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Trade, create, and sell your patches!
Post good design ideas and maybe a patch store will make them.

>Previous Thread

>Where can I buy that sweet patch/ find patches?

>Classic Pastebin
https://pastebin.com/cXZTGafD (2016)

>other lists
https://hackmd.io/@Patchboi/PatchThread (2021)
https://hackmd.io/@chef5estrela/ByQJ8OFtn (2023)
does anyone sell stickers that hold up well on vehicles?
I wonder what goes on through a cat’s mind when random shit is being placed on it? It knows it’s not food, does it think it’s comfortable to have some extra covering and doesn’t have the intelligence to know how useless that is in that context?
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Yeah Skull magnet has been going strong on my truck for 2 years. Stickers on my water bottles from all the vendors are still holding up after many washes.
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>black beard rat
What is this? Do they make patches?
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any new svd patches?
>funkopops of /k/
No that would be /arg/.
How's your sheboon wife?
Inventory has been accomplished and a bunch of stuff that was listed as out of stock is now in stock in very limited quantities. Bear in mind that next week will have Black Friday sales and whatnot, but by then many of these may be out of stock again - so choose wisely whether you want to wait or not.

Reel Amerigan Patch
Badgerhound Logo Patch
P-47 Balls Out Nose Art Patch
Bat Dachshund Patch (non glowing)
Bat Dachshund Patch (glowing!)
Bear in the Woods Patch
Bumblebee PVC Patch
Begone California! Patch
Bone Kicker Patch
Cheerful Skeleton Mosaic Patch
Crabitalism Patch
Battle Flag Patch
Turkey & Dachshund Patch
Tinnitus Patch
FIGHT! Patch
Florida SRT Patch (Subdued)
Man-Made Horrors Patch
Hellhound Patch
Helldibers Patch
A Humid Place Patch
Mars Observation Corps Patch
Militech Patch
Minuteman II Pizza Patch
Pain Hamburger Patch
Patriot Possum Patch
Pylon Patch
Security Division Patch
Vote Screaming Marsupial 2024 Patch
Brushstroke Possum Patch
Space Security Patch
Trash Diners Club of America Patch
Viggen Show Must Go On Patch
Winds & Ashes Patch
Witch Eye Patch
Woodland Possum Patch
Off-color Woodland Possum Patch
Outdoor Activities Club Patch
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copped, thanks fren, just need these now (reworks and etc. as you stated a couple threads ago)
Minen still slated for christmas
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any chance of Licence Patch 2 coming back (the red one that expires in 2032)?
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Just found out about the "Ash Street Shootout" and want a commemorative patch for it now
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Patches are kill
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i died. Also I fucked up my trip on my phone.
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How fast is Ahoworks with shipping?
>Aho works
It's in the name, anon.
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It's been a hot minute (about a month) since I got these but thank you Koz. I had an issue with shipping and it never got to me so Koz sent me a few extras with a reship and I did actually receive them.

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Anytime! Glad everything made it alright
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thankyuuuuuuuuu :D

glad you like it ^^

usually pretty fast, this year it's been taking me longer because moar busy. all unshipped orders from the past few days will ship tomorrow though
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Anyone know where to create stickers?

Really want to create a sticker out of this
what's badgerhound's shipping times, does anyone know? I want to get them prior to a secret santa I've got going on locally.
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Mine came just last month, pretty happy with it and a friend made an order at the same time when I showed your stuff to him.
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This was his set, he liked your AK picture very much!
I realized I legit haven't bought any patches this year. What were the top 10 in your opinion so I can remedy this mistake?
>Anyone know where to create stickers?
I got a buddy that sells stickers out of SATX that'll do it for ya:

>etsy com shop/LoneStarStickerCo

Tell him Dan sent you
Some of my favorites
>That handwriting
Koz is definitely a femboy
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Mine also came a month ago and you reminded me to post a picture. Patches are great, getting +3 patches I didn't even order was great, koz is a real one.
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As always thanks for the support - and bearing with the lead time on that batch especially! Gotta shoot me an email so I can get you guys some coupon codes
whats the best patch made in the last year
>captcha kooma
Can I get a 360 on that bottle? Where did you get that get good or get got sticker?

Anyone making Johnny samoli patches? Hope then roof Koreans extend h.thier hospitality and keep him in the country (in jail) or off him freedom to walk to walk through North Korea to get out.

