the woods.
>nb4 y hundred yard zero
That's what my scope is designed for.
>your sub20 barrel cant pen lv4 plates xdddd
Check out the buffman range videos regarding m995. I confused two videos. In one he penetrator level III+ plates well below 11" with m995 and in another separate one he penetrated level IV+ plates with a fuck long 5.56 bolt gun with m995, and then similarly penetrated a level IV plate in another video with AP4. So I was conflating them my bad
The ap4 did penetrate the level IV plate with only 16" iirc
Call your local range and see who has a chronometer you can borrow. Plug your velocity into a simple ballistic calc to get your 25y drop for a 100y zero.
There’s probably too much room for deviation between 100y and 25y for it to be accurate
Yeah I was just trying to get in the ballpark at 25 to save time and ammo out at 100 but whatevs i guess.
Don't have that, but here's a 50yd zero target from 10yd. I use it at home with a bore laser before hitting the range and it works out pretty well.
50% of gun shit needs to be RMA'd just a fact of life
The standard magpul risers work if you either cut them for your stock position or flip them backwards and trim the tail.
Not if you like shooting with a short stock and hunched over neck position. RISR is still king.
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My (mostly) correct m16a4 build, obviously light and sling aren't correct. Plan to get an acog for it eventually
Risr gang
I’ve never had to RMA something.
Detachable carry handles look like shit
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>Detachable carry handles look like sh-
Gay as fuck, looks like a sba3 fucked the idiot tier trailer park favorite suicide stock death hook mft minimalist stock
me on the right
for sure buy what suits your specific needs, but the magpuls will still work for a lot of people
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Trenches dont work without logistics
Logistics dont work in the USA because JIT, isolated landmass and exported industrial base
You wont be digging down into a trench dohmestically I almost guarantee you.
>attic post
Hardpointing your attic in a stick frame construction home sounds like a great way to get maneuvered on and then set onfire.
>drones for snipers
Drones are godawful at ascertaining LOS from ground level. Sure there is relevance to them and their usage from an ISR standpoint but youre not going to be using it to feed you target opportunities vast majority of the time. There is also the huge signature of putting a drone up from anywhere remotely near your hide. Drone a massive threat to a sniper since it moves observation from that LOS plane where you shuffle around to a 3rd dimension your hide must be effective in.
If youre worried about it, throw a big fuckoff scope on there and verify that you and the rifle are capable mechanically. Its not impossible to shoot good groups with even a dot but trying to get comparative datapoints with such low precision is not something to beat yourself up on.
>Just zero as best as possible, stash it for a rainy day, and continue shooting 55gr?
And understand your limits/platform limits
>Not worth getting premium ammo
Absolutely worth it even with shitty mag.
I cant speak for the badlands but I dont really enjoy hornady anything.
Eh even with the BEST possible rounds, which also suck for anti material usage you are maybe getting under 1.5moa with them. They are really designed for hunting trucks and tyrannosauruses.
>Ok - everybody in the thread post your best group and note the platform/shooting conditions.
BCM 11.5" 100m!
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Trick question. Im not picking any fights with direct fire point to point weapons systems. Im sorry but if you are home invading im just going to level my entire house from the mortar pit.
You don't speak for anyone shut up nice projecting
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are you active mil/leo?
no wonder why you have such outdated and shit takes.
$10 knockoffs on Aliexpress are legitimately just as good. I have two and one came with a bent spring, but that was a cheap and easy fix. Otherwise perfect.
>plap plap plap
Worst thing about that pic
>verification not required
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disrespectful newfag
He's a trust fund nerd and /arg/ is his pet project.
That's you though
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Let’s see anon’s take
Tyranosaurus brain size of walmut you needing more precise.
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>That's you though
i think Blood Diamond should have won an Emmy
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Do you keep your shot out barrels as commemorative pieces or do you throw them in the trash.
It won a Reddit gold
yeah from me
schizo fudd build
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Department issued indirect fire
For policing at distance
You are taking chunks off shit with that bro, dont need to stem it.
>Do you keep your shot out barrels as commemorative pieces
Have a graveyard box full of barrels, gas tubes, etc.
Unless the part fails in a way one could mistake it for still "good to go" i.e a cooked recoil spring its going in the graveyard.
pretty nice. just beat her up and get a better barrel down the road. bb or chf cl barrels are required for the 20” work horse
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>graveyard box
You should post it for halloween
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I just buy blemmies, that way I already know it'll be fucked up
Why are the jannies so implacable? They are bullying overwhites and it's disgusting.
>I dont really enjoy hornady anything.
They're a family owned company and I like supporting small business owners.

