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FF Edition



Previous /arg/

Thread theme
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youre up early
>block 2 m4 fitted with an m203 grenade launcher, peq 15, knight's suppressor, and elcan optic

Your 14 pound rifle sir
Does anyone have a good 30mm scope mount recommendations? I’m looking at NF and Leupold. I have an aero and I don’t trust it but I love how light it is.
>fn uppers arent chf
yes they are. they are button and chf not sure how you determine it but they are like the #1 manufacturer of chf barrels
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All this talk of 20 inch is starting to make me go crazy… I think I may gunsooooom to satiate this ever increasing itch.
Happy FF everyone
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Badger, Geissele, PRI, LaRue
DYOR on weight
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not buying a 20" upper for $200 is basically the same as losing money
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my ADM recon mount still hasn't fallen off
Why is a nalgene pouch fucking $50-70? I need two in woodland for my new chestrig set up.
Spiritus is $40 (and OoS) and looks better than the ugly molle one you want
I'll just get the chink clone of the spiritus just as good and only $15 or I could get pic related for $11. But it's dpm and camo mixing is on par with race mixing.
Trex hydro pouch is good
Yeah but I don't want to spend $48 to hold a $16 water bottle. Like I got the whole chest rig for only $53.
Hey Ash what’s your go to rifle?
I sold all mine to buy a PSA jakl
Because you want it in le m81.
If you're running double water on your chest rig you may want to opt for something more short and stout since a tall bottle may rub against your arms and just overall make things less comfortable.