Seems like guy has no exit plan looking at the terrain. In Japan you are fucked on an island. In Korea pretty much fucked in the pan handle except risking your ass to exit via North Korea if you want a land exit.
Hey, divegrass guy here. This is something of half a request and half an interest check, but since the /k/ team actually managed to win something for the first time in a decade this season, is there any chance of the Magical Place patch getting a fresh print run to commemorate the occasion? Obviously, I'm not going to put in enough volume on my own to make it worthwhile, but I can shill it in cup threads over the upcoming Winter Cup, and everyone who buys patches on the regular is already here, if any of (You) have been waiting on it.
I'd buy that, congrats on the victory
I could. My roommate and friends play Armored Core. I finally have restock money, I just have a lot of projects going on at work.

>Arknights factions
Prove to me people would buy these and I'm in. I would also do Blue Archive.
>Prove to me people would buy these
I wish I could but I don't know how popular AK is on /k/. You'd definitely have to advertise outside of this thread. Also FT MediaWorks does Blue Archive patches so you'd to compete with him on those
ayyy congratz on the win, I'll get working on some more asap
I'd buy arknights patches desu. Babel logo looks great. Plus Kazimierz and Laterano
Patch idea

'i am to misbehave' with Jonny Somali face
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Aho that you bae ?
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Moe Mil Shop is having our big Black Friday sale here, starting sometime Thursday (after noon or so, whenever I remember to activate the goodies)

If you guys haven't subscribed to the newsletter, we are gonna be having an extra special release for people who get the email ahead of everyone else. It's not just patches, but some pretty kino items as well (milsurp, etc).

A sneak preview of what's coming up in the next day or so...
Patch idea from the silver years of the internet
I remember when astronauts in non-space locations was a big art meme
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everything is 25% off thru Sunday.

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Black Friday Sale:
Use code `BLKFRIDAY24` for 25% off your entire order!
(Valid until 2024-12-03)

New patch in stock:
The Clueless patch is now in stock!

Never Goon patches have been restocked!

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And the sale is now LIVE!
No code needed! 50% off all old stock patches PLUS new patches/stickers released PLUS more milsurp/anime merch PLUS some pretty cool special stuff being released tomorrow...
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Also, more Orange Pekoe~
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For that one Anon, I finally got a patch version done up as well

(And yes, I'm an idiot that keeps forgetting to post the link to the store: https://moemilshop.com/)

Enjoy y'all, have a happy Thanksgiving~!
Copped Verdun and Seele as the first patches I've ever bought, sick shit
it should say :
ils ne sont pas passés
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I’m that anon, thank you for blessing us with that patch version but now I want a patch version of your sticker “you suck and we hate you” HK memery (extreme HK fag here btw)
>love me food
>love me naps
>love me 'umie
>Well fed and 'umie putting things on me while I nap? Love it

>Simple as
Guh. That's on a whole different level production-wise, but I'll see what we can do about it.
mb woven instead to retain detail? thenk in advance
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Probably, but that'll be later when I get my bearings straight after the holidays.

Also, I have some t-shirts and milsurp for sale rn as well, my fellow anons~
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it's that time again

freesticker or magnet with all orders
a free keychain charm in orders over $60 while they last
code is "BLACKFRIDAY" and it gives 20% off most patches and stickers
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Anyone want a a patch idea? There aren't enough moot patches out there.
I made one a hot min ago but i can do that one
moot is definitely forgotten by this point sadly
I do have yours and I think I've seen maybe 2 more moot patches randomly out there. I'll be watching for it to release aho man!
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Black Friday deals are live - just check the link at the top of the site for all the coupon codes
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I'm out of the loop, is "NEET Patches" (justthebase.com) back? I know he was MIA for a few years.
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you're still a nobody so you'll have to tell us what your store is called
dead as a doornail
how does one get into making patches/stickers?

i don't even care about making money. this seems like a cool idea.
Get an automatic embroidery machine and learn to use Ink/Stitch.
My machine is older but only cost $300 to get running.
oh shit nice anon! thank you for that. I use photoshop mainly. do you make your own designs? I see shit like this all the time. but i'm never in any communities that do cool shit like this.
goddammit you got me super excited now.
I've made a couple of my own designs.
Pretty easy to trace over simple designs as well.
you need actual digitizing software, I dont think photoshop has any add-ons for that. the best in the industry costs $4k rn

If you want anything other than a single needle maching where you will manually change the colors, it's gonna cost 15k+ for good one that wont break in a year
who's got a hanging leo frank patch?
this post netted me the strangest captcha btw, fucking jewmootnigger
sick. i think i'm capable of both. i make some of my own modding assets for games and like to make an occasional meme. i am really into this

great info! that's huge. if it is something i truly can get into. I have some investments I can sell if i really end up getting into it. i assume you have your own business doing this stuff? can i google you and check out your stuff?
Have a Black Friday Sale, Koz?
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I know, I'm a dummy ;-;
Moe Mil Shop is the name, I didn't think that one through but it's grown on me so whatever~