I'm willing to sacrifice a little to tmks for that desu.
yeah :-/
You either don't know any mil or leo or you used to be and are deluded and lying to yourself about what you're capable of and what you know.
Very interesting anon can you turn off the thoughts about fat whale intercourse at any time or do you just get triggered and it's your safe space or what
>people who have money are a problem
Go back to socialist rifle assfaces
What would happen if I commissioned a furry artist to draw a fox woman doing the Lucas Botkin shooting stance?
Beggars deserve it. Begging 3 years for a 1.5k over suit. Imao.
Assualt 15 A6
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>14.5 heavy profile CL barrel
>sub moa all day thanks to improved barrel nut
>forged monolithic upper to mog extrusioncels
>improved gas system
>still capable of mounting a bayonet
Yep, it's gonna be the SCAR for me; it's the thinking man's AR.
Pls do it
>buy another thingy
I fucking hate the gun industry so much
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>refuses to consooom
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To the anon that wanted to know about M&P15 shelf height, it is still high
No I own a microbest that's how I know they're mid af and therefore not /arg/ approved.
At a glance looks like the ifunny logo
kek this nigger is so lame (him and Garandfag)
even worse, he's a trust fund larper
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A3M1 aug 16" with 55gr 193's at 100 while zeroing the new eo. Best group of the day, rest were bit over an inch. I have better groups with some different rigs but none I have pics of.
Man I wish I had a trust fund. i'm tired of working.
TYSM, KC anon. It had been so long ago that I started to doubt my own memory
>Vax mandate
Fag company
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then don't buy another sling mount thingy you whiny faggot
a2 works for the state department. That's why he disappears for months at a time. Always returning with new secret knowledge to share.
I'm looking on /trash/ for one right now
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Take it back
How did you tune down the cyclic rate on your mg3? PB bolt?
Lucas is colossal faggot.
Drop booster cone diam and barrel sleeves
MG3 carrier
MG3 muzzle device.
Look goofy as hell, boy.
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haha this twink huffing and puffing
ty mr grips. Does the heavy mg3 carrier require a different buffer?
At least this goober is trying
I'd still heem him
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I have comtac V now (thanks ash) also what’s a good iwb holster for Glock 47/17 these days? Oh and does anyone know of a good owb belt for a safariland drop leg that will work with regular jean loops?
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Ace master race, I don’t have the new QD on mine.
shoo shoo schizo jimmy
True but Sierra is owned by a globohomo conglomerate. I'd like to have options rather than have literally every ammunition company owned by foreign interests or monopolies.
>use BCG
>it works
>wow this is mid
Thanks for your serial number
I never listen to music when I work out. Spoils my focus.
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can't wait to shoot this hurricane
Oh. Yeah.
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i also cannot wait to shoot this hurricane. to death.
Sorry it hurts your feelings anon but "jus twerks" is not a complete evaluation of quality.
Don’t care. Not like I took a picture of my trigger guard where it says “Jim Hansen goon life trust.” Have fun knowing a serial number.
I always raw dog it too because i dont have music blaring in my esrs when im getting beat in the cage
In this case it literally is
lmao it do be like that sometimes.
Prescription eyepro suggestions?
eye surgery
Get your employer to buy you safety glasses and then use them for only for gooning
I've got some wiley x glasses but I only got the base lenses which might have been a mistake. They are very reflective so it's like wearing a rear view mirror, which sounds cool but if it's bright out I can see the reflection of my own eyeballs.
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OK just got back from the range. Determined that I am actually a great shot as long as it's paper plates. My groups were like 2-3" on redditfield sight ins and tight butthole on paper plates.