I had one of these in my mayflower chest rig since it comes with pre-sewn pockets and that's basically all that would fit in there. I did one range session with it and it got in the way so much that I ditched it. I don't know the dimensions of what you're using but if it's anything close to what link related is you're going to have a really bad time.
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You’re already dead. The pathfinder 32oz steel bottle fits in every nalgene pouch I’ve tried.
Bought 2 of the dutch dpm pouches, arg useless as always, probably end up spray painting everything anyway.
I mean I haven't bought the bottle yet. Might get this whole little kit tho.
Yeah who cares about weight or packability just load up on steel containers
>$50-70 for a nalgene pouch
The camelbak water bottle pouch holds a nalgene just fine.
I love microplastics. I use plastic plates, plastic bowls, plastic cups, and even a plastic cutting board
Ain't woodland tho
Look you can just say you don’t know. It’s a thin single walled bottle that weighs insignificantly more than a 32oz nalgene. Plus you can boil water in it if needed which you can’t do with plastic.
>which you can’t do with plastic.
t. Retard
Imagine the estrogen going into your body from that
Why not just take the estrogen directly? Seems like a lot of effort when you could just take a pill
That’s what trannies were doing to get estrogen during covid you retard
Anons estrogen maxing
Hi bunni
Yeah there’s other options for stainless steel containers that you can just keep empty and in your pack. Steel is going to weigh more than plastic and we are using this for the purpose of carrying ready to drink water.
Water purification tabs are also a thing and you’re probably not going to be boiling water in a non permissive environment.
I’m not a military guy but my understand is the whole point of wearing a chest rig is you’re en route to an ORP so your armor etc is in a ruck.
Once you reach the ORP you doff your ruck, put on armor and assault pack, and make way to your objective.
At no point are you boiling water.
Block Tuah is best rifle
You have to ask for the estrogen-free bags at Walmart when you check out
I bring my own bags that are canvas, you gotta watch out for the receipt also.
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>Youre up early
Same time everyday
6.5 can be neat Ive taken shots at 1200 with it easily.
>water bladder
>sawyer mini
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picrel has always been the only answer.
>inb4 too loud and shiny
tape and spray paint it like everything else
Nah I got a bunch of those too heavy
You're too heavy
No I'm 2 steps ahead.
combat tested, combat proven means the extra 3oz is worth it. also, the irony of you worrying about weight is crazy.
Holosun is combat tested doesn't mean I would use it over other optics.
is your desired plastic bottle combat tested and proven?
Nalgene is yes
The irony
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>m16a2 upper is supposed to arrive monday but I'm probably going to be at work when it shows up
what do lads? PSA order protection doesn't cover theft, does it?
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>Hey a2 is a flux raider worth it?
>Your 14 pound rifle sir
14lb would be light for that
It's over for u
If it gets stolen they will report you to the police for firearm negligence and if it gets used in a crime you can be held accountable as an accessory.
Guess you better call out
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It's so heavy it makes your arms hurt and it's not fun to carry heavy stuff :(
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The hard truth is that ARs peaked in 2016. Everything I see now is disappointing
just have it rerouted to your job
They're just going to sit in your closet anyway
Where should I shop for full auto lowers? Gunbroker is kinda shitty to use
www.sturmgewehr.com been looking at getting myself an RDIAS.
Uh huh. Why not just get ozempic and gastric bypass surgery?
have you considered living around white people?
Best deals will be at auctions
Consistent availability will be via ruben mendiola/dealer nfa
Gunbroker and sturm can be a shitshow
Already taking it.
Lol more like breastrig setup fatfuck
nah not really and definitely nothing in comparison to the classic GI steel canteen
probably will call out for it desu
I do and I haven't had anything stolen yet but I'm still paranoid.
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Want some advice about something I encountered with picrel. On a range trip, I opened up the gun and my recoil spring and buffer weight ejected on opening. I simply rotated the buffer weight to be upright, meaning the knights logo was facing in the proper direction. Seemed to work fine after but just curious why it would have happened at all. Never had that happen before. Anything I can do to ensure that doesn’t happen again?
Schedule a pick up at one of their hubs. The driver will leave it at the front desk
The collector's edition FN M16A4 is button rifled CMV 4140 (out of spec)
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Sounds like the retainer was stuck or is bent.
Been sitting outside at the gas station waiting for a tire repair and an oil change.
Probably like 50 cars have pulled up.
Haven’t seen one white person under 60 years old other than myself.
Two cute twin Syrian hijabis did pull up though.
Seized buffer retainer. They are mostly steel so they can develop surface rust which causes them to drag/stick.
>armed right wing gentle man
>furry avatar with gun
You could just dress up as maids and fuck each other in the ass inbetween range sessions. It’d be more honest
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Yeah I checked that and it wasn’t stuck and also want appear as bent. I wondered if it was simply the orientation of the buffer since the knights buffers have “flares around the radius like so. And I thought maybe it was just in the incorrect orientation?
I meant “3 flats” and I get that, but the lower is not super used nor do I see any rust or the like. How would it get depressed under normal use? I would think there would be no downward pressure to depress it. Would you take out the retainer and check it and replace or just put some lube on it?
Yeah, that's because white people change their own oil swarthoid.
It’s a gas station you brainlet, they were getting gas
All buffers are like that big guy. It shouldn't come out regardless of orientation. Can you get a better pic of the retainer (more from the top)? Just from here it looks like your retainer might be a bit too low
he's calling YOU brown, esl
>Sitting outside the gas station waiting for an oil change
why is the top of the retainer shiny? looks like wear.
Your retainer pin should extend far enough that the orientation of the buffer will make no difference. if its not obviously bent on the tip or torn up on the tip id just lube and reinstall it. Do me a favor and press your retainer up and down a couple times. It should rebound just fine and will have plenty of upward pressure. it almost looks a bit low in that photo and it could be an out of spec (too deep) pin retainer hole from LMT thats allowing a bouncing buffer to overcome it.
They have these things called benches >>62595296
Nigger what. Are you not at the place getting an oil change?
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I did that right when you asked and it rebounded fine and didn’t seem to hang up anywhere. It dies seem low and the wear on the retainer is strange now I look at it. It is uniform across the top so I didn’t really think about since it doesn’t seem like it is located only one one direction. Are there longer retainers to over come the potential for it being out of spec or what is the solution there? New lower?
Image of the wear I am seeing