The sale runs till Tuesday night, and honestly the "secret list" stuff I worked up is falling flat so I'm probably gonna do a bonus sale on all that as well.
alternetifly if money is a issue but times not you can also make them by hand. but it will take time to get good at that since you said here >>62949119 that you didn't care about making money. so by hand is cheaper but takes more time and you will need to learn embroydery, so your first patches might not come out great.
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dont sell your investments anon...
meh, if i find something meaningful, i'd be happy to buy
I might’ve lost all of my patches during a move because the box they were in is missing. Fuck
>known facist patchguy is a femboy?
what is the connection between facism and faggotry
and why do I see it all the damn time?
/k/ won a divegrass babycup?
Paul blessed us from beyond the grave.
blessed paul!
I’ve been dying for AC6 patches
I would love the sky king patch if it had no text. it really doesn't add anything
Gotta pay respects to the kang tho
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New Stickers!

- Sigger logo stickers
- Sigger monogram stickers
- Pasty stickers

There's also a combo of the Sigger logo and monogram that's cheaper than buying them individually.

Sale is still on so they're even cheaper :)

Blue Division girls when?
where'd you get that Hiroi patch
nvmd. found it.
Aho are the Konosuba Psychological Needs patches ever coming back?
Anywhere selling Sneed patches?
>Finally make it home Sunday evening after traveling for Thanksgiving
>Shower, eat, etc.
>Sort through all the patch sites, decide what to buy
>Ready to place order at 12:15am
>Aho and Pine Tree's sales ended at 12:00am
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Not a bad idea, I'll put it on my list.

Also, I got in MREs and some M9 holsters too, if anons want any.
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>buy patches from [vendor]
>[vendor] immediately adds multiple new patches
>recently bought patches go on sale
>later try to buy new patches from [vendor]
>out of stock
>patches restocked
>buy patches
>[vendor] immediately adds multiple new patches
>recently bought patches go on sale
Ad infinitum
yeah that's why I dont do that. i'd genuinely be peeved if I bought something then a week later or even a month or 2 later is was dramatically cheaper as standard

I saw and refunded the excess anon :)
I turned it back on for two more days. If you ordered today, send me a message thru the website and I'll refund it.
I'm going to be honest with you anon you can google "retail marketing calendar" and get a cheat sheet of when anything is likely to be on sale. Were you taken by surprise by Black Friday?

A week, sure - a month or multiple months? That's wishful thinking honestly. Retail operates on people paying different prices for the same product based on their willingness to pay. You can hate it but it's how things work. same as .99 pricing - people get mad about it but it works consistently.
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discount codes are different that marking a single patch down a week or month after it releases. I see the latter as kinda shitty so I avoid doing that sorta thing
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Adorable how the beaner knew not to include the usual Third Reich photos with your East German patch, opting for the subhuman mongol mystery meat wielding AK-vibe instead.
i know you're a newfag tourist but this is the weapons board and the majority of weapons that exist were produced by the USSR, hence the overlap with board culture. hope this helps.
>Were you taken by surprise by Black Friday?
No, I was mostly exaggerating for the sake of humor. Although I do consistently buy patches just a few days before new designs drop
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Who's got stalker patches?
Anyone ever order from Total Loss Co?
I placed an order back in November and still haven't heard anything from them, no tracking number, no reply to inquiries, nothing
>Total Loss
Write it off as a zombie shop. There's a patch seller who lost everything in the hurricanes, I think their website is still up too despite not being functional
you don't need the text to do that, the silhouette is iconic enough
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There exists a patch of the lovely girl Averi? Fox girl patch?
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>Using that tiny little dell as your main
Definitely NGMI
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Thank you for the patches, Koz.
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I remember that thread.
Hey, I got the Desu inside patch, it's awesome - I haven't gotten around to putting it on some gear yet :(

