finally moving out of a liberal city and looking for what to start my collection with? Looking for pistol, and small / long rifle recommendations
Glawk 19 and AR fideen.
Draco and a Kel tec Three eight z row
>>62622203plain answer for a plain question. Get you a 9mm glock and PSA ar, OP.
Well what do you actually want to do/get into? If you're looking to get into the outdoors sports grab a Mossberg 500 or an older Remington 870 12ga 3" chamber with a combo security/field barrel. Now you can do clay pigeon sports, tacticool larping/home defense, and hunt anything in North America. If you're purely looking to collect modern shit for the sake of collecting with a bit of larp mixed in then I guess just find whatever tickles your pickle.
Nineteen ‘leven una em-fourteen
>>62622192what do you like? have you done any shooting before?
go watch a youtube video of something
Every gun is a good gun these days. Pick one you like.
>>62622192In this order:1911A110/22 Some kind of .308 if you want to hunt (Savage Axis is a good starter), skip if you don't want to hunt20" ARMossberg (any pump-action except a Shockwave) if you want a shotgun
>>62623017when i lived in Florida i did a lot of bow hunting. Some handgun hog hunting. Would be interested in home defense and deer hunting
>>62622266see>>62623156I also wouldn't mind a small game gun for rodents.I love the look of the MP5 mostly cause of game and movie nostalgia
>>62623188>I love the look of the MP5 mostly cause of game and movie nostalgiayou won't be disappointed. This is easily the most fun firearm I ever shot, and I just bought it because of the cool factor.
>>62623344You can set it up with a super safety and and then mp5 goes brrrrrrrrt
Get a Stribog instead of an MP5, the aftermarket makes them a superior gun to work off of if you want a suppressed 9mm larp gun.
>>62622192Something that shoots 9mm Parabellum and something that shoots .223/5.56 NATO. Don't overthink it too hard.
>>62624082Tempting, but I like my dog.
>>62624372Is there a binary trigger yet for MP5s?
>>62624380There is. I have one but it's a meme so I leave it off. I can't shoot fast and accurately with it like I can with a full auto.
>>62622192Try a bunch of stuff at the range whether it's rent funz or ones you try from other shooters- buy buy something you likeAs we often say around here in France for HD/SD whatever, any gun will do the trick, a good old fashioned 16ga SxS or a $3000 AR, so just pick something you find fun and don't put needless mental barriers in your head, such as "I find x fun but I desperately need a semi automatic rifle bc every says jts the most efficient thing I can get". You'll eventually get one of those too, there's no hurry. Glhf anon.
>>62622203>>62622234This is always the answer.Avoid meme guns at all costs until you have your basics covered.
>>62622192>plastic 9mm, your choice, they are all glawk derivative>AR>10/22>500 or 590 pump 12ga>.22 pistol, whatever one you like
Go out and try a few different guns and pick your favorite. An SBR’d MP5 is incredibly fun to shoot. Metafag AR regurgitators are killing the industry.
>>62622192Get guns you think are cool The new MKE mp5s are better than HK, just get HK mags for them because the turk ones are useless. You could get a meta rifle like the geissele urgi for only like $1600 but I personally prefer more interesting guns. Just don't bother with the AK market, it's completely fucked right now.
>>62624128Thanks for the protip
>>62622192>pistolHK USP compact. One and done. Absurd reliability and durability. The most thoroughly tested piece ever.>small rifle.22 AR with the aim of acquiring a .556 upper for 2A 'duty' purposes.>long rifleFN SCAR H for the same one and done reliability rationale as the pistol.>why thoThey'll retain their value better if nothing happens, and if something happens you have total confidence in what you're using. Progressive ratcheting purchases of utilitarian budget bullshit is fine for "something better than nothing" situation, but if it's not a painful financial outlay, just get it one-and-done out of the gates and focus on training. The other argument here is beaters and spending the difference on classes/ammo/accutrements-- but most people are lazy and forgetful. Do it this way, then you can be judicious about very cool collector pieces and 'range toys'-- and your go to war ones themselves will be fucking sweet, too.The .22 AR will have parts commonality + cheapness whereas a 10/22 or whatever will not, and be perfectly adequate for all but the most outlier non-wartime self-defense situation in addition to subsistence hunting small or large game (if precise).
>>62625392>scar H for a first long gunare you retarded?
>>62622203This. Only then can you call yourself an American patriot.
>>62625392All 3 of your recommendations are horrible
>>62625392>HK usp compactIn what caliber?
People buy guns in the ghettoes of liberal cities exactly like a bag of dope, the cartel and all that shit. People buy arms privately with no paperwork, build them from scratch with no serial number. You decide to obey the NFA and many states and counties don't enforce it.
>>62628005>Let me just ask permission from the ATF to pay money and wait months to build a single grenade to fight the government
>>62628010he said, driving a car he registered after waiting in line like a good boy.
>>62622192Try a wide range of handguns before you buy one. Don't fall for the Glock meme. You may like the Glock 19, or you could like the S&W Model 29.
This thread has some solid info.Best shotguns?