The Geiselle H2 above in the thread only has 2 flats vs 3 on my buffer was kind of my point, and the Geiselle has them only at the 10-2 position, where the knights is more like 12-5-7 o’clock.
Do you think that I watched 50 cars come and get an oil change in the time it took me to get mine done and a tire plugged?
Does your job involve inhaling hazardous fumes by chance?
Hey a2 bro what threadlocker do you personally use on your scars? I know they came with green loctite originally and now they use some red threadlocker. I personally use vibratite 122 and it seems to be working ok but i am a curious as to what you suggest.
IDK why you were there that long, maybe your appointment wasn't for a few hours. Big service centers can go through a lot of vehicles u little wrenchlet
worst thread on the board by far. You guys are total faggots. Ever other thread on /k/ is 10x better in every conceivable way.

just wanted to drop in and let you babies know that
He uses diddy lube for when he is taking tranny cock.
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Not reading that novel
You're as stupid as the rest of them, they're bot combat tested they were just used in combat there's been no testing and there's is no telling how many ukies died in a trench because their just as good build failed. To even entertain the notion is heresy
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>The Geiselle H2 above in the thread
huh that's weird, is it an old or brand new design? Most of geisseles (and all milspec buffers) have the 3 flats
>It does seem low
It's also possible your buffer tube is one turn too far. Hard to tell from your pic cause I'm phone posting but the buffer tube should just cover the edge of the buffer retainer. If it's screwed too far in it can catch the neck of the buffer retainer (where it starts sloping up to the pin) and cause it to sit too low
>30 words
>A novel
When anon self owns lmao
Post rifle
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Retainers should all be the same length, if you really want to check you could pull it and measure the OAL of it against the spec and then measure the hole depth. If the hole is indeed too deep you can put something at the bottom, ideally a piece of plastic rod or similar to bring it up to height or replace the lower.
I use 243 blue after pulling the screws and doing torx
I think you are correct on the buffer tube being 1 turn too deep. In looking at my other 2 rifles here, it does look like it is being stopped short. Seems like the solution. Also, looked at my geiselle h2 and it does have 3 flats 10-2-6 o’clock with the 6 just being less than the other 2. The picture simply obscured that since the hammer is covering that portion.
literally no u.
Thanks for the help y’all
np, gl
Ok that's pretty similar. thanks
post estrogen
pull your bcg and look for wear on the underside of the carrier, also pull your buffer and look for wear along the sides to see if the retainer has been ducking underneath the buffer. personally if it were me, i would just throw a new spring and retainer in there and monitor it as you go. if you have calipers you can measure the depth of the retainer bore and see if it's out of spec. you can have someone turn down a small spacer to sit under the spring to take up the slack. either way, replace the retainer and spring.
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>The picture simply obscured that since the hammer is covering that portion
yeah, sorry about that
All I have is test
You wouldnt be posting tranny anime if you did.
Kinda want to sell my 11.5 and buy an SR16 11.5
You won't
oh why
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Lain has nothing to do with trannies. It’s about technology, collective conscious, and singularity
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA bruh that was like four sentences barely considered a paragraph
Best thread on the board by far. You gentlemen are total friends. Every other thread on /k/ is 10x worse in every conceivable way.

Just wanted to drop in and let you fine folks know that.
I kinda regret letting XCR nigger meme me into getting laser cut molle on my chest rig. Oh well it was $50 for the whole rig so if I hate it I'm not out too much.
Why do you obsess over things that don’t matter on equipment you never use?
Sr-15/16 is a meme unless you're getting the longer gas system. 14.5/17" makes sense. An 11.5 is just an AR with a fancy bcg. Not worth it.
Erm ruins resale value
Because he wants (Yous)
Ayyy what up shark
Ready for durr season?
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>Vietnam 20-rounder
WTF were you thinking

Just DIY, all the Form 4 lowers will be 38+ years old (not within M4 spec). I would wager on Standard Manufacturing if you can live without the selector stops and "auto" mark

I'm not a sodomite, I'm not sexually invested in FF. The fox is just a mascot, get over it