skelly would be proud
what magnification?
those 1" squares? So like 3 moa or so, that's pretty decent for 5x at 200 imo
oof add 2 more rounds then we can count it
wiley x but with their lens and depends, if you want them for indoor use with screens then the anti reflective blue tint
otherwise if outdoors then the sunglasses with protective coating
forgot to list my setup again - 13.9" barrel, 77gr AAC ammo, 6X mag, prone w/ a rear bag
>anti reflective blue tint
Yeah that's the one. If I get an aisle seat on an airplane I can see people coming up behind me. It's kind of cool but not very useful.
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this is super gay.
Bro deleted it.
OP gets a bad wrap but they've always been fine with me. I have a feeling most of the time when people have issues its because they didnt read that something was back order only. Usually avoid backordered things but the couple I have ordered came before the estimated date.
I've only had a problem once and it definitely said it was in stock, I check because of their reputation. It was just an a2 flash hider though and I had another one I forgot about so I didn't really need it.
Lmao, you have no idea how tripfaggots, with the exception of maybe BOOF and Ivan, were treated on this board years ago. A true newfag -- summer really is forever
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Hey a2 is a flux raider worth it?
I can’t shell out 3 grand for an outfitted tp9 but I can cobble a flux together overtime. Any alternatives you would recommend?
You are an idiot and have offered up no explanation for your shit opinion. Not enough snake oil for you son?
>Trenches dont work without logistics
>Logistics dont work in the USA because JIT, isolated landmass and exported industrial base
>You wont be digging down into a trench dohmestically I almost guarantee you.
>>attic post
>Hardpointing your attic in a stick frame construction home sounds like a great way to get maneuvered on and then set onfire.
>>drones for snipers
>Drones are godawful at ascertaining LOS from ground level. Sure there is relevance to them and their usage from an ISR standpoint but youre not going to be using it to feed you target opportunities vast majority of the time. There is also the huge signature of putting a drone up from anywhere remotely near your hide. Drone a massive threat to a sniper since it moves observation from that LOS plane where you shuffle around to a 3rd dimension your hide must be effective in.
I don't even understand the point you're making anymore. Seems like if someone asks you too many complicated questions you just start going off on a million tangents but never circle back to any points. Genuinely, what was your point?
You want something that covers your whole eye view. Periphial view matters.
>why is a small, cheap, compact rifle so popular with le nigur?

this is like when people complain blacks love fried chicken, like yeah man so does everyone.
ESS Vice RX or URX inserts. Cheaper to replace just a scratched up protective lens.
Not my problem.
>snake oil
No that's the coatings nickel whatever shit, I have milspec. I feel like all chrome carrier is also snake oil but I won't press the matter.
You can just scroll up and see other anon's quite objective complaints about quality. Maybe if you own one you can just look at yours and see it's mid. Or maybe their qc and consistency is non existent and we all have different experiences (hint: this is why they aren't /arg/ approved). Regardless there's no reason to defend them as hard as you retards do which is why the plapjak meme is appropriate. If you like it, keep plappin, anon, but keep it to yourself.
I like messing around with nice rounds every now and again but I love my M193.

M855 is trash btw.
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this but 55gr reman
this but M855 is GOOD
Microbest luxe model from wc armory qc is not hit or miss. Not all microbest are created equal just like you keep thinking of fat whores not all women are created equal.
you niggers are so gay and annoying it's stupid
Is avoiding red loctite like the plague a meme?
it's very simple, let me explain it to you retards, anything high temp should be rocksett, anything vibration should be vc-3, anything small should be blue, anything not following into these categories that you don't want coming off red.
Shut the fuck up

that retarded front sight post blocking your thermal kek
Fishy looks like THAT?!?!
i wish :(
>half of arg uses them with no issues
>not arg approved because they’re just not ok
I also wish for redhead gf. My childhood crush dyed her hair red again and it's killing me.
Dyed hair has the worst feeling texture on earth, natural redheads are better
I wish there was another material that didn't contain plastic and yet insulated heat so that it could be used for pistol grip and stock. Some kind of ceramic perhaps...
>natural redheads are better
Wish in one hand shit in the other. I won't have a redhead gf in either. The worst thing is I know a natural redhead who dyes her hair a different shade of red. Fucking bitch.
Keep beging. Ill throw a fund so you can finally rope in your closet apartment, but I'm not sure if you can actually stand up on a chair and hang
He has an lmt he'll be fine he's just bad with money.
I'm not overwhites. You're just a faggot, no one likes you here. I'm pretty sure you're the guy who just shits on everyone and everything.
Anyone try them
wait what? an overwhite suit is $1500??
lol I thought it was just a couple hundred bucks. like a white trash bag basically.
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Not quite. Just retarded beggars spamming the board
I don't understand what point you're trying to make
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Old but still good.