But soon I shalt!
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patch when?
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rough draft.
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crazy thing is, that's not even the same guy.
completely different jacket
I bet you all my patches he's already being hemmed up because he's the best lead they got.
what's so lovely about her?
When are they going to add the skin to Black Ops 6?
I need the totenpepe
Nice, would
I like it, but didn't he have a suppressor? I feel like that's important to the story with the jamming gun and his escape considering those gunshot monitor systems police install in big cities
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Don't use the faggot's face, use this but with realistic 9mm bullets
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Yeah look the lefty fags already have a sticker out that's close to the right idea https://offcolordecals.com/product/deny-defend-depose-shell-casings-sticker/
Can't think of a better place to ask
I'm looking for a specific t shirt. The back had 3 levels, top middle and bottom, of an anime girl with night vision
The front had some weird logo like an eye or something
Any ideas? Thanks
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Workshopping rn - if anyone has ideas or suggestions I'll try and mock them up

I'm trying to shoop something from a manga into a usable logo so I can post it here. Any pointers on graphic design and programs to use? I downloaded Inkscape but idk wtf I' doing.
>glock even though we don't know if he used one
>no references to the event
that design is no good, you cannot even tell it's related to the ceo killing in any way and looks just like a boomer gun club patch
Until we know what he actually used this just looks like something an Oakley-wearing bearded black rifle coffee company drinker would wear
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I can make it more obviously a suppressor like this, but I was just tracing the camera footage.

make a layer above the reference image and use the bezier pen tool to trace large portions. Try and stick to large areas of solid colors. Check this channel for guides.
My issue is that is not even the right guy. It's a completely different dude in a different outfit.
I like how the socialist used .17hm2 here, everybody knows .17hm2 is cartidge that is easy to suppress.
I would buy this in a second, PineTree guy. I am literally on your web site right now making an order, but are you making this soon? IDK how long it takes you to get some in stock. I could do two orders if it won't be soon.
it won't be quick, it'll be sometime in Jan at this point.
Ah okay. I'll buy the cat now and wait for your CLAIM DENIED one later.
The Claim Denied one is better, imo.
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Christmas Dachshunds are in, get a free one with your patch order
(My bad, you'd Badger for no reason)

Decided to do another smaller coupon sale for the remainder of December (because people are pretty tired from the Black Friday rush), so if anyone wants stuff to send to friends or whatnot, now's the time~
Use code "HolidaySnooze24" to get 20% off your order, good from now till December 31st!

Probably not going to be able to get any new designs in before the end of the year, but I'll keep working on it~
Site: moemilshop.com

(Also, if you guys like the milsurp stuff, I might be able to get my hands on some retro cloner stuff, like KAC accessories or whatever)
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YFMC: Are the buccees patches available again yet?
I have more on the way.
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I just got a couple from him last week. Just email him at Yucca.Flats.Mining.Co@proton.me and he'll get you squared away.
What Color did you use for the background? I want to make a Hoodie.
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do you guys know where I can find this G&K patch but in olive? I swear I saw one some time ago, I'm not paranoid
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Been a while since ive last been. Selling most of my anime-related patches or anything else on my giant patch board. Willing to give a deal if you purchase all of them but also selling piece by piece. tell me what you want at fastbytepatches@gmail.com
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Pretty neat designs all around.
>noose shadow
I think it looks better with the emphasis on the suppressor like that. Apparently he had monopoly money in the backpack too but I don't think that could be integrated into the design
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Where can I buy that?
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I just picked some yellow-tan that was similar to the overall color of the security camera footage. Here it is without the background.
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Slowly building up the collection!
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Moved onto a second board.
What a horrible day to have eyes
Why are you selling your patches?
Mangione in italian means big eater, I feel like there's a chance to make a good joke
where did you get the bottom middle one (circular)?
wtf is this game??
soccer is a fairly popular sport played around the world.
you kick around a ball, the objective is to kick into the opposing side's goal
Haha, to each their own. Some I buy for me, others I buy for parties to spark conversation.
The completely filled one is right in my foyer.
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I'm a WN and I feel no empathy for a jew who lets Americans die for profit

Breloom patch when
Getting away from the anime patches but keeping my more k ones.
Not him but what Patches do you have left? Going to Email you in a bit.
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You mind me asking where you got the Lemongrab one near the bottom?
so I basically lost 40 bucks?
Had to look it up. It's a shop on Etsy called OKsmalls.


Only thing I'll say about the patches they sell is that the backing is a lot softer and more cotton-like than I expected. I wish they did a heatcut border.

I think theirs are Iron On so I had to cut my own velcro for the backing.
I mean you bought from a guy called NEET who we routinely discuss as being a felon and shoving merchandise up his ass so I don't know what to tell you
don't forget that he's even lying about being a NEET as he is in fact a garbage hauler
I'm not a consumer by any means, but I would buy YKK merch in an instant.
But why?
emailed sunday night but got no response, you still selling?

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