Your detent looks pretty worn, expect the buffer to glance off it like a chamfer. This won't affect cycling since the buffer face and detent aren't supposed to be in contact when the upper's installed
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Still waiting for a sling for the 20"
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Still waiting for an optic for the URGI
Sure am. I can walk out my door and snag one with a bow without much effort these days...deer are prolific in my neck of the woods this year and they are looking thicc and healthy even at the end of summer this year. Not much challenge in keeping the freezer packed these days.
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Maybe I should get the pouches they sell on their website so I can have mine looks like this.
maybe you should fuck off back to discord
that sucks. i couldn’t imagine being trapped in a giant fat body because every piece of kit i owned is XXXL and i’d have to get all new kit. you could drop 50lbs (which would be like me losing 5lbs) and you would look no different but still have to buy new stuff. it’s ok tho bro just do it because your health is your wealth!
Go to gear queer fatass
Oh but when fags spam about their new car you don't cry about it
It’s because you’re a morbidly obese no shoots retard who uses /k/ as their blog. Go back to discord, faggot
what LBE?
Id wager he is close to 350 at this point
I'm 210 rn trying to go to 140.
Reverse DMT
If you used your gear you would know why two liters of water on your chest is a bad idea.
One stays empty for dirty water
BCM or magpul, which VFG is best?

Its going to be cola you dumbfuck
I like my vertical foregrips to be vertical but that's just me and it doesn't really matter
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This is what this shithole looks like to me.
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Lmao get a CamelBak and quit crying
in kgs
current meta is not using a VFG at all
Yeah but they use their cars and you don't use your gear, you just talk about your shopping addiction
>I'm 210 rn trying to go to 140.
Do you mean 310 and 240?
no way you’re 210 rn. that’s cool if true bro i hope all the bullying on here finally made you act. if we didn’t care we wouldn’t say anything:)
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I don't have a reddit account and it's not a trans am it's a charger, is there a charger reddit that isn't full of melanated individuals?
You gay
Le heckin updoot <@:)
>tactical dungeons and dragons enthusiast who's entire content catalogue is doomerslop says looting is just a SHTF fantasy
Thanks for the gold kind stranger
Since when does big flex complain about the cost of two little pouches?
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Works on my machine
Your first meet after finishing the build is gonna be like the wait for an oil change at the gas station
>Camo mixing
As bad as race mixing
Good afternoon arg do you like my oc? She is a foxgirl
I find that highly ironic, because looting is a very real thing that does happen while SHTF is the actual fantasy.
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ar noob here.
i bought a 308 psa and replaced the handguard, stock, and buffer tube. i took it to the range but it keeps failing to feed every time. itll shoot and eject the shell, but it never feeds the next round. the charging handle is also insanely difficult to pull back, like 10x harder than my 5.56 ar. its lubed to shit too. im thinking it might not be at the right gas setting? i did take the gas thing off many times to adjust the weird hanguard i bought, but i never messed with its adjustable screw. what setting should it be?
>bought a psa
>SHTF is the actual fantasy
uh huh, yeah
I like to call it pop, myself
I looked at that and there is nothing on the carrier itself that indicates wear. I loosened the castlenut and rotated the buffer tube one rotation out and it allowed the retainer to raise and is in much better shape now. It was simply the tube being in too far.

