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Post gear. Discuss gear.
Previous >>62543626
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>jews trying to profit from christ
never forget this
Yay or nay on getting a leg strap for my belts safariland
Yah. It's aesthetic
Never forget the six gorillion fake reviews.
How did they think they'd get away with it? The best-reviewed and most popular plate carrier of all time had like 10 reviews, and out of nowhere the K19 comes with 2500 reviews? It's completely impossible and probably even illegal.
Review scammers are scum.
Yeah, makes you look tactical. Be tactical.
I have one because it helps stabilize it.
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They sort of suck if youre in cars for extended periods of time, at that point you an ball them over the holster but its just another snag point. Id say its worth getting the pivoting one from trex arms over the older styles/one included with the dropleg mounts.
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What chest rig is he wearing? Reddit says it's an LBT 1961a but I can't find any with any molle on the back or any back panels that resemble this one
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I missed yoooooooooooooou
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Gotta love LBT for late GWOT drip
Yeah, get a pivoting one. I got the Shaw Concepts one and it's nice.

Do not disregard the jews' true nature. Remember the fable about the scorpion and the frog. There's a reason why Agilite's logo is a scorpion.
>Not knocking anybody for being careful around pets, but I believe once permethrin is dry it's safe
It's safER once dry absolutely, and there are still dosage thresholds, one single molecule isn't going to hurt anything. But particularly when fresh some still sheds and comes off over time, I mean, otherwise you could apply it once and it'd be set forever which isn't how it works, it will eventually fade (professional clothing applications are usually rated 50-70 wash cycles iirc). Like, you wouldn't want to leave a pile on the ground and have your pet go sleep on it. And even as a person, it's not ideal to just be sitting in the stuff with skin contact 24/7/365. It's relatively quite safe but it's still a poison.

In practice though I think it's easy, because I don't want to mix my woods work/hiking clothes with regular ones anyway, since even beyond permethrin stuff always ends up covered in sticky/grippy seeds certain times of year or muddy or whatever, and also due to permethrin coming off over time I wash it much less. It saves me some effort in reapplication to just take clothes off when I'm done and put them in their own box after drying, and wash only once in awhile, then safer for my cats too.

It is true that just like cleaning guns is the main time to be quite careful of lead contamination and have a separate area for it, applying is the biggest risk point.
Does anyone make metal swift clips (or a similar style of clip)?
G hooks?
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Can anyone help me find a pouch that will fit this bad boy? Od green, EMR, or Flecktarn preferred. Cant seem to find any info that these were ever even issued with a pouch but I like this canteen a lot and want to put it on my belt.
Does anyone here know how Alpenflage sizing works? My chest is 37 inches (94 cm) and I’m 5'11" (1.80 m) tall. I can't find any information about what the fuck "size 52" means.
Opening doors.
bruh pouches are expensive a shit I always buy them used
Not without knowing what article of clothing you're actually talking about.
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Sorry, im talking about pic related.
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Thank you ;)
>G hooks
They need to be open on both ends so that I can slide the loop of both my placard and PC in.
>I can slide it in
I think adaptive green is the best solid color, better than coyote brown or ranger green, it has both brown, green, grey hues to it also depending on the light
>adaptive green
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in the pics it doesnt really give you an idea
that's a jacket I got in a similar color, depending on the lighting and light warmth it looks more green/grey/brown
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looks like your ready to get to work on my driveway
chop chop fatty
based tavor chad
There's no real worl exact model of it. Apparently it was based on the wasatch but really any rhodesian chest rig with the bib folded down would work the same.

I have tried to build a kit similar to it for larp purposes and it is a pain in the ass. The added straps at the back make the whole harness hard to don and doff and the whole thing is just kinda cumbersome.
Back at you. What the FUCK is that camo btw? Pure sexo

Or just save your money and cut them yourself
im shooting IDPA shit; itll involve sprints and tireflips and can carries / body drags. i have the need for speed and am looking for shoes that grip on loose dirt and shit. i currently own high boots and rucking boots .

any suggestions?
reccomend bright red sneakers and using spin attack
Light boots or trail running shoes might fit the bill. Check out Lowa
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I would say they got their photo references confused. Like the lumbar pad with the yoke coming off of it looks to be a completely different rig, and I dont see how it would integrate. It also has metal fittings, while the rest of the rig uses black plastic. You can see under the hood the yoke and the x harness aren't oriented the same, but the yoke straps never come out the other side of the hood to the front of the shoulder. If I were to guess, they saw one photo reference wearing a regular chest rig from the front, and then had another similar reference from the back wearing a belt and suspenders with the same or similar chest rig, and assumed it was all the one rig in both photos. This is the same game where the artists rendered the BB winders on the airsoft mags, they don't necessarily know what they're looking at when they copy something.
fireforce venture's take on 32bn summer. in reality it's more of a mix of the winter and summer patterns. it's pretty nice

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