16" Faxon Heavy Fluted Match .308 AR10
Federal GMM 168 grain
Sledded indoor range, 100 yards
Well I already forgot so I guess neither of us will know.
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Fake wuggy
How the hell should I know?
Torraka is one of the many manufacturers, but lately Varusteleka started making their own version. A real over suit, which is a two piece rip stop version which is also made to be quickly removable, you're looking at $1500 and some more shipped from Finland. See if the suit was like 200 bucks or something, or even 400 I would not get as annoyed. But this poor fag wants a +1.5k suit for free and has spammed the same pic for 3 years
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No TransMAG, brother?
more plastic crap
too many brown
>Yeah I mean, he's sittin there
I have a 30mm Leupold scope I want to mount but I want the mount to be light and fixed and am also open to 2pc. Anyone have some good options?

I was looking at Leupolds but they don’t have anything 1.5”.
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lol, never knew.
probably doesn't live by snow either
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no it's not
aero ultralight mount?
UTG has really good skeletonized mounts. Lots of options for cantilever offset and MOA base, but heights are limited. There's 1.46, 1.54, and one that's even shorter than 1.46.
put your fucking trip on
UTG mounts are better than every other budget option on the market.
id beat your ass if you said that to my face
i think alibaba aluminium is better than UTGs best of the best
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Redpill me on LMT
You can tell ash is sad
a black tranny has one
you go bald if you have it for a while
uh thats all i got
UTG, KC, DMT, yet no one is working on their BMI heh
Why do they call them Jews? Because they are horrible creatures and you need to identify them as quickly as possible.
It's bulking season.
For me it's jelqing season until jarmiroquoianry
>multiple recoil lugs
>0 rail slop
>made in best china
>C_DOES approved
Warne shills can go suck a dick.
what? 77gr bougie ammo is not getting you extra velocity over M193, nor extra energy. its niche is stability over greater ranges
you should quit your job and become a comedian
I've got 4" of Southern thunder so I don't need any more. Good luck on the path.
People get retarded when talking about 77gr OTMs. They're just heavy, long match bullets. Nothing special.
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he died. hypothermia
Dan could have prevented this
what you think doesn't matter to anybody, even yourself
Terminal ballistics are way different what are you fucking talking about lmao. Either way, my point still stands which is that the same load +200 fps regardless of the bullet is used is gonna impact more than just more range but make any terminal performances more consistent and effective.
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You guys remember 77gr wasn't just designed to go far but perform better at that distance, right?
>same load +200 fps regardless of the bullet is used is gonna impact more than just more range but make any terminal performances more consistent and effective.
uhhh nah
Next you'll say you were merely pretending to be retarded.
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NTA but spicy 77gr exists and it probably makes things deader in a velocity sensitive round
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5.56 is a velocity sensitive cartridge, not just 77gr. Any load you have, if you make it faster, will make it performance better. I love black arc. Black arc pissin hot and some ap is all I want.
I took your dream and ran with it
i dont wanna be a comedian i think that was Jimmy, im actually in the process of selling my guns and going back to vtuber streaming on kick
Half of /arg/ can go back if they're gonna take it so personally
>let off a few hurricane pops
>didn't lose power
The weak should fear the strong
We haven't gotten a serious one in a long time. People are gonna get soft
oh you’re that noguns that has nothing to say ever?
People have been pissing their pants and acting like I'm crazy for not freaking out.
Too shitty? I know it’s Nutnfancy approved but I am looking for something that will never break.
Uhhh no thanks.
my wife lost her shit, started filling tupperware containers with water to freeze for extra ice for example. Now we have over 200lbs of meal prep shaped ice cubes in giant ziploc bags that I'll have to take a hammer to everytime i want to fill my cooler.
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I wish I was kidding
Trust me I believed you. On the bright side you have plenty of ice. I always forget to make ice until it's too late.
They don't know anything
20fag historical revisionism
I will he wasn’t right about how much better the 20” baryl is. His CHF FN 20” baryl is literally more capable than like 95% of the guns that get posted here.

>block 2 m4 fitted with an m203 grenade launcher, peq 15, knight's suppressor, and elcan optic
Your 14 pound rifle sir
FN uppers aren't CHF

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