If I encounter any issues in the current orientation I will replace the retainer and spring for good measure but it seems good to go now.
>the charging handle is also insanely difficult to pull back
summin ain't right. With the upper removed from the lower, does the BCG slide freely in the upper? Does the buffer in the lower ride smoothly in the buffer tube?
nigger what. The sacking of Rome was a battle, part of the visigoth rebellion which was going on at the time.
nothing wrong with psa, nigger
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Sling arrived.
>ar noob here.
>i bought a 308
lmao why does this happen so often? I did it too but it's still funny.
Erm chuddy that's not an A2 approved sling you will be heckin downdooted
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PSA sucks shit
>arguing that you dont need wide ammo spread compatibility
>Ammo panic every 6mo where ideal ammo vanishes for years on end
Bad post tbqh
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>en route to an ORP so your armor etc is in a ruck.
>Once you reach the ORP you doff your ruck, put on armor and assault pack, and make way to your objective
Not a lot of people understand that part.
Ah well no I don't think the homies care for old chargers. I don't tend to go to car meets anyway
It's GT approved
Plenty wrong with PSA and I say that as a fan and owner.
You installed the buffer tube wrong or something else is broken or incorrect
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Hey guys, today I went out to practice with iron sights again. I focused on relaxing shoulder muscles and it did the trick. I am so close to hitting 1moa 5shot group at 100m. Sub-6 hold. Schmeisser AR-15 16.75" and cheap GGG ammo. Third target is affected by wind, also I adjusted the elevation.
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what happened to your right side paddle?
Why do I care what some guy who cheats on his wife approves?
not with those broad shoulders and flat chest
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>aim big miss big
That target looks hard to hit. How fine is your post? IME the fundamentals mattered less than sight picture. Anyway, good work, keep going. Goal should be smacking plates at 300y.
Well I think the SERE instructor may have an edge on this particular topic but if ever I need advice on Japanese tire biters I'll know who to ask.
This shits fucking gay. Buncha grown ass boys just asking some weirdo tripfags shit.
>I'm a grown ass man
>Hey a2 should I get this? Should I get that? Is this worth it?
Idek this fuck, but wtf is wrong with you fucks? Holy shit this is cancer.
nice, glad you got it figured out
I’m the 1301 retard, I’ve seen the light and I’m gonna buy a scar instead. Which 7.62 one do I get? 17s, 20? Have an atacr I could put on it and throw something else on that upper instead
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Found a 2012 afghanistan picture of me holding my m16a2. I looked so young and hopeful. I really can't wait for my upper to get here
Congrats or sorry that happened
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>He doesn't ask his buddies for their opinions on things
Post it
>Disrespectful newfag
>Doesn't know who a2 is
Durrrrrrr. Who fucking cares bro. NO ONE KNOWS WHO THAT IS. Do your own research and stfu stop stroking some random tripfags dick so much. Holy shit. If I start using a tripfag name and post here consistently will I become the new big namer in the /arg/ threads? Kys bro.
which upper this again? h&r?
Whoa cool it with the antisemitism
Sounds like a personal problem
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Based, but what are you trying to do? Build a battle rifle or some sort of csass?
Damn this sucking off of you favorite internet fag is gay.
He's not your buddy. You're not "buddies" You just treat him like some God. And it's cringey and gay. That's it.
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Hitting 12" steel at 300 when prone with irons is easy. I would like to hit a 6" one. I have Scalarworks PEAK 01 irons - designed for 15" sight radius. I use it on my long rail, 20" sight radius.
Can you explain your word vomit from yesterday
I flew on a plane last month and was literally surrounded by pajeets. I thought I saw a white guy but upon closer inspection he was a jew.
Why shouldn't 13" .308 br be the standard rifle for every argitizen
>nigger mode
>sino phenotype (low recoil)
Honest to fucking God how did they get away with it
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Nah me and A2 are besties
Well I have an atacr with a stacked acro that’s been migrating to different ar uppers and I figure throwing it on the scar might be a good final home for it and get a proper spr scope for the AR it currently sits on. Maybe put an sai6 on either the scar or said AR upper. I already have a t2+g33 AR and an Elcan AR (dumbass gpr). Tbh not really sure which food group is more important to hit with the scar. All of my semi auto rifles are either 5.56 or 7.62x39 (I’m going to ignore the 9mm mistake for a sec) so I’m trying to figure out the best play here
I have to zero some iron sights later and I don't wanna
Nah I don't suck anyone off here
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Too expensive for most people to execute correctly
308 BR. The second tier choices are massive waste of time because the 308 market is populated by goofballs mostly.
>anon thinks drones make long range engagements a requirement and drive sniping
>I state they kinda do the opposites
Where are you confused?
Based on that id pull the elcan off the GPR, throw a 2.5-20 on it as a SPR and then use it as an excuse to build up to a S20 as a SASS/CSASS.
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Yeah it is pain to verify far zero. You need appropriate target and range.
disgusting blob
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H&R makes a 733 upper but I made this way before H&R became a thing again. This upper has an old Bushmaster C7 receiver and a Brownells chrome lined A1 11.5 barrel that they dont sell anymore I dont think
You're not so cool. You don't know everything. Idk why male anons here want to suck your pp.
Go back. For your own sake.
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>You don't know everything.
I dont think anyone does
Stfu bitch. You're newer than me probably. Defending a trip fag. Fucks wrong with you? Loser. You want this place to become like a Discord? Where a2 and Ash have admin roles??? Huhhh? Fucking faggot. Kys. I love power roles. Thats why I worship name fags.
>If I start using a tripfag name and post here consistently will I become the new big namer in the /arg/ threads?
No lol. But you will get filtered.
I said for your own sake. And no you haven't been here longer than me. Have a nice meltdown I guess.
tripfags have been and always will be cancer
meltie from the maze+er
>I said for your own sake
Oh. My bad.
we did it r*ddit. Was that a complete lmt lower or did you assemble it originally? Curious if that snuck by their QC
Why would you buy a 308 SCAR when 6.5 Creed scars are cheaper and better in every way?
Atacr 1-8 on s20 retarded?
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Range certainty
ah okay, i always get the urge when you post yours.
I don't understand how they do the opposite, guy in the last thread was saying his surroundings lend themselves to long range engagements. I didn't understand your spiel
Being filtered is a blessing, not a curse. Imagine not having to interact with niggers all day because they self selected. Skelly seems so happy
I've been here longer than you.
Can you post your funny fish face or will I have to do it
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it was after pulling gate guard in a sand storm
>Range certainly
Huh? 6.5 is ballistically better, less recoil for better follow ups, match bullets cost the same.

All you'd be giving up is the ability to shoot M80 which is a waste of money for a dmr anyway.
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its a shame brownells doesnt sell these barrels anymore, its gassed perfectly. Even with a can I only use a standard spring and buffer. I was very close to getting another one and taking the FSP off for a modern build but by then they were gone. I imagine the H&R ones are fine. They are pretty cheap, get one and report back to us anon
Awww you have a lil baby face lol. Look at you lil bro. Tiny little bro. So cute.
well I was 18, so yeah
Damn that gun is bigger than you
You gotta big nose.
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>I don't understand how they do the opposite
Lets review the points
>Drones are godawful at ascertaining LOS from ground level.
Most of the time sniper rifle only shoot things you can see. Drone not see what you see. Drone visual hard to translate into actionable shot for thing you cant see.
>There is also the huge signature of putting a drone up from anywhere remotely near your hide.
Nothing more here
>Drone a massive threat to a sniper since it moves observation from that LOS plane where you shuffle around to a 3rd dimension your hide must be effective in.
Any sort of hide is now way more of a buildup, any suppressed element can now search for you from a defilade/cover after your first role of shots, units can screen their routes with persistent overhead surveillance and can now inspect key/"obvious" terrain for potential hides much easier.
>guy in the last thread was saying his surroundings lend themselves to long range engagements
Massive sightlines from a hardpoint good idea traditionally.
Massive sightlines from a soft piece of concealment never a good idea traditionally but hey you are far away atleast.
In the past, sure the dude with a red dot in the intersection would be in trouble because "oh no my red dot cant shoot 800m! What will I do??". Now that same dude can unzip his backpack and throw a flying bomb at the little shack on the hill.
Now does he know youre there? yeah maybe maybe not but drones for sure just complicated things for the long range engagement.
Don't those 6.5 barrels get blown out in 2000rds?
So this is assuming the guy at the intersection isn't shot, gets the drone out, doesn't panic and keeps a level head while operating the fpv bomb drone straight to the sniper that already is engaging him? What? So how does a shorter engagement distance with a SASS make this all irrelevant? Seems like you make a lot of assumptions prior to even engaging with hypotheticals that might detract from your beliefs. Here's a thought exercise: can you give an example where you're wrong and describe an exception to your rule? I'm curious if you're capable of thinking outside the box
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Would cuddle in a trench/10.
This A2 pic is always so funny. I bet he thinks he looks like all his favorite operators and YouTubers.
Range Certainty closes the gap massively, yeah theres a marginal wind calling advantage but youre trading it for retained energy. Its a short 308, youre going to be bleeding velocity and thus energy at distance. So with my priority of retaining energy, ahold: 308.
Mostly an issue with stainless barrels
CHF CL its way less of an issue
Dont get too wrapped up into idiosyncrasies of hypotheticals. The larger thing here is that people are carrying around long range recon and precision strike capabilities. Things that can reach long distances to look at them or touch them. This makes the long range job harder.
A2Grip always seething...
A1Grip always wins...
Ur gay
ash we know how fat you are
that's mostly perspective. This was taken on an iphone 3gs and the m16 is resting on top of an IOTV with full combat load. I'm 5'10" but yeah I was only 130lbs at the time
no u
careful, I might give you a smooch :*
>get one and report back to us anon
that might be the move. my lgs has some used 11.5 colt uppers from agency trade ins that always tempt me, but we'll see what happens when I finish this lower.
if youre 5’10 im a real woman
>Range Certainty closes the gap massively, yeah theres a marginal wind calling advantage but youre trading it for retained energy. Its a short 308, youre going to be bleeding velocity and thus energy at distance. So with my priority of retaining energy, ahold: 308.
I don't understand what you're trying to say and can't tell if it's me or you
he want bullet hit hard at far away place
He tries to sound smart but is actually retarded.
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Probably you.
Yeah would rather be fat than a chinlet freak
>im a real woman
I believe it, you will always be a real woman
Why's fatboy seething?
Big bullet good, more good than smol bullet. Ungabunga likes big bullet.
Is "range certainty" something you picked up from army training manual?
He needs to get a refill on his wegovy pen and gb2r
you're trying too hard to sound smart you fish faced nerd
Isn't it funny how fast A2s face gets deleted but DMTs will stay up for hours. Makes you think.
Probably a slow day in the Ashcord
Who deleted it?
J*nnies who are best friends with A2.
Settle down hunter
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Day ends in Y
Okay let me try to distill this down for you.
Applied ballistics yo
Read books n sheet sometime homie, FR no cap Litz droppin straight FIRE bussin ballistic conclusions!

Mffkin uhhh 6.5 shoot flat but that shit only matter if you a straight buster without any laser rizz finder! If you got dat skibbidy range certainty why you gon don care bout that rainbow? If a brother need to shoot far he finna need one them laser range finders newae!!!
it's you. He is saying the 308 is better at relative shorter distances and the 6.5 is better at longer distances but he doesn't plan to be shooting at those distances where 6.5 is better so the benefit of 6.5 is irrelevant.
You just sound like a dumb fuck lol. What is wrong with you bro. Type normally.
Right, he could have just said that
Love you dawg, never change. Fucking retard.
stretched it's legs today, juuuuust over 2.5 moa at 250 yds. slamming my 6" plate. decent with handloads and no load development.
Smart people understand what hes saying but are aware of how convoluted he is making it on purpose. hes just being extra.
>slamming my 6" plate.
same brother (6" plate is what I call muh dick)
But what if the ops have a laser detector

Ok but 4real scar retard again
So with a 16” elcan
16” ris 3 atacr 1-8
And 11.5 t2 + g33
20s is the way to go?
Who staked that castle nut?
Ivan Pteurodynsonrablyontekkafeildestaka'dakagrent
A2 _is_ the J*nny
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Anytime hombre.
You wanna go back to 6.5 vs 7.62 now?
/arg/ simple.wikipedia.org posting only?
>But what if the ops have a laser detector
Then your targeting loop is complicated for sure. But thats entirely decoupled from calibre.
I think what you should be asking yourself is how far can you regularly shoot out to?
No idea what ranges you have access to but if you can only shoot out to like 300 let's say then idk maybe getting a 20" SCAR with a 5-25 isn't the best idea
Ash said he's buying me overwhites from wild things

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